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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Nov 1929, p. 1

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The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in 8 Growing City aL Wa ' News in Brief td (By Uanodion Press) { hhh bbb bbddb ddd of Biar of Bereen Dies Hollywood "Val" one of the mest Intelligent and best-known { the silver sergen, died i the Win capital yesterday, FA Crovar Roolocted Regina ~F, A, Crerir hig heen "- elected president of the United Grain Growers Limited, 1, B, Law wis ree elected viegpresident and secretary, or Dies at Funeral Welland, =While atiending her services of hey hushiand, David Bimith wha died at hig home near Vonghill, his wile, Mary Ann Bmith, drops ped dead yesterday afternoon " LJ Centennvinn Dies Paterhoro, Joshua Anderson, hid 108, ploneer of Murray Towns ship dled at hin howe on Anders son's Island, tn the Trent Hive, esterday, Mr, Anderson had heen I only a few days, \d M LS Two Men Killed 2 Buskatoon Arthur 1, Thrush and Yames Brown, of Cavell, Bask, are dead and two girls wre in Biggar hos pital slightly injured as the result of an aeeldent on No, 14 highway, twe miles west of Perdue, Bask, CR Fire Captain Diss Toronto, ~Vietim of an allment which had kept him a partial invalid for six months, Reginald Augustus Bmith, captain in the Toronto fire spartment died lust night In the neral hospital, He was 80 years old eh Auteist Jailed Barrie ~The fourth saute driver charged with drunkenness (0 appear in Harrie police court In a8 many days, received 20 days mn Jalil when g appeared before Magistrate Jeffs e Is George 1, Fraser, Harelton Wvenue, Toronte Declared Legally Dead Rome, ==The six members of the Nobile Arete expedition of 1088, who were carried away with the ban of the dirigible "Halla" have been declared legally dead hy al an authorities, Pedestrian Hhot Woodstoek,~=Hhot in the hip by pomeons in a large motor oar while walking near his home on the weds ond concession of Blenheim, Albert Jenne, 60 years old, Is 1ying at his home painfully injured, Wimeoe Roy Missing Bimooe, An extensive investi. mation 1s helng carvied on here to ascertain the whereabouts of Wil Mam Ogilvie, aged 16, who disap. A from his home in Kimeos faturday morning and has not bean seen Wings, . Allen Bmugghl Windsor, ==eovge Kelly, who Windnor 1s Wis home, 1s In Warne county Jail at Detroit, on a oharge of attempting to smuisle Hens nto the United States, Three rks are alee In Jail an they were neers In A rowboat whieh olly was Towing neross the river, Redyeln Civil Service Regina wily 400 evil Jurvanty have heen dismissed from the pros Yacial + vie, i org 10 A tates ment by Prem Mg 5 Ande son, B says that many of these w hel voplaced, at least at present, And Aris of dollars wine saved in palaries, ail Gite of Radinm . Montreal=--Af8 the vesult of a it of 486 milligrams of radium, opportunition of successful treats ment of eancer are greatly enlary: Ad" at the Royal Victoria hospital, he radium wan the gift of a num Der of Montreal eltisens, inoluding the late Air Vineent Meredith, and a valued at Jug.000, Storm Warnings Pos Chicago. =Storm Warnin were Bi an pesty t on the great Fie wing way reach veloelly o to 40 miles an hour on Lakes Huron, Fria aw fn ile Lakes Superior and Mieh | foe! a 0 to $hmile wind, aes sording 10 Forecaster H, ¥, Tayd of the Chieang weather bureau Summer Cottages Plundeved Welland, Welland provinetal Hoe reported that during the Mend the summer cottages of Wirate John Goodwin, Louls lake Dutt, Harvey W, Macombe, mil Davie and H, A, Langley, all of Welland, at Camelot beach, near Port Colborne, had bean broken tw. to and ransacked, Seal Viewlm's Lip New Yorkeslour mewn, wearing dinner coats and posing an musiolana tered AR APATLR OWL TH weit 6% ot fast night and held wp an od Carmine Lombardo, orohestra © Ma wife and a wenn gest, and Jewelry valued at $30. TR | ne thely victim's the wi adhesive tape and hinds them with rope, the " lo, al LLL BE IA -- J # Oshawa 4 "wy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1929 