PAGEL TWO : Th he Whitby fons and nows will b/ , AY Uag ito und Chropicle Telephone Hours = 'I"hone 850, Advan Wing, vies oft B-After Business That in cae oof hot From : gpd Paul Penesik -- Chief Gunson Makes Arrest arom. Tied" ith shooting wa | Pv wellknown farmer lve ing a vie | st of Aldiey Whithy | he on the four! Township, copean son of 'op Hun w Aut hing Pawd Penezlk, n farm nd _- Whithy geo), and will ap Hgts asistpate ita an oon, The shooting ook place about x o'clock, according to the story H 1a to Chie of Potce Gunson, of Whitby, who wag called to the woene, Mr, Guthrie went to his barn to feed bis cattle and. when he was about 60 yards from the door he claims that two shots were fired at him, Entering the door, he thought he heard a nolse com- fog from the hay loft over the cattle bine, and he called out but received no answer. A minute lat. er Penesik, accompnnied hy a boy of 16 years, came down from the loft and rushed to the door, CGuth- vie followed and he claimed that Panegik Aurned and fired two more she Both his legs were riddled wit th bird shot and it was with difficulty that he reached his house, Dr, Moquay, of Whithy, was called by u neighbor and he attended Mr, Guthrie, Chiet Guunson answered a tele Getting Up Nights 4m Can be Stop od often fn AR hours: I you ure losing pep, health and strength from Getting Up Nights, Duckache, Blagder Weakness, Burns ing, Leg or GFoln Pains, or Rhetis matic Aches, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test! Get Cystex (pro- nounced Siss-tex) today at any drug store, for only 00¢, Money back if you don't soon find pains gone, peep fine, feel younger, stronger, and full of pep, 1'housands Now Fat A LEY A Delightful Breaklest Food Daily Times rocetved nt the and when he arrived ur the . farm the only trace he sould find of the man and hey was f apis ACTORS BROW covered fields, he followed to the # farmer, whore he obs fonmation that Penesik and the hey nnd a dog had been thon Sh t day He i. un, x: ol 4 kw vemiio v AL re with he al n, : Waion sor he a a id mueh questioning, onoslk had the "Mie boy stated tht he an noel were hot after an owl, on they bad no intention of Mr, fuhrier 1Tney admits he being in hig barn, hot Mr, Guthrie game them with a pith hi Iho Ald Bhelter al awn wit those osu w od SLIPPERY ROADS "HARD ON CARS Highways Were Very Dan. gerous Friday and Satur: day----Trucks in Ditch -------- The sirdden descent of King Win« ter on Friday and Raturdey made the provineln!l highways running out #f Whitby vary dangerous for motorfute, but up until Bunday eve. ning ho worious accidents had been reported, Fatyrday morning a large truck loaded with steel tried to make the hil west of Plokering' but falled For hours {¢" was right across the highway, blocking all trate, and Trafflo Oficer Hilliard had to send oars and trucks round by the Dase Line, Another large. ocartege truck skidded on the highway west of Whithy and tumbled over into the oreek, It was there nearly all day The driver escaped uninjured, Beveral other minor aeccidents were reported hy motorists who were caught unawares without ohaing, Friday and Saturday sev. eral radiators froze up The Kingston highway through Whitby wan so slippery Baturday morning that Chief Gunson turned off the fraMo signals, ns motovists were unable to stop at the Inters sootion, The same condition pre valled when the snow fell Friday, but sand was used, nite hay was t Gives Rellfe Those irritations of your sleep and rest hasty retreat oheaty little coughs throat robbery beat a bring Veno's and persistent when you Cough Syrup to the attack Many thous ands testify to Its quick and wseothing effectiveness for the relief of all forms of bronchial! disorder Including whooping cough , youngest child, « and it's safe for the Salen agents: Harold ¥, Ritchie & Co, " VENOS cui 0S a Ltd, Toranto, LIGHTNING GHSYRUP THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, | 929 INISTER LAUDS ' 'SCOTTISH RACE Professot E. Lio E. Lloyd Morrow Preacher at Petihtetiap packer ot | Wh Wink | mada * by the 14 ta the Wgrid He Was Ye ua oh of un 'very 1Muminating address given at Ht, Andrew's Preshyterian Chureh on Bunday evening hy Professor K. Lloyd Mor: row, DD, of Knes College, Tovon- to, one, of the eutptanding men in the Présbyterign Church fn Can- adn, The ocession wes the annual service under (he aukplees of Bt, Andrew's Boclety, and th¢ church wan well filled, Professor Morrow spoke of the Heottigh as men and women who hid borne great hardships, but whose spirits wepe unconquerable, They had gontributed much to the human race