THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 7 Be Oshawa: Baily Times Succeeding © THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) ' Ao independent newspaper published every aftermoor escopt Sundays and legal holidays at Oshave Canads by Mundy Printing Company Limited: Chas M Mundy, President; A R, Alloway, Sec rotary The Oshews Daily Times is a member of the Cans dian Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers As somation The Ontario Provingia) Dailies and the Audit Bures® or Clrgulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Delivered by carrier 15¢ » week By wall i» Canade (outside Oshawe carries delivery timits) $4.00 » vear; United States $5.00 » year TORONTO OFFICE #7 Bond Building, 08 Temperanes Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107 H D Iresidder, representative REPRESENIATIVES IN U §, Powers and Stone, Inc. New York and Chicago THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 WISHES FOR RECOVERY f Osliawn learned with much regret ¢ sudden and serious {liness which WwW, (. McKay, the medical health On every hand were heard ex- and sympathy because of the fact that he had been wo suddenly and seriously stricken, and added to these were sincere wishes that he might make gpeedy recovery from his iyo TO to $e {formation glven to The Times, the serious {{iness 'which Dr, McKay has suffered has been brought on by hard work which he has been carrying on recently. Those who are best nequainted with Dr, McKay will yeadlly' understand this, Ie {s & plan who has never been known to spare himself, either in time or energy, fn earrying out his duties, and in that respect it is quite true to say that in Suis present illness he is a martyr to his zeal for porvice, Knowing full well Dr. McKay's wholehearted de votion to his profession, und partiowagly to that branch of it which concerns the heplth wellure of the City of Oshawa, AW Jotos with the citizens fn hoping that Rial ensimay not be of such long duration af'it i& at present anticipated, and that ove, long ho quoy bo the fulness of bealth and 'strength. « alg Lda' a a ] CHRISTMAS TREE VANDALISM Partiors. in many parts. of\Optaglo are making complaints to polico authorities of the activities of oly | fowh' vandals who make « practice ot driving' out int the country, invading the woods of some farmer, and helping themselves to trees Lo be used as Christmas trees when the festive season comes around, These farmers have every right to foomplain, and to feel that they are entitled to some "protection from this clase of thieves, It has always been difficult for us to unde: stand Ale mentality ot/ people who ndylge In tls kind of stealing, Strange to may, they haves Iftfle thought that they are stealing when they cut down and take home Christmas tees from some other person's prop The people © yesterday of th had befallen Dr. T. officer of the city. pressions of regret erty. They see the trees there in the woods, perhaps gome distance from any human habitation, and thelr attitude is that, because they are fur tfemoved from & farm house, they do not belong to anyone and they can-therefore help themselves Yet these trees do belong to someone, and Lhat someone hag every right to the protection of the law In the preservation of property. This sanfe complaint comes Up every year, and every year there are more und more people who, vather than pay the fifty or seventy-five cents for which a Christmas tree can be bought, will use up a gallon or two of gasbulne and an hour or two of time to go out und steal one, Such people must bo 'sadly Jacking In conscignog, and it would be a 'good thing were some Jt them" Lo be caught and 'made 10 feel the penalties of (he Jaw for theft, PUBLICITY WAS LACKING It was unfortunate that the ratepayers of Cobourg, at the polls on Monday, rejected u bylaw providing for the purchase of the Cobourg electric power, water and gas planta from the Hydro-Electric Power Com: mission of Ontario, After the splendid example sot 'by Oshawd and Belleville fn" the acquiring of thelr Atility system not so many months ago, db: was ex: pected, by those outside of Coburg, that that town would follow suit, and would add one more lnk to the chain of municipalities in Central Ontario owning and operating thelr own electrical distribution systems, hy There can only be ona explanation of the Cobourg vote, and that is that the ratepaygrs were not made fully aware of the advantages to be gained by ap ving of the purchuse. Apparently there was no roper effort made, by means of well-direeted pubs 'Heity, to place the issue properly