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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 7

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/ SUES GALT OY HP LEG BREN IN FALL ON ICE No Decision Given In Much Disputed Question As To Corporation's Liability Gait, Nov, 8, The Woh Ais A question as to w " Am i" bh Jesponsthia of neo ¥ on its sidewalks ® the loon) sii ene Qoun hope today, sition of Aninony 4 W ity of Galt, Judgment al Mr. Justice Garrow 8 Pr Marshs J, oll on an ley sidewalk d broke a leg In Galt on Dees ta ¥ he had (he leg wet hat sihsaquantly the deetors und 16 necessary heh to amputate It, Mineo fh Hine . hhy fo heen He had heen em- bi o's [1 iy one plant for Bh years Is 68 years old, He holds the ny responsible for the aceldent ng th wis cased by loo A 3 he wap hot 4 of snow, "The had t tor some time L was slaimed by maintirf linen. hich tement however wis hotnd the eity, Marshall's WAN Tor unstated damages, ae oo Sanduered by ©, RW, nw of aon summin ition he wivessed tha Ad non produced hy Done » ¥ } fit ve, the pa ¥ Share ha wa olty py i to tho falls up to and that the tempers: ture some days before and after that date was sueh an to make it impossible for fee to form, ounsel sald assuming there was # dangerous eondition that ne yor. son had drawn the eity ofcials' a tention" to, It and that It was un rensonable to expect & COrpevE- tion's eMeinls to Inspect avery a 0 throughout the pity, 16 asked J dlominnal of the yang, HARMONY BRIEFS Harmony, Nov, 2 "Misses Wilma and Irene Hugging, of the elty visited Mr, and Mrs, J, Clark on Monday md Tuesday Mr, and Mrs, Lee and family are visiting friends in Toranto this week, rs, Grace Teal, of Toronte, is spending this week with Mrs, M, eke, Mise Margaret Biafford, of Kin ston, wal a veeent visitor with My and Mrs, Timming My, and Mrs, Seeman, Miss Hilda Seeman and A, Found visited rian in bron regently, fants p' played by Ton ip Agrienhural Dramatie The photograplin hers show some of those elected officers In | recently formed Hoyal Canadian College of Physicians and Buys goons, They ares (1) De MB, 1, Vope, Alberta (8M) Br, Ac Prine pons, "Toronto _) bre WN, A Tn spow-- on glety under the direetion ul Mrs Yonald Robb, and presented in Har mony Community Hall under the ans plees of Trall Rangers, proved a great auceess on Monday evening 'ha an ditorium was fiuirly well Aled and all enjoyed the program, Each one took their parts splendidly, both vamienl and serious, The proceeds amounted to around 530.00 and the portion for the Trail Ranuers will help out grout ly with their Rnaneisl elrewimstances Lhe east of characters wisi Helen Alden, Miss Gladys Robbing; Havah Alden, Mise Marguepite Millan | Moe Magy Alden, "Mes Dy Vroweyy Mrs, Sberton. Moy Q Khiney "RN | Rese, R H, Muny | Henry Brown) a Ratio) Rh our N Vingale [i D, Rei "i i, gV Andy, (4 Watson, Detween the afte of the olay Mes, BR, Brown and Miss Helen Powers rendered pleasont entertal ment with solos, plane duets and ns strumentals, : Mes, W. Wilson of the elty, visi od Mv, and Mrs be Clark on Friday, A wood attendance is loped for al Sunday Sehool next Sunday, Try and sen if 1b eannot reach 128 pres nt BROUGHAM NEWS male Rrougham, Nov, 38=Mis, Rawson, of Claremont, spent Sunday with her relatives here, v, and Mus, Clarke Bi | a Li 0 » CE | TT bal CERNE | The Two Black Crows 'MORAN & MACK mn "Why Bring That Up" With Homer Pleree, of muh daily 9.00 mn, 8.48 am, Bnd Day 8.05 paws Bnd Day cid A I 1) 40 am, aM Day an Vancouver es TY 0.00 am 4th Pay Convenlent connections at Winnipeg for all Riis; at at Regina for Saskatoon) at Calgary -- " tant " MR John won, on, \y OR, ing Nt, Bast, Oshawa in 4 ] | Bwgee, Topi (4) Pr, W, A, Wilou, KE monton) (8B) be, 1,10 Fy Wovonie, fest to be eleots il to tho new college; (6) br, A, Baier, Montvesty (7) Dr Ls 0, WA, prof, surgery, Quosi's