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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1929, p. 7

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proaching realization. "ycheming for pesos to huy it, Smug. * gli guns across the border | Peons were 4 plowing flelds than In plundering iss Hard-Boiled BY JANE DIXON Ilustrated by Armstrong Perry What Has Gone Before Raquel Rojos, a flery beauty in the desert town of Hermosa, Aris ona, enrages her dissolute Spanish father, Pancho, by breaking off her engagement to Bill Johnson, a wealthy cattleman, She hag fallen in love with Jack Farrell, an adven- turons young engineer. He advances her money with which to go to New York, where he plans to join her and marry her, Her only regret in leaving Hermosa is parting from her American mother, Tucy, and her youngest brother, little Jose, . In Now York, she becomes an model for the famous Alphonse Conrbet and creates a sensation when sho appears as a Spanish princess at a ball given by Mrs. Elsworth Boscrt, Her beauty mag- netlzes mea and she suffers from unwelcome advances, particularly at the hands of "Ellie," Mrs, Bos. art's young hyshand, and Bennie Barnes, a night-cluh patron, She bering to forget Farrell as she waits for Alphonse to gend her as n model to Paris. Her only desires are boauty and luxury. ..Even the Hotel Brixton, where she 1s stay ing, begins to look shabby to her, although when she first entered it she was overpowered by its magnifi- cence, Chapter 21 Raquel slept late on the day fol- lowing the Bosart ball, The insistént ring of the tele. phone on the table by her bed re~ ealled her from a subconscious land peopled sometimes with specters in gold {resses and glant pigs, all with the round pink face of 8 man, A- gain this land was a wide plain, stretching as far as the eye could see, dotted with gray castles, Thro- ugh the gleaming windows of the castles she could eee beautiful women flitting back and forth Ike brightswinged butterflies. Black and white moths of mah hurtling after them, striving awk- wardly to follow thelr flight. It was an effort to pull herself out of this dream land, But the telephone on the table kept up Its Insistent call, A clerk at the hotel desk, There was a package for Miss Rojos. And a letter, registered, A boy had been at her door several times, He cov'! get no answer, "Send them up," Raquel ordered shortly, She dig not want this clerk to know what a fright hig message gave her, ! A package? Who would be sond- | Ing her a package? And un letter, A special letter that must not go a« stray. Raquel was wide awake now, Her hand on the knob of the door. She would not lose a second when the, boy knocked, The package proved to be a box. | Round, flattened at the top and] bottom lke a hatbox. Intangiply, ft suggested luxury, Perhaps by the thick white glazed paper In which | It was wrapped with such studied neatness. Flowers, In a striped box, full and shiny silver, Raquel did not open the box. Flowers could walt, It was the letter lying beside the box that must not wait, She plek- od 1t up, studied it closely, The tame. written on the flap on the back was the name of no one she 18d ever known, "From BE, J, White, General Post Office, El Paso, Tex." Who was E, J. White? She tore open the envelope, Tt held a single sheet of paper, ruled, ragged at the top as If it had been lorn hastily from a tablet, The writing, too, showed signs of haste, though it was legible enough, with » strong downward stroke that thowed % was the work of no weak. ing's hand, "My work in Hermosa is progress. ing ag planned. Within two more weeks it should be finished so that T can safely leave, I go dire eotly to the mew mine, which promises a richer yield than any I have ever tackled." There was no signature, "My work in Hermosa," Whose work? "The new mine." What mine? The word "mine" gave Ra guel the key to the puzzle, I'~rrell, of course, He was trying to tell her that the plans, hers and Farrell's, made #0 hurriedly in the ruins of the Mission San Jeronimo the night she fled from the desert, wore ap- No ona had pleked up her trail, Pancho, her father, must have mov- nd heaven above and earth heneath to fing her. Not that he held her #0 dearly. But, as the wife of Bil Johnson, she would mean much te quila without the necessity of was potting more dangerous every dav, more interested In villages, Bill Jotinson, that great hulk of a oattlemantshe took away from Lily. Well, she had saved hm from that, hadn't she? And from herself too. She would have made his life miserable. He loved her in a way. but. Well, she doubted "that Johnson had done more than *malve hix own conzclence In an ef- "fort to find her, Her tantrums