16 Cents 8s Week; 3 Cents a Copy. TEN PAGES RUSSIANS SHELL PASSENGER TRAIN EC Council wy Asks I a ED Ean --", HOSTILITIES IN MANCHURIA BETWEEN RUSSIANS AND THE CHINESE GROWING SERIOUS Soviet Troops Concentrating Attacks on Both Ends of the Chinese Eastern Rall. way MANY PASSENGERS ON TRAIN KILLED Aeroplane Raids and Artil- lery Bombardments Mark Resumption of Fighting on the Manchurian Border (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Harbin, Manchuria, Nov, 10 Aeroplane and artillery hambard ments by Hoviet troops AL heth ends of the Chinese Kastern rail way were reported hers today and ft was helleved that the Hoviet forces were trying to oripple the iallway hy striking at the road's fuel supply Advices sald that reaching Harbin today considerable damage had heer inflieted on the Delalnor Mines near Manohull whieh Are operated hy the Chinese Hastern Aallwar, All work ceased at the mines and the miners fled with thelr families Nimultaneously with hoamburdment, MNoviel aeroplanes ware veporied o have valded the mining area In the vielnity of Pro pranichnaya and Hulfenho on the eastern ond of the railway, where the Chinese eastern Jinn been buys {hg eon! eines the Russian supply WAR Revered, According to messanes from Khallar on number of phssengers ware killed and others eaptured hy Hoviet troops after the hombard ment of a evowded passenger train hetween Manchull and Khallar, One hell was sald to have made a divedt Wit an a dining ear while machine guns wera fired at the Passenger conohes Most of: the passengers killed wore travelling third olass the reports stated An artillery hombardment of Manehull on the western end of the railway alse was paportad and the railway station was badly dam. aged, HOOVER STARTS CAMPAIGN T0 HFIP BUSINESS IN U3. Calls Serles of Conferences to Consider Remedy for Situation Deialnor's (By Canadian Presa Lonsed Wire) Washington, Nov, 19-President Hoover today marshalled the forees of the nation's mighty transpertation avatent inte active participation tn ha intensive campaign for inereased prosperity and expanded business ag tivities Ax one of the first of the "definite steps" promised tn the ehief exeeys tive's original announcement of Wh plan, the presidents of nine, great eastern rallvoads, all that eould he assembled fn the short space af time avatlable, were summoned to the White Hause for an intimate diseuss sion of what the carriers ean da to stimlate trade and stabilise business conditions i the wake of the recent steek market collapse Later fn the day a similar confers ence wan arranged with members of the advisory council of the federal veserve hoard, whe, coming from all seetions of the country were enabled to lav hefore the weesident & vivid wioture of eredit and hanking condi Hons the nation aves Meanwhile, there was a clase study of the treasiiry department's announ sement of plans for expanding the federal building programme, Congrent will he asked next month, Seoretary Melon said, ta annrave an tnereased appropriating of SI7L00.000 far soy ernmental hutldins, bringing the tol of authorisation for this purpose Wn S421. 000,000 Tm ------ a HUNTER LOST WHILE ON HIS HONEYMOON (By Conadian Pros Lomed Wine) SAMI Rie Maple; Ont, Now: 16, SFniny Patterson, of Bothwell Uatania, whe With his wite th on A honeymoon tle 1 the Boa, Is fost non Rilsabeth bake, back of Garden River, east of the of where he and Spencer Graham wht. hanbing yesterday, A search Rl for him I delng conducted, ARCHBISHOP TS HOST 70 WORKLESS (Wy Thos, 'T', Ohamplon, Canadian Prose Walk Corvespondent ) conden, Nov, 10,=A hundred homeless men, gathered during the night hy ehureh army officers from the dark arches of Waterloo Brides and the purlleus of the Thames Embankment, breakfasted today with his Grace, Most Rev, Cosmo Covdon Lang, Win Band of Can Lerbury The srohblshop's guests were of all ages, from a Devonshire man of 68 to a lad of 10 Relying on his experiences when Hishop of Blepney, uo great Kast London aren, the archbishop was able to give the men # sincere word