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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 9

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----r THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 © PAGE |plattorm behind him. were all four |well satisfied with the situation a [of condolence be went Mr, Leckie | numbers indicate the average per £ the Ontario Cabinet Ministers=- {in general, 1 think the tariff thai Sproswing the sympathy of the |cent, obtained in recent tests, Pus oh. Mots Bi is iter, ge il nA GAngdh hh fanite fat ng Bowmanville , meting fo hla Aokuuyenent, pls must make 60 per cent, in ore READY INT WO MINUTES! "SL snd Heonansall the Wast- [not made in the Interests of wny § ' The tull sehedules upper on the'| der to |} } ded URISHI ao y v ' ' ) 0 | der 0 Jou ommaenade( A HOT NO NG BREAKFAST mario Liberal amémberk exe |one perty of the country or any Daily ' Times R | ports page of today's Iwsue of the | Grace Crawforth #4, Jean Mor pie Age Mitohell W, Haphurn, who lone oles, but a eeiff that wil Iimen, and the wehodule for the [vig 84, Jean Brough 82, Jim Kise i Ralotiianying he t Thaniha ke, sare of tha, fakhoerinl needs | Bowmanville Ania is an follows: [wong 82, Pauline Adams 81, Helen unlor champlon rughy team to Re [of all classes and all sections ef 5. JRDERT M MOWILOOK : unlors Mawson 70, Wileen Hately 70, Gerts | hia in quest of pomiuton Bono, [the country, Ropresontative R| Doo, 48, ~<Bowmanville at Whithy, | rude Hooper 70, David Andvewn obo and most of the polities) lenders') | "I do not believe u high tariff, } " Tan, 1, Whithy at Bow'ville, 8 p.m, | 76, John Mhires 74, Harry Depew And workers of the 'Webtern One|nor do) 1 belleys a low tariff, Phone: Office BOY, Jan, 7, Bowmanville at Port Hope, |74, Coell Jackman 78, Elizabeth ftario ridings, would ever suil this country at ali, I don, 10.-=Oshnwa at Bowmenyille, | Adams 78, Mary Thompson 74, The Tariff Anything in the nature of extremes | ' i PAN Jan 16, Bowmanville at Peterhoro, | Alleen CHpbs 70, fam Allin 71, 71, Dovig Tay~ I do not helieve would bs in the dan, 47, P. Hope al Bowmanville, | Annabelle Kellar nih Sh Jom of fils wanton, big 16h interest of a country as diversified Jan, 20 Bowmanville at Oshawa, [lar 71, BIL Allin 70, Hubert Hoops Jan, 84,.~Poterboro at Baweville, | or, 10, Gertrude Dewell 70, Wn aw this eountry is, [her were in ome. rr the Tariff Canada Needs Pirat and wocond teams play off | Dunlop 70, Marion Hanville 170, hr A TY i Fi that on 'What we need 4s a tariff that Jun, 81 and Yeb, 8, goals to count | ohert Kent 60, Tuswell Hayew ¥ Wd f will be of the greatest good te the NB on the round, 08, IANiam Pritchard 67, Walter w AH i do" With all the bran t country ui A to the 'Wrontont number, soattered from Intermediates Goode 67 Buster Crombie 47, i» (1% Li {vot where It, In one of the reat (FSR GRH FECHA, RIA runs ani e Doo, 88,-=Bowmanyilie at ¥, Hope | Frank Tnerk 67, Mabel Brookham of the whole wheat 4 world idl § jon trios, riots '18 not wo easy; but we have the Esther" Is he F. Deo, 80~0rvono at Bowmanville, | 66, Prank Mcllveen 66, Phillip Pats to comp forefun 'mar gtrueture, and we can make those Cantata t oa Jun, SO hawn at Bowmanville, triak if, Wugene Connors 64, Dor- All the bod bullding elements of the whole wheat, nothing i Shout wht ih Wea Le Shing on in the light of the find: ture Production This Jan, O=Bowmanylile at Whithy, | othy Niaholls 68, Georgina Caver-| 8dded, nothing taken away, Bo easy to serve and so delicious. Juni I8=Bowmanyille at