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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Dec 1929, p. 4

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I --,.,B L wi------------ A T™E SHAWA A DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 SUBSCRIPTION na. Pty Sere by carrier, ea » wook rh a REPRE Povore and Stone, | "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 THR COMMUNITY WELFARE FUND Oshawa has becomes aceustonfed to doing big things in & big way, In this respect, it has a repu- tation to maintain, And, in the present appeal which is being made for the Wellsve. Work and Christmas Cheer Fund, Ye citizens aré being given an oppor- tunity to live up to that reputation As was announced In yedterday's Issue of The &hmes, It lias been decided t& gombine the welfare work of the Oshawa Associated Wellare Soeleties with that of the Christmas Cheer Fund Committee, and to make one appeal for & combined fund which will be sufficient to meet the present needs of the situation Jn Oshawa, This deglsion was made only after a review of the situation, bringing a realiza- tlon that any hall measures would be wseless, and that a tremendaus effort must be, put forth to raise the funds which will be needed, not only for the Christmas Cheer distribution, hut for the supplying of the necessities of life to the hundreds of families which will be in distress until Industrinl® conditions improve in the city, "Where are two outstanding reasens why this step hap been deemed necessary, The first is that the need for relief endeavor by the associated societies ex- iste-today and cannot walt until Christmas to be sat- isfied, ~There is a need, an urgent need, of imme- diate funds to provide food, glothing and fuel for families whieh 'are in desperate circumstances, and which do net come ol the scope of any existing + relief oration: | To Wait for three weeks might "Ontean starvation te many of these families, so the appeal is made mow for a fund' large enough to carry the burden of relief for those in immediate want, Then after Christmas Is past the need will still re- main, The Christmas Cheer Fund han as ita worthy objective the supplying of Christmas dinners and Christmas cheer to families which would otherwise spend a cheerless and joyless Christmas, And at that joyous season, it should not be sald of this com- munity that any ef its citizens were left in want, But after Christmas is over, and the Christmas basket has become a thing of the past, the need will sill be there, urgently calling for solution and une Jess the citizens provide the funds to solve the pros Ublem, there will be a deplorable anpqum of destithe tion and suffering, To meet this problem is a big task, one which must " be fated in a big way, The Associated Welfare So- clotles of Oshawa stand ready to apply the remedy Which is needed, but can only do se in proportion to the funds available, In past years, a sum of aps proximately $3,000 has been required for the Christ mas Cheer Fund, This year, such a sum will be to- tally inadequate to meet the needs of the pressing situation, A much larger amount is urgently res quired, and those citizens who have the means are appealed to in the hope that they will respond, out of the urge of the Christmas spirit generawsly and promptly, If every person in Oshawa would only give as he or she could afford to give, in praportion te ine come and means, and would make that giving a matter of conscience, a matter of Christmas Thanks: giving, then there would be no doubt of the result, The money, needed would be subscribed in a few days. And it is needed. in just that measure, This is no "time for hesitation, no time for pondering over the why and the Wherefore of the situation, The need is he ay: It must be met by large-hearted and 'opens od generosity on the part of our more fore tunate people, and so The Times joins with the As woclated Welfare Societies in ita appeal for a mere measure of giving for a pressing and wore eause than 'the city has ever known. AN EXTENDED 8 SERVICE The extension of he. atree the street gar service by the 'Oshawa Railway Company ia 'much appreciated by the citizens of Oshawa, The up of the pers vice, now on a ten minute basis, provides the addi