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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT fey THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 "AWA DEFEATS TORONTO'9-2-RANGERS WIN FROM U. OF T. SRS. . Ottawa Senators Regain League Leadership by Win from Maple Leafs Toronto Team Smothered by 9-2 Victory ~ Benny Grant Gets 8 Chance in Goal--Hee, Kilres Has "Big Night ' Ottawa, Deo, §,==0Ltawa's hustl ing Senators put on An old-fashs foned scoring hee when they mal Toronto In & National league fuse ale here tonight and handed the Maple Leafs a finished hockey les: son, Outsmarting thelr opponents at every turn, the homesters ran In nine goals, four of them on nifly gombination plays, while the visits prs dented the twine of the Otlawi oltadel but twlee, fo lopspided was the play that interest In that direction was low, but in the third period Harold Cotton and Jos Lamb put. on A glde-dish of fistieuffs that gave the 6,000 ndd fans in attendance something to enthuse over, After bumping eAth other around at every opportunity, tha two tore Into each other In earn ost near the end of the game, A eouple of other small fights broke out simultaneously and polles had to flock on to the lee to quell the uprising, Cotton and Lamb were tagged with major penalties, In all, 10 sentences wera handed out during the game, 10 of them going to the Leafs, Capt, Xing Clancy, Bill Touhey, Frankie Finnigan and Lamb each aeoounted for a palr of the wholes wale order of Henator goals, Heo Kilvea Dangerous Hea Kilrea demonstrated the yoason for the nickname of "Hurs rieane'! on an end-to-end menacing rush as play opened. Chabot took his drives easily, The Benalors drove the play into the Teronto gone and peppered the Leaf citadel, Finnigan and Clanoy in Lire miss ' eertaln-looking counters wiough over-anxlousness whey they had only Chabot to heat, The regular front line's cambination attempts of the vistors' seemeail futlle against the Ottawa bacR cheoking, and after flve minutes of one-sided play Connie Bmythe pent his second atring forward orew Into the fray, Conch Lalonda followed mult, Conacher vaced the length of the 1ett boards for the first menacing shot of the Leaf forees, Cotton split the Ottawa vearguarde only ---- i a ia % ctor to Je the puck over Gonler Cons nell's head, With Wyte f h Blair in the pen fog rough ing, the wenkened Toatn finally bowed for n goal, Lamb taking the rebound of M, Kilrea's drive 10 completely triek the Toronto net man from a few feet out, Less than two minutes later, Touhey shot from outside the defence, took oragy bounce off Horner's wtiek, and eluded Chabot for the second Henator goal, Cotton and Blaly raced abreast on the next play, Cottdn taking conire-man's perfect pass for A high shot into the Ottawa eltadal, The first, play of the second period opened around the Bens tor's cage after Maly split the Ot tawn defences and Nallay's shot from the resultant serimmage Wis wide, Wnnlgan corkperawed thru the entire Leaf crew Lop u stiff shot, ¥rankle went from end to ond a minute later to go rl mn on Chabot and give him no ehan to save : wenators Rush do Lamb was henohed for hooking and the home forces threw np a tight defensive wall ta held off the charging. White Bhirts, Back at full wirength again the Nen~ ator forwards rashed. play deep into the Leafs' territory, From oul of a solmmage Touhey sopred, Heo Kilren and Clancy each got an uesint on the piny, Anothey thras-man thrust brought the next Henator goal, Connor passing to Lamb and Vinnie gan taking the rebound = of the centre's shot to tally the Henators' fifth counter, Claney counted the next with a sissling shot after a lone rush, With the period nearly over a steady stream of Leaf re- serves wera sant into the heetio fray, The Least combipation ats (nok was working smoother and Connell had a number of elose onlls, Horner, Conacher And, Ballay wera leaders In [ha futile attack, Grant Replaces Chabot Renny Grant had