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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1929, p. 2

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i i 'The Whitby ra THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929 Daily Times | : Why ah Gil, is por ARAB vm A A Bifme A Business Hours ='hone B50, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON MAN SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS FOR SERIOUS OFFENSE Pleaded Guilty Before Mag: istrate in Police Court on Monday Pleading guilty in Whitby Po- Hee Court Monday afternoon to a sorious charge, his vietim being his daughter of tender years, John R, Parry wap sontenced by Magistrate J.B, Willis to tive years in King- top Pepitentiary, Hig worship 'took Into consideration the faot that necused was said to be sn epl Jeptie, otherwise, ho stated, he would have ordered him to be whipped as the Criminal Code provides the'lash as wall.as four- teen years in prison for this of- tense. Parry took his sentence very quietly. ' Ho was removed im- mediately by officers to the gaol, Magistrate Wills strongly lee tured Parry for his conduet, Parry was taken into custody on Thanksgiving Day by Chief HJunson, following Information laid against him by Mra, Parry's bro. ther, of Toronto, At that time, oMcers claim, he admitted his guilt and signed a statement to that effect, ' Last Thureday night, it will he rochlled, a saw was found In Parry's possossion at the county gaol by Governor H, Lueaw, It wus concealed in one of his legs ILIOUS? Take NATURE'S REMEDY = NR --tonight, You'll be "nt and fine" by morning a tongue clear, headache gone, Sppe tite back, bowels acting pleasantly, bilious attack forgotten, Yor constipation, too, Better than any mere tive, At druggista=only 35¢. Maka the test tonight FREL LIKE A MILLION, TAKS TO-NIGHT TOMORROW ALRIGHT ' Dr 1'housandas Now Eat ngs, With this disgovery the governor learned of & plan by which » number of prisonerg were to edoape from the gaol, purty e the governor and police offi- ms 'information that same even- tng which led to the diseovery of a pocond saw and a file hidden un- dor the water pipes in the bath. room, A oharge against Parry and others of attempting to escaps from lawful custody is sald to he under consideration, FARM HAND FACES trial 4ppronches for certatn priv oners charged with very serious offences a further attempt at a gaol delivery will be made, The Supreme Court opens on Monday naxt betore the Honorahle My, Jus ties Wright, and there are nine erimingl cases on the docket, the largest, oMcials state, in the hiv | tory of the coupty, It. transpired todsy that a har in the window of the bathroom nt the gaol had almost heen sawn through, Tho "work" of the pri- sonerds engineering the jail dellv ory discovered last Thursdsy was very cleverly somconlgd by the use of 'sonp, Chief of Polles Herbert Gunson stated on Monday evening that he had been instructed by the Crown Attorney to lay charges against four men for attempting to escape from lawful custody, The men will appear in police court Wednosday afternoon before Police Magistrate J.B, Willis, The names of the men have not yet been divuiped Information against them have been sworn out, A SERIOUS CHARGE Shooting of Wm. Guthrie at Audley Will Be Alred in Court In Pollee Court Monday after noon, Paul Pgnesik, a farm hanno appeared before Magistrate J, . F {Ils charged that "at the Town ship of Whithy, en the 24th day of November, 1020, he unlawfully did, with Intent to maim, disfigure or dfiable ono, William Guthrie, of the Township of Whithy, hy shoot- Ing the sald Willlam Guthrie, with fntent to vesist or prevent lawful custody or detention," sald offense belng contrary to Bection 274 of the Criminal Code, The accused, who speaks very Mitle English, - wan told of the charge hy a boy of fifteen, who was with him at the time of the allaged shooting Sunday night on the Guthrie farm at Audley, and who Interpreted It to him, Tene. glk had no lawyer and stated that he had uo money to pay for one Chief Gunson announced that Mr, Guthrie was still In bed as the posult of the shooting, The trial was therefore adjourmed uuptil Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock Au the charge 1s a very serious one aooused was advised to wecure counsel, CHARGE FOUR MEN WITH ATTEMPTING T0 'BREAK' GAOL As the roult of a visit to White by on Monday, of an official of the J Attorney-General's Department, at Toronto, two moro guards have been placed on duty at the Coun~ ty Gaol, The mormal staff has now been more than doubled an A Delightful Breakfast Food I It In feared that as the day of page is emblagoned the armorial cont of arms of the Royal Fumily and the words in the Lyps of ola times and vary hold "'Hiusgtrated Historieal Atlas of the Countigs of Northumberland and Durham, Ons tarp, Compiled, drawn and pub: lHghed from personal