of encouragement "Don't drift Hike a plees of wood In the Thames," he sald, "but when you Net a ehanes stick to It for all It Is worth," A ohureh offiosr remarked that most of the men, though down, were hy no means really "out," Fortified by thelr meal, they would start out with renawed vig ot in neareh of a job, he declars Ll An international transportation and tourist exposition will be held In Pos nan, Poland, next summer Halifax, Nov, 10, Life along the Atlantio seaboard missed a beat late yesterday afternoon when severe earth tremors Epread momentary alarm from Rhode Island to News foundiand, No serious damage was reported, although swaying bhulldings, my sterlonnly moving furniture, and orumbling ehimneys threw a fright Into people up and down the 0ORst, and many fainted, Tha shook, whieh was by far the heaviest ever recorded here, Was distinotly noticeable as far east as Bt, John's and as far west as Al pany, AL fe maximum Intensity, whieh cama at LAK, the welsmo graph at Dalhousie university here war put out of order; but reports from widely separated points Indicate that minor tremors continued for an hour afterwards, Barns collapsed and houses were shifted from thelr foundations in outlyipe distriots, Dosens wf ehim neys oranhed and merohandise tumbled from store ahelves A mpreme oourt witness fainted in the hox and a scene shifter fell 20 feet to the stage of a theatre, Ploturen went askew on walls, dishes oroke In kitehen winks, dora mysteriously elosed, and (Continued on page 10) Seek Release Of Missionary Ransom for United States Citizen i -- fhanghal, Nov, 18==A Francis oan missionary from WuSang han arrived at Tayeh, southeastern Hubed provines, and ia negotiating with bandits for the release of the Rev, Ulrioh Kreutsen, of Calumet, Mich, Kreutzen was kidnapped res cently and the Franeisoan mission at Wuehang was asked ta send $10,000 Mexioan for hin veleass, The bandits now are demanding $0,000 Mexioan, They refused to Allow tha negotiator to proceed to She ace where Kreutzen in being old, BOSTON BROKERAGE HOUSE SUSPENDED Poston, Nov, 1H «The frm of Woener & Company, a small coms misslon brokerage house, 1oday war suspended from the Noston Htook Exchange for fallure to meet ita contiael, The fiam's Habilitiea ware raporied te be between R80, 000 and $100,000, It was the first Boston exchange member and the seoond Rosten hrokerage firm to he seriously affected hy veceal market conditions American fagerie styles are being adopted In Austria, For Plans For Whitby Decorates Memorial Shaft VICFHIANN, NOY KCOUTK AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS PAY TRI RUTH AT CENOTAIH Whithy held its Great War mem. orial service on Bunday,, when the down memorial shaft was decorsted In conjunction with Impressive ceremony, Wreaths were plaemd by veterans, boy scouts and other Severe Earthquake Shocks Create Alarm in Communities Along The Atlantic Seaboard organisations, Parade with bands and attendance of prominent eltis Fear Vessels Are Lost Off Newfoundland Fate of Schooners Seen In Distress in Gale Is Unknown St, John's, Nfld, Nov, 10,«The fate of two palling vessels, with most of thelr eanvas carried away In the northwest gale Naturday Ia still unknown Neareh hy the steamer Melgle for the unidentified sohooner ween drifting out (oy sea on Haturday night by the people of Musgrave Harbor had praved fealtiens, The sohooner Ix bhelleved to be the Helen Vale, Cag! Calling, bound tor Lumsden from Ht, John's Yeaterday another unidentified vessel wan reported In distress two miles off Cape Npear by the steamer Verla, A tug went out to search, hut could find no trace of the ship SASKATCHEWAN MAN CONDEMNED LR hh O, Primak Will Be Hanged on. Feb. 21 for M (Ry Conadian Pros Lonesd Wire) Wynward, Sask, Nov, 19Conviet ed*of the wurder on Sept, 4 of Charles Forkey in the latter's shack in the Langan District, O, Primak, ratlway construction worker, was sen tenced to he hanged at Prince Albert ail on February 21 hy Mr, Justiog Pay tor tate fast night, The jury reach of 18 verdier of guilty after delibera