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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Nov 1929, p. 12

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SA FS 'i ko he Tio Fen Y v A WA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1929 ; rm ee / ' "ON Tis MARKO 5, $3.50 A #6) calves, 500) veal: HR RR ni 17, " xi 440; lambs Sow) pen: vente lower | to ghole 24 It must be better when J paces) millions 1ike it so. Nov, 0, was to have appeared in polos court on on a charge of criminal nee, but awing to hig condition he was re- manded unt Nov, 26, he bes | ing uble to appesr on the erown sccepted the | that his condition would not allow lim to appear, POULTRY DEMON ATION INCORPORATE, WOMEN'S Brookville, H, Buker, senior INNTITUTH f ------ Itry promoter for Mastern Qo-| Hrookyile-~The Mummerstown | CORK PELLING SOUNDED LIKE rio of the Dominion Department | Women's Institute has received n HUVOLVER SHOT Agriculture, who makes be] provinein) charter without whare Cobourg---On Tuesday afternoon TORONTO MAY AND STRAW CHICARO - PRODUCE VUTURES deniers 1] oe | Chicago, Nov, ot ~Conditions remain he Pu gre 0 { pout wnehanged In the sis spot market quo lots dehiversd pt! " ttlons, The undertone remaing Heady Tut 0, Ys oR veer 18, Eonsiderin closeness of Thanksgiving 1s not 9, § mothy, ("LT |! yp 40 a i that could be considered nor: {a olin, po) Beene 10,50 | mal for this geason of the year, The future reer has hest A K jn pereen 10, options pene n hii with yesterdays clans, ' pointing storage withdrawals uareers here, boon co | gaphtal' und with head office iu |n call wan recelved at police hend- on el motht YR hut wit marks ti sioraue hdr! ---- out 1:2 on Novemhers pnd Decembers, The Og the new high for the present upturn and pula tae, 4 i wes today's lows Where fiueting demonstrations in poulbry | gummarstown, the incorporstors | auarigrs siating that a car on this TORONTO PRODUC better grades of centralizing und whole milks 86, #5) Brats, dlc) | L000 depres Y ened 18 with with Night offerings and niin, In oqtions, 0 to 76s FH pl, Selling orders increased rapidly Longld, spinster; and Isabel Croll, | answering the description of the " N SUSPENDED SKENTENOK | Gober 0700 gummerstown, | wanted ear wih found with 'three ye ¥ioh ting oar paid the sum of $100 and with the Wahl. Eversharp | 1 creamery, prints, 416 ovamber age, New LV, December 15 " and & balf gallons of gaxolin:|the week ond wis the death of tlie | " Chasso=New, laige, gloy (wing, 21 100, | 15H vary butter, commission, That the govérnment two-yoar-0ld daught ¢ Mr, and | costs for having liquor in an il Hore ia . dn " 183; February butter, 9; December cheese, from the Turne orvite station yoar-old daughter of My. Ani PERSONAL-POINT Inti bi, SWiiam; Gre Od ngs ! ; h killing snd plucking at Trenton, | eing Wiisaboth A, Molennan, Hil<| wide of Brikhton had been fired on ne nd whale mike Hine ad Numon | Mary Ante Mire * hurried trip to Brighton A car duce 10 rela " market again today The December futures #17 obourg--In police court Wed- men in it, but Instead of three o) ' 1 pecondy, § é gardens' Dghdny Leste J. Wilken: gos ruil | PROWNED IN TUN OF WATEN | wen with » kun, three men with s tn, Hr wei Lri , hay dod Fresh from the ty to the oharge of stealing elght Wutter=No, 1 eresmery, prints, 4361 No a1 Never ages, naw 103; December gr is shortly to establish the long-de: Mew, Clarence Dulmage, who reside | Jognl plnce, and what the man ne, i ptt oday, 1h, ferred clvi a Solhoghe. aa as allowed to at Kellar's Hill, North Marysburg, | In the other car thought wes the Fountain Pen #iltons, dle, ih Jiiaitephutiar, tod Noll erred civil service counolls became loyd on paying $8.80 ' ; { vear, 18 Hafinraty Floyd " ying § playing around a tub with a fow [simply the pulling of a cork, Any int=--any holder Ho. 4 te 4 hs." on Me dn ON es aatady ro firm Hane ---- Inches of water (n It and was 9 selected separately and 0 ander 3 Te rate, 40 to 4 7 tone