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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1929, p. 6

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 race x ED. LEWIS D 4 Hd "Strangler" Takes First And Third Falls To Dan Koloff Forces Lewis to Show His Best by Taking Second Fall and Then Pressing Flard Toronto, Deo, 10,~The strong left arm of Hd (Fivangler) Lewis added another vietim to (ts toll at the Avéns gardents last night, Dan Koloff being unable to aveld it in the third and deciding round of thelr feature mateh, Lewls, al though he woored two falls on Koloff, mostly through the might of a powerful pair of arms, did not impress the crowd like Cun #hunenberg, the world champion, who proved such a sensation here during the summer, While there wis not the sustained thrill of the Honpenherg show, the fang were treated to a fine exhibition of mat skill, and given a good epportun« iy to compare the world chams plon and the man from whom he took the arown, It wan easy to figure how Bons nenherg, although outweighed by about 0 pounds, felled the giant Lewis in their twe championship matches, for the dethronsd mon: areh is a slow methodical works man, & wrestler of the old school, which specialised more In the vice grips that onee applied wers held until & viotim could ne longer yesist, Sonnenberg introduced A style of speed, motion, that pros duces thrills to place him on top in the mat mame, and also lifted the game to a new pinacle of pop wlarity, Dan Koloff forced Lewls te sho® his best, while he had the ex-champlon In serious trouble several times, being on the verge of & win in the third and deciding round, Novina and Hill Win About 5,000 attended the shbw, which provided three good houts, In the opening matoh Count Karel Novina pinned Charles Manugian after 16 minutes of fast wrestling, while George Mill finished Joe Varga in 4) minutes of a voukh- and fumble battle in the semi- final; The opener vroved a clever display between two shifty grap: plers, while the metions of Manley Htasiak were copled In the pros main mateh as Varga with his rough-housa antles tried to stop the speedy Will, Dan Koloff was the aggressor most of the time mEainst Lewis, his great ngth breaking the ex-ohamp famed strangle hold while several times he used it to holed Lewis high In the alr and thew drop him fof a slam, Lewis was ton Mg for Koloff to handle in Wis usual masterly manner, al though the Balkas Lion put up a good battle, Lewis uses his left arm for hia strangle hold and Ko- off 'started in early to weaken it sand the former champion was NEW MARTIN "Mister Antonio" ; with | ADDED ATTRACTIONS " REGULAR ¥ PRICES 'We Wlid have a large and 3 varied selection of the 3 IRexulad Christman Cards || : All Prices 3 Come dn and seg them + KARN'S | Drug Store § um " QO, Phone 478 Lewis Defeats Koloff oF to proteet "i mid-way prea the rin Lewis upplisd govern] of his strangle oy wrapping his mighty arm areun Koloft's head and squessing with all apparent power but it did not avail Re mueh, CHL HAWKSE WIN { Chiongo, Deo, B-=With the teats of Varl Miller and Tommy Cook wooring three goals, the Chicane Black Mawks defeated the New York Americans 4 to 4 In & Nas tional League game last night hes fore move than H,600 spectators, the biggest growd in Chivago's hous key history, Phe game provided a hrilllant exhibition of skating and Aum handling, with Miller taking passes from his mate, Cook, to count a times, Ty Arbour scored unassists od for the Hawks other goal, Noyrmie Mimes scored UN peo~ onds after the game started to give New York the lead, which qulekl gollapsed before the Miller-Coo drives, Himes passed Lo Rimpson 16 seconds after Chicago's final gol in the last period to close the seoring. _-- Baseball Player Wins First Bout Chicago, Deo, 10.