THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 PACE TWENTY.THREKE Real Christmas Day And Its Mi stsries hiatus Bart pl el ed wiring Christmas Sarde andl prs: sents (1 ing hah nd a pos A Juthar drink a at alkyl oy Many EYOwWn-ip people are i over, Vor many of us "don't Avink' and a good few of us when it 88 Lo eating realise with wr Arbrise that the epportuni- ties which we would have coveled a8 boys are vather a hore now and that even ote po ing » Ey Loo Mud. And | the eon» fus it, Wo. ys AY 10 me Junie A ng the real thing in The small detail of i; newt holidays you will he giving up your trip abroad because you Aisliks the raliway journey and the susioms people, Bill, let us try to gol wu, he veal thing, The children Ike it, "Think of the weeks of planning that some of them give to 1t--saying, conwiy: ing, ingeniously extracting the ex tra dime from you in Ostoher, sew~ ing this and thet little thing, paints ing all those ecards---and then as woon as school 1s over all the anxls ous and exciting shopping---and ths mystery of the secrets laid hy only ta he shared with one person he- cause they are so important and only with her on the most impres: sive pledges of seeresy, wonder if orphanages have Christmas and what It 1s Wke in those well-inten- thoned barracks? Can you have a Arawer of your own In the dormitory or any mys: tery ahout your secrets theve--or anybody In the "institution' that oalls you all "walls and strays' as If yon wera wreckage afd lost dogs! No, Christmas, to be right means a home not a Home, I think we must keep Christmas even If It 1s only for the ehildren; and you and I must repress our memories, or, at least, ehoose which of them we shall think about, Biay though, says someons, fsn't thera some association of Christ with Christmas? Hasn't It some aonneation with the Christmas re: Heton? And here come In a gloomy pair of people, One of them, looks ng very learned, warns us that of 0UTEE We must remember that the date for the eelebration of Christ's birth 1s & conventional ene; there 18 no historieal warrant that it fell on December 86, any more than on June 86, Then the other man looks sourly at him and says: "Tell me how do you accept the narratives In Matthew and Luke?! How the Pirth of Jesus Christ was In this Wise==wis 1t1" The learned p son starts to explain all about a eration of legends vound slgnitieant personalities and he outs In again, 'Ho you don't belleve It after ally + and you say nothing about the Vir Kin birth; and you have to face the chance that there never was any Christ at al)" At that rate the more confusion there is with paper and presents and Christman cards and turkey and so on the better, Hut I am not prepared to lower my fing so readily, Josus was horns If thet ls not trie there is ne history left nor (I think) spy other kind of valid knowlsd You aut out the an ols and In the very ast of doing { you let In the historians; an (to, tall the truth) I am more at home with them, They all tell me that Jesus really wan horn; and 1 have other evidence~1 hive known people whom he re-made, The young American when the eommit- tes asked him how he knew he was sonveried, answered; "hecaune was present when it haghensd." | |The very faet of the vietian Chureh-=1 don't mean this or that loss! or move general organisation, but the whole heady of the ye-horn convinces mes 1 have met so many of them thet you won't rattle me out of the eonvietion that there 1s a real Christmis behind them whishever way 1b may he hest to put It; a veal historeal Christ whether MH was in December or June I have a right to he glad that He was horn, And if there are no angels to take me to His eradie, does' It matter? Angels or Histors fans, it 1 eall on the great man, does It matter whether a hutler or # housemald leads me to his study? But the Virgin birth? Let us get down to fasts and experience here, People hellave in the Virgin Wirth on various grounds and the ohief of