Ung for several hours Forkey was killed, evidence shows ed, uring a brawl in his cabin in which Primak and Forkey came to blows after they had argued over the correct ehange for a $0 hill which Primak tendered to Forkey, Forkey was found in a dying condition when police arrived, his fage and head bat tered to a palp FAVOR NEW ROAD IN NORTHERN ONTARIO (Ry Conadian Pies Lemaed Wie) North Bas Nov, id=The pro posed highway from North Bay, to Teminkaming, Que, was the sub. Jeot of an Important vesolution at the meeting of the olty counoll last night, The Ontario provincial gov. ernment will he asked to make an tmmediata sue ARG Aan estimate of coats of the highway, sons featured the oveasion, The photographs here show! (1) Mew, MH. Gay, president of adios' ausils lary, of Oshawa Beate, No. di, places wreath on memorial shaft a memorial service, (8) Heautifal | wreath from Whilthy Post 1189, Canadian Leglon, placed - on cenos France Launched Huge Submarine Ahead of Schedule Paris, Nov, 100=The Mure cont, the world's biggest subs marine, was lnunched st Chere bourg yesterday ahead of the seheduled date of its christen. inl, There was no effort, hows over, to keep the lnunching ses eret, The whole Breton couns tryside was present, the princls clpal guest being the grands son of the famous Corsale of Nt, Malo after whom the ves sel In named, No official information as to the alae of the submarine has boon given out, though It Is known (0 be more than B,000 tons, Still No News Of Lost Fliers Dominion Explorers Officials | However, Are Not Alarmed (Ry Canndian Press Losssd Wire) Winnipeg, Nov, 19 Homewards hound from a two months battle with the wintry elements of the Avotio far north, eight fliers today vested for the seventh day aines they left Bathurst Inlet on the aly journey to the south--and home, With them were four pllota and the commander of the rescue patrol, Capt, Guy | Nlanchet, Unpromis ing weather conditions in the bars ren area south of Bathurst were hellevad to have forced the party to walt for a favorable turn before proceading to the next radio stas tion, Fort Resolution, Col, MacAlpine's party left Nath uret Inlet a week ago today and have been out of touch with the olviliged world sinee that time, OF ficial here of Dominion Explorers, of which Col, MacAlpine a presi dent, refuse to become alarmed at the lack of reports from the party though they are unable te account for the week's delay, except to at tribute it to poor existing ftiying conditions nv Nulgaria, Nov, 19=The Bei oneh and Ialian minister jointly approached the government today and suggested Bulgaria must pay off ite reparations account in annual installments of 12,800,000 francs (about $000.000), The foreign office will give ity reply after con sultation with delegates now in Paris and with the cabinet conned, Soha ish, ---- Lord Byng Ill Fem london, Nov, 1he=lon mang of Vimy, former he omgoneral of Canada, did not PARE A VOry ge night, accords mg to his physicians, He is suffering from a alight Hines and his condition Is not cons sidered sortows, (M) Lieut, Taylor and (4) Capt, Whitfield, two of those In charge of military parade, (DB) Whithy's splendid memorial shaft, (0) HW, MeNee, president of Whithy branch of Canadian Teglon, and (7) Rev, Capt, Best, Whithy, who taph, Police NO INDUCEMENT IN WATERWAYS PLAN (By Ken Clark, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Nov, 19«Nao Induce ment in offered to Canada for agree ing with the United States upon the St La Waterways project in the opinion of Congressman Stephen Walluce Dempuey York chalr man of the rivers and harbors coms mittee of the house of representa tives, Mr, Dempsey Is an admitted leader of the opposition te the St Lawrence project, favoring the con struction of the pecalled nll-Amerl Cun wilerwa Congressman Bertrand H, Snell, al wo of rk, intimated recently he might Introduce an resolution Into congress nt the coming session which would permit an expression of opin that body upon the St, Laws plan Irene \ NOW New Yi lon by rence Canadian Press sald the Canadian erdeveloped