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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Dec 1929, p. 8

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/, "PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 NEW ENTRY TO SR. O.H.A. WINS S.P.A. SENIOR CUP IN ONE START | Nationals Win Senior S.P.A. Cup by Defeating Rangers 4.0 In Final Team Makes Auspicious En~ in Senior OHA. 'Ranks -- Lough Stars for Sea Fleas--Rangers Mise try Allen Toronto, ------ Des, battling to the last ditch, ry verdiet, Nationals showed a well-balanced line-up, which was effective on ae- Conlkeeper Mus fame wasn't called on to de much work, but on those shots which were aes ourately driven he was invincible MeKay and Nugent, the regular de. fense men, gave Mueller good pros of the grief in "Weiner" Lough's long sweeping check broke thqm fense and attack, eller of Olymple Games most to tection, hut at that Ranger rushes came mid-lee, where up, 18,~CHving the more finished display, the Nation als defeated Rangers by 4 to 0 Rt the Arena Gardens last night, and thus became the holders of the Sportsmen's Patriotic Association senior trophy, It was a nicely wag- ed struggle with B, Wildey's puck- chasers conceding nothing without n des feat they lost little in tne way 1 prestige, but on the night's play A Poster's team earned the YOUR CHRINTMAN RHOPPING AT THR Dominion Clothing Store 08 King W, ¥ SE po - - Phone 8141 i | NEW MARTIN NOW Ken Maynard IN SENOR AMERICANO ANDY CLYDE IN FORGET-ME-NOT DRAMATIC PLAYLEY | awarded to the The new titleholders give prom. ise of develaping Into a powerful team, They have the materia), the enthusiasm and the experience neo. essary for coming emergencies, Conch Yoster hed seven forwards avaliable, and the most effective trio meted ag the second string at tacking line, this heing composed of Lough, Jack Kane and George Beal, Lough was the pivot man, and he looked like the best player on either team, although little Jaek Kane ran him a very close sscond, Nationals' starting forward lines, with Prank Collins, former Peters boro' star, at left wing, Bddle Cons vey of Mariboros at centre, and Charlfe Delahay, ex-Canadian Olymple player; at right wing, found it difficult to make herds way, so closely were they checked the Ranger regulars, Convey, A persisted until finally in the last period he broke loose to turn in a fine performance The defeated team missed the valuable services of that clever fors ward, Allan, who 1s out of action through injuries, Marly in the game, however, Rangers' great checking had the Nationals badly hafMed, and it was not until penal ties erept in that Voster's men managed to score, They whipped in three shots that eluded Coal keeper Hoes, but only two of them were good for counters, an offside spoiling the last effort just before the intermission Ayers Plays Well on Defense Rangers eame back strongly in the next twenty minutes to make an improved showing, hut they also wera favored when the Na tionals drew several penalties, all being for minor offenses Nation als got thelr third goal fn this ses slon and had a slight margin In sn periority, Ayres and Mephan, the gmart Ranger defense men, made the path to the net a rough one to travel, although for the most part their heavy body-checks were fairly delivered, Ayres was banished three or four times during the game for tripping, bul he Was highly effective most of the time, as Nationals learned to thelr sor row The only goal registered last period was disputed puck was shot by Davey Palmer and the umpire ruled that it had ggne through the net and had then lofged in the cage A close exam ination showed that there was noe hole in thet wine amd that It was impossible for the rubber to go In that wa the eountey Hew in the he #0 champions Rangers! Mpivited Rally Rangers were spurred to veal wilon by this declston and during | the last six minutes