THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 The Whitby Advertising, subscriptions and Daily Times nows will be received at the Whitby Branch Office, at Gazetio and Chronicle ~Telephono L4--After Business Hours 'I'hone 850. REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON AWARDED 31,000 IN DAMAGE ACTION IN SUPREME COURT James Smart Injured in . Motor Crash, Wins From Louis Bennett In the Supreme Court today be« fore the onorable Mr, Justice Wright, James Smart, of Oshawa, a former employee of the Ontario [fh tor Sales, Whitby, brought action a- gainst Louis Bennett, a retired hotel keeper of Port Hope, for $1000 dam- ages as the result of injuries sus- tained in a motor accident on Nov- ember 10th, 1928, Smart was awarded $1,000 and costs, The judge ruled, however, that there was contribut- ory negligence on the part of plain- tiff in not taking sufficient precau- tion to have his car, which was park- ed, far enough off the pavement and properly protected against accidents, The motor accident i in question took place on the evening of November 10th, 1928, about two miles east. of Whitby, Smart was going from Whit. by to Oshawa and on account of trouble with the gas line of his car stopped to investigate, He was at ¢ rear of the car when the de |fendant, Harry Bennett, going east, struck him, iting him in the ditch, and driving his car 12 feet cast, which also landed in the ditch, Plaintiff claimed that his car was partly off the pavement and that it was pro- tected by all necessary lights, The defense of Mr, Bennett was that it was a dark night, with driz- zling' rain, and that not until he was almost up close to plaintiff's car did he see it. He turned out te pass it when he observed anothér car con ing west, and rather than risk a head-on erash, 'he turned back into line and struck plaintiff's car in the rear, Following the accident Smart was found in the ditch, He had a broken leg and injured arm. In his evidence Smart claimed that as a result of the accident he had Jost a lot of time, also that he in- curred a great expense for medical services, He claimed also that he had a permanent disability of his hand, Witnesses for plaintiff included Lawrence and James Sheridan, of Whitby, who were in the car with him at the time of the crash, also Garnet Roberts who went out. With the wrecking outfit and Douglas Mac Laren, of Whithy, who took Smart to the hospital. Mr, Johnston, repre- senting the Workmen's Compensi tion Board, gave the Court an item- ized statement of expenditures in- Corn Chop Barley Chop Middlings Shorts Bran guarantee the well-being 25 Ib. Pail--$3.50. Hogg, Stock and Dairy FEEDS Schumacher Dr. Hess & Clark Stock Tonic is cheap insurance to & Lytle Phone 203 Cotton Seed Meal Qil Cake Meal uten Qualler Dairy Ration Weston Feed of your stock. 100 Ib, Drum--$12.00 ited left | led by human beings, | said the curred by 'the Board for Smart dur. ing his disability, Provincial Cons stable Taylor, formerly of Oshawa, also testified, Mr, Bennett testified op his own behalf, also his son, who was with his father when the accident oceurrs ed, He claimed that the accident could not have been avoided, Flaintily way, v Fepresented by Tilley, Johnston Toronto, and the defendant by D, H, Chisholm, of Port Hope, Agreement in Dispute To a local judge at Whitby was referred an metion, Jackson vs, Pal mer, to recover the sum of §1200, balance alleged to be owing under the terms of an agreement entered into between the parties in question res garding the building of #4 house mn the City of Oshawa, It was claimed by Palmer for whom Jackson was the contractor in, building him a house, that he had not complied with the terms of the agreement in question with regard 1 to specifications and ma- terials used in the building, The evi: denge of several witnesses was heard, ANNUAL REPORT 15 SUBMITTER T0 BOARD OF HEALTH M.O.H, Would Have All Milk Sold in Whitby Pasteurized At a meeting of the Whitby Board of Health held on Thursday afters noon, Dr, Charles FF, McGillivray, Medical Officer of Health, submitted his annual report for the year, In a covering letter Dr, McGillivray strongly recommended the pasteuriza- tion of all milk sold in' the Town of Whitby, Reterence was made to the spread of that dreaded disease, con. tagious abortion, among cattle, which seemed to be Canada, He told the Board that the death of two citizens of this district had been attributed by physicians to