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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAIL Y TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 A Stack Market « Prices by Ganibdin Press Hi Toronto and %. pol York Wtock Quotations Bnpplied by Sohte, Porlopg and, Co, TORONTO WTOCK WXOWA ery lia k 3%, the morning tra ing Wal Biroet, a Sy traders uu toa' » yo ghtest for some hs 0 ol ir hour morning period, reg Ksved, fof AED Lr its opening d-day wid Whe Uvelg © ke W alned Wheat, $1,046 Th habs Amplat wus 8 and Veni pnd sags ged 8.86, Eaves wos down b al -------- NIHG GRAIN OPENING Inipeg; © Man, November 1e Dasenmhey dW May Je ud 1 al 4d 1 FJuly ge higher at erday's olopin i Dovehiner Who Wigher Bl ty: and BW, Petroleum 26 gdh Boo 170 El) ahh 200 1] Bh % a0 sou 190 B60 405 140 bls bi FEL] 37] 17 Newhes Nrda Pa, Or, Prem, sh, Gv, Bn, HW, Ft, Tk, Hg, Yipond 26% B440 B00 170 ¢ Heo "450 1h 3Y] bh (¥} Ventures Ash Jun Wr, Hr, 140 126 Wii wall | 17 CY Ti mytteyrrepere NEW TEN-MINUTE SCHEDULE STARTS Contin (pm. Page 1) hour and every ten fumes tnerealt er every diy exsept Boanduy, when the Wright- Lab Nav, 48, higher at Wo highop Al 40%, Oa Mi 688% a, | Bowmanville Daily Times ---- HB, HERBERP MOWFLOOK Hepreseniative Phone; Oftics B87, CANDIDATES FOR BOYS' PARLIAMENT EE ay Hof wetting mi T0 ADDRESS VOTERS, series sen liom season, He ds at present installing modern plubin fixtures and coy on ces which flav loti lien ne I we wantanow," he said, ome real nice gold weather and the 4 the season will soon get inte full awing" Aslied whether thers wis wny like hood of he stalling an artificial ce rink in the weg futures he sald hit he was #lraid thers was not Nuit ter the tee ins tedious jub ang the laeal teams gef if Ia Eanes practise £4 } mid dle of the seam, owing 40 Bx eis heing 80 high fer.repting o r tow vinks and the fash thet neither of (1 fr are whet nh be galled well offs DURHAM RECOUNT WAS ADJOURNED UNTIL TOMORROW I GROSS TURNOVER oF WHEAT POOL DROPS Winnipeg, Nov, 88,==Ascording io the snnusl siatement of he Canadian wheat pool, velessed last night, the pool tor the year endlog duly 41, 1940, handled 468,104, 000 hushels of wheat, Gross Larne aver far tha year Amaunied 10 BABB OAT.000, whieh was #86, 000,000 Jess than the previous yeu, largely aocounted foxy hy Thee wavryover of wheat hy the pot, "amounting (no AN BRE000 hughiets July #1, The pool was fovead to well a million bushels of what aaeh mavkel day Vast season In sonpumptive channels, Montreal-St, John LIBERAL WINS N. BRUCE CONTEST Standing in Legislature Now Gives Liberals 12 Sents re | Walkerton, Wov, bl-="The mel: ority tor 8, W, Billet, 1Aheral can: didate In yesterday's doterved wien Han in the provindal viding of North Bruce stood early today 414, with the prospeet that fink figures would not he much Aiffey: ent, Returns are In trom all A viglons except Baugeen Indian Her werye, where Lheve are only shout - PE -- A ! PROVINCES AGREE ON POWER DIVISION Toronto, Nov, i ==Viemler 0 H, Verguson announced yesterday hat st the conferences in Montreal Tuesday nEreemenis were reached nelween Lh Proviness of Onlario and Quehee and the awners of pow er wiles on the Otiswe and Bt Iawrense rivers vespasting devel opment of enevky, Ontario In to gbt onehall of the power devéloped at Ohit's Valls and al the Carillon on the OUAWR iver, Mr, Verguson said, Also onehall the power up to 460,000 horsepower from the developmen! of Besuharnols on the BL, Laws renee, PRODUCTION IN B.C MINES INCREASES Bh voles, | 10, 4, Byers, Conservative, Wiar: ton, wis Mr, Bio's opponent in the deferred elsetion necessitated hy the death of A, ¥, Mewhinnay, Liberal eandidats, on the ave of he Provinelal weneril eleetion, Oe, Alr Mail Service Starts December 9 (By Gansdion Pisss Lossed Wise) Ottawa, Nav, 48 Al BKpeYis mental wir mall servige helween