THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 WHY NOT BUY A RADIO NOW ? MARCON Radio Prices Reduced! Regular | Present agule . Price $175 2+ _ Table Model- $125 | Purchase ME Marconi for $26 voxet _ CONSOLE - $210 Christmas MARCONI RADIOS ARE SOLD IN OSHAWA BY Marconi Radio Shop 5 Celina Street A. N. SHARP Phone 2604 bo HE TEES wo Ee | tanker Bwiftland, while at Curaco, | ing her of 341 tons and earrying | taken aw It Is considered better to Dutoh West Indies, Inspected niu crew of 18 men each, allow them to grow larger before modern whaling expedition, His| "The Kosmos has 10 oMoers and [killing, 217 men and has many innovations "The whalers oarry harpoons mr . oatehing ships, "This fleet carried | the whales of sufficient sige to wars | welghs 180 pounds and 18 fired hy Old Timers Learn of New! the Norweglan flag and had just [vant attacking, a veflnery aboard [a f-inoh gun, It has a T= tnoh line, p(ONI T Expediti n oil for the long voyage to the Mouth [latter operation was onlled hy old | Kosmos, and the seven little ves " 4 ons Hens, time whaling skippers the 'oll [sels are sent to scout the whale, ' "The whaling snip, the 8.8, Koss | works,' After the animal is harpooned It h ll whaling centre recently heard | Her deadweight tonnage Is A2,000 [oampanying vessels 14 knota, The lthe upper deck by winches on a from Captain Joseph Gomes much] tond, This vessel 1s capable of [only classes of whales this fleet 14 | 78 foot skid, The steel chbles Ws description follows! PA he "I'nere arrived In Curaofo, ree«|never dreamed of by the eld time | with bombs inside, These bombs IS DESCRIBED ently, one large whaling ship, ae: (whaling masters, Among them are [welgh 17 pounds and explode in TH E N EW TRI UM PH MARCO NI RAD t oO heen launched in Norway The [the ship, and eompressors on tha| "When a whale is sighted by New Bedford, Mass, Dee, 10. mon, In B80 feet tole and has a 77 "The speed of the Kosmos In 18 [dies Instantly, It {as then drageed that wan new to them of thelr old | working 24 whales a day and has [to hunt are fin backs and baa [ed tn this holsting Apparatus Meas: profession, Captain Gomes of thelpeven whale eatehers accompany | bueke Nmall whales will not be lure about seven Inches In olreums EXPE( { MORE FRO A -------- wi - . -- = 1lerence, As moon as the whale | y companied by seven small whale | an alrplane and aviator to spy out |three seconds, 'The harpoon ltself PHS Methods Used By vessels called at Curacao for fuel [starboard side of the vessel, This [the aviator, signals are sent to the Veterawt sicfppors of thin former | foot heam and ® depth of 42.6 feet, | lniots an hour and that of the aes [ta the mother ship and hoisted to T ., N reaches the upper deck, whieh Is CHRIS MAS ON SPANISH MAIN {only a matter of a few minutes, it imme flee and shapes All the operas tons on these tanks and eompress sors In controlled hy eleotrieity, After the oll passes through these THE CIORIOUS TRIUMPH OF tanks and compressors, it in stored In the lower holds and between 30 YEARS OF RESEARCH decks," Captain Gomes sald the Kosmos was still under construetion with E | a foros of carpenters, mechanles Xpeet more 18 and ship riggers hard at work on | the way of Performance, Marconi Ror an she allediaway for the research, Marconi ingenuity, wo Marconi engineering precision FARMER'S WIFE a SEES FAULTS IN b \\ ance: avons Radia Neapbem LIF E ON FARMS PX ba Swniard o sublavs OY modern = graceful = voguish -- Interesting Lotter Written by dl | reflecting the very newest ideas in Peterboro Woman To ( fine furniture craftamanship, NAAT | Expect more in the way of Mechanical Toronto Press -- ghrecision. Naturally and inevitably Torente, Ont, Dee, 10="A Fars Nroont Rai tion wathmatiship in mer's Wile" writes from Peterhoro axperionce in the yoars o County to the local preas saying that and R " bullding of Wireless it farm Mie is to attract people of adio apparatus ts your assurance today there must be less production of perfection in every hidden