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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 PAGE FIVE VERNON KNIGHT WET HIS DEATH BY TRONNING (Continued from Page 3) fast se come abosrd unless they were able to, also stated that there nate and safer way of dred ,e; namely that of walking slong a cement walk and galling to the man on board the dredge, who was always on duty, to and fet the person and take bn to the d.edge in a boat, that was kept for that special purpose, Rob- bins had told his men to use this hg r, Terguson stated that his exam. Ination of the body had shown the presence of a bruit: on the right shin which could have been produced by ibping over a jutting board, first witness was Capt, Geo, Robbins, who stated when he had Inst seen Knight alive and also gave the Information revurding the eon: struction of the walk and the choles of walks, Herb, Dervent, the taxi driver, told how he had delivered his passengers to the lake, Harold Moth. ersill failed to remember much other than that Knight was sober when he saw him, Thomas Robinson told how he had met the deceased and gone to the lake with him, and then he had gone home to the farm at the lake where he lived, Gord: 1 Sloan, prob. ably the Jast to see the Inte Vernon Knight alive, gave evidence that Knight had come in to talk to him for a few minutes and then had left she house apprnt'v to go hack to "the dredbe to sleen, He sald that the deceased had fell in the water twice before from off this walls, John Towle operator on the dredge, deseribed the walle with its construction and its obstructions, He also stated that there were three other men on the dredge st shout three o'clock in the moming of the twenty-first, Ald, § (i, Carnell, local inspector for the Dominion Government, was the next to give evidence, He gave his opin jon of the gangway, and stated that he had ecome off the dredge with Knight on Wednesday night and that they had used this walk, They had come up from the lake in the street car together, He also sald that he hal heard of Knight falling In on two other occasions, Dr, Ferguson, the next witness to be ealled, told of finding the bruise on the right shin and that death had resulted from drownins. Lawrence Kehoe, fireman with the Canadian Dredging Co, told of coming on to the dredge early in the morning with three friends who looked over the workings of the dredge and after having a light Yunch, left for home, The three men in Increase Your Weight 5 Pounds 30 Days Or Money Back Real pharmacists and chemists everywhere know that MeCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets contain Just the proven essential Ingredis ents that Increase welght, create appetite, build up the power fo resist disease and puts good solid flesh on skinny men and women, So now men and women who k up with the times are taking MeCGoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lote==rich In health building, strength oreating flesh hullding, and as easy to take as candy, fo why not start today? Why not 111 out those deep hollows in neok, cheeks and chest? Why go on through lite with sunken cheeks and narrow ohest, when you can take advantage of this straight forward offer, Try them for 30 days if you want to gain five pounds or more, And bear this in mind, If they . don't mip you In that time your money will be refunded, 60 Tah. lets 00 cents--Eoonomy Sire $1.00, At Jury & Lavell, T, B, Mit- chell, W, H, Karn and druggists everywhere, ; ol wetting 10 question being 1, King, C. Jacobi and H, Mebonald, The hrst two named, testified pnd their evidence corrobor- wted Kehoo's statement, As Gladinll and €, Jacobl both stated that the deceased had been on good swimmer, Reginald Smith, stated that from ae tual experience in using the both walks, he considered them both up. safe and extremely dangerous in stormy weather, Alter Waring all the evidence, the Coroner, Dr, ¥, |, Rundle, told the jury to adjourn snd after twenty mins utes deliberation they came back with the, following verdicts "We the jury empanelled to inquire into the elr- cumstances surrounding the death of the late Vernon Knight, find from the evidence submitted that the sald Vernon Knight came to his death ut the Oshawa Harbour, aceldentally by drowning, on the night of 'the 20th- 216t, when he fell from a walk cons necting the mainland with the dredgy, The members of the jury were: A, J. Bowers, C, Wilcox, H, McKinley, H, Armstrong, H, Valr, G, Johnston, Roy Bond and W, J, Sulley, foreman, TWO YEARS FOR ESCAPE ATTEMPT (Continued from Page 5) requested the court to make his sen. tence run concurrently with the five year term, "That would be no punishment at all," Magistrate Willis zomimented, "There has been too much of this wolng on" His Worship added, "the sentence will run consegutively fron the expiration of the five year term Fred Plows, of Beaverton, who pleaded not guilty to a similar charge 1d he ol given: Governor Lu: cis intimation that there was a plan wloot among the prisoners aceording te evidence submitted by the gover nor, The prisoner, he alleged, hud nsked that he be allowed to remain nu certain section of the jail, Plews had told him that the inmates of that section were "out to get him™. and planned to attack him with an fron par, MH he could be transferred to this section he would stand by the governor, he had said, Parry testified that Plews had been an accomplice with him to escape jall together with two others, He sald he had assisted in securing the