had scared him off. Ho was a peace. loving hombre. The uproar that must naturally have followed her disapnearance "wre Aving down, In the desert hum. "ar "Ings were snuffed out without anv ong-sustained excitement over * their goings. Ta a little while the "dust gifted dawn, obliterating even memory of them, i "Tne two more weeks ft will he #Mnlshed so 1 can safely leave Rae Madame Pauline 'mma Iread, "It is as Y thought. By staying there and joining in the noise, Jarrell has escaped suspls clon." Two weeks, In two weeks, less than fourteen days now, he would be on his way here, to her, "I go directly to the new which promises a richer yield The new mine, mine, The adventure planned together, gypsying place to place, living from day, That was the richer promised, To a man scarcely visualize, voles she could not even remi« A man named Jack Farrell, "But why," Raquel asked her self... .she was alone so much tha unconsciously she had formed the habit of addre herself "why does he write In thi fous way? Why qoea the lett from ®1 Paso? And who | E, J White? "I've hoard somewhere, You, Ir There was an White with somewhere in Chihuahua 'White hag been In He Ho's gone on to El Paso gent this letter with him to mailed in El Paso, And Tarrell made 1t sound like a letter the mines, so {f White lost it or it fell Into outside hands no min thes hat from day to she could mher [ sing myster come about a White, om Jack Far him mi wasn't rmosa Farrell ft? would he the wiser." But her name on the envelo] "Raauita Rojos Hotel Brixton West 40th St New York City The writing wag different from that of the letter, Of courge, White She was the new | vield she | the tone of whose be | about | one your exhibition, I small comn | ginner, As an exper | {it would be more wish to continue y« Paris, be prepared t In two week I sal | you mn A white to Raquel's | ip of yr chee) Two hundred Mon (1 eamed of ¢ t! And n beautiful . pe man Within two than two THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1929 She held te flowers from her, drank in thelr ereamy perfection, haps we should Include it among our evening numbers, 1 doubt # we will find another more expres. sive of you," "Then I shall bring nothing," Ra quel sald, "except a palr of coral earrings," Lucy's earrings, She had forgot. ten them until this moment, Strange that they should dangle before her eyes, suddenly, nas If they hnd materialized out of the air, Two small coral roses that nestled against the lobe of the ear and served as anchors for six corn] leaves, three to each rose, swung on thin gold chains, The two longest chains almost touched Naguel's shoulders, Alphonse gave her a searching look, How did the coral earrings touch this girl's past? What mem~ orfes Aid they eall from hehind the closed door he did not choose to open? Raquel! read his question, "They helong, that Is they once belonged, to my mother," she sald softly, Alphonse took her hand, pressed it warmly, "There gown," he earrings,'! Well, one prohlem wag \Bhe would not have to offer | planation at the hotel, Not even [awaken an suspicion that she was leaving, She would pay her bill, at the end of the week, in the custom- ary way, That would be Saturday morning, She would be wearing the black satin dress, and she would walk out just as If she were go- Ing for n walk Instead of to Chez Alphonse, and from there to Pogis The ship salled at midnight, No one In the hotel knew she was a model, that she was emnloyed by tha exclusive firm of Alphonse an partfeular the coral he "for will sald, settled, BX~ have allowed | Min Avenue. They could tell Tar enced n If you mr 0 leave 1 nn weeol me, on her Farre) | After t I farrell, amy 'y ¢ her atinf Idea o mm ed the Hotel B to safe there for mt And she | tl scheme he entire Ina w did not address the letter until hb | reached El Paso, To doubly insure its not being Intercepted, "Two more weeks of heaven it 1s heaven In of the Ben spite nies with black fuzz on thelr hands | fuzz taquel ang the Ellles with pink on thelr faces. then what?" tossed the letter away from her ap ft it had been a living, scorch thing. + The striped sliver box slid from the edge of the bed, where she had placed it, to the floor, She pleked it up, fingered curiously the silver ribhon that garnished ft, Then, In fg rush to know what it held for her, she pulled off the lid, "Gardenias!" she exclaimed, 11t ing the creamy waxen soms from their bed of damp leaves, A dozen of them. Big ones, and henu- ties. And here's a note, snuggled in them too." She held the flowers from her, drank «fn their creamy perfection, She held them close to her, Inhal- ing their delfefaous fragrance. They wore the first real gift of flowers she had