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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929 in both. the J ui 8 Junior Osha ons tion | od the bal a ¥ 0 | ow of the tricks pod rughy is és turned In Ty final games, The junior game was won by #3 to 1 score and the sen for title war won by a 0 to b soore, In the denler game, the Ritson Nond 14am. made a last determined affort win the game in the last dying minutes of the game and the same ended with them in pose session of the ball only three yards trom the soak line, hh ! Seniors and' Witson re. emerged triumphant Rd, Benlors and 'North ops to win the Publie ghamplonships, ut ae full of thrills and pills game of the season, ftaon rh came from behind 10 defeat Narth Bimeoe by a wéore of § the for the title, Rd, J over ftmoce fehools Ina In the first quarter, North Sim« 4 Ritson back to thelr five , And early In the second id them to rouge, Play surged Bp and down the tield, both teams giving 4 display of snappy / Ioked to North Himeoe ime and ae a van raw, return LB son, fiero} | nit made & neat oatoh and immediate 17 madd a hoot of forty yards, The wind cagried the ball over the lipe tor Ritgop's Hit potht, In th rg period, Dowh 6f Rite son, b the ball ever for Le winning point, Final score, 5-1, Fine sportsmanship was shown by ] i player, MeTavish AWere outstanding for 9, Mr, Tavish got sway REAR on long end tfune, made an excellent lh Juniors--Hnap, WH. x MeQuairrie, hres . Looks, Donald) outs Noeh tly: raghy, | [1 at half) of 18 to N 1 | ri be wing, for, oTavieh] halves oakley, Robinson: subs, Gergond, Fraser, Brick, » riers: N, Simeoe Ist quarter 0 ind quarter 1 ird quarter 0 4th quarter 0 Final store 1 « Nichol} Umpire Game i sequel to the Junior Ahat played by Centre doniors at Alexandra his lang awaited game wag tested up to the Tast Ritson got the kiok received by Molnal fed 1t up five yards nd Hed, Tne DAN was iN ht the bal} to 6, Ritson lost My and wary forced | [Bit time was called with {I possession, Beore! 1.0, any Final seore 6 =H, y Warder in the third 80. up Centre made yards kad on the thir dashed through to 1 wyer for a touch, war not cenverted, With onl mindtes to play Ritson kicked the wind . an effort to tle the ame, hut MeCabo pan §t out to { yard ling, f iy b) 0 A / hich Centre kicked on the | Ritson returned dow and 44 ard line, In the ball to the 80 iat mipute of pay Ritaon ad- noed to within 1 foot of the goat , hut were ealled back on offs w, Came ended with Ritson In ossession @ yards from the ine, heers were given by efeh téam for thelr opponents, Final score! 6:6, Centre Bt, held a victorious snakewalk through the eity at the close of the game, The losers put up a great hattle and even Josing showed excellent playing anllity and wportemanship, Banquets will be given to the winners in each school at which the trophies will he presented, One tre will receive the Murray John. ston Cup at present held by Mary Street, Ritson will yecelva the Nell Hesslowood Trophy, emblems atie 'of the Junior Championship, now in the possession of Centra Mt, This bripks to en end the most suoeeseful Beason In the history of Publie Bobool rugby, Over 800 boys paviidipated In the B56 games sondueted by the O.P.H.A A, under the able presidency of Mr. HW, 0, Niche); Divector of Physieal Ndus eatin In the Oshawa Publle fehools, The thanks of the Assos elation fs due to Mr, ¥, B, Luke, for the use of Motor City Htadium, The ar Contre Ht, Henlors~--fnap, Man. ninw; (nsldds, Gillesple, Goodehild) middies, Prunslow, Thompson] outsides, Be Guerre, Murrati fiy« ing wing, Balter; quarter, aon | balves, Darnes, Meloally, Pleves| subs, Walker, Falconer, Nimmons, MeCabe, Whitelaw, Lakes, Barnes, Parking, Ao Hd, Sentora~--NRap, Ohdg- onewnkl insides, Sososk!, OBlinaki; riddles, Cory, Kelly; outsides, nokerton, H, Harmer; flying wing, Jedid: quarter, W, Harmer} halves, evan, Atamaehuk, Hie ven; subs, MaKnisht, A, Rogers, N, Rogers, Losnlck, Contre