examinations and surveys hy the H, Helden and Company, Toronto, 1878," A look through its pages glves one ap Imaginary trip hack through those hard days when the first Ca- nadiang settled in this district, One of the early settlers writing to a filend ways; -="Wa have no neigh. bors but the Indians save old Ben amin Wilkon and the Trulls who ived at Baldwins Crgek, There was not a house for thirty miles to the west, save an old French trading house (hut Wilson got in and none east of us short of Hinith's Creek (Port Hope)," A Mr, Roper, writing in after yonrd, waidi='"There was no Mill at Hmith's Oreek, My father once went to Kingston and 'several times to Napanee taking hig grist inn baa Ald : Further down the page ls some Bowmanville Daily Times B, RERBERT MORTLOUN Representative Phone: Office B87. VOLUME RICH IN EARLY HISTORY OF BOWMANVILLE Book in Possession of Town Clerk Lyle Recounts. Struggles of Pioneers soMe. aeross today u book that would 'be of great interest to many residents of this vicinity especial ly thoke whose forbears were the ploneers of this section of the pros vince, a book that vividly reminds ona of the times in which some of our grand and great grand-par- ents lved and tilled the soll which wig then virgin land that had nev- or been cleft with a plowshare, It is the property of John Lyle Town Clerk, who bought it for a song some time ago and now prizes it as ona of his greatest treasures, The hook has huge dimensions measuring twenty inches In length, fourteen inches wide and is about one inch thick, Its malin contents are old engravings ' and maps of this district and a part 1s devoted to the legend which tells the story of Bowmanville and surrounding country one hundred and fifty yours ago, It starts from the time when the earliest settler came here in 1704 and built a house In Dar lington Township, On the title Kit Why Burn More Than Necessary? atatistios and among them nre the accounts of several weddings, One reads, "Third March 1807, mar ried, Thomas Conat of Darlington to Mannah Stoner, Prosent, Peter itoner, her father, Able Const, Bolly Ma wite and Phoebe Lights reart," 'Home Interesting data concerns 18 the town of Bowmanville is al o contained In the hook, Bow- nanville was Incorporated as & vil Inge In 1663 and as a town on the first. of January 186K, Mr, James Moleeters was the first Mayor, The population at that time was $3,600 and now after fifty years is 3,660, not very much of a Raw, "The town has a police magistrate, Mr, George Hainse being the pres ont Incumbent at a salary of $860," which we suppose was quite good at that time, The Town Hall was bullt fn 1760 at a cost of £4.46, 24 0d. "There were at the time that this book was published six churches In the town and als three mewspapers: the Canadins Statesman, Observer, and the Wer Durham News The first pape published In the town was the Mes penger, In 1860, which later be came merged with the Btatesmar whieh had its start In 1864 and | the only one still In existence The principal factories at th time were the Upper Canada Fur niture Cao, aan Co, both employing an aver age of three hundred apleck, Th former was burnt to the groun SOE YOars ago and was never re hullt, Many of the older houses | the town still contain a quantity « the furniture produced in that f» tory, There were four grist mil then, against the one now, A whole paragraph is given over t¢ enlogles of Benator John Bimpso who was at that tima the "met prominent man In Bowmanville and was president of the Ontaris Bank, Speaking of this hank, the hoo! continues "he Ontario Bank ir Bowmanville fv a very handsom and consplovous bullding on Kin Street," Ita wan erected as the hen office of the hank, which was main ly established by Renator Bimpee* In, 1867 and of which foundatie he continued to be wresldent ti his death Henator Bimpson farm od some 180 acres of land at his hoautiful pines, Rothes, immediate ly sant of the town and when the cares and responsibilities of his pub fo duties permitted it, he was an vedent, and It 1s sald, a successful Alseiple of Nimrod," It Is the Intention of the Times to pablish each week for the next Money You Are Saving it by Bubing Coal at the Following Prices Terms -- Net Cash PEA .. NUT .. EGG .. STOVE 15.50 i Genuine Scranton | . Anthracite | "Otto" Furnace Coke A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.50 No. 1 Body Hardwood Cord 8.00 per 2 Cord 4.00 per 4 Cord A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING Price - Quality - Quantity W.JTr Service Honest Weight, 2000 lbs., per ton ick Company LIMITED Call US on the Telephone -- Nos. 230, 231. 