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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1929, p. 10

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Makes Record Report for Past Fiscal Year| hest Level Ever Total Assets at no The Bank of ontreal annual statement for the fiscal year to Oge er 31st makes un notable showing, otal assets constitute Bn record in the long history of the Bank; Caple tal and Rest have been increased to new his levels and even under the somewhat disturbed conditions there pre satisfactory gains in deposits, Owing to general gonditions In business and the security markets, [ have been much heavier calls : e resources of the bank, but the tement shows that It has been ipeadily possible to take cars of them wnd at the same time maintain the ong Tauld 2 tion for which the nk Is noted, 0 The statement makes Its appears nee at an opportune time and will we closely annlysed by all who are "desirous of getting a thorough knows e of the banking situation In Cas (0 : The general statement of uasets q Tbilies i uw number ew records and is likely to prove s of the most satisfactory ever rwarded to shareholders, Total as« ta at $068,330,997 are at a record les I, New high figures are also res ted in both Capltal and Rest, As result of the recent stock issue, 0 paldsup sapital has heen increas to $35,948,540,50, while at the same 0 st has been brought up to 748,440.50, at which level it stands 000,000 dn excess of the Capital, Of e large addition to Rest Account, portion represents the premium on e new stock lesue, while a further b 000,000 has been added from pros 8 |] i Strong Liquid Pasition 5 Notwithstanding the gain in total ssets, the larger demands of the by ysiness of the country, and the uns Susual conditions existing in the stock d security marke,s, the Bank has een able to comfortably maintain "its usual strong liguid position, Of otal assets of 065.336,907 Hauld ase Saets amount to $496,209,977, equal to "56.88% of llabilities to the publie, Tn "oluded in these are total eash hold ngs of $116,964,670, equivalent to 23.40% of total publie liabilities, The ash holdings eom ittea oid and sub diary goin, WY He Ji Dominion PERE ARES TIRE Eide WARM IN WINTER Now Stand tion Maintained Notes $58,153,280, and deposits In Central Gold Reserves $16,000,000, Of total Hauid assets Dominlon and Pros vinelal Government securities have ne creased to WOBO70.880, up from $79, 704,087 at the end of the previous thes and British foreign and colonial publi securities of $25,083,707 come In the eall Joan depurtingnt loans in Canada are at practicnlly A 080, us Bgdlngt wird H0, while call loans In G are substantially lower ut 115,506,017, down from §138,065,108, handled by the customers of the Bank 1s reflected In the Increase In current at BI70,082,134, an compared with $30,752,388 fast year," A portlon of ear) and Canadian munielpal seeurs pare with $20,054,892, gull same level ue a year ago, at iret Britain and the Unis ted Rates 7 I'he larger volume of business being loans in Canada, these now standing this large Inerense |¥ probably due to the prevalling wheat shtuation In| aso Western Canada, At the same time there Is also a galn In loans to clties, towns and mus nicipalities, these now belng reported at 528,751,575, us against $24,410,608, Bank premises at not more than cost, less amounts written off, are $14,500,000 up from $11,500,000, The increase is due to the poliey of hay ing all bank premises under the one heading, as intimated by the Presi dent at the last annual meeting, Pre viously u portion had heen covered by bonds of the Merchants Healy Company, and these bonds have now gen retired, Deposits in all departments show a substantial increase for the year, those not hearing Interest standing at F178.284,000, as against $149,779 430, while deposits bearing Interest ar $504.049,101, compared with $371,085, Al, Profit and Loss Account "As was perhaps ta he expadted, with the larger resources und in greased business demands, profits for the year are well above previous les vals, Net profits, after dedueting charges of maintenance and making full provision for all had and doubt ful debts, were $2,070892, equal tu 047% on the combined Capital, Rest INSULATING BUILPING BOARD COOL IN SUMMER » DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, Do You Oun Nard 48 too 'treet THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1929 [Heals Pimples Blotches Quick A Penetrating Antiseptic Liquid Por quick valle from pimples, Vietehos, woshon, all fin troubles, try the Hguid DDD, Iu) nd rnd ON the ni wine) ¥, sooth vi [1 oN WTOP) H M A Boe Dutita wilh oo merit of thi ARNE AN y 4 bak, 0.0.0, vse pring PT + Thompson Drug More a ----s u e O.P and undivided profits, To the profit for the year wore added balance of profit carried forward, of $713,768, and premiums on new stock, amount» Ing to $0,031,840, bringing the otal amount avallable up to $13,816,521, This was appropriated as follows dis vidends and bonus $4,713,238; pro vislon for, taxes Dominion Governs ment $435808 and regervation for banks prefilses $900,000, There was then gredited to Kest Account #7, O31. 