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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Nov 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1929 PAGE NINE THE C we VN" where Seller "Nov SSEETED SECTION N..4 Lege! or x Ad ein hoard, of Himeon' hoi 4 Phong 4, Lim why Ho by c it y nun Bi AV. 8 nar i, er Opposite Post loan, i 1 n ho 2 rister, vevancer, King Bt fit, ANGA leltor, Notary' Phila, Con aw, 0 to loon, Office ie st, Oshawa, Phone tRTTHTON "AND Vraseor, Patriotery Conveyancers, Notaries Publle, ety. Office ovos Standard Bank, Wutrance Bimeoe Bt, Phone 18, J, ¥, Grierson, K.C., T, K, Orelghton, B.A, N., C Prager, B.A, olleltor, Pi ayer RRTETN tore, Money (0 loam, 16 Simeoe street north, Phone 87, Residence ANT PTET. IAT fiers ote, Money to loan. Alger , Op ole "ost. Offes, Phong il A CH Viel A ™ "THREYS, BAK risters, Solieitors, ete, 244 Simeoe § Phone 3160. Money to loan OC MALL, B.A, BATWIS: top, ote, Conveyuneing agd general FRotice, 22% King t, East hone Naar (eh aa ae Medical cRAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR am Aceoucher, Office and resis genes. King i lust, corner Victoria t, Os Le 1018 04, DE HAROLD W, TRICK WIT 7ST clan, 4 Ae Obstetriclan, areata) references to maternity work sed di senses of women, Two vears' post radunte: expevience, Office and res A her 167 Simeoe St, N., (cor, Broek) i) ebb DR GRANT BERRY, PASSICTAN Surgeon, Ohstetriclan, diseases of infants end children, Office and residence, 97 Bond Fast Phone 1155 DR B,J. HAZELWOOD, TVs cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-rav work and Electr thewpy, Office, Disn.v Block Phone oo, OMe, open © ! x A dence i i a dad ) A am ing Ran, P hone 2 2114 ROHR, M.D, CM, OP, and 8 Edinburgh slelan, Surgeon and Obstetrieinn Office 142 Simeos St N. Phone 3020 residence 10] Cing St JL Phang 3155 ARCHIE ROW | VP GCP &S Hdhburah Physlelan Surgeon, Obstatr an, --_-- at tention to maternity work and diss enses of children, Office and resi dene, 185 Slmeoe St. North, Phone 31 Bi il ow, LEAT THYEICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and residence, 13 Rimcoe street north, Phone 84104, (Oct, Ea Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PRT DRYANS OF 100 BLOOK Street West, Taranto, will he at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store eagh Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treatment of disenses of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made ul drug sto! wine 97. ye, , Nose and oat D ¥, te Mitchell's Drug Sore 12 am, & to 3 AB oes p en Denial ' PS. OVER TAS: J) setts, Special "attention to Xray work, Gas extragtiof, Nurse in nis tendance ne 959. House 12 . S FA 'over "Mijahalry ab Store DR LE Te Nitrous oxid oxygen wis hy Nh tions, Office, Royal Bank Bide ° exldance, 1378M Q DENT TST, Simeoe * st, N, over Dew land's: Phone * 19087, Res, 202\V, Bvenines by. t 9:1 mo) ARDSON, Orr ik A Hours nis by ne 2660, ORRIC Phone 1780 PR THAVIES, "1 : Dentists, 37 King St. x Special ats tention to gas extraction and X.ray work, Nurse in attendance. Phones 14 and eR GC STENHOUSE . . TENE TA a t work, econd oor rol AAT eliding, © Phone 1496 JONSON AS. Simeoe St, 8 Regent Theatre Ble ily CTING = CONCRETE electric or alterations ates . (10h WINTHR= ¥ Og a PePAlrdd and alk fut Be conta rellned and "Palloring May ry material ma \ ress ater er vannings). Cal and FA Phone 0809. (Oot AIRE mie roo x made ty Measure fees, Mrs, Hicks 4 Narth, (Nov, &1 wo) FURS modelled, factory to wearer NV, 1) Pruee | Enaintosing and Suryeyias 0 Land BONPYAR ADE H urvevors and Cly eers, sub divisions, town Ae "a munigipal engingers, 305 or Wi King Wn Ones n 14 CORY WURIAL TO), 67 KING 87 Kast, Ambulance, Residence, 542 $im- 40 street north, Phones 2101 and 10 B7 Calina #treet, Qilana. Cornes Bruge street, Ambulance, Phane 1082 shaws, The oi. 9 ! y An {shaws, 3 Re q St, west est n "w Renegy.