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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 fi Y/ THE C wih" where ' uger ow" OORBIED 3 CIION . Seller "2990500 / ( \\" ayane w, ANNIE, BARNTETT WS Notley Publie Kis, Con: n " rie LLL] Ww Wimooe ot wath! wa. Phone 4, GO, D, Conant w MLB AP, Anni, B.A, ) WANT Nor Notary Publie bdo Mger oney to loan Third flown he Al of Building Opposite Post Hod EN BIRCT AT RFA Helin ---- rinter, ih HEA EAA yYevancer Money 10 loan, ing St Kast, Oshawn, fide Wit esldence phone R37 4 A Phone V1} , CRETOTTON XND Vraser, Barristers, Gonveynnears, Notaries Publio, ats, Offies aver Standard Hank, Butrance Simooe it Phone 18, 1 Grierson, K.0,, T, K. Orelghton, 1, Veawor BA om ha, 0 tt se LOUIS § [IVMAN BARRIS TIN Solleltar, Notary, over Dewlnnd's ior, Money to -lorn, 10 Himoos Vihew orth Phone 67, Rosidenes NN RY -- -------- PARKHILL AND FINED BAR fiers. ete Money to loan lier i" phasite Post Ofee J tei, AT el oC" eid GREER AND THTUMPHR YS risters, Solieitors Wi AR N._ Phone 3160 Money ta loan ALEX OQ, HALL, B.A, DARRIP tor, a, Conveyanolng ana donera) otles, B04 King Wt hone Hey, : at TARR 8 WATT, WATT § ters, Holloltors, oto, 41 Alpe Hldg, Oehawa and Port Parry Phones 750 Oshawa, Part Perr 24 and 71 pp / { Da r Medica! ------------ LAUR DR, MeKAY, FHYSICIAN SUR eon, Aceour er. OfMce and resi dence, King St, Itt eo ner Vietor St Oshawa, Phone Ud ' DR, HAROLD W, THICK elan, Surgeon Ohstctrieinn references to wnaterniiy work seasons of ween 'wo venry' radunte experience. Office ence 107 ¥Fimeoe $1, N., (coi one 30° DR, GRANT HARRY, PHYSICIANS Surgeot, Obsiotriciny diseases infants and children, Office and 1eakde 07 Hond Fast, Phone 1143 al RAZ WONT 1 "VaT elar and Surgeon, special attention Kiven to . tay work and Eleetr wopy, Often, Disn ¢ Bloc hone 2080, Oifie. open 9 am h Yo Realdence 161 King Fast Phone 2416 UR, DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM be RC Pad 8 "Keinbureh Chysiglan, Surgeon and Obsietrielan ge 14d Simeoe 81, N Phone 3021 nee 101 King St 1 Phone 3188 2 AR KR HROWN, M.D, LN o BP & 8 Bdinburgh, Physician lurgeon, Obstetrician, special ats ention te maternity work and dis wees of children, Office and resi ~ jou pe, 188 Simeoe St. North, Phone iw LOAN, PHYRTOTAN, urgeon, Obstetrician, Oftios and residence, 613 Bimooe street north Phone 3415, 21 month) FR a, PH 81 Npeeinl d di post ved res (Oct, B:1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PRET DIAN OF T60 RTOUR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 tll 4 pany, for consultation und treatment of disepses of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may he mind ul rug store. Phone © ye, ose and Throat DRE. RICHAKDBEON, OFC over Mitehell's Diwan Store, Hous 10 to 12 am, 2 to § Evenings by polatme\ Office phone 2040. onldlene 442] X Fee a XING OFFTon over Dewlands, Hours 10 to 13 am, #10 8 Evenings hy appoints ment, Offlee' phone 1400, Roald ance BHAA, "Dental BR 5 1 FRITTITS OWI TAY sett's, Special attention ta Nerav work, Gas extraction. Nurse in at nee. Phane 950 House 1313 ra RATE MCOIST over Mitchell's Drug Store prion. Phone 5 LE HURRELL, DENTIST us oxid axvieen was for extra Moe Roval Hank Blda gosidonce, WAM CF BROCK DENTIST 18 coe Nt N. over Dewland's le 1987, Rea 22W Evenines by pnt ! hon. "CIFFORD, "OFFIC ent Theatre Nida, Phone 1780 08 kJ ~ Tr ------ PT ETT , LANUMATH BRT BAVIES ntists, 37 Ring St. BE Special at a 10 Rte extucion and X FU " re in attendance. Phones bh Engineering and Surveying HONRVAN ANT TUTTT (INTAR lo Land § A ors and Cly Engin cers, subdivisions, town planning, municipal engineers vi 1 41 Kine : Or £° 81 4 Phone 2534 Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 3 ¥ fEasg, Ambulance, Resldence $42 Sim. 408 street north, Phones 2101 and DISNEY: FUNERAL HOW) #7 Celing