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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Dec 1929, p. 5

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iy as <i JACGE FIVE = Gift Boxed Braces 49' ALWAYS ACORPTABLE A Men's fave Hllk Mantle web Braces) Oross back style, in neat [patterned Neckwear 49c Men's Wound Tien, special lot o porte ed materials made up fo) us, Height colorings ani conservative Btripes, Jacquards, i ood at The, Theistmas box, DUI THRYE BiG DAYS, each ee pattern: Dingonals, and Taunt) Bach | 49¢c light and dark effects, Mach paly in Christmas hox, Usual THe walue, Our , price ,, DURING THREK BiG 49¢ DAYS; pev pale oe Art Silk and APT FLOUR [YTS TORRY WS 711 NOAA, Rvenglow, metal, Aloma, ote A) AK OUTEIDE AND WARM WOO', INU'IDE y nok Ne I whe, DURING THI Hh nia per pair SAAR RRR RRR RRR Wool Hose 59¢ met of AVIATION HELMETS A Boy will, riainly appreciate this as a ity A warm Hels made Fabyie kod, in Tan shade, Darl frown hindin Mut Heavily line, with and lew Bath Robes AN EXTRAOR. DINARY VAL: UE FOR YOU Bath Riles of soft Anish sotton Eidevdown, Flora Convenilonal, and Block patterns, in tone, AuYeS Blue, Green, Tan, obey sorded wdgen on Collar, Con: trastin, wolored wills Cord Ties with pocket, Small, and large Wom on 'A slues, hy Saually THREE BIG DAYS, each $3.29 Nee this new Heads Bear at owr More, Two wiyles from which to chooss swe OY to O%. Usual Iy sold wt LBS Your holes, DUR | ING THEN BG DAYNy oaoh 89¢ | Ul [J 1" i i] (i medium 98¢ ne SURE 10 COME BAILY FOI "THY I i od, Ciyng Db with unbrealinb' head, Maw loud, long ory, Meveral siylon of Dresses with Imes (rine mings on collar and Bonnet tn mateh, A real | Thorny, purprine value, Be | and Maturday here early, od In three lois tov early Buyers on Dig ark: Mach Kr'day, Divide | Ings, During Tiree .98¢ oy Hundzed and Fifty Nor alns rom 4 Git Character Chosen For This Event--~Watch Papers weizw: Thursday, Friday, Saturda Big Doll | Every Day Lastont, Htyles Prench ang other im (Hovew,, variety of stitohings, and tallored Mola, THREE BIG DAYS per paly REET morn Towel 20 x 40 Inches with Jacquard patterns on colors of Nose, Dine, Gold, Lavender, gontraste fon Hare, Gun to 10, Big value at AYH, 59 c wos Cor. Simcoe & Athol WARD'S Phone 982 ing color In border, Two Faeo Cloths, 18x18 In. Boxed for n gift DUR. ING THEE BIG DAYS, Por sot B pleces 89¢ fane Beaver, Brown, Urey, and ack with Wh'te, Wises 6 to 79% Usunlly #2.95 to #5.00 DURING $1.85 An Attractive and Practioal Gifs wd y ouils, offootn, --- - = Eo A p rrr EE LP ST Tr Ty ME Bath Towel Gift Set 89¢ coh dd hod thd 4 OWS IW 3 SINS ws Cd] INSDTUD OUST ATU SINT STN SI VIAN ITN SIN SINS TW SI SON SAND Bowmanville News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of he Times. | slephones--Oiee, B87 REPRESENTATIVE--B, OPERA HOUSE WAS FILLED FOR PLAY 'MOLLY BE JOLLY' Training School Boys Take Parts Effectively in An. nual Presentation pm available seat in the Op: a eh to ¢ a o Boye' 'raining Behool ated than nual a |] 1] |. verse Sit 4 and Hurle cunning- ham, physical instructor of the niation was a Jw © prose: oly in two acts entitled * "Moly ie dol "igo which was brought, a best gymnastio stunts hat have been & oh In Powman- ville for ny ¥ The Nae of he Jredudion, fudged We amount of applause vecelved, was a series of bronze statues by some of the boys hetore purple sereen, whieh showed fection an art which had not heen seen In Bowmanville before, RHarle Cunningham, whe \ AR ¥irwutible for this part of the 1 dik showed himself to he » won 1s shiny and three 0) at Ul a Levin, The Wratn T ttor and The tn ome of the operetta, which mo And ut centered are cated young lady rai a who had expected to apend i vacation at the seaside, hut at the last minute the plans were ohanyed ahd Khe waa sent to viait 0. "down en the farm." Tha very er much 4 he Plainly te! i. cousin ey LE \ 8 Ww 0) Mba Ninty dlgusted and a while she was tellin these things, someone supEest Ang Wp & olrows in honor of a tant whe ia to visit the amusing and the + ren rad tye was satfafled that the Antanding players Labarre wha id wh title pole, roens' in tne near future, The for this event pore nod, of the event