25 Albert St. | 01d volume fow weeks some af the most Inter puting of the history of How manville and distreiet from this which ft 1s thoueht vill be of great Interest to peaple f the town who are not conver ant with the early history of the wantry, 'ITIZENS AWAITING RESULT OF RECOUNT Cltigenys are ne doubt eagerly Ling the result of the recount for Milton J, Ellott which takes nlace before Judge L, V, O'Connor in Cobourg today The Times in a conversation with Mr, Elliott yesterday sald that It was unlikely that the final result would be known until Thursday at leait, owing to the large number of hallota to he counted, Over twelve thousand ballots will have th be counted and serutinized he fore anything definite Is known, It fa Just possible that with the small margin separating the twa candidates the original result might be reversed, COLORED MEN FOUND GUILTY OF ROBBING COURTICE GARAGE ae John Evans, Walter Griffiths and A. Jacobs, colored wen, who aps peared in Port Hope recently to answer many charges of shop hroaking were found gullty in Co hourg yesterday morning on a oharge of entering and robbing & garage at Courtice, Thin was the case that ocourred on Qotober 13th when a radio, some small change and some oar markera were stolen from Nicholl's garage In that vil lage, The case was heard by his honor, Judge Huyoke of Peterbors ough, and at the conclusion of this oase several others were also heard, Mr, Nicholl's gave evidence of finding one morning that thease things were stolen and how he had -- rr y {CATARRHAL DEAFNESS | |" MAY BE OVERCOME | } It you have Catarrhal fess or | are even Just a little hard of heaving ll or have head noises 40 W your drug | gist and get 1 ounce Parmin H outs strength), an pint hot water aw lated angen, Take 1 WwW times a day, in will often bring quick rvellet the distressing head noises, _-- ow \ {LI8 notses should give pis prgseription in trial and the Dominion Or | informed the police who Wad made an Investgation, Two Toven'o de tectives gave evidence as Lo the finding of the stolen radio In To~ ronto and the leense plates in an aute whieh had been driven by one of the colared prisoners, With the other charges preferved agalnm, them, for all of which they wers gonvieted, they vecelved two years determinate and one year indeter~ minate at the Ontario Reforma tovy, Guelph, Walter Griffiths, who was thought to he the ringleader in the Courtios crime, yocelved tive re In Portsmogth Penitentiary, hree radios, valued at $146, were stolen trom Port Hope apd one from Courtice, VALSE AJ ARMM The fire department weve called out last evening about seven o's elogk to whet proved to f Bane other false alarm, rally ¥ per cont of the alarms that are put in Bowmanville during the past row months have proved to be falsy and the joke as It ia supposed to be i8 golug a little too far, The police are going to prosecute the culprits to the fullest extent if they are caught, "It is hardly fair to the firemen who are working right through the day to have to 8 continually called out to these 'tise alarms wo often end what these people Imagine Is a Joke 1s nothing less then a very mean am, MANY ATTEND The Htandard Training School opened at Trinity Church last night with an exceptionally good ---_-- attendance, This school Is BR 8N0- nual affair and each successive year more interest 1s being taken in it, It is mainly for Bunday gehool tenchere of all denomina thong and prominent speakers from all over Ontario are present and glve the latest idea in the teaching to the younger generation of the Biblical truths, The second wes won will take place tonight and others will follow each night until Friday night, lA REE RAE BLIPPERY HOADN CAURY » TROUBLE There were psaveral more pool dents owing to the slippery eondl- tion of the streets yesterday hut luckily none proved to he serious and no persons were injured, Vive cars wera hauled into loeal garag- en 0 Mitle the worse for the sec) dents and several mora © passed through the tewn on thelr way to other points, With last night's vain things have improved consid- arnhly and most of the fee on the streets has disappeared and for a teow move days driving will again become comparatively safe, RESEMBLANCE "All That I Have Met") "What do you think of 1 violinist" Novelist 1 "He reminds me of Pas derewskl" Hostess violinist * } elit man," "But Paderelskl is not & 'Neither Is this gently A Store Closed ! 'Wednesday To mark down prices and adjust stock for our 2nd Anniversary Sale See Wednesday's paper and circulars for remarks able bargains in Men's and Young Men's Suits, Overcoats and Furnishings, SIBERRY'S 27 KING STREET EAST a... The "PRINCESS" Made of Jersey cloth, on glove-fitting lasts for Cue ban or high heels, Fanay net lining, Four dome fasteners. Light weight, IGHT as a feather. welliout and colourful , .. smart and distinotive, Miner Shu-ettes keep the feet warm, dry and comfortable, no matter what the weather. MinerShu-ettes are extra long-wearing. 'Ask your dealer for them by name. THE MINER RUBBER CO, LIMITED MINER Sold In Oshawa By J. C. McGILL, 12 King St. E. ee

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