Menlord Ritson Henlora Ist quarter 0 1st quarter 1 nd quarter 0 ind quarter 0 ird quarter 0 rd quartep b 48 quarter © 4th quarter § Final scove § Nichol; Umpire nia | " Originally scheduled as th hg Br Ho dy os bore' Bt, John's Be vind will play BPA Junior fixe ture 7,80, while West Toroute sud Parkdale will put en theiy affair' at 9.80, The change was 10 enable Ll yo Tetum Ly 0 me pen appointed for PA, When to be i as follows: 1h ! bo (] v, of Ti | Valls ; "ny p Groupings Mildmay, Ont, Nov, 80,-=A Frop- resentative gatherl of hockey onihyningts met es for the an nual menting of the Bruce Hob- key League, The above npme Was unanimously adopted at the meet ing to take the place of the Mau- goon Longue in order to embrace 811 the teams in the county, The nage will have a &reater s0pe and eventually, is oihesied, will ba representative of party of Brice county, Officers elected at the meeting for 1980-80 were an follows: hon, president, Charles M, Pletsch, Mildmay; president, Arthur J, Schnurr, Alkerton | vige-presidenit, RN, #, Thompson, Teeswater| seoretary-treasurer, Charles Wendt, Mildmay, The executive ls to he composed of one man appointed from each club op- tered, Tentative pings were nrranged an follows; Group 1==Kinoardine, Lucknow, Ripley, i Port Elgin, Group f=Palsley, Southampton, Tara, Group Ae=-Mildmay, Tesswater, Ayton, Walkerton, and Hanover, Group 4-~Oorrle, Wroxeter and Fordwioh, HOCKEY RECORDS International 1 a a Bufialo ,, Windsor |] Petrolt vv niinne 4 Cleveland Millionaires London oir niny Hamilton Niagara Falls Games This Week Thursday-Niagara Falls at Des troit Feidays=Hamilton st Windsor; Putialo at Niagara Falls, Detroit At Millionalrep, Saturday--Milllonalres at Clove. land, Windsor at Buffalo, Penton Canadian-Amorican League PW i J 8 4 2 Fimmi iad TERRE tierannin B EAE EER EN Cw WR -F-Ixee™y Heston | b Providence sive ves 0 New HAVER yy vnp § Bpringtiald ,,. soo B Philadelphia i144, TELE RE r 5 [] |] 2 0 HY ihe ERS PRACTIS ONSIDE PASSES Hamiltah, Nov, 87.With all but Ray Doadway in the party, Tig. ers went nto a huddle last night in preparation for their game here against Regina on Baturday for the Dominion football ehamplonehip, and considerable time was spent by oac edhe in selecting & man to handle the hall on forward pass plays, Every member of the squad was given an opportunity of dis. aying hig wares as a ball tosser, i! 4 Amonn the first nighters Dery bh and Brian Timmis proved most adept In heaving the } kin, Tigers Mmtand to ung the forward A ARalngt the eaterners, but t looks very much as If Redden is more concerned about bhullding up A defense amainst it, Today and Thursday the works outs will commence as early as 4 o'eleck and continue until 6, Tor night the players, executives and thelr wives and sweethearts will be the guests of the Hamilton Hockey (lub at the Hamilton. Cleveland game, and on Friday night Reglha will he the guests of 'the Teer Club at a theatre party at Pantages, a While Were > plenty dou ence in Camp Tiger o out. come of say wattle they do ot intend to treat the enemy ight. ¥ igi how how dan, a weapon the forward pass poy exeonted, and the Wenioravra play, as they have been using it all rn Eng, Nov, 238A 0 {8 to be foals oontls | fuld be adept at this style of |§ Games This Week Thursday-=-Springtield at ton, Saturday-- Philadelphia at Bos ton, Providence at Bpringfield, Sunday-~Philadelphia at New TURKISH WONEN RAVE FREE Bos. Life Is By No Means Simple for Young Women of Turkey Sr m-------- Montreal, Nov, 38 .