- re WA consult I, N, Johps, BO worth, Your insurances wants at tended Lo and your interests proe teatad ransportation CATTATI ANI ) BTORAG ECOL man's, 56 Bond West, Specialints in furniture movihg, storages ware: house and moving ven equipment Phone K2 GAWTFAGT," "MOVING, GRAVEL Loeal and lon, sond and cinders ALL distnn hanling Ria mw 24027, Bmith and Lox, $87 King WLW ORAWAS OLD ET TITAN: lished furniture movers, Park Road ear ae, Local and long distnnes Prank Cowl, Prop. 68 Park RY 15-1 mo) south, Phone 216, . y (Oet, WANTED =TRUGRING OF ATT kinds, Carting or moving, Phone 2060W, h (Oct 10-1 mo) EAGLE CARTERS "AND LONG distance movers, sptlslgetion guaran: teed, Solel service, gheapest in Qh awn, Phone us frst, 3202 ) (Oct, 20-1 mo, DUMPTTRUCK, 7, SII ad and cinders, Carts ty E., Oshawa, Phone (Nov, 6:1 mo) "MOVING, ORAVEL, sand and cinders, Phone 2021M, Chris Graham, #70 Verdun Road, (Nov, 14-1 month) FRI, SIR, S55 i WAR Boauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT waive, Special $5 and $2.50. Finger wave and shampoo $1, Faeinl 75e Hair eutth g 250, Phone 2908 or B6 moon North, EXPIRT MARCITCING BY Betty Ward at Betty Loli Permans ent Wave Shoppe, Maree! and sham: poo Phe ne 2968, WA Beauty Shap STW loek, Gravel, age. 215 Bloor § 2730W _- CANTAGE, ------ddl A J AND 9 Colina 8, We spe: cimlize In ladies' halr cutting, mars celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel MM cents, For appointment phone [LLL No 2-1 mo) Building Seal VE FOR BALE = SAND GRAVEL, stone and black loam, "$160 a vd For quality and service 'phone Ils wery Bros, 3392 ping 10. FOR SALR CEMENT BLOCK (lood sand and gravel, To Insure prompt dellvery, place orders In advance of delivery date, W, Bow rowdal.e Phone 1018, Music POPE ACORPTED "TN" VOUAT fnstructions, Mrs, (Dr) Orant Berrys Phone 1155, (Nov, 2-1 mn) TUR LYNDE VOCAL TER. (Hambourg Conservatory, To Gil pupils prepared for all exams r L] wi, Wednesday, Simcoe St AWA, M B11) h. Pho 4 Ba SRY TIRE Wor rano, will accept pupils for sing: ug, voloe culture, eto, Pigle 1904, 288 Hruce Bt 21 mo) i mt twa Director of Musle, Oshawa Collerts ate and Publle Sehools, Studio, 20 Westmoreland, Phone 8024), (Nov, 16-1 mo) TRRSLESMITI ONE fo oronto's leading violin teachers, Studio 86 Elgin St, KE, (Nov in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Red dio Service Phone 730M, Jd4<1 mo.) RADIO HERVIOR "AND ACORN sorlen, Repairs on electro and battery sets, Tubes and batteries tented, Datteries recharged, rental supplied $1, Phone 10407, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin B to all makes of nets, old sets modelled, power tubes added "hy a radiotrielan, No charge for (napection, Phone #83 R 1 1, (Nov, 1.1 Caulking HAVE ALL CREVICE AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost Ia small, Free estimates, J, H, Law: son, RR, No, 2, Oshawa, Phone T83wn8, (Nov, 4:1 mo) Painting and Decorating GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS TA hanes painting and grainin ices right, work ranteed. 