wee the blues away frameMol at an sod a plage to live § a We were Ewan wad Quarge Spe and Bdwyn Morton whe bray Re pari of of | ning, ave» (o a Meas: we NT Daily Times HERBERT MORTLOCK a ohildren, couging of Molly, "The choruses werd snappy and well rendered apd the whole production was & oredit to the boys and those who directediit, The co-operation and support ot those who attended will make it possible for the boys to anjor the thrill of receiving wits from . real Christmas tree, a, THREE ARRESTED FOR THEFT OF GAR Police Speedily Clear ' Up Stealing of D. Moore's Automobile Ohlet Venton spent part of yew terday tn the eity of Toronte in an endeavor Lo Jocate-the men who stole a car owned hy DD, Moore on Sunday night, He was successful And the three men will appear in Bowmanville polles court today, Local holies a Ant 4 some men fram Svionle ted a oar in that olty about a jn Alo and last Friday had got Into trouble at Kingaton and had wig help PARC A Ree H ° " star thelr way back te Torte, hy hut Hy veaoht AF Bown hille tire ig the oar and standin hh "ih he sithe Jo Tor- hu lk owner "of the wR ob and told him tI left In Bowmanville, and hin arrival here to get th ur elped 10 clear up nome of the m ry surrounding the. Swing = the local ante las LAH 10. week - LOCAL BOWLERS 'BREAK RECORDS BC Alan Knight Scores 441 Out of a Possible 450 on Local Alleys w-- Records are being Ru Hiktohtiy Rw Yr TB "owl ne ot HOOT ever re A n ne loeal alleys wan TURE WP one day last week when Alan Kaisht tininet . eo with 441 out of a possible There are few bowlers ot ean hoaet aioh a soore, Kalght generally © bowls a goed game but has never FR area Ea a been near this moore before, He made eleven consecutive strikes and finished up with a six In the last frame, If he had made this frame a strike he would have reached the highest plunncle of tame in the bowling world, Other stars of the week In Rows manville were Waller Johnson, who has played B88 games over 100 without a break, and Frank Wi Hames, who has done so 156 times, The second section of the floods year League has got under way and there has heen quite a shake-up for the start off, Oz2phans, who fintahed up the firsts ehedule wees ond trom the last, are now leading and the ofMee who won the first geries are now In third place, "The standing at the present time is an follows! Orphan oy danandar Room » i MEO® 442s rvs iny Hote Dept, cpnimmmns Helt Pobt, «1 yyw s PYramidn cons + somes Engineers |, Porters un The standing of 'the town feague whieh 1a now drawing to a lose with Oddfellows atill holding the first place and Canners stil] at the anchor in! nip Oddfellows wo Canelllas omnis POURARY omnis voy AN Tralntng Athos}. yay IR King 8, B® .. i 10 Goodyear wy 38.0 JORRBOR + + sommes 18 R10 10 CARNES wovmes somes 38 8 10 10 Higheat score In this league for the week, winning 'the prize wan Gordon Rell again with the same score, 444, DL A HOCKEY MEETING 18 POSTPONED The wating of the junior hoes key alub which was scheduled for tonight ia cancelled, ng The Times wan informed by Jack Guan last nEht, The reason for the change of plans ia that there 1a a meeting in Oshawa tonight at which the sohedule will be drawn oh) for the aeason, both for Intermediates and juniors, The juniors had another tryout last night, and from reports there ia going to be little to choose between the two dosen who are exs pecting a Dlaee on the team, whioh speaks well for the chanees of the Juntors this nA meeting will he held in the express office on Ring street on Friday night Inatead of toninht. Al are expected to he present, VITAL RTATINTION Vital atatintion for Bowmanville for the month of November, 1039, an complied by the town clerk's of flee, show a i difference TEE men 1 from the corresponding month last year, Births in 19288, B, this year, Ti marria®es last year 1, thin year 8: deaths hh your 5 lant year §, Th average length o iite of the wren 3 eam robin, 13 NINCRBIN, 3 qual IN Ry 20 row, 40; goose, 80: Re TOL, #0) arow, swan and eaple, 100, ---- a Ls eA vt Andy Cruickshank' Plane Could Tell Amazing Story Of Adventures In Arctic ol Eight Aeroplanes Used by the MacAlpine Party and escuers, Only Two Remain in