Whithy,|ly' 41, Jack Bennett 61, Joyes Ad. | ly nourishing, Gives new vigor and life to tired tissues, Serve * a J bee of |10E8 of experts," HE fousy th CART RZRRILY Year Jan, 16 owmanville at Oshawa, [ams 61, Russell Oke 61, Arietin with hot or cold milk or fruits, way to keep down in by ---- \ Jan, 80,-=P, Hope at Bowmanville | Maynard 60, Wrnest Hunt 69, 'keeping down (he 'eokt of ving : One of the outstandidg events iy 3 ~eiiowinanvilly nt Orono, fiarry Houeh BO, Doris' Tonner! : rr an " : oar in atlo 'clroles Is rat and nooo oamu Play off | 68, Arthur Humpage 6, Jao n wo eg rb of the yet in Arana winter | Feb, 8 wna b, Fonts to count on 1 unney bf, Juok Cameron 68, May | A pura hat oon he Wilpon on yoHas hui um ' Aiable somes! i 's ' 4 4 Wl by 1, 4 | ' ) wor med 0 10 Budan, where the supp | AND (QUEEN PAY hy the W.A, of Trinity United |the round Fowler B7, Jim Callan 67, Roland has heen Invented to prevent | (sn helleved to he almost unlimited, | stantial eduction on the Imples | Churah, 'This year's presentation P---------- Bate 04 Not graded Milton forced Intrusion Inte a house, -- o ments of production, " ; Wamm, Chas, Richards, f "As far a8 the Jongrels Cl will hy the ganata lather, and ENTRANCE CLASS Yeon " ; \ Before the wedding its: kisseg¥ tion of dhe 0 jo wil ® under the direction o ' ) A truss bridge two miles In|hy the bushel---aff ds {LE 9 ® Minister to: hear | concerned, I tela Fain 9.10 Mm. 'd. Clark Belt, Vor many PUPILS' REPORT d.'H, Johnson, Principal | youein that has heen built in Hole | poekmesSault Dally Bia on 1S ot Soin / y ' weeky past the cast, which axoeeds -- o-- " / I pee fault Dally Star, on: affairs, [saying that, 1f there had ate hu Jand 1s claimed to be the longest . J 'question of tariff te the south, the pn------ sights has been . practising hard | mye aotyat standing of ench pu One of the greatest needs of tos | of Its type In the world, The control of street Hghts byl people of Canada would be pretty (Continued from page 1) nd fone he within this, shew pil In the entrance class of the lo« | duy fu Waunlity without the 1, rere radio waves has been demonstrated tered the throne room from hik Jouight did Samoraw wail cul wohool is reported below, The | Kitchener Record, About 86 per cent, af the |ed hy electrical experimenters, private Mhrary, The door to the ont The sale of aging PORN | RA SUA 8 EE ----_----.. ! -- mn A. ; . throng room ohened hai the sas has exceeded the sale for previous -- and qfheen stepped In, alone, Wo | vanes, Nothing has heen spared P'ope: win walking toward the door, | oaks this annual affair & suc The king: and the queen walked | 0 ."and the costumes and scenery orward, They met hallswiy WCrORS {oun ho desorihed as nothing 'less be room, The kink afd the queen [ih nn elaborate, vent 'and. kissed the Pope's hand, These productions of the W.A, 'I'he Pope raised thom up, : of Trinity Churoh are to Bowman I'he door was olosed, The Pope | ine what the Little Theatre is to and the woverelsns were alone. If | ouhaws, Hach production is care | Ll the walls had ears they wers the fully welocted and 18 both educa NE. w=, buly ones who heard what WA |ijonel and entertaining, The idea . \ 4 Waid, of the presentations is to give the on Outsigp the closed door, the dig people of Bowmanville: and mur | / . ) hy - Fl ' {J nitarien of ahuroh and state ons founding distriots a olasn of drama versed in whispers or did not | whioh fs seldom seen outside the speak at all, They could not hear |g theatres in the ition, pyen the sound of a murmur from