they kept the The ' "550" Highboy B Wn eT with eleven-ineh cone, control, antomatic f , Beawtiful alu cabinet, 2752 COMPLETE puek almost eontinueously in Nas tional territory, while the fang =] The New 8-Tube Rogers is bringing to Canadian performance of modern "Radio Christmas" in your home, by all means get a Rogers. But don't delay ~--the holiday demand will be heavy, Come in and choose one of the New Models now, pay a small deposit, and we will deliver it for Christmas. homes the high: radio, If it's to fo A deposit of 88 and 83 per week will assuve delivery of a The balpnee can be spread over 4 Radia on Chelstinay Eve, 3 10 months, ' "Geo. C. Alichin Ltd. 18 CHURCH ST, OSHAWA SEA Wis | HOCKEY RESULTS The seores of hockey games pliy- ed last night were as follows; pr N.Y, Rangers ,, § Canadiens ,, 8 Boston vovevee B OUAWE ori 2 Ohleago +.0000 4 Montresl ,,, ¥ International Yengue Buffalo 0000 2 Lomtlon 00 1 Hamilton ,,,., 8 Niagara Valls 1 Benlor mA, Nationals ,,.,, 4 Young Rangers 0 Twin City Junior Bt, Jevomen ,, 4 Waterloo €,.,, 0 Twin City Menloy Kaufman ,,,, 1 Holy Name ,, 0 Canadian-American League Springfield ,. 2 Boston ,..i0u 1 Rownsome Cup Movie Storing +000 8 Maximites 7, .. 1 Trenton ,,,.., % Campbelltord , % OMA, Intermedinte London , vivo B Ingersoll ,,0, 1 the crowd was Alsappointingly small urged them on in thely frantic efforts Lo escape un shut-oul, Natlonals were completely hemmed i and could not get out with all the Ranger players except the goals keeper checking them effectively, On three occasions Range? sharp shooters were all wet to drive the puck at Mueller from close range, hut the fast-skuting Nationals wl WHYS managed Lo escape, 0 many It appeared that the game lacked thrills, Play was not reminiscent of the glorious days of old when Oranites, Dantals, Tigers and other great teams fought for amateur honors with record crowds looking on, hut had the Arena heen filled to capacity lust night un doubtedly the struggle would have been regarded as bhelngsmeritor) ous, even in comparison to those of the past, Crowds make or break hoekey, Nationals will enter the Ontare Association series favored to make fa real bid for the championship They are anything but weaklings and they will Improve, last night marking thelr first appearance of the season They therefore set record in that In they won the title Rangers, too, will improve, They have heen well coached and they employ only safe and sound meth ods When Allan gets back they will have a scoring punch that they lacked ugainst the Vostermen, Kd Wildey's troubles will all ba eon earned with the attack The de fense seems about as capable as It could be at this stage of the sen son Harris Ardiel, who used to guide hookey and football teams hers, made the (rip from Windsor gee the Nationals score thely fies | victory, and he stated that he will | not miss uw game in which they play | this season My, Ardiel thinks that the OHA, champlonahip Nangers«Uonl, Nos Ayres and Mephani centre, MoKin non left. wing, Vorester; right wing, Yates) alternates, Lott, Triv ett, Hayman, Thorne and Ritchie Natlonals-~Uoal, Mueller; de fens, McKay and Nugent; centre, Convey; left wing, Collins; right wing, Delahay) alternates, Lough, Peal, Kane, Burry and Palmer Referee~M, J, Rodden Rangers Trounce Canadiens 8-3 w only one sare to defense New York, Dee, 11 ! five goals In a wild second period, the New York Rangers trounced the Montreal Canadiens, § to A last night, In one of most exolting games of the National Hockey League season After a oloke Hil Cook and hroke loose early In the #econd for two counters, Thompson added a third and Leo Bourkeault finlsh ed the period with two unassisted seores In suecession, Houcher was the high Individual scoring star of the game, with two" goals and Ad HIANRY AEsiElE The flying Frenchmen came hack In the midst of the third pers fod to get two goals 