Mendy 'ater Heenan, minister of labor, ork spot market= Nutter, extras ------ suid n system of 60-0perstive coups mama 4 i of the High Court of Juss ABKESSMENTN APPEALED " soon will have a court of appeal Wii Sounils will be purely ade tice will open here on Tues Cobourg-=ighteen appeals have Make it easier for' the [Veen «iii ' io, eh Ah Ey OPED aoe Lah, 005, lh 1, A chr odo sishslonsok | vonouny, rhpam migh, fb ew 0 CHltk Dl Nowy aco, i ins of th ard vrs 5d repre og oe vermont {allowing prices to the i To ith Mon, Mr, Justice Raney pre«| od of members of town council, Smoked meats~Mamy, medium, 30 to Mei siding. The Ploton asise will 0pen | wii) hour the appeals at the court | Building Twe-Fifthe of = Wo have a complete aft 'bon, 30 0 het! wih, ag men RM Meredith, 0.J0.0.P, morning, Most of the appeals are |. wock of Wahl. Exersharp ", 0 dic do. amdhid) 4 ee 70 - : ponapencilssnd foun the Het 70 in Tho, dle wo 10 ihe CARA COLLADY NEAR GRAVTON | sssquimont akon this year forins Feasible pon desk sets, icy Wavy wale" rolls, 40c) lightwelght roll, Oobourg-=A bad motor accident | the basis of the tax collector's roll soso H 8 to 1% Phos 4 New York, N'Y: Novi 22~While {7-008 veins, 10 to Ie, Shorting. Tier, cometery, Grafton, on Friday last oe, 14 1doy tubs, Mei pails, when a car driven by George Lit truck in which were Mtanley Mo- ride and Roland MoKensle, of Injured, EE th DRIVEL REMANDED Cobourg Mount Denis, driver of the car In which three people met thelr deaths in an accident near the Kingaten Crossing the night of . Conweoon and Bloomfield, dn Conroy and Catherine Abram, | by the occupant of another ear, On Toronto whalessly desiers Mo sluing oe wire alrly well ik Ketleides dliomom iver trom Toronto, pleaded ule | "0 buy us 4 ud ocourrance: of | bottle were found, The owner of seconds, n commitments i November eugs, 11, aultrye y apparent when it was announced On Matubday the lttle girl was [noise of a revolver evidently was ond ens, 8 Ibs, Li Ing anni et diutier, 'extras. 430s thet the constitution for these bo- --t-------- Jo. 4 10 4 4 is, 4c ton iow 8 now being drafted, Hon, drowned, The nceldent happened ot A : ; combined to suit the write Hens, oval [ 4 34 to Ade; tone firm, Vgas, firsts, 50 Tellarille The spring Mitings #Hout BO, SKYSCRAPER 2.000 ing stroke and individual | i ; HU Bp uD Ottawa, Nov, 28-Civil servants | Clie would be established, Tyirke . : " Love finds a way In but it has to) before which to take thelr grieve|psrgons representing the employes H Torin ol V : Jury sittings will open on May 10 | and the court of revision, compon -- et lege to write "the folks | Torna wholesale dealers' are quoting fie sion w + back home, woked loins, 50 to § moked rolls, | ssday, April 8, beore Hon. | of revision meeting on Monday br i | Mile High Declared Cured mestw=Long clesr on account of over-assessmont, The Kard=Pure, tiaraes, 1661 subs, A765. pails, ooourred at the curve at Fairview | for next year, { tle, of Frankford, orashed Into a entreton, all three being badly Coal l Co i he al! Coal! Seranton Anthracite Coal The Best the Mines Produce ~ 2,000 Ib, to every ton, Coke and Wood W. J. Trick Company LIMITED 28 Albert Street Phone 230 & 231 « Harry Bwmith, of New York and Chicago bullders are finishing u race for the world's tall est skyseraper, science steps In with u stupendous conception that dwarfs them all, The financial glants are cracking the 1,000 foot level, beating even Iiffel Tower, But selence says two-fifths of a mile, 2,000 feet, is al trendy feasible, ' It Ia conservatively remarked by selentists that this is not the safety limit, but merely the elevator top, Structural steel can go higher, How much higher Is ndt predicted, als though one engineer has suggested 7000 feet, The highest man Aas In. Aleated he might go te date is 1,600 cet == the helght of » structure res orted planned by a cigar magnate, I'he welentific report establishing he physical possibility of a 2,000 foos kyseraper