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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1929, p. 5

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? THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1929 PAGE FIVE Miss Hard-Boiled Illustrated by Armstrong Perry What Has Gone Before * Raquel Rojos, a dark, exotle beauty, and Greta Tosak, & stun sing blonde, are madels employed by Alphonse Courbet, & famous Isshion expert, On & trip to Europe, Rahal ® night Ands Greta, 8n mveterate gold-digger, hiding in a iar passageway with a strange muan, In another corridor, the man's wife is waiting to wreak ven- yeance on them, Greta pretends the Is & convent girl, traveling with wer "Uncle Al" HBhe weeps over Aor predicament, as she says her Uncle Al hag promised her an autor moblle=-and now she won't get It, fhe'll he' sent back to the convent, As a matter of fant, Alphonse Conre set has already warned her that he will ship her back to New York if per pehavior {s not above. reproach, Chapter B85 Naquel held her handkerchief a« Jhiut her mouth to still her rising ughter. She could almost belleve it hers self--about Uncle Alphonse and going back to the convent, That funny Greta, Bhd made her fright so real, her grief so poignant, Un» vle All Raguel's mirth was short-lived, Suppose the woman out there should come to the door, demand sntrance, She'd find the man hid« den in this room, She'd ery perhaps, or claw, Make a loud noise, People would bear, They'd come to find put what had happened, , Alphonse would come, He'd he turlous, Bend fireta bapk to New York, as he had threatened to do, "I must help her get the man put," Raquel decided, Bhe did not wint Greta to be sent back, Bhe liked the mischievous boyish gir! with the hlunt speech that so belled her corntiower eyen "Greta," ahe sald, tensely, but In a tone that could not be heard out- side the room, "He must leave this roome=this man, At nance," "Can't do it, lady," came a de- termined volee through the dark. ness, "Not while my wite's out there," "You never told me you had a wita,," Greta sobbed, "Uncle Al will never give me a car,," "If you'll stop that, I'll see you don't lone anything by this, ,mess,"" wheedled the voice, "Hush," Rague! thought she heard a rustling outside the door, No, it must have heen Imanination, "Where are you, Greta?" she asked noftly, "Here," sniffling, Raquel walked in the of the sniffle, "Listen clogely now," she sald, "1 will go to the door, open it and then stop." "No, neo, no," expostualted man in the dark, "Be quiet" Raque! sald, "You act the fool, It you want to get out of the room without having the whole ship know of, ,of, this, you must do as I say," "Uncle Al promised me a can" whimpered Greta, "Stop now," Raquel ordered, She was losing patience, If she could shake that mischievous monkey of a Greta, "1 will atop in the door and say, loud enough for the wom- an to hear, 'Hurry, dear. He sald he would meet us on the top deck, near the front,' Greta, you are to answer, "I'll hurry,' Then I'l] elose the door and go, swiftly, to the top deck, The woman will follow," direction the BY JANE DIXON back, as be said," "Bure, he would, And that's the Inst thing I want to happen, The digging ought to be great in Paris now, but this bimbo was such a niee fat prospect 1 couldn't help giving bim a ring, Honest, I could~ 0 you see, though, you've the chance for nothing, ."" "Wor nothing?" Greta's blue eyes were merry now, "For plenty, Dearie, you don't know the half of it, Walt uptil I check up on that bimbo tomorrow," Rut," "put my eye! He's so glad he got away without any bones hpok- en, he'll want to give me his name signed to a blank check, I tell you, old dear, that little playmate has dough, You didn't think I was erying about my automobile for noe taken I really believe It was you and that stunning green effect with the coral, that converted me," "Phen the gown has served well," said Raquel, delighted that she had obtained what would undoubtedly be a profitable order for Alphonse "And Mademoiselle Raquel," Mrs, Dexter