theses (the only real one in the long yun) Is that they he- Have in Jess Christ, They do nov heliaye In Christ heesuse of the Virgin birth; apart from Him no- body would have given f1i/8 thought, Bo wa will concentrate this Christmas on the main fact the fact of Christ, But why Christmas Day, why the B6th of December, when you are not sure of the day? My Beottish aneestors did not keep the day at all and I. am not clear that Christ meant lew sta them than to some English contemporaries of mine who make ne end of fuss about the day, Why the day? And here our unkind friend looks up again with an unkind brighiness--Iit ly # Pagan day he pays, the Homan Saturnalia, and the Mithralst's "Birthday of the Uneenguered Son," nothing to de with Ohrist, Perhaps not originally, Hull let us look at the two Pagan festivals, I had a friend whe shld he always took heart when the shortest day WAS Once past] the year was with him now moré==in spite Fehruary <'shortest of months and worst' a8 the Middle Ages used Lo say, | Am no astronomer; but December #5 was the Hun's birthday for the old Persians, the promise of ght of spring and of harvest of (he world reborn, I stand there with the early ehureh and for me the birthday of Christ 1s the birthday of Light, of Bpring and of a re born World, f we Are thinking of any day as a possible birthday for Jesus Ohrist this day helongs to him assuredly far more than to Mithras, And that Roman fest! yal==do you know how it was cele ued Binley [RAHAFALION patrol inspec brated? Why, all the slaves of Home were free then, "The Nomen post enlled 1 the best of day, LAght and Rebirth, Vresdom and Happiness; and if they are assoe fated with that dey tor the pagan mush move ars they for me, Bo 1 am going to keep the day with my ayes open Lo Hs meaning and try ing not 16 forget whose name it hekrs; and | witht wish' all my friends (and venders too, for that matter) a real Christman, recone remy Use Aeroplane To Fight Rum-Runners A ----.-- srr ------ Windeor, Dee, 10~United Hix customs authorities have converted 4 fue neroplane, selged from an ale lened liguor law violator, into & seout liane to direct activities against rom rupners in the Detroit river, . Plate wis formerly the prop ert Harold C, Hannay, Grosse Point Park, and wis seined by Uni tars near Utlea on August 30, Cases of whiskey were found in the hangar in whis h Hannay hud Jott the plitie A tenture of # new sonerels ehinreh at Dartmund , Germany, will be a chapel containing a com bined altar and font, In which a fountain will eohtinusally play ane pr The High Bherift's conch of Lei eestor, Wngland, which originally gost $1,600, and for 60 years con veyed Lhe Judges to Asslges, wis veuently wold tor #16, -- A man who was flued 60 cenin for drunkenness at Derry, lralund, reaently was slated to have had BUKD In hin poekets, und had boon taken to the police station for safe ty, Bir Villers Yorster, 17, who just has completed 45 years As master of the Bouth Biaffordshire Hounds, of Hugland, has missed only 11 days hunting during his master ship, The Part de Gules, the famous old gateway ab Calais, Vreanos, which was threatened with demoll tion, has heen saved hy the governs ment hy being elassed as an his tovia monument, Nadie operators at Glasgow, Beotland, wra complaining that thelr recsption 14 being Interfared with hy a highe-pitehed whistle, dus to the heterodyne produced hy the tation at Han Hebastian, Mpain, ¢ | two months In advance, has pre Lord Nelson, the painter Hom ney and Sty Willlam Hamilton are | among the characters In the play "Les Amours de Lady Hamilton whieh was recently presented in Faris When a woman recently applied ta tha authorities of Cardigan Wales, for a new palr of shoes, she declared (hat (he ones she was wearing had lasted 87 years After escaping from a' flaher man's net at Houthses, England a sen frog, four feat three, Inches long and having a mouth 19 inohe wide, walked up the beach, fright ening