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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Women's Interests in the THE OoHAYA DAIL Y TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1929 The Women's Comer i Saku a" -- i MATOM as aver ho Hitle ull Zio a ful wnehigvement of this ides, Hons avery b+ sola Ff varied hue, Jory fo i! the i ary, It is anune of the Inerensin matching hoslery to or trim, ehttuilk, blended, Nose Brn pun burn tradvoed idea Ho the oi hi bighbnd Darin § Lhe v wie, iv atest oer themnelves perfectly to the success: Thos ostery shade shawn wll Iu sasentinl with some eos: Dust inn new, flattering bine fox fur toned vaquired tor all has fashion tor 6 fur seart Ble fox fur and gu howl ory compan on, Rowe Dust, are Aes ne, a Hght vose-tinged In the hosiery eolar Ine by Paris for evening weap uid ho wunhurn fio Brune " 3 hos ar wor on oh ved to Ba dh Hy appear in the pres Wor le, tomindt ne he of hy hed whats u ue of Th u protusio fal Ra h¥: vell-dromed in tle restraint (hat makes gt princess type frock fonda ad i the ER npparel, ou oi fir Your skirts longey In the avehing It you are er i " woh upstostha-minute' "ny nose a froek that is snk " gh and oven ml the way vound, Many yefer gowns whose skirts are cut no many iH ar Are suk In ful vou, dipping ol hily In the bask, Home mar Fhoons gown that ol Ow a ine of the figure als Wi to the knee, fh, A the skirt than flnres, Little will he ween In contrasting colors, You will see ore of those delight hades (ka Mooen, Marooatn, and the new fun Maotnl, whose chameleon blend wh On oN with the wostume In hoslery on Ho papuiaet his year, Va lon has Ambhasisnd furs for ¥all hod Winter In the natural ealors hive, vad, sliver ar platinum fox, and In summer ermine, Cara oul, keimmerd, squlveel and sable, Par the lghtershaded furs, pes boramu to the whim of fashion this Fall, Keimmer, a delightful Mivarys gray hoslery shade, warm, oft und alluring, Is suggested 10 the well-dressed girl HELPED DURING MIDDLE AGE Woman Praises Lydia E, Pinkham's Vestiable that he on Bre nas soples, They wre ovig hh In shape, design anid onloring, But the influenon of the anclont eyaftamen in faintly sppar ent hit thin modern Interpretition Thove 18 & hint af the Venetian in some of the pieces exhibited, hut the kiowing elops, that leak ike Imprisoned Jewels, speak of he aa ii nm. SIR Ee I LS MRS, DIBBLE'S TALK VERY INSPIRING roy Last Opportunity To Ad dress the Women of Oshawa Alone After the Kront Aan af the mesting on Thursday Merman when Mes, Dibble Addressed (he women of the olty at King 5. Unit od Ohuveh It was arranged to hold A similar mass meeting on Sunday afternoon at the Hegent Theatre The sting sommencsd at 4h, hut hetare that time nearly svery neat In tha building was osenpled, Hams of the Bunday Behools had shortened thelr lesson hours so that the women could get tn the theatre In time for the address there, With Harold Mustaine #4 the plane and Mr, Gea, Dibble 168d. Ing, there was sommunity singing far & while, My, Dibble was asnints ail hy about twenty women of King HE, Chole, who sat on the stage with him, The dust hy Ms, O, D Friend and Mp, Dibble, was very well pondered, Following this dust, My, Dibble made » fow re marke Fesard ing thelr departure from the elty this morning, Hey Cran alsa addressed the meeting Hefare Mr, Dibble and My, Crags left to wo to King Bt, Ohureh, where & MNS mass meeting was being ----- ALL THE BRAN YOU NEED ALL THE FOOD YOU NEED SHREDDED | With all the bran ih the whole wheat roilk o or ream have a complete, perfectly fog fam lo " aking hones ih tooh--vith - ren fmaking Ww nee 4 and so tasty and emily digowed. Min +1 CHRISTCHURCH [£2 AY.PA RALLY ROTA oie Song tn the