hesitated rnneertalnly, "1 want te esk you about the coral earrings you wore, They were fas: clpating, ¥ have never seen any just Ike them, They gave just the right fillip to the gown, I forgot to speak to Alphonse ahout them, Were they a nart of the ensemble?" No," Raquel raid, suddenly gone cold Inside, "They, I just happen~ ed to have them," Mrs, Dexter waa scaling the mountain again, "Could you, , would you, consid or welling them to me?" she asked not for her eyes, They held another verdict, Btrange eyes, Like black pools with eandles flickering In thelr uoplumbed depths, "I understand," Raquel sald simply, "I had hoped, that fs, 1 wanted very mueh that we should be friends," he went on, encouraged by her kindness, "Wa can be friends' "You mean you'll forgive me en« tively, you'll let me ses you again?" "Yen, it youl wish it," "Phen 1 shall look you up In Paris, There are some places I'd like to show you, some people I knew you'd enjoy, it you'll give ma the name,af your hotel," Her hate]? She didn't have a hotel, Bhe hadn't (he «lightest nes tion where she would stop, He'd think it was queer, "I haven't quite decided," she sald, "Then 3 Jo tell me where you are renelving your mall," Mall? She wasn't receiving any mall, There was no one to write to her, Bhe was alone, Suspended In a vold, "Just address me cars of Mon. sleur Alphonse," she sald, hastens ing to cover her embarrassment with the glibness of her answer, "I've arranged to vecelva all my n yrespondence through his office," fhe had almost saldr "through him," Bhe had heen stopped by the reanllention of something Greta had sold, "Alphonse 1p eragy about you! Had others notieed wha! Greta thought she detected? Greta was a suspiefous Mittle monkey, Full of plots and motives, Bill, she was glad ehe had suhstitnted Alnhaons The womun was close behind her, Lurking In the shadows, thing, dig you?" Raquel gave it up, There was no use trying to reason with this naughty Greta, "Just the same," she sald, help. ing herself to one of the plumpest of the hothouse grapes from the gondola basket and holding It hes tween her gleaming blue-white teoth, "I helleve you are playing for very small stakes." Greta plopped Into a ehalr ne If she had been pushed Into it, "Look who's talking," she gasped, *Bmall stakes? Automohilea? What wonld you advise me to dig for, dearvle, , tha Woolworth Building?" Raquel laughed, "T don't know your Woolworth Dujlding," 'she said, "Put 1f it is very nice, and permanent, it should be worth having," "T geo," Greta was thoughtful, "You want to get yours in a lump sum, Selze the ship, anchor and all, Well, maybe you're right, On- Ivy loak at the fun you're missing." Maquel west on nibbling granes, "Hea-v, dearie, you'ra pot pulling any of this love stuff on me, are you? All for honey, and get a sock in the eye? Honest, I couldn't bear that," Raaue! pushed away the fruit, *'7 don't belleve In fove," &hq sald shortly, "Yes, but suppose ashe doesn't AoNvw ?" wrnaned tha wales "She will follow, Greta, In a few minutes, after I have gone, yu tiv to hurry out of the door, If the woman fs still there, go right on and meet me on the top deck, If #he is gone, come back and tell your friend so that he may go quickly, You understand?" "Oh, Cousin Raquel, how can I ever thank yout" "Never mind thanking me now Walt untiiit ia safely finished, You are sure you understand?!" "Yee-n," Snir, Sniff, Raquel! found the doar, opened it wide, fhe had hit upon an oppor tune moment, The woman was passing, She called back mally, the line she had promised, Greta an. awered, Rague! closed the door and scuddled up the corridor, As she turned a corner, ahe could see that the woman was following, Raquel continued until she reach- od the upper deck, The woman was close banind her, Lurking in the shadows, Over there by the rail, 'Minutes passed, Or were they hours? Here waa Greta at last, "Ham't Nom, shown up yet?" she ined ghrilly, hy Hor could have ataked her life on cne thing, The name of the man {0 the dark was not Tom," *No, he hasn't," she sald peaviah. ty. "He's