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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Nov 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAI LY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1929 PA ak NINE 4 a a Interésting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming 'Attractions on... THE LOCAL SCREEN Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse: ment World { Sally O'Neil a Product Of Excellent Heritage Common Sense and Artistic Ability Give Her Rare , 4 m------------ filly ON Li Is starved in "Hrondway Beanduld," the all-talking, singing, dineing musical comedy pen pation coming to the New Marti Theatre on onday possesses that Liye Yom bation, ood commen sepa and artisde ability, Joth these charpctenstles wre hers hy mheritanee, The commen sense comes to hey through her father, flatnas Frangis Noonan, who was & watice of the Supreme Court, At the time of his death, he was i fram peetive eandidate for the pest of Her eretiry of War Artlstie ability, iu Kool measure was contributed by her wiather, Hannah Kelley, who wits an aperis singer, These qualities mike Bally an extremely intelligent and congenial artist, Bhe Is wlwiys ready to listen to a director's sug postions and will atop: them with Wit any unnecessary display of tems peravient, if she finds them henefial, An artistie temperament unaegem panied by common sense ually L Fults An an egotistical person who is hard te manage, ' On w const visit she met Marshall Nellan, who was then a divegtor for MGM, He was so linpresséd with her vivaelous personality that he we lected her for the lead in "Mike, "Sally, Irene and Mary" for MGM followed, Nhe wabthade, Then cane one success nller the ather, Miss O'Neil Tag * appeared on the stage but once, 'This was quite re cently In a Fanehon and Mureo aot Hut she loves the footlights and |x preparing herself for the thine when she will take Broadway hy storm und Bally will, Her © danelng aml singing In "Broadway Scandals" sue / . nr Sm They eleaned my party dress Jar mo And {1 Tooks swell as YOu oan. ave, You've received an in vitation and you ware almost In tears bes CAuEe the evens dress you would Hike to Appear In needs to he olapned, Remems her we do werk on short notice apd that we ave reliably effi elent, @ L E A N \ G THE NEW SERVICE CLEANERS (_DYIRS PHONE OVANAWA INT WHITHY 414 BOWMANVILLE 18 A905 SIMCOE LO | Naan 'U.S, SENATOR URGES REPORTERS' PARDON -- on Washington, D.C, Nov, 84° Afton # call upon the three Wish ington newspaper reporters held at the District of Columbia Jail tov sontempt of court, Repregentos tive Lagusrdis, Hepublean, New York, proposed yesterday they the President pavdon the trio, They ware simply carrying out thely duties tu telling the simple truths about prdnibition, Tagunrd In wid, adding thal while they were In Jail hootleggers weve willl ab dytherty and doing business with the full enowledge Of the court and the authorities,' The reporters, Linton Burkett, Gorman Hedrloks and Jack Nevin, Jr, were sentenced to 406 days euch for contempt' of court in res fusing to give the grand jury oer tain requested Information nbout bootleggers they had obtained in preparing u series of articles on erime conditions In Washington, passes that of many Broadway musi eal gomedy queens who are now th tall of the Greut White Way, Tuck Vigan and Carmel Myers up pear with Bally O'Nell In Columbia's musienl extravaganes, George Arch anbaud ding tad, ON SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS' POLICE OFFSET -- HIGH SPEFD GAR a Pennsylvania Instals System of Instant Communica- tion of All Police ---- Haveishivg, Ua, Nov, Bi~+The advantage of the erimingl with # ghapesd automobile will he offs suf In Fonnaylvanta hy installation of wn aystam of InsLAnIANBONE Om. munfeation among wll poles. des partments, Through an appropri ton of $260,000 h ture, one hundred oltiey nnd cons tral pototy of the sinte poles and Wghway patrol will bd sonnected on January 4 by the telegraphs typewriter machine that has gain od wide use In business, partieuls WElYy hy newspapers, Jina discovery of a evime will be mmedintely flashed to all police Bendqunriers, with wll data that might wid In npprehension, Ma), tynn € Adams superintendent of the state pollee, hey selected olbien along the twe main thoroughfares of the state, the William Pann and the Lincoln highways, approxis mately 40 miles apart, for the In shallntion he system will also he employ od ta nid In such matters as (raas ing lost aeroplanes, ang advising avintors of weather conditions, Som) E i" mm » "The King of Joes Revue," shortly after the first of the yen Because of Ws remarkable eccentric dancing Universal Club fn the Yotel Astor last week, signed up and sent out to John Murray Anderson at Universal Clty for at the annual ball of the AL Norman was immediately Cloorge Arliss, Warner Heros, star, will veturn from London in time for the New York premiere of his Vitaphone