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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1929 To Na me Male In Conference on the Subway Scheduled for Yesterday Failed City Officials and Legs! Counsel Waited About the Toronto, City Hall All Day, but C.N.R, Officials Failed to Put in Appear. ance NO HEADWAY WAS MADE IN DAY'S WAIT Application by Oshawa lor Rehearing of Subway Judgment of Last Year Was Postponed in the the Rallway The conference between 1h officials and representatives of Canadian National Rallwiys, was scheduled for yesterday noon at the Toronto eity hall, Jwil ed to materialize, Although the elly officials and the elty's legul advisers waited all day, the CNR, represen tatives failed to put In an appens ance, and the conference was (her for non existant, No progress whatever wi the subway matier hy the terday, In the morning, the elty's ap Preaion for a rehearing of the Judy ment iasued by the Board of Kall way Commissipners for Canada last year, was sent over fo & session ol the Board In January, at the request of the CNR, one of the rallwiays counsel having failed to secure sume information whieh he desired Ihe rallway alse had several other cases before the board during the day, keeping its counsel and representa tives busy all afternoon The rehearing whieh the elty wus ranted, was for the purpose of eleu up several points in the orlglnul judgment hen it was contended, were not clear, After the Judgment has been in terpreted satisfactorily, the Hoard will issue an order for the construe tlon of the subway, on being: + quested to do sa by either the rail way or the elty, The subway will b gonstructed by the railway decording to the pla approved by the Board and the eliy's share of the cost as essed on it, The estimate pf the sos y $250,000, of whieh ®IOU000 will came from the Rallway Grade Cross Fund, $86,000 from the CNR, and city thi whieh aliey made on £1) yes | defonted, 11-4, Morning at the Request of | Hy subsidiary, the Oshawa Nallway 2 Bony and #4000 from the eu During the recent drought Hagland when wateving of tennis | epurts was prohibited, some courts were sprinkled with. salt to al treet moisture TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY EE EN - LOAT==RATURDAY ANTRHNOON between Taunton and Tamaruok fwamp, # mood black robe With plack lining, Anyone having same notity Russell Htainton, Phone 1648 r 1:2, (1188) a] Auction Sale AUCTION HALR OF HOUSE properties belonging to the olty of Oshawa, Bix room frame house known sa 188 Burke street, Brick veneer house known as 184 Naw sau Bt, being in the city of Oshe awa, Township of Basi Whithy, County of Ontario, Provipes of Ontario, To he sold by publio au tion Saturday, November 2ivd, at 2 o'tloek pom, Thess houses are belng sold with the understanding that they will he moved off the jots within a certain time, The fength of time given will he an nounced at time of sale, Terma of sale 10 per cent cash at time of sale and balance hefore the houses are moved off the lots, A: OC, LYCRTT, Auctioneer ¥, B, HARE Oty Clerk, aS SD (1180) Coming Events 8 Conta per worl each In | sertion, Minimam charge each insertion, Bde, UNBEAM OHMAPTER ORDER OF the Kastera Star will hold a rin of Bagland Hal), vember 21at, at A home *oooking, ehicken patil ® ten, ete (i118) GREENWOOD YOUNG PEOPLE 4 iaring Anne', Albert Btreet United Ohuroh, Thuraday, Now, 21; & pw, Admission ho (118 2 WELFARE LEAGQUR home cooking Saturday ; a starting 12 noon, 43 West, (118-120-121) hoydh OR UARRE DANCING Rn Benes y Courtice. tos : an , Muale hy Boh Wood's i Rell, { 1180) Y Mhe rellef situation, 0 Materialize COUNCIL CONFIRMS LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MAGISTRATE Motion to Rescind Action of Last Meeting Is Defeated a he six months' leave ef abe gence for Magistrate Hind, with hall pay, authoriged hy the oly eounell nt He last meeting, Was ups held Just night when the connell A motion te rescind this wotlon The metlon to vescind the ena iased ut the last mesing was made iy Alderman Carnell and Harman, Alderman Carnell declared (hat he recognised (he services that Magls trat® Hind had rendered, nus wat ed thot t was not right to allow him ghout $006 of un allowsnce while on leave of nhsenes, when there were go many people in the oity suffering from poverty, dis tress and unemployment Ha did not oppose the leave of absences, hut only the granting of half pay during the six months, he sald Alderman Harman remarked that un