3 Pine a phone | w or 067w, FT Paperhay in ~orloen bi. Heophons FS \ \ Papethanger, Only first class work waranteed: Mo wears experience be tegronaiie Phone Mo0W, . (Nov, 16:1 mo.) mo) GA i wo vg (RIAL onic rene party will take ear and lots as dawn payment. Apply Krating price and Tocation to Box M0 Times (116e) Hal of this nature, and collect for same, "Times" Classified / All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small secounts For the convenience of customers who find It Inconvenient to come perdonally to The Times' office, a will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT telephone call Ads Bring Results Real Estate for Sale FOR "FAL =0 HOOM™ HOU Light, water, Small payment down $16 a month, Central, Phone ashow, (117¢) aati RE ia a a "Watch Repairing A, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop #8 MA Kg Street West, Your pat ronage {8 solieited ww "Work Wanted RE UPHOLSTERING CHESTER fields made to order. We save you money, Esumates free, G, A. Con stable, 74 Mechanle street, Phone ud (f ly JATTE ), CALL Wi for and de A orod, 78 nents, | ren wl supplied $1. Batteries repaired San w dian, FSW 20 Mi" Sr. Phone (Nov, 181 mo) A CONARORD AND Di» livered 76¢, rental 2he, And Lhe entire electrical aystem of car re paired, 404 Oshawa Blvd, Phons f1ew, Nov, 18-1ma) WE DO HonY REPATRE 10 nars and trucks Also general woodwork, W. Fry, 40 Bond wesi Open avanings, (Nov, 14:1 mo) Public Stenographer MARTE N, HICTON, 74 RIMOOR street north, Phone 1600, Wpevial rates for mailing lists and elrcular work, (Oot, 86-1 mo) EL lA A-HDDPS S Home Cooked Mets NG TR "AOME "MADE PORK phen, steak and kidney nies, hot or gold, brawn, cakes and pastries, ete, ote, Fraak Drakes, 21 Mable street, Phone BUTI, (171) FTE GE ST RY Motor Cars OT YOUR AUTO PARTE "AND | Acpessaries at the Oly Auto | Wreckers, 16:17 Bond street west Phones 20B0W or R448W, (Oct, 26:1 mo) CATE CHEV, COACH TOR SALT Money to Loan Field, Barristers, ete, Alger Bide FOR HATE OR EXUHANGT propesty or farm, Fhone 1678F, TY IN SIX | ing, hardwood floors throughout, Will ply Box 15, Times (1182) Acred good soll, good barn, silo, Javare This 1s offered at Sarfati W, nd other arte LM at our yards, 4 excellent condition, $425 cash, Apply CITY AND FARM TOANS TRO. Phone 1614 seven room house, Mot water heat x (1100) fa0 EQUITY exchange for vagant land in north FARM FOR SALE OR EX- stone stables, hen house, pig pen, or quick sale, $6,300, J, A, Hickell, auctioneer, ne a coe ay AM ing St W. Oshawa Ont TW CARR AU CIT Sif Simeoe Street S. Fhone 2800M Box "2y" Times (116-0) a ress loans arranged, Parkhill & For Sale or or Exchange Ing, WHI exchange on smaller city ROOM solid briek residence, hot water heat end, No reasonable offer refused, Ap- change for Oshawa propertys==100 good farm ho spring water in 410 Simeoe Street South, hit JO ean sel} vour piven of furniture Oct, 25-Nov, 2§ Rll Room nd NICELY FORNINNED ROOM with board, suitabhl® for bhusinoss gentleman, Apply 78 Albert street, Phone 2862, (1170) LIROE WARN TROON," SUT able for one ar two business men, or girls, central location with board, Apply Hox 818 Times, (1180) Far Sor § Rent FONTATHE OR RENT EMAL hrick -T nleely decorated, with parame and trge lot, Apply 12 Rosehill Divd,, or phone T42M, You CAN HUW HARGWAON ing now for only 8c a foo $10 orders, All pa mi! Easy to lay. You wah do the tvark veursell, We tell von how, Send for free sivcular, Hall Way, Box M1, Hawiltén, Building Material Specialists, {Apply give references, } CANARY RES -- Articles For Sele MIXED HARD AND SOF wool slubs, $3.50 per. load. Alse hone dry body wood RTE Meek Limited Phong 1288 ee RL 201 FOR BALE HEINTZMAN (4) Ltd, planos, new and used planus Also radios, latest wodels; ters Arranged. Apply ©, Trull, Fhoue 1b) High (111) MOVING SALI iY BICYCLIS ) bicycle stock, and autumobile tlre Big reduction, cash or terms hi thing must be sold, 82 King Steet west (Oct, 291 ma.) BARGAIN RADIO, HBLIGHTLY