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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1929, p. 10

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Wr FL iy 1 PALE BE A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1929 Ho Hi EE I deide they 10 sn ov fight, and Wie wom, William W, Willeek, | wavd the couple, More pointed her of minor wovvanis, und uo one Turkey is constructing wiany high ha ed Mhith, Am and no | ' "Twas his pride, Gungiions weve propounced "toot kx much ap noted her presences Wy i] Wood was shed, More thn, 600 | But, 1 weenie, Wik son motored | DErsansl," und he did not clarity | excepting William Willook, Jr, A, sbi 4 | f N Bb Wy meaning, Young Willock, however, appar fi ih spesimens were obtained Tn Mew over tu Oyler Bay, und there hu 1} " | Gina, 1 ang Mise Adelaida Ligehert, u maid "hey were married ot Oyen | ently wade much note of hey pres { | / | wlehessAn clght day step yield in the Willoek home, whose posi=| Bay by & minister," the elder Wilke | ence, gid soon romance crept in 3s | I 4 Menmibers of the family and other ed ppesimens of inflless apes, Hying ton was so unimporiant that the | lock suid, "IL don't know the min: ' : lizards, hormbills, wild boar, hb w---- wlder Wilolek 1sn't certain that ha Intern amy und | have hoy ir hervanis Mutnintngd they never ; A HL rusn (pig deer) wand dwarl buffalo, loc over ven saw her, wears married | ed up on the Heense, In Inet, ind suspected that o marvioge was / BROUGHT T ' | i 4 -- - Mltougther, mare than 1500 spel William W, wil i, Br, Binve then the son has talked | have gained most of my infovmas | heavy st hand, DODD'S / pens of bivds, 1000 wm ils, 2000 Fatherdn-Law of Ser. Iwiae with hig futher, hut the dns | thon out. of the newups pers mo, apparently, it wan 6 pirpriee I A i / ns i " reptiles and amphibians and 10000 tmations from family conyers YT owould not know the girl 1a everyone when the motor trip f fon ifie oy specimens of Kishes werg glinilied, vant Girl Hons were think Mrs, Willock, Jv. L 1 wera to meet hey, | have wet the | 16 Oyeter Vay 16d to the minister's K | D N E ; § ; Nearly 16,000 Selont Tl, a hi hus hot, Foturnod 4 he Willock slightest iden what she looks ke, | house, and uo marvingy ceremony 4 bi, Mra, Vonkhinrst Batuo Heady Blomwet, New York, Nov, LOMA wher ai MAG OF Ak GUUEN~ | although | probably have seen her Alf "i Bb y B Ly . Mthough both Willock , i Specimens Obtained 4 i | The memorial status to Mrs |'Willlum W, Willock, sr, wis |" in law, ahout the house while she vis trignds of thi Pudi dit dik. i On Cruise | ; B Emily Pankhurst, the women's wifs | somewhat pusgled father recently, The elder Willoek wos gracious | here" the couple were Waving for. the } i ; dracted tn Victoria Tower-gavdens, | triek of Tove which had made him | though he professed fnabiilty to The hrida ts 8 native of Novel they were sald tn have bes p Ailienits, Quis Non 2 bi A | We Wastmingter, The wiatus In In (atherdndaw of 8 Norwegian ser | give much information, way, Ble was (gadned os 8 houses eognieed al breakin hy ih 10,000-inNa ip fi 1d Museum | 4 | A bronse and 1s woven