street, Oshawa, Corner Bruce Ambulance, Phone sreet Insurance he Os) The oid 19 King Bt, west, Oshawa, L) ' onl Vire Jong In Cehawa, 0 mutable Fire Companies, 4 INFUWANUER gonsult ft. N, Johes, K0 Bimeoes porth, Your Insurances vante Ab tended Lo apd your interests pro teoted Transportation CARTAGI AND BTORAUR, COL: man's, 45 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moving, storage Ware: house and moving van squipment Phone Hi sund and cinders, Locul and lon intan Wanting. Phone S04 ry ganar, smith and Cox, B87 King gt, W, y pl OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAR. lishw! furniture movers, Park Road CAT Local and long distanse Prank" Cowl, Prop, 68 Park RJ south, Phone 818, Noy, 16:1 mo) UANRTAGK, MOVING, GRAVEL, wand and oinders, Phone R83LM, Chris tUrabam, 370 Verdun Road, (Noy, 14:1 month) Ee Boauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMAWENT waive, Special 85 and $72.50 Flanges Wive and shampoo $1, Faecal 78 Halr eutth gn Phone 4908 or ¥ Nimeoe North ; ------------ EXPERT MARCELLING RY Betty Ward at Betty Low Permian ent Wave Shoppe: Maree! and sham poo gL Bhoye U6 AL WATSON S BARDICR AND Heauty Shop, 9 Celina 81, We spe clalize in ladies' ne FAR hale eutting, mar velling, shampooing, facials Maree) ¥) gents, For appointments phon 2084 Nov, 18:1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL, Soe, EY) brow arching, 25¢, Mrs, Lvoretie Hell, apartment 9, Kdward Apartments, Quebee Street, For appointments phone 326410 (Dee, 3:1 Ma) MARCEL AND CURL 8b, MRA Clark, 147 Agnes Bt, Phone 2040) (Dee, 11+] mo) EE a EE Building Supplies CENTNT TOURS FORTRAN To insure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of dalivery date WwW. Borrowdale, phone 1618 Music ARTHUR TYNDE VOCAL TEA cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To vonta) pupils, prepared for all ONAINA Oshawa, Wedneaday, 92 Simeoe N Nout! hone | -- (| LEONARD RICHER, L, R, A M, Director of Musto, Oshawa Colles! ate and Public Hehools, Studio, 80 Westmoreland, Phone #004) (Nov, 16:1 me) Ee... ---- FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONK of Toronto's leading vielin teachers in In Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Elgin St, KE, Phone 730M, (Noy 14:1 mo.) Radio Service ARDTO RHPA TRE ON ALL NOD: els at a reasonable price hy an ex» pert RadiosTriclan, All work guar anteed, Nattery charging The, Pat terieg for sale, Geo, Nurroughs & fon, Phone 380-11, Graduate Na tional Nadi lastitute, (Deo, #1 mon) CHIAWI TATTOO "HER VICR, AC cossorive for sale, repairs on eleos trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries res charged rental supplied, $1, Phone 1046), Charles Wales, 140 Wigin Kast (Deo, H+1 mo) "Painting and Decorating R OUTSOLE, FIRST CCARS (A gin ia Bog Pine i, phove w or at) AOC TURNTR, PAINTER Paperhanver, Only first class work guaranteed: NN vears experience Prices reasonable, Phone IW, (Nav, 16:1 mo.) - Money to Loan CITY AND FARM TOANS TRO gress loans areanied, Parkhill & Field, Barristers, ete Mda Phone 1614 Alger Architects t CG STENHOUSE yrehites tural work oval Rank Building, GENERAL Second Aor Phone 14% SONTAS ANE ge te hd Mew mene St 8 1] h g hadi 1 Ry i "Stenographer WARTE MN HICYON, Te ivoon street worth, Phone 1408. Bpevial rates for matling Hats and olvoular work, 3 Nov, 86-1 mo) FURCIET BFENOORATAY AND bookkeuplpe Moderate prices, ---- (Nov, 81-1 mo) uctioneer PRONE ¥i6i. WO SOTCRY auctioneer, M4 Simeon Sy 8 We can sell vour odd pivees of fwinitare Py other articles at one vardy, 4 ing § th W. Oshawa, Qutario, Home Cooked Meats ENGLIRN TOME "MADE PORK plea, steak and kidney nles, hot or aold, brawn, cakes and pastries, eto, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple stréet, Phone 2RTRF, (TT) Ha dealer SHOOND HAND DWACER, FOUR niture bought and sold. 156 Bloor at Kast Phone 