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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1929, p. 6

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THE DtnawA DAILY ie. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1929 aa omen's Interests i The Women's Corer 4d a in to the House: Books are a decorative ast to pr household as well as sone ence of the active mental life zur on therein, Their disposition wel as thelr constant increase ls often p oblem, Hardly a woom in & modery hi should be without them, Cer- tainly all the bedrooms end ving rooms should have their quota an every kitchen and service quarters need space for eook-hooks, secant: ng, hooks and books on household ets, Libraries as such are becoming fn- creasingly rave, I'he living rookt » sorhs he master's study or the bo oh that would All them oH dishosed bl o bout the house generally, 'The noel fihty inclined hunt wvidly for Jos and corners and pounce with we on any that eould be eonverfe hook shelves, 'The general wr of the room shoule he eonside when placing hooks, On an oldefase hioned house where the fireplace ears vies @ vather heavy mantel hook gases flanking it throw that end of the room out of proportion, It would be better to halance that fireplace 'with cases on the opposite wall, not neeess sarily & single unit but possibly di- vided towards the corners, : Sometimes a lang room with a group of windows at the end ean achieve an amazingly dignified and important look hy mnning the books cases right to th@top giving ample space in turn, for our modern obs noglous radiators A very decorative unit for a team where hook space is searee | I . 3 Pn is the break front books ¢ with a fat-1op desk incon raed "he centre and meely | doar above, If pis on the oppos i the mantel 0 insures es oh % to balance, in the thickness of the i ney soliétinies i old hawses § he Rgor used wre pleasin Saorsas ba they have nice Ty oF ori kh A pair of corner, euphonrds or possibly even four might be built inte a symmetries! room on square lines with evenly spaced window and door openings, Bedrooms should always possess their supply. of hooks, Attractive Jit: tle shelves finished in matehing wood for the rest of the hedroom furniture are very appropriate, These may be placed some place convenient to the hed, For in ese days, very often the only hours we h hot time to rend Hiposeln Hy and wel y is oh before sleeping, Pam, Along Your avorlie Recipes he editor of th of the Women's Pake would greatly appre ate It If any readers who have good vecipes fov Christ mas enkes and puddings would send them in to ber, Bhe will he pleased to puhlish these and any other favorite rosipas, Also, she will be to offer any sugkestions that may help to solve prob. lems that crop up from day tg day, In this business of hougsaspins. Please an» all letters to Editor of Women's Page, Oshawa Dally Times, The photographs reproduced here ave most vocont poviesits of Princess Mavie Jose of Belgium and Prince Umberto of Haly, Whose engagement was recently announce ed, The wedding, so It Is reports od, IW ta take place in Kaly, Ane nouncesnont of the engagement was occasion of much yejoleln in both Waly nnd Belglam and nlso an attempt on the Prince's Hee Copyright, 1080, Pacific and Atlan the Photos Ti aad i - bl ol a sed Both Sides Of the Border Ae rea than tte rt ok wad oor Beaith a 4 two hour ys M mother tr pi. worv | ha if gon pou ys pir not vi wo sitang and an hab ba yr h "com Iainin 1 dP fad 0 am ers, Mn FLEET FRGTGY, Lvdia E. Vegetable t | hl Vied w ovary woman | [ ne "Ae oun FILER 3 ord Avenue, Huitale, N, ¥, " -- Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for 8 | nervousnessptired feelings and Mfletweight and it helped me to general healt Mt Com. | fatves te fue jotter | A pep, ha sper to now and feel Vhaifood son, I am a housewife and le to do my work every ay [am willing to answer any ra 1 receive from women h askin abotit Vegetable Com. ound. "==Mrs, John Filer, Pinkham's Compound vila ER do A Funeral Service of Reverent Refinement Whatever in deference to your moderate, you a a eo 7 This ta ane of a series of senlptuiil masterpieces appearing on tambs of the Fompaatnte Slavin (Cometory) of Conon, Monument in engraved Put porivars a widaw dats » chia to the father's ofigy ile the other shild in at prayer, expense you d be am ogres of a in do i ness to tribute one, tail of "Lew V, Disney" WLR RT es We take complete charge distinctive direction, respectful a ceremonial rites and ho ionitrs imo of consideration to yolr desire to accord a ow ved every des funeral procedure, A completely appointed chapel at your disposal, DISNEY&COTT FUNERAL HOME Cdfner Bruce and Colina Streets * Phon the of affection and esteem to preparation, appareling and a eS sR- ENE | SOCIAL and PERSONAL THE BCARLET HUNTER Let me have a scarlet maple For the