=Lile in by no means simple for the young wom en of Turkey, whe find themselves emancipated after many centuries of restriction, by grace of the new gov ernment which eame in after the war, declared Miss Selma Ekrem, youny Turkish writer and lecturer in ad- dresbing a meeting of the Women's Canadian Club, Turkish wemanhood is in the transition stage between the harem regime of the past and the peedom which obtaing under western olviligation today, Turkey having heen forced to accept ocaidental cul: hy ta prevent being annihilated, His new 4 and its complex roblema ave confined to the cities so wr, for the peasant women, who orn the ty, are still shackled to the past, © contrasted the way of life of the young women fn Con stantinople, wearing shortakirted Pars n {rocks, driving cars, engaging in the profassions and business, with the tot hy the Sean, tolling long hours in the flelds, with the samo life, the Jame outloak ". has governed them centurion, Things were not ever thus in Turkey, Long before the 19th sentury Whe h of N fe \ schoo! or and a measure of emancipation, women were even freer than avg their alsters in the western town tw In the sixth and seventh een: women were under n rou e: # whatever, They carried on buss d social and economic t oy © conal Superior 10 men=and by men, she sald, Pendleton "I've got a letter § = n Western nada. Mis di hats he doing now! | tom: "That's 1 #OG to the winners, eng, These cups were donated by ¥ Ls ville, where they are going ta play oo ' Red Aces Meeting also one in the Junlor League, The SNAPPY teams, PORT SNAPSHOT They Play Good Rughy Last night the Oshawa Public Behouls completed thelr rughy wets ivittes for this season, not considering the banquet-which Is to be glven Both games were very dose In score and the results of Doth games were in doubt until the final whistle, The Kids play real snappy rughy and they go at the game with everything they have got, The Centre Btreet Beniors will now hold the Murray Johnson cup for a year and the Ritson Road Juniors will held the Nell Herglewood the Public Schools and together with the ald of the Public Behool Ath lefle Association, they seemed to have achieved thelr sw, Leave Tomorrow Afternoon 'The Chev, girls' and Textiles men's softhall teams leave for Belle Belleville, tomorrow afternoon from the Industrial Relations Building on William street, All persons who are going are asked to be on tims, The Red Aces held a real lively meeting last night In the ¥.M, CA: and there were about twenty fellows gut, Junior and Juvenile, The boys decided to enter a team in the Juvenile Hockey League and material and anyone who is a Red Ace or anyone who wishes to try out with the teams, 1s asked 10 bg on hand at the YMCA, on Friday night of this week when anothernmeeting will be held, Aceording to night of this week when another meeting will he held, Reveral well-ktiown hoekey plagers In the elty have signified thelr intentions of turning out with the team, who were out to Inst night's meeting, They will be out on Friday, Conditio workouts will be started on Saturday, t these fellows to promote rugby In ds " wn Indoor game with & team from Ld W on Friday Night 'w re Is still plenty of room for more According ta us ng WILL NOT ADMIT MENNONITES 10 CANADA THIS YEAR -------- May Be Allowed in Next Spring, Hon. Robert Forke, Intimates Ottawa, Nov, 88, Five thousand Mennonites, now In Russia = and seeking a haven of refuge in Cane ada, will not he admitted to the Dominton during the coming win ter months, In making this nn: nouncemant yestersay afternoon Hon, Hobert PMorke, Minister of Immigration and Golonisation, stated the question of the admis glon of these peasants had not heen finally settled, Myr, Farka intimated that a possibility existed of these Mennonites being admitt od next spring when conditions for thelr entry would be more favor able Travelling Dangerous Plokering, Nov, $8-Travelling on the highway, In the village, on Haturday was mather precarious, owing to the slippery surface made by the snow and the sun, The local Eavageos were kept husy rvesoulng stranded motorists, and vepaliring the damage done by cars skidding and colliding, Tralle was somewhat obhatrue ted for several hours an Haturday morning when a Perry's Transport truek, loaded with ivon girders, attempted to ascend the hill Just west Of the village, The