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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 16

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eltond was | | day Sty " ai 31 Pid | Rit dhe oy of wit Ay Ee , that 89 pes of the tht student body v for the fivet 4 ariment the vy id show d many repairs and, §, and the instaligtion' boli 23 fiathrde throughs t the yuo. ont hs Be Pita . rot aration om committen reported re- § an additionsl storey room in ovder to Ares ard glass room age for a junior sohool, po 1 on oo Er oo many oman " oo | oe win ado od, bad. he pin HNenoia) sEAndpo Dr, ° » MeGilliveay was pus : pesident and Mr, BR; N, La Ady ary, Other loos ai fi Ww. J. H, Rehan a oodtellow and Robert tory 0 The name of the prig- : Dr, Carscnllen, wan {te Do Doard of Directors, : Wi GURNEY Sore SE! TOGIVE ADDRESS): oh o psUAmetory financial oondi+ | i of other committons | A 4+] shawed a very highs tiafaetory Hi of affairs, "Phe report of ¢ 8 2inciot and dovernor was prasented by " arseallan, He reported het [ 4ehool your of 1028-20 had been at 18,80 on Friday. BUY NOW Semel Solvay - Coke WE ARE SOLE AGENTS a: "Holt Gurney, outstanning adian manutagturer, and axe ag dent of the Toronto Hoard of van ®, will ha the speaker at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon to ba held in the Counell Ohamher My, Gurney np vier Si Bi ALSO Pocahontas - Cannel and All Bitumincus Coal Dixon' Coal Co. TELEPHONE 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES i | Fil Smmerce wy on rider noon of this week, wis pecured only after a groat dea) of effort, Me will speak on sims and objects of the Ontario Indus trial Ressaroh Foundation, which should be of Interest to every busi: ness Man, Tlokats have been sent out by the ohalrman of the Luneheon and Programme Committee, Mr, John MoClalland, and oitisens are Invits od not only to come themselves, hut to bring thelr wives as well, i Hach member of the executive has been sent two tickets to well, The luncheon at whieh President A. Hutehlson whl preside, will commence sharp at 15,80, wo that AN muh Hl WS possible may be lven the speaker, There will be Fight community singing before the address, The luncheon will ho over mt two o'clock so As not to Ineonvenlence business men, This 18 the second luncheon of the season, and It will he the last until after Christmas, A genoral meating of the board will be ane nounced at the luncheon, SUPREME COURT WILL OPEN HERE ON MONDAY NEXT? sm With elght eriminal and the same number of olvil actions on the docket, the Fall Sittings of the Bupreme Court of Ontario for this county will open on Menday afternoon, Decenis ber dnd, the Honorable Mr, Justice Wright presiding, The number of erimingl cases Is oeptionally large and means that 18 il take several days to dispose of em: They are all jury cases, and in cera! like that of Frank Buon, urged with the murder of Mrs, Ko- rulek, of Oshawa, there are a large nher of witnesses, The Pepi wi counsel wi he Me wil lama if Renfrew, and he wil he assisted hy Crown Attorney Jo A MeGibbon, of Oshawa The Court House at which the ses lone are to be held will be a busy place for a week a least. All of the erimingl ehargen will first be consid ered hy the pond if ig ab in the ws wal and proper procedure, Several of the friwoners 10 be heard have been wail ne trial for many week, na the 1ast Supreme Court sea slong were held In April vires vty AWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, (929. HEAR STORY BOYS TRANING SCHOO Dr, dant of the manvitle, gnye-ah interes bl " na , 1, Reman, Buperinte ogy Lenining Behool st addrons 14 to the members of Con ody at their banquet in the wk 7 phn Money evening, He told of ig done at thin school, ilk A the only one of Its Kind on the witinehy Here boys from the ones of #0 1b lam trained for he pon useful em, Henk he oh a (A Nobody en - pli ~ o| { by he LOUrts, But it Is a school to which