gravestree at my head, With the quiet sun behind i, In the vears when 1 am dead it for a signal, lang winds stream and Let me have Where the stream Clear across the dim blue distance, Like p horn blown in a dream dearlet when the Apel vanguard Bugles up th ard Bpring Searlet when the bannered A Marches by unwavering lags Huinn It will comfort me with honey When the shining rifts and showers Sweep aeross thespurple valley And bring Lue he forest flowers IY will be my leafy cabin, Large enough when June And I hear the golden thrushes Flute. and hesitate hy turns Wiss Carman returning, Hood leaves this Saskatchewan ent the Oshawa, M., Melntyre evening for Wegina, where he will repros Whithy, Heaverton, Sunderland and Part Perry branches of the Canadian Legian at the third Dominion Con vention, being held next week, he Thu Miss Jean Hurt Moaye Toronto visitors at Theatre last evening were Francis, who is prominent in House activities, Mrs, Dora who Is lecturing at the thine on Shakespearean Mavs at Toronto Unl versity, Mrs, Meldrun and RK, Keith Hick of the editorial staff of the Canadian Forum, These people along with some Little Theatre workers of Ee = Fe TE ae EC ERG, SN Wis the 5 Olav Cott" 4 WW Oshawa were the guests uf ol Ms Mrs, GoD, Conant after formance last evening Mrs, Wm, Gralne, of Allee sireet, | who has heen seriously 111 in Tor | ante Is slowly recovering in the pel Miss Marion Germond spd Miss Dorothy Lutrell have returned to the elty after spending a month in California, The Peterborough Council af the Canadian Order of Chosen Pyiends | in entertaining the Oshawa Counell | Number 3 wt a banquet in Peterbos ough this evening NEW FLOWER STORE morning & new Howey st number HN hi apened ut South, under the management Wussell Perking, Formerly My, Per kins has had no down town stor far his greenhouse products but sold diveetly from his greenhouses on Park Road, He now feels bette ahle to serve the public and will promptly fill any a for Howers, wreath and houguets for Overy Oo0eh slon as well as for all floral aeces ore I'he interior of the stor presented a very colorful appearance this morning, with huge baskets of roses and mums fd In attri Hye groups around the counter and in the glass show-eases, In the win dow were two tall Jars, one of hesu tual pink voses and the ether of | mauve wod purple mums I'hese along with letters of best wishes fo success in the stork were gifts to My Perking from Dale's nurseries, Tos ant, Dimes Wrrange Young People's Megtiogs YOUNG PROPLE'S MEETINGS CHRIST CHURCH AY. FA, the Christ to have the first Christ Next Sunday evening Chureh AY IVA, are going an AY PA, service It is church service In which Chureh AY. PA, members are tak ing part I'wa members will read the lessons and twa will act as sides men, After the evening service there will be a meeting in the church of mem bers and visitors Last Monday evening the regular meeting of the AY. PA, was held One of the groups were hi charge of the entertainment and refreshments The evening Was a sugeess in every way and eredit {a due the group and all these who teak part, ont Montiat evening there WwW, he no regular m deting of the AY as the floor of the basement is Ae covered with hardwood, The various groups and troops of Christ Church are contributing the necamnary funds Em ---- RECIPES COTTAGE CHEESE Set a quart of sweet milk fa a bottle Tn moderately warm water and tet stand wml blood warm throughout (110 FD) then stiv in a pulverized junket tablet and lot stand until it sete, Beat with & wire egg beater to break the curdle; turn in a ¢heese cloth blacgd Over a strains or, gather the coms and hang, Als low the whey ta thoroughly from the ourdle, Then place the cheese in a bhawl, heat In a teaspoon of thick cream, or; leaving out the cream, turn cheese aver a steve, add a pleco of best buts er, a uh Thro the sieve, If desired, add a few grains of salt, a drop of tabasen or ale wilite pepe drain per, All pasteurized milk should be treated as above ws, hy pastourising process, the lactle acid germs held in raw milk are killed and pasteurs ised milk vequires such a long time to sour that it often spoils before ROUT, When milk is not pastenrs ined, let the sweet milk stand th a moder oly warm place until it sours, wheys, and sats, which ill vequive a tow days, With this proceed as as hove, X ba Se ¢ WINETTE ari ht) York. in the Home ... and the hii 14 Et RECITAL OF POFTRY BY DR. E. J. PRATT, No Occasion Parsllel to This Since Visit of Late Bliss Carmen L) Postey lovers and sil who Heten wd to Dr, B,J, Pratt's recital of his poem, "Ihe Roosevelt and the Antinoe," last evening, found somes thing not only novel In its subject hut # poem that Is Ahothor fem to add to Canadian Mierature |{1'] avenness of rythm and characiar istic deseriptive words made It pars foal postry Added to theses vires tues was the tact that 