Inelde, ben DROIAL | ez zc HOCKEY SCHEDULE Son ote teiveen Conan mna wim: | FOR BOWMANVILLE burg, --_"-- A now pooket olker Tighter 1s | Both Juniors and Intermedi. ignited by pulling a pin Keross ates O n Season Away \ 4 a flint to produce sparks, saving en ngs p the wear on the thumb of a mill \ From Home od wheel, ------ "Until Christmas ssa | | AL 8 meeting held fn the Geno sha Hotel last evening the sohed wim the passing of the stage conch era, many other ideas of I ules for both the Intermediates 86 Sout the sugarswelghtodewithesand methods sod too, Today m orth Yow Hal and the juniors tn the OH. A, were free from the traditional past---emorges this modern LOBLAW 39 Simcoe N 1 Simcoe h drawn up for the season noovasible, help-yourself era, that is as clear as daylight, putting Open Daily==8 a.m, to 6 pm, The meeting opened with 0, ® hopping among the joys of life, Persussion? None w Rutovet, -- D. J. Br own AM LEY McTavish in the ohalr, deputising Promiptinae? Yeu, those that come to thrifty housewiven thren Saturday am, to:10 p.m, for HM, O, Leckie who was unable their intimate knowledge of the grocery values and features ah Delivery Daily 8 am, and 3 pom. to be present owing to the death of enjoyed hy shopping this modern LOBLAW way, the way that Saturday--8 am, 3 pm, and 6 p.m, KING 37. Wi . JEWELER PHONE 189 A Delightful Breakfiar Food hin father yesterday, The gather. turned an orstw . JU8 Daskul'a motive. shat 4 letiyy ITEMS MARKED SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF DEC, 5 TO DEC. 11 _---_ Ruty into a pleasure, La WATCH... FOR ..... YELLOW, TICKETS, , * THEY .... FREY + Wi ! N 1 \ Brasil Nuts DENO F . True Fruit Paver db, Bemri ciorviininn TIT Faney, Large, Washed «Now Hook Lb, 22¢ 1 : Holiday M Mixture Almonds : i A Lb. 270 SPECIALS . hist ne IC NI TARRAGONA Foner, Loge, inn GC um Dro " alnutys Lh. te ANY Carope.. FRRRAARRRARR RARER NAR ANS CALIFORNI Hamond Badded, ii ivan Mived Nuts X Lb. Ode fi Jelly Beans Walnuts, Almonds, Fillets aud Rrasiti-Na, 1 The Ubildeen Lake THOM 0s evan stansss sss sre CHRISTMAS CAKE. - FINEST QUALITY Old English Style Baked in our ovon Pure Food Kitchen CHRISTMA S d A AJ Made from a very fine Old English rips; It contains the wgsioiee. | PUDDINGS Almonds, Fine Spi oon, Tigh Park Butter, Now Laid Ky { "5 7¢ A by the a pound or wg 39° 4 1 | If . | a sles, adr ns online | 8 | SPECIAL=INVINCIBLE || |¥™%] | GpROIAL=AYLMER FANCY you TWO instruments at the price of BOVRIL , Bren in ( JELLY POWDERS | [tra | FRUIT SALAD 2 Dr ee A w wR . | a P\ $00. Bil. : L FAMILY CARTON ¢ ¢ e ET the Atwater Kent Screen-Grid aah iui 1200 MANE wecdw tote 3 Lia. 330 Baking Powder ral Currants Tin 2lo aturallige. ae GREER <Flasst Qualivy Pateas. i000 Lb. 180 tell you with-its own clear voice what i Vi-tone Seadiess Rudsing._ 3 Lin 20 Mincemeat ' Ju LIONS 1 The Hoahh Detak=Wd, Tt vane Tin 310 Golden Hallow Dates an extradrdinary set it is. There's a Tapas" ldo, [aE -- 1 a » a) Ll Clams, mand... Tin 160 TE TT * dory worth listening to. Tune in today Golden Sultan Raisins LUX TOILET Mixed Peel * [LIL RR J * TH | TY © A P JOR i I 270 AKK at the nearest Co uy Kent dealer' 8. Currants |. Lhe. $0 S RN © | lary Garis 3 Th Me Wt as £ CHRISTIE'S SHIRRIFFS OLD cry CATELLPS EGGWRAT LEAR Bi one Soda Wafers| bt rape pe Jelly wus siuvmsr | | NOQDLES : Speaker, $40.00 Table Model 60 8 J 16.0 3 7¢ SE RR 9 "Bh Siw Oe b § Brcdia ag | fem-- : oh 2 Phys, =) | am je PKG, oe "Battery Model 67 $y \ ) We Sell ' \ ) / For Less § aa

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