Montrerl, Quehse City, Moncton and Saint John, NB, wis authors iped (ody hy Hon, V, J, Vaeniel, Postmaster General The service wil he operated dally, exospl, Bundays, starting on Monday, Dec, §. and will ha flown hoth wayeidn an effort 0 establish | a fant mull connection hetwesn tha cantrpl portions of the Dominion and the Atlantis Caan! caw MI Temve every! twenty minutes Ihe cars will leave Cedardale north hound every ten minutes also, Fach in Bowmanville High alteenate southbound ear will go tw the Lake, giving i twenty sminmie sey: School Audiorhum viee 10 tiv Serf The northbound he curs will leave the Lake gb ten min There 16 a behing being held (hig ie to Fr iid WHEE {airgun ag fale clock in the new oa maw sir, whieh anh of 4 mod | Hor 6 HL Ih, SEROUS wh ) ee | [5 0 electing ] 11 arn (ype Hite freen gompletely gap the famheoming polls for the Ninth 24 [haw ed Ld the pew Ciahiwi Ku wy Older Boys Bh ionment will speak Gypeiin ui oar barns, snd have wo whi and present their platforms to the Hr, Wal, 11% |" Aunty, They ure ph WH ox | ooo arate, All boys, who wre entitled LE WT BE LT A Re 1 26 i n gidere 1 14 N § { Mm Standard Mining Fachangs Hhfiwed He Por, ¥ : he trie car equipment, As an illustration " io be Jratent 4 oh Whe A Ateady to firmer tone atm ay Imp oil h HEY of the effeesivness of the safety pre " ne Phy ti tal 4 er today with gains outnumharing Lah HAD BI Loautions, Me, Callaghan stated thas i |" 5 4 Ad | fl ; Hi PIRES losses on the hoard, Ms, Hr in the matarman took Ms had off the Al Ky 1 he gd | I, fn I es wy Naranda, pftep opening oun. | Woh 8% | control lever far even an instant, the ah Hite, RON, FIRA1SY ICANT) changed, showed a decline at noon | Mo, Fel, #3 Bi Dower would be Instantly wrned off | Bbaws, aud James Hancock, Courl of 80 cents at 84,70, Bherritetior- Mt i! d 144 LIa% [ind the brakes autimatieally applied, | 1% 'The Hn Moki Rd in used in don alio WAS down after openins fd ¥ "oh ha " ! | §0 that 8 18 priciigally impossibly Rrovinela iv whim erenond H The contractors who hulle the new | New Orleans Nutghe Vaesaro, IK, unchanged, At noon it was quoted Bhi 74 4 ih far ane of the ears to get ant of sons | EEA Io this election "Vee Your loonent highway from Neweastle to of wn automobile which po at 8.665, off 10 cents, Standard Mines wal Yale Vating hogs will be drome | ione wre halding # banquet and [Dee halted after firing several shots in sudbury Basin held its 85 cent | AWE 40) 188 187 Wah Ihe wars will seat 48 passengers wan 10-8 po, and group leaders will] jocce' at the Community Hall yoda ght chase, today wie, held as advance at the opening through ARR 155 170 Lh comfortably, 80 that they ire as large tell you where to exergise franchise, | Nowoastle tonleht, All the ofelals of [a suspect fn an investigation of fhe out the morning session at 4.50 al! OH 180 175 3 [] or larger than those now in the gam The Rey, HH, Binion, Loree, 18 the sompany will be 15000 vilibery vesterday of the Al Alberta Paoific was marked up 20 | Pome 700 is piny's service, They have heen given the Benrgtiry, All gaamps are Wibod! | ood program has heen honked Brauneh of the Canal Bank and at 8,08, Gains of from one to ten Kg (Qu 165 5 fresh cont of paint, red being th to lek Ibn hivy the results from CN pine on the latter will he Oyo Prust Comnany, Twa companions of | sobway Yahaver, had returned home were reported in Teck Hughes, | $l} 7a, ih predominating eolos cars will nol By soon is possible id Ihe preat sportsman and publie benef Vieearo escaped us the machine stops | ahout 11,80 p.m, The hushand Is up 10 at 5,20; Calmont, up 6 at Ho 4d Pimbes will wet them from Mr, Blain tor, Orme Gamshy missing 1.16; Ajax, up 8 at 1,87; Base | Hd, By Metals, up 6 wut B.00 and Big | Lk, 8h, 116A the regular hut "i be used J hi , tan" and will publish them in Man ' Missouri, Abana and Howey all 'Meln, 7 