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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 10

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THOMAS OUTLINES FURTHER EFONTSH| WA7hy Burn More Money D -- ad Municipalities Enabled to Corr Ou Corti Than Necessary? ya wesrest shop, and got mes Jar of i sondon, Nov, 34. Right Hon, % 4 cold im,' she a fhe : A , Thomas, Lord Privy Weal an ' % d to get sharp-uoss out of the Minluariot Kmbleyment, furnish You Are Saving it by Buying Coal at the Following Prices i mg n bord she could (alk wih Orets, . om > of hig further efforts to cut down T rms Net Cas Io hints some Dan of action, - unemployment In Creat rial e h 2 rob 2 4 414 8 Jar mr? - He revealed netivity alon vossing- a = £ num " bw (nh 8 he) draming > \, ons und diverse ines, in A ( 1 # was trying to enable munie fo Lola hod sirdady poked her P palition 'in certain OU ATCY to PEA 1 $12 00 ght hey only hore ghsoligh atgvis Why persone : tno . 1 EAE tore for A i Ti Genuine Scranton ! Mon ini oy due to the necessity of seonring NUT 7 15 00 A : no Jurinmantury powers, Mr, Thomup ok eon 5.0 Anthracite = 18 F 108 it - Batiufactory progress was being y AM the made in discussions with heads of ariel LL vo un AEE STOVE 15.80 | Honest Weight, 2000 lbs. per ton hy 0. sooner had ati) Alsposed | Fi Hie | this ease, Mr, Thomas explained, Oe the uaweloome maid than Greta i was that of giving service overseas [ | pm Joyful ag a young ) | | NG iE ns ufter the Jur Wow sold, The Unit od Mated , agencies followeu up ""hreta_ drow herseit]: 4 f - t te i ng's over" i { thelr entry fhe wny murket by come {4 bb FS g hos ells : ise a qing wl i trou hyd room, mh HL baad | Plote waryios, ' Thay bind agents in to : urnace 0 e reriau rans "nh : ing» open donee a figura hovers Jas 40. Mislond to 4 it Tou, uty, vary Jingo. ang hamlet supply= F 1 ; \ ) ' | "i t-- ) Bg AL (he edo of the danas floor, T didnt stan stop to rine the hail" | I) yma pparenan, : A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.50 pet geegulow," ) We was off in a furry of orchid | sry?' This was good news, t \ A auestion of the typd of engine in tulle, | that inter] "Me's go mad he sould bite him British cars," the Mister contin Raquel and "Berti Moin skirts swaying a path that inter f ued, "The existing hasis of (rv oopted, with every appearance of|ee'f" Greta nodded page! "But | | 4 the dancefloor "i garden asoident, that of a thin youns man | he's ealmed down, tins 1'totf you Fil | Ton ts such that tho British mdus- Soaring 'the ible at whldn Jy dark. wavy hain ad Yon Hho tess Pronabies slwaze do)" fi Eis Wi mart Homveporon mod N 1 B dy H d d . 1 i fli ull horsepower, an and Gr han 4 oman a Then I'm to go on, 4s if nothing {i that In itself in a pid to pro. 0. 0 ar WOO had left Alphonse pla, by " Ww il he rose aul had 16 I wigh they'd play a tango," | had happened? I Li Aux hid the bowl s\d from under the black [Raquel said, A musiolan wes test-| +1 hope so, but 1 have my doubts, Ta kon St tha Arps of Sor sunADM, own and fell ating the strings of his vielin, "nhonke muc' have romething up ol a | wade, Bue, Ravel, (hc rou eat hide bie hank." (hore Wak Wot ome Way of pears = $18.00 pur, | Cond He stgoped to nlok it up, & 6 Adams sks aquel felt ehilly, ' OL Kom Wj . " ould. have raturned it (0 her, | We Ws uneasy for Mer, Wbe| The sw maid arrived (his ig the Fevanua Tequited with 8.00 per 2 Cord fame Ing in her. eyes arrested was Shen 8 Hhoraugnbred, fie] AIRING" Whe and thoumhitully, industry Hae ms Ye, Vil : 1 pd J rent /} vhlca & LY y f 117 he asked, raising the |the silly tantrum of Monsieur id M31) "HARE Died nile "You'll drink it