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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 1

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"All the News Whiley i Is News" Che Osh mua Daily Tunes Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in & Growing City VOL, 5=NO, 132 "ey Wo iktags and 'walle Piokders -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy. FOURTEEN PAGES Reus inBrie. | Woman Killed hy eplan Maone Jaw, Bask ~Mys, Howara Loukweud was instantly killed here when she walked inte the whirling propeller of hey hushand's air plana, CI Zenland fon, T, G M Repro N. ' will gion, pa th Hy ord, y appointed high UL sioner for New Zealand in onion will represent the dominion at the fortheaming naval conference In London, ET Investigate Death Sault oe Nae, Ont=The body of W, Vipond, 18 years of age, ah employes of the Algoma Bteel eorpors ation, wag found lying beside the Peoples roid, two miles from the Boo, Provineisl police are investigpring, gdh leven Toh Btation Woodstock, The station of tne Port. Dever and stratford division of the ONR, al Norwich was ens tered 188k night hy unknown pers sons who rifled the Lill, securing for thelr aativities ahout three dol lave, Ry Ll Cowdnitted Fav Trial Kingston, James Tysick, of Oso station, shout 40 miles north of here, was committed for trial by Magistrate J, W, Bradshaw on the charge of attempting to murder his wife hy shooting Advift 41 Hours Sault Bre, Marie, Ont,~Reporis veaching the Boo say that Capt, BE, deaman of Manistigue, and William "on, 18, of Neehigh, escaped with thelr Hyves when the tug Peoria ploked them up after they had dvifted in a small boat In the river for 41 hours, J ¥ Spanish Villages Flooded Vigo, Bpain=Yillages bi this see tion were inundated by viver floods caused by storms, the waters reachs ing the first floor. of seme houses, No deaths have been reported, als though there has been considerably danaige 10 PIOPOrLY: Gasoline from Cosl Ottawa, seats are being conducted by the department of mines inta the feasibility of manufacturing synsthetie saline from coal, Already Dr, 1, KE, a no formerly af Queen's Univers sity, Kingston, has succeeded in pro. ducing 42 gallons of gaseling from a ton gf goal . even Drowned, Many Missing Toklo~Despatches to the Japanese BWA Aper Nichi-Nichi Shimbun tos day Bald that seyen persons were fac [0] d 1 others were missing in the wrecking 4 the Japanese freighter Hujun AYU near \elung, Formosa, » Bnew Contrasts Let Torgutoes Twenty snow-eleaning contracts, Invalving the responsibility af keeping 1330 wiles of Qntario's Mghways clear of snow, were fi year terday by the department ' high- ways, Hesiden this illeage, there gre about 500 miles of road that the de. partment keeps elear fell, a Stratford 1. elated : Stratford == xcept tor trains, which are still getting through, Stratford is almost completely tsolated, Highways and roads in all diveetions are hopes lessly blocked with snow and motor and bus traffic to or from the ey is impossible, . * Canadians Do Well Chicago.~With Judging in the var fows departments of the Internation al Livestoels Exposition and the hay and grain show virtually ended, Cane adian entries have wan 14 champions and reserve ehathpion trophies in orse, sheep, cattle and grain divi: slons and nearly 20 other awards, Threo Pilots Lost Bt, John's, Nfld, After Hghting storms off the coast of Newfound: land for five days and burning all her woodwork when other fuel be- oame exhausted, the Norwegian steamer, Hertha, 707 tons, waa towed inte port by the steamer Hagauthe, Three pilots lost thelr Hives In attempting to assist the Norweglan ship, PEE TT TU LINDBERGH AIDS IN SEARCH FOR FLIER (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) Cleveland, Dee, fi. ~=Colonel Charles A, Lindbersh avrived here At 5.80 am, and shortly after warda joined 14 other flyers take ing off to search Northwestern Pennaylvenia and Northeastern Ohia for Pilot Thomas P, Nelson of the aly wall rvig wha, met an unknown fate @ ly Monday hile flying the mall from Helles nte, Pa, to Oleveland, Pall Love of 8, Lowls, Whe Cwith Lindbergh, formerly was & flyin