tional transportation facilities whish have long been o people in the city, and the railway company is de- earty congvatulations on ita enterprise igh of the city and taking steps to pos ' a yp: vs New York and Chisago i ef 55 i z £5 z tengion of street cor service mow in 5282283. i bon wl be dvdr the, Sir 3p bu or "an extension of street car, Service aver the aes now have a local transporiation aystem which would come #0 close 'to meeting the: city's complete needs for transportation that there would Be no further coms plalnts as to the lack of service wants Sure Telopbane northern and southern PREVENTION RATHER THAN CURE An interesting discussion of the new trend in medic eal thought featured a meeting held 4 few d under the auspices of the Toronte Socisl Hygiene Council, At that meeting, Dr. Guy Kiefer, commis» slongr of public health for the state of Mishigan, mads the interesting remark iw "It 1 bed thi t 4 pri bog ody oul wove vein ered cragy, oy of con re 'was Aw i why of pointing to Hl on a advances which have been made medical selene in the last generation, Practices ich would never have been given a thought thirty yaare ago are now dpenly and strongly advocated, this is perhaps more evident in the field of pre- ventive medicine than in any Thirty years ago, the ohiel funetion of & medical man was to try to cure the many aliments to which the human body ls subject, That system is now out of-date, and modern medical glence has turned ita attention to the prevention of dlsehse rather than its eure, The results' of this new attitude sre being found in decreased mortality rates for certain speci fic diseases, such as ideas Bo smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet and typhold fever, A generation ago, these were looked upon as deadly diseases, sure to bring death to those suffering from them, Today, they have lost much of thelr terror, for methods of im- munieation and of treatment in the Incipient stages have brought them almost completely under control, This is an advance in medical science which is of tremendous value to the world, and it is gradually being recognized that it is & man's duty, not to eall in the doctor only when he is ill, but to eall in the doctor to keep him well when he is well, YETCRAFT GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS In workshops all over the Dominion of Canada, digs abled ex-service men have for months beew laboring, in sheltered employment, In an effort to eke out thelr meagre pensions by making substantial toys and arr ticles of furniture, These men are the employees of the Veteraft shops, created hy the department of sol diers' elvil re-establishment so that those men whose physical disabilities brought' them only a small pens sion, but who were unable to go out and compete for employment in the open labor market, The produgts of the Veteraft shops are maklyg a vwme for themselves all over Canad. Naturally, the field which they can enter is Himited, but, with skill in woodworking, it has been able to train these men to make many lines of household furniture and many lines of substantial toys for children, Nature ally, the year's work is but a preparation for the season when Veteraft products are in greatest des mand = the Christmas season, and these men are doubtless looking forward eagerly to the demand for their wares which will bring back to them the money necessary to bring their pensions up to a living wage, Veteraft goods, of course, Lannot replace the pros ducts of the factories of Canada, for they can only ba placed on the market in limited quantities, THat is all the more reason why they should meet with a ready demand, why people ghould look for the Vote eraft label, knowing that In buying articles bearing It they are helping some man who served and suffers ed for his country, to earn an honest livelihood by the werk of his hands, DOES IT MEAN ANYTHING? The Briand Kellogg anti-war pact is facing its first test, For weeks, China and Soviet Russia have been on the verge of active hostilities on the Siberian frontier, In fact, there have been acts of violence and clashes between bodies of troop that might ex- cure one for thinking that war was actually in pros gress, but the nations of the world are inclined to