80 seconds apart, only to see the Rangers gat another pale, A final Canadien tally was made hy Ledue a few minutes before the ena of the game, Deaplte the one-sided seore, the Canadiens managed to put up a great battle through a large part of the game ant were prevented from making the seore closer by the "breaks," Heveral goals were deflected my narrow mavgine, while the last Ranger counter wan made accldentally hy Morens while he was trying to clear Keellug's shot, GRIFF KILLS TWO WHEN SISTER DIES Canon Ffrench, Last of Family, Dead at Kingston ---- Kingston, Dee, 13-Like his wife five days ago, Canon C, A, Fireneh, 8 vears old, died yesterday of grief at he passing of a sistersin-law, Miss Emma Maria Tooke, who died a week AMO, Canon and Mrs, Firenoh were stricken with sorpow at the passing of Miss Tooke and both fell ill the following day, On Sunday, Mes Firench died, Her death was kept from her husband but he, wnable to withstand the shoek of the death of | his sistersincdaw, weakened steadily | Mis death yesterday removes the { last member of the household All three had lived together for many years 'as A TRICK OF THE TRADE The Salesmen-=These imported hreakinst robes don't go very well, Phe Manager Advertive om noxt week as ladies' smoking Jao kota: that'll move 'em, opening frame, Frank Houehey hy | any PORT SNAPSHOT not take all the players, ternoon, Leyden, LJ LJ Johnston, they are In for » banner season, * ¥ # ¥ All players who Hockey team ure YMCA, tonight at seven o'clock ¥ ¥ 1 he the new 'Ii thelr first Niationnls, stirt lust night whe to nil, This vietory only had to play one game to get tlonals will play the Bret gain * You are reminded of the tonight at the Central Alle Felur serie Ing up to play the Ihe | | ausured Oshawa team are out for Boston - 3 | Ottawa - 2 the Natlonnls are headed for] Mover dogged to ndmit to Dee, 14 refi eg for a | Hrulne youthful OLAWR ness that paeotinted which Boston aver Ottawa's In the Nutlonnl Hookey thriller here last night The than 5000 fan tandance, naturally partisan to mive the Hrulns a "hig for the exhibition of perseverance which saw them come from hehind twice to then go on to win on breittlant goal In the Uaok=ohookod into the Ottawa | Nenutors Lengua In at had more the soore and Nddle Whores finw period sihmigsion front knot wpoaedy would broken the spirit of ordinary team, the Hrulne hung on tenaciously throughont #0 minutes of pulsing play SYBIL Clapper, the second string rightswinger for the Hostonese, wan the poaling star, notehing the first paler of counters for his team Captain Claney and Allan Shields poconunted for the Nenalors goals In falrness to the Henators, It must be sald they had the better of the play, and "Tiny" Thompson in the visitors' net was foread to rise to the helghts on Innumerable occn plone to stave eff the Otlawa sharpshooters, have New Ken Maynard Western Film an Epic of Old California Americano," Ken Maynard's latbst talking pieture for Universal, which opened at the New Martin theatre yesterday is a production ol most unusual interest and appeal Its action is laid in the weolorful days just preceding the admission ol Calitornia to the Union, Jt deals largely with events in beautiful South ern California, in the most romantic period of its history, when the tradi tions of old Spain still Hourished, Ken Maynard gives an ideal pers formance in the role of a young Am orfean cavalry officer who falls in love with a beautiful Spanish-Californian wiv, There in all the riding and fight ing for which his pictures are noted, and an appealing romance in addi ton, OF especial interest are the repro ductions of scenes of old Californian lite, including a rancho festival and an oldstime riding contest, Reautitul Kathryn Crawford makes a4 most appealing heroine, A gradus ate of the muskeal comedy stage, she iv especially effective in the rend tion of old Spanish