pagents or thers Literested In boys who have got beyo ome control can send these Inds to be under striet, 'directed discipline. The Dboys ati to "play the game," to honor the ts of others, and from their wig y ut the Boheol they are line pressed Yih the ides that it fs nat urkliy poring of them that they i he degent, and that It pars to wi Ir with those with whom they come 0 eoniagt 'The record of ti Schoo! has been most ensouriging, Boys whose pros ects have net been ut al fivorable, uve gone ont Into uasful vocations and ape' ojoving Shembeives fo be worth of i tegns, De, Reaman's outs ine he work being done was told simply but foreefully, and elicited mush Interesting comment, The pehool has been In operation for a hout five years and Is fully Justifying the faith of those who coneulved the Iden o nd aesisted In Its establisment, aarty vote of thanks to Dr, ai was moved by Dr, G. H. Mravenson and seconded by R.A, Hutchison, Dr, Reaman In replying invited the people of Whitby at any time to eall wt the "school and seo for themselves at frst hand what was being done at the nstitdtion for the DOYS, t the meeting which preceded thy banquet, oMoers for the year 190 were elected, These, together with the appointed offers, will be install ed at the annual "St, John's Night' meeting on December 27th, Past Masters' Night The annual Past Masters Night ligld, when the various oMcors were filed by Past Masters of the Lodge NV, Bro. W. M, VanValkenburgh, who was to have had charge of the proceedings, was unable to be pres ont owing 10 Ines, greatly to the regret of all, The following Past Masters were the officers of the ev: a i'n | M, GM, Goodfeliow LPM, Fo. ¥ Mathison SW eNoe | JW & J, Spall; Cha AB W, p, Ev ery Treas, W, M, Jonge W, Bateman: SD, } Erskine; ILD, I J, Gale 1.6. Jo 1 Kiernan; 8: RA Hutchison i 1.8, John A a DC, W. M, Jermyn, NV. F, Harden, 1 Lynde, I, Ji Yourex were the 84 Masters who werd present and visited, EE wise, A A PAA Having to jum hi of a plane In a parachute is hut It's bets ter than jumping hon one, Kitehener Record, dregs Colds f1.00 Wahl NVER: NHARP Het of Penuil, loads and Wrasers $100 | S19 -- $1.60 TX 00 PLARN. HOON LIGHTS Malt and Complete Cod iver with bats $1.49 | $1.19 $1,00 Amortment XMAS CARDS Tomy heaubiin Cards ith 0 envelopes match, Regular 100 and ide v price, ten vin BR Me oa per, ™ nw yn N HROMIDR 61,70 THERMON Ky Complete with Vacuum hottie QUININE 19¢ ae Poehage of S=800, 18 foe $1.00 Smoother Mere Dependable | consignment of fine "otatlon to give our customers an o i wre h) Sec, IM ay A ress, iia ¢ el] = uh ul ise 1 lei " right wit J6000 TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Taranto wholesale dealers follow! Lg ure WH sVresh ontras 6 fo ot oHiTAe, lone A My a The 0 Chickens, § cok loins, W to ' Phy 4 Hibs, J 14 I. Hin, wl bl Laie, al' | orks i? (s Py ri kup, ag? ot 1 4 of {ir Yaiy do, Bytikg, dulry per Ha Hi fi Prite » Vos Artighiokes, 6 gt be [1 " owing, bi | Dog 0 ol Bastd, Gt " CLT Wy 6 wi, ryubels " cli dry, si ERE Pa wm 4 to 7s) fonts, logss, prt, Ly ' weonds ful aren eT [1 inte, ot Hak yh on 4H WH DIAN, H it, nA ga Wer obs csraenns sensi ine Ls Mn Yd WY geiraparinsiiiene i gh He oligos 7 I 1 Hutons, oo Cusumbers, such Farsley, per lune 'rane, thies for INPARRI RRR rn rT TO et Salsily, two bundh Crapelrwit, sach " CR PE RT RRR TR RR ------ miles, Got, han I" quating the | Green heshs, aur to Me Frid Way on 'ranberries, at Turnlps, bus. Turi, bmg Apes, bus, WW prices to the tra en en amy. , mad to Aus do, smoked, 45 to d mentomLong clear haoon, {10 19 9 ATA sails, My} Vise, therees, 108) A 4 Voda il A wy prints, 1 ------,RE iN jo wh , PARMERY MARKET Vy I! Ti fall ut 4a quatatlons. stall, fn of Hi a & in 0 "on the BL, Luwrenss market, Tories hry, fer ri he wire 1s Misg * Jig Marie suting 4 firsts + gt neu PEN | ive deren' pacin ih eek sie ' ' ou ol ie, ey potind ' y oli IY | dh Jeltnee, thea for lor y, Qos iii