factory worker was not ul lowed pay while he was slek] and pointed out that there were many men who wanted work to earn # Hiving and could net get it Alderman Mart declaved that ne indigent man In Oshawa whe ever refused aid On the motion helng yeus and nave were oalled man Carnell, Harman and Pres ton supported the motion to re soind the leave of absence, and Al derman I, A, MaeDonald, WH, Jack: fon, Marries, Hart, R, MeDonnid, Roddy, Perry, Disney, Douglass, MH, Jaekeon end Mason opposed it, MINISTERS BACK FEDERATION T0 HANDLE RELIEF put, the Alder Association Wants | Organization to Take Care of Transients The Co-Operative Wrecutive Feds) 18 gration that 1s being formed in this oity to handle the question of re Hef, was given hearty andorsation hy the Oshawa Ministerial Assbola tion ab Ita meeting yesterday Mia meeting wan a special ane whieh had heen ealled to diseuss the question of relief, so that the mintaters and ehureh organisations of the elty eould unite and work together In handling the whole problem of pelief to members of the respective churehes, as well as to the transients who applied at the minieters' doors for ald, After the ministers had decided to eall this special meeting, however, the mevement 16 organise A commun ity federation was put on foot, thereby co-ordinating the work of the ehurches and the avark of the various other soolal serviea organ leations In the olty, making the proposad action on the part of the ministers unnecessary as a separate unit The Association passed a motion alrongly endorsing the principle of A community federation to handle and added a rider that the ministers hoped that vallef to the transients wha hegred at doors for food, ete, would also he handled entively through the federation, The meeting was ats tended hy most of the members of the Assoclationft and was presided aver by Rev, O, KB, Cragg, president, LOCAL LEGION TO VISIT TODORDEN a. -_-----e- While thera will 'be ne regular meeting of the Oshawa Hmnoh of the Canadian Legion this week, the members of the branch will have a trip on Thursday evening to the Todmorden Nraneh, whieh han Invited the local Legionnaires to Join with it In a special meeting on that night, It I expected that 0 large party of the Oshawa members will make the trip, which in to be taken by oar, The party 1s 10 assemble at the warket huild. Ing, on Richmond street, at 6.10 BW ready ta move off, #0 as to reach the Todmorden club rooms at elght o'eloek, AR members of the Lesion ave cordially invited to joln the party for thin important mterhraneh visit, Died POWERS -0n Sunday, Novem her 17th, 182%, Catharine Har net, widow of the late Thomas Pawar, used 80 yveam Funeral trom the residence of her sister, Mra, William Wraaley, 4% Royal Stveet, on Weduesday, November Oth 1899 at 8.30 Am, ereate terest in this provineial elec Gregory's Church | ti for Masa at st at 8.00 o'clock Interment eTBrack regen ys Cemetery, WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE ORGANIZED TO AID THE POOR Present Unemployment And| Hardship Prompts This Action ASK DONATIONS Members of League Will Mend Old Clothes and Bed- ding for the Destitute ---- In view of the present unemys ys ment in the oity and the promise of greater hardship during the winter, a number of the women of Oshawn have formed themeslyes into nu 'Women's Wellure Leaguu to look after as many of the de serving canes as they are abies, Ax this unemployment Is Hkely to re aur from time to time they have decided to make IL a permanent society The Women's Welfare League 1s halng formed (0 take care of (he unfortunate and often very dessry Ing people The function of the soelety 1s to collect and mend all the old elothes (hey ean secure They are at present canvassing the town for these, also for bedding or anything else that may be of use, They request that theses art leg be an elean as possible as Lhey wre mended and If necessary wished by the members them wolves Tonve Articles at Times OMes A room has been loaned to the society In the bullding of the Qsh awa Dally Times, Bimeos street south, Anyone may leave old clothes ov other articles there for the society to take care of If this is Impossible, eitigens cap phone Mra, IL, G, Mille, 1040-0, and ane will attend to thie collecting The society hope to keep these rooms open from three to five o'vloek every day for the purpose of dis tribvting the clothes te sehool ohildren or anyone requiring them, New clothes are also helng made and It 1s