"All the News While Bt ls News" [ / BA ------_ VOL. 5--NO, 123 News in Brief (By Canadian Press) Power House Burned Windsor,~The power house of the Bothwell Oil and Gas Company near Bothwell was destroyed by fire Saturday evening. The cause is unknown, Loss is estimated at about $16,000, : waisted rw Sat ngton eutenan {J PAs avg al dp AH known flyers was ki day in testing the new Sl aeroplane recently p by the Navy. " LJ L] Ld Two Boats Missing ; Seattle, Wash, = An intensive a i aud the Masks [| oe ate I} for the Kanata and Seabird, two halibut boas, missing since Nov, 11, with fifteen § Seattle thermen aboard, Eight Seamen Rescued Buffalo.~Eight Canadian seamen comprising the crew of the Storm- tossed lighter Badger, were rescued off Point Abino yesterday in the teeth of a howling fle, by coast ic J guard cutter 197, w landed them safely at Buffalo hy Jack Miner Tags Geese Kingsville, ~Jack Miner yester- day caught, tagged and Mberated 243 Canadian wild geese, Of this number 14 had been tagged in the fall of 1026, one in 1026, one in 1926, and one in 1024, All infor- mation was forwarded to the De- partment of the Interior, Ottaws, where records of bird migration are kept, LJ LJ Liberal's Election Confirmed Lindsay,~The recount of the polling in Vietoria North in the re~ cent I'rovincial elections Saturday confirmed the re-election of Wil- liam Newman, former Liberal mem« ber, The vote gave Newman A ma- jority of 81 ever David McQuarrie, Conservative, who gained only four additional votes in the recount, * * Peebles Mayor of Hamilton Hamilton --Controller John Peeb- les was elected Mayor of Hamilton for 1930 today by acclamation. This is the first time in Hamilton's history that a mayoralty candidate has not been opposed the first time he has offered himself, though mayors have frequently been given a second term by acclamation, v Radiol al Convention Toronto,~With more than 80 scientists and physicians who use radium and X-ray in the treatment of disease expected in attendance, the 15th annual convention of the Radiological Society of North Amer- a ofthe here December 2. During "pupery "hit own authorities will be_ read, © $38,000 Fire Lose Hamilton, ~The old Gage home: stead near the heach pumping station was destroyed fire carly t along wi four barns containing the season's crops'and livestock, The loss is estimated at $35, Eli and Mrs, pman and thelr two sons escaped unharmed, but lost practically everything. e greater part of the loss is covered by in- surance, CIR Kings! Ailesied i) Oral, who has heen chief magistrate of the city for the past two years, Was this morning re-elected by acclam- ation for a third term, Two of the present Utilities Commission, James Halliday and James Harris, were nominated for the same po- | sition, while a third man entered the field in the person of Howard Kelly, Two commissioners are to be elected. iy Small at St, Thomas St. Thomas --Cases of soarlet fever and smallpox were reported in the city Saturday by Dr, D. A MeKillop, .M,O.H, James Cuyler, Assistant Principal of Scott Street Bohool, d noariet fever last Friday and aken to the Isola- tion Hospital. In consequence the students in the achool are being Jublagted 'to the Dick test by the Rat an une per of soar! ton the SeR0o district, All are of a very mild type. Volunteer Army In! Australia Mooted Melbourne, Australia, Nov, 28. Plans have been laid for an efolent volunteer army for Australla. A confefence of the adjutants of the Third Victoria Division here jodey mar! e opening of an inten cam for er B Reports in. dicate practically all the officers and non-commissioned officers and 50 to 75 per cent .of the other ranks have already beem enlisteu, I -------- P oy Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1929 The Oshawa Daily Times A Growing Newspaper in & Growing City 18 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy. I'WELVE PAGES SIMPLE FUNERAL FOR GLEMENGEAU Chinese Flee Before Soviet Gains SIMPLICITY MARKS LAST RITES OF FORMER FRENCH PREMIER AT Tiger of France Buried in Quiet Wood in Province of Vendee Today -- Last Behests Were Carried Out to the Letter STATE TRIBUTE ON SUNDAY NEXT -------- Military Units and Citizens Will Join With Govern- ment Officials in Long March Past the Grave as a Last Tribute (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, Nov, 25~"The Cannon eof Armistice" at noon today began the 101 gun salute which was notificas tion to the populace that the body of Georges Clemenceau, father of victory, had been lowered to its last resting place in the hills of its na- tive Vendee, near Mouchamps, The roar of the guns, located on the parade ground of Des invalides reverberated through the city, and good Fren [men stopped and raised their hats in their own salute to. the statesman who died yesterday morn. ing, Paris could not hear but every French battery throughout the Re- ublic and its possessions and every rench warship on the high seas joined in the same roaring salute of 101 guns, Simple Funeral Paris, Nov, 25. ~'I'he body of Geor« ges Clemenceau, father of victory, left the capital at 2 am, today ens route to its last resting place in the quiet of a wood in the province of Vendee, . There was no muffled drum beat, no oratory, no acclamation to speed the body on its last Journey, In. stead the former premier's last re« quest was carried out to the letter with all the simplicity and calm he desired, A hearse drove up before the light mn front of the departed statesman's door, the only light left thereabout in the dimly illuminated street, Four men dressed in black went inside the courtyard and in a few minutes em- [ with the light oak coffin, which they placed reverently inside the hearse, 8 Group Attends Only a little group, constituting of General Henri Gouraud, Prefect of Police Chiappe, the artist Gilbert Bel lan, and a few neighbors witnessed the removal, so impressive for all its simplicity and lack of ostentation, After the hearse four automobiles drove up and JO guests, those invited by the dead man himself in his last hour, emerged from the house and, saluting the little group of spectators found their places indide the cars, Rain had made access to the cemes tery property difficult and mud was a foot deep on all roads and paths for a mile around, AN night work. men labored spreading crushed stone into the ruts for the funeral cortege to Jan over, otherwise it likely would bog, Buried Near M The burial plot is located outside the village of Mouchamps, but within its legal limits, It adjoins a little group of houses long known as Col. ombier, because the pigeons found shelter in a half round tower with its overlooking sentry boxes, This Jringiple building. once was owned ¥ rg gre, and was the ortified home at" one time of the local seigneur, - This section of Vendee is rough and rude, composed of hills and dales and little winding roads most ' of which are barely passable for automo biles, It is a primitive country with houses, old customs, and since the wat, a preponderance of old people, Paris, Nov,, 84.~~Georges Clem. enceau, the Tiger of France, is ead, The 88-year-old statesman dled at his residence here at 1.45 am, (Continued on page 11) TN ribab BY THLstoN Malta, Nov, 20.-~The wireless operator of the British freighter Baron Elche hag been arrested, and today he is being taken to Malta on a destroyed as a result of a Shed Sh Br Sor ar people were ng to drug and murder him. When the er Wren reached the Baron leho, 200 miles weat of Stelly, last night, thére was every sign that mental derangement of the ra- dio man had caused one of the queerast 8. O, 8, scares in wireless history, The ship seemed perfect. ly normal, and the Captain was uns aware that destroyers were scours ing the Mediterfanean looking for him, OWN REQUEST HON. C. DUNNING BELIEVED. SIRE FINANCE. POST Announcement Soon Ex- pected---Euler May Become Railways Minister Ottawa, Nov, 206.