always late." "Maybe he sald the swimming: pool" : "He might have' "Let's go down and see" him, Let's 10 pid oe and lot Wim come not mave out of When they were safe again In the reom, Greta gald ruefully; "I'll bet you're mad as a hatter," Raquel ahook her head, Pustered a smile, "No," she sald, "but {t was skirt. tug the edge of the fire, wasn't #4? "Gosh, I'l! w it was, When you suggested that trick, I didn't think it woulq go so well." "Rut Greta. .if the woman had come In have,.if Monsieur Ab 0 wil She . whonse heard. .he would send you "Now vau're talking, Somahady sure played a joke when they fn» vented the ald lovey-dovey, Love!" Greta emitted a"peal of raucous laughter, "I'll bet that loving mama Ix still walting up there on the top deck for her hot papa,' "Yes," sald Raquel, Her volee was like cracked foe, Men! Wandits, Plunderers, She honeq Greta would get her autos mobile, Chapter 80 The day the Gloire de France was to land at Havre, Raquel had an other talk with Mrs, Dexter, The woman seemed torn her tween desperation and determinas tion, 8he blew cold, than hot, One moment she was sinking Inte an abysa of despair, The next moment she was scaling the 'mountain of high hope, You look different somehow," Ranuel told her, "More alive" "You noticed 1%" Mrs, Dexter was all eagerness, "Frieda has taks en me in hand, She ia really quite devoted to you, 'Mademoiselle Ras quel does this' 'Mademoiselle Ra. quel says that,' You are a sort of a goddess to her, A goddess of peauty,' «= "Tt 1a nice of her to lke me" "Yes, The eyea of our servants are worth looking through, They 460 us at our beat, .and our worst, Frieda has always wanted me to take better care of myself, Now dhe'y in her glory, Ahe's ke a little with a dell, Look at my hain 's capled yourd, exactly," 'What a change the dressing of hair could wark in & woman! Mrs, Dexter's hair no lon strangled, Even the color was better, Rrush- ing had brought out glinte of bronse, Touches of rouge on her ohdeks teak away something of the unhappiness in her eyes, made them brighter, leas like those of a hurt or:ature, With another drass, ,ohle ' Joungish, RY) I know," Mra, Dexter sald, "My olothes are impossible, I see it now, Monsieur Alphonse has cabled to Parla, There will be lots of them walting for me there, Among them A jade arean evening mown, lke the one you wore the night I met you, Ee... Raquel's black eyes widened, a! { thro % the woman at somes thing she was seeing out there in spaee, YT ghall never part with the coral earrings,' she suid softly, Then add od Jn a more casual tone "Ther really have no value, except ta me Yan see, they helonged: to my mother," "Oh, I'm so sorry have asked," "Oh yes, you I shouldn't should," Raquel hastenad to insist, "I'm glad von Iked them, I'm sure you van find some similar, Or perhans you eou'd have others made, with mine as a modal," "You're a dear," sald Mrs, Der ter, "If you'll leave them with Al phonse when we get to Parts, 1" sea that nothing happens to them My Jeweler can copy them And when I return them, I'll inelnde an other pair, one of the new designe for your trouble" Luey's earrings, Wer mother's one defiance of the dust of the des ert that was her life, It Mra, Dexter sent her anothe) paler of earvings as a gift, she'd re turn the coral ones to Lucy aerost the ocean, No, she'd send Lucy the new ones, Luey would like the new ones better, It was so rarely tha anything new came inte the life « Panehn Rains! Imp "Yes," Raquel qeclded, "I'll keen the coral earrings, I'll never part with them, They are a lucky tals man, They bring me good foRtune." Late that evening, 'when Raquel was going to the suite. "to freshen up a bit," she came face to face with Hertie Adams on the stalrs, He was about to pasg her by with a quick nod and the merest sug: gestion of a shamed smile, Sudden ly he ehanged his mind and called her mame, "Er, Miss Rojos," Raquel stopped and greeted him cordially, "1 want to tell you again," he sald, a flush staining his bronged cheeks, "how genuinely sorry Iam about, making such an ass of