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PI } t naar rt ; brs or any other Informal en« ; i in one of these exquisite L] show in erie, negligees Offers Gift Possibilities iu Ly - the OW) une the jihils rl A the piece de resistance " he yobs by «very hus sminine houit, return to soft frills and raperies, it has seemed the thing to welcome he the ton gown, And these diye It A quite hy to receive fi r iy " 0S Ahem, hy ne, bole satin, faohione dulating draperies w molded bodies and form § frac t not exaggerated train, The sat robe Is worn ver a beautiful slip spe, trim at Its upper $d [ n the centre panel "st wit ecru Alencons lace, Pearls a beige satin # pp are worn with 0 costume h Is equally lovely or blonde and brunette types { one wants to be more colorful, ever, exquisite models arg to had in panel colors | white or Ivery or lack lace Is also fsntyredy shirred princess robes of coral or pucine transpa ent velvet are for those who would be strike 0 vestrictions have been las sued to limit one's choles In the mat "ho color and design, here are certain p.rson. who like 'host to give Intimate gifts--dainty and necessorios n harmony, For these the hostess gown offers na most excellent oppor tunity for a happy surprise of this type on Christmas morning, altro oA J en TOM -- THE LITTLE LAMP.LIGHTER a Bo ingratiating Is this handsome mallose oat who offers his services as " ip that old and young weleome the household, erahed n & strategie place in the £ near the : GOUrse, the library or living room A hearth, he In as mich " he nursery, But o howe iy LEA ha, young eat hall | L with huge green eyes that twinkle, he E his bl Lo make h © the HES MRED OOS MONE DO ppropriate for Jus venile quarters, As a night lamp he is partheularly friendly == although bright eyes shed enough light ih! suitable for other pure sas ~Courtesy of Ovington's, New ork, N WANTS KISSLESS JAPAN WNONoR assem especially Pawrlots of Japan whe wish to keep their country in its place In the world's spotlight are claiming that the antl-kissing crusade, which starts od In Rusia and Is spreading to other countries, is not new, They aint out that fer centuries kissin as heen banned in thelr county, an isn still n In suely disfavor that even he shown on the It eAnnol ture screen, matlonsp A DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 177 An Interesting exhibition on) Leeds, ¥Kng, This collection, seen | tual paintings, (ifn view at the Toponto Art Gallery is the National Tosn Oollection Trust, which owes its existehoe to the public spivit of William Harvey of here for the flvst time, includes modern Fronoh work and pletures the Armingtons, The re pA Wee Unlmesshy Willems Van dp tions herve, photographs of the aoe | Duteh painter of 10881707, Fhe show two of the works Lo he seen, Town. shows) Velde, many hea The veprodnetion A ------ py H---- Christmas Fur Styles BY OROILW Years there have heen when fur styles vamalned much as they were the season before~~and the year hefore at perhaps, But alas, this woason A Wry differant tale In told, Almost over night sllhouettes have changed from square, hoylsh lines to subtle princess curves flaring, alpping draperies, Long skivis, heretofore merely threatens Ing are now here in alarmin numbers, Offsthe-face hats with long hacks demand a new treats ment for collars and wearves, All are' ohanges which call for a eors responding adjustment in one's furs, And so-=nines one must he ups tosdate nt all conta-=1t would seem A place of extreme good fortune to receive new furs at a time when they will come not only as a luxe urious sift, but as a Nlesaver to the wardrobe, as well, We huve heen hoping, for ine atanes, that some gift-giver would fall In love (an we have) with those smart new Lapin sats--and send one home to up, They ure so ohio; wo extraordinarily convens fent==and Inexpensive, relatively speaking as mood furs go, In tha photograph posed hy Lue ellle the most Intimate secrets of the set are shown, The soft, fexs ible ncart tucks Iteelf through a furalot, crushes hecomingly toward the face and spreads its triangular tabs neross one shoulder, The lit tle muff mot only provides two warm pockets for the hands==hbut flee turns itdelf Into a beautiful fitted hendbag containing all the vanities of the regulation purse, A tremendous vogue In predicted for thess sets which come In a numbar of diferent furs and In the ususl range of colors, The model shown In of the softest lapin In a areamy helge tone for weap with the dark costume, A similar wet in fashioned of black galvak, to be worn with Hght-colored eloths und binck; others are designed 'n the darker shades which are wo sharming with winter colors, Aside from thelr hesuty and AIArtnoss these new wets are un- smartness theses ne sets Are une usually practioal, for the sombined puree and mul settles the age-old question of what to do with the weparale purse when hands want to tuok themselves snugly Inside the fur-=and stay there, PELICAN'S FATE IN COMMONS What has hecome of Poray, the pelican? That was the serious ques tion whieh eame up in the august House of Commons in England re cently, Perey disapapared from St lames Park, Westininster, last July, taking wing strongly towards the south, Not a member knew about the present whereabouts of the bi billed bird, therefore It was ofelally recorded "Missing, belleved dead." Sr------ One shoe dealer In France says shoes Intended for American women are too narrow for tse French femin: ine foot, be connected by an alr service NEW KIND OF IRISH STEW Princo Peter of Montenegro, who is an expert eook, is fend of