this disease, which could be contracts Pasteurization, M.O.H, was the only safe rotecting the milk supply, Reference was made to the healthy gondition of the town during the year, there being very few contagious liseases, there being no deaths from this cause, means of | were made to the MOH, also'by the V.O.N, nurse, and school children were given every care and attention in the matter.of health promotion, he MOLL, referred to the number of outbuildings still in use in particularly in the sanitar area, and he asked the Sanitary In spector to make a survey: early in the year for submission to the Board so that action could be taken, The clerk was instructed to for ward the annual report to the Town Council, also a copy to the Provincial Board of Health Those at the meeting were: Mayor Dudley, chairman; Dr, McGillivray, 1, L. Odlum, Sanitary Inspector, Chief Gunson and Clerk John R Frost Regular visits schools, by the larg the town, i -------- * Specials for the Christmas Season CHRISTMAS NUTS Filberts, California Budded Wal. nuts, Pecan Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Almonds, French Bud- ed Walnuts, Three grades of mix-. ed nuts, 20¢, 25¢, 30c CHRISTMAS TREES to size, from According Mistletoe, American Holly, well-berried. paper shell, per @. FRESH .na8c up Holly, B.C. SPECIAL! ® 90 1b. Bag of POTATOES $1.75 FRESH VEGE FOR CHRIS New Carrots, Beets, Beans, Brussel Sprouts, Green Peas, Brocoli Hot Howe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Christmas cutevtaiaments, we at 'i Ye ABLES AS Let Fo IMPORTED FRUITS FOR CHRIST- MAS Strawberries, Pineapples, Hot House Grapes, Cal Emperor Grapes, Pears APPLES Ontario McIntosh Reds British CoYumbia Delicious ORANGES A full line of choice naval Oranges, Blue Goose Brand, A basket of mixed fruit, carefully pr makes an t A + ally oh pared, appropriate For the benefit of those tr i 0c. Hue of year, supply oranges in case or half case lots at wholesale prices, means a great Before baring. saving: Enquire for our price on the size you wish FREE DELIVERY NO MATTER THE SIZE OF YOUR ORDER Little Covent Garden a 1507 25 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1508 spreading throughout MEN'S GLUB FOR BAPTIST CHURCH Organization Undertaken at Supper------Address by Y.M.C.A. Official A new organization, the Men's Club of the Baptist Churgh came into be~ Ing at a supper held Wednesday eves ning in the Sunday school room, at whieh sixty men were present, The speaker was J. W, Hopkins, Metropolitan seeretary of the Y.M C.A,, who stressed the whnderful op portunities of the present day » helping young men, The opportunis ties for young men to help each other were also great, and unparall- elled in history, Many of these were to be found in on | through the church, Norman, Thomas, who was fargely responsible for the gathering, presid. ed, The supper was served Risin by the men, Election of officers of the new club resulted as follows: Honorary Presidents--W, A, Dry« den, W, H. Moore, Mayor Dudley and John W, Bateman, President--Norman Thomas Vice-President--~Chas, Baker, Secretary--George Huntley, T'reasurer--Jack Reid, Secretary of Publicity--Thomas Seymour, The club will meet regularly every ednesday evening in the church of a busy season is planned, WHITBY TO HOLD BCHOOL CONCERT On Friday evening the scholars of King Street Publlig School will hold thelr annual Christmas con. cert in the Town Hall, when a pro- gram of wide variety will be given by the various class rooms and by individual scholars, This is the first school concert of the season -- rt ---------- CONCERT FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND An claborate programme, in which the best local talent will assist, in bes ing prepared for the grand concert on Friday evening, December 20th, sponsored hy the Citizens' Band for the Whitby Christmas Relief Fund, The committee has had numerous of« fers from local talent and the concert will undoubtedly be one of the best heard in the Town Hall this year, It is expected that every seat will he filled, A silver collection will be tak en and citizens are asked to give gen erously for a worthy gause, Mr, Al bert W, Jackson has kindly consent ed to act as chairman and make n brief address will appear week IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY Notices of Sunday and other services and meetings in Whithy churches for the week show much activity, Thé notices are as fol lows in these columns next Minister, sunday, United Chureh, Richards, B.D, 16, 11 am,~=Morning Worship, special preacher, Dr, Pe ter Bryce, Oeneral Beoretary Mis. slonary and Maintenance Fund, It is hoped that every member of the church will avall themselves of this opportunity to hear Dr, Bryce, 8 p.m, afternoon worship at Al monds, The minister will preach, 4,156, Annual Visit of the Young People's Soclety to "The House of Refuge." 