hoped to he able | to provide layettes for bables as well as underwear for women and children, "There will also be mon alu Hoon | | | | made cooking Is to tala place next Local | Baturday ut 46 King street went, | | | | ey for shoes and other necessities provided by the memhers The organisation will alse huey feel! in the matter of ralalng mon oy Havers! sohemes are already on foot Latters are helng written to some of the sading manufacture ere, requesting donations, It 1s pro posed to raffle a hope-chest al Christmastime A sale of home foan V, Lander's conl-ofilea Has M0 Members There ure at present elghty lad 108 balonglng to this woolety An goon As It 1s entively organiead It hoped to greatly inerease this numhey The members are divid od Inte chapters and meet avery other week for the purpose of sew ng, The wenaral convener 18 Mrs AM, N\ Gowdy, the pecretary in Mrs KB, V, Lander and the treasurer is Mra, T, 1, Caldwell, The soolety hopes for the hearty co-operation of the oity that it may prow Into Hext to K | something really worth while MUNICIPAL GOVT, 0 COME BEFORE COUNCIL AGAIN Alderman Carnell Gave Not. ice of Motion at Meeting | Last Night The question of "wmicipal govern ment in Oshawa will again come bes fore the city council at its next meot ing, At the meeting last night, Aldes man Carnell gave noties of motion that, at the next meeting of the coun. ell, he would move that the recoms mendations of the general purpose Sominities oh the question be adopt pt I'he general purpose committge's recommendations were that the sae of the council be reduced to 10 als dermen instead of the present 1§ and that the tern of office of alder: men be two vears instead of oye, his would be done hy electing two aldermen from each ward, each of them being elected for a two year term exeept at the first election, when one would he elected for one yoar and one for two, In this way, there womld be one alderman to elect from cach ward each year, This would mean that at least hall of the ol compel would continue in office nto the new vear, which, it has heen stats ed, would bring about greater eons tinaity of the work of the councd rom one year to the next and al low a longer program of eivie work to be mapped out, Alderman Carnell has been perals tently pressing the question of ohan ROS In munioipal government throughs out the yearn, and although some of hs proposals have been defeated by the council; these two recommenda tions have not yet fallen hy the way side, When they were presented to thy council in October, they were re forred back to the committee until als ter the connell had conpldered the pe tition of ratepayers made in 19R which was later ignored upon the advice of the ehry solicitor Eh A Bt. | It has been about: as difficuly to nas IAs to ponerate enthusiosm about hoekey in midseason =Hrock | ville Recorder and Times spector To As PAGE THREE -- CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | ASKS GAS PUMP PERMIT George Bateman, 102 Chureh street waked permission of the eounell last night to Install a gasoline pomp # Chureh and Willis streets, The up plication was referred to the general purpose eommitice, NO AIR MAP WANTED The connell Tast night declded to Whe no action on the suggestion ol the Chamber of Commerce that wn uerinl photogriph he taken of (li city and that phuns he prepared therefrom, URANT TO BOUCER CLUB A grant of $100 was made hy tha eity council last hight to the Oshawa Natlonals Football Club, The grant was requested hy the ¢lub to help mest the defleit the elub experienced this year, OVERNEAN CHIRINTMAN MALL Parcels and other mall for delly- ory In Wuropgan countries before Christmas, should he mulled with In the next ten duys and at the very latest to connect with the MK "Duchess of Atholl" from Halut John, December 0, GIT BODAY TERM Dan Bharidan received (hirty dayn In the county Jall when ha way sonvieted by Magistrate Wilis polies court today on & charge of being Intoxlenied This was his second offense, Mheridan, who was nrrested last week, was offered the option of a fine of #0 and goats but he chose to take the yey Hin term commences from his arrest LTH the date of ABK FOR BEWMNRS I'he oMelnl board of Albert United ehureh usked the gity wi night to have uo sewer recently opened extension of OI avenue, Albart street to Ce wtreet were leo unk Richmond street east, from Cen tal Park boulevard to Patriela uy enue, und on Central Park bouldvard from King street to Richmond street All