Yhuddy" of Nelson, alse was In the searching party, WEATHER Pressure is low to the north: ward over Eastern Canada and over Alberta and high ever the southeastern and Pacific States, yn supannd in Eastern Canada, wi west the weather has - and somewhat wi Forecast: Lower Lake I \ Fresh southwest and west mostly cloudy and somewhat wilder today and Friday: a few local snawllurries, Goavgla Bay: Modura te Ry adr veal winds, mos wdy and a Bs d F with tle focal pot ng oy oF an CONDITIONS BETTER AT G.M.C. PLANT Missing Newfoundlan ABOUT 2,000 EMPLOYEES NOW WORKING AND OTHERS T0 BE ADDED GRADUALLY Mill Room Now Working at Almost Normal Rate, and Other Departments Will Start Soon ARE TAKING BACK FORMER EMPLOYEES Plans of Company Are to Have More Orderly Pro duction Than Was the Case Last Year a aa Conditions at the Oshawa plant of General Motors of Canada are looking brighter, About 8.000 men are now employed in the factory and mest of the 760 office hands are hack on full time work, The mill roam Is now working at al most normal rate, and It Is en pected that the stamping plant, paint shop, and trim room wil SOON SLANE work on new meason's models A week or two Ago, the plant here as well as those in 'Walkerville and Regina, were practically ens tively olosed down, due to the fact that the annual inventory was being taken, Now, however, pro duction work is gradually starting Again, The wood working plants, commencing with the millreom, ar Alwarh the fivet to atart opera: ons ae thely w Utomo: bile hodies ot » At oe any other ope on 1h the plant, When suftiglent hodies have been bullt tn the millsoom, the paint shop ls started and then, when thera ia sufticlent work ta do, the trim room fs placed In operation, The stamping plant, making fen: ders and other wetal parts, will also he started soon, These various parts of the loos) plant will probably get pretty well under way before the end of this year, The Chevrolet and other ass sembly lines will probably not we Rolng at any great speed until after January 1, however, Home produo- tion Is now under way on the Hu. fek and Pontlae lines, although the other assembly lines are idle, Taking On Old Kmployees Officials of the company, spenks ing to The Times today, stated that the polley of employing old pm ployees who ave married men Was helng vigorously followed, "We are striotly enforcing thig rule, and Are taking absolutely no new men, ald one of the executives, It Is not likely that any large number of new men will be taken on, even (Continued on page 14) U.S. Legation In 0 ttawa Likely Lack of Official Home For Minister May Be Remedied -------- (hy Kon Clark, Canadian Press Natt Corvespondent ) Washington, Deo, f0.~The poss sibility that the United Bates may very noon remedy tts lack of a lee gation at Ottawa and may also ine orease the ministerial salary 1a suggested in that part of President Hoover's message to opngress where he asks wore liberal appro: nrfations for the work of the state department, "I know of no ex penditure of Publle money from whieh a gveater sconomio and mos ral return oan come to us than hy assuring the most effective cons duet of our foreign relations, the president sald, While it ts nat considered here that the vealsnation of Hen, Wik Ham Phillips, tive minlater to the Dominion, Was in ANY way velatea to the ministerial vating of $10. 000 a year, it ia known that hey Wan caused same annovanee hy the lack of an oMolal realdence, KING AND QUEEN TO RETURN TO LONDON EE Cp aL (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) London, Dee, 6 Announcement was made today that the King and Queen will return to London from Sandringham Monday and vemaln at Buckingham Palace until the end of next week, when they will return to Bandeingham for Christe maa, A privy council meeting will bo held at the palace en Deo, 17, SASKATCHEWAN PREMIER'S FATHER HAS DISAPPEARED Rewina, Sask, Deo, «James An derson, father of Hon, J, T, M, An derson, Premier of Baskatehewan, dis appeared from Kis son's home here Ahi J o'elock yesterday afternoon, and had not been found up to this marning, An hour or so after the awed man's absence was notleed, Premier