bafore them for one can hardly conceive of any body of ratepayers rejecting a proposal which has so wuch to commend Jt. Cobourg now finds itself In the position of belng "the only municipality in the Central Ontario aystem - give aft 'adverse verdict on a purchase proposal, 'and. that adverse verdict delays the duy when the accumulated surplus now In the possession of the provincial commission can be allocated to the muni cipalities which were fesponsiblé for placing it there, wow \ sn THE PROPOSED TARIFF HOLIDAY i The conference which is in session at Paris with La ylgw to making an agreement between the nations Hof the world to declare a tarilt holiday was not 'long £04 potting lato difficulties, Qu the Orel day it was ft found that quite a number of the nations of Wurope were unwilling to make any fixed agreement, but had certain Gonditions which they wished to tmpose before abolishing thelr import und export restrictions, and prohibitions, ' This result is not surprising, There are some sub- jects on whieh it is quite possible td secure a bal anced polipy 'between nations, but this is not one of them, Tariffs have become so much a domestic matter with most countries that to tle any country down to definite agreements of an uniform character is clearly impossible, Heonomie conditions ure eyer changing, the status of certain industries, because of development.of new methods and ideas, Is continually being altered, and what might be quite satisfactory in the way of tariff today might be quite insufficient two, three or five years from now, The conditicns of different countries, too, are ens tively different. What may seem fedsible and right for one country might be an economic impossibility for another, And one can vest assured that all these factors will have to be given full consideration, from § national, us well ag from an international view: point, before there can be any hope of an agreement being reached for the nations of the world to in augurate & tariff holiday, «SOUND AS A BELL Sir Prederick Willams Taylor, one of Canada's outs standing bankers and financiers, on his return from Eogland & few days ago, took udvantage of an op portunity provided him to express his complete eon fidence in conditions in this country, His statement {8 but one more to be added to the many optimistic comments made vegarding the immediate future of Canada, and he expressed himself in words whigh leaves no room for doubt as to his views, He sald) "Canada economically is ns sound ug a bell, outlook is mo promising that we must speak of it with restraint." And, continuing, after admitting the partial crop failure in the west and the erash on the stock mare kets, he added: "But these things do not alter the fundamental soundness of Canada's economic position." These comments by Bir Willlam are very timely, They should act as something of au tonle te those who have pessimistic Ideas as to conditions in this country at the present time, Even if there 18 a cer tain amount of depression in some lines of Industry, the prospects for the near future remain undimmed, and when the grain crop now being held in the eleva tors is turped into cash, the effect on industry in this country will be surprising That is the note which is to be found throughout the whole of western Canada, and it {8 the note which 1s being sounded by outstanding financial men such as Sir I'rederick Williams Taylor, EDUCATING MOTOR DRIVERS The department of highways of the Province of Quebec has for the two or three years been conducting a' vigapous campaign for Highway safety, with very satisfactory results, Jts bulleting, sent broadcast to motorists, are always full of helpful sug gestions in this 'direction, and us w result the high» ways of that province are much more free frum serious accidents than are the highways of Outario, One of its latest bulleting' cuifthied a cede for safe driving for chauffeurs and the various suggestions given are well worth passing on do all motorists They are as follows: 1, Drive prudently and carefully 2 Learn and observe the rules of the 3, Respect the rights af others 4 Show the same courtesy on the home, 8. Drive straight ahead without running in ig CARS, ' 6. Signal when about to stop or Wirn, 7. Signal every time when dJeaying the sidewalk 8. Stop at nM level erosing Which are not pros tected, change speed and proceed if road is clear, 0, Anticipate and prevent accidents, 10. Be careful for one's own sake and for the sake of others, 11, Avoid passing other cars on grades bends in the road, " 12. Always keep to the right, partic ularly at the top