love songs, The strong supporting east ineludos Gine Corrado, J, B, McGowan, Frank Yaconell, Frank Beale and Maynard's famous trick horse, "Tarzan "Senor Americano" was directed hy Harry Jo Brown, who has produced a tast=moving, colorful pieture, inter: esting at all tines, "Senor SEEMS REASONABLN The old lady sat at her cottage window watehing the trae pass through the village, which wan on the main road to Londen, For the third time that day a oar broke down within view, "Wall, well, dear," she sald to her daughter, "here's another mo tor ear broken down It must be those raw materials they use in the factories," nthe gives the Sea! fhroken a 1-1 tie moore, Hine Ming up | time after time In a fashion that | | drove ole entry in the Belleville ve, Oshawa mart bowling battle I'he with the revenge detent | victory | registered | | nots, i, It is By Guo, Oaursminy, Sports Editor Oshawa Juniors Hold Preetice About twenty prospective players for the Oshawa Juniors licld a workout on the Bowmanville ice last night from six o'clock till seven, A great many new faces were seen and some of the boys showed that they ure going to be hard to keep off the team, They displayed plenty of speed and ability and it looks us if Oshawa Is going to have a worthy representation In the Junlor series, about forty players trying out for positions, the management could Those who did not go to the practices last night, will go to the next practice, which will be held on Saturday uf Pull partleularg can be learned from Harold Luke or Malt Owing to the fact that thers are * * Oshawa Bimcoes After the Junlors had finlshed with the lee, the Oshawa Bimeoes stepped on and held another real live workout, of the practice, was to ses Dick Smith In one of the nets, parently has deeded to play with the Bimeoes, last yeur's Clty team who was out with the Slmeoes was "Tommy" The Simeoes are playing great hockey and it looks us ii One of the surprises Dick ap- Another member of Ld v y King Btreet Hockey Meeting The King St, Hockey teams held another meeting lust wight and a good crowd of players were present, he would try to arrange for a practice for next Tuesdiy night, If they are suecesslul, un definite nnnouncement as to the tine of the practic will be given In this column at the The management deelded that first of next week 4 4 Red Aces Intend to turh out with the Hed Aces Juvenile rentinded of the meeting which Is being held In the harp, This meeting Is hinportant y * They Won a Cup In One Game in the enlor O. HLA, wun polished off the Rangers by Your P.A ely chs the Senor § cup wind they quite that the \ new Oshawa ni Tonight that will take place con Belloville Five Pin tenn are team from the Central A excitement is and plenty of HAMILTON WINS | | | | FROM CATARACTS Dod {] lant hove Pally, Ont, Some oo fans witnessed night's pro hockey game when Hamilton Tigers won a some tame contest from the HER Play Hvened up In the third period after Niagara what hut the en thusinam of the small home arowd war ohilled when the visitors noteh od another ta assure vietory Laura Price, thirty-elght ve of elderly Chigago has been urrested on a charge 1] 4 fake holdup Wier vhieh she sald she lost Jewels furs valued at 220,000 and collected for that amount Mo Id wile \ million re Wrranging nl naliranee Middleton, N., Y., Fred his ear heat! on Into another ar deiven by Charles Wels, My, Sed mowas eatannlted through his own windshield the hoods, theaneh Wels's windshield, inte Mr, Wels's In Sedgn over [ tap | | | | | |arrived the Hengnls had | Bin [ {nda Tu PRT | docidad early CHIHAWKS COME FROM BEHIND TO WIN Chicago, Deo, 18 Coming from behind in the last two minutes of play the Chicago Winck Hawke weored two goals In quick sucess son, and defented the Maroons 4 to #4, in un rough-andAumble Na thon! Longue hockey game laut night, It was the fourth straight win for the Mawks, and the