~The bell rank for the start of & bout and exactly #1 seconds later Charles Arthuy ("The Great") Shires, belligerent first wacker for the White Hox, stood in the centre of the ring, vies torfous in the first fight he ever was paid for, with dangerous Dan Daly stretched on the floor af the ving, flat on his fies, completely knocked out, fhives, making his debut as # professional hoxer, knocked out Daly, & blondehuired youth from Oleveland, so quickly and convines ingly, that the crowd whieh Janis med the litle White Clty arena wis standing on its feel, seveaming with the exeltement of the speetacs war knockout. Daly Takes the Count The bout, comieal though It Was, was fought with the savagbness of A couple of 'longshoramen, The groat Mhires, his body trim and lean, began throwing punches as soon a8 the hell rang, with Daly doing the same thing, They stooa In mid-ving, hammering each other about the head until Hhires out loose with a short right gross to the ehin that knocked Daly silly, Daly's knees sagged, he turned haltway around then fell flat on his face, while Kddie Purdy hegan the fatal ten count, AW woven Was tolled off Daly attempted fo get up, but after raleing hmwselt on his hands fell back an his favo, Daly 18 a Cleveland youngster wha never before had a profess sfonal bout until last night, He came {nto the ring accompanied by Hddie Meade, a veteran manager, who once handled the affairs of Joo Lyneh when the latter was bantamwelght champlon, Nhives is Outwelghed Shires surprised at the sudden knockout, stood hewildered then ploked up his fallen foe and lugs ged him to his corner, where he wan revived, Hhires and hin ops ponent fought like a couple of ams ateurs, showing no boxing skill, no preliminary training or other tricks of the trade, They just stood and slugged, and neither stopped throws ing punches until Daly landed on his face, Hhivea spotted hia ops onent 27 pounds, scaling 186 to 13 for Daly, The battle drew a oapaoity crawd, -- ALBERTA WOMAN 5 BUSY LAWYER Mrs. J. P. Ferguson Also Di- rector of 106 Women's Institutes IET---- Bdmonton, Alta, Dee, 10,~Qno of busiest wou in Alberta is Mrs, 1 be of Troehu, She is a a 1 in h praskbing inwyer-e Barina i, hoc th ther of two young children, ~ in the new Arie director th of 106 Women's Institutes of Cans t tay yo ition is far from bes Init a sinecure, Two months after her election to this office she was launches ed into a campaign of worke=a speaks ing itinineary in whigh she had ta visit, during the ensuing meath, 14 constituency conferences, at which she waa not pi gh "principal speaks or of the gathering" but where she had to answer dozens of questions, and generally conduet round-table disounsion and clear up Institute difs flonlties, This meant travelling hy wall and ear of over 1,300 miles, Mra Fergus son drove most of this distance somes times making 50 wiles per hour on "roads like glass" or ereening along over "rough wash boards" BL A------ (+ MOOAR KILL LIGHY ---- Bangor, Me, Deg, 10. -+The sar EY Kill of moose in this peor Hon of the state has ; ae cording to game wardens, Unvean onably warm weather haw resulted ih poor hunting conditions, Whew Mim Winattred High, feng of the Lord Provest of Dublin Freland, was war roo ently, 10,000 peotle gathered outs side the church to see hey arrive and depart, 0.H.A. Bulletin Un soheduled to he played In the OMA, this week and next are on follaws| Tonight KPA, Junior Niagara Valls v, Parkdale aroun, Thursday, Dee, 18, #.1.A, Benlor, Natlonals v, Rangers, Arena Gar. dens, 8.80, Thursday, Dee, 18, Intermediate Berle, Western University at Iugersoll, Vreiday, , 18, Menlor B Herles, Galt at Hamilton; Chatham at Wentorn University, London, Junior Beries, U, of T, at Toronto 0.0, arenas, 101 Mariboros at Parkdale arena, pm, Satunday, Dee, 14, Henlor W Rerios, Port Colborne at Kitchener, Monday, Dee, 10 Junior Meries, Wrantford Hockey Club at Inger soll, Tuesday, Dec. 17, U, of I, at Rangers, Avens Gare dens, 5,00, Henlor I Reries, Western University at Riverside, Windsor; Woodstock at Chatham, ednesday, Doe, IN, Renlor W Rerles, Brantford wt Miratford; ton at Kitchener; Intermediate Berles, Western University at Paris, Junior Beries Woodstock at London) Riverside Hive Birds at W.