used battery set for sale, Heason whle terms, Vhone 17104, (1141) ron BA LE-1 BURKET, 3} chairs, geome dishes, wicker rocker, dresser, Apply 828 Kingadale Ave Phone A087), (1160) VOR HALL CHEAT, "ONE vp right pinne, good condition, Also one Quelee range. to he sold al ones, Apply 15 Prince Bt, (1160) STROLLER Apply 211 (116e) CREAM WICKER for sale, wood condition Gliddon Ave LADY'S LAMB FUR COAT FOR sale, Medium wl furniture Apply Box 187 Post Office, Whithy (1182) PLAYER PIANO, Cost aver $600 Phone 315EM (1180) sles, POR RAL -- good condiitan, will sacrifice $200 © Help-- Wanted Male WANTED A TOOL, MAKER thoroughly familiar with machine tools and grinding equipment, hy company in Central Ontario by letter, stating age, ox perience, qualifications and whether married or single Also Hox 017 Times (118a) iis oa a Help Wanted--Female NURSK HOUNRK- keeper, Apply No, ¥, Bimooa Man ar, Oshawa, (117) RP IRUHAND TRAINE YOU IN ten weoks home study to hacome a stenographer typist, Tyweriter sup plied, Write for free sample les won, Dominion Hehool Telography Limited, Toronto (113 "Pets and Live Stock "HRDS FOR SALE, i, Phone LAMY, (1180) Hematitching { NINE OHNTE FEA YARD PERAT od Bkirts, one dollar, alterations, oto, All kinds of heautiful fanoy work on sale, Mra, Dell, 86% Sim: poe South, Phone 1006, (Nov, 15:1 mo) tion Wanted WOWAN WANIE HOUREWORK by heur or day, References i! re quired, Phone 20040, (118a) Raa A iii hia Notice to Creditors i PRACTICAL 116 118.121) Rollers In the matter of the Hstate of John MeAdam, lata of the City of Oshawa, in the County and Prove Ince of Ontario, mallsearrier, de ceaned, Notloe is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of the sald John MeAdam, wha died on or about the Third day of November, AD, 1034, al the Qity of Toronto, In the County of York, are required on or before the Second day of December A.D, 19029, to send Notice to the under. signed Solloitor for the estate of the sald deceased, with their full names and addresses and fall par toularas In writing of thelr claims, And take notice that alter such mentioned date the Executriyx will procead to distribute the Assets of the sald deceased among the par tien entitled thereto, and will not be lable for the sald assets of any part thereof to any person of whose elaim notice shall not have heen received at the time of such dis tribution, Dated at Oshawa, this First day of November, AD, 1029, JOSEPH PP. MANGAN, Barrister &o, Oshawa, Ont, Margaret MeAdam, KExecutrix (107-112:118) Solleitor tay For Rent POUR AND PIVE -ROONED MOD orn suites, tneluding sisetric refvig eration, stove, laundry, conven) ences, ete. continuous hot weler supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 8671, ur The Trusts and Guarantees Co, IAd,, manager for owner, Toronto, {RENT =~ FIVE ROOMYD far; canveniences, hardwood floors, electric fixtures, newly decorated, early posse Shion, Apply 81 Elgin St 1, Phone 1686) (1141) Five HOOMEN™ half aope of Janfl jn eity Umits, Lights, "newly decorated, reason shle rent Apply 168 Bloor Bt, West (116¢) POR RENT=ZROOMTD DWT ing, $10 a month, Apply 367 Ping Ave, phone 1412M (116¢) TO WENT=R-ROOMED HOURY, solid briek, new furnace, newly di corated and painted throughout, for immediate possession, 23 Athol St W., at $35.00 per month, Apply Cos nant & An (116¢) FO MENT =F Vi WOOM APART ment, furnighed and heated with garage, etrietly private, Apply 487 Diviglon Bt, Phone 8777¥, (1170) TO WENT, "ALL Celina Bt, Apply Phone 20038J, (117) ROOM AV ANI: conveniences, 2, 161 King Coie) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED hod sitting room, Twa