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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 : in the Home -- and the Comm ' a -------- AN OLD AUTUM:IAL 8 My harg v4 o When will it faatn that maples to flame ¢ but the to another spr 4 ummer's npme to final #7 Wo rn heaters through Hr th i ar fo be 1a ot of ald dma It apoens o be come to p 1s but the autumn stripping of a tree, But always, still, T make too much of Old tales of beeches and of maples 1] ther telling in the trees Tune have dnothes Jol iA heart goes learning nits own autumnal story ver ain a griefs and this brief Keifen slang: w= David Morton, I'he Daughters of ¥ngland had their weekly Whist Drive on Tues day evening. Wighteen tables were fn play, The prize winners this week © were Mrs, Aston, Mrs, Tweeny, Mrs, Dennis, Mys, Titohrs, Mr, Aston, Mr, MeBrién, The spe- ola} prise was won by Mrs, Nignu law, "ast evening the Junior League of Bt, Gregory's Church entertain. ed at a very charming dance in Bt, Gregory's Hall, - The two hundred wets were received hy Misses Kathleen Conlin, Mardaline Hawke, Claire Kenapdy, Matuerite Callage NPT Re Dr on Rosy, : Dal 3 + aor Dosa, A Toronto omehesira supplied the music for danelng, "The Oshawa beapch ot he Ors der of Chosen ¥ends met fay the figst time In thelr new club vaoms over the Bank of Commerce Ist evening, The meeting was largely attended and those present enjoyed the community singing and inform. Re The main feature of the ition of & walnut chesterfield table evening however waa the presenta- te Dr, Q, W, Carr who is the Grand Medical Distriet Examiner of the Order, The gift was presented hy William Dennison organizer of the Chosen Friends Bowling Team, In his remarks he stressed the point of the kind co-opevation of Dr, Carry with the young people in the last three years, Other members of the order ecorvohovated this statement of appreciation of Dr, Carr's valus able sevice mony the members, Those Who have heen visited hy him on the medical aid plan of the order also expressed their grateful thanks for hig untiring efforts, on thelr behalf, 1t was announced that on Degem- her 4 there will be a huge indoors plenic for Chosen Friends, in the game club rooms, Lr, Hy § Dougal, former pass or Himeoa Bt, United Church has heen in town a couple of days this week, While Wifre he was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, B, Harston, Bim- gos Bt, Churepy parsonage, The Hons of Heotland held a Whist Drive in Welsh's parlors last evening, The winners of the prizes for cards were Mra, Ness, Miss Boyd, Mrs, GO, Chalmes, Messrs, Graham, Howden and Shields, Af. ter the cards there was dancing until midnight, The members of Bunbeam Chap- ter O, H, B, were at home last avening to thelr friends when they entrained, af dancing at the vas sonle Wemple, Centre At, The guests were received by Mrs, Grace Walker, W, M, assisted hy Chloa Hrown Assoe, M,, Mr, Karl Cliff, patron, assisted hy H. Hhelley, ¥, The auditorium beautiful appearance with the eels orful decorations and the musie supplied was all that could he de~ sired, 'The novelty dancey afford. od much merriment, My, and Mes, Locke were winners of the prises fag the honeymoon walts and Miss presented a A A h at Cala!) MINS HELEN MARGARET BAVITE OF Goderieh, Ont, now attending University of "Tovron! who pe. cently won the Strang memorial and Carter flvst-class honors seholavships, jad Alma Warne of the Lucky number dance, Dainty refreshments were sepsr ed under the convenership of Mps, Larmouth, The convener of the dange was Mrs, BR, N, Welr, MISS JACKRON'S BB, CLANS The regular monthly social even. ing of Miss Jackson's H.8, Class wan held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, I, Disney, 100 Bimooa Fowuth, There were fifty-five members present, lection of officers for the coming year was held, Following wre the vesults Teacher, Miss Jackson; president, Mrs, G, Hilts; vicaspresident, Mrs, W, Gamble; soovetary, Mes, ¥, Rundle; assist ant. secretary, Mrs, KE, Martin; (reasurer, Mrs, W, Pogson; assists ant transuver, Miss Kila Stephens) press reporter, Mra, P, Langmald; flower convener, Mrs, K, Trew; as slatant eanvener, Mrs, Tresise, $85 was voted as a indi to the Malutopance and Missloniry Fund, Mrs, Harker on hehalt of the elass presented Mra, G, Hilts with A Life Membership in the Young Women's Auxiliary, after which a program in oharge of Mrs, Harvey Hagerman was glven as follows! Plano solo, Mrs, A, Reynolds] reading, Mrs, OG, Bunker; solo, Mrs, A. Logge; reading, Mrs, G, Hilts, Lunch was then served A vote of