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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIM'S, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 Cie Ostows Bally Times fuscondin LJ THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER An ndesaniont evenaner oubiihad ovary ahormoos Bundaps and loge) iets o Oars wir. Proms A'B Rlowsr, 89 wady, President; The Ovvawe Dally Times Is » member of the Cone Press. the Canadian Dolly Now A sonstion The Ontario Provinelsl ond the Audit Bureav or Civenlations BUBSCPIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvier Ibs » week By mall i» Conade {outeids Othou ta 0 delivery Nmita) $400 » 0 8 your Aion OFFICE " Bond , 80 Tomparance Birnet, Telephone Adelaide #1 HD Trosidder vapraventative REPREBENIATIVES INV B Povers and Bone. Ine. New York end Chisage FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 DESERVING OF CREDIT The holding of luncheon yen iy in honor of the preliminary opening of the Hetel Genosha, with the promise of an oMelal 'and formal somplete opening in the not distant future, marks a new wilestons 1n the progress of Oshawa, For many months now, the people of this city have been looking forward to the day when the. splendid new hotel would open its doors, and now that that day is here, even although only tom partial extent, congratulations to the mun who coneelved and executed the hotel project are in order, As was pointed out hy George W, MeLaughlin si yesterday's lungheon, the men behind the project are deserving of the greatest eredit for the tenacity they have shown In mesting difeulties and handieaps in connection with the completion and epening of the hotel, 'They have faced many discouraging situations, but the fact that they have won through preves then to be men of faith in the future of Oshawa, falth In the project which they have fathered, and confidence that thelr efforts have not been In vain, Te the people of O¥hawa, the opening of the Hotel Genosha 15 an event of major importance, It gives the elty something which has long been needed, & hotel with sscommodation and serviea gommensurate with the elty's neads, For this reason, the hotel should have the goodwill, the co-operation and the hearty and loyal support of every ecitisen, for it is bound to play an important part in the social and business Hie of the city in the days 10 eeme, The Times extends its congratulations to the mane agement of the Hotel Genosha on this partial apen- ing of the building for business and bespeaks for i that type of co-operation which marks the progres' sive community which Oshawa 1s, and which Is es sential 10 the semplete sucadns of any project of this kind, FUNDAMENTAL CONDITIONS SOUND Chae M In these days when many people are suffering from doubt and uncertainty as to the immediate future, the annual reports of the great Canadian banking insti tutions are being watched with more than passing interest, Thus it Is decidedly encouraging to read the annual report presented by the president and general manager of the Bank of Montreal, and to absorb the optimistle viewpoint whieh Iv enpressed ay to condis tions in Canada, The ahief thought which is expressed in the report is that the fundamental conditions in Canada are sound, and that there ls ne reason for apprehension a8 10 the ultimate future of this country, Sir Charles Gordon, president of the bank, goes even further than that, for, in summing up conditions, he says i= here never was a time in the history ef Ww ay sa & whole has been at a Na hor wr the year under review, or uroes ol our wealth were more Fy » an than they are today, and never a time when the earning power of eur pee: lo w wing in so many channels of produce a [) rom the head of an institution Hke the Bank of Montreal, an institution of the highest standing and reputation, an institution in whose word hundreds of thousands of Canadians have the mest implicit confidence, that declaration sheuld be on: couraging, It shoul help to convines people that there is no season for taking a depressing view of the present sltuation, bat that just areund the earner Hos oven greater prosperity, prosperity that will make fall felt in every corner of Canada, and will bring Back that measure of progress in industry and busi ness on which so nny Individuals depend for the necessities and comloria of life, OSHAWA'S PAVED STREETS When ene eansiders the reson growth of Oshawa to