7 pm, Evening Wor« ship, The minister will preach she last sermon in the series, 'Makers of Freedom." Monday, 8 pm, The Young People's Boclety, Mr, Graydon Goodfellow will complete his course on "The Romance of Printing," Wednesday, § p.m, the mid-week service, Study theme, "The Family Altar for 1030, Home practical suggestions, Friday, 6.406, Trail Rangers, 7.45 Tuxis Boys, Whitby Baptist Church, Rev, T, F'. Best, pastor, Services, Bunday--- 10 a.m, Bible School for all ages, Mr, 8, L, Wilhelm, supt, 11 am, Divine Worship, subject--«"8hip- wrecks, 2.830 pm, Men's Chas, 7 p.m, Gospel service, subject "Joseph Revealed." Monday, the Senior B.Y.P.U, will go by bus to Park Road Baptist Church, Tor. onto, leaving the church here at 7 pm, Thursday, 8 p.m --Mid-week meeting fonPrayer, Praise and tes- timony, Visiters ajways welcome, The Rev, A, L. December Andrew's Presbyterian Church Ro, John Lindsay pastor, Sunday, Dee, 15th, 11 am, subject, Doing All Things to the Glory of God, 230 p.m, Sabbath school and Bible study, (Note) School concert and Christmas tree. Thursday evening, Dec, 19th, 7 pan, subject, The Foundation Laid, A hearty welcome extended to all, . John's, Port 'Whitby--Rector, Rev, D, B, Langford, 3rd Sunday in Advent=11 am, morning service, J pam, Sunday school and Bible class Notice of Registration of Bylaw Notice is hereby given that a by- law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario on the Nineteenth day of November, 1929, providing for the {ssue of debentures to the amount of $17,000.00 for the purpose of paylr & a portion of the cost of the construction of County Highways (ith the County of Ontario in he year 1628 and that such hy. law was registered In the Registry Office for the Reglstry Division of the County of Ontario on the Elev: enth day of December, 10829, Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter, DATED this Eleventh day of De- comber, 1929, Arthur E, Christian, County Clerk, 27 A complete programme | The SureWay toa erry Xmas! ELP to make this a Merry Christmas! One pure way lato give everybody on your list a good Ad by easy writing, ever de; a able Waterman's Foun. tain Pen, Wehave this world-famous pen in a variety of he, colors and sty to sult cho one of your friends, § Karn's Drug Store Next Post Office es, 7 p.m, Holy Communion service, Corporate Commuion for the AY.P A., Thursday (today) 7.30 pm, W, A. business and devotional meeting, instead of next week, Friday, 27th, Christmas tree and entertainment All Saints Church=3rd Sunday in Adveyt, Holy Communion, 11 am; Sunday school, 3 pan. evening pray er, 7 pan, Sunday school Christunas tree Deg, 18th L WGLASHAN SERIOUSLY HURT (Continued from Page §) gency operation wag decided upon in an effort to save his life, bul this was not suceadsful and his condition was this morning de scribed as sinking, with no hope being held for his recovery, McGlashan 18 a member of the firm operating MeGlaghan's trans. port in Dunbarton and Oshawa, The father, Thomas McGlashan, 18 head of the firm, while the sons, Leonard and John, are also asso- | elated with the Dunbarton hranch and Allan Is in charge of the Oshe awa branch It was stated hy the | family that the traller had heen parked on the highway without Hghts, and that Leonard did not gee It until he wag right onto it Traffic OMeer Kay sald that he WAS not sure whether or not there were any lights burning on traller Moi lashan RATE REGISTERED Anthracite Coke Pocahontas 52 King St, E, Phones: 871.931.687TW WELFARE FUND IN URGENT NEED (Continued from page J) manager of the Dominion Bank, or should pe sent or brought to the office of The Oshawa Dally Times, tributions ing is the list of con to noon todays hiready ack The fq Amount npwledge Catholie gue , chara B, Brown Ernie Marks ,, i000 tee Mrs, EK, V, Lander ,.» Ilizabeth Long Mission Circle 1, A. MeGibban ,, The Misses Luke +s Rodd's Tire and tery Service VW. J, Brownlee Centre St, Home and School Association |, Fimployees, Regal Bak» eries Mes, Hill 50.00 50.00 25,00 