of the petitions were referred to the Boprd of Works, TRAFFIC DECREASES With the season well wl thre var ked dg the t highway, ei ity, Lust treet whe lust luld on the ye UIT oun rom Sowers wut Is Huw rai (81 vineed ef 0 In Kip CLI ny ruil fun und \ through tha ID Hosted sinner conditions or Wd he particularly con ho hind in frequent trip UE occasion tu ae highway fo Loranto highway other route rontu, INNTAL NTRERT C1GHTN The eity vounctl last night auth origed three street lights on Ht on road south the west slide one at No, 1060, one at No, 280, and one Just north of the CPR, tracks; three on Clark street, east slide AL Macey avenue, one north of Bae Coy avenue and one south gf Ntaoey avenue, three on Patriela avenue north of Riehmond wstreat] and on Hilleroft street, one at the turn east of the pavement, one Just eas of the oar barns, and one at Ritson road, ere gunvinged that th should be between duplicated hy un sh A and on LLL HUNT CLUB HELD REV. HUGHESAT UNIQUE BANQUET, CALVARY BAPTIST Amusing and Interesting Touches to After-Hunt he members of the Oshawa Hunt Club, recently returned from | thely annval hunt on the French River, held a get-together banquet Inst night at Weloh's Parlours, All momboers of this year's hunt ware present, also quite a number of the old members who have not ween attending the Lunt of late, the pa ty numbering about forty, A full course dinner was served wig all the trimming, the principal item on the menu heing venison sleak smothered tn onfons, Place oards were arranged for eaoh at the ta bles, which were set in the shape of & horseshoe, With a amall table for six set In the centre Old Time Hunters' Table When all had located hole places, ft wan found that seated at the amall table In the centre wore six of the older members of the olub, Mesars, Geo, Miller, CO, M, Mundy, Wm, Holland, Art Oa. mond, Wm, Armour and Dy, Tre win, While the main tables were laid with fine ohina and allver ward, it was found that the small table conalated of three hoards wet on twe wooden horsea partly cove ered with an old plece of white oll oloth, the seats bhelng vough planks got on ¥oap boxes, At each place Was a tin ple plate, a curious collection of odd knives, forks ana | APOORN, A quaint gem jar of wa ter, and the table lighted hy oan dles get on empty bean and salmon oans, Tt was quite typloal of an old time hunters' lay out, While guests at the main table were served first with delielons ohloken soup, those at the special table got a bowl of soup consiating of a chunk of dog blaoult tn hot water, Then, white guests at the malin tables got thelr venison steaks, the six at the apes olal table were served with various parts of the anatomy of a deer not usually eaten, such as hoads, ears, hoots, tails, ete, ote, teresting Program CG, B, MoTavish acted as chain man, and after dinner a program Was oarvied out, consisting of speeches, songs, ohoruses, stories and experiences of thia year's hunt, oto, And a moat enjoyable evening ABK GRANT The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Cans udiun Legon last night presented to the counell un request for the usu rant to this organigation for Christ- mins cheer work, HONORARIUM GRANTED An honorarium of #50 was ordered to be pwd 10 Mes, M, Culling st the elity eounell meeting last night, Mrs, Culling did first aid work at Lake view Parke this summer, and recently presented uw report on her wetivities to the eounell, WATER POI CITY VARM The water commission of the elty was waked by the council last night to estimate the cost of providing ety water tor the city turm, The wolls at the elty farm were roecontly condemned hy the department of heath os heltig unsanitary, and the water not of good quality, GOLF STREET EXTENSION I'he extension bi Golf street north wlong the western side of Alexandra Parle will not he procesded with at | ihe present time, the counell deeded Inst night, The proposal to extent this street wie made hy the town planning commission last year, hut the counell hus not fo take any uetion on nf TO AUCTION HOUNKN The proposed sale by tenders of the buildings on the land bought ta extend John stroet from Nassau to Burk street has proved unsugs vonsful, win reported by the city property committes to the olty vounotl last night, The council de olded to well them by aunetion on futurday afternoon | WOMUTT AND JF MIBNING | ha pale looks Hie Mutt and Jott," wu notices on the police hiol tor stated this morning In doserib Ing the