Members From Other AY, |Y/"14r svenine i P.A's of the City Present Ee Fat fe wi balene mins for the young people hrletly, af thanks from extended {to the members Christ toa elose vide hoth passengers and mall, nm Home and t the Community A vole the visitors Was Chureh Hofreshmenis wera serys ed hatorae the meeting was brought Owing to the faet that work 1a helng done In the Parish on Plans are now under way to pro wn ale werviee to Tesland for Last evening after the vemular GLASSWARE NOW IN VOGUE AGAIN Landon T decorative value of exquisite gloss work has always Haunt Honor Gol has wrested from the Pant the weoret of maRing gine (hat 16 In one plees Lransparont, BOM LTanspapent and opaque The sotusl wiass In first hands with gay printed ohitfons, dull vioh metaln, and the Panler valvels in the rods whish strongly suggest the Hpanish Influence of the season A I ehureh sarvies at the @hrist Chureh Parish Hall, the AX PA, held ou ily, Members from the various ather AY PA'S In the Pity were present, shout 78 tn all, The pre held, Mr, Dibble sang two snlos, Then followed Myx, Dibble's in spleing address to (he women, Ele spoke to some lenkth hut every sentences held soma valuable mens Prayey pp SPECIALITY fet Se Disney Block [7 1916 Phone - 1510 --e - A LSS [heer Chiles, ei Fashioned | ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Noar Cor, King & Nlmeoe By, heen apprecigied, hut never more than today, "That la why connalse HOUrH Ave paying ne muck as $200 to S000 for un pale of vases made hy tha young Bpdnish artist, Benoy Jose Muvis tol In his studios In Barealons and Favis ho is turning out places that Are wo besutol and unusunl and an Aetinitely original that It 1a pes Haved that thelr value will Inereanas anarmously in the future, They will "lye," Home examples of his art are he Ing shown hy Henar Gol at the New gtudia Gallary, Knightahridge Hig work 1a a subtle mixture of anolent and Junodarn, As long ngo ne the thipfesnth eentury there ware makers of Catalan glass who had learned secrets of thelr trade fram Halian and Jewish ovafiamen who had penetrated Into Kpain Then for the last two hundred Yours the art had been lost until Honor Gol revived the technique Yet the vases, goblets and hows ln blown the salors are then added In snnmel nnd sah color In nepurates Iy havnt In, Home of the great hawls look wa Ifa doit of autumn leaves had hy game subtle means been caught and held, There ave tumblers that have all the glory af haraldie art about them, In slowing reds, hiues and rplen the eonts-of-arms of royal houses flaunt thelr ma A Tiny Hausue glasses are so fary:like that thay look as If they had heen spe olally eommissioned hy Yitania hor self The Victoria and Alhart Museum has some of thin work, and many private eollaetars have had pleces specially made Although the large specimens Are vary sxpensive, It 1s possible to ahtaln a small piace for a few shi) lings Nicaraugua plans ta establish » gradit posaperative organization i WAR you have on <0 CHRISTMAS SHOPPI DAYS LEFT Soom like a lot of days, doesn't it? NING ly NG Loads of time =» 30 you lot it go wntil tomowew == toe mertaw when today will he your ia no Nill of yesterdays == so few tomorrows loft = yortordayy travel fast, come, Yesterday means vegvet, tomorrow hope, but tee day in opportunity == today never ton early, Deo it today i» done, Lot it g6 until tomorrow and it may never be done, yesterday, Bw the tomorrpwe never In wever too in and you'll know Rt ONLY 37 SHOPRING ----, DAYS LEFT Madame Jean NashsDubonunet ttle af In the Waprlg," AChright pupll under the tutelage of Raymond Bamberger, dese of Chane In shart she gleaned up some or olose to $4,000,000 tu the vas Inn of Cannes and Mantes