In Issued by the American ustitute of Steel Construction, Ine. [ New York, It does not attempt foretell when or whether two. the of a mile will be reached, But scientific men have a saying it may be prophetic, It is that lien research, discovers how to de mething new, someone Is sure to ) it == ultimately, Au elevator of present speed would (quire nearly 10 minutes, non-stop, y reach 2) feet, Engineers say lint It spoeds can be raised safely yas to reich this low cloud level in as than two minutes, That would uean elevators running 17 miles an ur, Beyond that speed there are com- lleations, For one thing, steel ea: les would be too heavy, but mere urprising fs the fact that higher uy _----- BT Yuonal FOUNTAIN ENS JURY & LOVELL 8 King East, Phone 28 A - Es speeds would be bud on ears = that is, on present ears, There is reason wet used to higher speeds, for the res wort mentions miners who travel in aster elevators, without ill effects, The institute found a Limit which will keep skyscrapers around the 1000 foot level for a while, It is the net rental profits, Two years study by big real estate operators, business men and engineers of New York Is most profitable height Is dependent on ground values A skyscraper of 1,000 feet Is now more profitable than any other helerht on land worth $400 a square foot, Furthermore, the revort says the $400 land already is In sight, Da a i i hh AR { coaL Phone 3080 MALLFTT'S Lond e.g feb to believe that the average ear can used by the report to show that the Ide ting, 16 1.8¢) prints, | Vork=Lolns, #8 1:46; New Vork shoulders 18 12a) pork butts, 2¢; pork hante, 23 1d FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations, retdll, in of oct on the Bt, Lawrence market, Toronioi oduen kag fos S, Oxtran, per desen ifs: firsts, per desen Do, pullet extras 4 Do, storage extras Do, do, firsts ' Uutter, dairy, per poun Jo, © Artichokes, 6 gt Carrots, bus, +, Do, 6 at, Beets, bus, +, Do, 6 qt Drussels sprows, qf, | Onlons, dry, «qt, baske Do, Sal, basket Cabbage | Cauliflower Eadlive, dosen Suinach, peek iiiviin Mushrooms, per pound Lonl lettuce, three for Head lettuge 2 for Lotatons, DoE iii Cucumbers, each Parsley, per bunch Cress, thres lor Colony, don, oipoiiiine {ranges per dosen lalsify, two bunehe rapelruit, eseh ong, per Iananas, per Anples, 6.q¢ (iran beans, quar Cranberries, at, Turnip, bus, + Turnips, bag Arles, bus Leeks, 6:q% basket ---- EAST BUFFALO LIVE ATOCK East Buffalo, Nov, 3. Receipts ol. hogs, 6,500; holds 00; eo, fully steady; bl 0 to th, WOE 120 190 Io $9.05 to 99.50; packing sows, BAIS 10 BAGS Receipts of cattle | deaggy, weak to slightly lower; medium hellers, $0.50; all Co rr _ 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL Body Wood, Hard & Soft Wood Slabs CUT TO STOVE LENGTH Jeddo Premium Coal The Best Produced in America SOLVAY COKE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS -_-- Se \aas All Fuel Orders Weighed on City Scales if Desired. DIXON COAL Co. y MASTERS VOICE IGHEST possible perfection of tone in a reproducing instrument is what every prospective owner wants, Yet ohe, and only one manufacturer to- day takes the positive stand that "there can be no compromise with purity of tone." The purity of Victor tone is attested by millions throughout the world. The world's greatest artists and musicians acclaim it. Every important authority on acoustics concedes it, No musical instrument that can be bought today even ap- proaches Victor in putity, richness and life-like realism of tone and performance. . The new Victor combination Radio-Electrola is an instrument alone . . .., apart. . . supreme. | Hear it, and you will want to own it = to have unrivalled entertainment from air or records. To own a Victor Radio-Electrola is made extremely easy by the owner" ship plan which any Victor Dealer will explain to you, | VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITER | MONTREAL

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