pleture, "The Green A slimultaneous triple first run showing of Columbia's allstalking eple of the air, "Flight," is the outstanding featur Kmplre, Syracuse and, Beighton Thea pleture showed day and date at the of the Byracuse rum, dhe tres, 4 feat that Ia eansidered unique fn the motion pleture annals of that oity, &he news vulue of the trip break In the dally press FUR Fave the production an excellent Phe ttle of "the screen's most married man" hoes to Huntly Gordon Never since hs entrance id motion metures has he been na Mm play in which he owas not either cast an a mareled man or ela altar before the last ree In Paramount's "The Marriage Prederie Mareh, he lives up ta hi vied man twice to his present wile, wife, Kay Franels EE Far the Mavgronnd PROSE Foputiatic Lilyan pocond onsecutive year Coecll 11, Dg was led to thie with Mary Belan and po hy being a thrice me aid tu his on Lushan Ones Mille, President of the Association of Motion Protas Pradueers, and producer drerhos far Metro Goldwyn-Mayer, has been named Chiles of (he Motion! the Los Angeles Community Chest My, De Mille has arranged his production wellvities devote & mashnum amount of his time to this endeavor eure Seotlon, 50 that he may Ho does not shart his new fargescomedy with music," Mada Satan," until early in December a "Siroet of Chance" is the title of Will for Paramount, The story, whieh is an avhrinal by formerly on the staff of the New Yerk World, wi am Powells Heat starring vehicle Oliver HH I, Garrett, bo dirgeted by John Cromwell, Supporting Powell will be a cast which fneludes Kay Franees, Jean Arthur, Regis Toomey, Stanley Fiolda and Besty Franelseo, A Bo a i TAR Hear Jolson Sing - A SUM IN WEVENTH HEAVEN" JUNT ONR NW RET Kins "RACK IN YOUR OWN HACK YARD! YPM RASHARY FOR Youn! CUSED TO You - Added: Your ~~ rs Paling Chase th "Phe Snappy Sneerert - You'll 'thy to Kop back haok the teins that fols low the sable, . It's brilliantly written human story of fatherdove w= te, suffering and wicth, tr positively ends Tuesaday SAME OLD PRICES! y the legisla |, Goddess," iy Pheen wo orien the eity or ra hi wending Regent Nong," ing except Fhe star of "1 he "The Foal a play in waleh he Hreater heights «= "Say It With songs" And Davey Lev is with him In his tender, sungbpangled dra ma Jason plays the part of Joe Lane oarmer prige hghter, but now a writ er of sons and radio entertainer Phe world looks rosy 10 hm and he believes that Phillips, the man who (s backing him, is doing so for friend ship sake, but finds out that it is win the love of Lane's wile Infurtated with jealowsy Joe al tacks the wan, who falls, strikes his head on the curb and dies, Joe is gentenced (ow long term In Ning Sing, Feeling that hs wile will sui fer from the disgrace, he weges hoy to divorce him, telling hor that he no longer cares for her, vs she does, putting their ehild in a boys' sohool, and taking a posi ton as nurse in the oflce of a sur poop who wah uw tarmer lover, When Joe has "done his stretch" he returns and visite the school where his "li tle pal" 1s, The child follows him as he leaves, and is run over by a track, after which he ean neither walk wor talk \ The surgeon consents to operate only if Joe promises to give the ehild up to his mother, Te at first refuses hut ter thinks better of it, ang goes to the surgeon who operates and re stores the child's power 0 walk Speech eomes through hearing a ve cord "of the song "Little Pal" which hs daddy had often sung to him PRT In a mgaare outline of an of dinaty enough story which Jolson wlorifies mito a thing of moving beau tv, He sings an ho never has sung "Why Can't You" "Little Pal? Used to Vou" "Seventh Heaven, "Hack tm Your Own Back ¥ Yard "Pi Kasvary for You" and "Just One Swen Ris" Davey Lee 1s his own delectable baby self, Muvian Nixon is exquisite as the young wite and mothers (tn Jolson wha wakes of melodious Say 10 With Songs" @anasterpléee, utterly unlike the masterpieces ol other geniuses, You AY ain't heard nothin' * till you have heard Tolwor's "Say It With Songs" Manager Oster has bhatanoed aut his ew parame with wo bitadous alking eamedy featuving Charley hase entitled "The Xnanpy Soneeser™ ad talking Sesecn Snapshots, whieh a nuher of Hollywood's {a mous movie stam speak to the au diene from the seveen. Ahogether Wy one of the finest bills we've watohed recently, 1 ean be seen io diy, Monday and 'Thesday, I had the noprivate morning pense ol prosview ut thy With I have done mo ] theatre of "Say it then ik Al Sine Jolson Inge Binger" In hery nd AEA in oven ITT fences At the opening off the kist session Jf oeourt in Londonderry, teish Free State, {twas veported that there had we rounding: country for thea months, Lr accordance with an ancient ona tom marking the absence cases Judge Oshorng Was presented two pairs o white gloves, one tn hehall of the alty, and the other in behalf of the County. Jolson Scores Success | othe that she | Vn New Picture At Regent F118 Joleal