and amply develop ed" He mentioned the regent com pletion of the Hudson Bay rail route and the extension of Canadian trans snortation toward the Orient through Vancouver, The St Lawrence, he auld, would never be more than an Dempuey Speaking to vesterda rallwayvs were "on Canadian waterwa took part In the service, outlet for grain First Steg Taken Towards ii Hol of Convention by Liberal Party of Ontario Plan Search For Pilot of Wrecked Plane Carl Eielson's Acroplane Crashed While on Re- lief Expedition (By Canndian Press Lonsed Wire) Nome, Alaska, Nov, 1h=l're parationn for an aerial expedition to go to the ald of Carl Ben Kiel noted Avotle aviator whose plane was reported seen of Siberia helng made by hin Dore MON, wrecked on the leeshbound oonst nine days ago, were at Teller, Alanka, today companion flyer, Frank brand! Word that the Rielson's plane had been sighted 40 miles from the fee-hound fur trading ship Nanuk, whose passens goers and valuable cargo Rielson and Dorbrandt had been removing to Alaska by alr, reached here yes terday hut there was no Informa tion ax to the fate of the explorer himepelt Rince the news of the wreok came by radio from Nanuk, it was presumed that natives traveling along the const with dog teams had slghted Klelpon's plane and had brought word of it to the ship, SOVIET PRESSING ATTACK ON CHINESE wm------ wreokage of Two Cities on Chinese East: orn Railway Bombed From Air -- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tokyo, Nov, 19<=Nowspaper teles grams (ftom Manchuria today seem od 10 indicate Soviet forces were pressing their attacks against Chine exe troops simultaneously fram hoth ends of the Chinese eastern railway, A Harbin message yuoted a Chin dae report that two Soviet aeroplanes bombed, Khatlar on the western see tion of the rallivay yesterday, At tht same time several other aiveralt bombed the Chinese. military heads quarters at Khatlan on the eastern section of the railway Chinese Pirates Active Nong Nonge=Two guards have been Killed, M0 passengers Kidnapped and $20,000 loot taken in renewed pis vate attacks near that city believed caused hy removal of troops from Nwantung. The passengers are being held for vagpom, \ * \ Toronto, Nov, 10 A moeting of the Liberals of Ontario will be held in the near future, ancoording to an announcement by MH, HW, Johnson, pooretary of the Ontario Liberal Association, following a large gas thering of the Management Cons mittee and Liberals representing all sections of the Provinces of On tavlo held yesterday In the ofoen of the association at 807 Reford Dultding, with W, B, N, Binelalr, of Oshawa, the party leader, among those present, senator A, C, Hardy, of Brook ville, President of the Ontario Libs eral Association, presided, and the present situation and outlook of the party was thoroughly oanvanss od, partioularly the suggestion that had heen made wince the election that a convention of Ontario Libs orale should be held, Liberals from Western Ontario, Northern Ontario and Eastern Ons tarlo, ae well aa Central Ontario, wore all optimistio regarding the prospects of the party, At yesterday's gathering It waa doolded to hold a meeting of the Ontario Liberal Assoolation at the discretion of the President and the Committees of Management, at which meeting the question of oall ing & convention will be considered, EE -------------------- Bruce Deposed Is Party Head New Leader I Chosen By Nationalist Party of Australia Canberra. Australia, Nov, 10. Replagement of Rt, Hon, Stanley Wruee, former prime minister, aa leader of the Nationalist party and the possible formation of a new party hy those nationalists opposed 10 the party's poliey, are consequ- ances of the party's decisive defeat in the recent Australian general cleotions Hon, J. 6G, Latham, awttorney-general in Nruce government, waa today oleoted loader of « the nationaliat party in wuocceasion to Mr, Rruee, United States War Secretary Passes who waa the former Washington, Nov, 18 «James W, Good, seoretary of war, died last night after Blood-polsoning finally overwhelmed