overlook these Incidents, and to put forth their strong» ost efforts to prevent a war of large proportions, The Briand-Kellogg pact is on trial because both China and Soviet Russia are signutories to that pact, in which they renounce warfare as an instrument of national peliey, Led by the United States and Great Brita, practically all of the other signatories are demanding that the signatures which were affixed to that treaty by the representatives of China and Rus« sla'be respected, and that these nations live up to the pledge which they signed, Unfortunately, Soviet Russia has net, in the past, shown much willingness to recognise treaty obligas tions, and it may be that the lack of good faith on the part of Soviet leaders will cause the past to be worthless in the face of expediency, If that is the case, Russia will become more than ever a pariah among the nations, for the other signatories to the pact will have every reason for denouncing her as a nation in whom no trust can be placed, There is not #0 much reason to worry about China, China would probably he quite wilhng to give up any thought ot war if the other party to the dispute could be paci- fied, The whole situation boils itself down to the popition that unless Russia listens with an attentive car to thd demand that she observe her treaty obligas tions, the whole pact {s in danger of failure at its first teat, EDITORIAL NOTES In planning your Christmas giving, remember first the Oshawa Christmas Cheer Fund, Those hands sticking out to be shaken are a fair ly goed indication that municipal election time is again drawing near, Russia Is seeking to modernize her alphabet, Rut 'in every other reapect nhe ia going back to the Dark Ages, | sm---- The State of Virginia is proposing to establish a school on wheels, Apparently the Virginians have been hearing of the way they do it in Ontario! Oshawa still has some big civic problems to solve For that reasdn it is not too early to begin thinking of the municipal elections, A beauty ape: the average woman puts on 79 pounds of in a year. Fortunately for her piece of mind, it does not stay en, The little girl in Port Arthur who told her father she was going to buy him a olgarette lighter and a wath bon to mateh for Christmas in evidently short on 1} n Small contributions to the Christmar Cheer Fund are just as acceptable as large ones, If every family in Oshawa contributed in accordance with ita means, theve would be no needy ones in the city at Christ Mas, » gO. Cither Editor' % : Comments Jhous ROVBLES oF ™ THE AUTOIST (From the Seeing lain Dealer) One Jon wyy so many "don't park" signs iw 3 ed is that they wre on bein 50 CHORDS notice: "CARS Al AND BPEED ly Chronicle) Le 4s HA is dangerous drive Ing with the severest penalties and neglect no' suitable rules for ley: fh § do mot 16t us confuse cars perambulators, THE VIEWrOINY (From the London Dally ini bo What this timid but faithful eiplist Coyernment may vet must walt and see, hat Is lan beyond denial Is thet all thelr boast ing about wonder a" schemes fudy to be put into immediate oparation they were only given the chance wis fudge, 'THey A¥e ploughing with the same team of heifers which they took from the late flovernment, Ho | they are not plonghing as straight a furs row, FyRRY oN BENEFITS ander In Canad in. hr Wn A Cone spieyous « nue in the attitude of pewsvapers in the politieal realm, "Whpees Jn this gountry that ean oh regarded ws "purty hacks are very rire; the great majority ol Canadian newspapers ne longer gv unyielding devetion to party, but more and more, consider political questions solely on thelr 0 dy com mending or condemning us they feel the public interests warrants. The olitical parties themselves cannot but beneht from this departure, r------t JOHN BULL WAS IN IT (From 'The Victoria, B, C, Vimes) When the great German flying boat amiled over Lake Constance ths other day with the record human load of 10% persons, the world of wy ition properly hailed it for what it appeared 10 hea new triumph in the air for Germany. But all the story wis not told at ence, Germany miy not elsim al the trmph, 'the great eraft 1s fitted with twelve engines, 245 horsepower each, of the British Jupiter design, made in German workshops under