THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 PAGY, NINETEEN Old Customs on New Year'sDay New Year's Day the world over is suighimied with many quaint ens. me use roots go hick fer inte the past, i Mngiand tig great annual festival held wt Cinoorinns, and New Vents y pave vr the Beotti ering fibeyt t, Paul's churchyard has los 8 tormer upiosrious character, © But before the sinteenth century yf Year's Day was the great da gland as it is today In eotiand, vance and Italy where Christmas ny passes with little attention, As a matter of fagt the festival h 3 legnoy from the days of 1 miwrnalia, "Thus whep the surly » Shard saw that what should be & reli 0 occasion was celebrated «with Uhvehy and fsmting ot to runkeniess, and gluttanys-they wl monls the people to disgard § an rites for the quister wa ol sober Christians, ft, Angusting Chey: sostum, and the rest, however, seem 0 have had small authority, sings in ose Christian countries, such ae tland, where the fs still a great Shenson there Is Ntte in the oceedings pA suggest uny worship that of Hueehus, The aetubl reckoning of the N, Year's birth has varied consider through the centuries, 1t has hekn ghlebinted ut one time or another, ut hristmas, March 28, Kasteg Day, In gland it dates as from January | since the late sixteenth century, Many ancient eustoms go back to frusn times, For example the wold ottish custom practised until quite fteent times, of dressing & villager na hide and indulging In mummery, which included a beating of the hbuses and yards, and a blapsing on aach household as the door Ig pens ed, Is pre-christian In origin, Hoge munay has heen gradually divested of rueh pleturesque ritual and today It ehallgnges «= in the cities of the north at least, comparison with the orgies of the Roman Saturnalia, n many parts of the werld one of the chief eustoms In the kindling of fire or the easting farth of devils and { witches, In anelent Treland for ex: ample, when New Year's Day fell upon November | w= All Saints' Day symbolle fires were kindled in every house and hut, In some parts of Eastern Russia it was customary == and may still be se, unless the custom has been banned by the Bolsheviks for the young iris ¢ the village te go forth on New ear's Fve and bert with split sticks houses and yards, This was termed driving Satan from the village, In Slam a custom that ind ihtes i gemmon origin of both eonslste of riving the devils forth from the elty gunfire, The first gun fired from the central palace and the second nearby and so until the outer walls of the elty hear the booming, After this all devils have departed, But the sity 1s not safe yet; the devils must 0 kent from returning, 'In Hilesla the people burn damp wood raise vast clouds of smoke and surse the unseen devils whom they fre smoking out of home and village, n other parts the men turn out in the frosty alr, form into elreles, and shoot down the Invisible witghes us they ride past on thelr broomaticks, In Braedalbane It was eustomary ven adern times to fund off evil through the coming year hy a quaint ual, The house dog was first fod Wings at Sen Rando EE . he! of we bread after which and probably le still wagging a graceful tall wits thrast forth with many shouts curses, From the household into ihe hapless doi it was deemed all ale ness H the coming year pussed, With us the exchange of pravenis ia peculiar to Christmas; but in many countries it is the New Year gustom It was ten fre England, a fact atpested hy the court eustom of Charles 11 wh beh show 8 conslderalile sum ex pended In this way, Here, agaln, there is evidence of the antiquity of the practice; therg are references to it as both Tueltus dnd Seutonios, Jew Molinmmedan, Chinese, Fgyptian wml Roman all kept the day, though, of course, It wag nat always the same diy or even the same month, From them we have Inherited the eustom That it 1s veliglous In its origin sll the anelent ritunlistie practices and exoroisms witnessy it is hy wu queer irony that It is In Christian gountrios hat (te eelebration has reverted most markedly to the furlous fun and fre eof the anglent Paturig ln, anil Bre toa, preserved the anelent sup erstitioust beliefs in witches, devils and spells, I------------------ " OUT OF HIN LINK woo Tanant-=The roof is leaking, and It's ralnina on our heads--how long is this Holng to last? ! Landlord-=Really, my wood man, I'm not a weather prophet Brooklyn Eagle, TRAVELLING LIGHT Mr, Foster--1 suppose you'll take the usunl half-dogen trunks on this trin His Wifee-No, My clothes are all the latest style and I've packed them all in a suitcase, AFFECTED TOO He was a lingering sort of lover and while they were saying "ynod night" for the twentieth time, he re marked "Wea live in a wonderful age, dar ling, Just think how AA Is becoming wireless now!" "Yeu," she acquieseed, "Pa was only saying this mening that even the sola was becoming wireless |" Six Ways To Cook Turkey The 1 ih forms (ie staple es turkey which fermy the » of Yow in the iraditlons) Wi pish Christmas is prepared and cooked somewhas differently In other A countries and hose w ver may lke to try one of the following Variations p- Franse The stuffing coneists of enlons snd Lhestiuts wieh wre eouked beter, wend placed in the bird, she tern Ler are stewed in butter and the lat ter ih gravy seasoned witn salt, They should be gooked for hall an how and the wsual method of roasting then proceeded with, United Sintes Roasting the turkey 1s