in religion, culture and education=--more so than any other race In the world, The in. fluence of John Knox still lived wherever Beotch people were fo he found, Two outstanding traits of character in the Meottish race wus love of Mberty and independence and wn zenl for education, It was Booteh Presbyterians who gave the Americans thelr constution, Pro- fesnor Morrow stated, Vrofessor Morrow stated that a Beotehman must aver have a_souns try, If there Is none he weis out to discover one and summons Jit to become a nation, He regardea hin religion and his education an paered and wes prepared to make great sacrifices for these, Professor Morrow stated that avery olvilized country In the world owed much to the eontributions made to religion and education, love of country, patriotism and the tow millones of Roottish people, The spirit of Mt, Andrew, the patron saint of Mootlgnd, was still In evi denes, and the HBoeottish peopis would In the years to come be as potent influence for good as they had In he | past, emt -- LATE CHAS. HODGE 1§ LAID TO REST Funeral Saturday Afternoon Was Very Largely Attended The funeral of the late Charles Hodge, well-known Whithy barber, who died suddenly on Thursday morning, took place on Saturday afternoon from his late residence on Brook street south to Bt, John's Cemetery at Port Whithy, The ser: viee was conducted hy the Rev Capt, T, 7, Best, pastor of Whithy Baptist Chureh, and a large nom ber of business men and eltizens who had known him intimately for many years were In attendance Flowers wore piled high on and around the casket, sent by friends us tokens of esteem The pallbearers were Wilson, Richard MeMillan, H. 1, Pringle, D, J. Xean and 8, L, Wik helm, of Whithy and Mr, KE, Denny, n friend from Toronto, Interment was made In the fam. fly plot at Bt, John's Cemetery Capt, Nest condueting a brief hut impressive service at the Kraveside ABSOLUTELY CORRECT Nobhy was helplhg Edwin to swim around the shallow amd of the mu nigipal swimming pool, Ax Edwin tod poised to slide down the water hute the first time, Rahhy very ser ionaly gave him this advice! "Now, If your head goes under the water, don't start talking "Liberty THE MORROW'S "DEW" "How kind of you," said the gir! "to heing me those lovely flowery, | Heopbart them dew there is some on * stammered the in great embarrassment, golng to play it off tanmeerow,"= ne Pleader, voung man "but 1 am | Hu "Lady Mac"? Corsets at Half Combination Garments and Corsets, Girdles for the slender figure, The Combination ments come in two distinct models, figure and one for the short, stout, slightly boned, with Boede tops and aswammie tops, Sizes 3 to 42, On Sale for Half Price. $4.95 for ., Reg. $6.98 for .. $8.50 for ...$4.25 $10.75 for ,.$5.38 $13.50 for ,.$6,25 Dewland Reg. Reg, 'Reg. Reg. LIMITED Price 'Also Stép-in One for the tall $249 $3.49 allt on the plaka so he phoned to hm, they are so heautifu) and fresh, 1 he Ee ICY PAVEMENTS CAUSE ACCIDENTS AT BOWNANVILLE Wem -- Pontiac and Ford Collide-- Woman Knocked Over by Whitby Car Thare were several minor ear necidents In and around Bowman- ville over the week-end, most of them being due to the # ippery cons dition of the highway throukh lee, Very few of the through buses were on time on Munday, soma of them helng as much as an hour late, Nobody was seriously Injurs od and the worst of the smashes wis one that took place shout half a mile from the western limits of the town, A Ponting sedan driven by 1,0 Peat, of 48 Birchmount Road, Tor onto, and carrying the driver's wife and two children and two friends, while endeavoring to pass a Ford Tudor, driven by Davia Rankin of Calling' Day, crashed inte the lat- ter tirningk It upsidd down in the diteh, Mrs, George Clarke, also of Collins' Bay, crashed into the lat Ford oar, was slightly shaken up, but otherwise there were no els unltion, Another car driven hy Mrs, Ose borne of Whithy, when turning up Silver street, struck Mrs, Ireland of Bowmanville, silghtly injuring her, Mpry, Ireland had stopped to let another car go hy and then stepped In front of the Osborne oar, Mrs, Osborne immediately applied Ler brakes and the car skidded on the ley pavement, the rear end hitting Mrs, Ireland and knooking her. down, Dr. W, N, Birks, of Dowmanville, attended the Injured lady, SANTA CLAUS WAS IN BOWMANVILLE LAST SATHRDAY Jolly Father Christmas Lends Attentive Ear To Wishes of Little Folk op Nowmanville had a most distine gulshed and seasonably welcome vigitor on datuzday when Banta Claus himself with long Howling beard and all his necessary aceous troments, sat In