Unis Mist A [LJ Ar poin Uy Meakins, Lankateby wan, have been oalling: on sends the past week Mr, und Mrs, kverest, of Toronto, Were vistioos with thelr relatives hers vy eidnostdny Miss Margaret Dunean spent the week on in the oily (FLY soveral days this past wiak itl Mrs ltle daughter on Hilsuon family, of pent With Mrs parents, Mu and Mis, Bamniton Hedi VIBE BL the A, Larilon MOE Wore ME and Mis, Milby, Mi BR Pa VERE, aE I ae, ou VOEK, Hud Juli 4 1hggo IE "io Mir and Maw, Garton, Me, and Mi SUREE BNW MER Huai, Od Whol WHE MEE dgniel FRY Chsduy Nav, 40 Ih BAUR Y ul Hiuny, Mi and Mrs Jit Bi Yo Busby Oo Lai WY Wali sim Figs MEE B, bown as a vishior with he Veit BG Es Bun, Muy Bg srs Lieve, of Blew piv ily AYE DOU BP BAW Ulye Wit heir reitives here, ME ousur and dandy, of Mar ANGY REE WH MER, Kuesur 8 Purvis, AAO BE Ee Bide OF BR Vink VA Lule Bid TAY OL ALente, In dy Bb the aiva home, I BGRY Aernean ab eur rey MEE BREVIS We Bad Wilh Nee ia JERR Mog JOunsion, wikow ui a former beloved pastor 1 eu COUT I Bouman Brom her vas Npernce she was apie to HIVE uch mtormation along the line of Woul CUR LARORATY Work in her inapi NM afldioss, Ouf Loy Neout organisation a add I to thelr number each Friday ey VIN Wedding bells ave ringing Ur spurts aie enjoying roast ven soi those days, -- Dobson, Wil ETA Vl ia Hyd wy Mi WH Bvt aun I LL ------ Thornton's Corners, Nov, 28 A sUrprise arty war given My and Mes, James Preston, on Eriday even mg by Mea, Thomas Shepard. About thirty«five people were presv a My, and Mes, James Preston leave Monday evening (He a few months visit In England and Teeland, We wish them a good teip On Sunday Rev, Mr, Harston, of the Simeee Street United Chureh, gave a talk in the Sunday Neheo! Mrs, Harold Lick sang a solo accom panied on the plana By Miss Louise Luke, WATER ICE WAFERS e VERYBODY With a cup of tea wend @ dessert=--or just by themselves, Iw the store or on the "phone, Wwwys ask for Biscuits frown wis a Toronte visor | | Wilson welcomed Pickering, | Balison s | abtfuiibuy | THORNTON'S CORNERS kd ir OMIAWA DAI ¥ TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 NEW QUAKE MID BESIDE OLD ONE or r------- Upheaval of 1663, Recorded by Tradition Amongst French-Canadians, Pr od Unparalleled periences a ---- Toronto, Owl, Nov, §5+~'Ths surthguske that shook lower Ques bee and the Maritimes this month wan oMelally labelled severe," In fact thoge people eanghé Mf high hutldings that quivered under the tramors, probably thought for a faw moments thet the world wis gaming to an end, But it pales into Inslgnificance beside the sarthquake of 1668, In the 1668 earthquake, the Mt, Iawrenos river heeams so ehariod with mud that for many weeks th water was unfit to drink, Wills an large traets of forest fleld slid from their places, Parkham relates, number of man In A host near sdousao started aghast al a large Wil eovered with trees which sank into the water hefore thelr eyes; waterfalls ware lavellsd, springs ware dried up, Mother Mary of the Inearnation vouched for the story that a mu. van wll night to aseaps from a fis wurs in the earth which epened behind him and chased him as he fled, Other writers of the peried told of "apecives and phantoms of fire hearing torches in thely hands," taking part In the convulsion, "ha flery figure of a man vomiting flames' also nppearad fn the air Contemporary records are pup ported to some extent by the evi PAGE SEVEN donee of geology, hut despite the hlieing serpents that flow through the wir, the gaping holes tn the orth thet ehaned the plonsers, the demolition of whole forests ang other weird upheavals, not a is was owt In Canada In the sari quake ot 1668, To that extent 14 puratiely the tremors nh Wins MANY ATTEND THANKOI FERING AT EBENEZER meee Courtice, Nay, 2 ~Miss Nyelyi Gay, nd Mins Van {ohnso, Oth AWR, WOTE Ain kan i tors of Mr, ani