replaged Lorne Chabot In the Toronto nets when the final session Kot under way, Olaney and Heo Kilrea tepted hing with stinging shots Cox missed an open Pettin®er had given him a neat pase, Art HEmith and Halley had openings soon afterward hut each drove Into Connell's pads After four minutes In the Leafs had the better play, the Henators again opened the throttle with excellent res Bult, Kilven drove n wonk shot af. er pA long dush and then went net after which of the El BE aw £L Records You're Always In My Arms from the motion pioture Rio Rite" Vocal Wala tl 5 ol Ti "w Stoe Comedian Eddie Cantor mn ant Bebe Daniels Park Central Orehestra Love Me Willie Bekateln s on the Market 22189 216046 mn 3-Toe Thru' The ulips With Me from the motion picture "Gold Diggers of Broadway" Potro Joo Voeal Johnny Marvin 002? 22113 Jehany Marvin Lonely Troubadour Fox Trot 5 ' 2 a valle nd His 13 Frankie TERS and Johnny Jimmie Rodgers nae VOICE HOCKEY RESULTS a -------- Jina played last night rer Olows j= : National ue OUAWSE soreives Maples Leafs +002 Montreal viii 0 8 Canadiens ,ooo00i4 Detroit cooviiieid NY: Americans 2 ChIeRgo oovvivi id PUASDUIE 110008 Internationa! League Cleveland... 8 Toromo ,iii0i0d0 Ca . rican haque New Haven ..,.0 Bosten Tigers 2 Benior BPA, Hoekey sulted ns Exhibition Western Unly, 9 Stratford 000004 through to take the rebound and tally, Wally Kllrea took over right wing dutles for the Benstors snd almost immediately combined with Lvmb ov the eighth goal, the younsg wing slving the centreman the pass, VroeVorAll Cotton and Lamb dished up » hoxing side whow afler a seramble of (ugging sticks, An the fists started flying both the Toronto and Benator's reliefs poured on to the fee and the melee was general far a split minute, Major penalties were handed out to the two prine olpals, Connors and Touhey and then Brydeon followed to the pen for roinghing and play was slow, Clancy notehed the Henator's Math onl on one of his long Amoking drives after a solo rush, Bryduon kave the Leafs thelr pacond tally with less then a mine ute to go, Me scored from close In on Cox's pans, Toronto=~Gonl, Chabot; defanso, Art mith and Day; centre, Blak} wings, Batley ang Cox; subw, Cots ton, Conacher, Primesu, Horner, Brydeon, Duncan and Pettinger, Ottawa---Goal, Connell; defenses, Claney and Alex Emith; centre, Lamb; wings, Meg Klirea and ¥in nigani subs, Nighbor, Hhlelds, Touhey, Connors, Grosvenor, W, Kilrea, Neforess-~Caorge Mallinson and Louis Berlinguetta, Montreal Maroons-5 Canadiens-4 a ------ Forum, Mmutreal, Dee, #0 Montreal Maroons took last night's National' Hookey league contest from Canadiens by 6 goals te 4 but only after they had stood off the most determined last-minute drive seen on Montreal fee this season, It was Maroons' second vietory over thelr Interseity rivals this your and came after the keenest, best contested game here to date Cheking wan heavy and bhrulsine, with penalties frequent Nels Htowart was the hero for the victors, netting three gouls goals from unselfish, brilliant pus fing, Nabe Blebert came haok to the form of hin championship days and secured a goal and two assists Dune Munro netted the othey one, a lone effort For the losers the old firm of Morens and Joliat were outstanding, Morena' hlaging drives resulted In two goals, while Jolint got the one In the Hoa! minutes that hrought the contest so olose that evertime loomed, Mantha wan the okhal scorer, while Lavochells and Leduo hoth recslved wanlatn, KAYE DON TO TRY FOR NEW RECORD Daytona Neach, Via, Deo, 6. Formal notliee that Kaye Dou of London would attempt to hreak the world's automobile speed ree ord of 331 wiles an hour during the International speed olassio here next Marveh, was received you terday In a letter from the Nrits lsh driver to Mayor EB, H, Arm: sLPONE, Don sald his ear, now under construction, would be completed hy the first of February and that he would arrive here before the end of that month, Daten for the speed olasslo ten. witively have been set for Maroh 1 to 15, ' Don will attempt to hreak the sa00rd eatablished here last March hy Major MH, O, D, Regrave, of Eng land, Willlam Von Dens, A20.yearold German racing enthusiast, also han announced that he would enter a oar in the meet and Captain Male colm Campbell of England, form or holder of the record, has notiti. ad Mavor Armatpong that he would some here for the triale if he sonld complete hin oar in time, 80 far, no American drivers have announced their entry, Cougars-3 Americans-2 Detroit, Deo, #.