Irish Blew, buf he makes It a little differ ently, He stews the meat in butter and then adds eabbage water with otutoes and other vegetables, He yellaves In the use of cabbage water an stock, and "a veuetable watery is ever wasted In hig Kitchen, aa A "VALENTINE" BRINGS #3500 A valentine" In the form of SLADE, RIVENn many years ago, has just enriched an elderly woman of Nymouth, England, They were nine oneseent iritish Culung stamps sent lier by her hushand when he was » sllor, Reading an article on rare stamps she veutwod the value of her gifts, and sold them for $3,500, EE -- PANTOMIME FOR DRURY LANE Famous Drury Lane Theatre In London has gone back ta preswar normaley, and Is presenting a, Christ mis pantomime this year, Ten years ao musieal vomedy displaced pan tomime at the old theatre, hut with the presentation of "The Sleeving Beauty" the old Christmastide tradi tion Is bhelng revived RECORD ROAD IN IRELAND In eontenst to the long highways nn this country the longest stretch | of continuous concrete road In the Hritish Tales Just has heen completed in Tretand, Tt is 17 miles long and Is In County Antrim, which boasts that In the last five years * miles of cons | erete highway have heen laid Principat elties of Colombia are 1 BIEEES SBS IIIS BDI BIS Sl LE TERS UNDER | PA oAK LOCK AND KEY dl} y Among the smart new garters are hone with loek und ep buskles One set in emerald green with i soft Bray lining disclosed the rhinestone key on one gurier Mile the other member i the padlock, held th arom of rut, red surround: ed with rhinestones make © itive accents for garters of gray oF hae lined with red, to be worn with har+ in Bd hose, while the same ae: sign In emerald with rhinestanes 16 shown with the belge snd brown ect ar range, RTR------ J British fying schools have more ap plicants for instructions than they can eare for, | A negro was brought helove i southern judge for speeding in "| old tin Nesle, charged with Oi il the rate of forty miles per hour, | "What have you got to way lif yourself" vkeed the Judge: "f wasn't going mare thin ten iil an hour," replied the negro, "Have you & speedometer | - the Sludge, i" A know what It 1s, wd | ain't got one," replied the ian "But T've got something the! by 'em afl hollow," "What Is it1" asked the Jl "e's un cuckoo elogk, Wha Ai woes at ten miles an hour, fhe fod ers rattle; when Ah goes il wil miles an hours the whole to nil and when Ah goes at forty nl hour the old euekoo sing Nu GOOD OLD SANTA CLAUS The Merry Od Baint of the Christ: (1's plans to bring delightful surprises / Crnkip imal need Christings trees, 4s & Lemiy, ore the uldest of wil trees, Bewntists sy 1 their direet ancestors were the Brot Howermy, plants on earth, 'They are palieved to have ongmeted duriug period of very severs elimate, the needlslike leuves presenting less pur~ (ee to cold and exyosurs than the nrondienved trees thst volved in lue tor periods of the earth's history, a EE CHRISTMAS PROVERBS To Issue an invitation Is v5 make our guest's happiness us long as he is under olr rool, It 1s # sin prainst hospitality te open your dooy and shut up your countengnes The giver makes the git precious, A wilt with 8 kind sountensnce lo # double present, The charitable give out at the door and Ged puts in at the windew, There Is no grace in 6 glit that sticks to the fing rs, Hearts alone buy hearts, Kindness Vike grain increases sowing, Montreal Herald, JANUARY 6 AS CHRI. "MAS DAY Recent investigators Incling to the belief that in fixing January 6 ae Christmas day, the early Christians were not very far ont, for Junusry 11 would seem to he the correct day, CHRISTMAS IN ITALY Assembling mintstuee models of Christ's birthplace forms an Ime portant part of Christmas observance in Italy, where the litle manger Is called un "preseplo", Wigld fast for twenty-four hours before Christmas ever marks the rollglous observance, by mas senson is all smiles as he makes to the ehildven of Oshawa, My God to Thee "TEWIJES GIFT « NATURAL TONE rj) Ass i Ne pl ve A giftigfine in years to come as lemple Is today OA 000MM, oti Sr \ DR. C, H. TUCK REGINTRRED OPTOMETRINY DISNRY RLOOK Post Offies ORHAWA, ONTARIO For PHO REN, sana ment BH 1516 Perhaps She Has Trouble With Her Eyes Remember this at Christmas " Mother-- will express keen light over such a #0 will the remainder of the family or rela tives == and if there in a aweetheurt to be considered, she will Vision is Priceless Gif, des gifny 80, "The toe, ment, " voice approval, your most OM, TUCK, Opt) Published and dis. tributed Wn 1020 & Child and ita Develop. T'S fine to fool that the gift you give I is one of the best of its faa [W know that months or years from now it will still be something worth-while, TEMPLE a finer radios a gift in which your loved ones will take pride for years to como, TEMPLE will bring them musio as it is given to the microphone... natural, faithful tohe made ble by secrets which only TEMPLE knows, Distance range ee selectivity ee volume , . . beauty of cabinet. . TEMPLE only asks that you compare Listen to ita natural, brilliant tone ++ «note the dignity and beauty of cabinet ,., the sturdy, fine con. struction of the chassis s the larger 14 inch speaker dia ? vy realine at ap why TEMPLE {s the choice of the oriticals Temple Grand Console Highboy $253.00 (Wi er dagv44 0 Ph alee 000 0 Te Temple Radio-Phon n $343, Temple prices will not be reduced: quality hnows ne reduction, Made tn Canada by ; TEMPLE RADIO LIMITED, TORONTO \ TEMPLETONE -- ON THE AIR Ra Thurs ay Nia at oruing 4 1130 aver NOV MOFFATT Simcoe St. North A Copia Arh MO TOR SALES Phone 915