Mrs, L, J, Courtice, Kev, and Mrs, J HB # lew days with rend I fit wd other places and | prgnehed In Veenton Sunday, r, gi of Whitby, I vislti Af the parsonage, 'he thankofering servicesion Sun diy were a success, Rey, Brethun, I'ranton, preached two excellent per: mans and special musie ip) #lven ly the eholy, Mrs, G, : An Mk 1h iu sole in the morning und iW, f I, Courtleg wnd Miss Murel Rundle uw duet In the avenin The offering fimoufited ta $400 wii i Marg 0 gon in yet, In he afternoon ut the Suhdny Hehoot "Bewslon wy interesting part wis the tolling a wn oF io Jos sheen to the thine (of folk hy w 8 Tove lyn Guy, Oshawa, Alter the lesson period, hi leo wave wn benutifinl rending, Miss Gay bas a wonderin wie of storytelling and will be wel vomed wo ote sehool again wity thine in the future, Another feature or ord nion Ih of Buhiday's pro urim wis an addr given by Stan ley Rickard who is ruoning for Boys Parliament, in the 8, Behool room at the close af the evenlng serviee I in quite un Ment speaker Lhe flower eommities of th dies' Class plaged hoautiful tens on the platform In the La cura front of Your own sense of taste will prove it is the best, "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' SAR A LD ELL the church which added mueh to the Annlyersiry oegasion, Quite uw number fram here wre at tending the 1%acher's Training Schaal being held in Bowmanville this week, Several from this community are visiting the Winter Vale in Toronta, The Trall Rangers held their reg ulir meeting wt the home of Mr, an! Mrs, Bam Vinson on Friday evening, when the officers for the year were elected, Kafreshments were served and the Lays had a pleasant evening, Mr, Ce ell Hound is thelr leader Mrs, Vin son mada the boys very much at home, CHINESE CASES ARE DISMISSED London, Nov, 28 fn provinels! statute charneter and come prohibiting eviminul appeals to the ju diclul committee of the Privy Counell his was the ground on which the Judiela! committee dismissed the eon soliduted appeals of Chung Chuck and A oltence aginst Is of & erimingl under the rul S am Wong Kitn, Chinese farmers of Brits ish Columbia, from gonvictions under the British Columbia marketing wot for selling potatoes without the eons sent of the Mainland Potato Commits tee, The Lord Chancellor, Lord Sankey, in delivering the Judgment said the Order<in-Counell of 1911 regulating wpenls from Canada did not authors Ize the Court of Appeal to grant leave to appeal to the Privy Council h eriminal cases, He also intimated thelr Lordships were unable thems selves to grant special leave to appeil, Ihe grgguments in the case were lengthy, H, B, Robertson, K.C., aps pearing for the respondent, the Prove Lines of British Columbia and H, 8, The ruling Wood for the appellants, Suprema upheld the judgment of the Court of Canada, After n dehate that Has been on for years, Glasgow, Beotland, has decided to permit boatiog on itn city Inka on Sundays, The deois son of elty omelnls came a8 & Bids prise hecnuse of the strong loos! opposition to Sunday pastimes and sports ol ads fl | nivend, eleiiod president; (9) v1 NG Gy Barr, vieespresident | (10 De, C5 FV, Martin, dean of | otic University: (41) Dr, G, C, Foal), London, and (18) Dr, VY, they npton, dean of Queen's Unis Yor y, Miss Hi Robinson was in Tor an Lod Wop iy MUTERY 1 nach spent a few days In 1 boegugratulations to Mast Hii big won the boys fovntoricnl eontost for the gounty ow ind receives a handsome cup Ww, | Ninel Norginn Guibert wei Ashburn on JodWE Will Llenus Wile Mahan Lani, med hy Mi wil Mrs With Irends™ in Mi [visitin Mr, and Mes, W, Perryingn were ite Koval Winter Fale at Joronte int day, and reported a wonder FENN, Hoar tost congratulations te nid Meso Josep Merson an thei wilde Wedding anniversary, A larg Uibier of friends and relatives ase milled ut the home of My, and Mr, [ +e rhan ON Auesday, November 