iron bar with which they planned to ats tack the Jaber and that he had also helped in sawing the bar in the bath rom window, Parry revealed that hy and his alleged accomplices had gone to considerable pains in order to ef feet an escape and that thelr plans had been skillfully thought out, They had secured a file which they used to fashion out a erude but eMcidnt fret saw, With this instrumem the bar In the bathroom had been all but severed when the discovery of thelr plans was made by Governor Lucas and his turnkeys, Gavernor Lucas had found the saw concealed in a legging worn by Parry, J, Horner, appearing for Plews, asked: that the charge agninst elient be dismissed on the ground that the Crown's only evidence had been giv en by Parry an accomplice apd had not beehh corroborated Crown Atterfey J, A MeGlibbon, prosecutor, considered that the sub. mission of the exhibits including the saws, file and iron bar was gorro- horative of Parry's statements, The Crown was willing to produce more evidence, however, if an adjournment were granted Magistrate ~~ Willis granted the adjournment, I ------------------ Miss Earhart Nets Record Los Angeles, --Migg Amelia Hats hart established a new women's aviation speed record recently mak- ing an average of 184,17 miler an hour over a mile course in four laps, The fastest lap, clocked hy Joe Nikrent for the American Aerod nautical Association, was 107 miles an hour, The previous record, Ni- krent wald, was 150 miles an hour by Mrs. Louise Thaden of Pittaburg, A Wert Virginia girl averted a wreck by tearing a strip from her skirt and agging a train, thus illustrating the remarkable eye. night of some engineers -~Detroit Fyoe Preps, a ------_--, NOTICE will be effect: Passengers going from east side o ticket office, H.W, COOPER, Manager. The Oshawa Rallway Will On December Ist 1929 Put On An Improved Street Car Service As Follows: On weekdays from early morning until late in the evening a ten-min iven between Ross' Corners and Cedardale, and a twenty-minute service to Oshawa-on-the-Lake. Service to Canadian National Railway Station will be discontinued. New, up-to-date, one-man, pay-as-you-en- ter cars will be put into service. The following regulations will also go into Passengers will board and leave cars by the front door only. Cars will stop only at points indicated by a white band on pole, to take on or discharge passengers. Passengers going south to Cedardale or Oshawa-on-the-Lake will board cars from west side of Simcoe Street. north will board car Simcoe Street. The co-operation of passengers in the mat- ter of having fare ready when boarding car, 50 as to avoid delays to the service will be greatly appreciated. Tickets can be purchased when boarding cars, and also at the J.J. CALLAGHAN, ute service Oshawa Railway Superintendent, NEW QUARTERS FOR PRINCE OF WALES ceive His Friends More Frequently London, Eng, Nov, 28-The Prine of Wales will lead the list of Soelety hosts and hostesses who will enter tain In London as the Little Season gets into its stride, For nearly 12 months alterations of one kind and another have been gos mg on intermittently at York House, and the Prince has ut last got his quarters there adapted more or loss to his liking, Now that he proposes to receive his friends there a great deal more frequently than he has done in the past, and to entertain quite as much as he has been in the habit of being entertained, The Prince is very fond of the role of host, and it Is.cne which all his puests declare he plays to perfection, During the London Season he gave u series of small receptions and din ner parties, as did the Duke Duchess of York, receiving well known peoyle often entertained by the King and Queen, members of the Lorps Diplomatique, and represents ative men and women in public life, Parties of this type will continue to be held during the Little Seas gon, interspersed with private gathe« grings for his own particular circle of friends, at which the Prince will have the support of his younger bros thers the Duke of Gloucester und Prince George, More room has been afforded for the reception of guests by the removal of the secretarial staff to another part of the house, his gives the Prince, for the first time since he avent into residence at York House! the exclusive use of his own front door, All the decorations at York House have been carried out very carefully with a view to keeping them In the style of the Palace itself, Carpets and lighting have been chos sen with mueh taste, and whan the workmen are finally gut of the York House the scheme an a whole ix likes ly to give the Prince vvery satisfacs tion, } RATE ON WESTERN COAL WILL BE SET Important Sittings of Rail way Board Scheduled for December a UC RY und Ottawa, Nov, 28 ~1mportant site tinge of the Rallway Commission are scheduled for next month, One of the questions to be taken up Ia the rate on coal from Alberta to Ontirio, The ept-of-pooket oont has been deferred and the commis son will have to decide how much mere the railways are entitled to. Another question to come up is the final stage of the Maritime des mand for a grain rate to thelr ports tn winter, a cent a" bushel higher than ia now charged from the head of the lakes to Quebec, | | | | | | FREE STATE STOPS EVIL LITERATURE Prince Now Proposes to Re: Birth Control Propaganda Chief Object of New Bill Dublin, Nov, #8.