state In Nelson's Hore and bestowed upon all and sundrey a welcome smile and to ough child a little present of pea nuts, candy and sevibblovs, Many were disappointed that he did not arrive in state and have a parade, but he gave his reasons to The Times for not doing so, Karly In the morning he had left his outs post at Christmas Island up In the Arotle reglons and was proceeding to Dowmaenville hy asroplane, ows Ing to the fact that he has such a busy time ahead, he thought that Ms reindeer would be too-slow, When he was flying over Lindsay ha ran out of gan and had to land, In landing he broke one of the Howmanville for a car to fetoh News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The limes. [elephones--~Oftice, B87 REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK for the north and Bante arrived shortly hefore ten o'clock, where he was soheduled to meet the little people of the Lown for the purpose of Lnding out thelr wishes for Christmas, He had several othe places to visit duripg the eourse of the day, so only appeared from ten to eleven in the morning, two to three in the afternoon, and as there was mtill many from the gountry who wished to see him, he returned for another hour from goven to eight, Over twelve hun- dred children received a kindly pmile and an attentive edr from im during the day, He told The Times when he left at night that he would endeavor to return'if he has the time, but he made no proms ine, DURHAM RECOUNT 10 BE HELD IN COBOURG TUESDAY M. J. Elliott, tt, Defeated Con- servative Candidate, Claims Ballots Should Have Been Disallowed -------------- The recount for Milton J, Elliott, Nonservative candidate in the ree ent provinelal election Is to take nlaee tomorrow at Cohonre hafore Tndge 1, V, O'Connor, Mr, Vilintt wan defeated by the offelnl count hy the narrow marein of fourteen and he elnimed that thera were maveral ballots that were counted for Mr, Beare that should have heen disallowed, This recount will an the last of a long drawn out election In Durham, the ke ot which has never been known be fore In the first place, owing to lnok of organisation among the de puty returning ofMeors, It was Im possible to get any idea of the re- sult until several days after the election Even then several of of thelr reports to each candidate as required by law, Conservatives in the county are still hopeful that the final result will turn In thelr favor, Whichever wins, one thing {8 certain, that it {x the elosest contest ever staged In Durham County and It is not lkely that Ww close un one will he seen for many years to come STANDARD TRAINING SCHOOL OPENS IN TRINITY CHURCH wii Howmanville's annua! Standard Training Hehool opens this evening in Trinity United Chureh, and will continue until Friday evening Courses will he taken each sven ing from 7.00 to 8.80 und the five courses will be as follows, first ahd second for bhevinners, pelmary and funlor workers will he a daonhle course under the laadership if Miss Nellie Tewls of Toronto, Number three, for 'teen awe hoys and girls taken by the Rev, A, I", Marsh, abiact! "Youth and Waorshin' 4, the Young Peonle's Grovn will be taken hy Rey, C.D, MeOlallan: A hy demonstration lessons during the second hour, Tt {8 hoped that all schools In the distriet will he well representad The Nev. H Stainton, of Conrties, 18 the secre Mr, Nelson Ammedintoly left "tary left PICKERING Telephone 800 Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent W. M. S. THANKOFFERING MEETING WEDNESDAY Plekering, Nov, 22.-The Wgnen's Missionary Soclety » ef St. « Paul's Church, held its annual thanksoffers ing meeting, on Wednesday after noon, The members of several siss ter societies were the guests of the local, society, and enjoyed the afters noon's programy, The weeting was conducted by Mes, KT. Bunting, pres sident, and Misa M, Ross of Whithy, and Miss MH, Law, provided vocal numbers, Miss Garrett, a returned Missionary, was the speaker of the afternoon, and gave a vivid deserips tion of the country of India, as well an ita custams, and the condition of the women there. After the service the ladies entertained their guests at tea, Bh) Pickering, Nov, 22.