-W Teth, Alumni, Windsor, ThurMAaL Dee, 10, Henlor HB Herles, Western University at Windsor Mitmues, Friday, Dee, 80, Henlor A Herles UU, of 7, at Nationals, Arenas Gare dens, 8.80 Henlor I Neries, Btratfard nt Hamilton; Riverside at London Hast Juntor Herles, London at Woodstock | Kxeler at Ht, Mary's; Beaforth at Mitchell} Paris at Ingersoll! Brantford 1.0 ut Bratttord J N.C Saturday, Dee, #1, Intermedinte Mevles MeMaster at U, of T, U, of 1, Avena, 2.80 pm, St. Thomas Hume Champions Ht, Thomas, Dee 10 "Today will be a red letter day In the sport Ife of Bt, Thomas, for it brings the first Canadian champlonship rug hy team home with the bacon well seasoned away, The victorious Tigers arrive at 11,60 o'oloek this morning at the Michigan Central atation and will be met hy the Res glment band, and an oMelnl wels coming commities of the geunell, as well as wohool eohildeen and fans, Thureday night there win be & banquet in the Masonle audis torlum, at which ofoials of the lo onl rughy club, W.OHRHA, olub and Ontario and Canadian roghy union will be represented, John Detiruchy, and Harold Balley,, pres sldent and weoretary of the Ontario Rugby Upton; Geo, Holland and W. Hewitson, president and secres tary of the Canadian Rughy Fools ball union; Lou Mareh and Mike Rodden, of Toronto, are expected Ww attend, Arrangements have heen made for the senior students of the pub. lio sehools, and the students of the collegiate and techulon! schol to attend the oficial waleoming In the morning at the depot, he Ht, Thomas Lawn Rowling olub will be on hand as a body to assist in the official welcoming, as well as many other organisations, Mayor W, M, Stokes received a telegram from Mayor Pascoe of Moose Jaw worded as follows! "Oongratulations on victory, The Tigers ara worthy dominion oham- plons, Moose Jaw will be after the a in 1030." The fal receipts of the game In Moose Jaw, according to word veoelved from the local elub exeous tive, amounted to §2,126,78, which was nearly $300 short of the guan ante furnished the Ht, Thomas organisation, The trip expenses to Moose Jaw were estimated at $3,200, The 8, Thomas olty counell subsidized the elub to the amount of $1,000, EXPECT BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY TO BOOM Buckaport, Me, Deo, 10==A business and Industrial boom is exs pected ta result from the new $10,» 000,000 newsprint mill new under construction here, Many expect the present population of 1,900 to bo doubled as soon aa the big mill commences operation, A sharp ine crease In the value of veal estate ia also expected to vesult, The new plant will have the advantage of excellant water transportation facilities, located as it in on the Penobscot River," The will will be electripally operated, and ita cas pacity will be T00 tons of news print daily, MANY USES FOR OLD MOTORS Boston, Deo, 10,~~Homeone: han {kon the rouble to find out what ea of all the old automobl oa and the result ia interests ing, IL appears they are partion larly adapted to asrioultural needs, for at of them were looated en ar farms, at sawing wood, pressing ols {an mixing concrete, outting feds on, pumping water and threshing and grinding grain many of the dis carded engines were found chugs ging chearfully, To Honor The, Ad the Toronto Gray Coach Lines ¥1 PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Camyams, Spore Bdiler Oshawa Seniors The Oshawa City Hockey Clb; eluwys entry In the Senlor "B" league will hold thely first lee praet vills eink, The time will be from § to 6, All players who Intend turne Ing out to this practice are asked to get In touch with "Sammy" Lowe for full particulars, ow Bowmanville Intermediates The Bowmanville Intermediates stepped right inte the Line team last night down in the wis over; the Bus Drivers were on Looking #t the names of the Bowmanville players, It 1ogks, a4 If the Hoslery Town 1s going to have & formidable Wgwregntion, The fans can be expecting some grand old battles, vo. Oshawa Simecoes The Oshawa Simeoes, Bowmanville's rivals, will be entertained. at the Raving rink in Toronto tonight by the Photo Engravers senlor team, The result of this battle will he watched with & great deal of Interest as It will give some grounds for comparison nf the two teams, Bowmanville and Bimeoes, zd ¢ They Tied! The Toronto Millionaires managed to tie the Niagara Falls team last night when each tem scored two goals, "Poor Rich Boys" have come to winning a game for some time, They might even win thelr next game, . 0» The New Rink The new arena ls coming along fast now, The roel is practically fine No mutter when you go down there, somebody Is around which: The hockey fans of the city ave taking a great ished Ing the proceedings interest in the completion of the rink, loc) hoekey tenis In action the het ¥ » Migning 'Em Up The Oshawa Clty and Industrial Athletic Association gave out the ertificates to the different managers and representatives of the hockey tems, at the meeting held lust night, and new the managers are out slgning up thelr prospective players, best team possible and it is assured that there Will be some snappy hoekey games this season, Oger te of entering the league and next Monday night has been named as the last date for the paying of entrance fees, 6 tomorrow night at the Bowmans, Grey Conch Hosiery Town and when the fun the wrong end of a 2) to.) 6 a v This is the closest the ¥ + They ure evidently anxious to L, LJ Kuch Is trying to round up the ams have signified their intentions BOWMANVILLE TEAM RUNS WILD AGAINST | GRAY COACH QUTFIT Bowmanville, Deo, § Howman ville QH.A, Intermediates ven wild In an exhibition game here tonight and defeated a team from ta 1, The visitors held their own for & few minutes in the first pe riod, but once Bowmanville got go ing there was Ro stopping Jack Guna's team Rowmanville tried aut 14 play~ ors, and prospects are Tor a strong Hnesup in the OFLA, this season, but the management may have trouble alioing the aquad down ows ing to the wealth of geod materi: wl, ' The Oray Conch team tried hard the entire game, but appeared to be handicapped by the small foe surface, Teams! Gray Coseh-~Goal, Adamsi de. fence, Wilson and Holden; centre, Donaldson; wings, Bradshaw and (heen! subs, Kennedy, King and Woods, DowmanyileGoal, Colwell] de. fence, Wilson and Denssm! centre, Cameron! wings, Plper and Meise; subs, Hooper, Jackman, Candler, Chartrand, Turner, Martyn and Me Millan, FEMINISM ONF OF QUEBEC PROBLEMS ---- Member of Bar Association Points Out New:-Born Rights Montreal, Deo, 10,'"Feminism {a one of the problems Quebeg has td grapple with at the present time," declared Plerre Heullao, K.O,, speaking at a meeting of the Junior Bar Association, "it I an outgrowth of the world war, Dun ing that troubled period women volunteered their services worked side by side with men, and tdok a most active part in the lite of the nation, The Provinee of Quebeo 1a ese sentially traditionalist, not easily awayed hy new ventures, Feminism tn welcome by some and deplored by many, The champions of that movement are lsting new support trom day to day, omen have developed in their own rank elo- quent leaders, Their vepeated de mands have found an echo ig the press, in Parllament and the homes, The question is now whether or not you are a femin. fat, "Am 1 one?" waa the enigma: to query of the speaker, In order to present women's oasea clearly, the lecturer summed 3 their olalma aa follows, (1) The betterment of the conditions of working women, \y way of lime ftation of working hours; equal pay for equal werk promotion on merit; (2) access to the liberal rofessiong on the same examinas long &8 men; (i) granting of fomine suffrage for the provinelal an well as the al House; (4) complete veocugnition of eivil vighis, 'that is, an a gn QUA before the law, There ia a wide range of & nea of opinion of a