Mritish license, Little of anything appears to have been said about these engines until an aviation critle In Great Britain came out with the warning that the flight im question "throws" Mritain further behind in elvll aviation and makes Germany the lender of com: mercial Might throughout Kurepe," Chen the truth was told, As one Canadian earrespondent in Loadon says: "I'he curious British mentality which finds Britain backward in thousands of ways and forelgn coun tries much more go ahead has re: ceived a rude shock from the discov ory about these engines," Ones a gain John Bull has shown himself to be a poor advertiser, I -------------------- Bits of Humor Tom: "Has your gavdener taught you anything / Pick "Yes, ll mever again believe that we reap what we sow," The teacher's thoughts were far away, but when he heard the boy read "Here Is & warm douganut tread on i," he thought there was same mistake, and, glancing at the book, he saw "Here In a worm; do not tread on it In an examination: one questions was "What happens when there is an eclipse of the sun? A boy with an admirable knack of Retting out of u difflenity wrote! 'A HTOAt many people come out to look at i, of the Wags! "Had any Tuek hunting lions in Ariva f " Tog "Yes, 1 didn't meet one" Visor! "Can 1 see Lieut, Barber, please!" Matron: "We do not allow ordin a Aili May | ask if you're a live (boldly) 1 "Oh, yes; I'm his slater." Matron! "Dear me! I'm very glad to meet you, I'm his mother," A boy boukhy a a spotted dog from a local dealer, The next morning he thought he would take it tor a walk, #0 he took it into the woods, It seon atarte * raln, which was too much for the dog; for it washed off the spots, so he trotted the dog back to the dealer, Bala "Look at this animal,' he said, "The spots have all washed off," "Great heavens, boy" he replied, "there was an umbrella went with the dog, Didn't you get the umbrella" Vincent Astor at Palm Beach luncheon was talking about the kind: jor feeling that the debtor nations of Rhrgpe he now i ow towards the Units ° t "And yer! he said, "there's some: Shit queer about this kindlier {gels something puzeling and a little np ster, When Europeans talk about n fact ot they Alwat re deacon A Otar ennessee een y Fo instea hank fade wl hy ad old deacon brack: man a» yp at lag" ith Ravtpentle sat hatiteth po Ry but he tat hea! not pn stan ed Na because he hath UA her 4 bi in the name of the on ten Hem of oh Godson LH Ag ." wa And pray And \hyselt. rely, Tah Da a nd thin ts or come inte the world, and wen the condemnation, that fim parked ears and . SE bits 0, Verse preferences and thely community and who advertise consistently in loeal . are the eons cerns who have an ever ine erensing volume of business, Quality, upto-date goods and newspaper advertising are the prime requisites of success, Women like fo vend the ad. in fact, they ads before to know they shop in rgaing are to where the host be fovnd, With men, time seems to count more, When It comes to shopping they are always in a hurry, They know what they want, look over the ade, find who has what th want, go right there, buy 1t An then on thelr usual business, People today are busier than ever, nocomplishing more and hays ing mops fun doing it, and apr preciating more and more what the service of newspaper advertiging is doing for them, Newspaper advertising ofs fers avery business concern an appovtunity to increase profits by ineveasing wales, Newapaper advertisements offer every citizen an opportunity to save money, as everything worth having 1s advertised, Leuding business concerns know that newspaper advertising Is ess sontial to sucoess, FOUWTUNE HAM AMILKD ON THOME CONCERNS WHO HAVE NEEN CONTINUOUS ADVENRTINERS, THEY HAVE NHOWN AN AMAZING TRO. GHENMS AN A RESULT OF ADVERTIRING, by on W Barton, M.D IMAGINARY AILMENTS If you see an individual on crutehes OF I AN valid enair, oF PETHAPS with exiroing pallor or even yuiuws ness of Lhe skin YOu realise al ones that something Is wrong and he re Ceives your sympathy, Now there wre dividuals whe are much "siexer" than those mentioned ahove wau ge sbogt from deglor to ductor 10 get thelpy and you hive ho yipathy whatever jor them, Why! Lh cause youl say Ley are slew," she fact that these individuals