-~Nr, Frad Hicks, of Pine Grove, called on friends in the village on Friday, Mrs, Chas, Haight, who has been confined to her home with a sprained ankle, is improving, Mrs, John Dunn is spending a few weeks with friends in the eity, The ladies of the Women's Thats tute held, A quilting bee at the home of Mrs, W, I Powell, on Tuesday | One quilt Ne finished, which will he ready when the need for it arises H, Rickard is apencling a! few days at the home. of -- pan! ents in Belleville, ! W, Gi Rel, focal butcher, is havs mg an electric refvigerator installed ti his store, and Mus, tary of the sohool ~ 1 SAYS LENIN'S BRAIN IS EXTRAORDINARY Berlin and Moscow Expert Makes Microscopic Examination Moscow, Nov, 25. (AP)Prafoss or A, BR, Fogt to-night said that mi croscople examination of the brain of Nikolai Lenin in the five years since the father of the Communist revolution died had shown extraors dinary qualities of intellect, breadth of vision and richness of blood, Pro fessor Fogt 1s a wellknown brain expert of Berlin and president of the Moscow institute for the study of brains, He cut the brain of Lenin into ex: tremely thin slices in order to study the organ most minutely and said he had never before observed such large pyramid cells as appear in the doep parts of the covering of the brain, He said that these large cells explained Lenin's extraordinary grasp of matters, his quickness of thinking and his comprehension of many subs joets, Study of the brain af the Cone munist leader will be continued next vear. In the "Pantheon of Brain" of the professor are the ny of 13 very prominent Russian scientists, writers, fuventors, physicians and res volutionists, He also has 32 brains representing these of various races ang nationalities, Wall Street's great trick is to take a lamb and make a gout out of him,== Virginian-Pilot, FIGHT R/CKEXS Give Your Choldren SCOTTS EMULSION COD LIVER CHL MADRE YASTY these oMedrs falled to send copies | n wpseinl coursn for teachers tn he SAYS LABRAMOR ARMING 15 00D Agricultural Professor Very Optimistic Over Prospects eh mhorst; Mass, Nov, 86, =» Pro (gynor Fred C, Bears of the Mavens chusotts Agricultural College here has just returned after a summer spent in the Interckis of agricul 'ural development In Labrador, He expressed himuselt as optimig tie over the agrienltural prospeis af the reglon, H's work was in connection with the Grenfel Mis won, Prof, Wenrs described a ten aera fleld which has heen cleared of fly, spruce and hackmatgek st Northwest River, The soll, i said is sandy and success 1s ant fpated In the growing of REPAFARUS, strawberries and raspberries and potatoes, The rapid growth of vegetation during the few weeks of warm weather ls almost unhe- lHevabla, he sald, Potatoes planted on July 28 were sufficiently grown to use on Oct, 1. Ha witnessed cabbawes grow in four weeks from spindling transplants to fully developed heads, Frnlg Grows Well Following his Investigation of the of 1024, the professor hipped te BI, Anthony, apple, cherry, erabapple and plum trees He found them making excellent growth on his visit this year, Prof, Hears' veseateh was dihects od to promotion of agriculture In | 4 reglon where winter holds sway | npproximately eight months of the | voar, and wheres the frost never ianves the substratum of the soll Heven substations have heen estab fished in Labrador and tests are heing yada on growth of both ors namental and commercial plants, as wall an fertilizer and acldity Lents, the raising of alfalfa, drain de and improvements of garden vognstuhidy Prafessor Sears has hag 80 yours axpoerience in Investigational work, tap of which were spent in Nova Heotla, His Investigations have carried him Into Canada and eastern nnd western United Btates One of the most Interesting nhases 0 Prof, Bears' work in Lah. redor Is that relating to the ins troduction of flowering plants Red flowers are virtually non existent in Labrador---why It has not heen explained, Blue flowers thrive and Prof, Boars hopes that MANITOBA STORMS TIRE THO TIVES Eight Others Endangered in Blizzard on Lake Winnipeg Winnipeg, Man, Nav, 20,~"Ter- ritle wind and snow storms that hlew over Manitoba with bligsard- Ike velocity Inst week, took two Ives and endangered eight others, It was _revenled here Saturday, i a driving northwest gale, accom panied hy a blinding snow storm, three fishermen, returning from thelr nets on Lake Winnipeg, ware lost In the bligzard for nesiy #4 hours and only one of them lives to tell the tragle details, He, Ja~ cob Behiiat, Jes in Bt. Boniface hos. pital here, and it 1s thought if bie life 1s to be saved, both feet must he amputated, Beven men were rescued from an fee floe in Lake Manitoba, off Lens gruth, last Thursday by the herots efforts of two nelghhors, The fury of a northeast gale on Lake Winnipeg proved too much for the steaming of Fred Obach, (imi, Man, and Mony Magnus son, Arbourg, Man,, hoth fishermen, They fell to the ice on the lake after, wandering helplessly ahous on the