of a grade and at bonds, ne of the methods which devement ol safety last road, rounds as at and at Education of motorists is ¢ will go along way towards the acl on the highways, particularly education which is & rected towards pramoting greater care on the part of drivers, Lack of care is responsible for a great majority of the automobile teeldents which occur, and anything which will tend to remedy that condition is worth trying. ---------------------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES Isn't it strange how the funniest peaple in the world are those who strive the hardest to be serious Tavistock village has not a single applicant for old age pensions, Yet the electors there gave the Fer- guson candidate quite a handsome majority, The future of the textile industry is considerably brighter, says an exchange) "Yes, women are now wearing longer skirts, -- Ldison's synthetic rubber from goldenrod may be a good thing for motorists, but it is not likely to bg very popular with those who suffer from hay fever, e------------ There was a whole world of difference between what Commander Byrd daw at the north pole and what he saw at the south pole, ---- Now is the time to turn out your cupboards--and to send the unwanted clothing to the Women's Wels fare League, I ---------------- Men are chewing less tobacco, but the industry is not suffering, because women are metre than making up for it by smoking more cigarettes, It is claimed that many of the Neher) in Winnipeg recently cast two ballots, Esidently they were try- ing to make up for the many who stayed at hone, The UFO, are protesting because some rural mail carriers are unable to read, To the senders and res ciplents of post cards, that might be considered a good qualification. Capada ie to be represented at the tive-power naval conference, but dt ig understood that the limitation of the Canadian navy will not be dis: cupsed. 43 AST " aia | plece i, J, CROMIN, PUBLISHER OF THE VANCOUVER (BA) BUN, BAYH THAT the greatest business potentiality in the world to- day 1s Asia's one billion popu- Intlon, | [opel this st nt because United Wintes haw Jost experienced a stock market i nd ) ho ave wonders d times nre ¥ Just ground the had fin They ave not, Yor the pust eight year, United Btates and Canada have become rich through au industplal develop: ment of this continent but more particularly through the industrial Incapacity of Burope, Europe has been worked industrially until her absorptive and huying credit has been absorbed, But, more impor- tant, ¥urope 18 now getting on her feet and is developing an industri nl vesistance that is being felt in America, How, then, can United Btates nnd Canadian husiness prosperity be sustained? The answer Hes in Asin, with her one billion population, Asia has a great big appetite; an appetite for politieal, econom- fe, and social evolution that will make Japan, China, Java, and India more Mvable coun tries, America can satisfy thas appetite and, in the doing, aes complish a work for her ows profit and a work for the hus man family, China will unify politically and weslernlgze and become a success ful republic just as certain as Uni ted States evolved Into her present condition, and so will Java and Ins din and similar Aslatio countries, like Blam and the Philippines, only the development of these latter will be In & minor degree compar od with China, BO THAT AMERICAw- UNITED STATES AND CAN. ADA-BY NOW TURNING HERR ATTENTION TO ASIA AND IN A BIG WAY DOING THOSE OBVIOUS THINGS THAT SHOULD BE DONE, WILL NOT ONLY MAKE A PROFIT FOR THEMSELVES BUT WILL BE DOING A REALLY WORTH WHILE WORK TO HALF OF THIN WORLD'S HUMAN FAMILY, That Body of Pours By James W Darien, M.D GOOD AIR FOR WORKERS You read with pity in your heart bout the young women poisoned by radium paint which is used "to letter watch dials, speedometers and similar apparatus," These youug women lived for months with the knowledge that death was just as sur. as that night would fellow day All over the world selentists are on the problem so that some flectual remedy may be secured tu prevent this poisoning, { | the It does seem strange in these days vhen the heads of manufacturing es tublishments, labor union ufficinl welfare workers and others are d » all in their power to make things comfortable for workers, that these young women should have to lose their lives One of the objects they have suc attaining is good air for workers in many factories, In fact the air in some of these estab lishments is really better and more healthful than the air outdoors In many factory districts the