over received. "Who had made this thrilling gift? The note, It would tell, Her hunds trembled with delight of fingering the unknown, "To the Princess Raquel del Manzaniila." "Your Highness: Flowers and your raward for most excellent service, The amount represents your commission on the models sola to Mme, Nosart through blos plained to Raquel them the most ohle for ocean tr fo have ¢ ore at! "Wa are on the ship?" a jed at the prosp | portunity | 't of ng," Alphonse assn It 1 formal exhibit von and Miss Gre wave in the ensemble t and smart f the ¢ the twice I'he ellents will bo wat game pleats, make low." "But T have only and the gown of ball and. old green dress hung in a closet, That her to go to the nis ahout its being hecomi "T would prefer thi nothing pers sily ona satin to the shop, org in the worksronom for it, As for the sily d cor ta wi them gre One of Chapter 22 le Par woul( week | 1. She least a of one Tr" \y an exhit such an hat 1s pr walon We 1y to from ar out of woman who ht elub ng. it you ft) may er one, .. elutehied at your hands, ,..No uol go .wway with Alphonse." Ra quel's sleeve, "You have my | appear sion as a be- | 1odel still work In withe } u to know 111 tion | ked Raquel, thrill op "A continuous one for the cros ral n oper Nover t of our must fol the black satin, the ." No need to add the slgit mt led take 1, Return the black » halp find use Pore ) In | mio?" ¢ rell nothing, He would not be able te trace her, But if she disappeared, simply ank out of sight, Farrell wonld | thine she had come to some harm, | | He would be frantie, Call in the { {des she owed him mor I'l loan he had made her, ¢ 11d not consider that, of course He would think only of her, "I'll tell him the truth," she de- d, "He will. come straight to hotel for me, Instead will nu note into which I will put the hundred dollars from Alphon check, There will ba two hun of the debt then, remaining I will send him as soon as He he ¥ Raquel sat down at to compose the letter that to burn f{tself Into the nind and the heart of the rollick- yr Irishman, Jack Farrell, llke =n anding Iron the quivering flesh of 1 steer, the most diffienlt task undertaken, How would "Denr Jack?" "Hombre It wa sha dl ever ha bs ne 'Amige 160 decidsd on "Amigo." non-conynittal, It It was sufficlently was true Someone was at her door She 60 impatiently, The woman stand. | Ing there was Madame Pauline Or was it? The change In the woman was shocking, All the fire She sagged out of he haggard, She seemed had gone Her face old wi "You are going away with him?" tr whimper than a question, taquel draw the m and closed the door it down; Madame," she sald, chair, "I do not know have come, hut If T ean woman into the fering na you " be of service "Of ed at my life Fvery-t.} | until it was barely "It you will ealm and tell me what ft want Raquel! knew she must ool, easual, This woman was he verge of collapse, or worse, "Do not go away with Alphonse |T beg, I pray, You are heautiful Youn You have all of life before | you, Men.,...you can have them, | By a nod, a smile, You do not low |him,,.. Alphonse, I know, I o& feel, , " "Madame, you behave ,why | yon act like a child, Of a certainty |T do not love Alphonse." "Yot you go with him, " "I do not go with Alphonse, I work for him, T am a model Ike the others, Miss Greta, ..." "No, no, It is different with yon Heo sees you, Your beauty it has taken possession of him, He wor- ships it....beauty. You do no! understand," Raquel walked to the mirror Wag it true? Had this woman apok- en the truth, Could beauty. run in the blood, coll itself around the heart? fhe knew that it could, It was in her blood, heat In her heart, "I too was beautiful once," That dry rattla in the woman's throat, "He worshiped beauty in me, ." Raquel turned, studied the woms- an's face, Yes, even now there were traces of beauty, Faded wisps, Then why was this woman here, whining an clutehs "You have In your hands, Everything, Her volee sank audible yourself Mad. fs you he on "The wo sleeve, serviee Raquel's 1 in | Why hadn't she made the most of what was hers? If ghe had failed, [should she ask failure of her, Ra- quel, too? No, It was not fair, "I regret, Madame," Raquel sald In a tone at once businesslike and determined, "that I cannot do as you wigh, No good of It could come to you, And much harm would come to me, If you have lost heauty, if Monsieur Alphonse no longer finds fn you that which he seeks, whatever IT may do can make no difference, He will find beauty else. where," The woman's face went gray. Hy. gterical, frenzies with the pain of loss as she was, she realized this girl had spoken the truth, "You are hard, .hard,..." she whimpered, "No, Madame. TIT am