appearance of two lads who oueaped from the Vieworin Indus trinl Behool, yosterdua) he Dove, Kimey wont, uged seventeen, und Gernld Cary, sania 4ue, wars re ported to have bean heading to Oehawn, Hweol la six feel and one inoh taal while his companion Cary siveteh out to four net, Kyidently the pair the famous team commie wirip fame, seen fit enn only thuge Inchon would resemble of newaspupol LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTED FINE PLAY BY BARRIE En + Alice « Sit - by « the - Fire" Played At Rotary Hall Last Night SPLENDID COMPANY Eu Clever Performance by Little Theatre Players Greatly Enjoyed The magle of Barrie, the master of fantany, satire, drama and coms ody held sway Inst night at the Notary Hall, where a capable company, under the ausplees of the Oshawa Little Theatre, pre wonted his delightful thres-act iay, "AlecosBit-By-The-¥Vire," This pay & one of the host things Bar tie haw done, and 11 ts much used hy Little Theatre movements hes onune of {tn appeal to all who reals ly Uke something that in different something that hes an emotions! sppeal, and something that pros vides an evening's entertainment of the highest type, And produe ed with the genius und art of John Cralg, with a splendidly-uelectad onnt, aut night's presentation was something that hronght the full vit of credit, not only to Mr, Crile nnd his players, hut also to the Little Theatre, which Is now In its second session of endsavour to bring the paople of Oshawa Home the gems of English drama, "Aloe Rilsby-the-Fire"" fy un haps Fy. blending of those, qualities whigh wo to make Duarrie's plays wo delightful The theme of It, that af two wentimentally foolish young girlie, sated with too mueh of the theatrical; presentation of fe. hy An extensive cours In thestve-go ing, trying (to apply the drama of the stare to real fe thevrehy oreating the most absurd and de Hehtful situations. made It fw einating to wateh from tha darg wide of the footlights There were flaws In the performance, the tn of nn ure on the luok for tha boys, as It is suid that tallap of the two has an aunt Iding tn Oshawa | The out fhe | Bi | BRITISH MAILS | | Mails for Grest Beitedo smd Karepe | jl ut the Osh pv Post Chee Rl following | the next loon! police ut] our during | week | Por York Lotter \ OF 19 Leviuthan from W opm, Ni close i vi Y ork, ellos 40, 1 W etter mall ons oi W [ 10 1 York, pm Duchess of from | I 7.30 nails 8, (Hype 7.30 pany, ) M ' es al No 0, All from New York mull ) i " \ | \ elosey J I, Letter mail onl { Ww 8 Minnedosa, for Moireal, 0 pon, Nov, 24 AIL mails 1 \ (Rl LL ohiiracters sould not have heen chosen with greater skill than they were, and they acquitted themuelves uplendid from (he first plguent weena until the Anal our (Continued an page 10) "Prophets" Dasy In Veanee Although pollee offlelals of Yrance are frowning onthe grow ing number of "experts in the are operating In all parts of the gountry and thelr profits this year will total, necording to estimates mores than $2,000,000, NT fn, wa p-- sist Social Service Worker Impossible for One Person To Invegtigate All Relief Requests, Council Finds PROGRESSIVE CITY [cry Goneil Decide Tha MUST ESTABLISH A SUITABLE AIRPORT for Work on City Relief Gangs, Should Be Investi- Eerl Hand, of Toronto Fly- ing Club, Addresses gated Local Rotarians ATTITUDE SCORED Alderman Preston De nounces Men Who Make Big Salaried Part of Year, But Require City Relief in the Winter FACTORY WORKERS' " rapld development of aviation wits stressed by afl Hund; member of the Toronto Rotary Club, president of the Toronto Flying Club and pre Went of thi Alveraft Com pany In high! mstructive yl sented yesterda tar lunch eon meeting of the Club, My Hund the attention pf Ws audience and felt by present that he « into helghts of oratory h BOR The Nutionu! Interesting vhieh wa i und A mule inspector will he appoints Miss DD, Farncombe, ety clad service worker, in handling the relied rk wt the ey, 'The prins olpat of providing assistance for Miss Varneombiy was decided upon by the ghity eounell at its meeting last night, but th It er al wn appointment wh left th commities with pow to met wild ress ul the re Waotur fnrnest I Wis uld vith he with the whle an wdvo will ill thi skill Inte aur HE mu und conhdence a the wiry height which he Is so The speaker petus which wa | the the were Cin chine of lo finance a1 Hi of il pon Carnell, endment Jueknon wppoint a male Inspegs \dermen Press heing carried with hy Aldermen