huge ma ohine skidded across the road and fortunately stopped within a few Inches of the cables which divide the road from a deep ditch on the [ wouth side, The machine blooked the road Just at the Junation of tho ghwav and Blisabeth Htreet, nso with esareful manipulation of thely vehicles, athey motorists were able to steer thelr carn around it, Th trek wan finally plahted, and was nhle to proceed on ita awn power Noted Missionary of Nova Scotia Dies Fitohburg, Mass, Nov, 28, «Rev, Shirley D, Coffin, noted misstonary and & native of Nove Reotla, dled at his heme here following a long Hineas, Rev, Mr, Coffin was born In Baveington, NN, Jan, #8, 1880, He was the son of Captain William Nenry and Rophla (Jordan) Con, His father wan skipper for a Halls fax-Kast Indies ne, In the two years that Rev, Coffin perved an pastor of the Firat Meth. odist Chureh here he endeared himself tohia congregation, fellow minister and a host of friends, Hin death was the outcome of il ness contracted in the Afrean junkies & quarter of 3 cantury ago, t forced him to accept a leave of absence last apring, Rev, Coffin received his early education in his home town, later studyidg fn Doston, In 1906 he wan appointed to the Bast Atrloan mission conference and nerve 1 Yoara as superintendent of the Um. tana and Bambes! dlstriot and had [) of the boys' school in Od Umtall, Rodeala, British Rast Ah vioh,. During hi service (a Atrio he founded more than fifty misklon stations, It was In Africa that he met and married Miss Virginia R, Swarmatedt, also a mission worker, They were mathled fa Wor, Rev, Ca , leaves his widow, a son, William ' Henry, a senior at Wealayan Sut { . bgt, wit 1 Atle Wash, and Ne: wk A Dante, \ x noes ' « of Bareidgton, WB. Ms, | Brannon of Seattle, Wash, Sophia Con of Vancous On Highway Saturday | JAPAN WIDE AWAKE AS CANADA IS Vietorig, 1.0, Nav, 88,-0ld fushioned salen methods sannot he used with any more hoph of sues cos In Japan than In Oanada desording to Riohard ¥, Warner, head of un New York trading firm, 'who, passed through here a few days nko on his way home from the Fur Kast, Me belleves that Japan muy ne longer he considered # kood market for manufactured Koodu "There Is nothing that ean be manufactured hy the foreigner that sannot now he duplieated in dopa," ald Mr, Warner, "Cana. alan and, American manufaciurers mist he prepared (to vo-nperate with the Japanese manufacturer by transferring business And manufacturing organisation, plants, patents and executives Lo Japan with 2 ahjeot of turning out the finfehed project country," Mr, Warner, wha has had twenty yours of axperience in trading with Japan, says that country i changing its attitude towards oo operation with the forelgney relas tye to Industrial development Ulapan," he sald, "has been {going ahead very fast during the past fifteen yours, and has are | rived at the point where slie needs foreign co-operation In perfecting her manufacturing organisation, hut site 18 now determined to overs coma the drawbavk "There 1d no better workman in the world than the Japanese, It is the organisation What has been faulty M1 don't bheelieva that Japan will aver again he a worthwhile market for manufactured avtioles', sidd Mr, Warner, "Hut Japan has no raw materinls and needa them badly APPEAL MADE UNDER WATER COURSES ACT Plokering, Nov, 88-«An appéal aualust the engineer's pward under the Ditehes and Water Courses Aol wis heard In the town hall, before his honour, Judge Ruddy, on Fis duy last, The township ocounell, Alban Hwan, Cherrywood, and others wore Interested, The cause of the case was a dite on the pros perty of A, Hwan, Proeeadings were adjourned until December 6 when hls honour will give his de. olslon, and It In expected that an weresment will ha made hetweed the Interested parties before that | date | W.M.S. Holds Annual Thankoffering Service Plokering, Nov, 88~Tha Wom- ei's Missionary society, of Ht, Ans arew's Ohtireh, held its annual