--Announce- ment is expected within a few days that Mon, Charles Dunning has heen appointed to the high posi: tion of Minister of Finance, suc ¢eeding the late Hon, James A, Robb, Premier King returned from the Pacitie Coast Sunday morning, and after attending St, Andrew's Pres. byterlan Church was received by the Governor-General, The Prime Minister is in excellent health af- ter his tour of the Western Prov. inces, and will plunge at once into the task of reorganising his Cab. inet and preparing for the Parlia- mentary session, which will open about the end of January, A Cab (Continued on Page 8) "TIGER OF FR ANCE" DIES GRORGES CLEMENCEAU, At his Paris residence yosterday, Georges lemenceau, war-time pre. mier of France, universally known as the "Tiger of France" and "Fa. ther of Victory," passed away ws his 88th year, The "Tiger" dled fing: as he had lived, His last Kreat ttle was against the in. roads of uremic polsoning and death occurred when he failed to recover consclousness from an ab. solute state of coma: "My work is finished," were his last words, The photographs here show: (1) Shows the "Tiger's rare smile dur ing his more active days; (2) in a pensive mood, This photograph was taken In latter yoars while as Drunken Drivers to Have Car And Liquor Permits Cancelled Toronto, Nov, 36.-~According to a statement hy Hon, George 8, Hen. ry, Minfater of Highways, ments have been compelted by his department with-Bie Henry ton, Chairman of the Ligquer Con. trol Board, for the interchange of lists of persons whose moto? car or operators' llcenses have been sus pended on account of intoxieation and those who have had thelr Ng- uor permits cancelled, The Government, Hon, Mr, Hens ry stated, felt that where liquor permits, had been cancelled it might also ba advisable, in the ju- terests of highway safety, and am a deterrent to the individuals con- cerned, that the operators' llcenses should be suspended, In the same way, where a person 1s convicted of driving while intoxi- cated, the Liquor Control Board, under this new arrangement, will take what action is deemed advise able In regard to withdrawing the privilege of purchasing liquor, Mon, Mr, Henry sald that the present arrangement had been made in furtherance of the Gov. ernment's expressed policy to tight. en the reins on those who might be abusing the privileges they now had under the Liquor Contrel Act or Highway Traffic Act, Legion Opens Convention in Regina, Sask. Imperial Veterans of Can- ada Officially Received Into Legion (By M, Mcintyre Hood, Canadian | Press C . t) Regina, Sask, Nov, 25~With elab- orate and appropriate ceremonies, the third annual convention of the Cana- dian of the British Ewmpire Service league was opened at the Hotel Saskatchewan here this mora. ing, In the absence of the dominion president, L. R. Lafleche, the firat vice-president, presi at the open ing and addresses of welcome and greetings were delivered by His Hon. or, H.W, Newlands, Lieytgnant Governor of Saskatchewan; of ames MCara, Regina} + A, MacPherson, p Saskatchewan Comman: D, Cowan, president branch of the organizat mperial oVierans R Hen, J. A. Ralston, dominion Min- ister of Defence, conveyed the greets ings of the government to the cons vention of exservice men representing the whole dominion, An interesting and important fuaction at the ne ing session was the reception into the Canadian Legion of the Imper- jal Division of the Legion. Major Dingle of the Imperial Vets erans, spoke on behalf of the new division, Fraternal delegates from the Ame erican Legion and from the Ladies' on, dent of the and Dr. W, the Regina eceived Twelve Hurt in Bad Explosion Essen, Germany, Nov, $6. Right persons ware Injured seriously and four others hurt slightly in a ters ritio explosion this morning In the Ublle market Hallon Weberplats, he blast was attributed to gas leakage, It wan feared there might be other victims in the debris, Lloyd George, Orlando, Laud Clemenceau London, Nov, 28,--0f four men who more than any other molded the Treaty of Versailles, two today are allve, David Lloyd George, Lib eral leader of Great Nritaln, and former premier Orlando of Italy, Woodrow Wilson, United States, was the first of the four to dle, and Georges Clemenceau, the next, Just yesterday, Both of those remaining alive today had only praise and kindly criticism for their French collab. orator, even though both had, dip. lomatioally speaking, fenced with him for points In the making of the great treaty, Lloyd George's Tribute David Lloyd George sald: "I heard with much sadness of the death