10 TM (He Shoe Repairing PENT PEATE TG WAVE YOUR shoes fixed (x at Menko's corner Sim coe and William \ at Expert skate sharpening and shooshine, (Nav, 21.1 mn.) Watch Repairing A VON CUNTEN TRFERT Swiss watchmaker, | repair shop a\ 415 King Street \Westy Your pat ronage i solicited, of this nature, snd collect for same, "Times" Classified All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small necounts For the convenience of customers who find It Ingonvenient to coms personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring & messenger who will recelve the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results wa CHIOR EN" WANG, "CANNING ton, briek cottage, five rooms, fur. naoe, six ohioken hones, "Two aleotrie Incubators, electrie brood ar, Pitteen hundred will handle Jan, Ryan, Cannington, (1870) "WORINERR OPPORTUNITY GENERAL ATORE, VICTORIA County, brick store, house eight rooms Connected Turnover twenty thousand, Jas, Ryan, Usn nington (187¢) WHITRY TOWN REAL HOME seven roomed, hriek house, fue naee, garage, nies lawe, good Kar den, aaparagus bed, sirawherries, Real buy, Get partioulars, James Ryan, Cannington (18he) EE a a Work Wanted CHENTER Be Ey RE-UPHOLSTERING falda made to order, Wa save vou money, Estimates free, GA Con stable, 74 Mechanie street, Phone (804), 00 BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 73 cents, I reins wl supplied $1, Batteries repaired Stan Blidgon, 20 MIT St Phoue INRBW, (Nov, 18:1 mo) BATTERIES CHARUED AND DK livered 780, rental Rho, and the antire electrionl system of Oar re palred, 04 Oshawa Mivd, Phone d110W (Deg, 18:1 mo) WE DO ony RUVATRE TO nares and trucks Also general wondwork. W, Fry, 46 Bond wes (pen evenings (Nov, 14:1 mo) RL A il MATIR PRACTICAL NURSE, | ol nity, Invalid or general nursing formation phone 1308 (Nov, 47-1 mo) PACTUAL NURRE DINEN: gaged, maternity, Invalld or general nursing, Doctor's references, For Information phone TIM, ({ Deo Hematitching NINKOENTS VER YARD, PLEAY od Hkirts, one dollar, alterations, oto, All kinde of beautiful fanay work on sale, Mra Dell, B64 Sim soe Houth, Phone 10548 (Nov, 161 ma) a rh Sr Rey Td le ade pil Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired, No job too small or too large, George A, Lemees, Phone 1400M, 0-1 mo Ra tDee, 41 mo) Saunas a -- C a anaes Tail FAULT VERLAND, niST™ AND most artistie elothes maker fn Osh. awa for men who care, Prices fair and reasonable, 1344 Nimeoa Street south. Phone 138IW, (Nov, 201 ma Contracting CONTRACTING = CONCRETE Plasterhy electric or Sheralions Phgne 1M fot estimates __ 'Storm Windows STORM WINDOWS CUT TURE bills one quarter Make cold houses warm and comfortable, Phone 3830w and wo will measure your windows {roe und guote low prices on Ready Glared Storm Windows, fitted and \ if {red Joo me.) otor Cars HY HRN "COACH," WERLY. taken care of, good tires, going at 83258, Twelve months to pay, #8 Centre street, (1470) Caulking HAVE ALL CREVIOES AROUND your windows and doors tilled with plastio cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost is small, Free estimates, J, MH, Law son, RR, Noo 2, Oshawa, Phone _ T24- _ Dao, 4:1 mo) Books NORTRTERAWS OIROULATING Hbrary, You will enjoy reading the latest Motion at mintmum ovst Phone 1473, 47 Clmeoe Bt North (TNE th aa ES Peta and Live Stock TWEE FOLIO TURE" REVEN weaks, good natured. wise, Lot ua tell you more about them, Phone (T8108 i FOR WATE=TOR § aly wenks old, Apply © H, Raows Real Estate for Sale don, Phone 208 r 2, Bowmanville, (1880) Articles For Sale MINED HARD ANT §OFI™WOUT slabs, $450 per loud, Also bone dry body woed Bi Mowk Limied hope Jas (ALL 201) FOR BALE~HBINTEMAN OO Lid, pianos, new aud used plano Also radios, Istest wodels; erin arranged, Apply OQ. Trull, Phoyge 1hbod, (hath) FOR SBALE=BUGGIES, CUTTERS, slelghs, also Buffalo