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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 AE CS a aa IIR Np ANNO apis A ---- A -- hi NT evenhigs and enjoyed the dramas | have returned homes after spend Mr, ary Johari has Installed thardogn Be retary Miss Crigglo | Ri | MYRTLE TAU ON BRIEFS very meh, Ing several days with valntiyes iu the water system tn his stables and | Wa rnsathors anni tant saereiBry ¢ pA | ------ i P : ---- Me, nid Mis, Chins Wight and fam | Belleville, finds 4 5 wonderful lahog paving wn Aknes Moladvias Traasirores Myrtle, Dee, 4Mr, Michnel hus Ln 1 Wy, ol Wowmanyille, spent Buturdiy Hernlea Vove | Invention, Mr, Wilmer Haris, Migslonary Heo EW anton, Dee, B-Messrs Arnott and M IM Misn Hernlea Love and her me " Lan visibing hls duvghter in Oshawa, 4 a with My, and Mis, Jess Arnott, y Mimn Mame nolay, of "Movon. retary Mr, John Bentley; Manis # / ¥ ve \ Jenne wVn Nos! Wore recom Uuents wt] Messrs, Luvis and Beott attended | IDO spent Wednesduy with fyiends Ne MuoKdy, of Toron. | Ny, Hrd har Aamatant moa 'hie yor poole wl the eur wil ; L the home of Jesse Amott Wn Toronto to, was a wesk-end visitor with ' the fing! meeting of the Council of ' in Wave beni) enjoying seni splendid ! Winte Wh a ! Fi ih ha) d The prowram committes ure busy | NEF mother hove, Mite ima Mawinid, iia Ler Li on Mr Jue Liavgaten 8 pond inter is wertainly paving vs an Mes, MucCirepor visited with her | practiolng the ehildven foy the | The Mission Band ef the 1niiea ¥ ' u J y rN RAR fo : 4 RB Laarly visit this yey, Thee 15 6 los f N 4 hve vi concert in the Deen winder the doctor's eave fo li, duschiter, Mrs: (Lr) Binks, of Bow: [Chrismas oongart to bid held op [Cures are giving a gonoert 1h the past month; 15 able to he' am Art "cimnis moved to Bear : | af snow ut prevent, making very good \ { ( Lv | 'Ehuraday eveplng, Dee, 10, in the |chureh Monday evening, Dee, 0," jo o Monday he pit " pin bi fi 4 Seung funy lie. and tioned the Sucen | fi ehureh, A the provesds wre in aid of mwitons, wround again, woking on the Go by Mallwey (or | Py atl ' , b PT RR Oy i J veparstions wre being made for {the vperi house on Thursday evening Mr, und Mrs, Arthur Boyes, of The ¥ 'a / \ w the past pis months, ; the anndal Chriatiias Trea and dai Pickaring: Mr, sud Br Ban i Aha ong 4 ope " Lonnie 4 NEVER MIND THE EARMUFFS We woe pleased tu yepart thst Mrs, a J wert at Manwalls acted Ahaly oMeevs for the new BatenMn's condition is samewhist ime / ¥ / 1 ! ' proved, : J I'he Merb Podd and son, Peed, attended the funeril uf the former's brothers neduw, Mr, Webster, of "Unhridge, ar, of Pav Werry, visited on "Tien b Tus Val It was necessary for taxation pur Ludies' Associntion of Kedron ALMONDS duy nl the home of Mr, Rahert font on Taendup syeting, Ra the I MM denis on hie #de of the held (thelr vegular monthly meeting Howland, menting, J Cina sho Wied hier bore ern at the home of Mrs, Alan Lavis on Almonds Mr, "ond Mrs, Will The y8ung people wre hiny these Propldont-=Mra, A, W, Wehnrd hid a a uve iri hn Wednesday, A large number were Hohbw and ohildden and Mes, Bam | nights, practieing uo dreams sntitls | son) first view-president-=Miss' ily