thanks was tendered Mus, Disney for her hospitality, CHURCH SUPPER AT SIMCOE ST, Fourteen round tables with white covers, centre pleces of dishes af apples polished (0 a glow: ing rod and red eandles in tall brass cundle-stioks and with places set for ten at each, were arvanged In the spacious Hunday Hohool rooms of Slmeos Ht, United Chuveh when the annial chureh supper was helgd there yesterday The Ladies' Ald Hoclety wan res sponsible for the fine supper of tasty home cooked things, There were seven groups and eacy group was In gharge of two tables, of collegting and serving the supper The supper hour was served from five o'clock until elght dum ing which time more than three hundred and fifly people were served, wie a SE RE bug ah ed La | > 'x yes lei kad Try + el RG oh A £ Oshawa DORO To Every Customer who buys a $3 hat--ne old stock~+no jo Jowenethin any 8 any and but new style ap: merchandise for winter-~Buy | hat (in itself wonderful value) you may choose any one of 200 selected hats--FREE! A n offer only | hea can make through the econ. your friends! LIMITED a Ly TORONTO, HAMILTON, OgHAWA, ST. CATHARINES, GALT, NORTH BAY - 3 King St. E omies of operating six frie HEA HATS ops. Bring ® NORTHGATE LODGE ENTERTAINED HERE Cedar Lodge Entertain Guests From Toronto Tuesday Night Tuesday evening was the asesr slon of the sixth annual fraternal vis of the Northgate Masenio Lodge of Toronto with the Cedar Lodge of Oshawa, The guests from Toronto numbered ninety, They were antertained " the Maaonin Temple, first at a banquet which WAS followed by the usual! ordap of toasts, and replies, Last nigh thera was something new In the way of entertainment when ladies were asked to take part fn the program, Mra, Adams of Bowman~ ville, an elocutionist, Mrs, R, I, LeRoy, soprano, and Mrs, J, Reid, aoprano, all contributed numbers, he annual election of oMoers for the Cedar Ledge took place Inst evening and the following were slected for the year of 1080, Master Fleet A, W, Hell, Renlor Warden Robt, Meek, Junior Warden Vrank Prosser, Treasurer John Gibson, Hecretary M, L, Arisll, Chaplain Rev, B, Harston, Tyler Harry Bhel- ley, EE ---- ---- WOMEN'S MEETINGS | OLAREMONT WOMEN'S INSTITUT The November meeting of tha Women's Institute was held at the home of Mys, John Gregg, A very good attendance was present, The roll eal was answered Ly Thanks giving quotations, The theme of the program was "Looking Haake ward" and two addresses Were given on that subject, One was the origin of Christmas. musie and tra ditions that have been brought to us from France, England, Oe) many, feotland, Bohemia und Poland, Difterent carrols from these countries were mentioned, ns far back as the fifteenth and six. teenth centuries, In the second (alk we were taken as far hack as the early fitttes in Ontario County, Dates of the organisation of dif ferent churches, and names of plonser pastors the first eounell, early schools, mills, bands, post offices, and stock importers were all given and proved Interesting, It was stated that one of the chief amusements in these early days wan playing checkers, To Prepare And Cook Sweetbreads Tao prepare sweethreads for egoks ing: Ko matter how sweethreads are cooked they must he first soaked in gold water for one or two hours, changing the water two of three times during the process, after which they must be drained, then plunged into boiling water, to which a table spoon of vinegar or lemon juice has heen added, cooked for § minutes, then put immediately inte ice sold water to blanch, Let remain in the water 10 minutes, wipe dry and chill, vemoving all pipes like connecting fibres possible, The syeethreads are now ready to he broiled, stewed, braised, fried, ete, Sweetbread Patter 1 pair sweetbreads 1 tablespoon lemon Julep Dash of mace I cup white stock 2 ean yolks 5 ooup eream | i Ab butter 1 teaspoon salt M4 teaspoon paprika Pui paste patie shells, Soak and blanch the sweethreads as directed, cut inte small pieces and heat in the stock to whigh the but ter, lemon juice, mace, paprika and salt have heen added, Beat the ewe yolks with the cream, add to the mix. ure in the saucepan and cook over the hot water (double baller) stirring constantly until righ and dreamy, Re careful the Wixture does not hoil after the eggs are added, as they would curdle, Heat the Pate shells and put the cream mixture inte them, If desired less rich, substitute 134 tablespoons flour rubbed with a Tintle cold milk for the egg yolks. Smothered Sweethreade 1 pair sweethreads 2 oups hrown stock Dash of mage | | | d Strips of