Meeting Being Held Tonight mre The reeount tn Durham Couply which has taken up the hetlar pun nf two days hetors Judge O'Conno fn Cobourg was adlaurned list might unt Peidpy, The Bragg ma jority of 14 Wad not Vy A when the SLAM hation oof wy ihe day and there Iu litle ape naw foi tughan Conservatives that Millon IN lott will gob the mept, All the hallots < are expected to he counted hy Friday night al least ond It 1s possible that neon 10 moveaw will see the end of the alosest fought election eampalin avay staged In the county of bur ham, TORONTO High Low By A, OH TR Hag, ,, rf 308 Can, nd 18% Can, Hrd, 1p 14 ") Cookahni( a2 Oty, bry, I Dis, Berm, 1 il Dm, Bir, 24 fae, Ni okel gamained at 80, down Ford Motors AL after an 0 oh fng unkhanged, dropped At ack hoon tn 46 Le) wi er. pulipred " i drop to Bell Prelephone, Canada Dyedg- ing, and Gypsum all remained Ri changed, Imoarin} J and fnienm tional Pete were siéady a Ol) wes flown 34 st 80%, Vanoouver, 8.0, Nav 1 British Columbia mines will pros duce $70,000,000 worth of ore dus ing the present year, showing higher value snd onnage Thin 1068, I was estimated hy J, D, Guallowuy, Provinela) Mineralogist In addressing the annial meeting of the British Columbia division, Canadian Institute of Mining and Mutallurey, yeuterday, Mr, Oulloway fovecast a decline in the production of coal, snd sug> gested that a wrong co-operative wasosintion of cosl operelors coms mitted to an aetive welling came palin aided hy leehnioal veseaveh, might prove of value to the Indies Close Bo % 40 18% 40 BAY Ly) Ho With the deferred election oul of the road the party standing in the legislature has heen definitely determined as follows! Conservatives 011 LAherals 1% Progressives 41 Independent Vio presnives £1 Independent Conserva tive 11 V.¥.0, 11 Labor 1 WOMAN MURDERED HUSBAND MISSING ' York, NY, Nov, 88, Mrs Dullara, 68 years oid, was found dead early this morning in her apartment in past 68nd Rivest, ley hand evushed hy & hiww with a 14 inch steel har that lay nearby Naighhors told tha polies the waman snd her hushand, Joseph, a AUANDABD MINING HXCHANGY Poronte, Nov, §8.-"Lhe Toronto CONTRACTORS HOLD DANCE Held As Buspest Naw 4 IIa Now Hal CL ri A Bulgin Breakfast Food i present and wm 166 #1] hook 1155 1166 10456 LOAN 1060 1hh0 14485 1486 hese service, -- 1046 y MITT agcasionally 1 J lh --_" ot Ima he necessar COUR y i] day's issue of. The Pimes, Ee nm et a rae Overcoat Opportunity Friday and Saturday -- the Last Shopping Days of he Month '25 Coats for *19.50 '24.50 '29.50 34.50 » Newest Models From 'Fashion Craft" Guards model, Town Ulsters, Slip-on styles and Chess tevfields, All the popular shades including navy blue in every model, Hp Ons for le Bh, TE li 0H: Sa pire GF DRE ARNOLD'S Good News Miss Mary | SCHOOL PREPARE ANNUAL CONCERT "rogram To Consist or Chorus:s, Folk Dances and Gymnastics Over | pupils of Ho wubb hool are hard wb work Hh far thelr annual « Hiled for Fhursd 1th gnd 1) hundr A PEERREN Corb which ia nd Friday, ih Fie pal Johnie I al I PA ing a hundred wh | songs of whieh wre | Bal with Mi 1 he M's Clo W HEKA" and num OPERA MOUSE 9 leg this there vy Wy YO pve . ; h IL ane of the ' histling hon the hay I he vn will | under Miss Mary the the heal, he athletle goods 10 he used by the ils of the school and for use in '] gymnasium, In addition a the ram the annual prize giving will ke plage part on the heat plight smd toon the second night CE MAKER AWAITS COLDER WEATHER Taylor, proprietor of th in Bowmanville his on the he is employed gach ATTYHE 2 HE he mastic displ y features will he th ia hy musieal part of the hy # nnmbes hireetion HO 10 You didn't mind much if the storekeeper, peered through your envelopes, For there old-fashioned Grocery Stove! It's gone now, and with it, in all tan many instances, went the w y a] arm old fashi finass. Jhe Arnold Sarketn, how ver, ol that folks are much the iy A Bee ery Amold employee | " you real friendly servioe, ' # "Old-lathioned" enough to Uke to give Blade Roast BEEF n.2 Le hota Beel Ib, 19¢ nose Beef 1h, 37c abies 1h 17¢ Chopped Suet « «' Ih 17¢ "LAMB 1». 