air is heavy with smoke, fumes or gases dust, odors and so forth, and in the midst of this, the employees are en joying air that is cleansed, coaled and with the surplus water removed And as you know, it ia the warm moist air that exhaustssyou in the summer, not just the heat af the air, In the coal weather the air is warmed and water added to it, bes cause coal air will not hold as much water as warm air. It is. the dry hot air of our homes that causes the dry- ness and irritation of the nose and throat during the cold weather This means that during all the hours of the day, winter and summer, these employees are breathing manu: factured air, Incidentally, while it means health and happiness to them, it means that the manufacturer will get an increas: ed output of his goods, with less loss of time through accidents and sick ness. And this is only one of the many improvements that are now a nart of industrial life, (Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act) ceeded in Accept the Gift--Labor not for the meet which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlast: ing lie, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. John 6:22, A » - Prayer: YO let my life be given, "My years for Thee bo spe nt! Messages will be mare apt to reach the right person it beside the tele phone there ds placed a small screen, which holds upen the inside two cards with places for nanies and messapes These cards can he renewed each day which adds greatly to thelr useful ness, ['n fairness to society Other Editor's Comments YBABYING THEM" (New York kveming Fost) The unmaturity of the Amerlean university graduate, as compared with the product of Oxtord or Cambridge, 16 a never-ending source of surprise and regret to many of us Yel ten dencles ure to make him younger and still more young in character ng well ns education, QUICK JUSTICE (Farmer's Sun) Sunday last week a Buskatchgwan farmer, notified the authorities that fourteen plump turkeys had heen purloined from his premises, Monday the Royal Canadian Mounted Police located the stolen birds although they had been killed and sold in the meantime, Tuesday, true to tradition, thieves were placed under arrest, Thursday they were convicted and sent to jwl for a month with the op- tion of ppending a further twenty days behind the barg if full restitu- tion be not forthcoming, THE MARGIN. TRADER CANNOT WIN (Montreal Star) One of the oldest brokers in Mons treal said: "I have been in business for forty years, During that time, my business was of large volume, and I never knew of one client whe dealt in stocks on margin and persisted in doing It who ever made a dollar" Continuing he sald, "I madg this statement In the office of a promin ent New York broker, when one of the partners said: "1 cap beat that I never, never knew n man or woman who persisted In margin-dealing who ever made a dollar, and I knew many who were ruined," THE WORLD ROLLS ON (I; W, Howe's Monthly) When | was a young fellow, I pres dieted rather frequently that the world was going to the devil; and the world hasn't gone to the devil yet==1 believe everyone may confi dently plod along with the comfort ing certainty that the stars will not break loose and smash this little old world inte dust, The world takes care of itself; if you take rs good care of yourself as the world does you'll be voted a wonder, Every lit tle while & human skull Is found thousands of years old, No doul the skull was formerly worn by a man who warried constantly about the world going to the devil the RICHEST NATIONS (Brandon Sun) The commonly accepted impression that the United States the world In per capita wealth Is cor rected by a table fssued by a Wall Street house The United States stands in third place, Switzerland leads with a wealth per capita of $3, 126; New Zealand follows with §J,- 029, The United States Is third with $2008, Other important countries are not far behind, Canada following the United States with Jai, Au stralia $2710, and Great Britain $2, 677 At the tail of the procession is Russia, whose wealth is estimated at but $215 to the head of population Wealth is saved eapital, and statistios show that a peonle with little wealth may still be prosperous, even though living costs are relatively high leads THE DEATH PENALTY (Quebee Chronicle) It Is a grisly thing to deliberately take 1 man out in the grey dawn and hang him by Yhe neck until he is dead, But society is not so much concerned with pure justice as with the protection of its members The man who commits murder out laws himself, He must be dealt with, not so much in