problem of thig im. portance, The pessimist ia the opinion that women he granted all they ask for, they will turn down matrimony that would mean the ultimate desertion of the home, | The optimist sees wo harm and should conditions turn for the Caan worse, 4 will always he possible to come back to the old order of things, The philosopher slates that women have s0 many means to avenge themselyes that It Is Just an well to grant them at once what they want, The eynlo elalms that should women receive all they are asking, should they wet thier vights, they will he the very first to forget about It, In conclusion, My, Heullno sald It this gengration should not grant them Thess "rights" read: ily, another generation might most likley consent ta do with. out a word of Abscumsion, ' # i ------------ DR, STOWE GULLEN BLAZEDNEW TRAIL Was First Woman Physician to Graduate From To- ronto University EE TAT Tarento, Dee, 10, determination to blake a trall won for Dr, Augusta Btowe Cullen the honor of being the Arat woman physi: olan to graduate from a Canadian University, But it waa her gallant spirit, her wholly Sharming personal: ity and her deep lave for her fellow: wen that earned for her the aineere warmth of affection and devotion which marked the gathering of dis tinguished members of the medion vofesalon at the Academy of Medio: ne, when her portrait; painted by Allan Bare, was presented to the Ao ademy by the Medieal Alumnae, "Here In our own country," sald Dr, Guest, "we find that there was born at Houth Norwich, Ont, In 1881, a litle girl, who later became Mra Emily Howard Stowe, a woman of great force of character, undaunted courage, and hy temperment a plon: oor, who, after proving herself the successful mother of three ohildren, found her thirat for an education whioh wold enable her to help oth or mothers and ohildven still wo strong in her that she was impelled to steal quietly across the border to the south of ua, to a school of med: lolne where women were admitied as students, "In 1867 she graduated and re turned loyally to her native soll to perve hei country women, but it was not until 1880 ahe waa Itted a member of the College of Fhysiolans and Surgeons of Ontario, when she became the firat woman Physician rmitted ofMalally to practice med: oine In Canada, During these years she and her only daughter Al ay e {nse o pals, and with a rit almost d the imagine tion of any but the true ploneer, she urged her daughter to follaw the tratl and to through the early A country, And se Courage and a oonsd to pra tive young girl in her teens, ooliset: Sadat Wi endless ha college-~and she carried on==though she admita wet laahes closed har ayes on many nights from sheer lonell ness, In 1883 ahe graduated from our awn Toronto Sel of h oine, which at that tigle was in Hation wi Vietorla Ivergiiy, Public subscriptions totalling 8,250 were ralsed to enable w , C's to attend the reunion dine ner in London over whieh thw HOCKEY RECORDS Tnornationst Detrolt vooew § Buftalo S211] Windsor ..40 1 Clevelanl London Yell Milllonsives ,,1 Hamilton ,.. Niggars Valls 0 0 0 1 17 88 This Week's Games Tuesday ~Milllonaires at Ham: fiten, Detroit st Cleveland, Butlala st Windsor, hursday--Hamiltor at Niagara Valls, Buffalo ai London, Priday~=London at Mitlonkires Detroit at Hamilton, Cleveland a Windsor, Haturday--Hamiiton at Detroit, Butfalo at Cleveland, EE Ea HOCKEY RESULTS The scores of hockey games play~ od ast night were as follows |e Internationsl League Niagara Falls vo B Millionaires 2 'n Paul vv 8 Duluth ,,, American Association Tuled oop 0p } Kansan City , 1 Pacitie Const League Vancouver ,,,, 8 Victoria ..,, 1 Hxhibition Games Port Colborne K Dunnville [] Bowmanville 21 Toronto Gray & 1 Hec Kilrea Still Leads Montreal, Dee, 10,Hee Kilrea, blond Ottawa left-winger, loading the entire Nutional Hockey lengua in points amassed through goals and aselels combined; big Nels Blewart of Montreal Maroons In front in polut of actunl gosls soor