«New York Americans took thelr sixth Nation. A! Hookey league beating In seven starts here tonight, the Detroit Cougars downing them 8 te 3 In A listless mame that saw only a flash of dpsed In the final mins utes, \ Herble Lewis, small but ni Detroit wingman, furnish the Detrolt offenaive two goals, while Rok Nable, Cows gar defence bulwark, broke up most of the New York drives into Detroit ioe, George Masseoar, New York wingman, turned in a good sven: g's work, scoring one moal and giving Goalle Beveridge some trou. bled momenta in the Detroit net, Ew Two railways of great importance to southern Antolia are under eons traction in Turkey, rive, wooring i England's most fatal diseases ave diseases of the heart and elventation, vespiratory diseases, eanver, nervous disorders and all forms of tuberenlos a Rangers oovv ooo Varsity ooiiivnnid PORT entered In the different leagues, representatives present for sure, v Ld out tonight, Ld \ ew, " " \d ¥ The Rangers ! lors Into oamp hy the add goal, ¥ ¥ hockey teams this season, SNAPSHOT By Guo, Oasvsma, Sports Bdilor Notlee to Hockey Teams At the regular weekly meeting of the Oshawa City and Industrial Athletie Association, which will be held on Monday night in the ¥, MCA, the cortifieates will be given out to' thoss teams who have All teams are asked to have thelr The time limit for entering & team In any one of the two leugues, has been extended to December 16, There Is sth room for two more teams In each league # " w Oshawa Bimcoes Workout Tonight The hockey players who are turning out with the Oshawa Bimeoes ure reminded of the workout which In being heldiat the Motor City Stadium, tonight, The preparations for golog to Bowmanville tomors, row afternoon will be made, so it Is Imperative that every player be LJ 1 One More Week The skating season up at the Carling Rink Is fast drawing to a close, "I'here will be a band In attendance tomorrow night and the next week will be the last week for skating, the eity will have to start looking for sultable outdoor skating facilis The skating enthusiasts of " LJ Ottawa Wins The Toronto Maple Leafs seem unable to bring a win out of Ot tow, "Fhe number of thoes tht the Toronto teams has been able 10 win In Ottawie are very Tow, Last night the Senators handed out 4 9-2 drubbing Just ta keep up to form, At this rate the Benators sre going to he well up, on top ef the heap at the end of the season, 4 Ld Kd. Wildey Again senor, & new entry Into the Senler OHA, somp any, woh thelr first game Just nlght when they teok the U, of T, sens 12d, Wildey foaled the dopsters again, * *. Belleville's New Arena The new Belleville lee wrens will he opened tonight, a fine new rink down In Belleville and they should produce some snappy Incidentally, wlong faster now and the roof will soon be finished, They have the loeal arena ls coming rr m-- -- COURTICE Courtlee, Dee, 4.0n Tuesday ul ternoan tie Ladies' Herean Class meld is regular meting at the hone of Mrs, Kali Oke, the meeting velng in eharge of hey gooup. Lhe pres dent, Mra, Blake Oke, opened th meeting and prayer was ultere Rev, J, H, Stainton, Miss Aura Og horne read the Bible lesson, which WEE CB LRTI s passing \ olo played hy Miss Veuna Gay Mrs, Russ Vearee pave eading the election of oMeers the eoming yvenr was th business of the meeting and tn sldent culled on the norinating « mittee to give thelr report and thy same ocers were elected by