--The Free Btate measures for checking evil Hteraturs has received the assent of thy Governor General ang Is now In operation, The MI as Introduced by the government provoked an angry opposition from most of the Irish writers, headed by Senator W, NI, Yeats, the poet, but It was freely handled both in the Dall and the Henate and now seems largely recognized as not exceeding the powers exercised In most countries Any citigen can complain to a hoard of five censors appointed by the goverment that any publica. tion Is indecent or obscene, The Minister of Justice may act on the board's recommendation or may reject It, No publieation can ba suppressed If two of the board ob Jeot, No newspaper ck&n be gup- pressed for the contents of a mingle sue, Ouly proof of habitual and continved offense will cause sup: pression, Medical and sclentifio works are protected, The provisions against birth control propaganda are likely to be the most frequently employed, and the minister has decided to apply them even hefore the board ™ appointed, He has suppressed an English newspaper of his own mo- tlon and warned news agents not to sell it, Originally It. was possible that A newrpaper might be suppressed It It contained an advertisement of a birth control publication, Hut the bill was altered to prevent the punishment of a respectable paper merely on this ground, The Post Office and the Clvie Guards have been given extensive powers of search for forbidden publications, -------------- SHEEP ARE BEING SHIPPED SOUTH Vancouver, RC, Nov, 28 = Sheep from the ranges of the far off Aleutian Islands are now belng shipped south to Pacltio Coast cities for the first time and It in uxpected that the movement will continue In increasing volume, Until the flook of 1,200 years Inga and wethera and 400 lambe arrived at Seattle few people in thls part of the country realized that the Aleutian Islands bred anything more domesticated than the Eskimo, bears and seabirds, but the sheep have dispelled this} notion, The sheep ranges of the Aleutians will be a competitor of the reindeer ranges of Alaska in a few years, according to those making the shipments, During the trip south the aheep were fad on alfalfa and lght and havy soreenings mixed with Has wallan molasses, The meat of the Aleutian Island sheep is sald to be of fine flavor, They were ground fed in what lives stock man declare will soon bes come ono of the greatest sheep dle triets in the western world, | motor | AAA, | hotel directory, camp mannual TORYO T0 GIVE INFORMATION TO POOR FAMILIES Tokyo, Nov, 28The 'capital of Japan Is making official preparations fo furnish birth control information tu its poor In un effort to relieve the suffering that comes from large fame ilies in poverty stricken homes, This sociologleal experiment, es» pecially startling in the Orient where ancestor oT hus placed a pre. mim on large families, Is halted by wreponents of birth eontrol as open ing the way for application of this vemedy on a national seale to Jup~ wn's overpopulation problem. Yukicht Shirakaml, deputy mayor of Tokyo, said it was the Juicy to give information only to couples that already have four children and can show that they are too poor to carg for more, Information will be denied to young, newly married couples and to persons of wealth, Mr, Shira- kami sald that the municipality hoped birth control would help to lower the high Infant mortality rate and even tually reduce the number of famils les depending on official charity, ------ | I ---- MOTORISTS' LEAGUE READY FOR WINTER mre" Gerteral Manager Kirby An. nounces Plans to Aid Tourists Monltreal, Nov, 28.~With every in diention that southbound travel will exceed nll records this winter, T, C, Kirby, general manager of the Mont renl Motorists' Lergue, announced here yesterday that the league is now fully stocked up with such touring supplies as standard | tour books, reglonal naps, | nv : detour maps, The local club, sald My Kirby, also has an ample stock of descriptive folders bearing on th winter recreationn! areas of this country, 'He declared "From Inquiries wlready coming to the league, there is every reason tu believe that this year's winter touring will be nore diversified than ever be fore, since many will use three forms of transport, the motor, the steam ship and the airplane, Keallzing that the day of the all-inclusive tour has come, the league Is prepared to ser vice the members in all three fields "In the last twelve - months the trunk highway leading to such vaca tional areas ay Florida, the South At lantiec Const, North Caroling, the Gulf and the Southwest have been considerably lmproved and offer th MOtorist & great variety ofl routes 1o his favorite region, At the same time, the alr transport lines are working on regular schedules, while the steamship companies operating from key points are offering fmprov ed accommodation and greater in ducements to the traveller by motos All services are being gorordinated through the American Automobile Association club service chain, whose local headquarters are at the Wind sor Hotel, here, OVER THE RADIO Const, Instrument Called The The | remin To Be Cleveland, Nov, 88~An Instru- ment without keyboard, strings or reeds, untouched by the hands of the player, I& soon to be introduced for the first time by one of the most noted orchestras in the United States, The Instrument is called a Theres min, after Leon Theremin, its Russ sian inventor, It is really an apparas tus consisting of radio tubes A ans tennas and is operated by the aid of electricity, It will be played by Theremin himself when he appears as solofst with the Cleveland