salt pork or bacon 2-3 teaspoon salt 1-6 teaspoon white pepper Soak and blanch Sweetbreads us ireeted, Place them in a shallaw aking pan and lay the strips of La bacon over thew, Sprinkle with vosalt, popper and mace, pour over he stock, caver and bake in moder chy hot oven 50 te 378 degrees Fahrenheit, Rake half-hour, Serve on wat with the gravy of with a harder Of Tice, BE yy WASHING HOSIERY Avold all axtremen of heat, using bi] WaArR water and drying in the shade, \ Do not fron but pull the steek- ings into shape while they are still amp. «Wash in nevey Tibuig the sea on them, It washe wearing they will A 4 a soapsuds selutien, diveetly after each never require - i unity | YOUR own sense of taste quickly tells you that AYLMER Soups do excel in Flavor, This Is due to the finer natural flavor of Canadian-groun Vege. tables, § AYLMER Soups are healthful, convenient, inexpensive, A Canadian production from the field to the can, AYLMER Soups bring you finer favor at less cost, Parner Canadian Tor More Healthful mate I egetable Qreen Pea Celery Aspar OxTail Consomme Chicken with Rice YIlavor 3 The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the House keeper CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR GIRLS Have you decided on Christmas presents? It is sometimes rather hard 10 select gitts that will be acceptable and worth while and at the same time ome within the mits of the ardinary pocket book, Ta des pide what to give the girls always takes the most thought, and yet there are ever s0 many things that may e purchased at a reasonable cost, that any girl would love to have, Nockluoes this year ave very fashions able and an a different one iy requivs ed for almest every costume she cannot have too many, Often these necklaces are of carved weed paint ed ditferent golors, 'Uhey are very pretty and come at about $1.00 Then there arg the leather or artificial lea ther desks sets, that will look attraes tive in her room, These game in many calars and vary dn pricts according to the quality, What girl is not teady tn Ageopt any git " dainty Hngerie Often these fusay little artieles may he made hy hand but if you are not ona of those clever seamsiresses you will be able to " real prety teddy sets and other things in this Nee for an amount that will not make 10o big # hole in your purse, Hava you ever cousidered an wme brella? Nowadays these are fashioned 80 attractively and are priced very cheaply, Something that is really use ful 1s a flashlight, These come in to ors that are pretty and dainty and it ia nice when they mateh the valor Jehietue that 1 carried out in the reen upnishings, There are ever so many other things and among these we might Mention gloved fine opliew sweaters, travelling bags, faney hows deoiv shisha, hoa tun Madison {3 bedroom slippers ahd satin mules, novelty lamps, the ever kia kodak, ul the numerous ridionlows pratty things that gids like e have thelr dressing tables an other ged in their roams, Sometimes hese things seem useless but to tell the tryfth they are wally designed with sdine definite purpose in view, such as serving for pin ways, and ef. all your |' abarately dressed adies for pin eush ions and powder hox tops, Often these may be made at home with hits of ealored silk and lace and Freneh trimmings, er -- RECIPES FIG AND ORANCE JELLY One and 34 cups figs, 2 tablespoons pelating, 1 lemon, 14 cups orang ines, { Cook figs until tender in boiling water, Heat | and J4 cups Ag jwkes with 3 cup water and, when hailing add gelatine softened in 4 tablespoons ould water, Remove at onee fram fins and add Juice of lemon and rang jwiee, Stir well and let Wand wnt cool and heginning to jelly, Add figy out in tiny pices and turn inte w mold, Let a on tos for several hours and serve with whipped cream, ---- GINGER BREAD 34 Qup sugar 113 oun four 2 teaspoons powdered ginger | oqK M teaspoon soda 35 op molasses 34 eup shortening I 1easpoon cinnamon MH ooup milk 1 teaspoon salt ba teaspoon gloves Cream shortening and sugar toget Cream shorten and sugar togeth- on, add enw wel At then 115 and apices, Mix well together and bake 4) minutes, SAUCE FOR GINGER BREAD One feaspoon butter: 1 ogu: The Fusion Shope 84 Simeoe 51, South | ! Oshawa, tablespoon flour; 1 eup boiling water | in boiling , Tub the butter and flour tae Wh Dis water maple Sugar, solve maple © sugar PRR gether, Add gradually boiling SR run, and Jastly the beaten egw, then res LL hk By d FANE nine vas TEI eT ARBRE mse nee $F ren. to fire and ste briskly anil

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