again' a As 0 Tonul of hin nekdtiations -- 4,00 per Ys Cord rose to the Iopl" oF Ai shenink A olamang, © Te Te4Uesk WAR UBie was in (hese rooms when 1 (ry had Wppointed one man who 6 i ' . ka up, ould net for J "5 ho moron drooping of var | hen Cio ance, vou wee "Og ola aneak-ahoo, Does Tp tke orders In Canada. MY. Thomas oreamy 1ids, she gave him the per: | they have given you your * wish, 0 warey Lior own burglar tools?" overlie , / jo, She Have him the dri | They are biaym 4 ane, td Deel Tor on. PORTUGUESE routed ALTOmL In this solbate A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING iy urely iu the buttenhele Amorioan asourely ' Chapter 48 I suppose, Al Jonat she seamed to could make deliverion in Canada in To Alvhaiee that ross, Whish| oo. on "ine ater 1 fdnfgkt "NO What was '1 my drer" gy two or three d i 1 y 1 yi, To offset this, ud desiro Bg) 4 Magis sireke when Rayvel hurried ti re table, i y | he had prion o with tie ono Price " Quality ' Quantity wme and tured oh f & ml sssridar going onto the eourt of What 1# she Hike?" ) credits committees to finance xo WWentinental Hotel, and entersd "Like A. 8 ferret, A fat ferret much steel of standard patter, so S : ow i for a Jasning senorita, lf # elevator, ooouped by a ph with, ." that it would be In Canada ready ervice [i roks down the veststauts be | operator, Ho biluked at her as It | "1 "7% $v nothing human, A R for, Smmed ate 44livevy. meant to give'to his desire, 1f he she ite an apparition In the dream big or Hep Pry tone to sould \wiat his Anger afound the | whe had no doubt disturbed, rar: wiley, OF B. WiT you, : ------ Dead Sea Area throat of this inseticiant ute) ff] Wer firet night In Paris th "wt Tercelrn Toland, Ares, Nov, 248 Be doula plok up that delat wor | = Gay. josous, thrilling, Were 4 he mill, This Wand of the Azores, jan A Ay A ol Jaee and hot for the stupidity, the unpar- rar Te Snivancs 10 fhe hotel, yi: whie th u Poruayess HOVE me on A Tre asure 1 rove parry Away nN ATRIA onable niger of Alphonse, ART ind Manne! and Greta a taxt. mission of aviation experts hus yelec Rrvhlam, Now ry the Dea' Bea treasure strove In the Champs Bly-| though he were her keeper! Bo th ' od for the site uf uw madern alrport, woe! mpeh joy, and to have it spoiled by " you'd paid attention LO DADA | oivars nn aren of roughly 228 square [Area Is proving i treasure trove of Ho lowered hia head wo that Wis | 111 foalons man, a ile" the | Oh rnb miles, Unlike the other cht smut | valuable mineral doposits for the An LIMITED Lani Dey CL BHU Bl Ha th evening browaht the and |1GS Dy COLD AME DOVE und socky" ater ilands which mals | to-Plestve Syndicate that secu ' ne oul up the Arores, Terceiin Ig Ha hes 0 ou whl return the rome 10 ee withdraw peauty from hart | °F Aha dwlet awelay , broo-ham 1 yl ilod out because its wids open | Preliminary experiments have nlmoat Call Us on the Telephone -- Nos. 230, 231. 25 Albert St. Madtme Wlle Raquel he shot 8% 5e bo aid, she'd seek. It elsewhere, | *',, 7 1 MAA (rota, spices fond themuelves (deally to the | been completed and an expansion fs le (ne unexpretelly, Huraly fa must find It again, _ L Ike thls better," sald Raquel thing off 'ar landing of modern ies Rew bain Paha. Produston for I Beauty was all over the earth, it] erult tog: Tn market dete. begin. in 'showed the confusion eof Auch a ' You would)" Me of public opinion and the | 1940 Hlunt & + Then genarations of one had SUb courngs to flat fu The broad boulevards were live ay ho Ton thel thi 8 n The experiments now being made Adamees, bred to face Map Aid that she was not to he bent Yo hx 'y, wih people attempts to span' the Avantic (rom | in the laboratories