Serviceable ¢ ondi- is Reson and Gold Plane Bearing Letters "C.G.A. 35.Q." Bore Brunt of Trying Incidents of Exped.tion, (Ny Glls Purcell, Canaan Pros Malt Corveapondent) Cranberry Portage, Man, Dee §o=Dull dawn rolling down over the frosen waters of Lake Atha papuskow today disclosed a lone monoplane of yollow and blue, a ship that could tell a story, It In one of the last two machines which have survived the rigors of the MaeAlpine pars Journey and the resultant search, Mix others have gone by the boards, some probably as total losses, Just before darkness last night, this blue and gold plane oal.ed YO, 0A BQ brought to Orans herry=Portage the first returning members of the prospecting party headed by Col, €, D, H, MacAlpine, president of Dominion Rxplopers, 'he MacAlpine men, who watched for two months on the edge of the Avetie Circle ere they yveached sale ty, stood the sternest, test o the north, Dut the "0, 4, A, ® Q" too, has weathered the trial, , Plloted from Prince Qeorge, Nn, w by Andy Orilokshanks, the aus universal Fokker has covered A dangerous trial of some 6,000 miles, Tt has flown the shore of the Hudson Bay to the north shore of Canada and back again, It has sulk beneath the fee of Rathuret Inlet, an arm of the Arotle Doean, and come back to engage In steady work, Young Don Goodwin of Hamil ton, Ontario, and Richard Pearce of Toronto, came down fram Htons 4 Rapids in Crulokshank's was thine, They are the first of the olght flying miners of MacAlpine to reach rallway steel, Three men, Including ool, MacAlpine, are at NHteney Rabid in Northern Sass katohewani the remaining tele are either at Fort Reliance, on (reat flave Lake in the Northwest Territories, or en route south, Twenty-two men in al Ss down from Dathumt let disastrous journey that wanted with four planes and ended wih two, The grewp inoladed in adds tion to elhbory of the MacAlpine pny, # dosen regone fliers and wo others hrought down from northern posts, Rix of the 32 reached Cranberry Portage yester day, as Many more Are At Stoney Rapida and the other ten at Fort Rellance or on thelr Way south, ey Hamilton mechanio auftering frosen feet, 1a 10 be hum oy through to ha oe town, At the Pax today ft may be neces ary to amputate two of hin toes, Nevertheless, Goodwin i» amiling and happy "Dick" Pearce, who ia editor of the 'Northern Miner, also Intends to hurry back to his home, Beslcen Pearce and Goodwin, A quartet of rescue fliers came down from Oranberey In the "0, 0 AN QY They were Plot Andy Crutokshankes, Roy Wrown, another search pilot, Al, Walker, mechanio for COrulokshanks, and Donald Hruoe, youthful medical attendant for the search party and personal physiolan to young 0 oodwin, All of the half Jou who made the 400amtie Jump from Rioney in the van of the rescued party plane ex peel to reach the Pas today, If lying conditions are not favorable they will take the noon train from Cranberry Portage, Meanwhile, (t ia fonsibie additional members of the acAlpine party and resone patrol may fly south to Cranberry or the Pas today, Whether or not the air men will fly to Winnipeg fs une decided, Planes are atill In a oha otlo state, Of elght planes Intimately cons nected with the MacAlpine journey and the respltant geavoh, only two are Now serviceable, Abandoned on the north shore of Canada are the ahips of "Tommy" Thompson and Capt, Btanley R, MoMillan, pis lots of the fate-threatened MaoAls Jitte group which fought oft death or eight weeks hefore Yesone, The plane with which Thompson starts ed originally on the prospecting alr trek through the north les at the bottom of the Churehill River In Northern Manitoba, Somewhere between Bathurst Inlet and Fort Rellance, Roy Rrawn and William Hpence were forced to abandon thelr machines, The alxth of the non-rerviceable planes fa probably in the best pe. pition; = It ia the Northern Aerial Mineral Bxploration company oraft at Baker Lake, manned by J. D, Vance, and at present out of comminalo Eruloheaiie' "QQ, But jnes BQ" te still going and Hols Hehe Kéupoiy plane {a at Stoney ablda in Nothing condition ready Hy op oft ter the South y perhaps today, When the fou BR Pons Ne adel uot Sha It, An X Barareh met