eliyhond, in comparison with most of the other cities of Ontario, there is good reason to feel prowd 'of the record whieh the oity has attained in respect to one of the most important of madern improves ments; namely, its paved atreots. This recerd is te be found in & summary published by the Peterbora Chamber of Commerce, giving the amount and pers centage of paving in twenty of Canada's leading eities, fourteen of © being in Ontaria In that Hat Oshe awa stands third 10 the provinces of Ontarle, and alnth for the whale Nat, Out of la seventy miles of streets, secording to the reard, Oshawd hes forty miles of paved ther onghfares, the ameunt paved being E81 per cont of the whole, In Ontarle, only Kingston, with M9 per cent and Bt Catharmes, with 602 per cent paved, oan better this record, The two wedel communities of Westmount and Quiremant, bath in and adjneent to Montreal, have 100 por cent their steeets paved The only other place in the teanty ahead of wa is New Westminster, B.C, residential | whigh has 67.7 por cent of Hel streets paved, and Js thus w frastion ahead of this sity, In view of the rapid growth of Oshaws, this ls & record of which the cltieens ean bu proud, 3 shows Woes! desire on the part of its peaple to meet the responsibiliies of glityhoed, and to bear the burdens necensnry te bring Oshawa up to 8 high standard of modern Improvements, And, snes paving werk In going on year after year, adding new mileage 10 Ale amount of paved strests, Oshawa will sontinug 10 limb In the Wet untll It would not be surprising ta find It In the top rung In Ontario, THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE TRG TI-- f Acsording to the report which has been publivhed regarding the worlds wheat requirements and the supply available to AN that demand, the officials of the Canadian Wheat Pool knew whine they were dox Ing when they decided to withold from the market the wheat from the 1929 Canadian grain crop, Take Ing the fgures ue they are given, and without ate tempting any detulled analysis, the bald fact stands out that the world's available whest supply Is much lower than the requirements, When all the wheat In the world outside of Canada has been exhausted, there will still he Import requirements of 286,000,000 bushels, And all that Canada has to supply that need In 234,000,000, so that there is & shortage of world wheat supplies of 64,000000 bushels, One does not have te be a statistician nor a studs ent of goonemics to realise Just what this means te the wheat peel, As soon as other supplies are nesr exhaustion the demand for Canadian wheat will be strong, and the supply will be short of the demand, This means that the price will advance, and the grain growers whe have bean holding thelr wheat In ps tenee will reap the benefit In enhanced prices, The people of the West seem to have been cognis went of this state of affairs all along, for it has been the keystone of the eptimism with whieh they have regarded the situation, Having predused a much smaller crop than usual, the grain growers and the ofelals who de their selling for them, determined 1a make it count for large nancial returns, and it now seems that their Judgment has been justified, One has only ta leak around the garner, and to think in terme of the cash value of Canada's wheat erop when it In lot loose on a elamouring world 1a realise the stimulus that will be glven to business and industry In this country when the dollars begin to flow back to Canada In exchange for ita golden grain, THE TOLL OF "THAT LAST TRIP" Nearly every year, 1 "December 1, the Great Lakes take their toll of life from the men whe man the ships which carry cargoes on thelr waters, 'The treacherous lee and wind storms, and snow blissards, expose shipping on the lakes ta tremendous hasards at this time of the yeur, and this year has been ne exception, for within the last week several ships and # number of lives have been lost In the desire to make that "last trip" before navigation closes, One would imagine that experience would give men wisdom, and that there would be ne Inclination on the part of shipowners 10 send thelr vesiels out on the lakes ance the date of danger approaches, To send ships out inthe face of the conditions whieh prevalled for part of last week was a coldsbloeded ples of business, cold<bloaded heeause it did not take Inte actount that human lives were at stake, and were being gambled