or THE OSHAWA DAIL J Ssouts of Oshawa by the scout lead We column will be be sent to the than T y News of whatsthe, are Line cantrib ers. Contributions te weléomed, and Times office not mornipy oach scou IT¢ hy ig hich says T EplTORIAL. i" Lng yA ur i Just recently, wa wore in the anfer- |" i tunate nialtion of seein sop Amat Bame time neo, wpe reported to urchins Il trenting a kitten af @*timg i" of prusonge boys heen seen to when it was impossible to get down ¢ a mother robin with # enti nd out at them, ' pull leaving the rest of the young resently we were relleved to Are vobins without a guardian, 'a man come along and reseus thel It Is only falr to state that In bet! ttle. kitten, and after having lec-fof these cases, the perpetrators © tured the wrching, take It away ap: [these acts wera not seouts, a tly With the iden of seeing that] These acts, however, paint out the 'Hh a home, necessity of every scout trying his "This little wet, done hy one wha|best to five up to this law wn et: wits Dot & sont, brings home ta the L] oy his companions to do likewise, scouting fraternity bf Oshaws the opc| Th where portiinity of goad turns in this line, whieh Is of course, only the fulfilling 6 AFG Many oases friends of the animal kingdom are ii through the eruelty of thelr EE ------ a Tune In Every Wednesday Night 7.00 to 7.30 The Jeddo Highlanders WEAF, 'WTIC, WJAR, WGY, WGR SPONSORED BY THE PRODUCERS OF JEDDO COAL Dixon Coal Co. TELEPHONE 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES I 4 "oii men, should m one, Why, giving an burdened You ean ing and ONLY 17 Daily tion attending then, by shopping new, your part toward preventing there being a Christmas rush by promot "Shop Early." OPPING DAYS LEFT The Oshawa In aud this {hia witgn drives thei away yn iikkes then so vicious that y (be done away with, and # thy with hats feelings by scouts wil not be misplaced or winppreclated, Ihe Foy Shop Is spill going but th remsiniog three weeks will mean ex tra effort, Parcels will be sent to he Wes ern Provines this week to bring Bai in Claus to the ehlldren of some ol our new Canadian families, ' rT------ At the Filth Troop in fing Friday, another test on Tender work was taken, Knot tylng was practiced by each patrol and each boy was required to te the six tenderfoot knots, During the course of the evening the nesting wih surprised by a visit fram Mr, K, Thompson and scout master W, L, Pierson, who present ed the Troop with the prige for the Inter<Lroop Compatition, The Troop touk advantage of thy moment to welcome the Rwy elect ed District Scoutmaster, W, Itogether the evening was a busy ¥ ol ve al out san A ane and although it was necessary tu wear overcoats due to the cold, it was well spent, The local scouts have been ape proached by thoss Interested, to sell some tickets for the Christ Churgh AY. LA Revue which Is being put on in aid of the Christmas Cheer Fund of the Children's Ald Society, It is hoped that those who are ace corded this privilege wi bnost for the cause, which Is a goo one, When selling these tickets, nobody need he afraid that the entertains ment will not be good, since It has already heen shown and it is by per clad request that it Is hing repeated, The soncert is being held In Roary Hall on Thursday and Friday, Dee, 12th and 13th, SCOUT NOTICES STH TROOP=The Sth hg will meet on Friday next in the YMC A at 7.30 pan, Running shoes must he worn, A test of second eluss alg naling will be taken and a general study of signalling will be taken up, SRD TROOP=--ON Nov, 28nd, the frd Troop visited the Sth Troop, The following tenderfoot were Initiated in ta the Seout Movement: Scouts, Dunning, Patterson and Bateman Service Stars were presented toi Scouts Drakes, Flighes, Jones, Reed, Turner, Bergman and Bateman, Pro fieleney hades were presented to R Pitches and MH, Bateman, After pre sentations were made games were ine dulged in til 9 pm Oon Nov, 29 the Troop met inthe YMCA, after an hour's Indoor work the Troap was divided uy and a tracking game resulted, At 9 pm the Troon reassembled and dismiss: od There will be no meeting on Friday of this week, but there will be one a week from this Friday, De not forget a US i ss TE EN PT TP PT APT TF Fp avoid the hristmas rush ShopNow RHI The spirit of Christmas is one of happiness = joy, geod will toward To instill that spirit in others and nurture it within ourselvgs, we ake