840, leavipg a balance of profil and loss oarrled forward of $735,582, The report will be submitted to shareholders at the annual meeting to be held on Monday, December nd, ' The principal accounts show us fol: lows: Total assets, $965,336997,1 lige wid assets, $490,200, hi en old» ings, $116,964,670, 1 eapitil, $35,948,540, | rest, $37,948,540, 1 total deposits, $772, S300 1 call louns (Canada), $39,400, Uonll Toans (Great Britain' and United States), $115,506,017,1 Govern» ment securities, $98,070,889, 1 bank pre mises, $14,500,000, A DUNNING NAMED 10 FINANCE POST (Continued from page 1) [ tion, He said, however, (hat My Dunning would not be seting min fster of rallways during the wes slon of parliament Traditionally the Quehoo always has Apeaking Protestant in tha cabint, Mr, Robb fulfilled these agualifioations, The prime minister had nothing to say as to who next will represent Knglish speaking Protestants in that Prove ince tn the eabinet, My, Dunning was sworn In last night The eceremony was short and of a purely formal nature The outh was administered hy J J, Lamalres, olerk of the privy coun oll, before His Excellency and in the prasence of the Prime Minister and KX, C, Misville, the Governos General's private secretary, Wide Wxporvience Dunning brings to his new no ineonsiderable exper! ones In financial matters, Tu the four years hefore he came to the Dominion eabinet ns Minister of Hallwuys In 1084, He was not only P'rovines of one English | rapresontntive Mr duties | for I'reminy of Naskatohewan but also administered the Provinelal De partment of Finance, He was Pro vino! reassure; the preceding | len years as well, Ad Minlster of Rallways it de valved upon Mp, Dunning te pre sont the annual finanela) statement and the financial estimates of the Canadian National Rallways to partiamont He sat heslda My Robb In the house and was his Intimate friend, My, Dunning becomes Minider of Finance at 44 years of aun, threes years altar entering Domine fon polities and 27 years alter coming to this eountry as an fn migrant from England, At 31 yours of ago he heoame Minister of Rall ways In Maskatohewan and aix YOArs later was Premier of the provipee, dy id cd 1 TT OFFICERS NAMED BY NEW SOCIETY r---- (Continued from puge 1) stated, "Phin your a big task Is ae hewd of ws iv Toronto, no providing or the needs of the poor," He referred to the work of the free medigul elinles In cooperation with the public health nurses, The Ase soghintlon also cooperated with the churches und soeleties interested in community welfure "Wa have the best business men of the eity behind us ho elaimied, Avald Overlapping Mr, Lawson pointed out tht an ef fort wus being made to have every society, ¢hureh and organization In terested in the work, Through the system In operation much needless overlapping had been avolded und the funds went much farther, he sid, Col, 1B Lipper refereed to the fact that approximately fifty per cent, ol the money id hy the Veders ton was dn salacles for trained ses elal workers, "We need both the tralned and voluntary workers, he stated, "but In # city the size of Toronto we find that we petually save money by ems playing gersons who wre trained and qualified for this elugs of Jub" The spewker explained that a bud get system was (no eperation In the elty wherghy organdeations linked up with the Federation budgeted thelr probable fngome and expenditure, Hy commented that each year the work of the Vederdtion was inereused and I attempted to perform uw greater service Hoev, Vather Boneh Father 1, J, Heneh, the five to he nominated to the oxooutive, expressed (he apinian that a budget system, such us had bean outlined by the visitors from Toronto, would hardly be practieas this your, "We have no permanent organ Isations In Oshawe which have heen formed purposely for wellure work," Father Henoh stated, "hot many of our church soelotios and other organlgations have found i NOCOHEA TY wid In ol reliol Father Wat ok tho opin fon that ad halore the oly NOW Was very urkent snd that the Assoointed Weoltare nooleties would have ta he as slmple tion as possible that it aould Hay, one of to the work Honeh the ne WN OrEnn igus wi Bowmanville REPRESENTATIVE--B, STAFF APPOINTED T0 "SCREECH OWL' sm-------- Bowmanville High School Magazine To Be