Nina iA I thi mn hoi lat wusk, M7, 'bord ds stayipr with i present, / Vaustone, of Tovonta, were gunday (ed, "WKindling the Hearth Vives" [Tole Balsdon; Missionary «Miss Just on the Amerikan side of the Lo li! Abbie for uw time Several from this vielnhy attended | vistors with Me, and Mra, 0, C, [Mrs J, Webster {6 tratuing them [Trens Howland: Devotional --My iw The old iv mn led with relinf Will J, Caulk is showing his team A the entertainment st the Oshawa cots | Oshuene, and hops to have 16 ready early | Baward Bentley; Roelnl=Miss "I'm 50 ulad to know that," she sald . terribly Savers, "mail de] of wranihie ores at Oftawi Valr this A leglate on Tuesdiny and Wednesday Mra, Dr, MeQuay snd ehildeen [In the new year, Bernles Love and Miss Marion Tis! "Vue heard that winters in Canada | Star v week md trom there he expects to gta the Guelph Show, | My, und vi Rosswell Dolson 1, ROBERT BHATTIH ELLA CINDERS-~The Inspiration Seekers By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb vighted at Mr, Levi Lord's on Bune | he 1080 Manitoba 1hodes scholay Hay, jn hove al Grsenwood, BW, C0, in A number of the children of the | 1040, Benttle hud a hei innt ons Réhbo hood hays hes i able 10 JO | ded yoeord, specialising In mae " i, to sehool Tor a Tew Guys we they aie) ghamnties, He in university golf ' » ] ; sifforing from a shin disease which | ehamplon, and Is wo heduind to Nise RELAY, WHAT % J a EVE ORCIORE ear al esl, vo losis from ten diye to two wegks gradunte next spring, onteving Ox BCEMNARIO WEVTERS 1" Any lI HET SPRINGS FOR FAST FRABNDS WITH Word was received here last week ford In the hit, AND ASK THEM § oN 4 NOL) A BNO | 5 / A COOL OF DAVES WOR CHARALT ERS of the death of Herbert Woodiwh at " a te I "THEY ANE [} OF B4Y007TING ETA S TO GET AEQUMNTED UNLESS YOU WANT his home In Norwood, Tt is reported THORNTON'S CORNERS ANNT pd | NG £1 : FOR ME YET WTI OUR CHARACTERS TO MAKE AN) ENEMY OPT J that he was out in a boat duels shoot pp L In and hud sei dogs alone wh OR The A w CARR) yn) eattsed the gm fo disehfege, the bul Vharnton's Corners, Dee Boa Mi PIETY fa | M NYT --~-- et entaring Ws Hp, Medigal ald was [and Mes, Edgar Paseo attended the Ce AV summoned. but infeetton set In and | funeral of Mr, Vaseoe's uncle, Wil he died shortly alter (lie aealdent, | hmm Paseoe, at Boling Prior to moving cast he ved her Mrs, Jumes Luke and son, Clare about three yenrs ago, when his fis | once, weve in Toronto an Friday Inst ther wus CPR soe ion foreman The friends of Mrs, Albert Robin She parents and family have the son will he pleased to hear that she sympathy of former friends hore bs meh improved In health, Mrs, Ji Devitt has closed wp ho Miss Orillin Taylor spent the week hame for the winter and Is saving end In Taranto with Mrs, Dave Ross, north of the he teach and puplls are busy village, practising Tor the Chelstinas eonger will be held on December the Although the weather was very un hieh pleasant on Felday night about twons | twentieth fy=five members of the Bible Class Me, James Luke was in Hamilton k With the teachers ind ofcors of the oh Fuesda ' | ™ N ow ¥ at " Lupyright Sunday school braved the