Kobe, cheap i, James & Song, phone 20, (13a6¢) KITCHEN CABINEYT AND GAS stove for sale, good eondition, Apply 144 Mary Sireel, phone 987), (16) RIE - CONDITIONED MeCLARY eabinet type eloetpio range, $20, Hu ry BD, Wilson's, Hardware (1871) DARK GREY AUNTHALIAN GOAT worn Will well 1] vont Bix woek vhepp hot 14 | (Thue | | | { | FOR SALE ORDER FAK] for Christmas geese and chilekein alive or dead, delivered, Phone 108) rd (138 | APPLES FOR SALE SPIES, RUS wets, Hweets BL per bushel, alsa ton Leghorn hens, ten pullets, and Mas] sey Harris Pulper, BD. A, O'Donnel, | Lharnton's Cornel (138) | FOR SALE TUBE BATTER) radio set In walnut stripped cabinet, $25, Phone 25771 (134 Xi GOOD PHONOGURAPH AND RIL cords for sale, Apply 87 Arthur St, | (1M MAN HEAVY | overcont FOR HALNW leather lined Phone 1014W, (Lash) | PLACE YOUR ONDER NOW FOR Christmas wreaths, Christmas trees and spruces in pots and coda) line with the Cedar Nursery Co Ltd. Whithy, Phone B08, (TART AULAB 04D) BE a EE Help--Wanted Male WANTED ELECTRICAL ENGIN eer wanted do small Job around $50 Take It out deposit on cloar lot, Hal ance $6 month, Apply Box 357, Times (130) Help Wanted--F emale WANTED A CAPABLE WOMAN for general housework, one accustom od to children, Apply Box J Times: . Pt-at- a (1.30) WANTED == COOK OWNERAL, Mrs, I, J, Rundle, Apply by tele phone §3, (14%) OFFTOR GIRL WANTED, APPLY Nox B64 Times, (18%) a Ee .. a, Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--THRIEE furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, North End, Box 39 Times, CY ST (1360) WANTED TO RENTEFURNISH. apartment, 3 or 4 rooms and hath, Ron tid limes SIN) Wanted to Buy WARE TO NOYES oyole, Must be ln good condition, oheap and quite new, Hox ABN Times, (187h) Laat aa i EES Position Wanted WORK WANTED=TANDY WAN wants work of any kind, Phone 1860W, (1360) GATTI wire Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD =" WARM bedroom, suitable for one or two entlemen, close to Motors Rreakiast f desired, Apply Rox 386 Times, (10%) EE A i -. ak Notice of Application for Divorce NOTIOK a hereby given that Conutanve Mary Weight of the Clty of Oshawa, In the County of Ontario, Ia the Province of On tario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parikment of Canada at the next aesslon thereof, for a Bi of Divoree trom her husband, Lucius Elmer Wright, of the Clty of Oshawa, aforesald, earpanter, | on the grounds of adultery, H DATED at the City of Oshawa, in the Province of Ontario, this Twentwtifth day of November, A, Dy, 193% JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Barrister, &o,, Oahawa, Oat, sollettor for Petitioner, | house with good cellar RARE L410: 00) For Rent YOUR AND viv wouMBU MOD wru suites, including sleetrie refrig oration, stove, Isupdry, conven) wnoes, ole) continuvus Bot wales supplied, Apply Supt, phone 8671, ur The Trusts and Gusrsates Co IAd,, manager for owner, Fotanie, (871) TO RENT = LARGE WHITE brick house at 18 Nussnu B' eet, sight rooms and finished wattle, furnues and all conveniences, $5 per month, Phong IB50W oo ne 183]) TO RENT we MODERN. THREW rooms and bath apartment, eee brig stove, refrigeration, and het water heating, Apply 161 King ast, Apartment 2, (14h) THREE ROOME AND WATH UN, furnished to rent $4 per week, Phone 1502 i ---- ( b I'0 RENTVINE MODERN BUN» plow and garage, $18 per month, apply 10}; King St, west, (1361) TO RENT=FURNISHED OR UN» furnished ropms also bed sitting room with light housekeeping privileges, als L Arne Apply 165 Ritson Rowd Butera AVAITMIENTS, CINTRAY, YOUR rooms, steam heated, electrle range, (easonable rental, phone 1400, {19 ) I'WO FURNISHED ROOMS TO renty sult young eouple, phone 204 ar : (137d) WO ROOM APARTMENT TO rent on ground floor, Jones Block Mimeog Street North, sultable for of married couple, or bachelor npnrtment, Phone 