with a mishap that seemed to mark the "O, G0 A 8 QF ar out of com: Minglon for the vest of the winter, The machine crashed through the wea foe ab the mouth of Burnside River and sank under the surface, Put it waa thin same plane that carried the advange guard of (he MaoAlpina Party te olvilisation Jant evening, On November 12, nine days after Rs A the MacAlpine party reachad safe ty, the "0, G, A, BQ" left Burn alde River with the rest, Perhaps the propellers had been shaved down a bit and maybe the instra ments were in one too good oon ditlon due to thelr tmmersion in the son walter, but the VQ, G, A, BW QL" flew, On the Journey south te Rell ance, some 200 miles over snow vovered rock and tundra, WH Mpenea's machine eoracked up on a take-off after n foreed landing Hut the "€, 0, A, KB Q" pronsod to Nellanea with Drown's And Hols lHoke-Kenyon's machines, Kenyon's ship contracted wotor trouble at Roidance, and "Brownies" crashed on the lee hummooks of a small lake in a return flight to Npehoe's rescue, Then Crulokebhanks' plane really started to fly, Down to Resolution, the nearest radio post, It went a perilous 200+ miles and then made the telp along the whore of Great Blave Lake down to Resolution, the nearest ra dio post, perilous 200 miles, The trip along the shore of Great Blave Lake took four days On the firat day, November 20th, the steam off the lake hung like the smoke pall on a forest five, Crulekshanks, carrying Meehanio All Walker and Offooy Qeoreq Kirk of the Royal Canadian Mounted Palles, flew at 7,000 feet, far over the olouds, No hole in the eloudn "even ad big ae a hat" could he found, and a landing was made wy Yallow Knife River, across the lake from Resolution, After onmping over the night, the party war away to Resdlution where messages were safely deliv. ered to be radioed south, Fog and snow threatened on the return trip, but the "0, G, A, ® Q." sped far heneath the clouds, lower than the high hills bordering Great Hlave Lake, The aki-fitted machine had pone 180 miles, The frowning ele. monty forced a landing on a small frofen lake. Another overnitht nay and the fillers were off to Ree Hanes, "They reached the post on November 28rd, only to find that Hpence wan atill unveported and Urown had been away ten days noalting him, Heavy snowfall prevented the YO, GQ, AK QF trom stirting. a search for the two missing 'planes but on November 28, Grulokshanks and Walker were away again into the north, The same day they found Roy Rrown, mare Capt, NManohet and Moohanto Paul Davig, beside a machine with a torn wing, on Avimer Lake, New pro vistonn replenished the Rrown orew's slender larder and next morning the "Q, G, A. 8 Q" wan away, Just 12 Wiles farther north, fponce wan discovered with we. ehanton Tom Sears and BL Longs ey, The trio alone for two weeks had been foreed to make & meal on fox stew, The tox pelt 1a a prize in ®pence's possenalon, A take off wan attampted next day hut Bpence niled Into a bad drift on the routh lake surtace when hia engine quit, (hors, and the wndercarria®e was torn ott, Disoouraned, tived and half i for frozen by the ¢hill weather, the ors abandoned the WNrown And Spence machine and all eight piled to Ortlokshank's ship, A avlinder was salvaged from "Rrownie's" plana for use in servicing Ken. yon's balky machine, Under the od with | © al ie heavy load, the "0, OG, A. XK Q" got away and brought Its cargo safe to Rellance, On the last day of November, a doson members of the party pilea Into Kenyon's and Crulekshank's ship 'and made a direct hop from Reliance to Money, Just south of Haskatohewan's north border, The move left ten men at Rellance and when the "OC, G, A, BQ." plowed through snow and fog to Oranberry yesterday, It loft a doen men at Htoney and brought as many to the rall Hoe alongeide Lake Athapapuss kow, As Andy Crulekshanks puts it, the "BH, Q" wtarted out from Nathurst with a Hmp, but finished at Cranberry on the run SPLENDID GIFTS 10 WELFARE FUND (Continued from Page 1) ulus to others to contrinute on a large noale, While large donations of this kind are urgently required, there In alo A need for wholeshearted support for the campaign from atl olasses of oltisens, and the