1 was read hy the author who In his reading interspersed dhe words hy Infled thon and deflection of voles as ne one alse cou, . he poem Hiself vividly describes | the raseua of the crew of the small | Writish vessel, Antinos, hy the Roosevelt, & pride of the Unlied | Wiates, in a terrific storm on the | Atlantie on the year 1086, There | are threes distinet sections of the aple poem, fivst, the loention of the oat Antinos, second, the refeus of | the eraw and third the servies held on hoard the Roosevelt for the two Hyon that were lost in the strogele Mrs, Loo Gray, Mrs, 1, Ha Park or and Mr, Wm, Bellley contributed solos during the evening The plano fpecompanints wore Mru Pleming and Mr, J, Renwlek AL the close of the lecture a vole | of thanks to the speaker was moved | hy Mr, Vo l, Vowke, who stated | [that no ooeaston parallel to this re labtal of Dr, Veatl's has occurred In Ouhawn wines the visit of the Inte Hien Carmen Dr, Holg seconded DARLING COAT DISS A Jaunty Hitle model fop wivls of R20, 19 and 14 yours i ilar od In featherswolght tweed In blege and brown, A hrown suede helt denotes fashionable valued walst line, The onllar is of plain beige woalen which Is repeated In turn huek quite, It fh double hrepsted, trimmed with huge helge and brown bone buttons, The entire affect 1s smartest avar, It in made at a spall eutlay, and practioally only side and shoul der seams to Join, 'The fronts ave underfaced and volled nto rovers with the attached straight collar Htyle No, 718 will. instantly ap peal to the girl with sophiatioated taste, IC In most attractive too tn wavy hie wool crepe with vivid red suede halt and matohing hone but. tons, with collar and euffs of white orape de ohine or of white pique, Kashmir printed wool jersey in copenhagen hiue colouring trims med with harmonising plain blue Joraey 18 very smart, Plain wool jersey, homespun, tweed rine of alk, ovens de ohine, velvet, cotton plague, linen and printed cotton broadeloth (deal wes ootions Pattern price 20 cents, tn stamps or ooln (coin Ia preferred), Wrap coin carefully, _ suggest that when you send for. ttarn, you. enclose 10 cents { Fall and Winter Fashlon Magasin, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON fo The Oshawa Times Denrtarent, Awa, Jy Hnelos W AAR eg "NN Mis Solow: hh SLLEITEEURTTETTTTITTIRTIUNN 11 L BRETT TT TTT LLL ETL CETTE LCR TTI LLL BETTI ITIL LLL | PARE ds BEER baannananens LL ETT T TTT TT TITRE RRTTITT SOT Y 3 Name ALEALERRRARAARA ALARA NARA RANA RARER AY Addons LE TT TTT TTT 11} lowe PRO IANE ou ain as asst tis 80a s8 siesta ntans hots, 20 dente sath, nd stamps oF Ween L arelully, SIAR ARARARLARARAA ARRAN LARA R ARRAY onal for a copy of our new this motion and It was presented to the speaker hy Mr, H, Nvadley The University extension courses whith this special one Is the will sontinue next week with MeWollar, of Toronto, the Ha will conduct four leo on the following subjects the City of Paris, IPrench wit and and Westminster | of | Wigth | Ih ponker tures Dy, Drummond (HHvnirated), Heatel humor, Abhay, total value of gold produced the mines of Ontarlo In the Ix months of 1920 was $16,514 i Inerease of 24 per cent over rreaponding period In 1928 we enw TR IS To promote modern sohool teachs ing in Heras), the Rate Gover ment han fnatalled radio receiving feta In the sehools of San Paunle, The second step in this plan will the formation of an organising committea made up of sohool teach: ord who will select radio programs to he transmitted during veoceds hours a Its Purity makes it dissolve freely Because Sunlight Is: all pure soap It diss solves freely and less of it Is required to make those tich lasting suds you want Almost Instantly Its billows of pure suds begin the work which leaves your clothes beautifully white and fragrant with cleanliness, Let a bar of Sunlight prove how much more work It can do for you than ordinary soap, Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Look for the #9 000 Guarantee of Purity on every caron, It meuns real economy longer lite to your clothes=protection to your hands flee Our Now Fall Line of Conte nnd Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Wlmeog Kt, Bouth aT {PREPARED com .. 1 $04/Nen ¥ PUAN igs i Tor I nd we oi o | "Akvvenn PUR etn he, Londo, aga | | il ol ro A548 vay 180 Sarnia va PRN SE rie oy Li GAR ny, cases of Insomnia, en just before you \ retire, it soothes raw nerves, allays digestive unrest, and brings sound, natural sleep, Ovaltine h free from drugs of narcotics. It is made by an exclusive process from sipe barley malt; fresh egge, and creamy milk, Iva food far body and Asa you wad sloop, or a3 & mealtime you health and vitality, OVALTINE BUILDS UP BRAIN, NERVE AND BODY & | stares tn ¥00, P30 1.2) and special family y BE sods Tonia, lee served hot of cold at REL)

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