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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Nov 1929, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1929 # | PAGE EIGHT THREE C.R.U. SEMI-FINALS BEING PLAYED IN ONTARIO TODAY Much Depends on Rugby Games Which Are Being Played in Ontario Today Interscholastic Title at Stake! ROUGH RIDERS ARE ~Three Other C.R.U, Semi-Final Games Three CRU. Eastern Canada f~finals, one in each of the me- wlor, intermediate and junior se vies, a senlor Intercollegiate play off, the tirst of a home-and-home final round in the intermediate O, RW.U, and two games in the ju nior series of the Ontario union are the main struggles listed on today's rugby card, with the Varsity at Queen's college playoff and the Sarnia Imperiale at Hamilton CR, VU, semi-final belng the outstanding fixtures of the program, While Queen's and Hamilton ure and will be the favorites to continue thelr 1920 gridiron activities, there is quite a lot of support for the Blue and White and ORIU, titles holders, with Varsity appearing to have the better chance of the two visiting teams to come through with a vietory, At Oshawa the Blue Devils, last year's intermediate OR. P.U, cham plone, who weve forced to default thelr C.R.U, engagement with Ca nadian Nationals of Montreal, en tertain the Barnin Wanderers in the first of the home-and-home se ries for the title with the second game in Sarnia on Wednesday, The winner of this round will meet ol ther Waestwards of Montreal or Royal Military college, who play today In Montreal, a week from to- day for the Canadian intermediate grown, At Ottawa the Varsity ju. niors meet the Rideaus In a C.1.U, i Natural Tone mm Selectivity Handsomely consoled Temp! hboy, $289 Tomin Lotter 10 i 710] Tample P) ombination, i A ; EMPLE hc Wall Bt pleased ta demonsiite Temple to you in your own home, Moffatt Motor Sales Simeon St, N,, Oshawa | COMING EAST AGAIN Regina, Nov, 16,~~At n meeting of the Regine Rough Riders, senior football champions of ostern Oanadae, held tonight, It was unant- mously agreed to ugaln Invade the East for the Canadian ghamplon~ ship as soon as the WaMern title. holders have been declared, The matter has been up in the air since Thanksgiving Day, when the Bas. katchewan champlon® defeated Cal- gary Tigers for the Western title by 15 to 8, Following the refusal of the British Columbin champl- ons to meet the guarantee requires od by the Rough Riders, it was still undecided whether the Reginans would make the trip to the home of the Kastern champlons, The 30 to 0 defeat administered to them by the Hamilton Tigers last year has not discouraged the Riders, The Westerners feel that Hamilton Tigers, the present chame plons, or the Intercollegiate or 0, RU, champions are not invinel ble and that the 1020 edition of the Rough Riders is the strongest team ever gathered in the West, On top of that the forward pass, which has been in vogue here, 1s expected to help the cause, fixture, with the winner taking on the OR. .U, champlons next Bate urday If the latter organization can perform the seemingly impossible task of returning an winner out of five clubs Inside of a week, Hames attraot Both the senior games, at ton and Kingston, will large crowds, the attendance at both being practically limited by the capacity of the fields, and at Kingston the Increased accommo dation will result In a new attends ance record being set for the Rich ardson stadium, although Inst night thare were plenty of tickets avallable for the game Some 8,» 600 were sent to this city, and all but a couple of hundred were sold, which is pretty good considering that there were sell-outs for Thursday and tonight's hockey games, and many Toronto enthusl nste are going to Hamilton, which Is much more convenient than Kingston, However, it will be gulte a pllgrimage to the Limestone City, Many will go hy one or other of the two special trains that leave this morning, while others will travel by motor vehicle, ranging from buses down to old-fashioned flivvers, The motor cavaleade started on its way last evening, and the motoreyele offleers along the Kingston road should have a busy | day Ad In many quarters it In thought that the Hamilton line will he too strong for that of the Im. porials the most Interest is belng taken In the game at Kingston and this looks like an even