fairness to himself as Society has the first claim ta justioc Justice 10 the sriminal is secondary The gleath penalty does mot secure lnstice for the murdered, but it does secure nstice for the community, Na substitute for its grim efficiency has yet appeared Bits of Verse THE TEMPLE Between the erect and solemn trees + will go down upon my knees; I shall not find this day So meet a place to pray, Haply the beauty of this place May work in me an answering grace, the stillness of the alr Be echoed in my prayer , . + How strong each pillared trunk; the bark I'hat covers them, hark, The sweet and gentle voice With which the leaves rejoice! how smooth; and May a like strength and sweetness fi Desire and thought and steadfast will, When I remember these Fair sacramental trees! wl, D, Pellen, in ""Parentalia and Other Poems," WISDOM At twenty I was quick to sneer There seemed so much of folly here, 1 frequently vemarked: "How come That older folks van be so dumb™ At twenty-five 1'd suffered pain, I'd lost a goal 1'd planned to guin, But though I'd vidden to a fall 1 still bellpyed 1 knew It all, At thirty I had come to see This life was really pusaling me, Instead of "Absolutely sol" 1 sometimes answered) know." "I don't At forty, and no longer young, I'd almost learned to hold my ton gue And strange opinions I could heap Without responding with a sneer, Now at a gentler pace to go I've found that wisdom's growth ia glow, It's taken yoars for ght to come, I've learned why old folks seem sa dumb, Bits of Humor | MAY HELP "My mAYH confided Mry, Brown to her friend, "will persist in wearing trousers that ave much too long, and when I tell him about them, he gets angry, "What do you sug gost?" "Well," replied her friend, after a few moments' reflection, "try pulling his leg!" ------ TAKING NO CHANCES Judge! "The jury having acquitted you of the charge of bigamy, you are free to leave the court and go home," Prisoner; "Thank you, my lord, but 1 want to he on the safe side which home?" REP Mrs, Phot od in gel ting higher, r, Henpeek (meekly): Oh, 1 don't. know, Marla, or instance, there's your opinion of me, and my opinion of you, and the neighbors' opinion of us both, TIONS verything SOVERING THE GROUND fon (home from agricultural eol- lege): "I've brought some books on farming for yeu to dig inte, Dad, Farmer: And I've bought another elghty acres for you to dig into, SW.-W.ELL AL-L-LIBI Mrs, Flatbush: "Where have you been till this late hour?" Mr, Flatbush: "To the lecture, as I told you before I went," Mrs, Flatbush; "But you eouldn't be at a lecture as late as this" Mr, Flatbush: "Oh, yes, 1 could, You see, the lecturer stuttered," GRAND MEMORY "My memory is excellent!" ex plained the old lady, "But there are three things I ean never remember I can't remember names, I can't remember faces, and I can't remem: ber--1 forgot what the third thing The class was having a natural his tory lesson, "Now, Rosle," sald the teacher, turning to a small girl in the front row, "give the name of an animal that is peculiar to Australia" "Please, miss, the elephant," was Rosie's immediate answer, The teacher frowned, "The elephant isn't found in Aus: tralia," she protested, Rosle nodded, "No, miss," she amreed, "That's what would me's it pecullar" Ny WHY PEDESTRIANS ARE STUMPED How can they cross the street when the cars keepcomingalonglike this? Answers, INFLATED OCCASION "Was Harold's wedding a swell af fair" "Positively! They even used puffed rice ==Montreal Star, INSECT RODEO "Want to go to a husking-bee?* "Where are they going to husk this bee }'Loulsville Courier-Journal, FAMILY JARS "Are the fish biting?" "I don't know," replied the weary angler, "If they are, they're biting cach other,"==Slices, re ---- RAISING THE ANTE Ned--I've got to ses Jack ahout nne-twenty, Ted Well, I'd like to see him bout two twenties and a five, ~Chi« cago Dally News, ------ THREATENING He: Your lipstick is coming off, Sher No, it fsn't, Het It ds, Shet I'm sure it isn't, . He: Listen! Any time I get as close v& this to a gir) her lipstick is coming off ==Tit- Bits TIGHT, BUT CLEVER Scot: What race Is your dog? Englishman: A eross between a Sentech dog and an idiot, Scot: So we are hoth represented 'n your dog--Pages Gales, Yverdon, TO SAVE HIMSELF Magistrate: But if you were doing nothin wrong, why id you wn when the officer approached you? Prisoner: I thought that he wantel to try to sell me a ticket for the policeman's annual concert,~The Hu- morist, NEEDS ADVICE Teacher: Willie, can you tell me how matches are made? Willie: No, Miss, but I don't blame vou for wanting to