snow-covered surface foy hours, frozen and tired, They had previously fallen Into the water, Their companion, Behildt, remains od with them until he was sure nor thing eonld be done to save thely Hyves and then found his wa " ara) hours later to shore--~and shele er, Badly froven, suffering from es posure, Behildt was brought te Winnipeg Saturday afternoon and his condition Is serious, a ER SR Now with greater values than ever before, with surplus power, with beautiful new models, with the famous "Cold Con trol", with mechanical parts enclosed, and with sales greater than at any time in the history of the Company, Frigidaire Cor poration announces , , , a Special small cash payment puts any Frigidaire red ones will be made to blossom an well, POLICE TOO ANXIOUS ON LIQUOR, PETTING, DECLARES SENATOR Washington, DL, Nov, 25 ' Senator Weass, Democrat, Houth Carolina, thinks Washington police are too mueh concerned over lguor and "pettin', Urging a Senate in vestigation of the pollee depart: ment, brought under severe orit) olem In the mystery over the death of youny Mrs, Vieginia MePher son, he sald "It there le one type of polies man 1 hate, It's the type that, armed with a flaslight, will sneak np on some boy and girl making fave in the park, Why, you ean't stop a thing lke that, and it's foolish to try! Yet some police men do it to fatten their records oven though they have (o drags (some young girl's name through the mud," An In arrests for drunkenness, he asked: "What's the sense in ars vesting a man heonuse he's got A tew toddies "aheard, If he's mind: ing his huniness and on Kis way he ought to be left alone, Of course, If he's not, he ought to be wrested, IBLF RISINFSC IN CHINA 13 GOOD Missionaries Very O-timistic Over Results of Sales Efforts Canton, China, Nov, 25, = The business of selling Hibles and other Christian hooks in China is improving rapidly, according to » report complied here by the Brits lahsAmerioan Bible Saclety, The misslonaries who operate the on ganization are more optimistic than they have ever heen and, Al though they hardly expect ta place a RAible in the hands of avery Chinese, thelr hopes are high, This increased business In Riblea really became apparent last year, according to the report, as a result of the unification of China and the beginning of the era of reconstruction, The first six months of 1898 saw a sales inoroase that the missionaries cons sidered remarkable and the second six months were even better, The flirt halt of 1928 has proven more profitable than either period of Rat yOar, To handle the Increased busts ness, the soclety maintaine 38 agents In the province of Kwan. tung and Kwanal and they are kept busy handing out tracts and taking In orders, Strange to say they ens countar Httle diffienlty with the various types of religious Mnas ties in the provinces, In fact, they nals, this class 1a Whe ans xlous to learn womething about the religion of the' west, aven if there {3 no intention of embracing it, A lew weeks ago two fleld agents van into a xroup of radical students who threatened the die pensers of Chelatlan Nterature The salesmen took to their heels They rar, however to the magiw trate of the district. Firat he pun chased A a¢t of Qoapela for his awn use, then he called a mas meeting and Introduced the agents to the community, Tha veport states that business at this meeing was exceptionally brisk, You need Frigidaire and you need it now, can't trust the weather to safeguard food. It is firet too warm--then too cold. And today you can call at our showroom, pick out any household Frigidaire you want, and have it delivered to your home for a special in your home. . . balance to suit your convenience --- CFL ii For you small cash payment. You can begin at once to enjoy all the priceless advantages of the new Frigidaire. \ You get the famous Frigidaire "Cold Control! that enables you to speed the freezing of ice cubes, salads and desserts, You get the extracpowerful Frigidaire compressor that makes the "Cold Control" practical and efficient. You get striking beauty in finish and line. You get a refrigerator with the mechanism coms pletely enclosed--~away from dust and dirt. You ges value that only Frigidaire can give. . Decide to have Frigidaire now End all the troubles of uncertain refrigeration this winten A special small cash payment is all you need. And you can pay the balance to sult your convenience--as your pays for itself, See us about this special offer today or phone for our representative, MORE THEAN A FRIGIDAIRE MILLION EIN USB Bowra Electric Shop 70 :IMCOE ST., N. OSHAWA