feet tall, The | vant girl, "UI stand hy my son, hut not fb weid and a few months ago wes | rant in Oyster Bay, snd to hiss ie resvireh for the A MIT | memorial cost 816,000, funds helng Willoek fs 0 mulit-millonaive | by the gel" wan hiv answer when | employed ot the Willoek estate, | been at an Oyster Tay Apariment Roof Chilean ended when the sy y 4 ¥ valeed by popular wubseription, Hing on a handsome ostate bere, | questioned ns to his attitude tos | There she was just one of a num | later in the day, Parlgantine viele Myelin vesuened ta ELLA CINDERS---Knowledge Is Power triage plonsey in Wngland, 1s being | un Be pondered upon the quaint | In We reception of reporters, sl Nublve of Norway south veesutly on nn honeymoon "Hifite port, Her log book vende lke a oat of high romanee and udven wre he erin sailed. from Bosten lust BUAVDRY LEMAN wo Nevenher, under eommisd of Cape | of Montyent, who has heen eleotad / ks . wont % 0, Boutilier, w native of) president of Canndian Bankers' y 7 7 / Hy // Fp Newloundlond, Bhe carvied g grow Assoeint ion, # AS 4 4 LEASE PAA | / Nove. oo "7 bool I and w selontitie wall of wg: : tn : 0. g g we The selentitic stati Cornellys 7, ty : A sine, 24 years old, Tender; Karl © Lor wnother whip, Fish and bide i : ; 4 56 Yoo mal fo Fim winghwnidt, chief of selentifi stall and | were collected nt the Marquesas ) a » iy gd %e AY UNTIL aorerpmtologint | Walter, A, Weber, or Tahith and Moores Vann was EVERYBODY 3 of » : A AY THE BESINMIMNG AWD SES nethologiat and ardsty Vo CG, Wore | seires but bdautitul specimens of fish : , {| / a e BINIING Any Be " ber, Taxidermists De, W, L, Moss, Fiji Lalundp=Dr, = Moni, secured ny \ ) v BACH, IN 2) i THRC \ 4 mf -- , Ally R7, cahigls dovtur wind anthropologist § ir ase snthropoiogially yvalwilile men 7A Vi oe Havre, toythyologlet and bas | surements of the skulls ol vepresen ' 3 My Bo - het A, Bhurtlef, mnoglon ples | Ist ve stives, with blood swimples ure photographers Mo No Farhad | Vifty spechimens of @ eurious lung wad C1, Peavy, genoa) aeshstinge, | tailed Tri hat were taken High Spots Natives Still Wild Serie of the high spots of the ex New Hebrides The natives ar pedition, tn bvlof, were as follows still very wild und warlike In muny Halthee During w viele of KB days & places and cannibals is not extinet cealleerion of bids, bats, and Wegnrdid Mombers of the expedition inspected wita made, My, sehibde alsa eunght } i eqnniba) village never before visit some Hitle known snakes, A consis bad hy white men, 'They were seeom derahly serlen of flahes wis collected pated by the English District omeer, Shy Dy, Horr mn Mr, Admin Paniimiis"1he Myelin was laid up Solomon Islands «Rare bleds and at Panams Tor threo weeks while ves | Vignrds were enptured durling iu fine VARA he 108, oe Sea CT Cpls were ile day stop As natives af some of the Ping this thine the selentine stilt | fslunds were so warlike they wer Vomde nn visit to Bavea Colorade 1a | nat visited Wand dn Gate Lake and segured | Now Heltaln-«8top made for fue) spactmens and photographs of the Now Gulnegs<"Thae heart ol this FELLING TOMMY following two toed sth threestaed | enormous Island 1s still unknown: 10 i" sloth, Derby's woolly oppossuny, | white men because of diffionlties of wih WB en me a . . Am in maemoset, armada, silky and ater, | transportation pnd warlike natives oad Ww A MEDIEVAL A344 . o- emdile, wind min birds Forty days were spent here, Thre UNCLE JOHN CARRIES A HORSE CHESTNUT AME] g hy. | g a li TC Coos TalundeA two day stop WE Lygembers of the expedition flew over p made wt (Ws favirite hunting ground | partions of the Ned 3 In oan alr IN HIS POCKET THINKING IT WILL KEEP 4 ot weekory for puriad pirate CD hn nih With Fe, Kirsehbawim, a RHEUMATISM AWAY, TOMMY, IT 13 HHAT A selleetion of birds was Hinde Cutholle missionary, aeting ne nilat, a A A Rare Finds tha Hiyvls weeended the Beplk Rives 1S CALLED AM AMULET Cinlapagos -- Inland=A stop of 13 apgest in New. Guinen, u distanes ihn An i days was made and the following] of 4150 miles, farther than any vessel apeatmens collected 2 Galapagos { her slee had gone belo I'he party Ciliant dand tortoises (rare, captured | then proceeded In small hosts 3 whive), 20 murine lgunnas, many over | miles, to un point or visited by 36 feet lan 4 land lguanns, & Calis | white men exeent bv the German ox pages Penguing, § large sei tnrtles foodithon of 1912, The natives wer od Alightlesn oormarants and many found (0 be still in the stone age, apecies of Aah and birds Marquesas Islands Hytwoen the ' Linlapagos und Marquesas Islands, n | \ A N AMULET 15 AN OB IT} | gaRRN Th - \ \ Re SUPERSTITION COMPLEX WAS VERY nn ing ATARRH A A eer ated USA OF i ES STRONG WITH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AMD ceria d IK days without slghting Tm of head or throat fa usally J | 4 NE METAL OR ANIMAL SKIN WITH Fi, TT \ THEY USED THE SCA! J AT Ri 4 " ) " AHAB AS AN AMULET a ETT TRE ---- benefited by the vapors of f Mf RN ITHOUT FIGURESAND WORDS AMD | Mra "J ii) i J \ . % e 8 Yo ULTTEA | won BY SUPLRSITIOLS proms 1x ARE IRERPHACES, | XJOr/ADAYS PLOPLE OF Er CARRY COINS irc » 4 : AVE . L] | CHARM TO WARD OFF SICKNESS OR IL , BRACELETS, OR A RABBITS FOOT BELIEVING YASS, or +A WU | rorTUN 1 46000 Lun "Wi HEY VILL WARD OFF MISFORTUNE , : ami Fu inege sirininiorbilesjerpeid | y falda Abdu lll SL BURR LRLLEY Lh | TLR A | WELL, T HAVE DADDY'S RABBITS FOOT UNCLES BUCKEYE, MOTHER'S LUCKY des 4 | J ll, US CE ------ ro ------ np TIME TABLES {| SRiRGING Up FATHER "By Gon, Mears bobbing did adolid dideby OR, TIME TABLY F BUY A LY OF LY WD Canary FELLER GG Wil ffl v | | I Cla MAGES, | Effective Bent, 19, 108, MAY HON IDOR AT HOME. MEOW VOL) COME RICHEY he E? fil I I | BRET HER ION | A lif I ha / Diamonds! oy Rh A on Dally (Bacept Bunda anLY GE IB | i i | | | Vik, CURE MALGIED BROTHER [LAD D OE STILLER 1" ! . | OF STE ALIN VAL / I MERE AND WANTS fT \ il ay N 00 won Baily [orm -- ( J VOY SEE WOOL) nid I | 3 - NEAR ft \ EME 1 TEL \ ii di] TNS | Pall Bone DES (Exempt Sunday) y ) ; : \ ilk On Oshawa's Main Corner ||| Gong Bast i) i Lae A 10.08 am, Dally , § i AA -- F008 pi, Dally (Racept Sunday) | a S00 pn Diy (Essent Sunday FLA my Daily (Ravel Balurday) 1.00 aon Dally s Wi CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effagtive