my. self the other night," Raquel's black eyes met his gray ones, There was neither animosity nor blame in their sable depths Rather there was admiration , for this tall young man with the body of a Greek god, hia fale hair bruah, od back from a clean hrew, his well-modeled chin square-out and strong, Admiration and pity , Why did men lke him sodden thelr fine hodies, befag thelr keen hrains with drink? Why had Paneho, her father, done it? Panchogmnust have heen very mueh like Partie Adams once, fine and clean and square-out, Before he took to meseal and ter auila, Before he out himself off from his prong Spanish family, from his high-placed friends, from the soslety of decent men, 'It Pancha had taken a hold on himself, it Be had slain the devils within him, her whole life mizht have been different, Luey's lite would have been different, They would be persons of consequences, Somebodies, Well, Pancho had failed them, As Bertie Adams would fall some wo» man, Unless, Rha wished Berta Adams could see Pancha now, Balls ing tortillas wolfishly, Ripping out vile oaths, Using h'* great flats on helpless women ang ehildren; hin) awn woman, his awn ohlldrem fhe was allent so lang tha Adams mistook the silence for re- sentment, He would have murmur od an apology and gone om were it t [twentystwo days. se's olfiea for Alnhense himself, (Continued tomorrow) GENEROUS GIFT T0 GILL LIBRARY Collection of Songs and Pic. tures Presented by Niece of Library Donor -- Montreal, Que, Nov, #6, Red path Library, MoGIl University, Montreal, has been the recipient of gift, The Codex Ma- nesge, from Miss Allee HN, Red ath, of Harbledown, Canterbury, Ungland, niece of Peter Redpath, the donor of MeGill's famous I+ brary, The Gasette has the follow: ing about the gift |e "The Codex Maneasa, recently las sued by the Insel Verlag In Leip slg, 18 a veritable pleture gallery of the Middle Ages and containe a calleotion of the songs of about 140 German poets representing the Minnesanger poetry at ts best The original 1s one of the treas- ures of the Heldelburg University Library, a 'wreat portfolio dating from the heginning of the 14th een. tury, long a secret Joy to the stu dents of poetry and pageantry of the Middle Ames, but not until now avallable to the world us large Kven now It 18 not free ly avallable, for the facsimile costs $876 and only 800 coples are for sale, but It marks a stage In the development of the art of color re production, The Codex has an interesting history, It seems to have originat ed at Zurich at the court of the patrician family of Manesse, who were the great patrons of song and poetry towards the close of the Lith century, The poets Hadlaub and Konrad van Mure may have had a hand in the production of the work, and Its very magnifi- cence, the spaces left for later edi: tions, and the heauty of the il luminations all point to the faot that the volume was intended vo be an outstanding monument of the Minnesanger's art, From the me of (ts completion The Codex was completely lost until 181, when It reappeared in the catas logue of the Palatine Libaty. Lats er the elector, Frederick lent it to a relative and eppevienced great diffloulty In vegovering It, For years it seems to have remain. ed ak Bt, Gall, in the house of the antiguary Schohinger, who is sald to have shortened his days in the attempt to copy It al have It printed, In 1622 it'travellad with the rest of the Palatine Library across the Alps te Rome, In 1674 it was in the Royal Library at Par is, where It was carefully rebound Many attempts to get it back were made, Grimm made a vallant at tempt in 1816 and Gustav Freyta tried again in 1870, but it waa not until 1884, through the agency of the bookseller Trubner, that after more than 260 years this previous volume was rvedeposited at Held: elburg, The fates had watched aver it carefully, fon had it heen at Heldelburg in 160% it would have perished when the French destroyed the Palace and lald the town in ruling, "The Codex consists of 424 vel lum sheeta of poetry embellished with 180 full-page illuminations