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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 12

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_THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMPS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 on Bikson of Bir Joseph Daven, of ta #ynLem hy whigh fovelghéeg arp pro has Jost his allegiance to Huge genctuges £6 yun eoneuvientily, | After taking 1000 ZUTOO TABLETS Says they are Harmless Mra, (Dr) Bhnrtiefl, of Costiconk, sys "1 must Ak taken L000 7 Ion Tobit, 1 find the taliets a harmless bi remedy for all kinds of pd bi Aller try ng every remedy with 1} dias] Coon sll fowr 45 conta per hox--=t La dealers. iH, Ha how heen In oustody wines Hig dosaph Duvigs was [orinerly etoher 40, He nenures me he MYM V, tyr the Crews dlvision nf not pri that he wes eon | Cheshire, victed, He 18 a man of wepk ir The nttempled theft, It wan wal tellaey and aid not kesompiivh the | ed, wan made In tha entrance hill purpose for whieh he get out, Bo of # Lonnon enema theatre, Lady tar nu 1% known, there Is wothing | Davies sling he man as fe had against him, Wis hand Inwide hey hushiend's vont, Mr, Bandhseh He hag noi ola chosen tn Kiva the polles assist Huprig=1t tw wo, Bly, This) apes, + hiwve ng Aeubt thit' he ". alle ma that he " i Wusslan | has very good veason toy not dn prop . sing #0, 1 he ts gman of weak in tallent, with eviminal tendencies, | think thet the seoney hs 1s out of this country the hetlar, 1 dn not we why the British valepayers should have to pay for him, Vasstliviteh wis sentenced to twa months' hard abhor on the fix tempted theft charge and for falls Ing to register an an allen, tha allowad Lo land, "It germs to me there ought 10 be mn Hite more tightening u I", | goligitor, J, KB, Hurvis, who come the Homa Office, Allens Wi mented on what he thought wee! the fainiry with the utmes hohe |i Ln krest esse with which | iy" | ifn could enter England, Vassiliviteh had heen under ros mand ta enable the police to make inquiries, A detective stated that ha had heen unable ta obtsin any more ntormation shout Vassiliviteh, More Pighteping Up Me, Harris sald Vassiyiten had appavently eome avey from Buenos Aves In a Turkish host In which he bad worked his pacsnge, He dig vot appreciate that he wanied i passport, "Thern 1s a on looseness," paid us Fowl, Glamorgan, Tha men, Mighsel Vassiliviteh, ngd 38, was represented hy A PIOKPOCKETCAUGHT * BY VICTIHS WIFE a _. nn in Englond Withou# Passport Given Jali Term ep sy London, Des, #B--A Husplan, bout whem Seotland Yard had een able to gel very MWitle In» formation, was ovdered wt Tam- eth Pollee Co i v bony ta he dex ported from rou Britain, after Farving two months' imprisonmont for attempting to steal from the ELLA CINDERS-- Skyward Ho! i a PPI BREAKS FH FOREHEAD Mr, Bandbach (the magistrate) =="That tn a yather dangerous thing Lo say In publie, wm Allngianee ta Boss Vit OF Hara and Mike Murphy (who strangely encmgh, were Lrishmen ) had taken Jabs at a colliery, Vat one merning. heoke Ws shovel when he wis down the mine, He was toa lazy however, 1g Jaks it tn the suriace with hin, #9 he left it for Ws friend, well on It in chalk "Fake my shovel out, Mike, Vye forgotten 1" But friend Michael knew Pat of old, and refund to he caught hy such i