of M, Clemenceau, He and I worked together during two of the moat eventful years of history in the closest co-operation for the direction of the great war and the shaping of a world peace, 'With the death of Clemenceau there passes away the last of the great atateamen of the nineteenth sentir. He will rank in history with the greatest of them all" Signor or Orlando ando expressed sincere sorrow at the death of the French. man, but could not be quoted, Ramsay MacDonald, . present Premier of Great Britain, durin, the great war was a disciple of pact & oreed which the French. man despised, Mr, MacDonald, apeaking through the press, com- mented on his death: "The death of M, Clemenceau removes from the stage of Ruro- pean affaira one of its unique figs ures, He waa nat only a great Jafscnality but an extragrdinarily nteresting man, The Clemenceau of history will not only be the out. standing representative of his peo. ple an a nation but a man whose varied human qualities will always ender him to those interested in the elements of human kindness Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion were also received, A acries of resolutions was passed -- H ad iriternal gros: os ° er Majesty Queen, Hi Royal High- ness Ae the ue of ves, His > cellency the Governor-General and Viscountess Willingdon, Earl Jelli- coe, Baron Bye of Vimy, the British Empire Service League, the Ameri can Legion to the disabled, the wid. ows and the orphans and Lady Haig Police Arrest Indian Bombers Two Bengalese - Said Teo Have Admitted Crime Lahore, British India, Nov, 25 Three bombs were exploded today at a hostelry at Ranaol Police ar ersted two young Bengalis, the Bhat tacharya Brothers, one of whom was slightly injured, It wast learned the two Hengaliesc youths had sought shelter in the crowded hostelry and were accommo dated in the kitchen, Shortly after ward the place was shaken by a ters rifle explosion, Both youths were dis covered unconscious, One of them was said to have ad. | mitted he came to Rangali to kill a Hengaliese who had turned informs er in the Lahore conspiracy trial, CONVICTION OF HARCOURT QUASHED BY APPEAL COURT Managing Director of Jack- son-Manion Mines Is AJ Freed Toronto, Ont, Nov, 25=First Divi« sional Court at Osgoode Hall today quashed the conviction of Harry kK, Harcourt, who was found guilty on June 26 last on a charge && amlaws fully making, eiroulating, publishing or concurring in false statements res lative to Jackson-Manion Mines, of whichihe was managing director, It was tharged he knew these docu ments to be false in material parti culars with a view to inducing pers. ons to become shareholders or with intent to defraud shareholders or creditors, ------------------r Doctor Does Operation b Auto Headlight 8t, Thomas, Nov, 38,~-A d- alde operation waa torm on Misa Ruby Fitspatriek, a vietim ot an auto acoident at the Orwell hill, elght miles east of St. Thomas last night, in the hope of saving her life. Mina Fitzpatrick was driving with Lloyd Moore, an Kast Elgm young man, whose oar atrueck one driven by E. Hepburn, with Misa BE, Gurd, of Detroit, as passenger, The other three received minor in. Judes, \ Summoned from Aylmer follow- ing the accident, Dra, Melay and Leeson felt that immediate action should be taken to close a gaping wound on Misa Richardson's scalp. Twenty stitches were required to close the wound, according to Dr, Molay, Dr, Leeson administered the anaesthetic, and the only light available was the headlights of the oars, She is reported to be pro- greasing favorably at her home, IN Van work on a book he undertook to write after the death of Marshal Foch (8) excellent character study of Clemonceau, showing in terosting facial lineaments of rug. goed strength, and (4) this photos graph shows the "Tiger just prior to the celebration of his last birth. day, taken at his home at Nt, Vine in Manchuria ADVANCE OF LARGE BANDIT (ANG OVERPOWERS NINE GARAGEMEN Employees Trussed Up Securely in Robbery Today West Collingswood, NJ, Nov, 20, With speed and precision, a pand of masked bandits, armed with shotguns, trussed up nine ems- ployees of the Bhults Management Bus Company garage on