riohly colored and heightened with gold and silver, {llustrating almost every phase of medieval life" Gained 10 Pounds ln 22 Days That's going some == but skinny men, women and children just can't help putting on good healthy Mesh when they take MeGoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, Full of health and weight builds ing substances = the proven and successful kind-=the kind that are a real help to frail, rundown, skinny men and women, Try these supremely efficient sugar coated tasteless tablets for JO days-- if they don't help greatly your money will be refunded. One woman gained ten pounds iu Sixty tablets, 60 ccenta=Economy Size $1.00. Ask Jury & Lovell, T, B. Mitchell, W, H, Karn or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, Directions and formula on cach box, UH Fenerous DR, 0, M, OAKE A vecent Canadian graduate of Dalhousie" University and Inte madieal officer of French meps sohant ip Edouard derames, han left Paris alter six months of postegradunte study In sare ory fov England, He has gone heve to veeslve an appointment on the vesident staff of one of the Wrmingham Union hows pitals, Ep ------------ TURKEY WANTS 10 BE IN THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE Young Republic Declares It Is European, Not Asiatic Aguas, Callentes, Noy If there aver Ia to he a United Hiates of Hu rope, Turkey wants to be In i, even though her eapital eolty Is beyond the geographie borders of Kurape, far out In Asle Minor, Moreover hey interest in M, Hriand's project Ia so keen that she wants not only to he part of any Buropean federation that Is formed but also to have an potive part In shaping 11, These de slves of the young republic of Mus tapha Kemal have heen made audible hy ap outstanding oMelal spokesman, Mahmoud Bey, deputy, Intimate friend of Kemal, and editowin-ohief of the oMelal newspaper "Millett," Returning from Athens where he represented Turkey al the recent neace congress, Mahmoud Hey has heen devoting columns In his paper to Turkey's stand on the questions of peace and of the United Htates of Kurape "We Turks applaud the idea of the federation of people," he writes, Ya federation which will unite all the nations of Burope on a perfect basis of equality, and whieh will suppress the hatveds and eonflieting interests which now divide them Turkey will partielpate eargervly in the fortheoming congress of all the Balkan states agreed upon hy the ve pent peace congress at Athens, for ghe hopes that this Halkan confer anes may hring Into actuality a United Riates of the Balkans which May serve aa 4 prelude and an ey ample to a greater subsequent Unli ed Niates of BEurape "Turkey 18 not 'Asfatie! Tt would he unjust to exclude fram the Kuro pean family a Turkey whieh is ap plying with remarkable deelsion and profound sincerity a fundamental program of veforms whieh have erowned with success her politioal moral, and soetal evolution, The faet that Turkey maintains friendly rela 1904 ¥/\WeR'AOERSARS 192 hy the Bachelor is foil wrapped" gven t In renewing é T° enable lovers of good yp to always obtain the Bachelor in per- fect condition , . , and to celebrate the silver anniversary of this famous brand, The silvery foil seals in the freshness and fragrance , , , the delectable richness and mildness of the 100% Havana filler , , , and protects each cigar against breaking, cracking or chipping in one's pocket, You will find a new satisfaction in smoking the foil-wrapped Bachelor, ugh it has been your favourite cigar for years, And if you have not smoked one lately, you'll find a lot of pleasure old aeq + + + be assured of that, ntances ndiiduatly 10% acks of Pifive DACHELOR CIGA LARGEST SELLING I10§ CIGAR IN CANAD A ee Be RL LL LL Ee AE . SR tions with certain Oriental powers does not mean that she herself should be considered Oriental, for with Og eldental powers she has also estab Hahed friendly relations of even vast er fmport" Mahmoud Bey goes on ta explain that Turkey's nompartieipation to date In the League of Nationg 1a nol due te any prahiblitory eontraetual engagements