tek, Ba hie rubbed the message By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb wr YUTO0, which | have takén sv To Totonts _ Hospital Broughwm, Digg, 4 Loy "a " fn Ruihey ni of friends of Miss Helen Apie v met wt the home of Mr, and Warren Wilson on Friday 10 prose the prospective bride and ih a siseelisneons shower a hosed ric wil the Best wishes of the community on 1 + rh af ow marriage, which taok & Saturday eve, | i Bert Harvey attended the w, 1 ¢ vention yj Yovomta this wee! A for Brovgham WI, We or wn excellent yeport from her {4 the near future, ¥ off and substituted one of his owns "Puke it out yourself, J've never seen nl' Waom will, comparatively lidvinloss In the stomach, 15 & Yios ent poluan tn the velng, alu amount of v, Harris, "In '-- -- ITs ABoLT, AN ARTRONCOME OALGHTER! Ere LIVES OM A PAGAN "TERR Ar CINE MIG, LOOK ING "TH ROG THE TELESCODE, SHE SEES AM ANIATOR FALLING IN A FLAMING § FL APES wo J ht CHARLES HERBERT LITTLE Of Trinity Collage, University of Toronto, wha goes to Oxford for three years with the Rhodes seholpvship, My, Litile and My, Lionel M, Gelber of University Collags are the twee winners Shania for 1080, ---- TIME TABLES ; Qa ..e, % nh Ws Bo i Ho ah Golng West m, Dally (Esesit Bunday), nm Paily an, Daily (Except Bunawy) wm A + Bunday) hm ath al uRdaY), in Satwday evening Bobbie Mal golm was rushed to the Sick Child. Tens Hopital with a fraeture of the of the forehead sustained hy Wet from' a horse, Mrs, Malealin ~ ont to the city Banday morning Latent reporis wre that an operation wits snccessiufly perfopmed Sunday evaning and the patient doing as well re ih be expected 'Ihe many friends of the J, Hogle family were very pleased 10 hive @ ell on Friday aliernoop from Mr d Mrs, Frank Hay and ehildren, ot Washington, Mich, Mrs, James 4 g and Mroand Mes, Wyo Giine Bron and ehild of Oshawa, 4 Po-- ---- - . Froppecty of the potato arowhn # a pana prodioa dewlers af New Brine 1a Swlek (0 receive at least a falr price 3 "for potatoes during the coming A i epson are constderod bright, " 14 MAY Uig# -------------------- am, Dally 04 poi, Dally (Except indy), 5 Hi 8 wo atly IF seep nagy | f 8 10 pn [any (Easepr Batus av) IF WANTING ] Hid a, DAY INSU R. \N cE E Samat 20 0 T H. R, LUKE | ian Widay any, Rpg, Thoee Bip ood I rem hr by wm, Daily, excep Tinley, escent 47 Jiaily * hi fii, sncept Baturday, aity Hailg Westbouma 1) fii! HG i I . _. i CANARIA AN NAT HH ve (hier Wily, on IH RAILWAYS = " THOMAS "A ENUIN, 8 CARLYLE HONSELA M19 A COARSE, VULGAR, BOISTEROUS LAUGH, TOMMY, DADDY SAYS HORSELAUGH BE WU! IF MOTHER AME FROM THE HABIT She HAD BIG PLUMES OF CALLING AYTHING LARGE] ON HER HAT HORSE LINE HORSE-BLANS BFSPOSE YOU CAL IN AMD HORSE-CHESTIUTS, I HORSE FEATHERS. a i i AE. iam 5.45 wom 5.80 a.m exvent Bunday, es I Piaily Yiily Sunday only ne Pally. exeeit Bunday Ww Daily. escent Bunday, Whithy, Oshawa Bowmanville BUS LINE exeent lidar, wxgenl unday, 86 BOND BT, WENT THE RURAL ROYDEN, THOMAS CARLYLE IN BOOK IV OF 1S LIFE OF FREDERICK THE GREAT SAID OF PRINCE LEOPOLD OF AMHALY: DESSAL HE PLAYS ROUGH PRAMS, 100, 0M OCCASION, AMD HAS A HORSELAUGH IN HIM, WHERE THERE 15 A fop T0 BE ROASTED," § NE King Features LILI she, Tne, Gipent Britain vights ressrved en METAL AMARA HE TERM "HORSELAUGH DATES BACK AT LEAST T0 THE BEGINHING OF THE 181 