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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Nov 1929, p. 11

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" 3» THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, A EC SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN THE, CLASSIEIED SECTI Seller ON 4 NOS PSO $ [§ bal § holy ski e rll iro wih xt Wa 1h ET y | boliestar, Notary Public Line eer Money 10 loa, (0 hird fo ase Bilin Opparite dontaenien tl log aver uirance Blimoos rlerson, a i Ay N. 1, AIRY, Aye Maney 0 loan, nerth, Phone 67. Residence 1 a at Wi 8 Mao, Money 18 loan i 7H WA RANT IH for, oto, ConveyAnalng And geners| otien, BEV King Ht Rast hone HEAT, (tn 3 Medical PR WMeRAY FH VE PRICTAN WOM eon, {ivcoucher, | and res ence, Kina St, Kast, earner Vietorla Oh wit, Phone RJ "HAROLD THICK IT 3 slan, Surgeon, Ohstetrigian, Bpealal references 10 materpilty work apd di pennen of women, Two vears' post paduate expoilence, Cifice and res be 167 Bimeoe 81 Ny, (ear, Brock) A TAY, PIS BICTAN , GRA pean, Ohsteiriglan, diseases of ind ie aod nhants ehildven, OM 07 Bond me 1183 TAZL, ye PVR olan and eon sheetnl attention ven 10 X-ray wor fH Kleety ny, (fee, Ding lock, Phone fie; o - an Dawlanil's moos Bers, Seine nie tinh rah stetrielnn hane A it 8 and Q ny Bares "\ Phvaiel Nn LTE ats ark and dis oe and res Phane : oH Inhuvih WREON, Obstetrician, onion Ll JRternity tae iH I - $1, Newrth, RAW, PHY RTOTAN, aur 800, Ohatetriolan Oftlea and residence, B18 Himeoe street narth Phone 416, __(Oat, B1, me) Ear, Ear, Note, Throat Specialist VANE OF [60 TLOOR col ty aaron, will he at Wi office ave Lovell's TR Hlore eae th Re. hove I! hm for ponsult@tien and treatinen! Mdivenses of nose a threat A Abtoininetty gh made wl 3 { h hs be per Misehelly Arie Me sb 0 we am lve "oles 0) ppolatment phone plile Bente PRET FHITTTRS, OVER sott's, Special atiantian to ny work. Gas Lxiractie 0 rae An "aw hon $i 24 00 COR &T ve "Mirohelly "Drug Store jon. Phone 8 Ba » K NATL, Nitrous oxid "Hw Han tions, Ofiee Roval y Ld hal (Ae hawt ( DRNTTRT for extia Rank Bld INTTET, 18 aver Dilan Simeon 8) 202W. Evenings by Ns Phone id Res \ 1 alent Shehire "Bla, aid \ at Tay Phones | 10 TY EY Nine $1 E REY tanto \& uaa extraction and Nie in attendance, A Ir Architects G FTENTOUSH = GENE AL Noe ate} a Wg A BED 10 averetata tered, tadiea' he sn repaired, torial made 3 La) tN And deliver, HOR « CONTR RTE ete & ahorati re : i i neering and Surveying Rn HAR oErH, 4 Hlanot ne Ca pi G1) VF or A King dha URE WURTAT b Rains ] ust, Ambalaner, finer ) 108 street north, righ street, Ambulanes, one Tnsurance : ha ld fie plik 10 N, ohbe, Ko Himoos A north, Your Insurance WARE Ab pane to and your interests pro ected To tation WAH oorw Lt ih HWA Went, Hpecinlinte furniture moving, storage ware iotike A And moving van eqiipment 0 wove mem, nd ond winders, Loos an Van ¥ ir Phone th Hii I, ath Mua Co, #87 King HAW AR OTOERT ERTAN hed furniture movers, Park Road Hr Aue Lea) and lomp distanee Frank Cowle, 08 Park KA South, Phone \ Nay, 16:1 mo) FAGCR™ CARTERS AND LONG distanee movers, satisfaction guaran teed, quiek service, cheapest in Osh awit, Phone us first, 3304 -- i (Oot, 80-1 mn FEW DUM TRUCK, BIN look, Clravel, sand and alnders, ears ape, 118 Bloor Be KE, Oshawa, Phone EVATILY (Nov, 61 mn) CANTAONE, MOVING, GRAVEL, sind wand oinders, Phons SA81M Chris Graham, 870 Verdun Hosd (Noy, 14-E month) Beauty Parlors AETV LOU FRTWAWTENT wave, Speelal #5 and $7.50 Fino witye and shampoo 81 Facial 7% Hair eutth 25, Phone 2008 or WA Slnene North, Lad IXPI NT MARCETTING HY Hetty Ward at Betty Lou Permian ent Wave Shoppe: Maveel and sham poo $1, Phan 26H, maha Nt WARTER AND WATS Beauty Shop, © Colina 