Boddy that the mutter of left in the hands with power ) A ote referred to tl in en tae wvintion | found that they ured hy uh 1 YW ition ust devel Caren 1] wireran i" themselye in th to maintain strum Hi the the majorh f plane hi were bullt ot that time ere en structed hasti! ith the result th Tre proportion of them found 10 he heen wtillaed for a At the ¢ lnston Hand st hye BT] inl A farmed Hwhed hetwe Many county referred 10 imino of velopment pf 4 of the to wet Cannot Investigate All Cases It was humanly impossible for any persgn to thoroughly investigate Cin that coming Hi Farnam! vd Alderman While she was making full ite reports on the indigents relief from the eity, sible for her to cheel securing work on the inter f | panty by finance committe eh n tl ore had n th Mo usc ware ME Preston nd wdequ putuall of If Wis up city It 18) ring ing HY tho relief nt mn ennection tor 100 men on the hovel gang of th ut to half time, to give who had worked in & perahps Ave big wages, months mor Yet many labor hail wen Hvin high all summer, paying tillments on a piano, & radie and « as unital thi piek rporta he ular an (M1) I" \ gonbinees lation a wld ( ite fv inl if if thie i" unl wall | | | | in ity for aleing a Tew r all year relief t ih to en tory ( "w 5 I A LL feh | an ined vhieh wished ] | times eondd thin n the labor woplying for I 1 ! led tl} Lin | at goeult, the dealers In dark socrats | nh ! ak One mun had driven nearly to in a large sedan, 1a relief, Alderman Preston sald ha have heen living beyond should be taught a le nd i Goorge Hart] eh municipal niroor Hii {ca | the elt wm, Th NY by y intradpeed hy Fran "ho while Stan Everson ov ed dhl of thonks for the splendid ac | i whieh had been glven ohn Means 'vole (Continued on page 1a) IT'S THE CUT | | | | | Mauretanla, from New 730 pam, Novy } FA) ou | York, closes Lotter mall at nly Preached Stirring Sermons At Services Held On Sunday | ol | Abt Calvary Baptist Church Bun day, Nev, Albert Hugher, ND, A, Home Director of the Sudan Inter { lox Misslon, oeoupled the pulpit, [preaching siifing sermons at both [morning and evening Nervioss, In the morning, Rev, My, Hughes took as hin subleet, "Tha Business of Nvery Nellever,' drawing a los son from the personal testimony of Andrew, whosa only recorded min: | lBtry was in the nature of 'personal | work' for the Master, At the sven: Ing service an unanswerable guess' tion of seripture was repeated and emphasined: "How shall we ssodpe It we neflect wo great Ralvation?" | The saving power of Christ covers Ing tha penalty of past sin, the pow. er of present sin and the future judgment of sin waa strongly strea- | god by tha preacher, Rev, Mr, Hughes will supply the pulpit and be the acting pastor of Calvary Chureh for a period of sev oral weeks, until the end of the present year at least, He was for [aovoral Yoars pastor of High Park Haptint Chureh, ane of the leadin® Raptist Churches in the west end of Toronto | wr - . { HYDRO SERVICE IS INTERRUPTED WHEN TRANSFORMER BURNS roam A transformer situated on hydro standard on King street onst, immediately in front of the new Motel Oshawa, burst inte | flames at noon today and the five brigade wan called to extinguish the hlase, Although little damage was dons hydro service was inter rupted in the husiness section and the stopsandsgo slanal lights al the intersection of King and Sime 008 streets went out of order, The Avdro vepalr department was on the Joh almost immediately and the hydro service was resumed ab ter a delay of a tow minutes Holland who, at the oritioal mos was apent hy all, During the eves Ving a presentation of a lap dog vas mage to My. Geo, Miller, The | areventation waa made hy Wii ment, lod In a hye dog weighing about 160 ha on a two inch rope about thivty feet long, Mr. Millen, of course, made a firing reply | | | OF MAJESTIC SERGE EXHIBIT During this week we are having a special display of our feature blue suits=~Majestic Serge. Majestic Serge, loomed exclusively for Society Brand, is distinguished for its excellence of fabric and wearing qualities. tailored as only these makers are able to~this suit deserves a place in the wardrobe of every well dressed man. Available at a price that is undeniably of real value. In single and double. breasted models See our Majestic Serge exhibit this week JOHNSTON'S Simcoe St. North YOUR CLOTHES THAT COUNTS Visit Our Styled and +45 it's a visit worth.while. Phone 676

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