CENTURY, AND PERHAPS FURTHER, ME 713, RICHARD STEEL WROTE IN NO,29 OF THE UARDIAILY THE HORSELAUGH 1$ A DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTIC OF EET WEEK DAY SC HERLY (Elective an and she A fi aviight Sav) Hb Suve shawe {10 man Diamonds! w Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Cornes | For Your Drug Needs | THOMPSON'S "Bimeoe " SWe Deliver RR W.A. HARE OFPOMETHINY 8 Bond Street Ent Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fanitiess Lenses vive Han Rovwitas HHH "3 pn LL] nville EF bess |] hTIRLTY BRINGING uP F ATH ER AA | JST GA THEM PUT MAGES BROT pg [¥) THE PATROL, WAGON THANK CIEE ON ESE PER OUT SF THE WAY MOM ei Lt Leet -= TSETSPPTEsssse Es SEE EEE - TEe me swan Tw =F " ry SE ET ry -- . : x SE ahl ae | SORRY > Ta vert, 2 [ POSITIVELY th ppm By Geo, McManus 3 --_ E 4 2 WHATS Wri? HERE ( OMES OFFER MAAN | HOPE HE DON'T THINK | GORMA FL NIB |" ER ARG BROTHER 6% 10.88 pum PEST A WAY | NEM TANT: any HE GOT AWRY dp)' RRSIGED FE SWI RED THE body E30 YB WA Cm) i LE < Seo Seu ATT 1 MET | JUST Fogg" OTHER Saw THEM hid iiadd an <1 a TANWE Wik ----- >»* S x Avi 'S i Ee a AWA eS Ed £4 § ert] ProPr Oper Tess Oc Be -- aa iH - "Mam 650 p.m 1.00 pon Wir SUNDA EEE EF EEE EF SToTRsTTTew SA J BPE c= Bomar wns -- 33 ® BIITITITISI 5? 3 2 4 £ $ Piel Fi BCHEDULE flows \ 18 DOMINION ARMING (ET) Y Ww. [tone 8 yd "we Deliver @ 1090 101 Fanture Barvies, Ine, Grant Reitain rights reserved. e.g pt a RIT Ra Tp TT DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE A pn EE ---- YOU CAN NEVER H@em Ww HE id, ON Del oY BobR v LT The BIo6kAT |. " BE MAN ASAIN, iii Wyle A \ [AND Campy: He OLR WITEH= Nf { i" AN | BRAVE Yeu | eI -- WB (se \ MIE fi LS HAVE BEEN Ww ek hy w (LU fre AND LOVELL, LTD, 1 BXCLUSIVE AGENTS ~ Yaris You Horne olD WiTiH irl DIAMONDS URNS JEWELRY , STORE (King & Prince Sts, Tentwe Waiting Hem 10 Prine Bow They had been out of work for a long, long time, Each day they tpok the usual walk to the Labor Exes change, But there was nothing for them, However, the two staunch pals never gave up hope, Ona tay they were walking alang the waterside when they saw a notise *eending: "Two mon wanted to assist the divge" Off they went ag fast " their legs would carry thew, ll came to the diver's boat, In w stood the charge-hand, Woll® asked corde, -- the diver 1" "Down in the water, of course," tes Pied the boatman, Then," sald Geordie, Ainwing off Ms gaat, "U'm going down to Tater: view 'the diver, and if I don't come win" you' n Know I've wot started" rT ------------ © 00 Bag Portis Brady al, B00, Bom Bien ghia ee Amer YOu THINK You HAVE HER, SAI HE WiTer="@u TNeT 1 T= NaT ye Ts' BUT CoMPY GAVE HER A Pusr-ave [15 The FLAMES BURNED HER ALL Up» Now, SAID TR PR Ne 15. WE Witt Go BAK Td MY FATHER, THE RV we SO They GATHERED ATHY wiTew's JEWELS \N A BE SAK win Rus Westover ee, - GLAD | MADE "THAT BOO CHEC\ Sy MG by CAM ENDORNE | ar ™ Raves We H=ON@ AW te ri \¥v 1 LE [TN LOOK BY THE WAY THLE SAN \ THAT ah DOOD LL) JONES You'Re | FINE This wonder we fined In hope, that she 1s both a flatterer and p true Thon, How many would die " not hope sustain them; how many have 3 SIMOOR AT, south died hy hoping toa winch Feltham ie W Ly on Walon ha hiv ba th si onrront UREA LOVELY 3 W, Warrall, Oph, Db one

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