538, Rose's Real Estate, 1583 Bimece Street North et d176) Mrs phone 137 (137¢) THREW ROOMED SEMEDETACH. ed house to rent Conveniences Apply 456 Loulss street Phone 14284, (1870) TO RENT VIVE ROOM BRICK, oonvenienees, hardwood floors aloatrio fixtures, newly decorated Also gavage, Immeriate possession Apply B11 Elgin Bt, Kast, Phong 1680.) (14460) WELL FUHNIAHED ROOM IN goad home for husiness gentleman Indy, or reasonable far two girlie, Roar If desired Gnruge avallable, 144 BNimeon Bt,» fices, BEDROOM I') RENT Shortt, 18 Warren Avenue, 0 (1870) HOURE, Immediate FOR MENT MODERN I rooms, Oak (loos possession, $46.00 menth, Morton & Mrench, Mundy Bldg (187m) FOUR ROOMED HOUSE, LIGHTS and water, Paved street, Near MAO, Immediate possession, Phone ntl (1800) 0 LET-TWO OR THREE UN furnished rooms, hardwood floors All convenlences, Apply to 8560 Ar hur street (1860) I'0 RINT ROOM BRICK Nicely dee Phone (1860) FURNINHRED Heht, heat and Phone TH0W, (1860) TO RENT--THREE NICK HOURK. keeping rooms, Three minutes walk to GMO, Light and heat also piped for gas, Apply 113 Anes Ht (1d6¢) FOR RENT-ONK CORY THREK room, ground floop apartment, No abjeotions to ohildren, Phone 1840 (108a) NIOUREY FURNTRHED WRDROOM to rent, hoard If desired, Apply TH Hond street west, (138) TWO ROOMN FURNIRHED, Kvery convenience for Hght houses keeping, Light and heat, Phone 14TH) (188e) MODERN MIX ROOMED HOURK, fixtures, storm windows and gar nee, $40 per month, Phone 187T6W, (1880) AFARTMIENT AND FOUR GANS aes for rent, Apply 87 Colhorne street east, (1870) Hardwood Floors, 8¢ Foot YOU CAN BUY MARDWQOD flooring now for enly He a foo, Freight paid on $10 orders, All od and aide matched. Hasy to lay, Yo can do the work vourself, Wa tel vou hows Send for free elreular, Halls day, Box 311, Hamilton, Building Material Specialists : Lost and Found LORTE=HUNOH OF KUYE I: tween Qourt Street and Times ofs tloe, Finder leave at Times office, (188n) LON FRUTR ITE WRTW IN Oahawa and Toronto, Finder please notify Gordon Leask, Taunton, Phone 108 » 24, (18%0) PROFITABLE TRADE STOPS SUDDENLY ---- FOUR oruted reasonible, 40M Io rooms gan, 30 Hen RENT TWO hathroom Maple Mt Loa Angeles, Dee, 13m=A profitable mall order business was on the rocks recently, while ong of its promoters, John Welsert, $0, was fn fall unable to produc $2000 hondy The other member of the firm Mrs, Klsle Wolsert, hs wife, was at liberty on her own recognizance, in order that she might care for their children, Postal tnapectors ruined the busls ness of the couple, which consisted of inserting ME i aonte in a Denver matrimonial paper setting forth the charms of "a nlee, buxom German giv of 3 and a swell eook." Romantically inclined, males ves died with offers of warriage, Then Les, Walser and her husband would write asking for railroad fare, after which the correspondence ceased, the government elaimg, One man took the matter to the post office departinent and inapeds tors traced the source of the mated montal missives to the \Welserts, heen | Rates for Classified Ads, First (nsertion-144 oenis per word, Minimum eharge 800, Each subsequent consecn tive Insertion leo per word, Three conssoulive inser tions for thy price ol two first tneertions (three cents a word), Minimum eharge fur three insertions, 00 covts, Box number 100 additions! Professional or Business Onarde, $5.60) por month for 30 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additions) word, TIMES CLANSIVIRD ADE CONT LITT ky ACs COMPLISH MUCH TELEFHONK 8s Ask for Classified Ad Departinent OR a ---- ARMISTICE DAY IN OLD LONDON Young Canadian Writer Finds Sympathetic Heart In Empire's Me- tropolis (By the Canadian Press) Quebee, Que, De 13.