young ladies to share room, Light housekeeping conveniences If required Apply 122 Warrn Avenue, "hone 2054) (11%) HOOMED Apply 74 "HOUB® "AND AMAL THOURY frOonyenieneces on 200 Cylinag Bt, TINT All modarn Apply Amt VOR ment, Ginrage, Knat, RENTFIOW cottuge, Convenlenoces, Colborne Bt, Wast (1160) NEW HR VEN OOM EN ous to rent Cedar lined clothes closets pantry nna hulle tn kitehen cabingt Hot water heating Apply 168 Maor BI (1160) FOUR WOURE™ TO ont, ARASH Apply Ghd Oxford Bt (1161) APACE TWO HOON APART. ment, Very central Warm and ood Hight Hot water and convenis | ences, New throughout Unturs | nished or furnished, 80 Centra Bt, ; ' (118h) HOURER TO LET Fon Ww ROOMED™ Oxford Bt, 2 Royal Bt, near Himeoe street substantial brick bungalow, oons taining six vooms and hath ine viuding shower Heparate tollet Ona of the finest dwellings in Osh Awa, Unrage, $50 a mouth on lense G66 Nommerville Ave, 6 rooms and hath, New Modern, North and, 4 blocks from ear, $885 month. ly, Vacant "04 Huron Nt, low, & rooms | rent to oeareful monthly hunga To | FIL new hriek Very central tenants at DISNEY Opposite Post Oftioe Phone 1LH60 (11%) FOR RENT HEATED APART ments, thirty dollars, fixtures, stove vieant, King West, Murdoch 302771 (118c) FOTTTTHOOM | upartmant, ground floor, use of gellar and furnace, Conveniences I'wo blocks off Bimeoe Kt, on Wi Ham, Apply 108 Chureh Nt, Phone 2404 MN (118h) ONE TURNTRHED FRONT THD: room for vent, Central, Phong ROOM (118e) TO LET -5 HOURK, 201) Mary Htreet 1884W, (1188) PHONR | FOR RENT ROOM Phone GARATN 10 RINT: LOZSJ, 107 Nrock Bt, Kast, L (1180) HIX ROOM PRAME a month, Possession Apply RAR Park Phone 1870W, -- . er (1181) TWO FURNTANED ROOMA™ 10 rent, Phone 21044, (1140) "Wanted To Rent WANTRE FO WV=--0 007 URED oar, new electrio radio an part ment, Apply 804 William Ht, MANY, (1188) a. TO RENT house, $18 Immediately, Road Mouth, Auction Sale HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC. tions from Pete Wyrotski to sell on lot 13-13 BF, Park Rd, South, nears lake, 50 tons mixed hay, clover and timothy, Sale on Saturday, Nov, 23, M20, at 2 pom, sharp, terms cash, W, J. Sulley, Auctioneer, (118) HART HOUSE LOSES THEATRE DIRECTOR Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Aitkins Now in Helly. wood (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont, Now 19-Me aml Mrs, Carrol Altking, who were the presiding genuises at the Hart House Theatre during the seasons of 197 and 1938, are now in Hellywood! where they are atudyin the develops ment of the "talkies," Whether 'ha indicates that they intend transfers ring their afiections from the art of the Little Theatre, which in Canada benefited so considerably {rom thelr activities in its interests, is doubtiul, It may be that, through the medium of the screen and py rophone, they are hoping to ereate a new art which will combine the best qualities of the legitimate stage and the newer and more mechanical fori of expression Rates for Classified Ads. First Insertjon--114 cents per word, Minimum eharge 80¢, Each subsequent conse tive Insertion le per word, Three consetulive inser: tions for thy price of two first \usertions (three cents' a word), (Minimum charge for three |" Insertions, 40 cevts, Box number 106 additions) Professional or Rusiness Cards, $8.60) per month for 80 words er less; 10 cents pn word per month for seach additional word, I TIMES CLABKIFIND [ADE CONT LITTLE; ACk COMPLIBH MUCH TELKVHONKE an Ask for Olassified Ad Departinent OPERATOR RETURNS AFTER TRIP NORTH Life at Radio Station is De~ scribed by McGill Graduate Life in the In a Montreal, Nov, 10 north as radio