mation, Our pastor, Rev, J, H ton then muvee a fine address on "The Rebullding of Zion," whieh wid thoroughly enjoyed and apprecia ted by the ladies, he meeting ¢losed and dalnty refreshments were served by Mrs, Oke's group, Mes, Oke her mother, Mra, Rundle, were very wenial hostesses On Tuesday meeting wis Mr, and Mes Idpar, Courtice, Quite large people assembled there and the meet ing was opened 'by Rov, Petley and several hymns sung, Rev, 1. HL Stain ton then gave a wonderful and in spiring address on "The Christ the Damascus Road," alter which a good deal of discussion was given hy those present and the meeting was & most helpful Through the kindness of My, and Mrs, Edgar op ening thelr home another Hible study meeting will be held there on Tue day evening next at 745 An invita ton (8 extended to the friends of this community to gone and have the benefit of the splendid of the Bible which ls so ably with by our pastor, plan pre "nn wecla Stain very wid Siwy home ol Wont number of ible the evening held Lien in une dealt and | i besa | oy | inporiant | | Now the cottage WHERE THE MILKWEED GROWS Just beyond the sloping hillside Now the Autumn sun sinks down Vhere the maple boughs are swing ing, W nie brown, the leaves are ring d hy | And ure falling by the wayside, Where the cory lamplight glows | From the farmer's humble dwelling, Where the flossy milkweed grows honking south I'he wild geese are ward, From the distant northern seas, With a hint af, coming Winter | You ean hear it in the breere [Then the sheep When the ehilly north wind ble In the shelter af the valley, Where the flossy milkweed grows A smoke In rising Where the graceful fvys eling, In the sade of amber twilight, Just beside the fromen spring And the seattered leaves are drifting, With the wind that comes and TN the frost falls in the pasture, the fossy milkweed grows Ie While Wher the moon's pale lHght 1s gleam ny Like a faley In a dream With a spirit of enchantinent That 1s mirrored in the stream And most sacred is the message Fo all mortals at life's close, As the dey leaves rustle gently Where the flassy milkweed grows William I", Mackensle Now Value of Our Miris All over Canada farmers coming to realise the great 10 value explanation | of the birds to agriculture A garden at Monterey, Cal, has o upsoimen of every kind of tree in the world, The photographs here show (he i And some of the members of her crew an she Mivived In Tos TORtO After a ninesdny fight against the elements during her ran from Montreal, normally a dhour tip, The whip according to statements of her captain, was driven from | owe shore to the other during the { voyage, They man short of cecal and food and the ship's log regis Atal) an mneh mileage an ) wo (1) and (BD) Nicholls and Mes, M, Nicholls of Ht. Oatharines, stews (8) the Aca Capt, J, Cochrane, Kingston, skips per of the Acadian, and (8) Bae yineer 4, A. Gunn, and eatthe gather, HOCKEY RECORDS NATIONAL LEAGUE Canadian Gr 1 OUAWRA vovvivinnrnt Montrosl wesrsnnnes Canadiens soipvenee Mpls Leafs IL N.Y, Americans, .. American Group Boston sivvavnivins J Chicago oiviivniniee N.Y. Rangers overs Detroit Plttsbur J KA 4 93 ans ceaatss. 4°19 is Week's Games Saturday = Canadiens at Maple Leafs, Detroit at Boston, Ottawa at Montreal, Sunday==Pittsburg at Rangers, Am ericans at Chleago, I ------------------ Diegel and Hagen will Meet Today Tos Angeles, Dee, 6,.