carried out wth usual manner, Chestnuts only are used tor the stung snd these wre previously stewed in the French wity, 'Ahe bird Is served surrounded with sweet roast potatoes, Russia The stuffing is formed of prunes and rige, well cooked with salt, nul rlihe rignt consistency is reached, Kus sian cooks serve thelr twkey with erenm sauce and are great believers in lavigh basting, fpal In this eountiy the stuffing of pave asada roast trkeys=eonslyls of a mixture of dried prones, pens nuts, dried peaches and chopped sans sige, The method of gooking 1s the sme ws in Canada sxeept for the basting process. for whic Bpanish gooks Insist on using pork dripping Italy No stuffing 1s used but springs of rosemary are placed on the bird's hreust during roasting and small on fons and potatoes are cooked In the same pan as the turkey and served with it, in As might be expeated the chief In gredient of the stuffing is the ewrry with whieh onlons snd tomatoes are well stewed to form a thick puree, Roasting 1s earvied out as in this country, Rallway Manager Another farmer In suing us on account of his cows,' Lawyer-"IKilled by the trains, 1 suppose?" Hallway Manager--""Na, he says that the passengers have got inte the habit of leaning out of the windows and milking the cows as the train woes hy," Could T have same more coffes, please?' asked the new arvival at the seaside hoarding house "Phe coffee," sald the landlady, "Io, 1 am worrvy Lo say, exhausted," YAN, you, poor hing' murmurs od a cynleal boarder, "1 was ax ppoting that, All this week I have ihiioed It han heen getting weaker and weaker \ QUALIFICATIONS Big Mant "So you would like wu be my typist 1? Fale Typist "Yes, ale Wig Mant "What are your qualif ontlans 1" Fale Typlati "I know your wife hy bt Christipas this amasing story of A huge tawny Mon, The horvor STRANGE CHRISTMAS ON THE | HIGH SEAS Of all the unusual experiences that may have befallen individuals Yuletide spent on the high weas ae velated by a Manchester man probs ably deserves the palm, The adventure as told in his own words follow "One Christmas Eve in the traps lon 1 stowed away on board 4 ve wel ul a Colonial port, | was des ttute, After suffering agonles of ermmp; 1 resolved Lo wesk more songenial quarters, Blumbling about In the dim musty hold | game into hard contact with what felt. ke 8 stout balustrade, | squsered myself through the up- vights and landed on soll yielding straw, I lay ravelling in comfort, Later a wonman apposred in the hold and voused me by a hoarse whisper, 'Good heavens, male, keep still, he paid, Curled asleep In the straw lay stricken sallor who found me im- frored me not to wake the heast, was beside mynelf with fright, Inch by Inch and sweating with fonr 1 orawlad Lo the hare, 1 resehs od tham and endenvared to wrig gle through, 1 was half way to safely when the heast awoke, With gleaming eyes I sprang, My yell was drowned by the im pact of 1s huge hody agalngt the bars and I was hurled headlong Among the cargo, Bafa! | got off Hehtly with a broken arm and phouldaer," SPARTAN BIMPLICITY Book Agent (a fuser) "You ought to buy an eneyelopedia, now | that your boy Is going to sehoul," | Farmer: "Naot on your if Let him walk, the same as | did" { AN ACCIDENT - | First Bwdents Why se sad, eld) anf Becond Student: 1 wrote my unels to send me 300 bucks t6 pay my tallor, you know, and by George! h sends me (he recelpted Lill 7 Herve Is a group of happy ite folk at the Toronto Home Oy Tne curable Children, Althongh [pain and weariness Is part of thely dally lot In Wie, they find time tn work which ave shown above, Though | sewing, " ( 5) stand them In good stead in yoars | dressed, (4) A group of Interest pt all sorts of Interesting things, | to come, (1) Nelle, Industeionsly | ing articles made hy the ehildpen (8) Little Margaret have | themselves which will be on sale, handicapped they turn thelr talents | Ing tea with free doll, (1%) Hdleh | (5) doanty dolls dressed hy elever ta constructive use that should | proudly show INCA A Tian a This Ch ) i GIVE SHOES ng a doll she has | little glvls at the home, mm i a a a MS SURES EES ICDL EES | Our Hockey Boots | girl's face on Christmas Morning, . and Skates | | | Will bring » smile on' any boy or $3.00 : ristmas! the sound of hor footsteps" __-- yy ho The New Square TE TCD OND RD IWS PWD IWS IWS OWS RS NE IW OverNight Case @® ! J N ¥ ) i ! A 4 () (. . ( )())| ? ; ------ : ' A With contre A Feng a wel wil , " y D ey aid / LA $4.95 B A S S - T T S qo, 2 LADIES' FINE LADIES FORMAL Shristm as J | ip JATENT ump SILVER KID SLIPPER or all the fami $3.95 SER. Fv a For mother or father, sister or brother, aunt or uncle, grandma or. grandpa = hera's a Store that's in readiness with the finest display of holiday Footwear in ita his- tory, Every desirable style, every wanted leather or felt, every sought for color == they're all / here in' an extensive selec: 7 tion, And at our most moderate prices you'll find holiday buying here a true plea sure, Gifts That Will B Appreciated Shoes of quality and fitting at law Fricos NEIL'S Shoes for men, MISSES' PATEN Birap Dress Blipper 118 $1.78 RR SIR LADIES' $1.95 SOLOSHES w= Childs GOLOSHES 3 low Neh $1 95 In all Fittings & Styles wr CHILDREN'S T5¢ to $1.00 WOMEN'S MEN'S 85 to $275 $1.50-$3.75 SH Ls ET Sl TRL R. NEILL, Limited, SH 1 IOUS INNS IRB S INN © BURNS IRIN S BONING BURN SII CS ING RRR & MINS BASSETT'S "On Oshawa's Main Corner" \ MO SAH S AS SMES MISMISRIIMO SAOSIN MW | ; } : ;