ed, und Norman ("Dutgh') Galnor of the ehamplon Boston Bruins lending In the matter of saslsts, ave the high lights of the weakly atptistion losued last night from the offies of President Frank Usl dor, Including games up Lo Bunday night, Dee, po Kilrea, with an even dosen gonls and Just half as many aesistn, leads the reese for scoring honors; hut Htewart, with 14 goals, tops the ae tun! soorers, Hlewart had had but three nuslute, so that hie Is & point down to Kilvea, Frank ("King") Clanoy, Ottawa defences player, and Aurel Jolla, left wing of Canadl enn, are tied for third position In the Canadinn section, each with 16 points Norman ("Duteh') Galnor, left wing on the champion Hrulns, In the lead of the Amerionn sets ton, with Bl Cook, vight-wing of the: New York Hangers, following elon behind, Gainer has seoved only six goals, hut his unselfisn play 1s demonstrated in the fact thint he has furnished eight aaslats Cook has soared solght monly and han five assists, which pot him in A ta for second position with "Cooney" Welland, Boston centre loa star, ' The Canadian division leads In pensition hy a wide margin, "Red" forner, on the Toronto Leafs de fonoe, han served 46 minutes with the timers, giving him four mins utes more thaw Joo Lamb, Ottawa aentre, Dave Trottier, left wing of Montreal Maroons and ex-Olym plo star, served 04 minutes An of these exceed the leaders of the American section, as the leaders ther, "Ching" Johnson of Range and Eddie Bhore of the Bruins, each have served but 28 minutes, menasaa® DW TER ED BS 130 WADI STR} Ss --_oeoeswe EE wt, ) LIKK HACOH OTHER Ware, Mass, Dag, 10,-The Young family and the Riohtmyer family must feel they were made for each other, A daughter of the Young family was recently the third to take a son of the Richt myer family an her hushand, BIBONS WIN Buffsle, Dee, 0,~The Bulfale Bisons again mounted to the top of the International Hockey |mea- gue by soundly heating the lowly Toronto Millonaives Haturday, wi the Pages Hridge Avena, The Bi sons' margin of victory was b to 1, and Ahey held n wide edge on ihe play throughout, BIRONK 1088 THHIR VIRNY Detroit, Des, §~Buftalo's Bi- song wuffered thely first defeat o) the weison and dropped heek Lo uncond place In the International Hockey League here last evening, when Detroit Qlymples heat thew to | It would have heen # to 1 had the oMolals not ruled in the thivad that Creighton had enrried the puck inte the Bison net on & full at the goal mouth, instead of flip ping It in orthodox fashion, BRANTFORD LOSES AGAIN Brantford, Deo, O,o=Brantford Jost 116 second consecutive Cana dian professions! game with one Kon! deflgit hers Baturday, Kiteh ener taking the verdiet 4 to 4, ut téy the locals had tied the soore, HANGHRNE TROUNOK New York, Dee, 0,Taking an # goal lead in the opening period, New York Rangers (trounced the Pittsburg Pleates, 6 to 1, In a dul) Nutlona! Hockey League games here last night, 'The Pirates were oul played in every department of the game, and were on the defense most of the time VIRATHN RALLY NTARTS TOO LATH Cleveland, Deo, 0 AN BERVEN Wive team of hoekeylsts from Niag ara Falls, Ont, staged a wild vally In the final ten minutes here last night But fortunately for the Clayeland hoekey team they start od too late and lost 4 to §, HAUNTED HOUSE, EMPTY 63 YEARS Building Has Become Known As Home of The Headless Man Ossipen, NH, Dap 10 This village has a house that has heen unecoupied G5 years, all heonuse of stories of ghosts Homa of the ghostg are reputed to ha headless, and perhaps that hay something ta do with it Old, dilapidated, and spooky In APPEARANCE, MANY slrange tales are told by the natives regarding the early history of the place; One Is to the effect that some A0 yeura wo a Dr, Colby and family oeoen pled the homestead, Hut after eon thot with a headless ghost, so the story goes, the physician and his family disappeared, Ligie were frequently seen In the windows, hut when nelghbhara called, bhelleys Ing