Publishe od Shortly The staff of tha *""Hereoch Owl," Bowmanville High Bchool's magns gine, was appointed recently and sll commitiess have beon sirugk randy for the business of the pubs Heatlon of this year's magasine, The Horeeeh Owl has on eysry oos canton on which it has been pubs lished In the past reosived vary complimentary remarks from the press and is In fact donsidersd to be one of the finest high sehool periodicals published in Ontario, This year the new staff Is very optimintio und are all of ons mind that the 1080-1000 Mereeoh Owl will be the finest yet, The staff which will control tho destinies of the magazine this term Is an fols lows Consulting Kdltor, Miss B, Bead mun Wditor, Winnifred Riokard| nueintant editors, John Jury and Hetty Morris] business manager, Ken Morris; assistant husiness manager, Morley Vanstons| Ad vertising wiaff, Winnie Lancaster Greeti Munday, Boh Corbett and Douglas Adamsi elreulation, Jahes Vanstone) wecretaries, Annie Wil King and Iva Foloy; student setivi Nelle Kirkton: Alumni, Mar Dieksont Who's Who, Helen exchange, Marlon Rickard) nihlation Heatrieo Cryder man! Hoys' athletion, Herh Colmer ohuokles, Adan Allin) form repre sentatives, 0, Lawrences Ashton; 4, Ken Osborne; 8, BU Ingram! Pu, Kisle Carruthers; bh, Edward Vag (lan enrol Argun girls got nia aperation immediately, he olty was not troubled with the hronking of family Hie, But ra ther with unemployment situation hard for man fhnt Hust In that up wn Reute whioh hae Hi provid ounnnd wlatod d and, hls H whips Work thi Wis to he wher fmpo give oom muyor and the sounell honest effort which it has provide for the un He trusted that hy an thin need would disap would have mended the th nindao employed yeu to work othor PORT Father Hanoh has outing of our work » whawa re commented slated that hs w hear of the wan heli Various organiention the purpose of the fare Bosleties to hut rather to wie the ofl would be no noedy od Rev, HN, Marston moved that a vote of thanks he extended to My Lawson and My, Tippet, the Hon helug approved with hb applause The vate of thanks then tondored 0) the visiting speakers hy Mayor Miteholl Fallowing the apen meeting, the offloors and executive met for a fow minutes | given us it ap Allo nn ahi plies way H tof dent ploased to Important work whieh alunturily by Iowan nt oelated Wel with this cosordin that thers and that neglect varied ony ™ torfere nttgmpt to win of all no Ho averinpping family 1d be wo mo nrLy wan A RR ~ rm _--_ those who with acquainted with the various business houses, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectory! . . --_-- a -- to bacome PHONE 22 Machinery Repairi 2 | For Your Dvug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Sacoe a, SemWe Deliver AOTIHING M0 NOTHING 100 sMALY Adanac Machine Sho Wil hing Bh W. Vhone Jute w A Ta \ = H { CLOSED CAR accepted an part payment an 4 rovm new hriok real denve, All conveniences, Well ln pated, Hot aly heating, ete, Come prepared to buy ws the oewaer means business, DISNEY REAL KSTATE, 20 King Nast A We have several desirable houses for ent, CUTLER & PRESTON Heal Kstate Insumnee Telephone OTR Night calls 810== 10060 U4 King St, West on -- a a ,pl BRITISH WAR OFFICE GETS ULTIMATUM Dublin, Now =Carviokiergus Urban ( bund recently decided to fas sue an ultimatum to the Reitish Way Office 10 the eftect thst anlesy two German gannon, which had been pres sented 10 the town after the war ave removed they will ho sold as serap The cannon were sent alter a proms we by the War Office to supply a heavy sun, a feld gan, and a machine gui They have never been exhibited, having remained in possession of the allway company, tat $200 has heen spent hy the ratepavers fn painting them. An amendment to soll the cans non without notice 1 the War Office fin order to recoup the ava da this expense wa lost \» - roliet | nell; 1a Dorothy Edger; 1h, Chews | top Jury ' | ONTARIO DISTRICT MASONS TO MEET W. GRAND MASTER An event of major importance In Masonie eolrelesn will take place tonight In the spacious auditorium of the Community Hall st Newcas tle when the Lodges of Ontario disteiot AF, & AM, will tender a reception to the most Worshipful | Grand Master RB, D, Dargavel of Toronto, The proceedings will op on whh a banquet at whieh it is expected there will he a large al tendanes from all lodges in the dis trlot and will be followed by a con cert given hy exceptional talent lokelg. anny he secured from the pooretirion of any lodge tn this seo tion and many from Hewmanyilie and Oshawa are planning to be present | GOODYEAR BOWLERS CONCLUDE SERIES ha first series of the Goodyear tongue at Martyn's Bowling Alleys was concluded last evening and the load pained by the Offices las wens wad