10,00 10,00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 4.50 1.00 Total to date soreres | $3860.50 The following eontributions goods are also announced | Regal Bakeries, bread tickets, $5; l'od's Bakery, bread tickets, $10.00; W, A, Atkinson, butcher, 50 pounds of beef; Rex, Harper, butcher, beef, $10.00; Oshawa Dairy, Milk tickets, 32200; Beaton's Dairy, milk tickets, $2500; Canning Brothers, 15 hoys' suits, to the Women's Welfare Leas gue, ' PRARARRRRREY of MONTREAL TO ISSUE LOANS OF $20,000,000 Two loans totalling $20,000,000 are to be issued' by the City be- fore the end of the year, The first is for $16,000,000 In anticipation of the 1830 revenue and will be a temporary loan to cover clvie departmental expenses | while awaiting the, reception of the C ity taxes in the fall, The second loan Is for $4,800, 000 and Is for the construction of 1 8 North End sewer io Ahuntsle ward, This sewer has heen ordered by the Publie Bervice Commission and Quebec Bureau of Hyglene on demand of the ratepayers of the gections of the City to be served by the nadepaking, Man (employed | by a Scot) iI have been here ten years, sir, doing three men's work for one man's money, and now I want a rise" Employert "1 doot I canna gle ye that, but if ye'll tell me the names of the ithgr two mgn I'll sack 'ent" ET Now E °€ the | | og \ | A Delightful Breakfast Food .Most Heat for the Money CONGER"S high grade fuels are each selected for low ash, long burn- ing and high heating efficiency. Conger Lehigh Coal Co. Ltd. LUKE ait) anag er . TWO REAL ESTATE MEN ARE ARRESTED H, W. Hubbs and L. M, Burlingham, Face Charges of Conspiracy pr Toronto, "Dee, 18,~Chagged witn conspiraey to defraud refidents of Listowel, Ont,, of more than $825, 000 through bogus real estate mortgages, Harold W, Hubbs, 66 Indian trail, Toronto, and Llewel lyn M, Burlingham, 146 Northelitfe poulevard, Lakeview, were Arrest ed last night by Provincial police officers, Hubhs Is, president of Hubhs and Hubbs,! Toronto real estate brokers with offices at 184" Victoria street, Burlingham is secretary: treasurer of the company, The arrests last night enlminat- ed a two-weeks investigation by W, J, Arthur Fair and Arthur W, Rog- erg, solicitors in the department of Attorney-General w, H, Price, GIVE IT wr A man not feeling well decided to visit his doctor, After the examination the doe tor enquired, "What 1s your oe gupation?" "I'm a professional sir, 1 play 'Inside right', the fellow, "Well, give it up,' advised the doctor, "or you'll have no Inside foothaller, "" peplied COSTLY APPROVAL He had gone inte the library to put the thing up to her father and she was anxiously waiting en the front porch, "Well," sald the suitor when he returned, *'he asked me how 1 wash fixed spd 1 told him | had | #8.000 in the bank," "And what did he say Lo that?" "He horrowed It," LOCATED Prosh: Professor, I ean't go to class today Prot: Why? Frosh: 1 don't feel well Prof Where don't You well? Vrosh feel In elass, ®) "px \ Cophadit ier ain nonl LAST TIMES TONIGHT The Hollywood Revue 256 Hollywood Stars and a Chorus of 200 Dazzling Dancing Girls Starting Tomorrow: "THE SOPHOMORE" left," Er AP EX Electrophonic Records Fox Trot, Record No, 8049, A Tale of (From the motion Played hy Vincent Fox Trot, No, 410567 Return of the 17 Simcoe St, 8. Apex Record, Love Your Spell is Everywhere (From the motion ple ture Song Record, Wilson 2] Lee 71 Simcoe St. North Phone B88N The Sun ftecord Oo. Torante, Ont, Give Apex Records This Christmas Singin' in the Quin From the "Hollywood Hevne of 1020" Hong Record No, 8098 Hear this Great Comedy Record Sergt Flagg and Sergt Quirt "I'll Tell the Cock-Eyed World" Apex Record, No, 410448 the Ticker (Song of the Bears and the Bulls) Apex Record, Chant of the Jungle No, 41042 Pleture "Untamed') Lopes & His Orchestra No, 410568 "The Trespasser") ,,. +s Hong Record, No, 41048, Gay Caballero No, 41062 Dealers Rye SF RS [Complete Stock of Apex Electrophonic Records Always on Hand HARRIS MUSIC SHOP Phone 1490 | ii OKecles 1 or, Ginger 4 Ale--the "Dry of Drys"==adds a rare delight Rl abe Joe bof Clreti te the jovial haliday | drink, Mellowed with | vl, snl tring dink. Malloved vi Ty this lively, zestful, than 0'Keefe's Stone Gi is produced f such OKesl Mphformule eae hoe Sed ado ts tribute @ new note of Christmas, Be re you have an Aihple delicious be wher nd Yuletides fe" pleasure to fon fy portant Chelstmes Order tondey' from ol 0 \\ \ | 18