every thought and ae: Christmas a happy make of Christmas arduous task a wearleome effort and experience in stress and turmoil by being a part of jostling, nervesstrung, over-taxed and overs crowds in the stores, streets and cars? avoid the Christmas rush You ean do practicing the policy of # ar Tim i 9 then uct very | Pler- | I Il do thelr ut» nies wai |' may very tom Throbbing With High vitamin content cod liver oft from Nor mery butter safety At youy NEXALL WTORY JURY & LOVELL ¥, Phone 48 ¥ the Toyshop Monday nights Also do not forget Thursday night ef this week in the Holy Trinity Chureh 'at 30 pm, ---- SCOUT NOTES On Ménday, Nov, 25th the Vocal aagociation met in the YMCA, he remainder of the organization was carried ont and the appointment of the executive, and Sub Committee chaleman completed, The officers of the local associa tion are as follows) President=Mr, C, Mundy, Vice Presidenty--Iat, Mr, M, Soan es and, Mr, N, MeLean, Transurer-=Mr, Redden, Secretary--Heoutmaster R, Terret Executive CommitieePolice Chief Friend, Seoutmnster W, L, Plerson (Distriet Seoutmaster) } Rev, §, Jit roth, Mr IK, McLaughlin, Fig Chief Elliott, Seoutmaster W, Hutton, Rev, A, M, Lrwin, Scoutmant or A I Ingham, Mr, W, Miller With these men backing the Scout Movement in Oshawa it Is expected that big thipgs will happen in the near future Y TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 i HEN BREATH BIGGH Who, it has been officially ans | mounced, Is to be first secretary to the American Legation at Mtawa, When Ambassador Phillips loaves early in Docen her, Mr, Bigs will act as charg d'affules until new ambassador nrrivens, AVOID GRIEVOUS ERROR OF BRIBERY Most Thoughtful of Parents Fall Into Error of Making Promises Fathers and mothers san win affection from thelr family by sympathy and comradeship, and must aveld the grievous ervor of bribery, Somoethmes the most thoughtiul of parents full into the error of trying to bribe the ehitdeen for thelr love The youngsters mean so much to us that we wre tempted to force a dis play of affegtion from them, sacrific ing substance for shadow In ow hurry, For children ard above bribery Thank heavem, they have not yet learned the art of disslmulation (un less we have gone out of our way to teach them), and they are accustomed to saying what they think! 1 what they say hurts the hearer, he of she has the advantage of knowing the position and ean, If It matters serious ly enough, take steps to improve it Parents do pot A realize that (Here and There MN Prfhomes in ocean travel ware experienced recently hy Naren van Hardeopbroek van Lookhorst, Duteh | noblenlan who was in Canada pure ohasing Black foxes for his ranch In Holland, Me came (0 Canada on BH, Empress of France, one of (he most luxurious ships on the Bt Lawrence route, but travelled hack on Canadian Pacitio freighter Bea verhill with the 14 pairs of valuable Anlmals he had purchased in Prince Kdward Island, A romance of mining has heen Iincloned in Nova Scotia when a long abandoned mine was invests Ignited and found (0 eontain one of the richest gold leads ever dls: oovered in the provinces, The mine had been worked with erude meth. oda many years ago and then given " New olaima have now heen (leds and. prospects are very ene couraging, There are sald to be many abandoned mines of rich poss dbllitles in the province, Carrying 208 passengers and a 'otal of almost two million Jap« ANGSE oranges, first oarge of the fruit' te reach Canada this year, Canadian Pacitio liner Bmpress of Asla docked at Vancouver recently After a record trip trom the Orient, Ihe vessel had aboard a number of Canadian delegates to the Pacife Relations Conference held at Kyoto, Japan, EEE ---- ' Direct contradiction of the opin on of Col, Frederick Palmer, th origan war correspondent, that ft would be well. for Christian churches to withdraw their mis slonaries from the Orient, as heen voloed by Rishop W, H, Alnaworth, | Macoum, Ga, who was a passen: ger recently on the 8.8 Kmpreas of Asia. "Ohristian missions to China and Japan were never doing better than at present," sald the bishop who 1a in charge of Eastern Miastons og ul odist Kpla. Opa ure! . United States, Bouter The province of Nova Soott " o a 1s on the threshold of a period of un. presedented development Judging from the record business being handled during the current year hy the Dominion Atlantie Railway, and