his courageous resis. anos, The oabinet member died at Walter Reed hospital, wheve last Wednesday he nnderwent an emer poncy operation for appendicitis, Sinee thon he had wavered, aaldom conscious, He was unconscious throughout the day and hope had heen aban. doned hours before death ocour red at 8.37 pa Station RESOLUTION PASSED AT LAST NIGHT'S MEETING TO HAVE NEW PLANS PREPARED a, Discussion of Erection of Public Lavatory Turns Ine to Debate on Necessity of New Quarters for Police Department PLAN TO BUILD ON RICHMOND STREET No Definite Decision, How« ever, Is Likely to be Made by This Year's Council, But Plans Will Be Ready for 1930 Alans will be police station on the ner of Richmond and Prince where the market building stands, A public lavatory may bullt alongside it, This deelslon was made by the eity counell last night after a long and wenrled discussion, whieh originated with an innogent recommendation of an special committee working on tha question, that a public lavatory be erected on Hond street, just east of Simcoe Street, at a cost of WPProx« imately $25,000, This recommendation was finally turned down by the eouns which decided that, (I a publia lavatory was constructed all, ig should be placed an the city pros perty on Richmond street I'he report of the special commits tee on public lavatories was presents ed by the members of the committen, Alderman Carnell, Boddy and Hars man, The committee naked anrhority 10 take vp an option secured on uw blaek of land with 37 feet frontaga on the north side of Hond street hes tween Simeee and Ontario streets, with 80 feet depth, at a cost of $13.48 S00, the option expiring Nov, JO, The building would provide ladies and fonts lavatories, mother rest room, and a room for a shoe shine parlor, the operator of which could take cara of the building, thus saving consider able of the expense of operation, If wl aecond storey were constructed, of flees could be placed In it, saving the ity from $1,000 to 42,000 per year in rentals, it was reported, It was not feasible to combine of« fices with the project, said Alderman Preston, who introduced the question ol a police station into the diseuss ston, A police station should be tha first consideration if any publid buildings were to be constructed, ha sald, THe fire hall had been repaired sufficiently to last for -- YOurs, and the council had thus definitely abandoned the idea of a sombined fire hall and police station, The separate police building should ba gone ahead with at once, on Rich mond street, with a public lavatory adjoining It \ The publie lavatory question was a live issue and it, was a geal negess sity in the eity, declared Alderman Boddy, The matter of including ofs fices in the building and other des (Continued on Page 10) ' TARIFF LIKELY = TOBE ISSUE IN NEXT ELECTION Premier King Makes Ape peal to Alberta Liberals To Get Together (By R, K, Carnegie, Canadian Presg Staff Writer) Calgary, Nov, 19.=The next general election in Canada would probably be fought on the tariff question Prine Minister W, L, Mackensie King said at a meeting held here ant hi hy He appealed to the people of Ts provines of Alberta, which now sendy 30 many United Farmer members ta Ottawa, Ho urged those who held © Liberal principles and were opposed 0 high tacit to get together, A united front of progressive thoughy and action should face a common Lonservative toe, Speaking in the home town of Hong R, B, Bennett, Conservative leaden, Mr, King paid a tribute to the spirig of Mr, Bennett in' co-operating 'ta keep debate in parliament on a hgh level and in expediting the business of the House of Commons, In doin this, Mr, Bennett had not sacrifice the interests of the party which ha ted, however, Mr, Rennett showed the influence of the company he was keeping, He should have stuck weit hs people of the middle west in tha tarifl matters after he became Cone servative leader The word "protection" had "beer prepared for a new south-east cors sifeets, now ba ell, at (Continued on Page 10) wa { 2

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