8&1, We wpe olalise In ladies hale sulting mar af 1a L] M fare ol polling, shampooing, | hia For pr CLAS phous 'Building Supplies FOR SALE SAND, GRAVE] stone and black leant S160 a wi Far auality and service 'phone My sery LILA Ad ring 11 i FAENT "LOCKS FON SALE food sand and gravel, To insure Jrampt delivery, place orders In advances of delivery, date, W, Hoi rowdale hone 1018 Music FOPICE ACORN TRE instruotions, Mm erry, Phone 11088, (Nay, 2:1 mo) HOW TYRNDE VOCAL THR shor (Hambours HE. YOCA v. Te ronta) pupils iy for all exams Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simpoe 81 iii thee SA, TERE 0 11 accept puplis for sl ok oulture, oto, ou \ ron Ih TNTVOOAT (Dr) Orant nw RIOR 1, WN router of Muale, Rha Wa Oollent: ate and Publlo Hohools, Hiudie, 20 'Westmoreland, Phone 2034) (Nav, Mi=1 Wa) RN CONVRASH Shy ONR brani letting violin teachers, awa on y afternoons hind hone FIOM: #0 Higin St UY.» i RATIO RERVIOR "AND "AUCER: sorlen, Repairs on elseirie and batt Tubes and batteries Aol Yi orien recharged, rental \ Shane 104 J, Oharles 146 Rain Nov, 4:1 \ 1H REPATRE I makes of sets, old seta Ie elled, power tubes added Hy radiotriolan, Na Chatye mapeetion, Phone #82 R 1 1, (Nay, 1:1 ma) haa ---- -- Ey an Eh aT i, a A J HB a son, R 9% Osha Phone a { 1 We) ST Ter mi Sa to olass 'work experience Strest i Aine AWM A Fa 8 SC - (Ou, 28:New 34) of this nature, and collect for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has heen found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the sonvenience of customers whe find It Insonvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a will bring » messenger who will recelve he advertisement / "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ji telephone eall Real | Estate for Sale FOR WALL: NE WV ft VIN OOM hr Vi on paved street, narth end, Vie 0, All conveniences, Phone Bont, (1800) HIRETE A. TWAT BATGAIN, 5 lovely five poomed modern bun gala, newly decorated, hardwood floors, threes plese hath, Furnace and garage, Owners moved to Toe ronte, Must sell at saorifios $4,100 Hoa Halden, 08 Blmeoa N, Phohe Aw (181h) Ey SE Watch Repairing FA VON CUNTEN, EXTERT Swine walehmaker, . repalr shop Wh Kine Sireet West, Your pal tonage 1s salle salielted A Work . Wanted AEUPHOLETEWING CHESTER elds made 10 order, We save vou money, Esumates free. G6 A Con stable, 74 Moehanie street Ha | 140d). A HATTERITA CHAR "HARGED, ( Al LED for and deliverad, 78 eenta [LU iil Hed $1 Fagteries repaired lan bids, EJ A | b hoe 1) 10) ma) ny rp AT oR ROWE ANT DE livered The, rental Phe, and Ale entire alectrieg) aysiem rh Ld palred. v04 Othawa Bivd. "Phous aew Nov, 1h«imn) We bho REPAIR TO ars and Alba Boner wandawork, WwW 49 Hand wes pen evenings (Nav, 14 EXTENT AKATH SHARPENING oll stone tinlah, at Menko's shoe rapaler shop BE Bimooe Hi north, Corner William Hi, West (Navy, By iL Public Stenographer TARTETN AYCTON, 71 "Woes street perth, Phone 1600 Bpevial vate far malling inte and olreiinr Work, ( AL mo) AND aaa "Hony trueks Fry, gl:1 ma) callpr---- Dowkiee png, Phone 818), 3 y Rl Home Cooked Meats RNULIRR OME MADR PORR ples, steak and Kidney hee, hot or ol brawn, cakes and {Nate 3 (th oto, ole, Frank HY street, Phone TALL Motor Cars HHT YOUR AUR PARTE AND acosssories at the Qlty Aute Wreokers, 16:17 ghond street wes, Phones 2RROW H Hyd b, 88:1 mo) E) THEVROTETROUMT CAG oy a, I y to CITY AND ud TOANE"TRO loans arranied, Parkhill & Tisters, ela Aller Bad NTOREY TURNTRHED ROOM, hound, it desired with private fam: Hy, Very central, Phone i 0 to | NORE TAN HAV | well furnished roam, with Lin ARArimen in north a EL ( . Nae "FRONT i SLY. if des |) an (1210) * VN gl ROOM AND Roawd for a wih all modern conveniences, Central, 17 Ritson