Wt the Dead Sen Rf ne arth wi fl will, That she belonked to no one, "Thin WUst be a holldny of kame | went to east (5 responsible for the [sim at necelersting the process of [termined Boring operations are very 100 Homeless Through Fire Cross workers were sent to Mon- firtidhy it Neworuly rallied to bis ms except herself, Bhe'd know tom are ind, Renuel remarked as she, government action, Aviators who in | evaporation Fhe heat of the sun |eostly, each trial bore costing twenty . tara from here yesterday to ,ad- {Mat M 4 do|Po% whether he would mooept her wh hed them, ho the future make of Teeelra uw port |#lone ls responsible for 75 per cent or twenty-five thousand pounds ster Ban Franclsoo.~With about 20 minister to the homeless, i You he Authority you 0 on Der oWp terme, Whet makes you think so?" sake | of call will find comfortable comutry [of the nctual production at present nd " | lie homes in ruins and approximately if fhe 4 jh. te rg vl Whe clos the door between her | Tem ot fiw excellent troploal froier and | The Palestine ining Syndicate, the] line. The potash deposits along the | 100 persons reported homeless, the : fe R herselt has the prvi bedroom and the win boon ta ""Kyarrane seems to he ao merry. | good-natured islanders always ready | research department of the concesss| shore are also being Investigated to [tire which awept the peninstia town The "new 'Britis' dirigible "han loge of fpriving me of the favor, shut off a draft that bl } Trinnine along as It they were goo [1h welcome foreigners, particularly | lonaries, has also extended its operas | determine their value, It Is the in. [of Montara, south of here, and |among other luxuries a balirapm, Return it, Alphonse snarled, A BW OVOP NOT | jin 1h a piewie or a party," fMlery, tions to the minerals that le In the [tention of the mining syndichte to|oharred considerable other territory | Dancing on alr promises to ' be i In Han Mateo county still - was | much more comfortable and papu- "Ne p oe "That ain't a holiday, That's land abaut the sen, Petroleum des | set up separate ¢ompanies for the ex acy Je S04. (le an 43 awoke in the morning, ihe nature ot the beast, They're Just hy have heen. diseavered Jui thelr | ploltation of each of the various min. dol Ly Py Neuter amd ar than i was in older times, -- ' ne kay to he orying or eatson!ljnn » ] f vilye and extent have not been de«leraly they had under control, 0 rooklyn Eagle, hy "I » 0 Talos remain or he dott iit have bean sLrOE: | ox ve 'sing a Ball of & Yow the next Price Range 0 . I Le MT hope T haven't caught oold," Inte 4 Waririel husen Ko! no Oils 1 Is Less ios 1 = [ane sgl. "Coldn make my head | NE 00 the Fipnehies a : i 8 Ls L] Guiek chanwes, ole iE : a " vite q d thik, 81 hand my. Wits | varying now, deavie, ~ Were's. | Chicago, Ill, Nov, 28.~Over an o ay, An want all my whare we enter the llon's den." elevertsyonr period, 198-1908, the . haggis ra njoy thin wondertu! The tax! stonned' hefore tha [price runge for ollx iy loss than that po . : " stone building of noble bulla and [for any other of seven industrial . P | wy Rh a ) Yi he Hatened, sronortion, The building Alohonse |wroups included by Professor Garfield LYE Penslar CNS ar XH B PONG Was moving About | nad entered shortly atter thelr are |V. Cox in a study on "The Relation 1 lel bd ol MAR aor the drawing room ] . , ival In Paris yes! h of Stock Pri t Larnings,' up GRAB, a arias U0 Matty U1 ! * tahoe told herhelf, "no ne the covers close under her ahin, (Continued To-Morrow) Yourpal of Business of the University y | Goods A Remedies Vi . % mmediately there appeared In - of Chicagt, His ¢hart shows the res They only annoy, tha doorway the tisura of a Wome lationship between prices and earn . AD 10. bs cleat, ob felr o, A bevy woman with a dap or | CHAMPION BEERS Lo car | 088 in the oll, copper, and elegtrical alr 4 and a long shar nose, chuipent groups, ¥ 1 Jaw wae London.