tussle, Both teame are reported to be at full strength and both claim to be stronger along the line than they were a week ago It this ia so then the game will be another aer ial duel with Jack against Howard Carter and the breaks and fumbles may decide the fase, Those who witnessed last Saturday's game can hardly expect a repetition of the thrilling finish but there should be plenty of thrills during the 60 minutes' play, While there was a strong dry ing-up wind yesterday which im. proved the field at Kingston eon plderably all the good was wiped out In the evening when a heavy rain commenced and before long the field was practically a sea of mud, This will increase the une certainty of the struggle as the footing will ba tricky for both backs and tacklers, It will also make the ball more dificult to con. trol, «lL want some Armless Painter. brushes, Art Supply vor, Dealar=-What fla ---- With 20,000 tons of Canadian wheat on hand and supplies of the/ native grain plentiful, flour mills In the Shanghai district of China are operating at capacity, The Antifreese preparation that spouts like a geyser and smells like a brewery-~that clogs and corrodes the radiator--will soon be as out of date as the "Armstrong' starter. This winter, keep in step with the times and enjoy the comfort and satisfaction of Frost-Cop Anti freeze. plete prot A PERFECT anti-freeze that gives com- ection to 40° below, that won't boil as casily as water, that is odorless and non-inflammable and that cannot clog or injure metal, rubber or paint, Fill up today. $ FROS 1 wd COk ANT "'TWIREE® KE MADE BY THE FAIR thoy CO.LTD TORONTO & REGINA BE ae ll A lh tt -- Sole Distributors: ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Whitbv Bowmanville Sinclair pltted | Er TERT Tey TE TESA ETT TTT RT The team is filled with a calm confidencs that will not be denled in their efforts this afternoon, If they lose it will be because of a better team, * LJ LJ Our team is 100 por cent In its drilling and execution of - plays, Physically, they are in top form, and only a stronger team will ever beat them, Ad LJ J Every boy climbed into bed last night satisfied that he would play on perfect game, and all feel that we will whip Sarnia, Last minute instructions were Issued from hendquarters last evening and all are sot to go at the zero hour this afternoon, LJ \d And what a crowd! From all reports of advance ticket wales, there will be a record-breaking crowd up there this afternoon, The puble are certainly rallying around the Blue Devils this fall, LJ . . Practically no wind is blowing and kicking should be absolutely on punters own merits, It will be a swell toe-pushing battle be- tween Mr, McPhedron and Messrs, Hubbell and Wilson, Our line is ex pocted to smash that of Sarnia to day, and a systematic offensive weheme has been arranged wheres by the men will be kept fresh and will keep Barnla on the Jump all the time » LJ How about an bit of Varsity will bent Queen's will heat Imperials Blue Devils will beat Wanderers, I hope | come somewhere near correct or I"H be in for an awful: panning from the Sports' Editor Ld * And what's more want in Sarnia next Wednesday! ean leave In the morning and there in time for the game afternoon We will certainly ap preciate company In Tunnel Town Niagara Falls * calling? Tigers we you You he your Niagara Falls, Nov, 15 Home 3,000 hockey fans witnessed the opening gama of the Internationa! league season hr.o tonight, when Detroit Olymples carried off a to-1 verdict over Niagara Cataracts, For an early-season Kame the teams showed good con dition, The Olympics had a note able edge on the play throughout, and the faet that thelr margh was held to two goals ean be laid At the door of "Paddy" Farrell In the Cataract oage, who made numerous clever saves of danger ous situations, Collegiate Chatter The iInterform rugby 2C and 1.AT, BT, resulted 18-0 win for 2C N LJ . Wednesday at 4,30, 20, the low. or school champs, went up against 4A, the winners in the upper school group, to decide the school cham plonship, The game, although a Httle one-sided, was clean and fast and proved to be a fitting wind up for the season, which has been a real success with regard to inter form rugby, 4-A showed in a de elsive manner that they would hold the cup for the following year by defeating 230 21.5, CE 4B and BA have now lasued a