RA \ Warm hoa & | CORT COLOURED oh 9, AR fine allver shan, " Blmoeon siveet hiv KEY OXFR INI REY on Ritson road south, Binder Pease returh to 'Times eo (133) atest Fie Ne \ Phone 1472, 37 Slices & J ) id CRE 3 y EE * Foot TN {IR " ARRERR MERE bg i. AR a Wa ¥ \ a) the woe vin how Send a ay, Ros Hamilton, Butkdiag Maternal octivth | SHE I mo) | { {0 awa Pho Phowe | emmy Hematitohing BA by igh A Fens Articles For Sale WRT [TANTS NH J {I "Woon slabs, $4.00 ud. Also hone dry bay Wir VhioTont Meek Limiced Hie By [ITA i MHA mer Lid, pianos, new and used a Ao radion, atest models) tere Hr al Apply ©, Trull, Phone LI ATR (RRA RIL MOVING BALE OFT HICY CLI bioyele stock, and sutbmobile firey Hig rednetion, cash oF ters, very thing must be solu, B King Streot wel (Oot, A mn) FOR BALI == NI-QONDITIONKD sawing maohines ut haranin prices 80 monthly, Guaranteed repairs for all makes of machines, Hem stitohlng » specialty, 100 a yard singer shop, 44 King Bt, Weal Hoy Novton, manger, (1810) HOY'S NAVY CHINCHILLA COAT in good condition, sles 10 yrs, Pho in (13h) FORTAATIESO0RT, AND WOOD Annex In pond condition, Phon TIAM H (1810) FORAATE=T FAIR GIRLS boots and skates, wise § 174 Whureh, (1204 ) oy _Help--Wanted Male FARN 0 TO $10 PIER DAY. AM hittous, reliable men wanted at ones Part time pay while tradi 'ng for Ay tion Meehanies, Cinrape Wark, Diviving, Battery, Mecirie, Aeetelying Welding, House Wirlng, Industvial IHeoteionty, Machi fst, Heieklavim Plastering, Deattingy Barbering an Haledresaing, Avt guiek, pel your ap phiontion fn now, Welle we eall far in formation, Dominton Trade Sehoals Lid Eastern Headguarters, 163 Kin SLOWS Tarante, mplayient servis CORAL 10 Dhue 108 atl] alk} 117 130: 131: 126: 139.) Help 'Wanted=F emale WANTHO-IYOUNG CARY FON fh offloa work with exper! oa In Keeping ledgers, Apply in rat tnatance to Hox Ail Times, SIRLIng ale, previous experience salary expected, oto, (hoe) CHARN SHORTIANT "AND Toueh Typing at home ton weeks simplified system, Typewriter sup Ni Sample lesson tree, Write Rninion Hohoo! Telegvaphy, Hmited Wanted to Buy ry VATE RAR WANTED TO NOY ar to rent for a term of years with aption of purchase, for ponliry, ety, olose' to Oshawa, Apply Box 34, Lines, ih ___ (1319) Agents Wanted MA AN OR WOMAN TO TATE and appoint POprOve Ativan, Position per nanent Rp toe $1002, (Being aver A) and expenses hone on and gash bonuses besides, Winston Go, Lach a -- Position Wanted STEADY WAN "WANTS "WORR on farm, Phone 208aM, Oshawa, - ------ (1190) JOUNG GIRT WANTS TOSTTION at housework sito to ohilds yeni alvep fn op oul, Phone TW, TIS WOMAN WANTS WORK W ll do any kind of work, Phone (1206) EXPERTENG WER DE sors work hy year on fat Apply Roger Rowlands, RR, Na 2 Osh vit, (1a) For Exchange # FOR TROCHANTER + TIN TWIN evlinder HD motor oyele and side oar and eash for ear in fest clas condition, Apply 480 Montrave Ave, (132 A TOUT INEROOM BV, Howse, central, all conveniences with easly for exchange on salt hoawse, A) Times Wanted te Rent WANTED = Wo OF THEFT war. tarnished voams twa cantik Moderate, Apply Rox A Times, {an Ruaran TR Ve RD PERRYS | pany, allorations, ole. All Kinds of heawtitul fanny Wark on sale. Mu alk ETRE LE 200 HOWE, Phone up a (No, 181 we) y I iving and Delng in Whe Gity of Osh the Ry of ONT Ab Whithy, av Rum: y | dnd For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROONED MOD arn suites, including eleetrie refrin oration, weve, Isundry, conven) antes, eto continuous hot waler supplied, Apply Hupt 'phone 8871, ar "I'he Trusts and Guarantes Co 14d, mansger for owner, Totants. POW TNT = TVW hriek, eanveniences, hardwood floors, eleairle Axtures, newly de Hh Gg aseman Apply 81 IE HIX HOOM "PRAM Possession TO WENT house, $18 & Shout, immed! a poly Ho Park Road Mouth, Phone 1ow, 114f TORY teal, 4 rooms and bath, bom hen fully equipped Kirehen = Hnen anil alothes closets, Apply owner Box SIH Things (1190) POR RENT w= THR ROOMH hented, LArawna loors, wired for wlaotria wave, Apply marning only, 08 Grooms Ave, or phone Hf PONENT ROOM LL louse, All {fn yanianess, Avply oor ner Bt, Jullen and Olly hone Pl (1408) 1'0) A HT Woe PURNTHR ED FRONT eht honsekoaping room, Phone LTTRAW or enll 814 Alles Bt, - { (1800) NEW HIOHT © ROOM BRICK house, Wyery eonvenience, how renk to good tenant, Henry "Wik king, 48 Gibbons Mirae, (800) I'O RENT=FIVE HROOMHN, REP Arte entrance, warm, eonvenlenees, pinrape, 48 Athol Bis East, Phone 474) (1400) 0 RENT SMALL HOUSE AND wavapte on Westmoreland Avenue Aes 2) Westmoreland Ave, Phone IHAVAY . (1400) TO NENT "HIN ROOM COTTA BE BOL Mary street, Phone 1804W (1810) TO RENTEENEW TIVE RDoMED house on Park road north, Hent $18, Auply James Lindsay, RH, No, § of pheno 080 v J (101h) " 1 NIBH I Dn Une ow wa Phone W050) . ceett tid) | | 'WO ROOMED APARTMENT, heated, all lust improvements, Ap ply A580 Bimede 81, Bowth, Phone 1441] A (131¢) FHREE UNFURNISHK n ROOMS, new home, dardwood floors, every cunventenes Apply S80 Mvision St (13%) RENTS BRICK all 7 acres of ane garden land, double gar hen house, between Whithy and Oshawa on Highway one hloek from hool. Analy Lonls Phan U1, Whithy (133) 10) REN, NINH ed rons LU) Marv Kt, nhone 4111 (13%) HB HOOM APARTMENT MOD Very low vantal, Annly snarl meng 4, ABA Himeos HE, North I'ty REN hedroom youn ladies, (INI siltahle for central BX ROOM gonveniences, Io) hone number Lovone FHREK 1 NIU nN hot water heating "ol orn Wi Nursing GRADUATE Nunak WITT, nuraa By the hour or day, op will take patients tn awn home, Reaw anable Mates, Phone 2801 (1000) a I ---- Personal CONVALRACENTH ORT TNVALIOA oured for In quiet comfortable home, Apply Box 208 Times . ee (181h) Tenders Wanted Telders will be recalved hy the undersigned on hehalft of the pecinl Bouipment Commities, Vos cational Institute, for the supply Ing of machine shop equipment, Prices will not he consldered after § pom Monday, Des, 3, Qomplete apeoitiontions way he seen at the offioa of the Huainess Administras tor of the Roard of duontion, Contre Bt, Rehool, Osha a, H, N, FULLER, Ausiness Administrator, Hoard of Edueation, Contre Bi, Hoheol, Oahawa, Ont, ais (138100005) Under and by virtue of the paws org contalned in a certain mers eae, whish will he produced at ® time of the anle, \ are will be Bs for sale, hy publie auet on on Wednesday, November 27, 18 at 2 o'olook pom, by A, ©, on, Anotioneer, a two-storey hriok ven. oor house, containing three-piece bath, with oak tloove and chestaut trim downstairs and ty floors and trim vpataieg, aleotrle mantel and asphalt rool, Dimensions of house, 19 fy Mn, pep KROWR an 10d Arlington Avail a the SN of Oshawa, County of On tare, * ANd annular that certain parcel ov tract of land and premises sltuate, awa, County ot Ontario, and being componed of 'the whole of lap Ne, 88, acuonding to A plan rerlatered in the Raghtry Ofve for Couns There fe also a sem IN PAR WL UR PUrORARS MOROY to a At the time of sale, ww on tha-tarms \o, 18 ba then Wade oe le ha i wade A 5 POSOFVA thapection 5 Pre PART, A to the hove and vequiring further part 4 and conditions of sale, apply to Hoy Greer & Hamphtam, Darvistars, her 138." tah iN the bala hy a Rates for | Classified Ads, Firat tosertion-=114 eants per word, Minimum charge B04, fiaoh subsequent eonsecns tive Insertion le per word, Shree consestive inser: tions for thy price ol two first tnsertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge fvr three insertions, U0 eentw, Box aumber 100 additional