against the uncertainty of the elements in a determination to squeese the las few dollars of profit out of the lake shipping season, This matter has been given public airing In. pres viows years, Last geanion, it was discussed in parlias ment, but next winter was a long way off and the tragedies of last winter must have been forgotten, for no definite action was taken, Diseusslon and sympathy are all very well in their place, but theses alone will not keep vessels in harbor when the winter blissards are blowing out en the open lake, What » needed 15 leghlative action ta step the sending out of steamers onee phe danger date has come, and which will prevent the insuring of ships bayend a eertain date in November, to be agreed upon by mu: tual consent of the insurance companies, That alene would have some effect, but as {t ls now, the lan date for insurance 1s 80 far advanced Inte December that it gives na protection to the sellers whe ara sent forth inte the stormy waters to risk thelr lives In order to put a few more dollars into the pockets of the shiprownlng corporations, EDITORIAL NOTES Reportd of lake disasters make one wonder if the viak of that "last trip" ia worth the profit, New that December's here, why put off that Christmas shopping any longer! Detroit police authorities are forbidden to wee ale cohol as anthfreese for thelr cars. They evidently know their police aver there, President Noover has discovered that it Is quite true that a horse can be led 10 the water, but cannot be made ta deink The animal stories whieh are coming down from Northern Ontarid sugiest that seme of the corres: pondents up there have been taking an intensive course of study of Thornton Burgess, RE It will he interesting 10 see if the proapect of sale aries for aldermen ¢lt have any effect on the num: ber of candidates running for o 4\ the municipal elegtions, It does seem strange that at the present sage of civilisation, these is no place of refuge in any Chelse tan country for the Mennonites whe are being shipped to exile in Siberia, Se -------- The voting on Monday shows that there are sill many people who are not convineed that daylight saving 1s a good (Ning. But itis spreading and i won't he long until itv will be Reconsary to have i required hy provinelal statute, Oshawa's Associated Wellare Societies are organs feed for a huge task, but they cannot do it withewt financial support on & large scale. Bvery eltigen whe can afford a donation, large or small should be a sontrihwtor A ------l The names of motorists who 1a their Heonses are 10 be posted on the board at Queen's Park, What effect is that expected 1a have on the man far from Toronto whe does not ears what thay styl about hm a Toronto, Other bLaitor's Comments A COMMERCIAL PROJECT (Btratiord Hesounr biuriaid) Phere s iu enunce vb wverdumg the pene talk no connestion with thy UPEINE G1 the new Bdge st Wind suiebduiroit, Bome of the spubkers ul MUSE MUe up DENEVE IL Wits the Hrs time thers wus such mesns of son munication between the two nations, Lhere hve esi bridges in operation for years, and there nave been tune] nels, und there are thousands of miles Where ene cin pane with uit out 1H kihata wid the ether panied In Un: tutes, 'thet new bridge wasn | bo tan an emblem of peice, It was Pub pp 80 that people sould ou § thy river taster than by Wing ferry hots, WHAT WouLD JEorLE po? mer Knpress) ' Bt, honey elegturs are 10 vote on A byslaw for the appointinent of eity manager, We cangot eoneejve of a 1avorable verdiet, J1 06 earripd what would people do fer their en: tertainment? 'they have so long de uended on thelr ely fatners to ens tertain them with thelr quarrels, bie cherings and near histle encounters, that they surely would not an then tone away with, And An, where aise could a sertaln lass of pitino nd to mie h he wo ! 