think they are Wek, tink they have AERrl, Kluney, stadmaci, Mg, oF other atlments w the one reason yuu should be sympathetic towards them, Bocause they themselves are not usually responsible for these 'fears about their health, "they just think In the majointy of gases they were 'horn' that way, Inherited the ners vous or 'tear' tendency, When as youngsters the trainin they received trom their 'nervous parents was Just ahout the kind that would increase thelr nervous tendens cles, Valortunately for these patients, they hear about the ability of a busy ar popular physician and begin to make repular visits to his othe, Alter a few of these visits, the doe has been able to discover hint there ia no organie trouble, and as he is busy he talks rather plainly to them, Now this plain talk is helpful in a few cases, but a great many others feel that the doctor hasn't allowed them to tell all their story, hasn't completely understood thelr case cause he has 'hurried' his examination and so forth, The result ia that they doctor to doeter, and wet help from other than physicians, Now the best Phy hloian for such a case in really the family physician one She really knows the patient and the family, He knows he. patient's whele background, Me wii not ot the pad patient {hen telling his ator por y 4 and make litle of others, ag will heen him straight if he gets off the rack, However where the Patient cannot or will not consult the family physi clan the next beat thing is te consult # physician who gives his entire time to his work, He knows how to carefully and pa- tiently get the whole story, and grads wally, gently, but firmly, aah this type of patient to 'forget inary ailments and become o aver age everyday citigen in the commun: (Rusnerod In sesordans with the ro m---- from ly try to the regular Convio Makes Unique Clock r-- aving every part, aven to the Heat wheel, composed of A Clook hee bow Jonstructed by A ae hare autem R le i into & HEE TURE Withe Hol atOhes taneously hy 0 largest oft oats of 1h ih An men ® "a A barometer predicts a weather, A calendar marks the passiuge o the days, weeks and months, over coming, unatded, the irregularities of leap year, Time after time we read lists of | nig motor aceldents and we never ght | R dream ft may happen to wa -~Qalt eporter, . wood | Paris § "WINDS OV THE DESWRY Winds of the desert, speak to me, Tell me the things you knowe= Once In the D4 earryans some with jewels and For ladies of high de Die ft with ms pg "ln snd rite i on & sapphire wea? Did elites with towers an JMnateis Rise white in thelr ly pride, Whera dhe lonely Joshua tree now And flan AN coyotes hide? ea of the yg peak to me, To ¥ Was this 8 nd of Hes and palmy me the things you Knows You ad the palms and the Joshua | If tre Out ig he long ago, ==Clara Greenn tain Sclence THE ORY OF THE DYING MOB It was "Just a serap of paper," They tore it J they flung it on 8 floo A Dronth of wind eaught up the And wafted them the door, p onitor, through A millon hearts beat In mighty throb, The whole universe quivered, and the Moh Burst fowth In one teyrible ery That thundered hack up Lo the sky That rolled, that erashed, While sabres slashed, hat fled away as the wind In this high That faded away into ebsgurity, But once, once jn a while today It echoes hack, back, in a faint, plautive, pleading, Aganising whisper, 'Peace! CHve us Peace!" And the world ~~ the heartless, throbbing, roaring tumult Will Mve on, fight on, strugkle on, Ignoring that weak, faint throb, That ery of the dying mob, -- INVITATION If you will come and stay with us You shall not want for epse| We'll swing you on a cohweh Betwoen the forest trees, And twenty little singing birds Upon a flowering thern Ahall hush you every evening And wake you every morn, one If you will coma and stay with ua You need not miss your school, A learned toad shall teach you, High-perched upon his stool, And he will tell you many things That none hut fairies Knows The way the wind woes wandering, And hew the daisies grow, If you will come and stay with us You shall not lack, my dear, The finest falry raiment, The best of fairy eheer, We'll send a million glow-worme out, Aud slender chains of Vght! hall make a shining pathways= Then why net come tonight? A ------ by GC, RK TUCK, Opt.B (Copyright 1030) FTRANLIMUS a) OR "y " The a. A explain certain cases which are also eons tributory factors to a case of muon greater dimensions and whic some oases ia impossible hy per manently control, This ia cross oye, squint or strablamus, One of the greatest handloaps to the future RaPpines and pros ity of a child to be allowe to grow up with uncorrected strabis- mus or squint, It lg harder for ARY person #0 handioap od to ab. tain a situation, harder to do busi hon, and harder to nix in sock his condition usually com. mences at the age of two or three OATS OF AE B0ON Ad the child learns he value of clear vision, The oAuseN Are any and various and the result fa the normal relation between accommodation and cons vergence helog disturbed and the weak fusion faculty a of mMght the Ronit on ad double on en. sues, The eyes may deviate up, Mb or in, hn comfortable H AF obtaine at the alin of \ dvi oye aud the ltag, exe eye ls sup and nay 3! a tely lost through nen use, ™e correction priv} in ocorreotin any shlating error, re-eatablishi fusion, and veloping Vision in the or eye, U the deve en 0 viaston aA Jisicin, . Xe Hon atinly depen Hes & he Wrbaimant fo com wc com the better are the prospects (Copyrighted 1920) Blin ---- ee] ing Great Congestion mine} LEN Foyle po. ent, Th Canadian hr. wi i ina wri any Abe Cow An i 1} AE rulh ho en wy hy a Be i heeome a City of oh \ raph & - the and Sttooniune "dn One Bf Date the thi nge neat Ry ris, dy i of martial ain hat aA oe wan very fechle, very ill, Hor hi iv of A h Uous crown iv askew, A Amand perdi Creager in Chris so: ' docior stands by her side, feels her fulse, He ey is baad, sorvowfully, oh Maudumir is the iy bad, very witty eommenta- toy deed! oat hy ily on should be exiled to the perpetual twilight of an underground glty, Another 4 tirieally "pests that a " autos should he cut oh iy all if Inge and Paris stand on fement ¢0 nk. A third that the Seine, haunt p the faneur, the nrtist and the hook fover should he covered over as n landing ground for seroplanes, M, Chip remedies | |w'The construgtion of gress ul~ derground hele long the Rue de Hivp | nd the Dole yards leading to the wlace de a tion of prest yo A bylaw to forbid wrking o larpe number of thoy fares, The cont of these transformations we ron around two millon dollars a mile A Lomplete I ---------------- He that Vives on hopes will din fasting =Vranklin, rosie ForLonG 8 @ sd Otte nor Busting 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Bystem 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 VANCOUVER * "Improved Schedule" Modern Equipment dally 0,00 pm, Ar, Whanlpeg owns 0 Ar, Regina " Ar, ORIGAFY sommes 0 Ar, Vancouver .. wi 0 convenient connections at Winnipeg for all points west] at Tegina for Raskatoon| at Calgary tor Xdwmonton, 8.45 am, 8nd Day BAK pom: Bnd Day 7.40 am, Brd Day 0.80 am, "he doen | CPA~CPR I" kid a, KE, 4th Day Fire, thefts YOUR VALUABLES d carelessnase--all have your i at thelr merey, sufety deposit box that no one need take ing bonds, stock a cone tracts, wills or other valuable papers. Ask us about this services DOMINTON BANK. OSHAWA BRANCH T. W, JOYCE, Manage! ly eo distle eo risk of PR ON Mariel at 4 Anti-Freeze is and inexpensive, Segre for your car use it does not contain chloride, saline, kerosene other car-wreck te commonly u in antifreexe mixtures for which wild claims are made and which often do the car mare harm than the froat, Will not corrode, rust oe calee leaks, \ @ Yoars' Nuoooss ob 1d on ed DOU Scientific Radiator Protection Canadian Industrial Alcobol Company MONTREAL = CORBYVILIE = TORONTO | WINNIPRG BLE ALCO-METER SERVICE PROTECTION Onlya Maple Leaf Dealer can give you the Scinrime Rapiarorn Proreorion that the feolproof Alcor Mater provides, He will gladly \eat your mixtureat ' | any Se without chase 1 ii jl f} mixe gree of froat your ture will withstand and WAGES en Sat pvillad ust your freeze gaged spe T0000 Dealers From Count to Coast vANCOUvER and Ako Nlater Sevvice can Loaf Awti-Frocse Ooalete. Sold ta Oshawa by: ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Qshawa Whitby we, prefect of police, has three Bowmanville / Jw TRE Fe soe _

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