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PAGE TWENTY.EICHT ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 HAMPTON Hampton, Dee, 10-"The Young People's League met on Friday even Ing vith Miss Isobel Campbell, Viest Vies President, in the chair, After the opening exercises Mr, Hilton Pes ters took charge of the Devotional period, Rev, Bice gave the topic, The theme throughout the meeting was "Christmas" and several Christ mas hymns were sung, and the meme bers each responded to the roll call by a Christmas thought, Meeting closed with Mizpah benediction, It will be the annual election of officers next Friday night, Miss Margaret McKessock {riend, Oshawa, visited her cousin, Miss Marjorie Pascoe, on Sunday, The friends of Mrs, Donald Yellows fees, a former resident of our village, will be sorry to learn of her death which occurred on Sunday, Funeral from the home of her son, Donald &t Columbus with Interment at Hamp- ton Cemetery, ] Mr. W. Pascoe, Columbus, visited at the home of L, T, Pascoe on Mon~ Ay, 4 Fhe Gleaners Sunilay School Class met at the home of thelr teagher, Mrs, Lewis Allin on Monday night, A parcel of twenty-six Christmas stockings were packed to be went to the Fred Vietor Missin in Toronte, to be distributed among some of the children who need Christmas Cheer, After this work was done the re mainder of the evening was spent in a social way, refreshments being ser ved In gbundance, : Mr. Richard Robbins, 'Toronto is visiting relatives In the village, Mr, and Mrs, Herb Stainton, vis ted at the home of Mr, 8, McNell, Haydon, Mr, and Mrs, C, 18 Horn and fan fly, and Miss L, Horn were Sunday wests of thelr brother, J. B, Horn, eterboro, Another fall of an camé on Sa turday night following the drizzling raln on Friday, the temperature have ing dropped a few degrees, Sunday was milder, old Sol breaking through the clouds at intervals Mrs, Emanuel Martin, is her son, Eugene at Whitby Mr, and Mrs, WW, W. Horn were on & business trip to Toronto on Monday, Miss Mary Peters spent days among friends and relatives In Oshawa Inst week Mrs, W, J, Virtue has'a Christmas Cactus with about two hundred buds, the first of which was in full bloom on the sixth of December, The same plant flowered up until Faster last « visiting several Year, The W.C.T.U, meet at the home of Mrs, Geo, Barron, on Tuesday afters noon for the December meeting Mr. W, R, Allin is home again from Bowmanville Hospital where he re gelved treatment recently, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Robbins, Lisk ard, visited Mrs, Gertrude Virtue on Friday. and. COURTICE BRIEFS Courtice, Dee, 9, ple's meeting on Thursday evening wis & grand success, During the op ening part of the service the Presi dent, Miss Hattie Osborne was in the chair, Then the program which wis un oratories! contest was in charge of Mr, Will Marshall and even young members of the League took part, Miss Florence Courtice was the Hirst called on when she gave # beautiful tall on the ladder that reaches from earth to Heaven, She spoke of the many beautiful things in the world to make life bright and happy and her address was one of inspiration, Douglas Courtice next mide n very fine speech on 'Canada, Miss Vvelyn Wade in a most com posed and Interesting way gave a splendid talle on "birds" which' was most educative to the hearers, Mr, Alec' Samson gave quite a descrip tive speech on "Soll" explaining the different kinds of soll and their vas lue, Mr, Harold Hartley in his hu morous and jovial manner told the The Young peo qualities of un saxaphone which was | very interpsting, Miss Hazel Wal ters gave a clever address on "Len gue of Nations," "This address which was prepared by herself was quite w wonderful plece of work and was well delivered, Mr, Gordon Osborne gave a yery fine address on Egerton Ryer- son, the missionary, which was an other masterful speech, "I'he Judges were Miss Souch, teacher at Maple Grove, Mr, A, Slylield of the Col leglate, Ohawa and Mr, R, Terret, also of Oshawa, and while they com pared notes and passed Judgment on the speakers, those present had a sing song, led by Mr, Jas, Hancock, and after considerable time, the Judges gave thelr decision, Mr, Ture ret was the first to speak, giving the prize to Miss Huzel Walters, Mr, Gordon Osborne came second, and Mr, Harold Hurtley, third, Miss Souch sald a few words, then Mr, Slyfield gave quite un interesting short address on oratorieal work, The President then presented Miss Hazel Walters with a beautiful silver cup which she holds for one vear and on winming the prize three years in succession, the cup belongs to her After the meeting Mrs, Marshall and Mrs, Ceell Found served refresh ments to the visiting judges Friday evening the Tuxis boys nbout twenty-five in all, with thelr