operator government station Is heing disagreeable, Ac cording to W, H, Moore, demon strator fn the department of phy slog at MeGill, who has returned to | the' university after spending 15 | months as the radio operator of a station some B00 miles north of Churehill on the west coast of Hud son's Bay, My, Moore, who Is a graduate of the MeGill Engineering Faculty, palled from Halifax in July, 1087 with a Dominlon Vxplorers' party | on the auxtiiary schooner Morse, The schooner was commanded hy Capt, Randall who later became famous with the sinking of the ! " Alone, Thre Weeks' Trip Capt, Randall landed his party on the west coast of Hudson's my some three weoks later, My, Moore, far private or fur from the party of 10, built his radio sta tion while the party of prospectors mada thelr camp on Mistake Day The station, in operation, was able to transmit readily to Oftawa, some LGOO miles away, A wecelving wet wis also worked In gonjunetion with the transmifNing apparatus but statle and Interference from the eamp's generators often made | recaption hard, The Eskimos, nud Along the coast, friendly and eamas In and out of | the camp freely Mr, Moore paid | # tribute to thelr honesty The Eskimos never touched a oe thing of some thousands of dollars | of supplies without first asking permission, he said Christmas Fostive Oceaslon A few months after the party landed, was the occasion of a fevial meeting of white men and Fakl mos, Home 25 of the latter were klven a hanquet and were allowed to stuff themselves to thelr heart's content, They appreciated greatly the white men's dinner, The Eskimos along the coast were A very philosophical peaple and were not greatly amazed with the contrivances hrought In by the party, However, the airplanes and tha engine-powered snow sleds ex- ofted thelr interest ' as they saw (hat these 'ware a great advance over the slowertravelling dog teams, Mr, Moore was In weekly op fort. Rightly commupioation with ans other MeGill student, Ross Bmyth, who was unable to get out this year, Mr, Smyth, however, was not greatly disappointed as younw men soon get to lke the different life of the far north, Mr, Moore fald he was in communication with Ross Smyth shortly hefore his party left and the marooned stus dent did not hg I be bemoaning his fate, The returned student hrought back nearly 200 plotures of north. ern soenes and life and Is now pre. paring these for slides, He spoke to the MoGill Radio Club recently on his experiences, who were numer- | were vary | SALE OF GOSTUMES WORN BY CARUSO Ten Thousand Costumes and Quantities of Scen- ery Sold at Auction ----- London, Eng, Nov, 19=Ten thou: sand costumes, with CNOPMOUS Guan titles of scenery and fittings belong ing to the British National Opera Company, were recently sold by aves tion, There were costumes Caruso had worn, The Corenation gown which Lady Diana Cooper wore in the film ing of the "The Virgin Queen" dang: led from a pew in the full pride of gold and jewels, This gown alone cost $1,000 te make and was warked with a reserve price of $300, who was the sole radle operator of | LEGION Bi ENSION T0 BE CONSIDERED { Edinburgh's Canadien Convention Will » Weigh Methods Of Perpetuation Roginu, Bask, Nov, 10 Par petustion of the Canadien Legion as mo vial force In the nations! Wie of Canadw after the last of the (real War velerans have passed Away Js i pubject that will grouse no little controversy wt thg com Ing convention of the Canadian Leglon fo he held here from Nov 26 ta 2K, This subject wan hefore the last dominlon convention at Balint John, NI, hut there It was shelved for a year's consideration