Orchestra here Thanksgiving night, November ad again on Saturday, Nov. 30 ikolal Sokoloff, conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra, is repeating the same sensational step he took in mus sie when he firstBntroduced the saxo- phone in symphonic grouping, As part of hs introduction of the Theres min as a symphonic instrument, Sos koloff will also play for the first time Joseph Schillinger's composition, "First Airphonie Suite," written ess pecially for Theremin and orchestra, The Theremin is an instrument which produces musical sound by electrical means, It hus no keys board, strings, reeds or other mech. anical aids or sources of sound, It has a range of three octaves and in the lower range partakes the tone of the bassoon, string bass and other lowspitched instruments; further up the scale it imitates the 'cello, violin,' flute, and still further the human volee, ¢ To play the instrument the musi. clan==his knowledge of music can be limited to Jot the mere sense of piteh=stands in front of it, Germany Saves Windmills Germany in preserving ita old windmills because of their hiatorie value and their ploturesque touch to the scenery, To ralse funds for thelr preservation many of the windmille' have been fitted up as rest 'houses, where young people on walking tours can get a night's lgduing at a low rate, Statistios are offered to show that in enly one of twenty-seven States checked wp han there been a decline in deaths from alcoho), To be effective, the declining should he done by individuals ra. ther than by States,----Arkansas Ga- sotto, It may be wicked to gamble, but what else oan you do when the driver in front helds out his handat-Bridgeport Telegram, lam 1H eylindrical ounce, ENGLISH SILVER IS IN GREAT DEMAND wl | London, Nov, 8.=The Very high for old steady realised ut owing nrices auction English silver to the demand from America, has made the silver sales at Christie's one of the outstanding features of the past lew SCARONN, Silver which ten gelling with difficulty VOArs ARO Was for $1.25 and $1.50 an ounce, now readily realises elght and ten times these sums, The season which opens early next month will, no doubt, witness a fur ther increase in the value of most of the productions of the early English silversmith Nearly 10,000 ounces of silver will be sold at Christie's two silver sales With the exception of one or two items, It 1s all English work, and ins cludes some particularly cholee pieces from the collection. of Lient.-Cal, J, St, Gy Priauly Armstrong, Of especial note is a superb Wile caster hy the famous Francis Garthorne, while from another source come a Charles 11, tankard engraved with the arms of Falconer impaling Weekes and a weet Anne jug engraved with the Stafford arms, The jug is of added interest, bes ing the work of David King, of Dub. lin, Last season in the Panter sale, a pair of casters by this maker made the remarkable price of £21 108, an while several other pieces realised sums ranging from £10 to £15 an ounce, Today, Christie's are selling the decorative furniture and art objects of the late Harold Rendixon, removed | from Roxley House, William, Herts, ! which include an important Chips pendale cabinet over seven feet high, and an Adam winged bookcase cars ved with rosettes and Prince of Wales' plumes, The understanding 1s that Ring. ling now controls all the large el uses except Shearer --Dotrolt News, Quick Pi Reel ---------- Diy. Eeonhacde's Hom: Rold is guavanteed to banish any form of Plle Misery, or money back, It gives quitk section even fn old, stubborn cases, Hem Roll {x a havinless tablet that yemoves blood congestion wm the lower bowel the canse wl piles, It brings javiul valief quickly awd sadely ov nothing, Jury Lovell and druggists every whose soll it with this guarantee. \ Conta Each of these dresses has something new . . . ent about it, a color or a collar , , , a neckline or a hemline «+n tuck or a tier , . , a flare or a drape, significantly throughout the collection the higher waistline and the longer skirt are eloquent reminders that this is a season of stately feminine fashions, ' en -- Miressing the Tmports ance of dull flat crepes, nating in all the hest colors and Black, Sizes 14 to £20, something differ- And featured Fall and Winter HATS 195 Flares at the sides , . . off the forehead the back of the neck completely cove ered . , , new tricks in turns, twists and pleating , . . clever folding of brima, These are the perfect hats to complete the new Winter feminine silhouette , . , and this is a remarkably low price for hats of such smartness and fine materials, Reg. up to $4.50 NA SA Ca Ei ot NR Ro There's nothing like it Healthful Cleanliness in Every Particle The extraordinary efficiency and superior qual ity of Old Dutch make its usefulness unequ For all uses listed ont the label and many others cutlery, refrigerators, mirrors, stoves, stone steps,| etc, there is nothing else like Old Dutch, and' house. Old Dutch keeps everything spick and § assures that most nt feature of pi Se pk a pL remo aun nvisible as a as all visible dirt, Old Dutch is of a natural of distinctive character, free from harsh, scratchy grit, acid and caustic. To the eye a fine powder=-the mie shows that its particles are flaky and flat sh Like thousands of tiny erasers they remove all uncleanliness without scratching. are catthealls for dirt and impurities. 3 88 Salis di 00 to There's uri elee like it. Made in Canada

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