30 bark Butts 1h, 25¢ Shoulders 1h, 180 Fowl Sub, Average 1h, 00. Chickens 3.1h, wid i Ih, 00¢ who was always the postmaster, sometimes was too much fan and gopd feeling In that Naran ating wrned from his work nd Canal wher, unsper and 18 now busy getting the pluk in shape for the fast approach Soaks Riglit In And Limbers U) « titf Joints Pharmacists eall i "Jaint-Ease" because it's for Swollen; Save, Painful, Creaky Joints Only rink P&G Soaps. Bars 36 COUNTRY LULU manNushids o, , HOMEMADE MINOCEMBAT © {007s CHOICE HALLOWE DATES yi 0ry01, MIXER NUTH ... 4 4 ihe ORANGE AND LEMON OAD. CITRON PEEL MON, fli. BA num soasr 1hZ0e Tl Wy 44 2 lbs, BT 4 Ibs, Rie o To, Be Ah Bie + Ih B80 A CLARK'S POL X and BEANS n It took & Hood Wany years to 2 PING 21¢ get tagathar a combination of pain subduing and swelling redwotug agents declared ta ha tha ane remedy that almost Indtantly pene trates (heough skin and flesh and warts rlEht note make swollen, | inflamed, evenky, pain vaeked | Joints an good as new, Thay eal] this new and wonder Lind preparation '"Joint-Ease" hee onisa the medioal man. wha then ed tha triek, worked far years to perfeer same low-prioed vemedy that would really benefit the mil | Lionas of peaple who hive one op more Jalntg that need helpful ab tention, | He "Jolnt-Eage" 8 prepared only for peaple who have a swollen, winful, oveaky, distorted or suit ant, whethey it he in knee, elbow, shanidey ankle, neck or tinger and whether ft 18 caused hy vhews matlam ar something elae, OF course, 1g oan't help bat wiekly put an end to suoh supa flolal aliments as Twmbago, nauk alain, neuritis, wohing . Special in Men's Heavy Underwear STANFIELD 8 RED LABEL, Regular $2.50 a a A Sale COMBINATIONS, Your choles of Fedoras, Snap Brim or EEREL CREEL EE TEER TL TENET $3. 75 Welts in all colors, Reg, 88, Saturday $4 95 Buy 'These Now For Christmas MEN'S SILK AND WOOL SOX \ Dozens qf patieins and colors to choose fram, All new and boxed free. Regular 73¢, ~~ Saturday, pair yin Post Toastles 3 250 AREORTED OHOCOLATES HULTANA RAISINS NEW CROP OURRANTY ah A ME 31 Mealed: Back 1b. BORDEAUX SHELLED WALN Bacon Mealed Ba 300 a VALENCIA AENONDS 1 'Maearoni Loaf (Sliced) 1h 27¢ SAE Beef Bologna + - Ib 210 Lived via | BUTTER Carnation 2 ws, 87. Cottage 2 hs, 85¢ ARNOLD'S LARD " LR ih 17e is and Vegetables FAT, JUICY ENGLIAN Jal. Carrots ..2 bunches for 15¢ Kippers Yoh 23 ' Cooking Onions ....... 10 Ibs., 28¢ . Finnan Haddie + - Ib 15¢ Phone you ode ln Wo dover 0 Codfigh the Ih, 180 port of uity, | § sent delivery: Salmon th, 29% 'Phore 90 Halibut =: Soest. "th. 300 ARNOLD'S ALL-CANADIAN MARKETS = Borsalino Hats on PARRA ARAAA NYY LLL LE 59¢ REE ELR ERE EERE EEE rr ene EEE EEE EE ERR RR ARE ARR RL RAR 2 PAIRS FOR $1.00 i aM MEN'S FINE SILK NECKWEAR Carefully selected patterns of fine, imported silk, Attractive boxes, from, turday, each +... wom Hundreds to choose 55¢ EEE ETE TT ET I A TE rn ENR EE SER ER RE 2 FOR $1.00 musoles, stitoh in the side, orlok tn the neek ar sore feet hecausa of ta pene: trating sotion, hut what it is really recommended for W Joint aliments of any nature whatevey, Ask far a tube of "Joint-Kase, You ean use It several times in one evening for Ye results, hes ohuse it goes vight throngh the akin with only a fow seconds rab bing, It surely 18 a awit pene trator and when it gets under the skin, it starts vight in ta end all joing trouble, 11 18 made in Canada---opats anly G0 cents--dury & Lovell tid, § King wi, RK, dlgpenses It dally, as | do fest class dengalats everywhere " WEAR OJHA WW ry 8 Simcoe St. South

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