Anderson notified the Re ina eity police, A thorough search vas been In progress sinee, without SUC ess Premier Anderson sald his father, who Is 77 years of sue, had heen in iF health and he believed that he had suffered a lapse of memory, Gain Cars Dernlled Port Avthur,==Hlockaded on the malin line when B00 freight oars were derailed, spilling large quans tities of mrain beside the tracks, Canadian National rallways trains are helng routed through Port Ape thur, we rmm-- Italy's King Visits Pope Pius To-day FIRAT MEETING OF CHURCH AND Far the fivst time since 1610, when an offielal and spectacular visit to the The the Pops became a prisons' In the Vatloan, the King of Haly, aseom panied by the Queen and & Bumesrous Wile and magnifiosnt sesorl, will pay London, Ont, Dee; §."If the situation (In respect of soldiers' pensions) in nek-adequitely met, we must go ever it again until we meet the situation In a way that will be considered fale by the mas Jority of people" This was the declaration of Pras miler W, L, Mackensie King bes tore 2,000 Liberals in the Grand Opera House here last Mlght, In response to Bir Arthur Currle's recent condemnation of existing war veterans' pensions conditions, It was applauded by the hig meets ing, and accepted as A promise of thorough Parllamentary Inquiry and action, The Premier added; "I think we ought to Ho an far an we possibly oun Ho In miving them all, In the way of full nssurance and assists RUM-RUNNERS MAKE PROTEST Customs Officials Asked To Take Up Question of Vessel's Seizure (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Dee, SFoarmal protest rom the owners of a lguorsladen a selged in the Detroit River oft Windsor an Saturday by United States officers has been received hy the minister of national revenue, Hon, W, DD, Euler, this afternoon, Depart: ment officials today declined to com ment on the matter until they have an opportunity to discuss it with the department of external affairs, "hh looks like a matter for that departs ment to settle," commented one offi olal today, he protest was forwarded by Das vid Croll, counsel for the owners, to the eollegtor of customs at Windsor, whe sent it on te head office En . POLISH PARLIAMENT HAS QUIET OPENING (By Conadian Press Leased Wie) Warsaw, Poland, Dee, §,-=The Polish diet opened ita fall session quietly today, a month later than had been soheduled heeause of the noldent of October 81, when army oftioera appeared in. the bullding ust before the scheduled opens NE Only deputies, members of the government and the diplamatie corps wera admitted today, Ep .s. Serlows Typhold Outbreak Belgrade This olty 11 suffer Ing from a severe authreak of ty phold fever, Three hundred cases are In hospitals and more than 400 ave bhelng attended in thelr homes. SE Boston-=A WAR and woman, armed with pistols vobhhed JuNua Prince, a jeweler, of $85,000 in unset gems and a large amount of oanh in his ofee here yesterday at 483 Washington street, one of Boston's busiest thoroughtarves, Premier Promises Pension Probe, And Vigorously Defends Tariff Policies anos, that we pessibly ean give" With further promiee of a halys ng of the sales tax levy at the approaching session of Parllament, extolment of the Government's rees ord In respect of nations) debt and tax reductions, a vigorons defense of the Government's "walt-ands wee aritt palley in the face ot Amerioan tariff deliberations, with # dealaration that his Government had definitely pol Its face towards the development of Intra-Kmplre trade, a hint of Hauor export eons cession Lo Washington, and a most soathing denunciation of these who, for politieal or any other pure poses, would seek to stir up ens mity hetween Canada and the United Nintes, the Prime Minister delivered what some considered to (Continued on page BH) Censorship Of Books Attacked Massachusetts Body Claims Prudish Manner of Censorship Wrong (By Canadian Press Losasd Wie) Boston, Mass, Dee, SThe head of the Episcopal Order of Cowley Faths ers and a neurologist were united 19s day in their condemnation of hook oensorship in Moston and over Mass achusetts, Father Burton condemns ed "spiritval snobbery" and a