leader, Mr, Penfound, und our Pastor, Rev, J, H, Stainton, met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W, R Courtice, They held their meeting and elected the officers for the vear Mr, Sam Gay having the honor to be elected President After the busi ness part of the meeting, Mr, Clif ford Baker of Oshawn, was present and gave a splendid address to the hoys, The suggestions offered hy Mr, Baker were worthy of putting into practice, Tables were arranged or the boys to play progressive Lost Clarence On Dee, B, Ualy's king and queen puld a formal visit to the Pope at the Vatlean for the first time since 1870, As a simultanoous gosture of courtesy the Ttallan conwnl In Toronto and other prom Inont, Italians paid a formal visit to Archbishop Nell MeNell, ww 0 symbol of state paying Ie respects to the church, The photograph hove shows the group during the | Heir, Mr, Sam Gay winning highest points, and received first prize, a hox of chocolates, Mr, Juck Gay coming second, received a box of candy and Lew Rundle won the booby prize and got a baw of "eandy, Mrs, Courtlee assisted by Mrs, JI, Hancock then served the boys refreshments and a social half hour was spent. During the evening the boys guve a vote of thanks to Mr, Baker who made him self most" agreeable with the boys also n vote of thanks was given to Mr, and Mrs, Courtice for their hos pitality They are a fine hunch of boys and it is a pleasure to entertain them MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Dee, 10~Large con gregations attended the services here on Sunday afternoon at the church Our pastor was with us, and gave us un splendid sermon A very pretty quartet was sung by Mrs, Stainton, Miss May Freeman, Mg Laird and Mr, Swallow Miss Vera Power, Neweastle, spent the week end with her parents here service, Miss Nellie Snowden, Toronto Nor visit: Back row, left to right, Dr, D, Bansone, president of OW War Veterans' Association; Mr, A. Teolls, president of Clreolo Colones boi Rev, Father Truffa, parish priest of Bf, Agnes church; His Grace, Archbishop Nell MeNell; Chey, G, B, Ambros, royal vices consul of Italy for Ontario; Vathey Hutolo, missionary, Front row, loft to vights My, Joseph Grittand, wea! { mal, spent the nd at her home her Our Young ved a vish Wednesday vith Miss aM lent in ¢harge, few words of welcome to th and handed the meeting aver President of El who took of the prog was put the Eldad League After th programme Miss Greta Mundey, 4th Vice«President took charge ol hort contest, Lunch was served and we all enjoyed a social thine together I'he regular monthly meeting of the W.M.5, was held in the hall on Wednesday atternoon, Dee, 4th, The meeting opened with the President, Mrs, W, J. Snowden, In the chair After the Devotional Period and ome business was attended to, th members of the. Mission Band joined the meeting and a very interestin programme was given, Alter th programme refreshments were served and a soelal time enjoyed by all Mr, and Mrs, John Sanders, Dow manville, visited her brother, Mr Sam Snowden, on Tuesday, from Ida Fie mee one | jorie pri pol visitor to Mi dad league, splendid Alan Halson charge ramme which representing Vasclstng Mr, A, Gots Internos Glanelll, yg rontoy Dv, George Glionna, former Toronto; prvish priest, | Dr, Pe. Lowaria Ine | Pasduirio Moline. to, president, Comitato cinle; Chey, Victor NN, former, Italian vicesconsul Italian vieesconsul In Roy, Vather Aunad, Mount Carmel church) quale Vontanells; vidiata, and Mp, no, I'HE TRUANT Sleep did not know Into the land of dreams, in | Pans | I had wandered | And I was enveloped in joy's embrace | As the sky in an sunset's gleams, I'he garden held A of bloom, And because I Joy bade me Enough to last the day, Jwers ould hot Care aire! away with me oftly 1 crept back to sleep again, Hoping he would be kind, But my, flowers he could not quell I'heir fragrance left behind Annie M, Carruthers stale, though h THE REASON HE GAVE "Ho he married his former wife's sister?" 'You, ha didn't In another mother-in-law," Mrs, Veove-~My and M ™ want to break Dix van quarrel in the politest terms Husband eh? Wilhelm pays that If he goo to Germany he'll go back as Ike Holland, baok Kaiser, He must A perfectly civil war, | | There Be -- Here and A ship of heroes skippered hy one of themselves was the unique feature of the salling of the Dueh ess of York on a recent trip from Montreal, Bix holders of the Vie. toria Cross, Britain's most envied and most, meritorious of war awards, were on the vessel, which wis under the command of Captain Btuart, himself a V.C, They were on thelr way from Canada to Lon. don to take part in the dinner by he Prince of Wales to Vietoria 'ross men from all parts of the ¥mpire, slated to be held November Bh, Other V.C's travelled on Cana dian