small eit donations will be gratefully re. celved, If every oltizen wha could afford to give one, two, five or ten dollars would do so, the result would be a fund of large enough proportions to meet all needs, since the large contributions would form a nolld foundation to which these amaller gifts would be welcome ad ditions, The committee again ap pealn to the oltiwenn to wend thelr contributions to T, W, Joyce, mans ager of the Dominion Rank and treasurer of the fund, or to hand them In to the office of The Osh awa Dally Times, which will no knowledge contributions made from day to day, The standing of the fund at noon today wan aa fol lows! R, 8 MoLaunhlin 0 $1,000.00 A, W, McLaughlin ,vyvy 1,000.00 Ward vivian 15,00 Jud, MacKay .iiivias 10,00 Woolworth Company 10,00 Oshawa Lotter Oarrlors 10.00 Dr, T. W, G, MoKay .. 10,00 BOB Bartlett waynes 8.0 Mra. Btta Grate ovo 8.0 J, KB Minna and Son 5.00 Packet Dros, and Sellly ih ee. h EEE EE EEE Total to date (vias 1, 018, 00 --_-- AA TAX REDUCTION FEATURES BUDGET (Continued from Pago 1) sumt for a number of government i and Sigaiiautions incluiling the army, the navy, rivers and have har. flood control, indian care and areat, protection, Congress was in: that Hig treasury would ex nd $00,000 in © present year in earrving on the Rovernment building BRKT and that it plan to allot an additional '130.0000 next year, In addition he wilt ~~ mit later a request for $5,000,000 more for this purpose, qtion of the Women's institutes Ee ih Ml IS NEW WHITEVALE BRIDGE OPENED Piokering, Dec, "3 Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Hunter, of Port Perry spent a fow days during the past wedk With relatives in the village, An interesting event inthe history of the townsiip tok place on Hut urday atternopn when the new Wintevale broke was oliglaily opens ed, Owing to me clemency Of the weather, tion, Geo, 5, Martin and his deputy were unable to be present, Several of the past recves of Plok« ering township were in attendance as were also 4 number of other public men, GM, Fomyth, present reeve of the township, was master of cere- sionles and Donald Beaton, who has been clerk for many years cut the dibbon barricade, 'the only fly in the ointment was discovered witen the present townsihlp epuncil AhAtuad the JOVEN Oar to «rss the bridge and found the engine dead: Hunan Rots power was pressed Into service and the council were able to lead the prov cession triumphantly across the new structure, Mrs, W, J, Clarke spent a day, last Week, i 16ionto 'with 'Ugle and Ms. Looper, Mrae Ry WH, Cronk, Miss Li Righ- ardson, Mrs, W. B Powell and Mrs, Jo Cowan attended the annual coniyens eld at Yoronto during the past week, The ormer two were delegates We he local branch, Mrs, J, Doyle has returned after apending several weeks with lative in 'Loronte, Mrs, Jas, Sonunerville was «the Rueat for a few days this Week, with Dr and Mrs, MeQuay, of Whitby. Miss Evia Pilkey was in' Kinsale va Saturday speaking at tho Miwvion meeting there, Miss rion Cronk, Toronto, a Darden Cronk, of Wellsvinte, and Mr, Lyndon Cronk, karin College, Newmarket, spent the oo end at the home of th AM parents, R, ol, and Mrs, Cronk, Ross and Mrs, Burns were. in Tors onto on 'Thursday attending the fun. eral of the late I, R. Wetter, 'Arthur and Mra: Boyes, and so Jaci. Hatry, and Murs, Ryo and' Lamy, spent Sunday with Austin and MO. Franklin, in Port Perry, : % J, GC Stork 'spent Subday "In "she with Miss Lila Gee, Visitors oucupied the paint obithe United Churches tiring th © morning services on Sunday A hy Church, 'the pulpit he ted WE hette » "oron LE the Bell pieltive Co. wh of the outstanding laymen of church, At St Andrew 8, Rey, dy Lellan, of Claremont, exchange with the minister, ov. S. Ferguson, The themes of the' dresses in all cases were b iniiniont The concert given in Ste rb Church on Friday evening NCS Lani of of the Tuxis Days, By Copeland: was we walt he Wn and was Ryn tn & -- nreciative, if small, aw ones. Copeland; who is making a 5 tour, pleased Ms hearers with pers formances on the pine, vielt'n wad hag Plber an well as vocal Ninian and readings, ' fine

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