tends eney to helleve that moral reforms fowl be brought about by legislation while Dr, Abraham Myerson of Tufts College sald, "Parents, neighbors and slums, not books, corrupt the ehild," efore @ meeting here yesterday of the Massachusetts Committee for a revision of the hook law,' SEE the present prudish manner of censorship peristy, Father Hurton sid, "We shall soon have to boots log Pibles from Canada" MISSING FLIER REPORTED DEAD Searchers Informed Machine Crashed With Pilot in Ohio (By Canadian Press Lensed Whe) Cleveland, Deo, H-=Uncontirmed report states that Thomash, Nel son, missing atrmall flier, was found dead In hia orashed plane three miles eaat of Ohagrin Falls, Olle, wan recalved by searchers at the alr port here 104}. The report came from Joseph Vincent at Chagrin Falls, who was hunting rabbits, He sald he saw the plane with Nelson's body in it, In a ravine, ™ the Inglewood natural Eas flelg of Ontario the Reitiah Rinpite has ite only known source of hel am, Fops toeday, Hundreds of thousands Of people are pouring Inte Rome (a see the spectacle, The aetunl mesting he fween King and Pope will be In seoret EN FE CUA (AIG NINETY MILE GALE SWEEPS OVER BRITAIN THREE FISHERMEN DROWN WHEN VESSEL FOUNDERS Trall of Destruction Left In Wake of Terrific Storm Last Night (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) London, De 'hree fishermen were drowned during a territe gal whieh swept the British Isles lant night leaving a teall of déstiietion in many places and serfously interfering with shipping, As the day progress od reports arvived recording miaters ial damage to roots, houses, telephone and telegraph wires and the curtail ment of train and motor ear trafic by fallen trees, The first loss of lie war reported from Ireland where the crew of a small Ashing boat numbers three men were drowned when thelr vessel foundered Crosssohannel service from New Haven to Dieppe was cancelled he cause of the rowgh weather, where the Folkstone to Noulogne servies wan diverted to Dover, A passenger boat from Dublin eneguntered sey ore weather and arcivel three hours lute at Heysham he Frenoh liner France had to omit ite gall at Plymouth and pro ceed for New York without pleking up passengers, The passengers lett behind at Plymouth will wall for New York on the Helgen land and on the Staatendam from Southampton , Ninety:Mile Velocity The erew of the schooner Grand swept the Meitish Isles during the night, The wind at times reached a velocity of 90 wiles an hour, The gale swept across Ireland in fall forge, pushed over trees and small buildings in Wales, Cornwall ane Devonshire, and then hit the Low don distriot where vexidents were kept awake by force of the wind and rain, \ Seaports on the eastern and south ern coast reported a heavy sea run ning and torrential rains, At Hall, won walls were blown in and trawl ern retired to port in bad condi tion, The boisterous conditions in the channel caused shipping to put in until conditions quietened, Lloyd's sald a steamer, the Valen ola, bound from Antwerp to New York, wirelessed she a Tove to and ho steering wear damaged, 'the Land's Kw whelen station weeeived reports from the French steamer, Nambronne, the Reitish steamer Rowanburn, and the Danish Helen, all of which were damaged in the Hale, ih De A Rtoamer Sank Pehrancs, England, Deo, Boo The Relish steamar. Frances Duns oan, 1,000 tons, wmank of land's Bad at noon today during the gale that has blawn over Nags land #inow yesterday, The steamer jy Allee Marie pleked up tive of the Frances Duncan's orew and res matned to search for othey suis vivors, Fatore In BTATE RINOK 18010 Rrotographs hare show ( Vie tor mmanuel, Xing of aly; (B Pops Plus XI, who will receive thelr iy entios, and (4) Queen Helena of aly, Rome, Deo, B=King Victor Km anuel and Queen Melena pald their dong awalted visit to Pope Vlus, this morning, In so doing they made history, being the first sovs eroleng of United Italy to enter the Vatican, which enly recently ocean ed to be a place of self-Imposed Imprisonment for the Pontiffs, The king and queen journeyed to Vatloan Olty, the newest polit eal entity in Burope, with an Im posing