clement Mr, "Him" Lewlngtan, of Toran, - ur Moltanaliian Nowsoere and spent uw social evening at the |W home for a few dave lust week, home of the Superintendent Mp, W Mrs, GH, Rabinson is home a ln TELLING TOMMY Liraham During the evening com from visiting with her sister while ynttees were appointed to look after [eeny descing from hey recent operas a " u a . " -- - [1 TS -------------- Phe Ap T-- months, then games and musle were | Regina after a ep home to visi ye enjoyed until the ladies served pos | is pivents Ai - FROM THE FREMCH TOMMY THE FIRS! J ' > y p ne THAT THE FIRS freshments, A hearty vote of thanks COLUMBUS PEOPLE 0 BE CALLED CHAUPFEURS " | . Ad : hr hn J tHE wis tendered (he kindly host uni IRY ROBBERS hostess and the Lapp pithering 4) . y ) pr ; hroke om anger toy thie i | Heeling Columbus, Dee, 4 Mrs Jak Ashton Ir ----" : : \ on fod + t pe we ' v ee a WERE ROWBERS, 1a he hold at the home of Mr, Harry has returned home nite spending. a : -- | . From h \ , ; BEY ry Lins | month with relatives In Peterhor a \ y - J PL! i edd N lie vemulur preaching service will oy \ - v # p Pomme i of \ THIMGS UNCLE SAID HE THINKS THEY STILL ARE! " _----. , 4 Fonte he at three o'clock next Babbath af Phe Community Rink will hold a I If WIN f ; tarnoon, Sabbath school wt the us 1 LY} I A! § - FN hox seein] In township Hall en y Up ail hour, a quarter to (wo Feida 1) e. | ig TE Ro | A - fi a p y I'he various toiminidions for Hu Mr. and Mrs. M, Wiking, of Osh " I } | - § . Christmas tree and eoneert that is he t Sunday at the home of J | A : wit Apen tag held an 1 20, are husy train me the ehildren and making other Fite tis a Kodeon : if a He to make this + Bi atl iG mandy 3 Rie Be ; A | i} 2 HAUFFEUR CoMts FROM A FRENCH WORD S58 : = £ \ Tourn nox. LER oD nent the tn o yor nk oo Phe Rand Concert last Friday night i ' SIGNIFYING TO MAKE HOT, CERTAIN BANDS Wari go pe lly g it i Mis "Marjorie Ashton and frlend \ OF BRIGAMDS, YHO, ABOUT A STEAMSHIP OR FIREMAN OF A LOCOMOTIVE, Nolin are abhE in evidence along \ Burt from Ford ut \ spent Sunda / \ ' MM BURNED AND KILLED IN PARTS OF FRANCE Af AUTOMOBILES £LCAME POPULAR THI ptr, Wea return Tat week] "ho Laon" Ald fs oldie o aul 1 y WIERL CALLED CHAUPFLURS BECAUSE THEY I 4 TCL ACD tga Monon wt Pine Boe wr 1 the ome of Mish. Lawrone | Blea) 2D TO BURN THE FEET OF THEIR VICTIMS Tdi dp the gathering Liat ire being hela [! " from home to home during the winter Mr, Clarence Faott has returned 10 OME / CHAUFFEURS hd Vas \ sl QUR WORD CHAUFFEUR COMES TO US . } ak ns : ) DADDY SAYS 7 WELL, FROM SOME HI FE RA AY 1 WS ON BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo, McMan An eleotele heating element In the i anak LE I i a form of a haw, that ean he Installed 1 i Tin anv length desired, has heen In. | TIME TABLES venind for small nlaces sueh as tie ih y " " 4 -- -- ik ket booths, watehmen's houses SR wb Yi Pb | FES THAT 0 VINE MAGGIE (ow TO Tr I, DONT WOIRTY REALLY Ovi in i Om NO! x YOLIR BROTHER DAIL NET 1 vanits FR TIME TABLE Wikh BE TICRLED TO OEAT HM THAT. MAY AREITHMER Ll MAGLIE TOUR | Bi HARRY | NQTRIN TE BAY ANY THING A% THE a --., " "egy Sew rik, eh WiLL OW BRING THEM 1B