Sept, 07, 1000 x | (Standard Time) oh Fare '™ | Easthaund BAY am, Dally, esos t Bunday JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, [| Ki an' mundi wal, 'Th \ |] EXCLUSIVE AGENTS TAZ nit. Lhativ' sxcent Sunday BM pane Datly, except Sunday BAF mo, Day, exeeul B B47 po Datly fi ER ith IL po Bally, except Saturda | | { 1 OF am Dathy WwW. A. HARE WET thie PH eetbound | i I 4 4 il Vd LH 1 | Fi iad OPTOMETIING 410 sn Bai paki li A RA ith Hatt A. ATS Fombure Bewvien, Lie, Great Britaim right 8 Bond Street East # a au Hab, SROERt Bunda, FiEhis poanrvagd Ba any Pally Hundrads of people Wear thy, axeept Punday, with wimost comfore bf y Dally, snsept Bunduy More's Faultloss Fonses hh Dali DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Sunday wily, Wally, eneept Bunday a ---- _- Dain noel Bundi, ee ET on ur TI ------ Ap \ e " ' a. THE SABOLE 17 AE a Now | wren 1 TRIER TER TT) I ' Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville WW TAKE You ) | . V INE ] [MAYBE THe HiNas . SwNT ONS, Two, x RAS | vanTERN 15 DIAMONDS WEEK. DAY ACNEDULE mn NF TORN A of A Fig » Of "lo we Of || THERE n BURNS JEWELRY (Bientv and aves Apel) 18 1a) 8 . ry _ You @o pi AR A ------ bart dovne Tie) " il oll i mf : W La os °o / STORE Leave ] al f King & Prince Nw, ah awe { : : { h w | ul rE , \ sess F=z9: = r a J f | A e AA | - bien Bradley, fee T Soro Sad Fra y\ L i ¥ . ak hia ve wen oy Tee Towa Mun STARTER off «BUT Nol If Fervmes I. ' PONER HAD ThE Bc wd hy Rae ae anny Aid Ragay SAB. ey bung WHEN Dally Ey Do Steps a \ v YING Te Save EF KING wt 3 8 ~ A \ 3 nO 4 al Ph hl X . DAUGHTER FROM ENCHANTMENT PISTANGE = AND TOLD THEM wher Shine wily bo MAGE SADDLE | TON THE &umMiT ce Qu THN SIAR MONATAINS They | [EVER GoT THERE Fina cove AND WIIHED TREMIELVES ON Tom | PLAIN = WHEREON ©Toep AN N * NY 4 i \ i ia MN N ---- Nee | \ ¥ SIN fwe MEN FIGHTING HAVE THE SADDLE. V of THe Glass ARUN TRIN : ole STEN HUT neil _ Men's Rubbers, 0 Special anaes ay 1 C DOMINION CLOTHING CW oN KING BY, WY, hone 8140 We Deliver 333853 TET PTTP ' BHT E \ 2353: AY AT UR NURCIALTY mR -- av WALON Ig hot Etving || Se i at TILLIE THE TOILER--"Personal" From the Boss pi \ By Russ Westuver oan v an Make wh the sorter hihi hy \ : - - J ever TTR - RTE A FE HoWDA Do +1 ™b, J. BROWN US Tarte Fee al wt Dogeeebbou lini NES, ; : Yr. NIFTY. (Y8 || EVERYBODY GETS A LETTER » Sy whith hea LETTERS AROUND) | « RING | PROM The ABOLY TIME : ME JS Qtticial Wate Inspector for Goins THE QFFICE "TO AUR] Lond a : You, THE A0sY (FE HE RANBW HAW THAT I MR | Canstian Nattonal and Ose \ ol prt. EMD NIFTY RY ROM OWAY MR, WHIPPLE 10 King W. Phone 180 |} wd ww . Hive | 3 ) do g ao. Vy : NN ty 2 Wi NIM PLAT FRI 8, ; i : y i " 4 ; HE WOLLONTR is 4 Pu CF WW | \ Dee {lax wo No More Piles he RR clionlation in the lower bawel tw POPEFTe *F3ES599 anid mives VaR't dn this oo an intemal a dy ast he wel iw nid Wl Neh nie Fe bg hy + hh FORT Tp eehuie (| (AW 1] N Pat and strengthens ah) {io art Be aw hae A Wel haved veel TA uwiok, sale and lasting eo We hig hl i! Ry! LA AW ith av nay Ba Wo oh . \ ARE

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