the Diack Horse pike here early today ana escaped with $2,600, The robbers, numbering between eight and ten, were evidently fai ilar with the workings of the gar age, After forcing the night supers intendent, Andrew Weldell, Cam- den, to open the safe and hand over the week-end receipts of the company, the thieves, using straps and rope, evidently brought for the purpose, tied up the employees, One unpleasant consequence of the cent Nin Gard, swelled head is the cold shoulder, Big Liquor Haul at Grimsby, Twa Alleged Hijackers Held Lost 400 Years, Painting Found Ghent, Belgium, Nov, 25~"The Lost Raphael" the original painting of the "Madonna of Saint Salyl," for which art experts have been search» ing, has been found here, according to several art connoisseurs, The painting, sald ta have been one of the master's finest, has been missing four centuries, Lower Cabin Steamer Rate is Announced Montreal, Que, Nov, 25Travel to Lurope in cabin and tourist third cas bin classes will be rendered more ats tractive next year by reason of steam ship rate reductions taking effect on January 1, 1930, It is jointly announs ced by the AnchorsDonaldson, Cans adian Pacifie, Cunard, Red Star and White Star linefithat certain adjusts ments in cabin and tourist third cas bin rates have been made as a re. ult of conversatidns between pringis pals of companies represented in the \tlantie conference, whose deliberas tions took place recently in Paris, she rate changes involve the resgras ding of certain vessels engaged in the North Atlantic passenger business, Reductions, which affect many ves« sels engaged in the Canadian trade, range from $10 to $2.50 on one-way | fares, Reductions in round-trip ticks ots, which will be effective for ten months in the year, will henceforth be twelve per cept, instead of ten per cent, as at present applicable, Rates for tourist third cabin pass. engers will likewise be adjusted, the statement indicates, The principal change is found in a reduction in the cost of a round-trip ticket, which will range from twelve to seventeen and a half per cent, according to season, instead of ten per cent, as at pres sent, Other minor adjustments will also be made in re-grading certain vessels carrying tourist third cabin passengers, LODGE HOTEL, PORT CREDIT, DESTROYED (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Port @redit, Ont, Nov, 28-Fire of unknown origin destroyed the Lodge Hotel, two miles west of here, The damage is estimated at $70, John Bosworth, who was sleepin on the second floor of the hete barely escaped with his life, He was wakened by the neise of the fire and rushed out the front door, Rosworth was the only occupant of the hotel at the time, G\LE REPORTED Lisbon, Portugal, Nov, S-Traopa from neighboring districts last night were rushed to the northeast' coast where a fierce Atlantic gale was res ported to have don great damage, It was feared that there had been severe loss of life, but broken coms munications prevented any exact estimate of the destruction, Grimsby, Nov, $5~Provinelal police directed by Inspector Alvey, of Niagara Falls, swooped down on a boat house In Grimsby yeékler- day, arrested its occupants, George MoGregor, Reginald Carr, M, I, Rayner and Isane Leawkowlis, on charges of hi-jacking, and from a summer cottage at Grimsby Beach recovered 101 cases of whiskey, valued approximately at $6,000, which the quartet is alleged to have stolen from the boat, "John D." in Port Dover harbor, In the early hours of Haturday, The men were transferred to Simooe, A week's remand will ba asked by the Crown authorities, it is understood in order to clean up e investigation, MoGregor ia sald to live at Ham- {iton, Rayner and Leawkowits are believed to be from Erle, Pa, Carr, who In only 18 years of age, was the night watchman of the looted boat, and when he disappeared, along with the whiskey, it was gen~ erally presumed that he had been shanghaled, So quietly did polloe work that detalls of the Port: Dover hisjucks ing were nt known until After the alleged participants in the affair had been taken into oustody, Pros vinolal Constables Embleton, Mets oalts and Wood assisted by Chief of