~For t | RL leal 0 0 f . Ee Gare his 1006 am the new mald," she sald, Ondons=tot two Guys JU eritieal] "The oils "earned as much In 1920 $0.50 Laxative Cold Capsules § for $0.54 i f 8» 2 nal men have moved slowly alon, 0 nn It . maleur Al y Blog a row In 1928, and not unth 'he Jatt a a) \ " t orden, i you, a hha sneaked me for | i500 barrels and have taken from dh did wt k PH ul the BO ROBUIAE cv vssneneed for B21 : 1,01 une vach a nip of beer, sipped It, turned || ; | Germiclda) Moap ey. 2 for 90.90 , ) avel reached at th beginning of 4 ' y . % for. +) AS ey she were his Mor voles was lke molasses, Wer it over on thelr tongue snlifen it, Yor, To AB hohe at x w Bo B05 Baby Talo viens od for 1% pov 4 a far ol Raquel could [face screwed up nto a mirthiess and held It up to the light, . v : i i Pennlar Hale Tonle +, 2 tor 1, he Ui there Is a slight upward trend of : 85 Baby Cough Syrup .,.3 for o needed a[%mile, A amirk, Yeaterday. 4 . Tre , ) \ published the re« ar gal Hees #3 Trend Nasy Foot Pow- lt romamber," {AV gos Racal detked (hs woe | ilin'of ther bors, ahd thew who | hat seike Jor the nerd i isk tho a tor ot Aa RR fouched Nortlew arm, wh hg Hie to tell her 0 | artonded the Brewers Txhibition at that for any other group included in Mag Luo Tooth Paste 3 for - ot Ay cbatr yy No ervices would mot bs | iho Royal Agricultural Hall, Inling: [the study, snd he rake dor Satu 0 Kino Stearate ..... 4 for 8 Carbolle Witch Hauel Ni undo a he 16 table heeds ha why ould po ton, Ny lputiied the nije oh the ings 1h allo lexd than for any other thyastine & Rowe N BAY srevnirnennid for ' OWEN © the champion beers of the "Wh ent olectrfe ALOF iain or ' AE a Ay yi bo What Greta sald about Alphonse | year, Ro LoTR let al Sybil, After Bhaving Lotion 2 for 8 Compound Oathaptle.... | or mo at doubt | pro putting a aby to lve with hee Mad | "Pore are at least 11 grades of [ Cox writes, "is similar to that for the Almond & Cucumber \ B. qyeenstrnens to L) a Profudioed her, " beer, and wll were represented in the [oils except In 1918, 1921, and 1027-28 Cream ov ia00 8 for 50 Cascara Hinkle Tablets he i" us dance, What time fs 119", Bhe hesitate | wamnetition, as well as five others in and each of these exceptions is Msi Qleanaing Cream .....2 for (100) cs vrvis reas JOP al' ) yh ry 0 od, net knowing this woman's name [he bottled elass ely explainable in terms of n difs Bhampoun {Qotaunuy. : i laorit hotleta, T am moutly ealled Lol. | An' official told a reportert "The ference in concurrent earnings," Ol Bhampoo) ,..,.8 for ra. Ardmatio ...,9 for 8 he |] ghd hr tier fen, Madewmolaelle, judges split themselves into groups Of the groups considered, oils ofs Baby Bath Castile ,,.2 for n $ at oi Aromatie ,.3 for | tantéy Bo y RBAW Ap te An that? Why hadn't she od consider only certain seetionsof | for the hess case where prices aro A Quang Blossom Talo .4 for | JA8 Cathartio. Active Pilla 3 for host 8h table, he ott Word to be ealled? And tha V4 competing brands, If they barometer of anticipated earnings, als Lilac Vegetal ....,...