challenge, They claim that they oan produce a team to play the best all-star team the rest of the school can put up, Tt {8 understood that this challenge has been accepts ed, and the game will be played on Monday at 4,15 in Alexandra Park, No doubt this will be one of the best games played among the students themselves this year, for two good teams can be drawn from the mentioned groups, . » LJ Another good game before the season comes to a close in within the realm of possibility, "Abbie" Walker and his team from the 'fux- In group, of King street church, have challenged the 0.0.1, seniors to a game, This was to have been played Saturday, but owing to the Nlue Devil-Sarnia tussle it had to be postponed indefinitely, \ Ad \d In the matter of injuries, the 1020 weanon has heen the most coftly in OCI, rugby history, To date the number and nature of the accidents in practices and cames has reached: Rroken collar hones 4, broken shoulders 1, brok- 'nN arma 2, broken noses 2, knees jured 8, sprains &, flesh wounds '. This makes a total of twenty juries sustained by twenty dif sont players of both school and interform teams and does not ine clude many other minor injuries, | * 3 L] Yesterday afternoon at the af ternoon assembly the students were entertained by Mr, and Mrs, George Dibble and My, Harold Mus. taine, who are at present conducts Ing the singing revival at the King Street United Chuveh, The eof. forts of the entertainers were more than heartily received by the stu dant body, Judging fram the aps wlanse given, the several songs ren | dered by Mr, Dibble, with Mr, Mus. | Laine at the plane, wére certainly of the quality and variety to catep in the Lose First 3-1 Fally | semi-final | game last Tuesday at 4,80 between | In an | Oshawa City Hockey Club Granted Franchise Holding its fina! meeting of the year in the executive committee of the Ontario Hockey Mn the elubs to the senior series, two of whie . H are; University of Toronto, Queen's Hockey Club, Young Rangers and the Nationa Strathroy, Acton, Milverton, Orono and Fenelon Falls were admitted to the intermediate series, but the Brantford junior hockey club's applica~ tion for franchise in the same series was refused, one intermediate club already being established in that city, Napanee, Fenelon Falls, Penetan association were the new clubs taken into the junior series, The Canadas of Toronto also were admitted to membership, but they will not take part In this season's competitions, but instead will make & tour of European cities, They have obtained permission for the tour from association, ' r the annual meeting, which will be held the Canadian Amateur Hockey Preparations were made fol this morning, beginning at 10 o'clock York hotel, The delegates to t ut 10 o'clock, and at night they w club and A, B, Taylor, manager of the between the Leafs and Boston, The Oshawa City Hockey C city, and indications point to an amateur at formed, sports heing y : Jraper was given permissi Victor President Richard Butler of Lindsay was in the chalr, and the following members were present i=Frank Hyde, W. W. Davidson, Toronto; George B Toronto; Gi, Moffat Burr, Port Colbor vin MH, Schlegel; Preston; George Oshawa; C, O, Baker, North Bay: Fry, Dunnville; A, I, Copeland, Tor ames 1, Sutherland, Kingston: R Toronto; W, M, Tackaberry, Toronto he convention will be tendered a luncheon ill be the guests of the Maple Leaf Hockey lub was awarded control of hockey In that Van Horne, Kingston; Harry Lecky, M, Glover, Peterboro; W, A, Star building last night, association admitted five st season, The five clubs of Kingston, Hamilton Is of Toronto, h played Universit % and the London. Junior Athleth in hall "A" convention floor; Royal Arena gardens, at the, hockey match f hletic association to control all on to coach the Quakville juniors, Woodstock; J. P, Bond, Peterboro; , McKay, Toronto; P, {i Mulqueen, ne; George 8S, Dudley, Midland; Al- Kasson, Stratford; William Darroch, Collingwood ; Lewitt, William onto) Ly PORT SNAPSHOT by Gro, Camrskiy, Sports Editor Blue Devils Gi The following Is u clipping taker Perry The, Toronto Globe Oshawa Is favored to beat Sa the Motor ( stronger this season than they wer be I'hey beat the death fixture, but Luke + better termediate clash In believed Cugener a termined to make tage of the second game on thel unre confident they will