Thank-offering service at the norning worship hour on Hunday, Mra, Jessle M, Johnston, of Tore Unto, wae the special speaker, and told something of the work the WME Ie doing among the news camera to Canada. through the community missions, A special of | tering was taken for the W.M.8 Plokering, Nov, 28+-A service af apectal Interest was held in 8t, George's Anglian Chureh, on Buns day evening when the Right Rev, Sweeny, the Bishop of Toronto, was Present, to duet the new rectan, Rev, Mr, Robinson, A good cons grogation wan present to hear his Lordahip give the charge to the parish and the pastor, and were more than repald hy the message revelved, The local congregation consider it & great honour, ta have I thelr midat swoh a dignitary of the ohureh, -- Twa young Amerioan ladies were engaged in a rather heated argument as to the meaning of "olrewmstantial evidence," when old Zeb, their negro servant, poked his woolly head in ab the doar, "He was iinmediately be- sieged to give his ae on the mats ter in question; "De awy Ah wid stand 16 fam de' way it's been splined 10 me" announced the old man, "olroumstantial evidence is de edders dat you leaves lvin' 'round ® "nother nights the making the | u Lake notes hy comovack fhe Yi or on # viot Ahlen gave them a' the, with beiral tor sevond bors ' Ther on came back with snot) in the fina) load' wiped med home two clever goals, then # thrilling battle with Slnuiy Wintog when id Through for the winning mark. ¥ N » tive goals to one, har weeks, weve unable to cope with the superior speed of thelr oppon. oid ap b pid elip olan bails Bulldog vight wing to keep Iu the lime ing two goals, soorev in the league, Again - Winasor _Also Aavances B8,~~Chalking wy ng vietory last gland Indlang wre y tolk sit nd nto oar bm Tovoute, Nov pln #porL be he i the Place in the Ine eague stonding, was Ho #eore In the opens period, bug Clevelind got the saunter of the nd, They v period on y Hy early y out. when pi tonal hogkey ly Hoo thelp ov PAM. Yrom 4 Into leveland the Tiger der How Dorsty to the seme deve 'At London, Windsor Byfdogs vanoed Into a tle with Buffalo ond for the league leadership on they trounced the Panthers, thers, tired after the ' ate of the last two maintained the rar quent use of high Frank Carson HAT, continued Hgbt hy notghs He is the leading Bulldogs [0 utes, Niggars Valls will journey to Detrolt to play the only game kohe- duled for tonight, may surprise the Olympies, but on form the Detpeit team appears Lo have an exellent chances to regain first place in the standing, The Ontarsots KID CHOCOLATE WINK New York, Nov, 88,~Kid Choens ate, Cuba's dusky featherweight soe, knoeked out MHddle O'Dowed, of Columbus, Ohio, in the second pound of thelr tensround hout at the Bt. Nicholas arenas last night, Thooolate slammed over 4 fant right for the kneakout after a mine uterand A6 seconds of fighting In the second frame, ema -- ¥ Antique Dealer Welcome Tariff -- Vancouver, 8.00, Nov, Bf ~-At least one class of Canadian busls ness walcomes the Uniged Htates tariff proposals, and tat one is represented by the dealer in an tigues, Among the many olauses added will Jevy a 60 per cent ad valorem an antiques, regardless of Age, At the present time pleces thet date hefore AD, 1806 have been admitted duty free, This de. parture is hatled with Jubliation by antigue dealers hepe, for they declare It affords protection to Ops nadians and also to thelr business standing, This question of age of furn! ture has been a sore spot with deal ers for soma time, - They may sell Chippendale ohalvs, gugeantesing the date of manufacture to have bean in the eighteenth century, hut A customs appraiser may have dif fervent Ideas, and so the dealer's veracity 1s questioned, and the United States resident sighs and ays the duty, helleving that he an bean done' once agaln, "Hvery year hundreds of orders wre shipped from Vaneouver to United Slates points, Furniture whieh Is fairly