defont cost the Maroons a chanes to gnin first piace In the Canadian division Tralling 2 to 1 ut the sare of the third period, the Maroons came back with two gourls hy Bmith and Blewnrt to take the lead Tommy Cook evened the eount with two 'minutes and ten seconds to play, und then made a heantl ful pass to Miller, who scored the winning tally 65 seconds before the ond of the game, HIGH PARK SPIF. "WILL END TONIGHT J, Fallis, Brampton, and W. Pillgrem Meaford, Qual. ify for the Eights Toronto, Dec, 11 Billy vin rem of Meaford and Jim Fallls of Brampton were the skips who qual ified yesterday nt the High Park piel for the elghts in the Theu burn Memorial trophy today at the Indian Road olub The splel will to night with play this morning at 0 o'clock In the eights, the draw heing ns follows: Htorey, High Park v, Dow, High Park rower, Granite, v, Nugol, Hiuh Park arogele, Toronto Vietorin, v, Wabster, Galt and Vallis, Bram illerem, Moanford The consolation series commenced at 12,00, with finynl Canadian, v, Riddell, Thorn Wil Mans, Newmarket, v, Val sonar, HA h Park: Dulley, Granite, Telford, Owen thi yoularday, ha thi be concluded heginning won v will he Maolt, una will Hound innlints which morning, MFNFMITES fi) -- | BACK TO GERMANY Kydihkuhnen, Bast Prussia 14 The ninth contingent man-Russian Mennonite of Ger amigres yosterday from Rus for Camp Ham yveulorday's group and entrained With In mersteln Catay [ total of 5,008 has now rouched termany hie emigren sald there 000 stil) tn Moscow who are anxl to leave but that Moviet Hus had refused them permission Moanwhile the refugees propos od emigration to Canada and Routh Amerion Is still unsettled, Can reported willing neeept and to make grants at a low cost omigres lack funds with whieh to purchase equipment, thelr depart ure for Canada 1s problemationl It is estimated that al leant $10,000,000 would be needed to enable them ta establish them pelves an productive farmers An the Releh's finances are too de pleted to provide them with funds the question of what fs to hecome of them In exusing the authorities considerable worry . were 2 oun to them but as the them | | | | | | Deo, | | lnnd | | --_-- | O.H.A. Bulletin | | the Mostly routine business, fnelud. Ing the ratifylug of group sched le and defining the status of a nimber of players who made ap. plication for certificates, took ap the time of the Executive Com mittes of the Outarie Hockey As woulation at ity regular monthly mesting held tu the Bar Bullding last. night, with President Riche ard Butler of Lindsay In the ehulr, The following members were present: Frank Hyde, Woodstock; J, Perey Bond, Petarhoro'; Whers IE J, 1, Vuxton, Whitby; Hurry Lecky, Oshuwn; George #, Dudley, Midland; A, H, Hehlegs), Preston; C, 0, Baker, North Bay; W, las won, Biratford; KH, M, Glover, Pet erboro'y MH, MW, Wettlnufer, Kit ohenor; James 1, Kutherland, Kingston; W. A, Fry, Dunnville; (, Moftut Burr, Port Colborne; A, 10, Copulund, Toronto; P, J, Mule queen, Toronto; W, A, Hewitt, To- ronto; W, M, Vackaherry, Toronto Palmerston was classified as a Village, und its players are eligible lo play with the Listowel Club tor thin season only, Ivo Kroup games will he played in Palmerston ano two In Listowel oor Junior T, mime, wens West Toronto player, who toek part in and Y Moroantils League though not an employes of firm with which he played, wis granted cortifiente to play with West Toronte Pronident Butler, Treasurer Sheriff Paxton, und Hecretary W A. Howitt were appointed the sub committees for the your, with Ww W Davidson und McKay wlternnte one i Meonurs (George I members It wun decided that the referee foo for games played In the Benlor II weries will be #106 and O0LA, mong Cortifiontes Granted Wont Toronto-(leorge Kwens, Toronto Danforths=Rohert MoKay and Wilmer J, HBrown Milton Jnok Anderson Clitford Houston Port Colhorne--A FF, A Me Lau hlin, Stephen