-Over the knots and valleys of Hillorest yes~ tarday raced the two greyhounds' of the field, Leo Diegel nud Waller Hagen, to Murn in decisive vistories but the res! golfing thrills of the day traced thelr souras to A nrin ar open titleholder who fought hin way ont of the shadows of defeat to stay in the running for the Na+ tions! Professions] Colfers' anso« elation championship, While' Dierel, defending ehame« plon, and Haren, chief challenmer, ware selling through an easy third pound of Bhhole metoh play, fmiling (Johnny) ¥Varrell, of New York, met and matched a stern golfing test, to some from hahind and nose out Cralg Wood on the 47th, Tralling from the start of the mornini's round, Farrell was two down at the slghtrenth and in tha seme nositton at the 27th, On the 81st, Wond stymied his onpons ant to win the hola and go Into A threesnn ead With the sans § wp and KB to play, the wrallary nf vers]! thoveand narEnns aanend victory for the Wianmfield, NT, vannaster, hut Instead, wera trants ad tn a Yeomehank" an pnartaaniay an any witnessad an this panves Fareell won hack the A2nd and Adrd, halved the 84th and saunred the mateh on tha AGH, The 6th wae halved and ¥arpell's hivdis three on the A7th alinahad a rreat win and brought a tremandons ovation from tha theme of snartne tors who had followed him thronsh twa ervelline raunds Diewsl and Waren clubbed thelr way to the semi-finals without much effort, Gene Ravasen, of New York, a former open cham. pion, fell a vietim to Diavel's shots # and 8, while Hagen Alsnosed of Tony Manero, of New York, 6 and DTmENN Ow mBaW IRAE RNY] Degel and Waren Today The final on Batnrday will pros Anes & national ttlaholdey Ip the Ypre® ranks hut the goltine elase slo of the week will ba carved Into the falvwaye of the Hillerest lay. out today Keonest rivals In » fleld of stars, Diemel and Haren will renew a rolfing duel that Jast vont saw Hamen's hopes for a Oth POA ehamplonshin shattered In the third round, Diexel won and sontinued on to eanture the title Fates of the draw placed the palr in the lower hracket this year and today they will matoh strokes for the right to enter the flual, Nt will he thelr fourth meeting In 1 (LA, competition, Hagen won In the first two matohes and the Arua Callente, Mexioo, profesional came out on top In 102% "T haven't a thing to wear™ has heen the ery of the women all through the ames, but the modern women are the first to wear (1 Portysnine years ago there were only two people engaged In the tele: nhone business, Today there ure 300,000 In the United States, Chicago tan't as bad as it's paints ed, The police have found only two dragsatores that sell machines guns, Hubbard (Ore) Enter prise, Ai Rangers Sys. AYMC. ACTIVITES Jpset' Dope ono, De, 6,--~Rangers, Jd v8, OG ~RAangers v Wildloy's new entry in the OM. saplor series, upset the 'sure thing" dope of the dopesters in lant night's B.0.A, at the Avena, when'thpy overcame University of 'Poranto, last year's OHA, winners and Allan sup: con- tamders, by §'ta'4, The Biudenis, Who ware. alleged to have un teamb| rong enough In experience to Aweep aside anything that Hanger might, ofter In tha Ine of resists mnoe Appenred to be mest indifter- ont, {o the outcomes, of the contest and the winners with a persistent and pupbery #iagk that Naver gong: od, took Vardiy, by surprive wid snatched wu victory, Only for the Int three minytes of the game did Varsity give, thelr, hest and then To It wan too late for Rangers played | 4 # tye-man defensive style thal wad strong enough to. turn hack the | Blue and White's vigorous thrusts, Varsity Takes Warly Lead To the mere handful of rans present ft seemed (hat' the game would be all' Vamsity for In the first eight" minutes "of. play (he Studants seared two gould, the first hy McMullen and' the seasond 'hy Harley on a pags from MoMdllen, Up to (hig time Rance cowld not kot wolng hut, when thay hit thelr wiride, brillant individus! 'eftoria hy Allan and Forvester (hat broke the defence, evened the cami. Al lon's gon! wak especially well earn 6d, Ha skated, the, lensth: of the loa and with his sweeping stride completely outaguessed the Btu dents' reargunrd to get In close and tally, Whitehaad, Varsity detencs Man, was in the penalty bench at the time, Allen wag forepd to retire In the Inst period when he damaned his left whoulder, that was. iniiired last NoRRon, Twigs he drew anplausa from (ha fans with his hei ignd rushes and on the third pftempt he felt™and smarhed Into tha won) nest, 'Whils he was removed fram the game the Injury 