modern, or at least dates within the past 100 years, comes under the duty olause, any thing older In imporied as a vare plece and enters free, That In as far an the looal dealer cerned, Then enters tha customs wan, usually susplolous that the furnl ture 18 a fake; that the 'worm: n rab the proposed tariff is ane whieh duty is con holes" ware part of the manufao turer's ruse and made with a drill, It is all part of the customs man's peheme to force the importer to pay duty, say the dealers, Genuine antiques are becoming noaree an collectors take them off the market, One well-known neal or who recently returned from England deolaves that English buyers are coming to Canada to take back some of the hetter plover, United States oltizens, ton, have heen vesponsible for deplete ing the Mngllsh market at the ex. pense of Canada, for while this gountey pays duty of 23 1-3 per cent, the United Hiates buyer in ue nd takes hia purchase home rea, Thera Ia also another pelnt in the new taniff, Inatead of trying to find bargainn that will escape duty, United States collectors will now have all antigues grouped uns der one head, and will not he aways od in thelr purchases hy the possi blity of escaping the tariff, Love Laughs At The Immigration Men I Boston, Nov, 88 e=-Lave lanaghs lookamitha, and also at immigrae tion authorities, Consider the case of Hadise RW. John's, Newfoun Dioka arrived here in Lynn and to Ralph Morgan, hy the General Rieotvie Company In Lynn, ald 8t, hy mish, Misa o visit friends "e her awestheart, wha ia employed okn, 1 Pyen h Immigration authorities met her at the dook and told her that uns der present laws aueh not ho made, Mia Di od the Travelers' Ald Soalety, where It was sug and Mv, vied thelr problem would be autos vialt eonld Ka oonanlts tod that If Misa Dioka PEAR Wore toa ha mp atloally Solved. An officer of the velo! Ald Soolety po gl hd dw where Fr of tha fives » mary WW WaR obtained, and Mis Fan werd gan, 'Pleks and Mor 00m Mr, and Mra, Mor O.H.A, OFFICIAL TO OPEN BELLEVILLE'S NEW ICE ARENA Belleville, Mav, 48, ~OMolals of the OMA, will be invited Lo this oily when the new artiflolnl ice skating arvens In opened on ¥riday, Dee, 6, Fither Richard Butler, Prosidons of the sssoclailon, ov W, A Hewitt, will oMelally declare the vink open, Arvangements huyu been made with Queen's aud U, of Ty Athletle Boards to have thely teams play an exhibition seme In this elty on that dete, They Lave romined to wend down thelr hest oh he vink will be completed hy the end of the week, and yesier day the 'plpes were tested and flonding operation started immer diately, The vink is one of the finest In Kastern Ontario, having an oyiside measurement of 140 by B40 foot, with an lee purtace of 180 feet by 00, und will seat 0,600, with standing room for 1,000 move, Iam Upper Canada And St. Andrews Win in S.P.A. Toronto, Nov, B8,~Freparatory school teams advanced to the sec ondyound ip the junior B.P.A, with vistorles nt the Arena gardens last night, Upper Canada sollege de feating Oakville hy § to 8, and Wt, Andrew's college winning from Danforths By 6 to 42 Tn both tests It was superior condition end re serve In the final periods that gave the Htudents the wins for they were forced to nvercome leads, The games were Interesting despite thy onesalded woores, Bt, Andrew's rushe Ing In three gonls during the crow Ing minutes of play to gain thelr winning points, while Upper Can nda landed five In the last period "The tirst game was the better of the two hoth for hockey and close competition, Danforths' good col lotion having an early advantage only ta lose out in the Neots' fight ing finlsh, Bt, Andrew's can he thankful that thera fs still another Carrlek to wear their colors, for Dauglan, a cousin of Don, Jess and Alex, was the main man in vietory wetting the Balnts' last three goals an olever plays, Carrick fought hack when the cause seemed lost after his team had heen heaten on the play and scare most of the game, and In typloal Carrlek style he Inspired his team-mates ta join him, Carrlok was responsible for five of the Bt, Andrew's six goals BRUINS MISE SHORE Boston, Nov, 87.