lower Osha Of course we agree with the wr favored to win tod However, w round Weather Clear--Track Fast weather iy ideal for a chan Id I'he field will b doubt now that there will | Muke I'he ol but little not ¢« ut the TIL sure that you Band for 1 he of the skating cided to try UIT management out 4 band at their from 7 10.30 with a band in been doing good work up at the tically every night there fy a first-cl soft, however, and the going was » Granted I At the n the Ontario tl Senior-Inter cen ul l'oronto, Oshawa Hockey Club and Junior teams of ( be given the right to run Training Monday Night I'he cous ure reminded of the Motor everyone to hockey players who intend condition Mon City Stadium on be the present * , Double Meeting on All teams who intend to enter | awa City Industrial Athletic to have their representatives in the YMCA, present ing to close up the softball séason ure asked fail, either of the three leagues sont at this meeting without will be given and all softball busine Wanderers out last howing this ye at least two thousand spectators ure rink building on Bond Street and prac an intermediate Monday at Y.M.C.A, Association's Hockey League are asked at 8 o'clock on Monday night, held on Monday night in future instead of Wednesday nights, the hockey business has been completed there will be a special meets ven the Call i from the Rugby Column by Bert rola Wanderers today in the in Last ¢ a year ago, if all reports are to sudden de ity year's champions are Year mn nd his Tunnel City team are year, and with the advan Wednesday wa's colors on the round r own grounds next iter when he says that Oshawa is ¢ also think they can win on the wplonship rugby game, Bright and ¢ in excellent condition and there one of them! Skating rink at the Curling Club have de¢ there will be skating The ""iee-maker" lonight aitendance hay ass surface, Last night was a little lightly heavy ranchise Hockey Association last were granted the right to run the night in )shawa, The Oshawa Simcoes will team in Oshawa ' turning out with the Oshawa Sime ing practice that is being held at Dert Constable wants lay night, n the different leagues in the Osh at the meeting which will be held The meetings will be After of 1929, All teams who played in 1 to have their representatives pre I'he financial report of the year sa will be ¢losed, BE THERE! National Hockey League 1929-30 Montreal, Nov, 12The following are the complete rosters of the ten clubs in the National Hockey league, together with the numbers allotted the players for the season of 1939. 30, as reported to President Frank Calder Montreal Maroons aD Munro; J, R Ward; § N. Stewart; o, 2. R. J. Smith; 8 D, George Boucher; 10, 1 A, Wilcox; 12, W, Phillips; Northeott; 15, F, Walsh, Canadiens--1, O. G, Hainsworth; 2, S, Mantha; 3, M, Burke: 4, A, Joliat; 5, A. Mondou; 6, N. Wasnie; 7, H, Morenz: 8, A, Leduc; 9 P. Lepine; 10, W, Larochelle; 11, G, Fraser; 12, G. Mantha; 14, G, Carson, New York Americans--1, B, Wor. ters; 2, L. Reise; J, L, Conacher; 4, J. Simpson; § W. Burch; 6, N, Himes; 8 W. Boyd; 9, J, Sheppard; 11, W, McVeigh; 13, W, Holmes; 14, J, Spring New York angers Lid Ry Roach: 2 1. Bourgeault; J, Johns sont 4, H, Foster; § W, Cook; G F, Cook} 7, F, Boucher; 8 P. Thomp- son: 9 M, Murdock; 10, M, Keeling; 1, M, Vail; 12, L. Quenneville; 14, R, Goldsworthy, Toronto Maple Leafs 1 L. Cha- bot: & A, Smuth: 3 A, Duncan; 4, C, Day: § A. Blair; 6, I, Bailey; 7, 1, C, Benedict Dutton; 4, J \, Ligbert; Trottier; 9, Robinson; 11, 14, G, D, Cox; 8 H, Cotten; 9, Charle Conacher; 10, E. Pettinger; 11, R, Horner; 12, G, McBride; 14, G, Bryd- son; 15, J, Primeau; 16, B, Grant; 17, Alex, Connacher, Chicago Black Hawks-!, C, Gard. ner; 2, C, Abel; J, L, Dutkowski; 4, V. Ripley; § H, March; 6, A, Som- ers: 7, L. Couture; 8 'I. Arbour; 9, E, Miller; 10, M, Wentworth; 11, T Cook 12, R, Taylor; 14, J, Gottselig: 15, F, Ingram; 16, R. Burns, Detreit--1, C, Dolson; 2 H. Rock burn; 3, R, Noble; 4, G, Hay: § R, Connors; 6, L, Aurie; 7, H, Lewis; 8 C, Cooper; 9, H, Hicks; 10, G, Goodfellow; 11, B, Brophy; 12, ). Herberts; 14, F, Hughes, Pittsburg--1, 1. Miller; 2, B, Me- Caffrey: §, R. Smith; 4, H, Milks; §, F. Frederickson; 6, H, Darragh: 7, G. Lowrey: 8 H. Drury; 9, J. Me Kinnoni 10, W. White; 11, A, Bri den; 12, B. Jarvis, Boston~1, T, Thompson; 3, E Shore: J, L. Hitechman; 4 