honest, Cruel, perhaps, In the end, fit is better that way, The hurt is the sooner finished." Tt was midnight before Raquel cowjd persuade Madame Pauline to leave her room, to go away quiet. {1 With the distraught woman went rl's asgnvranaa that thare the ef | | | | | { the capsules and soon was back nt | | of the Belatica, | | | | | name and if one | near {fear of embarra | year | 066,447 | Ferrey "SCIATICA PAIN 50, ner Or MONEY T¢ PURSE OF MONEY TO! ELE oT BRIDE AND GROOM wouLD, spurt OF TWENTY YEARS Heathcote, Ont., man has good Mr. and Mrs. S, E. Werry | reason to thank T-R.C's Are Honored At "Like most blacksmiths," Mr, B, Soli Davidson writes, I get a toush of pain Solina in the back sometimes--but this pain was different, Started in the small of my back, shot down my leg and often felt as though it would split the ankle hone, A farm implement agent recom~ | 5, |) mended me to try Templeton's they matic Capsules, After taking the first dose I got relief, kept right on taking Solina, Nov, 1l=On Saturday e ening last, Nov, 9, about one hundred relatives and friends of Mr, and M Werry met at their do them honotir on the eve twentieth wedding. anniversary, Rev, J, RK brought the com to order and called on Mrs, I gousin of the bride, who read an appreciative and cong home to their Jick work, I continued the treatment, for || several weeks after I was round again, "As n result I have never had a return |, y addy On behalf of Of course, 1 always embly, little Ma keep 'T-R~C's in the house, , , never let | yy, Wer mad the pain get started." of a 1 Jey wi Repeatedly 'T-R-C's have given we a i table re speedy, safe relief from Boiation, And, ||, (Sing feature when taken faithfully and correctly, |i, Iv T-R-C's have conquered oven the |. most stubborn Rheumatism, Bale nnd swift also for Neuritis, Neuralgin and Lumbago, No harmful or habit-form ing drugs, Reliable, There is no mystery about the action of T~R~C's, They enter the blood stream, Go to the root of the troubl Help your body throw off the poisons that are making your life miserable Buy a box, Get back your normal health again, 000 and $1 at dealer's, T-R-C*® Hs APSONES |) Miss lilsie Bra was not the remotest change whe | Willian Hamp would ever be more thar n medium for the expression of Alphonse's artistry, Pearce, ratula the neice ol entation Mi y Lirooms, the pre ol money Werry n POSE wits the presence hridesima and groomsman V VCHTS § , My 11 (ne ( your 142 veddi wedding « mtere (Continued on Monday) FUNERAL HONORS FOR TRAMP 'KING' Noted Character in Welsh Hobo World Widely Known PAGE against ) mble ag on'? Wer temper" r mri (2 w NNR ' roRONTY 1 and . patented a1 The A Meter 18 § had w only Ha ind My W visited recently H, 1, Tin} r, and My children Orhaw lary Hogarth Mr, and Hrooklin, and | | | | Mra, | My ii Pascoe, visited Mra, | 0d W. N, Pasco Alco Meter a Licensed Anti freed! SEVEN! Service © an Maphs Leal ¢ Dealer! LL] Il Warner, with Vion ghlacey vigited VIET) and Thornton's Corners, Hanl Mr, and nna Misr Pascoe dgat visits Mr , Vica church is wit he easth had b y ¢l Famous Reading ANTHRACITE Marquis a here I'hey n "Keep the Home Fires _ Burning Bright By Using Our Famous Anthracite" This is a lovely, bright burning, clean, clear coal with a minimum of ash and clinker, and less foreign substance than any other coal on the market, R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R-! GOOD COAL IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST $s help | the castle knowledge him monihe of this imported $7 im the first six Soviet Russia worth of plements from the In agricultural United State Passage Money Advanced Bring Your Relatives to Canada Daomindons Eigrat will help British citisens of good character to bring their relatives to Canada, Pamagemaoney advanced to those whe can support their families when they arrive sod who can repay money without interest or bonus, Unscoosn ied women and children given best Attention. " record will boar investigation, call or for full information, a7 Yonge St, Toronto, Room 110 King St. W. DO YOU BURN COKE ? We handle the Real Faultless Fuel, the Hamilton By-Product stove and nut. Coke in two sizes ---- We have the Ideal Hardwood for grate, stove or furnace, Bone dry, and clean. Also soft wood and hard wood slabs, Heaquarters for Good Coal Good Coke, and Good Wood. Brick, Lime, Tile and Builders' Supplies, GET IN TOUCH WITH US BY PHONE McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, Ltd. TERMS CASH Phone 1246 he ' DAIRYMAN'S SPECIAL MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18~19-~20 1% Cottonseed Meal $46 HOGG & LYTLE, 54 CHURCH ST. LIMITED PHONE 203 00 Per ww Ton

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