-The Raston Brains, with thbir battered Hddie Fhore on the slide lines, wera soundly trounced, 0-1, here Jast wight by the speedy Montreal Ma roons, The defeat wan the first suffered by the world's champion this season, Share, the Bralng' ranged defence player, painfully ine fured In last Saturday's mame with the Maroons, was sadly miss od hy his team-mates last night, The defence was woslfully weak, OTTAWA NTTLL WINNING Detroit, Noy, 87==Ottawa's fight Ing Henators, plainly tired after a hard week's sohedule, maintained thelr undefeated record in the Na- tonal Hockey Leawue hers last night hy nosing out the tail-end De. trolt Cougars, 4 to 0, In an overs time contest that saw all the ae tian packed Inte the third period and the overtime The minster was taking a elas of hove dn the Sunday Sehaal, and sald, venravinuly, "John MoTavish, your month 1s _apen" "I ken" said John, "I opened it St. Thomas Wins Junior O.R.F.U, Title Bl, Thames, Nov, 48,.-The Fit, Thomas Tigers ure the ORF, ehiplons for the third successive your hy viviue of thelr 8 to b vies Lory over the Malvern Grads of Tos ronte yestevduy afternoon, 'P Tigers won the vaund hy a iy Lh 1h 10, They leave here Friday evening far Ottawa, where they meek the Ottawa Rideaus Haturday wternoon in a suddapdeath gems for tha Eastern Canada cham plod ship and the wight to ko 10 nose daw La eoptest for the Dominion title, Yantovday afternoon's game wal a thrilitined battle from heginnin to end, Until the last minute @ play victory was within the Male yerns' veaeh, and they almost made It, Ah Bux, Malvern's spectacular quarterback and kicker, attempts ed o forward pass Ln Kivicland, 4 74 lot It wlip through his hands, The hall rolled along the Hi, Thomas Bb-yard line, Harry Martin, cage tin of the Tigers, lunged for the ball, but missed It, and Labatt kioked to the Bt, Thomas dead-line, Half w dogen players on each side raged madly down the fleld after the hall, "Pud" Madeall, the Se, Thomuse kicker, got It, and was roused for a point, nimost as the fintuhing whistle blow Fumble Costs Gealls Victory A fumble really lost thes match for the Malverng in (he third quays ter, Just when they seemed favors ed tn win Hox Kleked to Meds calf from Malvern's 20-yard line, Medoalf veturned the kick, sand Mays caught It on Malvern's 10» yard ne, only to loss It as he ats tempted to dodge around Moore, A Ht, Thomas player pounced on the hall, On the flvst down Kden went aver for a touchdown for Bt, Thoms ae, and Medealf converted, Despite this disheartening break In the gama the Malverns came baek strong to soore two pa'nts hes fare the pariad ended. On the first play, after the kiek«nff, following the touchdown, Ht, Thomas lost the hall on a loose play on the 88-yar Hne, Box kicked on the seeon down, and Medeal! wes roughed, In the last minute of play in this period Bt, Thomas spain lost poss session of the ball on & fumble 8 He 1hayard Yue, and Hox kloked t deadline for the second point, PHILADELPHIA THAM WINS FOR FIRST TIME THIS YHAR 2H -The stored thelp Philadelphia, Noy Philadelphia Arrows fist viekory of tha season in the Canadbin-Ameriean Hookey Leas gue last wight, hy beating the New Haven Hugles, 4 to 8, A vevised lineup that put Oahildl In the forward Mne was largely vespansible for tha vistory, He had wo part In scoring goals, but his heilllant passing kept the play in Now Haven territory, much of the time, NEW MARTIN THEATRE "LLOYD HUGHES in "ACQUITTED" With ' Margaret Liviagstone Sam Handy ADDED ATTRACTIONS nasel, 12 SIMCOE Astoria Shoes for men $7.00 $8.00 Ladies' SATIN Pum $5. TD. ana] ST, NORTH Shoes of Quality and Fitting at Low Prices . Ladies' Formal Silver Slippers dies' SATIN 485. CASE IS NOW IN OUR STORE -

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