Carlo, As 00rding to reports Madame Dubons HAKES IN MILLION VROM GORD King CHANCY upon whom has heen conferred the | he "Ihe Hest Dpessed Woman | h has praved herself | milan | alee Farle elubman and financier, | In the Flakle mysteries of the Gods | ole, slaves al | shaweroldl upon her LOGOOGH Trunon, | slndowed nol pL a trlumphent return to rench capital to be fellowed reoaption salons hieh are to totally eolipss any eh gathavings hitherto held in arin Hyen hor gojourn In Calra, # the wits of the Mgyptian prines, tnhnmmed Bahhit Hay, when jaws Yaohts and palace were will he aver hy her present plans, Madigne Duhonnet ts now the wife of the wealthiest French Haueums diatitlor dn Paris, Bh Baries al SOCIAL and PERSONAL vn WERDOM 0 oF { ONOICR I aould protect him, I suppose From avery form of hurt ap Hh Could pend a pulde whera'sp he Hoes To show the proper CULL How wrelohed would sxistence he uhjeoted ta such tyranny way, but would not have him stoop ta sin I pray he'll nover do a wrong, i taol 1a be ta shut Wim in, Ha must ha tested ta ha strong YWist good and evil, hare's the opty Phat. he shall want to ehodss the boul, fo ad: the father, must not hold | His He no olosely unto mine Wat he can never leave tha fold Nov wander from (he nave Ine I nhatl keep his lave far me tee the warld he must he fre hold, when vightly understood, Pa him ne merit oan helsing ha Ia constrained 10 eanduel good Inoku the WIOnE he vight of choles plan BIVING Erentness power ta do a And fa God's awn ar Unita Wan Miss Bunlog Niohals, Avihuy ®, apant the week-end in Toroanta with Hor parents Misses Lilian Piele and Ruth Lethbridge of the Outarin Colle [nt AYE were In town with (heli PAPSRLE aver the week-end Many friends snthared at the 4am Of Migs Darothy Dyas on Fl avamber 23, ta oelobhrate hey RAY The evening YE Eames, The concert at Holy Trinity (Ohureh on FEdRy svening under Iq { Was spent | ® Ausploss of the oholy of that | Hh WAR AR wnususily fine mune | PROETAIY, Thora were nw oe Frank Cowles, Norman that Wy Me Halweod, Row, Torre and a, Grant Berry, The waln fens 100 oF the svaning was the ante dnment produosd hy Rdwin Bal | Jun, noted wasiolan and aptem alner of Taranta The ebelr of Rimeos 8 United ureh had ohavse of the flrs UU Mrenide Heur of the season held fey he PORUIAL Bunday ev ao TH the Agi Rohoal ohuroh yaterday, A | 4) ned hot Bvited 3 Jamu are | "Wh Ho NR "wl in RA ot A ty LHW fo oy) ® VOL del, WORE Ware served. Youre will be sanred on thranah: UE Ae winter months, ME And Maye, 1 Preston, Thorn Wn Corners, were taken hy sae Mae Friday evening, when a num or af thet tends and nalghhors withered at thelp home to wish them Wek and "han vavage" an thelr visit to Baaland snd trelang, THEY Wore presantad with a steam: or Ta. The evening was spent tn \ Wen ARA Musto, Nias Joan Mane AIRE Save several dalighttal read. nee, alter which vetreshiments were served ROL A steady downpawy "™ Darlg Narvia, of Torante, shail the weekand with her par ante, Mp, and Mes, Geo, Norrls, Dipw Bireet, Mp, Taek Danlels, Trinity Onl logs, Toronto, attended the dance piven hy Mr, and Mes, Fred Oars wall on Friday evening Mes, Albert Btovks and Miss Mas Hlorks, King Hirest W., were In awWimarket aver the week-and, the af Med, Htorks' daushter, Lorna Cale, and Mr, Cale, Tamblyn, of WM Hilda's Oaoilegs, Toronto, wie In town with hor parents, Me, and beg, BR Tamblyn, King dtreet Bast hia attended the danea given hy Fonnd Mes, Fred Carawell on ¥rls ') BALA 1s Misa Marearet MP and Mes, James Oragary and and Mes, 1, J, Goodman, of fA, wera In Ohatham an Bat plttending the wedding of Po Gregory's sen, Harley Hayes, Dotralt, Mish, to Reartioe Pax of Chatham On Felday evening of last week tM Chosen Melends