retinue of courtiers, minis ter of forelgn affairs Dino Grandf, and Count de Veeohl, Italian am bassador to the Holy Mee, Thelr majesties and His Holl ness met In the Vatloan throne room They were alone there} doors were closed and guarded, and what they sald no one yet knows, d Ships Returning To Port ls... i NS" CREWS OF SEVERAL VESSELS ARE RESCUED; FOUR SHIPS STILL REPORTED MISSING FATHERS HERO EFFORT TO SAVE FAMILY REVEALED (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Alfred, Dac fe=Clreumatances surrounding the recovery of the bodies of the six who lost thelr lives when fire swept the Mauve farm home near here yesterday, in dioates Pierre Bauve fearlessly met death In a vain attempt to save the lives of his five ehildren, Mearch of the ruins of the modest homes would seem to produce the ptory of how the Blyear-old farms or, headless of personal safety, aroused his four young sons and a daughter to herd them to the sec ond storey window throfigh which his wife and two other ehildren escaped, only to he overcome hes fore he could carry his herole plan to completion The nix charred bodies were ly- fng within a radius of six feet, di rectly below the former location of the window, Italian King And Queen Make History By Paying Official Call On The Pope But thelr conversation, whatever it was, marked the taelt REE treaties Which val of both the made It possible, those signed at the Lateran Palace on Feb, 11, ending the 00-year-old wso-oalled "Roman question," The king and the queen entered Vatiean Clty at the Areh of Chars lemagne, where the Plasea Manta Murta begins, In the courtyard of Man Damaso a group of Vatloan dignitaries gathered to receive the sovereigns, While the Palatine guards presented arms, Prince Prince Alessandro Ruspoll, as Urand=Master of the Haocred Hoss sion, aeslsted the king and queen Nn allghting from thelr carriage, Apprised of the arrival of the king and the queen, The Pope ens (Continued on page 9H) Chinese Envoys Present Report Preliminary Agreement With Soviet Russia Has Been Made (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mukden, Dee, SThe Mukden govs ernment's political council met in em eriency seaxion today to consider the report of the Chinese envoys who conferred with Russian representa tives at Nikolak-Ussurlisky, with a view to reaching an agreement on the Chinese eastern railway contro Versy, Ihe Chinese' envoys arvived here at midnight on Wednesday from Nik olka-Ussurlisky, where they negotia tod a preliminary agreement with the Russian delegates for settlement of the railway dispute, ALLEGED THIEVES SOON ARRESTED Jewellery Store at Napanee Was Robbed Early This Morning (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Belleville, Dee, B.-A Jewellry Napanes wan entered early today and a quantity of stock taken, but wan recovered by the polloa, who affected the arrest of William Moakaluk, aged 21, Ob tawa and John #troud, aged 14, Toronto, The men appeared hefore Magistrate Graham, of Napanee, today, on oharges of hreaking, ens toring and theft, and were remands ed for one week without ball, Criminal Courts Ruilding Now fork, Deo, Se=General Seasons Judge Charles N. Nott, fr, today dis missed the case of George A, Mes Manus, oharged with wmuarder of Aes nold Rothestein WINTER CLOSES ON NAVIGATION Tugs Win Laat Fight With Ice For the 1920 Season Sault Ste, Marie, Deo, §.-=Four tugs and United Rlates constguard patrol boats late yesterday won & tervifie battle with the ioe and slueh In the lower Bt, Mary's river, it wae a victory that spelt defeat, The tugs releared the five downs bound and one upbound freighters, stuck fast at Nine.mile Point, But the fight showed that winter haa won and navigation for the year WHR aver, AR A result, some 27 freighters now in Lake Superior will either winter here or at tha head of the Inkew, The lee-looked versely were shove od by main foree through 13 feet of alueh and lee to freedom yesters day, but an they pasred the channel cloned fast behind them, "Only a a change of weather as sudden and ar complete ar the early descent of winter will make {t possible for the lant-trippers to get down the