Boyer und John W. Martin Chenloy-Hugh D of Pulley, Chesley OH. A, town Welloslay Kimira LL) and M, MeArthar In his nearest Kdward Habermell, Arthur Mliehm TEN WARM IN WINTER Oukville man Karle, Boutorth---Ceorgs Allison, Markham-Stanley Pringle (and Howard Croshy, Wivorsldg--John Olenwkl, Wluynar---Oeorge Bundell, Eimer Pryor and Willlam Caesar, Fenelon VallgsA M, Aldous Lovoe Wright apd Thomas North ey, Guelph ar, Llora--8eott Brown, Himeos---#Mulph Besmer, He Muyo ung Jeev Barrett, Lindsny--H., W, Whits, Havelock-=1, M, Ven! and Wis Ham Nichol Toronto rows Vergun--(, Houston, Certfienton Refused CayugnTtoss Currle, | Certifientes Deferreqg Ori e Keith Robinson Clifford Woodrow, MitehellCharles Merryfield, Alliston players are qualified to play in thelr howe town only and not with Creemore, John dnckson and Phillip Pook must play with the London Kast AC, the cluy they first signed with Hovelved permits to conch Hohinson, Parry Clifford Arters, Barrle, Roferees have heen for this OHA follows nell Karle and Nor 0.A.C Walk Norman Chare Parkdale Dupe Noel and Wal tar Hound, and appointed wook's Eames ny Tonight Newdor 18 Nerles Galt at Hamilton Krnle Toronto Chath (at London) Waterloo Junlor Nervles 11, of 7, nt Toronto C.C, (Arenas T.00A, Mollonhauer, Toronts, Mariboros at Parkdale (Arena, Parks Western Juek if University Homphill regular | b pom) Jim Loftus, Toronto, Mnturdey, Dee, 14 Nendor BB, Nerles Colhorne at Kitchener tratford, Port WwW. Kas on tinl gon Central Park West, New York, started on its way to the lust week, when wreckers ing the Hotel Majestle, oc tl bloc) Seventy entyssecoyd Streets, to i forty-fivesstory to be erected by the netruction Company Another of the old line of residen ructure sarap pile he npyin first and b ] wn ory hetween V for LIAL he w new Hotel Mae Chanin Ce ' / oo on ff Ja y A 4 { | | | VE omm-- ¢ T TS INSULATING BUILDING BOAPD COOL IN SUMMER DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, AM Do You Own You SATISFACTION rs Practically every line of busi ness is represented in: this dis vectory=--=a handy reference tor LUMBER | F,L. BEECROFT Whithy *wmlge and Wood Yard phone Oshawa 984 CHO La those who wish acquainted with to become the various business houses, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! COAL COAL "hone 198 W. J. SARGANT Yard ap Hor 'treet B Orders oa E Delivered | th M . LI achinery Repairing NOTHING DOU Laub NOTHING JOO SMALL Adanac Macha. Shop 101 King 8% W. hone 1814 We have several desirable honses for rent, CUTLER & PRESTON Real Katate Insurance Pelephone OT--R08 Night calls 810 1800 04 King St, West FOR SALE: When we say bare Win we don't mean maybe, @ room brick house R4800 for W000, Nicely located, All cons vonlonces, ete, DISNEY REAL ENTATH Phone 1350 CONGREGATIONALISTS HONOR TWO LEADERS Congregationalism in Engl recently mens two of hand Jar Rev, Fy \V, Newland, who was ¢ha man of the Union a few years has retired from the active ministey, Ho Is now 70 and has completed twenty-seven fruitful years in t Central Mission at Islington, At the farewell service a message was read from Her Majesty, the Queen, a the clergy wave him and his wife groat honor, The bishop of Londen sent a very cordial message and the spirit of all the tributes may be cited in the words of Dr, R, J, Campbell, of Brigham, who said, "You carey into your Beulahland the loving grat tude of thamands, A presentation was made of a cheque amo a Q inting to The other leader referred to is Rev, Arthur Pringle, who has completed FA years at Purley, a lrge congres pation a few wiles south of London, The church has been enlarged three times since his ministry began, amd the work is going on with unity, He refused an honorarium by turning the money inte churgh work, As a preacher he hast characterized for enlightened and evangelistic passions

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