18 not eo dered wer'ons and he will he Inf notion apafn moon, Maneerd Ware, handieanned Inst pioht dns to In uries for Hushes, n de faneaman, Id out with a dislnopted Arm and Tott, a forward, hed 'a "emaned nea Revgars~Clonl, Rows dafanne, Ayres 'and Mepham eantre, Wore restor; winre, Yates nnd Alley, sube, Ham ton, Ritehle, Tylvert and Wayman Varsity Qonl, Amen; defence, Whitehead and Pans centre, Hows Arty wings, MoMullen and Harley: subs, Marshall, Murray, Dell, De wir and LeRary Referee Mike Rodden ---- ros np We have confidence In the Ane glosAmerican understanding hes cause of our confidence In Anglos Amarioan understanding, Weston Leader The time hus come mere pedestrian 1a faced with the necessity of protesting his right and his left, too, for that matter Port Arthur News-Chroniple, Consider the street ear conduots or, He leads a simple life, vol he Is 'about the only man in the world who oan tell the ladies where to get off Woodstock Sentinels Review, ' semlor conten}, when the] AYMLC, BADMINION TOURNA- _ Bingle ret Round wl) Wealth defented VV, Marshall D, Smith defeated M, I'hompsen, ; eine y delented 1, Atkinson, Vovang defeated W, Bugett, Mervigk defeated Geb, Chote ir, ! WO l), Krofigr dolepted 12, Bplmmons, wll, Jeffreys defeated A, Wilson, Weel), Blore defen ied Byoekhyille, Wall, Clary defeated ¥, Jibegett, 10-44, Vitegerald defeated CG, Bakos george; Hes, Gillie defented VW Becond Round fA, Vian defeated C OM, Vitegerald defonted Fordham, Clary, DD, 'Beith, od for 'Friday Night, 'are' as follows 3 { Jeffreys vo, N, Merriekg® ¥ N, Githle vs, D, Blare, I, Trotter gets a bye for the 'semis finials, / Note t="The semi finald, final" Win ME be played this Friday night, fee, er C Keith defeated B, Tie / Games in Becond Round Sch ith West Toronto Junlers a Remain in the OHA. CMovonta, Dee, Oe West: Porimio funtors will yemnin tn the OMA, Dr, Wavace Macintyre, seovotany of the ciub, wnnouneed last nighe af. tev ow moeting of the players 'and oMeers had been held to dis iss the auestion of dishanding forthe season, All of the plavers denis fled thelr Intention of sticking with the tepm, and & practirs has heen enlleY fortomorrow afternoon at Ravine vink at B o'clock, ort TIPTRBUNG TONY AGAIN Pittabh org, Dee, foi ttahirg 1's rate of the Nationa) »Heokey ivagud mufferved thelr 1IfLh vonedous Live defont' Just nivht; faking: be- fore the veluvendtell »Chiengo Mack Vawks tive to twos y The Pirates fourht dog=edly to nyert defeat, The Hawks, howayer, fenturing (Toulten 'op (Favdyed 'And A trans sunportivg defanes. dist, front the Pittghurners nt a distances wile 'Wendling Wentworth) Mrns, (otteelle and Homers thraost to seove, Dutcowskl alded mo iauaily in the noovipw, Jorey 81), of Plite- Lowry hh horns searing, maklug the flat on A poe, from Mikes jd the segend on kh rebound of Milka! drive, Sh ddd Sadhade A A a Aa NEW MARTIN TT NOW PLAYING ------ A Nh "THE DRAKE "CASE + DRAMATIO TRIUMPH "TRUSTING | ; WIVES A Comelly Dowestlque ~ INDUTCH..., .. Colored Musicale § BE fa pall atts AA Ae A822 SEE YOU LATER! Travesty Nkiy : MAS Loans oa Cookies Nhort Nroad, plain at B00 per PHONE 708 Vanilla plain and Currant, Fralt ties, Tomon Bars, Splody Ginger Venetian, Oatmeal, Crumb, Perkin's Malt at 18g dow, WEDDING QAKEN A. SPROIALTY. | H. R: MONNEY, Baker" WH DELIVER ' THE 4 LI 1h 0 ia i LIAL Is dog, fancy of BS¢ per #0, HY LE wa oy Wy PEA ... Why Burn More: Money| Than Necessary? if You Are Saving thy $12,00 15.00 15.00 15.80 "OTTO" FURNACE COKE. A First Class Product at the Price --$1&:80 No. 1 Body Hardwood $16.00 per Cod $8 orms -- Net Cash. | 00 per Y4 A COMBINATION WORTH Price - Quality - Quantity « Sefvice Buying Coal at the Following Prices GENUINE SCR ANTHRACITE | | Honest Weight, 2000 Ibs. iper ton \ L) W" por 14 Cord NN X WH w AVI yal 3 a ANTON, % a ¥ | Wa Yeol | ORE aime A wed nas MEY ) | A EY My N 8 - ' ¥ WE OAWWIA RETURN TEA at " vel a Wh wf ah @

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