MIBBING' OM! | BROMER Go HOPE HME HAD THAT GUY THAT STOL# THEM - Cling Went HOME THIS EVENING? WHO COULD HAVRE [| THEM FRRbM HIM BOT Ne ma DENT KNOW THAT ur COLD COMING ON? had am Daliv (haven Bunday), ---- J TAKEN THEM f Tha Cu A ipl NAIL BROTHER GOT THEM BAU am Day (Exeernt Sunny) Il 40, wae "Nasi It i avs the head 4 iatiy ipa 6 isch Vif ain't that what none Dat at bit or Nt rol he ' fet 4 fn 2s FM oom Dally (Exeent Bunday) yom | opeaeh, or 'phone order tn WH hi | Sava East R 1 » \ Lil p AF o Karle Het Wore, Sv, Bo southing Aid poi Dally (Exeept Nunday) Kleasant, of mo Dally (Exeent Sunday) Your Nese Needs "Nostroline" hh 1 hm Daily (Rxesnt Satusday) 08 a.m Dally EE aaa: aaa Cl . e---- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAL WAYS petive Nept MW ¥ 4 (Ntandard Yim! P : Eauthaund Bam Dally, except Sunday oon. Sunday only Hi Ci am Daly For Your Dwg Needs FI Diddle exeens Rondaw, t BR pw Daily, exeept Bunday ] [XAT mh Re eave Bunda, THO 1 HE) oo nd LL IR) Daily, eacent Saturday, am Dal 10 Wimeoe Wn Semi e Deliver A pg i kat a LE SLL A tc » am ily am Da Ww A HARE ait except Bunda, - - -- J [0 FERS Thi} Featume Berry i 1 N Ni seent Sung 8 Bond Street East | oul Butt |DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE ETE ah | av only | , : 3 huent Runda -- 5 m----_--------------_n is | d Je A gw a EN Rat AHA T Will NEVER HOLD us ALL: WiTh [loans T vier m wm ™ TCR TR von, Eee ' Hare's auttions Lenses Whithy Qihaws, Ba Bowmanville [ALL THE KiNG$ PAVGH TRAY PUTTIN ' Tn 1 ARES | | TW TCA el an ADL NeY ( \li [ih No To you T'M womi ps i I KN DAY Si jv I BUTHOW GAN Frrrm------------ : Enns a ane A Apr 18 a) WE GET PawN | : 10 My Dabby "All Wool Wind: | nN ps y 00 n . Wiki . WE wl : oy ho, v yl % -- All $1 095 ' oewte : a 15) day a Ey A h i ~ fin b \) \ 1 Ee J wr SRL Sand } RNS & LY N Bonin ULOTHING (0 Mh an : * MNS 1 2 ui nNOS Ih ON KING NT, W Thane win We belhver 2 Weatbaund romano a Er ey Eh bit ot i ed Ep 3 mm --_ A ERE JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, ENCLUSIVE AGENTS { 11.00 am rs Re Ey LEN 'DIAMONDS | .:: BURNS JEWELRY we . - mary A ---------- Pa" HOW T5880 --- TORE @ it: VIR, THIS 18 MR. CWHIPRLE] [VL BE RIGHT BACK « My Lary 5 S King : Prince Sta, REE had RL THe FR AS 0 TONE § WANTS "0 " we, \ J a AT Cook van Yo ! N WE ------------ 's SUNDAY AMD ey ba SCHEDULE he ww NY oe Vy WH AY ? | \ : ) ADEE \ DRS pti me Fr SA Felt Bros. ||: i HE a The LEADING ING JEWELER ow an n dimes ost. South N @ Hh ! Alam LAY o LES Jie Watksy wwe AN Ahithy toate Npeti by i v Ab Des Reoasnnaht Rat _-- RR AA UARIUN oi + Fowmany ily yA = $zFEz>z3za3®3 en Ee + ald | WEE Hi hd gs he | "9 A, Kw Prva ha hale Ad) Beinn kh mead \ tn ------------------ -- oI ------ Fane ey Foun THEMIRLVES on [A AND THERE RE TRE Y WERE TARE ~ THe MAG 16 SADR WAS Too SMALL, THe MING $ DAVEHTER RUDAED MER - A Levery MAGE HoRaw The CASTLE CARDEN we For Ab of THEM MAGIA RING « Ray Soabind > - TILLIE THE TOILER No Bargain ) By Russ Weston "TTROW MUCH : i: > 2339333878933 Pr 2p2372:7 PETFess PEPE TesssE £:3¥32233%3833 PITT TTOTT Sasa > Pee - » * E 32 3 mr gp al a soo TSe 23383327 £ 2

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