know, Teacher: Why, what do you mean? Willie: Mother says you've been trying to make one for more than a veare="Tid- Rita, The teacher was pointing out to the class the error in adding the letters "en" to a verb when using the past tense, Then turning to a sentence on the blackboard, she said: "Johnnie, \What ig the matter with this sentence?s= I have putten my book on the table" Johnnie arose and scratched his head, Then he exclaimed="Teacher, you have putten putten where you should have putten put," Locust Samson had been born and reared in the backwoods and was a grown man before he made hiv firs) visit to the city, He went to a hotel for dinner and, as an appetizer, was served a dish of large olives, Locust looked them over carefully and then motioned for the waiter, "Ah don' wants ter bothah you," ho said in an awe-struck voice, "but AR'd shoah like to see de pods dem peas come in, POOR DREAMS . (Shelburn Economist) "If soma husbands | meet says the Bachelor Girl, "are dreams com true, 1 have my own opinion o dreams" . --__,_;" MELARENS LIMITED Summ ------ NO DESSERT IS MORE WHOLE- SOME OR MORE DELICIOUS M°LARENS INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDERS "INVINCIBLE mv NAME AND IN QUALTY" » HAMILTON, ONT, A a SE Eye 4h " | #7 ©. N. TUCK, Opt.D ' (Copyright 3026) FAR BIGHT When you consider a clear, perfect ploture on the sereen at the you have but to move this pleture nearer to the camera | and a blurred pleture will result | because the rays (thal were pre viously adjusted for a pont fur ther away, would naturally be regulated to focus behind the screen In its new position, In~or der to show a perfectly clear plos | ture this machine would focus on rather than behind the sereen in the (far-sighted) or Hyperopl eye, An eye with an error of this] nature has the reting too close 10 | the front of the eye or the powm of the eye may he too great for | the length of the eyehall and the rays from the ohjeet viewed focus behind, rather than on the rétina The eyes will not tolerate a | blurred image so they exert every | effort they can and cause Lhe ery: | staline lens of the eye to assume | yrs asa This 18 the condition that exists | fa greater curvature and in thh manner gdjust the focus so that # clear image upon the reting Is abr tained, This adjustment vision hy the effort of the muss cleg 18 called pecommodation, This ef'ort is to some extent uneons solously performed In early life but as age advances becomes mors diffigult and finally impossible Hyperopie, or far-sighted people pride themselves on thelr good viglon hut It 18 vision at the ex» pense of constant strain on the olllary muscles with tendengy to lie whe and nervous strain (asses of the proper strength to sufficiently converge the vays to A proper foeus at the retina, cons plitute Lhe means of corveet'ng this error and so relleve th's abe normal effort of accommodation, to clearer CHINTOR MONEY 1§ SOLD BY THE TON Diglren, Manchuria, Dee, 12=-Money has Leen bought and sold In ton lots { recent weeks In this Japanese dons rolled port of Manchuria, The buys of th Yeash," worth ene-twentleth has fallen po w that It has become profitable to them for thelr metal value, Junks form Tsing-tao, Chelfoo and Shanghal, bring hundreds of tons & month inte Dalren, where enterprise ny melt them dwn tan of "eash" enn be delivered Dalren for just $150.00, It profit of $20 Chinese f normally I an crican eent ny Japanese in shows o a a a STOBIE: Ii S$. F. EVERSON, 17 KING STREET ForLonG & © BUNDLE Head Office: Reford Build BAY AND WELLINGTON ORAIN TA TORON Local Manager Private Wire System EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 i -- REDUT ATION YA OR A A ---- CANADIAN TH L YORK ONTO [rr Issued " prises, t 69% Collateral Ti Bonds Hat 6% First Mortgage 6% First Mort Bonds LAAN re Bonds ERE LE 6% First Mart Due May | 1968, LER 514% Firat Mort Bonds AMR smd Montreal Whnlpea Vanoaavet Corporation Bonds leading Canadian power and industrial enters ese corporation bonds afford an attractive yield and carry our recommendation: BEAUHARNOIS POWER CORPORAT LIMITED nN TAL ARRAN RRA RARER OENERAL STEEL WARES, LIMITED Due November 1, 1982, \,, THE 1S ABATTOIR COMPANY, "ANMITED A DUKE PRICE POWER COMPANY, LIMITED PROVINCIAL' PAPER, LIMITED Fully deseriplive odrowdars mailed on roguast DoMmiNION SECURITIES LIMITED od Office: TORONTO: 26 King St B famiten London, Ont Riwharor geen 0 REDDIN, Representative 33 Simeon Breet Noctly OSHAWA, Oni Telephone: 1000 Pries Yi 100 % 101 ARRRARAAANY 0% 101 $0 ARRAY 1044 5.00% trend nnaney Ni $.O% ARR ARNNNNAS Orewa New York Londen, Brg