G, Qwen; 5, A, Clapper: 6, P, Galbraith; 7, R, Welland ; y N: Gainer; 9, H, Oliver; 10, WV, Carson; 11, A, Gagne 12, M, Mackay: 14, M, Barry; 15, J. Taylor, Ottawa~1, A, Connell; | Shields: 3, J. Lamb; 4, A, Si WW, Touhey: 6, F, Nighbor; 2, F, Fi nigan: 9 K, Clancy: 10, H. Kilrea: 11, 1, Grosvenor; 12, WW, Kilrea; 135, H. Starr, the fancy of aver 500 students, and that we know ix not an easy thing to accomplish, And whatever ap- plause Mr, Dibble earned with his singing, Mrs, Dibble gained with the few flattering words she sald with regard to our Canadian Colles glate boys and girle, The students are very much indebted to "Mr O'Nelil, whose idea it ia to provide for the students something differ ent as entertainment, both eduoas tional and enjoyable, at tha afters noon assemblies, which are held twice weekly, w ¢ LJ There fx a possibility that Com- mencement Kxercisea will not be held till early in 1830 due to the present building operations, which are not quite complete, Mr, O'Neill has made a suggestion that prob ably this annual event will be cous pled with the formal opening of the naw bhulldings; however, noth« ing has boon made definite aa yet, on the board for the high single for the week, but just to show that it wasn't a fluke, he stepped right back and spilled them to the tune of 862, 676 for two games Is good bowling, high single. . or very wise, olgars to anyone who bettered his neore, as good ax himuelf before he offer ed the him yet, | go up there and - Strikes, Spares, and Blows At Local Alleys CENTRAL ALLEYS Harry Fox, a visitor In town, Is His first game was 424 NM LJ L] He also Is high for the monthly Oshawa Dairy Harry Ashton is either very lucky He offered a box of He wtill retains the clgars, He must have known no one wan prize, Bome one will get LJ Rl w The City League had another good night last night, Art Donahue was high man with 707 for three games, He averaged 2060 in four games for the night, . . . Miss Dentley is high with 241 for the Ladies' high weekly prize Bha nosed out Miss Cook of the City Hall leagues by one pin, » . » Red Cardinal must have decided to go In for Marathon Bowling, On Wednesday he bowlad 33 games himself, Irom 1 o'clock to 6,30, Feature that If you ean He came right back on Thursday with 21 EAM ON Practice makes parfect sn they say, so the good howlers of the elty had better look out or Red will have thelr number * LJ . MOTOR CITY ALLEYS A Challenge Wullle Myles will bow! "Dune" Fleteher at nny time sultable at the Central Alleys, Just to see how the two bowlers compare LI ANOTHER ONE Vian Norris and Mary Pirie think they can defeat any other two lady bowlers In Oshawa Total points of both players acerued In three games to declde winners, Here in a chance for KErline Bentley and Annle Reeco or Jennie Morgan or Florence Cox or any two lady bowl ors to show those bowlers that they can be beaten . Erline Bentley high for the weekly prize with a score of 272 » * . Connie Kelly has a high for the month with 250 M » LJ Boore The Duco Boys had a nice roll off for thelr Thanksgiving Dinner, Mean a Goose C', Read was high with 625 ( Riggs was second with BSS Godlirey was next with 667, A till high for with a score of oan beat that why don't you rub him off the about you, the 210, "Fourloss Men's game, Surely somebody seore, Say Jack, board? And how Chick? . Harold Hainer has the high sin- gle for the month with 358, LJ » . NM Owing to the fact that they were stook-taking, the Parts and Service did not bow! on Thursday night, Barker will live to practise up his hook or he will be letting his team down, Trotter, of course, will have to see what W, Kilburn does before he oan doclde what he In going to howl, In case the "Sweepstakers' would like to have a theme song for their bowling 1 offer the fol. lowing suggestion, Meaning the Ten High Roll OF Noard--'"When the Roll ix Called Up Yonder, I'll Be There." | AYMC. ACTIVITIES Regular Friday night practice for the Minstrel Show was held last night by the A YMC, The prac tice wan well attended, and the chorus begins to show up to ad vantage after the last practices, All members are reminded of the practice on Wednesday night at § p.m, sharp, and also at 7 p.m, on Friday night, It is essential that everybody be there on time, After the practice last night, the rest of the evening was spent in badminton, ete, I" I --y SA-------- GENUINE RADIOTRONS the most popular AC. tube Westinghouse, Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club Hold Fall Meeting ALBIE BOOTH OUT ', OF TODAY'S GAME New Haven, Conn.,, Nov, 10, Injuries suffered in the Maryland game will keep little Alble Booth, Yale backfield star, on the side lines tomorrow, when the Blue fuces Princeton in the Yale Bowl, Hend Coach May Stevens an nounced tonight, Word - that the little fellow would not play came as uw startling shock on the eve of the major Eastern contest, and Increased tenfold the hopes of Black and Orange supporters for a victory in the fifty-third meeting of the two teams, Booth has been at practice nll week, although the injury to his lef leg prevented him from taking any strenuous part in the work- outs The loss of Booth will be felt keenly by Yale, as his work In o Army and Dartmouth games ns well as in the Maryland game last Saturday ,established the star aw un simost indispensible part of the bulldog footkall machine, Champions Win First Game 8-3 Working LL] Windror, Nov, 16,~ the new forward passing rule the finest degree of perfection the Windsor Bulldogs opened the In- trnationn] Hockey league season here tonight before 5,600 fans with n wparklifg 8-3 vietory over Tor onto Millionaires Superior pass ing ability and much smoother team-work were the deciding fae tors In & free scoring exhibition that saw the new system of pans- Ing worked often and profithbly by the 1028-19020 Canpro league champions, Hughie Leliman trotted out a hard skating bunch of youngsters who fought the titleholders from start to finish, but they fought a loslng battly against a team tha bonsted of eight veterans from one of the best clubs in minor professional hockey last winter, Dr. T. Kaiser Donates a Cup to Club--E. J. Goodman Elected President ' The annual fall meeting of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling club. wus held in Welsh's on Thursday even- Ing, and in spite of the wet night 0 large and enthusiastic meeting was held with the President, Mr, J, C, Fowlds, in the chalr, The financial report was glven by the Treasurer, Mr. H, M, Black, which proved the club to be In good standing, The report of the chairman of the games committee, Mr, T, Johns, gave a good mccount of the activi~ ties on the home green throughout the season,, During his report, Mr, Johns gave out prizes for winners of Monday night's double competi tion throughout the season, During the evening, Mr, T, Kuis- or, a member of the club, donated a cup to the Oshawa Club, for in ter-rink games and to he known as the J. Kulser & Son cup, which was vory gratefully recelved by the club, A committee was appointed to arrange for social evenings during the winter months, which was com- posed of M, T, Wright, chairman; 5 J. Goodman, W, J, Brownlee, 11. Black and V', A, Cochrane, OfMeers elected for 1000 were ax follows: President--E, J, Good man; Viee-President--C, C, Sten- house; 'Treasurer--H, M, Black; Becrotary---F, A, Cochrane; Green Commitiee--G, T, Wright, 8, J Taylor, C. Branton, M For helping to save two lives from a fire, fifteen-year-old Irene Dall, an stenographer has heen presented a watch by London pol« ilcemen, A plan for providing good hous: es for the poorest sections of Cape town, South Afriea, is being en. couraged by the Governor Gener- al, Because qmpty milk cans on thelr trucks made too much nolse, two drivers were arrested at Bris tol, England, recently, Rl i SET TIERNES COMMU ive Be f Co ni Luxe Stainless Knives) } DIAMOND WATCHES § NITY PLATE TE LN La The Crestwood Tray--26 $ piocns in ate od d i $35.00. BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner TTT Te Travel The King's Highway LEAVE OSHAWA AM. d7.00 d7.30 P.M. 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.3C 7.30 8.30 , 9.30 10.30 cll,18 d==Daily except Sunday, Midland, Schomberg, TURES INEVERY SOCKET Daily Coach Service OSHAWA -- TORONTO FARE~85¢ LEAVE (Standard Time) AM. d7.30 8.30 9.30 10,30 11.30 P.M, 12.30 1.30 2.30 c==Sunday only. 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, ville, Brantford, Ham- Orange ilton, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points, Coach connections at Buffalo for all U.S.A. points. Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA ' Phone 2828

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