step ta carey out the unl Scenes from Coming Attractions STAR PLAYS ROLE Laflemlinlly O'Npll tn "Wrond why Moundals", from Why Weing That lofts Al Jolson In and Nally (Nell in way Meundaly", WILL BE HEARD OVER STATION CFRB Hav, Ueorge nt the singing MP, Hareld Mu ting, seoomplished young plunist will ha heard over the from Hiation CIPREH wight a'eloek Ray, Me, Dibble has been ducting & suooessful evangelistic campaign In King Htreet United Churoh during the past thre woekn, assisted by his wife. Mra Dibble, noted woman speaker, and | My, Musialne who has delightea large andlonces with his plano se leotions The ehureh has heen erowded avery nlghy of the eampalgn and na doubt many will take advant ale to hear Mr, Dibble and My siuataine over the radio tonlght, WEEKLY ALIMONY PAID IN PENNIES ovangelist, and mir tanieht starting nl von sidered in Light of Nuisance Want Palm Hench, Ma, Nav, 22 Weakly alimony of 880 is not to ba shevsed AL, hut when It comes In hagas of 3,000 pennies Mia, Cova Ly Fovguson considers it in the Hght of & nulsance, ' Twiee, she oharvied, had her former husband, Harold o Fergus aon, bundled a bag of 1,000 pens nies to her doar, and twice had she refused to wecept the wmeney Yesterday an arder was tesued in Clroult Court demanding that Ferguson show cause why he should not be held tn contempt of Laure, Myre, Ferguson eharactervised the 2.000 pennies as an legal gesture of payment, and contended that amall colna In excess of 246 eens do net constitute legal payment, | DODGE PLANTS MOVE TO BORDER CITIES Taranto, © Ney, Elec Annonnos mont was made yosterday hy John BD, Manstiold, President © of the Chyler Corporation of Canada, that the manufacturing operations on Dodge Brothas motoy eave and treks will ba transterved from Toronto to the Bender Cltles dur ing the firat week tn December, This Wa move nh arvangements that Were made more than a yea Wa, 'he company, while express Ing ta rogvets on severing Hts maw whaoturing intevests In Toronto, emphasises that they are taking fleation of eantrol whieh was the orlginal purpose of the merging of | 'Dodge Brothers agd Chiyaler ' Upp rseMoe nn Wp" wh Moran snd Maek, Lowes Ray NH With Mongs"v lighy nek Kgnn Hibvonds Method of Payment Con- § IDENTICAL WITH OWN EXPERIENCES The path of a ""hooter,"' who haw the ambition to wes hig name In elaetrio Hghts on Broadway Is not strewn with roses, According Ww Jack gan, who plays the title role in Col umbia's wll-talk Ing singing, ano dancing musionl PRLPRVARRN RA "Broadway Hoan daly," playing ut the New Martin I'hentre nex week, "IT stared wy | Charear Junr twelve Vans ng," deelnred Wkan, "and I've played in priv teally avery typo of production muslenl, vaudeville and legitimate In wll my experience, howe never had any tHwe ar tha tunity to Indulge In the viotous Hylng that 18 popularly supposed to fall to the lot of every sons danve man "The truth of the dancing Is ene of the protessions In the keep In the pink of condi minute, He must ox oth and persistently ever ingle "The eontinuul sary i one | in itself, But added 10 1) professional troubles that combat if the desired gonl | obtained 1 hi actors made In false Alter successtul year In m Keith Orpheum Wrondway for « trying to wis finally compelled to she take a ssl part in w one-night musieal show," No one is hetter qualified sithjeet of "hooler and singing « YOU Saye TEMPLE TONE in the apex of pevfection In radio today, TEMPLE larger 14«ineh diaphragm ang TEMPLER power supply, avevelsed In uvary vespoect, ensure is duck Vgnn ver, | oppo und that most exucting sl I every ughly mutter world, Cine ad Lab ll Hadio Phonograph EEE L tL All Complete With Tubes MOFFATT MOTOR SALES Nimeos Bt, N,, Oshawa RR aed i en Yemplo Highboy ,, 4, ell-restraint n Temple Lowboy ,.,, is to Hee Temple Combination iden that dane ure ue hy findehing Clreuit aetly se HEL MY new acl romping {pert on the His dancing nes CIR of the song and dance Seundals" Is one ideally suited to, Sally starred with him in this role in "Hy Jgan Is Ihe man that CO'Nell is ec production has extended over of vaudeville the two audience fwiniline with oadwiy theatrien! game knows that the any the most exnetin Anyont . FANS ure girl well-known think of nothing hut LHe cannot say, however, entirely wrapped up in Montreal Bing we A entertainers | Egan appeared on th IN pheum Clrault with sueh par Joseph HB, Stank Al Wel Wells and Jack Hewit Mare than 175,000 bushels of anlons will be #fnt from the United States to Canada this year, Sal '~ New Martin-=- Theatre - Coming - MONDAY, TUESDAY. and WEDNESDAY-Next Week Y lo 1°81 8° SERIE present BROADWAY tN 8 0 qm AEN IN | | BRKT gl SALLY ONEIL "JACK EGANS \ CARMEL MYERS Directed by George Archainbaud Vivid Drama set against a gorgeous peotacle of | dasaling splendour in (8 whith 73 of the most hemtital girls [8 { tertain you ' f iN \ Added Attractions REGULAR NEW MARTIN. PRICES

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