Protest nal or Nusiness y $0.60) per month for yf words oF less) 10 canis & word per month for enh additional word, TIMES CLARKIFIRD ADS CONE LITTLE) AC COMPLISH MUCH THLHPHON® 05 Ask for Classified Ad Department FULL PROGRAM FOR CONVENTION OF CANADIAN LFGION Regina Making Elaborate Preparations for Con ference \ Melntyrs Hood, Canadian | Representative) mk (AY M, Press Bpecia The Naskatehewan eapital n rel reparations for the us pa 1 Pa from N 28 to 2 of the third dominion convention of the Han Lealon of the Hritish Em uy wile, # gather! whigh will being from all parts the dominion th lenders In a united exsaorvige men's mavement whieh firew out of the fuslan of the many vaterany' organieations developed fn Canada at the of the world Wir, Led by {ta president Hen MA Macl'herson, KC, Ligly the Nas katehewan provinelal ebmimand of the legion has mad plans which will make this the autatanding convention of ex-serviee men ever held in Can NOY Cann erviee 1. ol close ada, Bevies of Presessions While the sonvention pre ging on Monday, |) wer he the do the ehalr of Winnld while A NO) under Moor min on executive manship of A, |} po will assemble Naturday the resolutions eommittes under the ehalrmanahip of His Honor Judge Ross of Saskatehewan will mest and begin Its work, sifting through a mines of hundreds of resplutions from the MO branehes all over the do minton, on the previous Friday, From that time until the setual opening of the convention sessions, there will be A continuous series of committer meetings and conferences, while on Sunday all the delemates who have arrived wp te that time will attend divine service in St, Paul's Chureh The opening session of the eons vention in the banguet hall of the Hotel Raskatehewan, under chairman ship of General Sir Arthur Currie, GOMG, KOCH, dominion president af the legion will he a brilliant fune ton, with the leading provinetal and vie digtitaries taking a prominent part, hose who will deliver ads dresses of weleome include His Honor tenry WW. Newlands, K.C, leuten VERO pr af Saskatehewan Hon, Anderson, premier of Kane " ky tol James MeAra, ys Bayor o SRINA | or the Hon, M, A, MacPherson, Kein LL, president of the Saskatchewan pros vinelal command of the Canadian Les fon, and Dr, W, 1, Cowan, presis tent of the Regina branch, Afire 0 addresses of welcome, the dos qt ohalrman, A, Moore of 'inplpeg, will take the ehair, and AHI of the convention will kate hewan ¥ Skilled Advice Neing your children here for Examination hetors pohool opens, It Is wise 10 teat thelr ayer now In time to correct any fauls Ay viston, Here you ean ha @ they've receiving the & in of a akilled OptOmetrint JW, Worrall BYR Sorat hh open with the appointment of com initiees Fine Entertainment In the entertamment of the 'dele utes, the elty of Wega, the Bis wtehowan government, the leuten antegovernoy of the Jrovinge, and the Wagina, branch of the leglon will in turn net as hosts, 'The first funetlon on the evening of the ope diy of the eonvention, Monday, will be & niguet smoker glven hy the Keghn biraneh of the Canadian Legions On the evening of Tuesday th i tender a banguet In he Hore katehownn, with Vremler Lm of Weginn proposing the toast to the Canadien ein and the dominion president, General Ble Arthur Currle, responding, At noon on Wednesday, the dele« patos will be entertained wt & lunehe« von tendered by the government of Buskatehewnn, and at B30 on the sme evening His Honor the Lieus tenant-Gayernor of Baskatehewan will entertain the deloegites at 4 reception wl the Government House, The ¢los ng function will take the form of a theatre party to the delogates In the Grand Theatre, Keglnn, on the close ing might of ih Convention, In addition