Ri league Oro the guests of Mes, Alles Hays (On IRR Arthur Biveet, - Ahout for the meambors gathered te dn most enjoyable avening tos hay A Tiveepioen arehestea pros 4 the musie while the youns foha daneed, Hy special seqguest over Davie entertained the aus Alone With twa vooal selections, Which ware greatly appreciated Mee Donntsant then moved a hehviy volta of thanks 10 Mes, Hayton, on, Ovdtl and Murray Powell, Hay Ripley and: Dalay Wipley and (he mnsiofans whe had made the vening sueh a fine suooess, He Ln oxpressed the wish of all to tinue these weekly get-together Partie RECIPES JHLLY ROLY Two apes, | oup sugar, 1:8 sup holling water, 1 cap flour, 3 teas spoons haking pawder, \ LTS AROON Balt, Ag " ARON vanilla, Raat yolks of os until thiok and lemon colored, using a dover hontar, Hlawly add ona-halt NY BUHAY, heating constantly, Wa holling water and heat well Heat I POMRIRIRE SWEAT, Balt and vans fa, MIX ARQ sift Bowr LEE ing PONE, Wy Atle inte fivat mise fo Faldudn white of apes heaten WAL aie, A IRL an olled and floured dripping pan and bake 20 minutes tn a hot even, Remove IOI VaR ANd THER AL Roa ante A h Sub liod vil hs " hot a wii ally, on . de ty [1 bali MERRIE At the AArPOW end, Wrap a dip towel tHahtly around the voll ta Keep it place and let stand wathl eee), Out novoss the voll tn) sliees about Ninh thiek to peive, Ea Eu On whindy days it Gn well 19 add od Hidde salt to the Stareh (0 prevent its hott blown ant of the elathes while doving, TE i shoul happen to win on the sa hed vkathes, hot them stay there wntll diy and the suits nosy Wil remain, OF course, this ts ake for the Huteners, This was the ant opportunity Mrs, Dibble had of speaking to the women alone and she Ald nat fall to enpe something with them that would he of inspira ton and help In the future, To envieh the earth around plants, water them with a solution ponslating of 150 mains of glue to two gallons of water, Threading the Needle Altay throm ng the needle, tis woknot In the end of the thread thst wae asl hroken, fram Lhe gram opened with a hymn, wan offered hy Rev, HB n' ALT Ban My, WH, Rige, president of the Christ Chureh A PA, ipoke a tow words, A WAFmM. weloame 10 AMUBULANCH outalde members was extended hy | 87 Celina Ni, Mr, Paltoraon Two numbers on! the Jrouram that Were mueh ens joyed were thos alo hy Miss Glave and the monalogus veelted hy Miss I, MaDowell, assisted hy My, 1hhot won, A report of the eonvention ai BL, Catharines which was held a short time apn wos given hy My Hip Hov, 1H, Marsh, first eurato of Bi, Paul's ahuveh, Toronto, who DISNEY-COTT A spool and the thread will not Kink, {was present at the rally, addressed 8 Blmeos 86 MN, i WL . ORY tn pase the main i a ahowen in SE SE Le No Finer Grek for CHRISTMAS Voki 0d Starting Services Seto of Lovely Silver J ---- Yi" we-- SURRLY ne no hia eould 4 loske moth of slater, or Aer more than a Molmes & Bdwards Service, From this beginning she ean build up, sep by step, a dh tp yy 10 meet her most exacting entertaining requirements, Holmes & Bdwards Silverwa bin d quality with that are always in fashion, Tn addition, beneath th ARE quality essentiala of design Solid Silver inlaid at the vest point of the moat used pieces: We amos Holmes & flat poun Holmes and Bdwards dealer today, Ware in designs to match Molmes & Hdwards Flas Ware, as well, the heavy super-plate are blocks of See the Holmes & Bdwards ™ pte Hitver Oumpony of ond! Peat 18 Madison Avenue Novi, Torna, Datars ved ee Re a Nowe Sida Chon .- HOLMES & EDWARDS SOMETHING MORE THAN PLATE INLAID Ay Fochen 80, ' INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Bassett's C. Churchley A. O. Felt Felt Bros. \

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