=Under the name of "Dorthy Gilbert," a young Quebee newspaper woman writes from London to the ChrondeleI'ele graph the following moving account ol Armistice Du "Patriotism, Ne they worth I waked mysell have rolled by one hy one) forgotten the d are but memor lesen who died for an Ideal "Wools!" says one} "Heroes!" ex claim others, Dut It matters not fools or heroes, thelr end Is the same and after 11 years they must appear as dim shadows And Londan, the huge, the world metropolls, preseminently a elty of Hing, what time has she to think of the dead? Alas, how litle | knew my London! On the eve of Armistice Day 1 set out for a quiet stroll and uncons clously turned my steps towards Westminster, Tt was evening: a Hght fog mingled with the darkness, and as 1 approached the House of Com mons, Dig Den hoomed out the hour of seven, The regular Sunday even ing 'hush had descended oh the ety and my thoughts" were far away, It wis only when | had reached Wests minster Abbey that 1 heeame cognies ant of my surroundings, People were standing In groups near the huge door; men and women, and some little children, Curious I approached and looked through the rallings, The whole ground was reds=the redness broken hy little wooden crosses, watched, and at last realized what the people were doing! planting pop. ples--one for every Roved one who had fallen on the battlefields of France, Slowly they walked around each little cross) an old man with wor rheumatic knees stopped pain ully to plant his red token of Remembrance ;- a tall oMeer of the Guards, who, when he encountered my Inquisitive eves, breathed in a husky whisper "For a pal!" Smart, beautifully dressed women and girls; sad faced mothers with narled hands, tiny tots who laughed with glee at the slght of the scarlet flow: pra==enclt planted his poppy, and little hy little the pateh grew until the whole plot at the aide of the Ab. hey was flamescolored, a miniature Flanders Field hidden in the shadow of the mausoleum of Kinga From there 1 turned up Whitehall, and so reached the Cenotaph, "To the Glorious Dead" {a carved on each end, and at the sides, wave flags of the Empire, Four stalwart polices men guarded the flowers banked high againat the monument, Never had | such magnificent wreaths; Roses, carnations, and Autumn flows ors and leaves had been wrought into beautiful forms, real triumphs of the florlat's art) ther ore some too that looked as if they owed their design to humbler and less skillful bands, A small uquet of poor, chrysanthemums, lying bravely among a pila of roses, caught my eye, lifted the carde=a rather erumpled card, written in a labored uneducated hand: i "In Loving Menory of 'Daddy' From His Wife and Children" How many "daddies" and husbands and sons were commorated in that pile of flowera? And then, as 1 stood musing, a woman came timidly up She looked young, and had: that drawn expression and==sharp fea tured peculiar to the poor of London For a moment she gaged at the mag: nificent flowers, then, turning from me, extracted some coins from her purses and darted across the street o where an old woman was selling flowers; In a few seconds she re turned with a tiny bunch of violets Halfsshyly she placed them among the other tributes and then glancing at me with very bright eves, vouch safed, "IU was to have been my hus band, miss ,,.." So Remembrance was not just a word after alli the dead were not shadows, and London was not too membranes what | alter 11 yews I'he yea Wir Is He peace det Lol a) rm and with wonderful = reverence ren dered public thanks for the gilt of pence, Watching the thousands ol people with bowed hends, | was thrilled and simuzed, On the stroke of 11, the whole city was wrapped in the silence of the hy only the pi geons, In Trealulgnr Square, having no place to rest, fluttered wearily over the motionless crowds, During two minutes the prayers of 4 natlon as cended on high, while in the shen I thought of the pauper