to theses funetlons, & wumber of private soclal events are being arranged for the delegates by prominent eltivens of Weging, and everything possible fs being done 0) ensiire that the thivd eonvention of the leglon will be a memorable of Ciplon RAILWAY HELPS NEW SETTLERS Star Line Co-operate with British Government Montreal, Nov, $= ull approvs« pl of the Ovoareeas Hettlemant Board of the Hyitigh Government, which 18 supporting it financially, haw heen piven the project of the Canadian Naotlona!l Rallways' Des partment of Colenlgation and the White Miar Line Canadian Hervice to solve to some extent, the prob loam of aconmmedation for Hritlsh families working on the farms of employers in Canada he soheme provides for the erection of ault ahlea farm eatipges In Prosperous farming disteiets In Western Can ada to house selected Rritleh fam) Hes placed under the anepleas of tha National Bystem and the White Play hese ootiaves are being earefnlly located tn the three praly Io provinoes whare the resident farmers are predominantly Anglo Haxon Waoh cottage will stand In a fenes od plot of ground averaging from one-half to one acre, and will be elose to a good rord and within of the local market vil nn possible to The eottages OREY ROCHE ape, And An Hens the rural sehonl modest hut substantinl, will be of two bedrooms, and the other, fol targer families, conalating of a lv ni room and three hedrooms, Rim enol cottame, Ineluding a good Hove A nominal rent of three dollar a month will he charged the tens ants, It 1s understood thet [aml Mes will weoupy the cotinges only while they ware securing prelims ary experience In Canadian farm ing, presumably for a year's time, after which it is anticipated that they will be in a position to mane thelr own arrangements, The Cas padisn National Rallways' arin placement service will assist in pro= curing employmant for the newly arrived families, -------- ---- KIDNAPPED MAN DIES OF TORTURE Angora, irk ' Nov, 2011 there Of seven men kidnapped by bandits from a ranch near here, three were found hanged by thelr thumbs to telegraph poles some distance away, One had dled of torture, Troops have heen went In pursuit of the bandits In the hope of ress gulng the tour kidnapped men who will are missing, n---- - Furs may be cleaned by rubbing In i litle warm bran, Do not have the hiran overheated as It will spoil the fur, Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales AMITED 00 Nimeoe Ne, RB, Phone #00 Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Yow Car, Let Me Finance You! MOTOIl LOANM AND DIN COUNTHN LTD, Felt Block Room 6 Phone 700 EY RSION] SFECIA JST Eye hy perh Lite tomeiry Fomtuie Service Your Ever and He Eve Care wad Bye Disney Bloc! 2 1510 Phase 1010 ple furniture will be provided in | DISNLY -COTT AMBULANCH 87 Celina Be, Phone 1088 | Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Canada 1 "Greatest "om Karin oof Gin Pile Mia Tovar ow York i das Aries hag youn Gin Pillahave & soqthing, M ma tlam Lu pain Belaiies," umiaes your National Drug & Choml centuries panelled rooms, Architects and builders who specify pine for modern have their Through all the chan tecture and modes of dignified home of mained perennially Modern designers are using pine not only for exteriors of enduring charm, but for hospitable pine- We have genuine White Pine in practically every grade, in stock. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY. LIMITED 28 Riteon Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 dgm fod by udgment veri y } satisfactory service, in archi ving, the ne has re Ke style," 0 living . and recreation D4) Nimoon 8b Ni, Oshawa Teles phone $140, CEI)

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