detall of and larger profitar The first would the Recelver's design and construction, eliminate trouble over too long hours - - on farm, overwork, and that bugbear MAROON! Radio satisfaction any way you leok at it, to the farm housewife, the hired BATTERYLESS Dollarsfor-Dellar value ¢ man, The second would necessitate CONSOLE thing In the field, The hanging a system of bookkeeping, and 1 hope you've al td, nd ie every farmer in Ontario will start the new year with some system of ha will like to own, keeping accounts, It need not be | Let your n A ¢laborate, and there ean surely bo | strate this on aroont dealer demons found one member of each family FEATURES new Marconi Triumph, ready ta eheck up all the income and \ expenditure on the farm, The farm 9 Tubes == ( N -- er must demand a selling price for | Complete Shielding ha goods, with the determination Four Gang Twning Condenser = NI (A - that he will either got it or stop pros Uniform Tuning == Hhwminated mdio t Xi 3 , ducing, Most of us are getting tired Indicator =~ One Dial Station \ C\\ 22 | " of this habit some farmers have of Selector w= Automatic Volage The fund al 7 fh \ ¢ faking a Laid Or florekacper what Regulater «= Power Hum Silencer Radio i l ad wd : A " 10 18 paying today for this or that, dd A layi Marconi and a poy NL a " I hop he United Farmers « apter Jack for playing arconi and developed throug Rat am am a nd a a a a iam Sa ae ES FI a Fara) WNemen Vwitad Furmers and Phonograph Records -- Marconi genie to a i oak i will diseuss these problems, And fweroned welt RN ol $ is on the Spanish Main priv si ho There will, of course, not be forgotten a gigantle | such questions, too, as these: Why in net with Puilin the touch of Marcon! ge ra on the Canadian Pacifie liner, | Christman pudding over and around which the weird | the press is there quoted a difference nus ({ -- He of hurding brandy will east an uncann Tadianee of about 10¢ per dozen on fresh okt Superd Dynamic Speaker Rode I = En Marconi \ {18 'Dlubhered' In about 12 minutes CS WCW a Wa es LC - I eg al AE ; * pe {and the blubber slides over to the Tae Bg [WR = CF i Sm ed . -- ae f- . compressor and refinery, | ERY " y gl p x " 3 | YHatwean decks on the Kosmos b 1 po .. APE iy " 4 is one mass of tanks of different a -- -_ a oh -p Ah 2 a rere ---_ fet ne pe pT -- RT mm a A ee ,_ NE Da rd, with lish NM . firat time in the hister bowi of wassall, preceded by two purauivants and | delivered by the country shipper in hrough 30 yoare of {he yoar of y wi # Jester with hp. ond pels , wil accompanied hy the court jeater wil go the round [Toronto and the retail pretfe? Why in of boot and "% hoa -- other | of the guests in ono of the most popular of oldstime | should the farmer pay Ahinning chars | erren Winds op solen= oon I make the © hristmas observations, gen on eggs, cream or milk when | a , of medie ly Among the gueata there will be Randolph Crowe, [alsa navi shipping of ectly servitors in the most approved his \ well-known eperatio baritone who added to A lwrels or indivegtly pip Bil DB HJ coll 4 ohn the Butoher" in Dr, Vaughan me' | Why are'we farmers wi 'New Y the Drover, prize fight ballad opera and whose | anly Soe por ahi or es receiving et 2 ort American premiere was recently given at the [other day a eity dwellers wife told fon or, . on Yoder tmas tha SH h Folk Dance Festival at Toronto, Furthe holiday a nee Festiva ronto, AREY, | me she was paving 800 per dozen for : © Ohrl v in will be members of the New York Folk Dane | cgas in MT Re tors of them will also be actors in the | Soclety, While carol singing, "Walts®, & Christan | oni enn 0) and Shey were fie The Duchess of will leave ow Ral old English Polk | Rta ANd NOR and nan | oothring TR, sither! C A N A Db ! A N M A Rn Cc Oo N 1 © Oo M P A N Y i ork Decombey 48, : Aother features will make the trip unique, Tapanoso hanks ave esablishing OWNING AND OPERATING RADIO STATION GPCF AT MONTREAL MAKERS OF THE MARCONI RVC RADIOTRONS i {many branches In Manchuria,