many people, and then died i BIBI IIIIIN CCCOOOOCCCROONE This Store Brims Over With GIFTS FOR EVERYONE! Father, Mother, Sister and Brother JOY EVERYONE " MECCANO SETS Perret TLL TIAL LLL TELE EET LLL AL EEL EE] EE REE EET REET RRR LLL LU TEER L LTTE TTL LL LETT IIT TILE TELE LLL ELLE LITEL TE EEE) IRI WE ALSO CARRY MECCANO PARTS OUR BOXED STATIONERY | IS THE BEST IN PRICE AND | QUALITY, Also Beautifully Framed Motto Gents" Brush and Comb . Manicure Sets Pen and Pencil Sets All the new Fiction in Stock We Service Meccano the Year 'Round All the Newest Fiction now in Stock Sets Combination Games China Dishes Aluminum Dishes Clock-work Motors Electric Motors Aeroplanes Steam Engine Painting Outfits Badminton Game Motor Bua Machine Guns Telephones Sewing Machine Drums Tool Boxes Fire Engine Dump Trucks Bow and Arrows Tractors Toy Stoves Table Tennis Shooting Game ROBERTSHAW BOOKSTORE -- 37 Simcoe St. N ) south, PREDICTS FROST ABOUT JUNE 20 Chatsworth 'Weather Prog- nosticator Looks Far Ahead wm-- Owen Bound, Dee, 11.-~Inmes B, Bowes, the Chatsworth wage, who foreonst with precision the sold snap of the end of November time it starts in and, gxpeet to he foes, quite eold, mild, The pron Desembar, 1040, Variable Vihruarys mild, winds, very cold, ahout the 10th, disted the weather eonditions for the northern Homisihere up to the hi of Vebraary, 1941, In predieting the cold snap of November, Mr, Bowes alko foretold them 114 westher which 18 now vis. ing these parts, Me sald it would Inst 411 about the 16th of the month, Mr, Bowes bases his pra dletlons on & study of the planets Of his new forecast, the Chats worth sage saysi "The following forecasts are for uny part of the Northern Hemi phera loeated In the sams relative position between the equator ana the pole as North Amerien, "I'he favecnsts are not to he aplied to sountries or areas whieh receive thelr heat from the torrid or oeean ourrents, such an Great Dritatn, or the British Columbia const I'hese forecasts are more wp plieahls to the 46th degres of lati tide, Often the storm or Wilgzard of the north will be rain In the mild alm, AprilsAhout Last half about tures, Last May---Very on ahout the 18th, winds, raing and June=Calm, about the 1Kth, perslalent winds ruins that will month Prabal 20h July=="The tire tinuanee of wind A dsddedly cold wave will take at least four days from the west, before 1 resches Newfound I leave to renders the task of figuring this out for themselves #0 per cent, in these forecasts, which are not but for general conditions, January--Very decidedly to shout the 20th, About the 22nd very sirong winds, rain, snow and Last few days quite this month of (he heavy knows of floods in many places, First few days quite About the 6th very strong heavy rain sand snow and After this very mild to rialn, snow and quite sold, Mareh-p Decidedly mild and very decided wind, ralu and snow storm for about an week, then quite mild, two-thirds of vary dry and ealm, fahle snow storm, sirong and raistont; October 8, medium; ov, #, quite strong; November 22, very strong. TROPICAL FUNGI EXTERMINATED Paintings Threatened With Ruin Says Chemists June, Then very decidedly warm, About the 16th strong winds and heavy rains, commencing about the #th of July and extending in- to August, Will he a period not od for its excessive heat, humid ity and thunder storms, There will be very serious floods in many places, owing to the heivy rain- fall of the last part of June and forepart of July, Auguste irst twodhirds very warm ' and sultry with thunder storms, Last half dry with avers ngs temperature with robable rain ahout the 27th, Heptomber--Very enlm and very dry to about the 10th, then strong winds, rain wand frost, Dalance mild and dry, dry, About and rain dry November---Virst few days calm and dry, About the 7th, winds, riln, snow and frost, centres quite mild, Ahoul the 22nd, very strong windn, heavy rains, snow and very cold to the end, December Very