nop to a lack of fatth in the League (tealf, hut ta the fat thal she has not ye! been offered a vall therein satisfactory to her desires "Purkey is especially interested in the League and In the Kellogg pact," he oontinues, "because It was basle ally through them (hat the idea of a United Mates of Burope arose, Hut existing obstacles In the way of In ternational pence whioh the League and the paet have not yet removed must be removed before a Buropean federation ean have any permanent value KARN THE DRUOGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFFIC GERMANY NOT 10 KEEP KAISER OUT Republicans Declare Country Will Not Be Swayed If Wilhelm Returns Harlin, Noy Hl New leeill will be put In the regulations for de fence of German democracy, but no new prohibition of the Tetum of the Kaiser to Germany, If the new fense of (he republie pot prepared hy | the democrats for submission to the Relohstag winter session 18 pansed Last July, when the old defense of the vepublio set expired, & BORE Wis valsed In Germany and abroad (hal the former Kalser might return and even attempt to inspire & coup d'etat by the extreme nationalists, The de moeratio government parties, how evar, adopted a phlegmatio TL toward the possibility and refused to | be alarmed The late Dy, Htrggemann's (nvarl ahie comment, "What If he does ve tun? expressed the unanimous feel ing of German republicans, that the days of politleal assassinations in 1892, when the first defense of the republic aot was passed, are gone for good and the German vepublia of tos day stands on too frm ws foundation to he shaken hy the former ruler's possible decision ta lve on a country eatate In Germany instead of In Holland, True to this attitude, the demoerata have entirely omitted in the new defense of the republic set the paragraph referring to the Kats Bes return Inoreasing bitterness duving the sumaner months, however, helweaan the two great groups of German parties, the Rightiats, leaning to ward monavehy, and the Progressive and Hoolaliatio Left, supporting the rapublie, had led the government pars tien to feel strongly that & new des fense of the republie pet MUSE Revers theless be passed BILLY SUNDAY'S SON "WANTED BY POLICE Los Angeles, Nov, 28 -=Clearge M, Sunday, 37, son of Billy Sunday, the famous evangelist, and Mes Maury» ine La Halle, a cloak model, were charged with indiseretion in a felony complaint tasued here late the other day by Deputy Distriot Attorney George Stahlman Uhe eomplatint was slgned by young Sunday's wite, Mes §ia viet Sune dav, Dall was set at $10,000 for each defendant, hut hath have haen mises ing for veral weeks, the Disteles Attorney fald lt a Do You Own Practically every line of busi ness is represented in this dic vectory=--a handy reference tor "LUMBER | F.L. BEECROFT w Lumber and ¥ Chane ig ER ------------ A -- COAL COAL Phone 19a W. J. SARGANT Wear Meeet 8 elivercd List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectory! acquainted with the variow business houses, For Your Dyug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Slmooe 86 Se=iVe Deliver N Machinery Repairing NUTHING TOL NOTHING O00 SMALL Adanac Mache Sh 161 King 3% W, thous 1814 CLOARD CAR accepted wa park payment on 6 room new hriok Penis dence, AH convenionees, Well los ated, Hot aie heating. eto, Come prepared ta huy as the owner means business, DISNEY REAL Rana 2 King A -- y -- "TTe_------ We have several desivable houses fa rent, CUTLER & PRESTON Heal Ratate Insnrance Telephone AT3=--N03 Niht calls 810 1860 04 King 5t, West EE Prince Takes His First Solo A Plane Flight A tH Sh A Hght aleplane and or wome has heen qualitying tov a Lg TR. conse, has made hin fest flight, IL reported hove, Pravis analy he hae always own with hin pilot tn a dual control paw that IF he made any mistake wa at the control it could he fmm ately corrected hy the experien tier, 14 1s understood that the Prince's fone AtOMPL Was ade tn oxtrom: Iv "humpy weather," hat he nn ted the plane well and wade & landing,

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