the scope of the preparations now under way for the development of tourist traffic," says (orgs B Gra. ham, vice-president and general manager of the rallway, in a recent interview, IIs wise "to Take by leaving, to hold hy letting go The Idem! relationship between parents and children 1s not that of empty ritual, of greetings whieh have become nothing but a meaningless convention P Kisses out of season destroy thelr {real significance, yet how often they are demanded! Children have hel wi wily of displaying affection when the mood takes them, and a delight ul way it Is, Meanwhile, a cheery Hallo" ar "Good morning" often serves better than a kiss which has coome a habit But this is not the warst, How many parents have cansed themselves | Inve; they realize thelr weakness, but to be fonked fipon by the children as | # specially Infallible kind of universal provider, because thelr desire to re thin the youngsters affection at all costs outwelghed thelr better Judge ment? It Is so pitifully easy to keep om giving, to supply the momentary wants of children, thdt rather than face thelr passing disappointment, or out of mistaken kindness, we let them have thelr way, We fear to hurt them by saying "No and we {anr, too, the possibility that they will think us mean, And so, 10 make sure of keeping thelr affection, we bribe them, forgetting that awe gave them the maon it would make no difference to thelr love, They love ws for what we are, not for what we glve, A kind, consider ute playmate of » daddy, whe never Spent uw penny on sweets or toys, will he loved far more than a distant, "un knowable" one, who never allows a day to withgut bringing home some gilt, Again, wall ns we know that cer tain things should or should, not be done, our sense of fitness Is allowed to be oversridden by this desira to be popular with our children, Fathers Specially are gully In this respect Alter hall<heartedly forbidding a cers tain thing, they give way under pres are content If they think It will strangthen thelr hald on the ehildren's friendship Tsien they find In time that they ure simply disregarded, and that such commands as they feel compelled to make' are not taken serlously, Chil dren, of course, are lke grown ups fn this respect they soon develop dis daln for a gronture so weak that he does not lainw his own mind These attempts to bribe our ehll dren ean do no good, They fall ut terly to make b sorap of difference In thelr regard for us, and at the worst may serve to mike them dis contented, selfish and possibly un happy In the magnitude of thele po sessions, Having so much, they prize nothing, They collect toys, "A de velop a habit of wanting mere and more We cannot win the lava of ehildren exeent on merits The depth of aur pockets does not Influ ence It in the least our own A mother who never falls to under stand will win when evervihing else Ee _-- La Mr. Dairyman, = B4 Church Street EE I BL Ch le... --_--_"_ wh Bi HAVE YOU TRIED WESTON FEED? The base of this feed Is sifted Sweet Clover Seed Meal, Chop, Oil Cake Meal, re-cleaned screenings, Cotton Seed Meal and Oat Feed, Protein oon 20% Hogg & Lytle Limited Distinetios strap , Merling »(loay oases, luminoys dial, ood ime: $7500" Aeeper Vogutoh wristlet ie bret Jon plots for 55700, anligus finish, Colonial Cabinel "(Ineluding De Luxe Stainless Knives) $37.78, Cabinel empty may be Jor mowing cas, glove box, ele, \ BASSETT'S On Oshawn's Main Corner Ee -- Indulgence' and Mowery endearments, | her sympathy will dispel them, v T'o childrep the unpardonable sins ganding has led, Bho ny oven | ar injustice and Indifference; but it (he ANH will know that here is | 18 folly to go to the other extreme nnd friend to whom they try to win thelr love by bribery, Chil: gin bring all thely griels and worries, even selfless devotion without under certain that | dren are not won by material things, | Li To this Is added Corn pA % Fat Goons 4 $46 per Ton. Phone 203 AMAZING VALUES Nese gonwtoe withont ame A, W, Myre | Ra ¥ Kara's Drax Fy MY B. Micehall, Make Someone Happy this Christmas with a Sonora Gramaphene In Beautiful Burl Walnut Cabinets New ah i Regular $295.00 - Special $69.50 Regular $249.00 - Special $56.75 30 RECORDS GIVEN FREE Other Fine Values in Brunswick, Gramaphones Electric Panatrope Regular §700 Special $325.00 Radio Department Open Evenings LUKE FURNITU Phone 78 & 79 L RE CO' : 63 King St! East » .