19, Mp, Clarenee Seott is home from {Woman dor a few diys, He came o [W ok ago Sunday and leaves for the Wort mpain on Jd huraday Meo and Mrs, Beotl, Alarence and IAN were visitors if the hume of Ir, Ray Beort, in Toronte, on Sun« Irwin has returned from a weeks huntion in the norh, he and his party getting ten deer, Misa Irene Herthene guett of Mp, and Mr week, Me, G. MH, Robinson Royal Winter Fale at viesday A pitty was held + lately at the ame of Mr, and Mes, James Luke on the veension of Mr, Luke's birthday Netghbours and people from Oshawa ittended, \y Mr, was the Irwin last the on visited Toronte Mr, | FLOU [UL Currants USTR Raisins Currants TL it Quality Fates Seedloar Raising 'UNTAUGHT ARTIST | | RECREATES NATURE Toronto, Ont, Nov, 28 «Charles Vollrath of Chalk River reserve, hive gained distinetion tn probably An unlgue manner, With hatehet and Jackknite, he tn renlining ohilds hood ambitions and oreating mar velloualy Hledike reproductions, on A very amall woaie, of the wild life of that new conntry Moone, elght Inches in neluht, sarved ont of bamwood, give the impression they are Sal the hres, A alx neh buok peers men aoinrly, baok, seem ready to howl at an Inntant, Minlature pine forests, deer, birds, and wore pretentious works auch as seenies from the Nis hia, all pre the products of his ski) ful hand, Vollrath vevealed to the press that he had been fascinated by the Idea of carving when a boy In Gen MANY, Bladder Weakness Makes Life Misery! Cp U HEE Haw AA Ra feet and [Rt Moise Rane i UL HY vanty Urination Wi Marni pa, Metin WHEREIN EAR some he Mae ronblpiome stems that how have prompt att (]) Me they each A More serio A WATIET how stubbrn yaur ease Way ARI 1 Be ar how many medicines you have ied without reantev don's Abia your oi. WIR In popeless on the Ratial yonse Woadvaieing years wat yom have Wa Wn FRI valve oF Di Southworth's SUR UN A Steet pvarantes of money hack ¢ NY Dox parghased i yon We net very and atisiving velit " WN Rood erent will supply a W Wifataba' tn wee pavkapes containing 16 avs aan, Fel twnide of W PETAL. tw they Dring great ae RY A - hy ww AB days, go wilt rently plea it they ® ot help, YORL you nothing! Ask your le Wd Tiny foxes, hoads thrown | FARA Cd pk - uty " Peel [Ra th Ovengew Mixed Poel Jeg 4 heen Glace Cherries Molasses [sy Wt Hs Cocoanut eg To is Cake Flour Raion ete urate Wiest Baba Cleanser mesialy fo Ruane FIR Golden, Syrup Molasse JE ELLE) Golden Sultana Raising 2 Lbs, 290 Vi ene. 2 Lbs, 270 Toles Lealls-iittioa 2 Lbs, 280 Lh. 180 ons 3 La, 280 Golden Hallowi Dates 2 Lbs, 220 Lh, 3o Lh 270 15-Lh 140 Tin 220 Lh, 2e Pkg. 230 Tin 140 Tin 260 Tin 9% Tin eo: pg KEEPING THEM Thess Speciuls on Sale | For Week of November 28¢h to December a] | SPECIAL=For All Baking | 8 PURITY Store Hours: Open Dally Bam, to 6 pm, Baturday 8 adm, fo 10 pm, Nore Open on Wednesday All Day kL 240h » Bag Until after Christe man Shelled Almonds VALENCIA Cow. 1111 oan Shelled Filberts Targe end mostly osenraneton -L Spi TY Seprdetmy ig Canned CG AE re Ne Ye eee AR a. us Cuttings Hg phy RARE) IRRRR LE TY 1) Mincemeat Nn AMILTON CET eatin Mincemeat Tobe ep eatsie Natural Figs Finest Quality Cooking, (iyovee Table Figs BMYRNA~S Crowns oiivene Peaches Sr kes ...2 Tine 290 Pearl Barley Ne EARL Ep Lb, To "Queen wie on aR a Meare. bh 39 Dain Pudding ARN CEE ge 330 * Red River Cereal' Pig. Mo Naveresdondl so oiinniniinng SPECIAL=For Frying CRISCO he 22° i 66° Domestic + AYLMER DICED Shortening CARROTS 17¢ No. 3 Siva 21° Wisin Tin 330 'Lb. 16¢ SHIRRINIS SHREDDED ORANGE Marmalade 19.08, 1 7¢ Jar LIBRY'S RipeQlives nn 18° Jar 290 2 Lbs, 280 Lb, 230 INGERSOLL - CREAM ar PIMENTO CHEESE MED, 25¢ PRGS, S08 CLEANSER vy 3 SPECIAL==Robin Hood, Quaker RO LLE Chinaware Package Delivery: 8 am, Daily 3 pm, Daily 8 am, 3 and 6 pom, Saturday

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