0, lon I" might he the of Nivea ne Ni we do 0 hot § i. ih 4 ov [CT ny apres te earrying than wil the LL} fw, -- BACK TO GRAVEL ROADS APEThUN Newi Keo ry) Thess two bunusys were eal ex BPivs OF nine Tad usys and the my 10F IPUg Wile 1 Igose, BYeryoog, Beemed tu be out LAKIN Wall Bagh DE INE Jab CORNGE 101 BC Pluss IEP ANB PERU, LAHORE BETCRi, PU YORE A UPUIAG 10 Loukeviile, evi VU two Jong ines OF SOW nuYIng ris ING Wd Bie Lake Dubs higawey wis sil to be even worse, hueh a state ul alfaine wih slow sposds und gun HAL Tbk 70 bumping or belug buiiped, 18 delving some peuple oi tne paved highways near the on ALhey ate taking 16 the gravel roads sain, On Sunday last, we tried th wrnamiaorpe road neith of Looks villg and found It swler, us well 4 saving probably a Quarter of an how HARDSHIPS TEACHERS (L ho trad) Bywpathy in liberal doses In de maded (or & certain group of teach 8 In Baskutehownn By a writer of & fie whieh Aphears mn the Regina eader, Nurpriting 19 say, it is nui 4 teachers in rue! districts whe AVE such an uncomlortable time Fhe rural teacher is "generally boty 4 one of the family, ane whigh she boards is nourh 16 keep hody an No, it Is the lady school teacher In the towns who ls deserving of much commiseration, She 1s given a room, we are told, in whieh ne heat whatever is supplied until winter sets In, and then It 1s 80 meagre that she fs simply ehliled to the hone all the time, She {a never asked to came down to the kitehen to get warmed up, If she a fortunate she may go aeross the street 10 a friend's house n, Jot warmed up before gelng to I} the house In all soul togeth: ---- | Bits of Humor | TRUE {nary Employer--"8ee hore! You told my secretary tha iy wang 19 a ¥ 8 ho on 4 matter o or death," Vounn Mana do, » want by Het you to Insure yourselt, Ory NSURANCR Ina ne dlustee~And now ma dam, what in your opinion, was the _ of the fre! adaine! by ¥ was the red hot cooker, RVR oe BATH pi you strike your oa on Well, we here play: dam \ oe ny J wi ;e hi old it herself, DREAD know, unless it Pt dn the Areless NPERIENCES Explore yo know, I ane went about In outh nr for menthy with a price toh Wy i Oates diul! feeling, 1.oame rom a ait o with the prieestle ot on my hat mane ete Bhe had just svaduated fom har ia iy wa Mv . heart + eth) k with oF mother, sonally, ! fhe sald, "I'm golng In for A PWR bay I've No Roms feline about artistle Ideals, 'm Aeing ot write for money, "My dear," rejoin hr mother, 'you've heen doing thet for four years" aaa a Boh Davie oredita Graham Mot fall, whe wrote "Bunty Palle the String" = RARDY mOmOrien! we with thes we Metis: One 1s about & Highlanddy whe was Raho MA Fiver and de olared dead, YAra you sure he's dead!" anke od a tive, Sey deld all rloht, They go him out and went through his bp vat HR he didna' move" i». for a AXA (40 LLL] a8 10 whieh could ain the longs oF URder waler, hey are ati) asarohiag for their bodies, God Jed Muted and Te gi thaw om bey the gift o ) Ged, and who js uy) saith to th /IGive wie the drink; th have asked of Md and he Wo \ ve RIVen thee ter mJohn Nw ving - postening grace Ha warm | know the hy two Boos som: | G €0, 'WAITE ont Vien MANAGING nl (WAR, 5 Walon, rile THAT advertising lowers (he gost of most commodities to the aonsumer, It Inoreases the profits to the welloy because the selling cost Is lowered, The actual sont of adverts: Ing 18 n very small item In the final cost of the commodity, AV Langman, nesistant profess or of business administration wt the Washington Mate College sl Pullman, Wash, recently made a study of sonditions and hin figires Are Aurprising, Twontysnine flvms answered Inquivies as to the effect of nis vertising 'on the prices of thely Peaducts, Five reported that he price of thelr prodneis was reduced and the quality ves mained the same, Bight Indioated that thelr prices and quality remained the atmo I'ive showed that the price' was Yatueea and the auahtey improve Hieven veporied the price ve mained the same but the quality Wan greatly Improved IN OTH WOLDN, WITH. ovr ADVERTIMING Wh WOULD HE PAYING MORN FOR POORER ATUVY, Hy Jama W | FLAT Od ROUND Clown 8 Boe yoars age | spoke about ex wilh Te CUVEE UL TRONS VaRbaR Bui ROU Lat tue WY VTS LITT 1 OT ying « NOURE Thal Wis too Bri, sum tie BE They Beg nob played Hues as wulsters, Wwuyft Hoeaune the parents were afraid Woy wotiid get hurt Now were tuese oaests fal, as you WE understood wis the ease witu Wonk ohestaf Na snese chests were actually round i ANd apparently deep, What did they lack! Width, For years eur text hooks haw Lougit us towt the weak tupereulon foils wore Hat, and those of us who wave had wn opportunity of examin JA MANY ene of growing boys an Witls have noted shat the weak wi Mbereuios chest was not flat but actualy rounded and deep in propor van 10 His widih, eeause a8 an actual fact the w bereulous ehest, in the malority of wases, In an immature or baby ehea You have seen a baby's chest, v vou will remember, It is about as he a8 it in wide, Mt Nature didn't intend 10 have it emain in the