decidedly mild, alm and dry, 1081, January-=Virst half of month a positive record-hreaker for wind, rain snow and frost, 1mat tor hinlt very decidedly mild, Fahruary=-=VYery mild The strongest winds over the wholes globes for 1080 will be about danvary 2%, strong; Vebruary 6, vary wirongi April 6 to 21, strong] May 20, wrong; June 20, very strong and persistent; July 1, very strong; July 15, strong; Auge ust 27, medium; Meptember 21, the great Morth sorrent mild ouneed thaws In will enune serious Balbon, Canal Zone, Des, 11,0 Tropleal fung! which started to ont five gront mural paintings here, sole oMclnl records of eple seoned in bulldings of the Panama Canal, have heen balked by chemists, The paintings show scenes now 60 feel under the cAnal waters, and glgantie construction comparable with pyramid hullding, The arts ist who painted them, W, B, Van tugen of the art school of Cooper Unioh, New York, supervised the fungl eumpaing, and somes of the host, chemin! minds of Amerien and Yurops collaborated in the ex termination, This Intest outhreak of tropleal plagues, which ons after another hinve heen mastered In making the canal, Aifforsd from anything which modern art herstofors has faced, Vung! have attacked small or paintings before, and have hden killed hy fumigation, But entire ly new methods, said Mr, Van In gon, had to he devised for the oanal murals, which cover 400 »q, foot aud have 800 pounds of white sik Veabrunry the 7th, cool winds Dnlanes very oalm and then fresh winds, Balances the first no very RYSYRES 1omperis month Im and dry to then sirong, cool frost, and a prob Balances mild aool and dry to then very strong, with very heavy fill in balanve of 6 frost nbhout the { week has a con and rain worm of RB Sova EA OS lend holding them to the walls of the administration building, The fungl are a vegetable parasite, 4 wpocien of mold, Mr, Van Ingen sald they spresd in clusters of green and white, resembling damp talcum powder, In spots he found the paint apparently eaten down to the canvas, less than 16 years after the paintings had heen come pleted, Originally the paiptings had hoon covered with a protective vars nish of beeswix, This was washed off with alternate turpentine and nloohol baths, A wash of thymaol win discovered to he effective in exterminating the fungl, even to the desp-sented spores Then ame monin washed oft the dend fungl, and the pletures were safeguarded for the futures with a costing of parafin mixed with thymol, Tem perature vecords of 10 years wers examined to learn what mixture would keep the parafin from melts ing or deteriorating, Thyme! is a compound found in olls of thyme and horsemint, sand used ns an antigeptie, It has an nromatie odor, An unexpected re sult was disappearance of worn wpoin, Phin," sald Mr, Van, Ingen, "was inexplicable but satisfactory, The paintings appeared as though they had been executed the day hes fore, and there had not heen aplied nn hrushful of paint to them sines 1010." Nearly $660,000 will he spent on medienl and dental treatment for Landon school ehildren during the 108081 school yenr, ERIE TRE, TL on SEES MEH S MODES PERS EE SeOTLIOeEy Bein Lidl Lt 4 Give © Footwear oO Um 4) dant BY le AN in GOLOSHES Hoason's newest styles rubber, New Low Prices Give Footwear EVENING SLIPPERS In white or black an tin, patent, sliver or gold, AA to O width, Priced $6.00 to $10.00 eloth or lined jersey wool ST DOZENS OF STYLES -- MODERATELY PRICED Cony novelty styles for At w= beautiful colored felt, satin and velvet boudolr slippers for women -- leather or felt for men, 20 ditferent Priced from ASTORIA The highest grade shoe for men=-selling Ab $9.00 & $10.00 A to 0 widtha STRIDER Shoes for Men atyles $4.98 to $7.00 GIVE FOOTWEAR Arch Preserver Shoes for Men BUREN NEO NEN Give Lu ¢ The Ideal Gift NEUEN SNEED MNES DD weees A Give 3 vw Footwear # re) J ees PRE y ASTORIA Shoes for Men DURES HOE D HRERND See Christmas Specials in our Windows VRE BEER