Pacific liners Minnedose, and Empress of Beotland, The stage is being rapidly set for me of the oulstanding develop ments In Canada in a decade when the Mnglish Yolk Dancers and ex ponents of Knglish folk dancing will hold n festival at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, November 15-18, A British opera by a British com« poser of world-wide fame will he produced for the first time on this continent when "Hugh the Drover," by Dr, I, Vaughan Willams, is put on during the festival, and Canada and Canadians will be Introduced to a whole new world of art and beauty, "We are all primarily conscious of the fact that this country, meas sured by any of the yardsticks by which the prosperity of a nation can be gauged, Is a very prosperous country, notwithstanding disturhed stock markets and a rather unusual | grain situation, both of which are, wo hope, temporary," sald 1, W Baalty, chairman and president of the Canadian Pacific Rallway, at a dloner given recently in his honor by the Bt, Catharines Chamber of Commerce Robert Hume and George Thorn ton, veterans of many competitions, who teamed up from Manor, Bas katchewan, in the Canadian Pacific Swine Club competition for and girls of the provines, have car ried off the silver trophy and will join the teams from the western provipnees for a trip to the Royal Winter Valr at Toronto as guests of the rallway, Bituminous sand deposits of the McMurray district and along the Athabasca River will eventually furnish the large quantities of ma terial required for walerproofing and surfacing the gravel roads of the western provinces, is the opin. fon of Major C, G, Ommanney, di rector of development for the Cana dian Pacific Rallway, Montreal, boys | | 618 to ke | times fighting speech n LORD CAHRNO Hou Lovds, declared Irish Vee in altitude HORE WHO LIVE BY FORCE | (rom he uffalo Ital venth anniver hen ol aver Au nr rine the othe olinl voleed a waprnin [M] orf a r da ! Lh celebrated it International crises In history quoted nlved hy arms Added that talking ton and ep up the not talking too I pacifism, Mussolini's the Idea of foree ible means for tional heen ns having probably endin ur Urge hy As 1 petting differences when they have He 1s peo mueh a hig spirit ol nuch he On i of | Mint regavding privy coun to Mu all have uhout lgten vi elory ahout iy adherence to Pos interna reached the point of a erisis Is per dicta fectly natural, Mussol of Italy entered upon his power of maintained hecause rul foree In that Ih of Int is for Hi through the Unquestionably position he he cause there is organized force he vind him. Those must necessarily pre the doctrine of how whuld they live? ach foros nt who live hy forge all Hise tn i at Shona N Cll appeals, Is again resorting to iw old time methods of blacks mui HOUSING FARM MACHINERY thurg Echo) perambulates ahout the cannot help observing n Kood deal of oare= ird to the housing farm machinery, machinery which has d next season, stafding § or fence corner, we By ments all wintes, is not The efficlency ob in reduced, 'not ta gotual loss thru ex« (Amher \f on | count lie there | lesan in res of expe Len to he u the fisld to the we! ood h the mad hpenk of poBUTE It's Hike provide a implements | that neve ine Hine Lhe hurning money net te winter home for farm Racking up the plan of Governoy General Davis to Increase the tours fst traffic of the Philippines the Rotary Club of Manila has estabe Hghed a tourist bureau in the eity, Phitippine-grown rubber will » used exclusively in a mechanics rubber factory which is to be cons | ntrue ted In Manila, we A) A SY ~E2 = R= go / EN ry SS ~~ J 4 her to have a little a Boatty Kleotrio Four Electrical Gifts Free With Every Be 7) Washer, HTL AT Ta a al How mother's heart is touched by a little thoughtfulness! The care of her loved ones is with her every waking moments She delights in toiling for their welfare. But, how much it pleases reciation from them. is washing. She feels she cannot trust anyone with the laun- dering of the dainty things her family wears, over a tub is such a dreary task, How pleased mother would be to have a Beatty Electric Washer to help her, During our gift-time sale you may choose four electrionl gifts with every Kvory single ploce in needs. There are ten on (he list to choose from, you think sho will lke, the washer, but complete electrical equipment for the home, things dn this dst she has wanted all her life, four of them Is $20.00, They are absolutely free during this sale, It's a remarkable offer, Her hardest task Yet washing something that mother Neloot any four that Mother gets not only There are The average value of any i we ii 86 Simcoe St. North 39 Toy I i WO ARN. TT d ™ ! | =U ia hing more lopaythisyear

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