proportion Ab the bot or mirl wrows older tha ehest ons 1iore 1 an it deepens, so that at the ame of 14 10 16 the width should be nearly twa nehes mors than the depth, and at the age of JI, the width should be three inches more In the man and two inches in iy] Woman, And 20 we read In ane of our medi ol journals that Di 8 A, Wiseman of Minneapolis finds "that the tuber Slows ehest Appears 18 he round, and narrow, The healthy hes ot 10 ha flat and wide" he reason the tuberowlous eohest appeared 10 he fat was because the ontatanding symptom in tuberculosis # tiredness, and so av the patient stands of alts ha shoulders droop far ward, and as vou look sideways at Mm the chest of course appears to flat hocanse the shouklers ave ar iii) It the shoulders are haskward, the cheat "ak hay od, not fing, 5 Dr, Wiseman says further "ex rote in early ehildhood can help to ; [dvelon properly the underdeveloped This Nkewise bears out our abiers vations ih the examination of ve spuits, Not a slnale veeruit was ve noted for haviom a chest that was soo anal, who had ever played anv VAR AR A VOUREAter, The lesson 0 parents {s ohylous Sag that vour vounester plays 'Remistered tn accordance with the Copyright Act. ) I | Bits of Verse | O SHEPHERD KIND QO Shepherd kind, © Shepherd kind, with tenderness untald, ward Thou the Rmbs, the Hite lambs that are within Thy fall, Fram ont our homes, from out owe Ry hg ev stole with eager feet the joys of Paradise, the Ny wai and sweet, Not theirs the gates of pavest pearl, the splendor of the 'Throne They are so younge=0 shepherd Rind, ost they feel oat and lone, [Tall softly to thew, lead them forth beside the waters still, Alt the flelds of Nving green tha direle Zion's hill And if one hig Wo Rl the way aml droopk 3 hehin POING WEIL A hole Aor had trouble with the geyser In his bathroom, snd plumbers were called in, Alter an hour or move, hearing no sounds of acbivity, the house holder procedded (0 the soens of operations, Opening the door, he found the plumber and his mate peated on the hath engrossed in W copy af an evening paper, "Well," he said, susplolousty, "how are you fellows Lyk pe on "Fine," sid the Tum Four: Wig pips, hot i vouple i winners ih wfternoon, I wife Oto: Bend msdn 8. F, EVERSON, Loss) Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 SroBic FOrLONG 64d Bi The GIFT of D a Waterman's Desk Set/ Mi T'S a satisfaction to give and a privilege to receive sn Waterman's Gyro-Sheath Fountain Pen Desk Set as a Christmas token... for here is a truly distinetive gift «vo dignified, charming, original , ., yet thoroughly practical for every-day use in home or office, Some of the Bets are mounted In black and gold, (Italian) Numidian and Breecke Rol Marble , , , some have bases of Pedrara, Htla, Argentine (Creen) and French Onyx, . , some have two Fountain Pens ,,,. othershaveone ... and all have those long, artistic hglderswhich taper toa point, "Use Waterman's Inks" Service and selection at 5,000 Canadian Merehante Sold at Karn's Dru Next Post Office ANN Ec] DISTINCTION 4 Sold at i Stores Jury @ Lovell, Ltd, King 8t, E. & Simcoe 84 8. Rogers Lowboy, New Redwood bot: '198 Rogers Highboy. New Redwood tre OF MODERN RADIO PERFORMANCE AT NEW LOW PRICES Just in dime for Chelstonas , , , new lw prices on the four most desirable models in the'Rogen line, Good news ioe fot seven. of. families who have already news for scores of others nned to purchase a Rogen . : may have thought Rogers war mor' -r 4 218 they could afford «+« For five consecutive years the ploneer Rogers has outsold every other electric radio in Canada, And each year as sales have gone up prices have come down. The 1930 models ate fine value than ever vs» The new Stube R the "high-peak" performance of modern Here are the new reduced prices which ( fir dea Rf Lowboy « « « «vv vs 198 New Low Prien! 0 lify io y tender army and =Joan Blewett, RITE | A ad sae Ded igh and represent a greater messure of adie in bringing to thousands of Canadian homes at "rock-bottom" prices, Make it yowr choles too, All ath IM -102 | 108 \ 108 your Ponashed ~ your! OR trim Compe Wik Guaronod Tuber { ROGERS RS RADIO The Original BATTERYLESS Choose your Rogers wow for Christmas! A cont of 88 and $8 per week Will asewre do ivery of a Radio on Chelstmes Eve balance ean be apread ever 10 months, Geo. C. ALLCHIN, Ltd, 18 CHURCH STREET ihe OSHAWA

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