% for 1 i hag \o 'be va wap Greta? Oveta had pro=' | had a drink from each barrel and bots though, as Prof, Cox point Rr "eho Rloarbonate of Soda 3 for 88 14 Pepain : Woh Toh" lop by for her, early, [tle the effeats would remain with cour "of f peices in 1923 dnd 104 Boraclo Aeld .,...,..2 for KULERERERS for H With a face lke that, them for several weeks" oa, tht the' price ovement of Comp, Licorice Powd, 8 for 80 Ghirez lark Cours refer that you address me as : " a must have overdiscounted the u Uream of Tartar ,,,,.3 tor i BYIUD os svserven for Ld a to the maid, I am Hpaom Halt, iyvveae 8 for Bavaria hat an extensive road cons onlin of those years," JO Bonne Loaves ve... 0 tor - 1.00 Palatable Co. vernal for y struction program "With the coppers there, Is also » PFOA, evidence in support of the theory 3 Castor ON trevnnand for B08 Laxative Oold Breakers 3 for nose of the woman poked forward TENN | prices discount carnings, Al . ca aL Ve rd it she hou rot at w ath though prices are a bit 'ey | in res FB Ry Qo Slot wi ° : Se should i» M ous A Bahia) fleeting the break in earnings in 19%. * ' 1 po af aloh an by LLL an, 21, they are prompt in recovery, : 180 Dynamic Tonlo seevssd for rabably, ov Argentinian.' ently in the decline of 1924, uni |}. : : B50 Eye Bath «iii ayves 8 tor Ws! sald an cordialiv'as prompt in thy further gain of 1928 Club 1.00 Syrup Hypophosphites dnt What Jat Chere is also some basis for arguing \ [ Compound «eves 8 for theariue about her, to : that in 1920 and 1987 prices were ; For Men 8 hep for anything, Sha must showing a disposition to anticipate hide her TRI, thonkh, LA the great movement of 1928, 0 Shaving . 1 \ "3 ht think alo hy N "More striking evidence of stock || Cream fhe United States, prices an 'a forecaster is found in 2 for .B1 0 Alte Lint Tn thet, I've never the sequence between copper shaves EAN 00 After mt, 2 for 81 myowh coullry batore Priees and copper metal prices, There . Shaving Y RY Xi ; J The 10 Bale is an advertising plan a Throat Deas y distance" en twelve considerable turing La he heen across the border, i In meta prices during the period cons Son a od to. Wedtuaint She utbile 2h we Foon 8 2. i L merits the ualar Products, n i n Mexioo, But not far, of for long, | sidered, Six of these turny have 88 After And what ahe saw there wap very Jeon preceded by share prices hy Shaving buy any item at the regular price then . B50 Dyas Ike Mermona, .a continuations ine oll) One. ta olght months, in five in Talo another item of the same kind for one | Table Pr 1 tenaified, of Arizona, : 'wtances the turns have come ta the 2 for We cont, "A Miss Greta called" The wom- same month, and for oaly one tary 30 Nair Of) Bvery article in this sale is a highs Roth an interrupted her thoughts Only ! has the share market been tavdy." 2 for 51 class standard pleco of werchandise, ts 2 oA <a a few minutes before you awakens | EER RE J E X Just the same as we sell you overy day ment, M Mate Exonewated at regular ew N Hy #he sald she was on her way ) | Narvit Hamilton, Toronto, «Jd GO, Jamieson, mate ii lah RNA RH d ur hotel, 1 had muffled the w so it would uot dhaturh you." | | \ N. 8, of the RE. "Maple Court" was SE wie, © RAgUel was about 10 | | Make Gutcurs oap and Oimmant [ | completely © gxonsrated of any Thunder, Friday & Saturday, Nov. 28, 20 & 30 at the tntruder that she wins | | your everyday toilet tons | | blame In ponnection With the : , Lola would leave her hands off | nid have a clear, awest akin, soft, | | grounding of the vessol near Mag: I ote ephone and everything elss |) booth > Bonde' and a Wealthy sealp | | netle Bhoal, Ceokburn Juland, Lake ? SN oy room, She wust not do it, | Whh Huron, on Oetober 80, by Captain i rec . 3 oats | That would make a bad beginning & Ry Dorion Taek 0 \ 3 \ 's drying to win "I wish you, Lola to go te We | a ment wan reserved th tik case of |B NEXT POST OFFICE 2 ~ PHONE 378 ) \ Captain M, Rtalker, the master of di the "Maple Court," \

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