the Colbys had returned, thay always found the place deserted When the family did return It was far but a day, for they were amain frightened away by the headless spook, The bullding has never since had A tenant and It has hecoma known we the Home of the Headless Man, It in probably the oldest building In Carrell gounty, built of adee hewn timbers and qualntly panel lod and walnscoated. American mation plotures are ins creasing in popularity In the Far East, EFEATS KOLOFF -- MILLIONAIRES PLAY TIE GAME Toronto Millionaires Tie Niagara Falls 2.2 Three Goals Scored in Last Period -- Both Teams Show Improvement . Ningnra Valls, Out, Dee, 40, The Valls Cataracts, after sullsping olght defeats In os many starts In the International league race, did A Mile better here 1ast night when they hroke even with Toronto. Mile llopalres, the sors heing % all The kame, which was witneghed by less than 1,000 fans, wan's Yes! fant exhibition of the pastime, dnd the fans hecama exeited 9 "the third period, when the score Was fled twiea 4 The Cataracts gave thelr fest performance to date in 1ast wigWt's game Led hy "Prack' Lowery, the attack showed some SERVERS- (vaness and effectiveness, while Warvell fn worl, with Baker and Yankosk! in front, did grent mers on the defensive, A The Dourhhnye nresented a wells halanred outfit Geprge Willer at eantre was aheut the elevarest niekstarvier on the lee Ha was the plyet man for many well-axaeus ted egmhination 'plays, and sl bed some good individual a iy, elds and Cross were other hiards working and effective forwards, Herlett and Aschtgner made a wendy defence, and both rushed well, Plahar In goal turhed In & napdy nerformance Hiller Omens Rearing The only: marker of the first pe- riod went to the MilMonaires,. It oama nfter these minutes lay, when George Hiller shot ons: fram an almost impossible angle. that glanced off Pavrell's pads Ita the aie, The Cataracts threatened several times, and. Fisher In Jon wad lunky on a counle of QQeAs ans, The heme term had the sdviniase of a's man aeninst four for 4 ort soall, hut were unatlet 6 gM" the due past the realling, * Though HOME Adanearans Bserimma ges ves iv. ad near Fisher's eltadel, The second period found the teams selling a much faster pace, Tha Donehhave, with the 'Weady ler as plvat, worked in close on arrell a few times, while Lowery, Raker, Quesnel and Herrington were daniavons eallers on Maher's ngld, Hoth teams warked some lever combination plays In this period The third period was 'evowded with fast and excidng » hookey, Gauthier seored the tylnk goal when he took Lowery' i tor A hack-hand shot from close range, Tha vigltors went ahead * "waain when Tlelds netted the vebomd off Taver's whot, 'With four mhetes to ro Quesnel took the rebennd when Fisher had saved from Bak- or to again te the seove and send the contest Inte averting, Both teams provided the add olase call tn the ten (minutes overs time section, hut no further soars Ing resulted and the contess fulehs ed a § all deadlocks The LARMA | we Paronto-=ton!, Fisher, defence, Berlett and Aschirner! cep ht Hills or; wings, Gross and Mp! bani subs, Desmarais, Lever, ond: ore, (onl, Farell) de. look, Wialds, Calhoun an Niguava Falls fence, Haker and Yankoski] gentre, Moleod; wines, Lowery and Morel. BON] KuhE,, Gauthier, Amik, Lott, Quesnell, Herrington and Green, Hefares-Jerry Qoodman, Fens don, REAVEE DAMN INWRE PROP HRry Relgrade, Me, Deg, 10-~Retause of serious damane to property by flooding, tive heaver dams ama 10. onl stream have heen destrayed hy order of Game Oommimioney Ho. hie, A trapping season haw also heen declared on the animals; By ----. ) PRUE : Filled with glamorous alition, Witing choruses, lavish HERNGL "YOUR YAOTTA A Ftince: of 'Wales prasided vecants A) : Ni The Screen's First Musical . \o# marion " Jone Nove Wi 'IN THE RAINY ell ND MINE" LNG POR YOu! "LOW DOWN RHYTHM" "NOBODY At You" YORANGE RLOSSROM TIMRY

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