Police Juhlke, of Beamsville, staged the raid, Production of Autos Was Up During October Gain of Five Per Cent, Not ed Over September in Canada (Ry Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Ottawa, Ont, Nov, 28=Production of automobiles in Canada during Oe» tober amounted to 14,523 cary, a a of § per cent, over the total of 13,» 817 cars made in September, accord: ing to the Dominion Bureau of Stats iaties, This was the first advance in monthly figures since production started to fall off last May, alter the attainment of a new monthly fecrd of 41.901 units in April, Qutput for the ten manths ending October of this year, at M80 gars, exceeded by almost 3 per cent, the total of MAOM cars made during the entire twelve months of 1928, Compared with the figures for the previous month, data for October showed a falling off in the number of each class of car made for sale in Canada, while gains were registers ed in only two of the types which were made for rg namely, chass sis jumped to 6,122 from 3413, and closed model passenger cars rose to 1,625 fram 1,380, The total for open passenger cars dropped to 1,693 from 2237: closed passenger cars to S09 from 6,774; trucks ta 447 from S40; taxicabs or busses to 8 from 3%, CIVIL WAR IN CHINA ENDS, COUNTRY UNITES T0 FACE THE RUSSIANS City of Hailar And All Mane churian Territory West of Khingan Mountains Ie Captured by Soviet ARMISTICE BETWEEN GOVT. AND REBELS All Radical Léaders Reports ed to be Marshalling Troops to Present United Front to Russian Advance Shanghal, Nov, 86, ~The capture of Hullar nnd ull Manchurian tere ritory west of the Khingan Moune tains by Hoviel forced and the overs running of Kastern Manchuria for 26 miles to Muling have had a tems porarily unifying effect on all Chis nese factions, and are belleved to have been the major eause of an armistice, ofMelally announced by Nankin, with the rebels in Honan and Hupeh , It ig Ukely there also will be an armistice in the Cans ton aren Wang Ohing-Wel, Radical leads or, is raported to have ordered Gene eral Crang 'a-KXwel and his ""srons sides' to halt thelr march toward Canton and to conclude & fpeedy peace so that China may be ane to present a united front to the Russian mennoc Tokyo, Nov, 25 Dispatches to Rengo, Japanese News agency, from Harbin and Mukden, Manchuria, said the Chinese military had aban doned all pretense of defending the Ohinese Kastern Railway west of the Khingan mountains and were Slealng, oantward, looting an the way, Clyillan and solder refuge ees were described ax demoralized, Another Harbin telegram estis mated Chinese casualtion at 18+ 000, Ohinese likewise were reports ed lowing heavily on the bordes oant of Khallar, and chassis rose to 6.809 from 4,281, For the ten months' period ending Qcet, 3, 1920, the number of autos mobiles made in Canada totalled 248,« J70 cars, an increase ol 13 per cent over the 221,188 cars made durin the corresponding months of las year, Output for the year to date ins cluded J14%F open passenger Cars, 146,614 closed-model passenger cars 8,353 trucks, 59.907 chassis, and 148 taxi-cabs or busses, Of the Ogtober total 5,006 cars were made for sale in Canada, and the balance, or 0457 were intended for export, The apparent consumps tion of automobiles in Canada dure ing the month, as determined by adds ing the 5,000 cars made for sale in Canada to the 2020 cars imported amounted to 7,092 cars, For the year to date the apparent consumption of automobiles in Canada during the month, as determined by adding 8,006 cars made for sale in Canada to the 7,092 cars, For the year to date tha apparent consumption, thus computed totalled 206,245 cars, Customs res cords show that 2036 cars were ims ported into Canada and 9,767 exports ed during October, to make a total of 42018 cars imported and 91419 cars exported during the first tem months of this year, South Americans are anaidered the most lavish buyers of clothes iw Paris this season, DIES IN LONDON sun tol, AAR ADAMSON wtotol, Agar Adamson, DS, QO, officer sommanting the Prins cosy Patriola's Canadian Ligh Infantry ducing the great war, Ix reported dead in London, and, of proumontia jn his S wn oar,