poppies ly ne In the shadow of Westminsie Abbey, md the poor drooping ehrys unthemums with the erttmpled enrd and the tiny bunch of violets--and a girl's bright ey: . "To the glorious dead |" And | knew at last that the flame of Vstriotlsm snd Remembrance burns ns brightly as ever WONDER MOTOR IN Car Goes 100 Miles Per Hour De 12,1 learn that an model touring Is nearing completion In the se erimental factory of Derby, says a writer Neows, I'he enpine, which Britain retain nominal, and is reputed to to develop 180 hp capable of driving | wt more th and to neeelerut London, entirely new Cir ret ux in the Dally will show that 37 hap be nhl maximum and be her prestige, | sonter sn 100 miles an how from 10 mph, to nts ten, The Rolls is of 40:50 h i osuven on 1] TRY present nanion 0 with nu G44 tax The model Is the result three years' resenreh, It was not it the Olympia Show In October, bul for production between March June ol new Is due and of next year Testing Out Ideas A fortune has heen spent on dell machinery to test to destruc new idea before adoption ven In the of the engine manifold tres were studied plans tubes through the ent Hon every Chant mn til for & vear In ot and otiner wn the point of development wus reached Thy chassis of the new ear will be "down swept" Spring fore alt will be lighter than now and of a secret steel, and will have oll hy dranlie shod) of the two wiry control type, miving astonishing ly smooth progress with full load und light load and' superb road holding ut the car's maximum speed , Fhe engine In an sixeeylinder with overhead gumshaft with a special form of drive, The earburation sys tem incorporates a blend of super charging by inertia (a phienomenon in all Intake piving wn lag pus How) 1or ecrtaln engine speeds with a small auxiliary blower, se ama! mou truments Ie ( | and baorbers BYBLOS, supercharger), but still large enough 16 maintain a pressure at points in engine working when carburation tends to become unstable, Lubrication Device The four-wheel braking has under gone radieal changes, The moving parts in the chassis have automatic lubrication, with a reservoir dovice that needs refilling once in 3,000 miles and there {s a form of dashpot eluteh I | control which not only greatly faci tates driving by the novice, but gives a wonderfully smooth get-a-way at all times, The car Is an extraordinary mars tlage of the cleverest brains in acro and car engineering, Knowledgeable people In motoring are openely speaking of the new Rolls an being "15 years ahead of the world's beat." SAYS TURKISH WOMEN NOT ALL EMANCIPATED ---- Montreal, Dee, 12Life Ia by no means simple for the young women NEW ROLLS ROYCE: Develops 180 Horse Power, |! Rolls-Royce at | of Tur) nel striction er the v Ci ERIE harem freed civ heen Hi I} prob lar, | MOTH Felt BI as to bo hardly termed a blower (ur | 87 Coeling Nt Er Al The Ontario 00 Bimoeoe sit 9 Blmcoe 86 &, ideas and spend the of bourse thre, your wife, is vight, busy to be grateful On the morrow the whole nation wid official tribute to her "Glorious dead," and with the aid of pomp and oratary, proclaimed that they had not died in vain, AN London turned out \ When homes are advice ia the hat Whese but the woman who in that home? plan a house and furthermore their ideas of in architecture are always Oshawa COMPANY, 1 28 Ritson Ron TELEPHONE 2601 greater portion o Women kuo they ale end \ flair for harmony in colo The spirit of modern wou free spirit; she is abreast she demands in her home splation: and propertly bull In the planning and build hew home, listen to the nine times oul Hs RR Hala Radios R: ve wf hot £4 ' re. oJ TN y) 1 n planned plan it | counsel of ne 1084 ; red Sales 0 - af | L/P hone 4 Hafy 0 to fiime has how ta and Het y | nd ol that \

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