lakes, Shortages In Treasury Toronto, «A shortage of $10 000 'waa dlacovered yesterday in the aceounts of the treasury des partment of the Clty Hall, A shortage of $1,000 was discovered a week ago and was still under investigation when the later and larger loss was revealed, Ford Plants To Detroit, Deo, §==The Ford Mos tor Company, expecting the bilge eat produotion tn ite history, plans to employ all men temporarily lald off within a few days, accords ing to Information given out last night, The announcement was given to the Dearborn Press for publication In the weakly news paper of Henry Ford's home oity WIMOrTOW, Thrilling Rescues Reported in Hurricane Which Threatened to Destroy Fleot of Newfoundland Schooners THREE OF FOUR WOMEN ARE SAFE Four Ships, Each With Crew of Six or Seven Men, Have Not Been Accounts ed for Since Storm St. John's Nd, Det §<The erows of two more schoners that had been missing since a fleet of ten loft here for Bonavista Friday night, were reported safe today, and another Vass sal was reported as being Jdghted on L'uesday, after the hurricane, This brings the number of craft still une reported down to four, each with erew ol six or seven men, Three of the four women salling with the fleet are known to be safe, The wife « pCaptain M, Blackwood, of the ahatye ton Morry Widow, wis aboard the vessel, which was sighted golng south Luenday, with her bowsprit broke The crew of the schooner Gran Deal, In charge of M. Barbour, were rescued by the steamer Republic ag 1.20 GMT, In latitude 47.00 north, longitude 30.34 west according to a wireless message received this morne ing, All of the crew were well, The rhooner Effie May Petite, commapds od by Captain Charles Kean and care \ wife and daughter, Apia. miles oft here at i o'clock this morning by the steamer Newfoundland, after the governmend steamer Melgle took the schooner in tow, All aboard were reported wil, Last night the small schooner Watersprite, returned, damaged, ta St. John's, She earried a crow of gle even and the daughter of Captals John Bishop, The crews of the abandoned schoon ers George H, and Catherine B were previously reported rescued ¥) the Duteh freighter Hofplein, Bt. John's, Nfid, Deo, b.-=A heaving sea, which still holds the fate of a soore of missing fishers men, yesterday released its grip on three ships and permitted them te dook safely here atier five days of battle with the winds, waves and snow, During the afternoon a battered hero of the sea, the steamer Hage auche staggered into the harbe: towing behind her the eorippl Norwegian freighter Hertha, whioh for five days she had guarded from the storm, 'Homewhere hind them in the Atlante were the bodies of three pilots who had gon to thelr ald, At dusk the am B0<ton schooner Wateraprite covers od with fea from deck to mast top, was towed Into port, Aboard were 10 men, and one woman, the 30s year-old daughter of the captain, none of whom had had a wap meal or any sleep aince Ir night, Ea Mutiny Is Now Felt Serious -------- Uprising Against Chinese Government Believed of Large Proportions Em (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nanking, Dee, S-=The capital of the Nationalist government a this morning to learn that the orders which started at Pukow Tues day with the mutiny of a portion' of the 24th division had developed nw to a serious situation interpreted as a powerful movement against the ernment and seeking the downfall'of President Chiang RKal-Shek, As the result of overnight develope ments the uprising now is admitted mn all quarters to be serious, Chi who is head of the Nationalist mills tary forces as well an president, ope dered portions of three divisions ag Nanking to cross the Yangste Rivep and undertake to subjugate the mu tineers, Movement of the loyal troops Sekun at once and approximately bh men already have crossed. Others are waiting to move, It was reported the insurgents had rained control of the Tienstin: Pukow railway from Wuyi, 35 miles north of Pukow, to Nanhsuchow, 128 miles further north, giving the rebels s W \ over 125 miles of line and paralysing trailio . w

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