ANOS, Der doken Lamons, pov dosen , JE a, er fdasen appr Loasks, 6:01, YE A TY PAGE SIXTEEN EH a The finest 4 ten you can bu Made from juicy, flavor at a bo file do 0 -- de LUD ny 7 | [4 ork lire ang, 2%, tn 198, i; New 1:3 pork dplen patind ' LL Lt nil" - A. wir Yoon: DO GRAIN QUOTATION) Crpin dealers on the iA Wo Turds wre muking the lollewin for ear lots) Mant hin ir (J) 145 Ne, b glory i i ao F) / % 4 Yoh hia ie ] Hoy ports), ine Munitohn outs NTI dao, 01 Ld, hu d Ameren corn Ro a Milllead, delivered, Manttynl freight, Included Bran, per ton, $3,45) shirts 5 | tm, $V.45) wid, $44.25, v Mal on Whest, $1.20 16 $1.2 of -------- CHICAGO PRODUCE FPUTUR™N Chilean, Nov, #, remained without changes sgain toda from the yesterday a lal al It Pays to Shop Here Always FREE! Saturday morning--Christmas Balloons--while they last--for chil. dren accompanied by a parent. Come early Saturday -- quantity limited! UGAR Granulated me 10 this \. You'll like the. flaver of Blend « Black Only = SPECIAL | HOUSEHOLD TEA Ror o 4 Le Tea =~ Our Own Molasses Per tin Gesoanut TOMATO SOUP Helna--=Medium wire, Per de SPINACH Aylmer Chotoe gun ity: Noy 2 tin 16¢. Par tin Red River the natural por for cold mb ro Per pkge 24, Satan Ch am Ay Fv 19 Cleansbe wfop cleaning pots 'and pans 6 pad alee FANE on Rn Rag ! London Corn dtareh Haddie w= | w= for delicious pul. 10¢ nay 9c Per phge. ...\ Baking Powder Katonia 11h tia, SUGGESTIONS FOR FALL BAKING Currants-- «Cloned and fresh 9 IR: Aen aannER RRR Fry's Coeon~34:Ib, tin , Pure Flavoring Extracts = Eaton's== 1 on bottle , Mined Peal Vi-lb, php... Pleo Filler=M ciadowswect =Aunt Dinah «Feutherstrip Crisco STOVE POLISH Nonsueh = gives a lustrous shine 17¢ to stoves CHARM Clans Everything he 15¢ for Karavan haga -- jar he fas ! No, 14" Mo ed, Wk hn, Hitaiori ham No, 1 (eed, 03 1205 No, §, yellow, M03 1.4 " "er (8 funds) fall deilvared, Yaron freight), Jin per of ents, Wo Rb fh barley, Togs rye, Uo wo 815 buckwheat, Ihe spot sgr 1nrket + and witlon of the future wirket both and today might well Viave reg 1bs. for Dates w= fiolden Dates, Stone: wane 35¢ buy--Red Rose Orange Pekoe, led Javor--sine ap i ud, Evety package guaranteed, Tie Rose | : IE ACs good tee RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good SDD Istored some slight advance on EA tore, Enaguiry lor the latter fluctuated the current and deterred future Austad ons 8 seems tu bhewr directly on those pa WW iwill grade, The Novembers snd renimed the upturn stared yesten ng M 14 and 87 14a, 1espectly ay which hgh levels profit-taking coms , the market In such volume wo loses & pethack, All whole milk Muotations were Wn Changed today, whils ears of "tal standnrds. declining the most with quotation of #0 1Ae reprasentin Jide, The Decembers and Py ote ted helow yesterduy's close, while Jens ys remained unchanged, Open commitmen ta--Vggs-- November, 'old, 14) do, mew, 64; December, Kids, 1A hd Deg amber, wl Tanunry, 193, Chigann pot] market=Butter go dhe} standards, 3 146) tone steady, rent firsty, 40 to 43 tone ar 1 fir Three market Ia Butter--~Today, 0271 Inst youl, 807, Kggv~Today, 17) 1 lust year, Wy, LR RN EATON'S Delicious Candies Take home a box o4 SPECIAL | Bee Hive Syrup 5 Ib. tin Pancake Flour w= Aunt Jemima = The welcome dish for supper, Per pkge, Te Marasshine Cherries wd OF, 2 phgn. for ,, 25¢ Gla i Cherries + tin oy PRRRARS Te 8 Walnuts = halves we um Soe: phge, LAALRYY Walnuts = brokenws " a ial 22¢ . BUTTER PUFFS Jacob's righ Blas ote o Quality Pa 2e wd T1111 SPECIAL | MINCEMEAT delislows - dD Lbs fh and uh oh for BQ Lather-o The Modern 4d of c] 2° 'a8e Seeded Raisins | Pkgs, 15 da SPECIAL | Grape Bananas Cabbage . Dox. ..80¢ and 38¢ New Carrots : Choice Eating Apples Fruits and Vegetables Fruit 3 for 88c Parenips ....pk. 40c 8c and 10¢ cvs» 100 Choice Celery Hearts .......18¢ SANA ny "2c| a -- { @ il hw aR I A PIRATES + B NOP

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