by the hranches, and IL appears on the seonda as & notice of mos tion from the 108K gathering The notice of motion provides for two methods of perpetuating the legion, The first is hy the ae eaptanes Into active membership on vearhing the age of 21, of all sons of men who served In the Allied Forees during the war, This plan Is favored hy many of the legion hrenches as on means of con tinuing the orecanigntion after the wesent membership has answered the last enll The other plan included In the noties af motion provides for the perpetuation of th leglon hy the | homin tion of successors, By this plan, avery active member would hive the privilege of nominating In Wid will a successor to take his placa In the ranks of the legion after he dies, This would enable men who are unmarried or with out children to have a share In the lexlon of the future, It Is known however considerable opposition glans at the present branchos o the the opinion they and it would ha wilt for fl adopting out the or there ta they time, many legion heing of Are premature wiser polliey to Years hefore of widening fi Ww polley anltgation, any FISHER GIRLS NOW BOBBED the Scateh fisher girls 8 and tresses, as ple riist When the ath ved from Aberdeen (0 pre Yarmouth's farious herring puck, they came with bobbed heads, and wearing fur-trimmed coats, silk stockings and faney shoes, They sang Jagz songs as they rode in cabs to their | Liane are with long dresse tured | girl ar pare for dings ur Child's AIR CHILDREN hate to be "dosed." When rubbed on, Vicks relieves colds 2 Nay atonce without "dosing of 1) a ing vapor releas are inhaled direct to pri air passages; (2) "It draws out' the soreness like an old-fashe foned poultice. QL in BLACKFORI HILL QUARRIED FOR ROAD Mayground Mensced hy Demands of Transportation BAinburgh, Backford Hi 18 threatened with the same fate #8 some of thoge spots around Male vern, The hill is graduslly heing quarried away and the latest des velopment mn the excavations threatens to remove Bona great landmarks fly Walter Beott's fas vorite will was on the slope of the Blackford WIL, and In "Marmion" he tells of the wonderful panorama which Ig to he geen from is tap, day menuntaing ean ha far dintgne and the hilig of ¥ife on the other side of the Pirth of Worth, hut for a com pletg deneript! nf Pes to he seen, "Marmion i still Bn guide The quarry fro road metal On a clear geen In (he Midlothian ( ny Cannell m the hill most of their and the erosion has caused fueh eomplaints that the town eounell has been looking into the matter, The hill 1s helng ra idly eaten into and nohody « the disappe I) Eyean slopes without dismay In anita of legal and other difficulties the oy dinary layman feels that thing ought te he don "Hdinburgh's Pla one of Its most heantiful ing hill n "un ses granea of HOM Ino EAvA and surrounds bh hte ® Simcoe Be N, 'Radios Resaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales IMITED 00 Bimeoe Bt, B Phone WM a -- De You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANN AND DIN. COUNTN LTD, Felt Block Boom 6 Phone BT00 DISNEY. COTT AMBULANCH #7 Celina Ne, Phone 1080 KYRIGNT SPECIALIST et ha Disney vy hy 1He=Phone-118 the last in IT IS NOT MERE COINCIDENCE that almost all reliable build- era now-a-days have secured permanent insulation by the use of TEN-TEST INSULATING They wanted insulation on which the first cost would be would even outlive the build- itself, They used TEN- TEST and got that kind of insulation, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 \ BOARD coat; insulation that

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