maintained bringing that ax gregation out at the top of the longue by five points, There nus heen soma fine howling during thin neries and those at the hot tom of the league are hy no means downhearted and fully expect to stage A come back in the second pohodule whieh Ix due to commence on Monday wext, December 2nd Phe only team that has wanaged to keep the same position through out the series has heen the Porters who started at the bottom and fine ished at the bottom, The final standing a J a follows! Team Pp W OMes 3 Hone Depart, ,,, 21 Pyramids Callander Room 21 Helt Dept, 2 Fnglineers LF]! Orphans 3 | 18 Porters vans 2% 3 18 - % The ten highew bowlers in this first hall of the sohedule who are awarded and who should have ves ealved them are: Callaghan, 204, Oliver, 20481 GQ, White, 28%} French, 274; Richards, 278: Nieh. alle, 2711 H, Colwell, 267: Coulter, 207: Vareoe, 2481 Needham, dy, DID NOT TRANSGRESS LIQUOR CONTROL ACT | It has hen brought to our nos tloe that a report appearing in the Rowmanville page of the Times on Ouotober th stating that a My A, D, Dies of Shannonville was fined In Rowmanville Pelloe Court an a oharge of violating the Liquor Cons trol Aot, This report was noon rect and we wish to take this ops portunity of expressing our vegret for any nconvenience that we may have eansed Mp Dies and hin fam, ily, Mr, Dien was fined under the Highway Traftio Aot and not the Liquor Control Aet, Clock Presented To Miss E. McLean The vegular meeting - of the Young Poaple of St, Andrew's Press hyterian Chureoh took the form of A woclal evening on Monday at the home of Mes, Hugh Cameron, on Church street, The reason for this was that ona of tho most popular members of the avganisation, Nis Bligabhotlv MoLenn, fa leaving shorts Iy for Scotland, The meeting was onlled together hy the president, Muy J Coyle, wha read an address and on bhahalt of the soelety pres soited Miss MoLean with a hands 11 12 14 in | 10 1 TN ) News, advertising and vnerigBioe will be recsived at the Bowmanville Office of The I'imes. IelephonasOfhice, 667 Daily Times a CA ---------- 'Tune In HERBERT MORTLOCK Every W :dnesday Night 7.00 to 7.30 The Jeddo Highlanders ON WEAF, WTIC, WIAR, WGY, WGR SPONSORED BY THE PRODUCERS OF JEDDO COAL Dixon Coal Co. TELEPHONE 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES soma" pearl and amber timepiece, In & happy litle wpaach \ Mina Mae Loun thamked them for) this re membranes, and stated how much whe would miss them when she had kone, Tha vest of the evening was spent In playing oards and a wor elal hour was spent and was gon ¢luded hy the serving of refresh ments' by the hostess and the girls of the wsoolety, A PO EI CHIENY KLEOTION OFFICER LEAVEN YOR COBOURG Allan Dymond, Chist Rlection OMesr, will visit Cobourg today to attend the recount of the Provips cial eleotion vote In Durham, which Is to he conducted hefore Judge O'Connor, OMolally, Wil Ham J, Wrage, Liberal, and mem. har of the last Legislature, Is cred. ited with a small majority over his Conservative opponent, E---------- CARTER TO RESUMEF, WORK ON TUT'S TOMB Clin, Nov, 27, »=Howard Carter, who ls now here, will leave far Luxor soon to resume worl on Fut«Ankli=Amen's tomb, whieh he hapes (0 complete hy the end of 1030 Four shrines remain te he removed rom i, It has heen suggested thut Mr . I x Carter, niter gompleting his work al | Luxor, should turn his attention 1 after ha Is done th the | | finding the hody of Alexander the [| must ( who, necording ta Plutarch, Is hurled Inn golden con In Alexan Mr, Carter [8 not sure whether he will undertake the task, but may i. -_ SE aL Ls delighted the Bolshevik working #64 days In engaged on the dh Yeay bara lHving, to 194 Hee that he len't & wage-slave, == [ Publishers Byndleate, do so a vear How Valley of the Mennwhlil ISIN hey ater he ompletion of three popular F'ut=Ankh went for un mn Amen a Rhu EU El PU [ P. ' oultry Jupplies MIXED SCRATCH GRAIN FULL-O-PEP EGG MASH LAKKO EGG MASH BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, CORN CHOP, OAT CHOP, OYSTER SHELL, BEEF SCRAP, GRIT su | Phone 203] Hogg & Lytle, Limited A ERT os Why Burn More Money Than Necessary? You Are Saving it by Buying Coal at the Following Prices - Net Cash Terms | Genuine Scranton Anthracite Honest Weight, 2000 Ibs, per ton PEA NUT EGG .. STOVE $12.00 15.00 15.00 15.50 en "Otto" Furnace Coke A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.50 + No. 1 Body Hardwood ~ $16,00 per Cord 8.00 per ¥: Cord 4.00 per '4 Cord A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING Price - Quality - Quantity Service . J. Trick Com LIMITED pany Call US on the Telephone -- Nos. 230, 231. 28 Albert St. J

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