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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 12

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"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 BT -- EN WONT : CHURL BUT $0 JO Jest hacutts you buy fewer poirs por Your, nd becouse they ry and Rocommmded by BURNS CO,, LIMITED NE gi 5 anda, na vr or and in the case of bass metal id cont, "The latter Bins nereased ito hrieg Hing with the far fous metal mines ave more aly exhausted than base mets) mines, it wag sald in explaining the MARGE! i 4 the percents a jh is 8 yory oon sonable step," he oni, ob Harinaa meaning of the above dispate hi boon abo & i charge allowed 10. f punios And. dividend se de But Aa?) N WH dai pi i arrived fy mm CNR, 144 Judging at Royal e show Mar Gusri Charlotte: | arothe: Curr Bf Bune Golden W or 7 ergy yman So Prohibition ds 140 Yrs. For Fair Trial New York, Nov, 86,~1t will take 40 years to give prohibition ne 1 } iv Hi [0 0 deserves in the i Wilson, exeautive seu | oy Wanon shou ' r varia a he Rh he regarded ak hopeful sign, and attributed to ft the nation's "pros perity after the World War, "Frohibitton,". said Dy, Wilson, "has done more than anything else aver did to ol thin conntry," A perfect uproar of laughter grootod this statement and It was Necessary (oY tha reformer (0 pause for sllenea before he could finish Lhe sentence "and glva un a ghunee to vote for decent men," "Wa recently took, A rellgloww fou In. Washington" Be contin: ad, "and found that 04 per dent of all oMeisle are Wom! some evangelioal ¢chureh, tion hae dows that for In replying to Dre, Wilke, Hort sited voluminous wtasisiies whieh ha asserted MN had previpusly sup pied far DF, Wilton md which he aocused Dy. Wilson somewhat hit torly ot lnoving PARLEY TO BE. HELD AT ST, JAMES! PALACE London, Noy, 28 The ally MEil sald recently that it understood the committee pppointed to seleet a ml able meeting place for the five power naval eenference in January had de elded definitely upon St James 19 Hig Raval permisslon, however, must he obtained for meeting in the palace he fore the seldetion cam be approved by the cabinet, tas, the Rev, Dr, Clm of the Methodist Hoekery Bn up polities in hom Brance, A1thinition and Ful Drag ansarted youtarduy te wif bh Ji, Clemang Rorat, California wine grape -- Wilson invaded the heart of wiy to debate with the Call forntnn, pnd while he drew ap Rune fron some of his Astor Hos Hutannrs for his gemeness, he whan hronght down about his head Balvos of hearty langhter with a number of his statements, Ln foot A voelferous percentage of his Hage toners refused to vegard the "des hate, which was helng broadeast, Asn nerions oecaston, and they up plavded Dr Wilson oven more cheerfully than did his partisan puppariers present, The subject wan, "Resolved, that Prohibition 1s a success and should ba continued," Anserting 'that prohibition 18 6 success in practies, Dr, Wilson draw the first laughter from his pudlence hy saying, "Prohibition wis never designed to make it im possible far a man ta get a drink The speaker was later able to add that prohibition was liyended to disconrage Arinking, SPrahibition has not heen well enforced," sald Dv, Wilson, "hut it has been put Into the hands of politielans und betrayed by com promise,' The debater for the affirmative proliibition has which 1 ln i 4 wi % 4 § wre af Prahibf fhthe ood Oshawa If the UN (hig lohby probe depopulnted wennte doesn't stop Washington whl Lorain Journal urged that new aut of hoore nls male Ag EB lat 2 » azn z=. 8 Bo . 5 BANTING RESEARCH FOUNDATION AIDS MANY SCIENTISTS Great Strides os Made in Re. search Work by Canadian Organization --e---- That the promisg eof the work of The Banting Kopshich Foundation has been amply fulfilled Is evident in the recent report furnished to the Trustees as the result of the first two full years of metivity, © During the past year numerous applications for financial assistance In pursuing medi 91 cal resenreh have been received from men and women working as {ar east ns Halifax, Nova Beotls and west to we | Vancouver, During the period grants have heen made to twenty-three workers, intr ted as followss Dr, 1, Wheeler, Winnipeg; Dr 1, A Sweet, Toronto; Mr. Co Gy Smith, London | br, H, A' L, Skinner, Tor ronto | VV, SR Halifax Dr, A, Toronto; Dr. W, D, M, Lloyd, Toronto Dr, J, achson, Winnipeg) Mr, J, M, Hershey ronto; Miss I, GC, Vrame, HI Dr, BW, L, Guyatt, Voronto; Mr, CG, Frnntoff, Saskatoon Dr, B, A Faugles, Nanaimo | My J. A Dauphle nee, Toronto) Dr, B, L, Chown, |w Winnipeg Dr, Lillian Chase, Reging | Dr, I, M, Cashin, Montreal} Prof, I I, Burton, Torontay Dr, Ww, P. Maer donald, Kingston | br, H, KE. Burke, Toronto, and De, W, E, Brown, To funla Many Astivities The robtoms ptudind by these workers range over the whale field of medigine and preventive niedicine, and include studies eongerncd with some of (he most bres ing wid 'ur gent medical problems of the day. several bf them have resulted In pa pers of considerable moment and great value I'he Foundation has also pssisted the workers uttuched to the Banting and Best Chale of Medios! Reseurch, and from this lsboratory, wader Dy Hanting's able direction, very valy ble contributions have also bean een nde, Subsequent (0 the discovery of Tne sulin hy Dr, FG, Banting, the award ing of the Nobel Pigg and the honor thereby brought to Canada, & group of men met #t the request of Bir William Mulogk, Chancellor of the Midversity of oronto, and deelded hat sel avestigution, such as Liv, Banting and De, Best had under tulen, and that others were" willing to undertake in different fields, was worthy of commemoration, Inflnen tial gltieens therefore approached cops tain publie-spirited citizens and insti tong, sueh as lie Insiranee eompan es, with the idea that a voluntary Pol fund should be created, the incom ¥ om whieh was to be devoted (0 us sigting Anancially seiendsts who wer rihy of assistance in pursuing thely iin A nto some braneh of pogven tive medicine and + surgery 1, after proper investigation, the "trustees of the fund were satished that the scien tist was capable of pursuing his ob jeetive and worthy of finsfigial as sistande Though the hopes of Its founders were sealleed we the emmpaign that they wdertoak, the Inercusing nun ber of upphieations for asnintine minke It evident that the means ol this Foundation, whieh, is the sol Canadaswide source 10 which a work er in financial difficulties enn turn for wid In the solution of medical pro blems, are not us great as they should he, MHeneve, the Trustees of the Foundation hope that it will KrOW until they have for expenditurg the ingame from a capital sum of $1,000, 000, The work already accomplished has Justifigd the high lopes of its Fa 4 4 A with Ay Hon pe eg ul Cir tio methods A uml oh lye hi in PONsOLS, Caravan to Teach | Italian Farmers A modern cura van of propigin dg will ba used hy Premier Mussolinl 10 AQUA the farmers of aly with the newest ng vleultural methods Seven motor tracks, equipped with samples of wheat, ehemical-manures und agri nigral machinery, together Homa, Nov, §§, Avan to FIRE! FIRE! FIRE Do Not Wait for This Cry to Buy An Extinguisher AGENTS "AGENTS. WANTED $17.0 WANTED Regular $2 $20.00 Prote Fire Extinguisher, for 7 day 7 days ONLY, $17.00 each ~~ 2 for $33.00, For Stoves, Churches, Garages, Farmers, Private Houses, Ship Complete with Chemical, ready for use, gallons, brass finish, § Capacity 24 This offer Is good for 7 days ONLY so rush your order and save $3.00 on each Extinguisher, ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO THE Capital Gasoline Light Co. Gasoline Lamps snd Parts tor All Makes 11 YEARK IN TIUNINESH OTTAWA TOIMWITY SPARKE #Y, ONTARIO ls LP squares for free shows for the coun tryside, The movies will be for ens tertainment purposes, but designed to Airset the populace to KAthoringA whieh ean be utilized for educational ends Mumohi nm eomplete Norary of wgrien! il ly whures and holes of Instr vosoon will hegln wn tour Of the wip] whent-growing provine known recently, Vrofessor purieulturg will wecompany th legture nnd wnswer ques 18 concerning the most moder of wheut-growing feuture of the drive to abn Ineressed graln production will uw motion pleture unl, which will set up evenings in the public | nie personally will sponsor the expedition and will conduct the exercises at the start of the tour, Ihe itinerary includes Rome, Apulia, Hugilicutn, Calabvia, Bigilia, Campa: nin, Abruegi, Umbria, Tuscany and the North of 1taly, NN Ali & Bg a We - Wo i at ' MELARENS INVINCIBLE FLAVORING EXTRACTS Made to Government standards purity end cleeniiness essuied, 20 Flavors INVINCIBLE' in name and quali ME LARENS HAMILTON UMITEO QNTARIQ/ a ok adi 2 Lia £3 Nd whi * A FAR 38 2 kb § I -- HT n EAR what your friends mean when they say "Victor quality of repro- duction." % - Hear this special, thrilling, powerful test of tonal perform. , ance in which every type of orchestral instrument is brought into sharp relief ww + from highest treble to lowest bass -- also. speech and-singing. Hear the smashing climax of the full orchestra augmented by the grand organ . the most severe test that can be given any reproducing instrument, Hear the natural voice of Milton J. Cross, world-famous radio announcer, winner of the Diction Award . + telling you about this test while it is actually in progress. | Hear it, and you will want to own it == t6 have unrivalled entertainment from air or records, To own a Victor Radio-Electrola i made extremely easy by the ownership plan which any Victor Dealer will explain to you, VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY, OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL BE S VOICE ¥ VICTOR RADIO ELECTROLA RE4Y $375 (Complete with tubes)

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