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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Dec 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 PACE THREE Dunbarton Man Said Fatally Injured in Highway Accident Weltare Fund in Urgent Need Of Many More Contributions To Respond to Calls For Help Pitiful Appeals Contained in . Letters Received by Sec. + retary of the Associated . Welfare Societies NEED IS GROWING GREATER DAILY Contributions in Cash, or in ~ Goods to be Distributed, Required at Once to Meet Situation "I have been out of work for a fong time, and have a. wite and two children, and we are almost in starvation, "Daddy has been out of work for a long time and me and my two sisters would like a paly oi boots and mitts," "We have ten children, and thelr daddy has been out of work for a long time, so wa would ap» preeiate any help you ean glve us" #1 have three litle brothers, Daddy has not been working fo a long time, and mama has been awful slek, I am afraid it will be a poor Christmas for us," These are actual quotations tak- en from letters sent in from fami les in conditions of dire need, families which are suffering from lack of food, clothing, fuel and comfort beeause of the hread-win ner being out of employment, And they could be multiplied many times. over as appeals for assist ange continue to come In to the Assoalated Welfare Hooleties, ulck Nesponse Mesentinl Ausistance oan only be given h those eltisens in a position to help do so generously, and at once, The need Is growing daily, and unless an immediate Increase of hundreas of dolars 1s shown in the fund which is being raised Jointly for welfare work and for the Chriak mas Cheer distribution, it will he impossible te hold out any hepe to many of these families, It Is estimated that the Christmas 'Cheer distribution alone will take over $5,000, so that there ls, as yet, practieally nothing left to look after the immediate pressing cases of need in the eity, The vight spirit of giving shown in a litle poem which was gent in to the fund by a contribs tor who sent a one dollar bill als ong with it, The poem is As fol lows! THE EMPTY ATOOKING An empty stocking on Christmas morn, A little face all pinched and worn, A mother whose heart 1s torn with grief Ready to beg or hecome a thief, Oh how shall she stop those bitter Leas, Each hour her face la aging years, 1f only she had one candy cane, "Pwould quench those tears that fall tke rain, But there is no candy, nor flour in the bin, The children are hungry, cold and thin, Just try and plotuve your own little When we stop to think why, our hearta stand still, Right now let us give every cent that we can, It may help to lengthen life's short pan And besides we cannot our henor belittle Give all you ean, no matter how Hitle There ia nothing greater that we oan do, Than help a little child or two Ta spend a joyous Chratmas day Please (lod grant that each ehild May, ==A Friend, --_-- Contributions to the fund should be made, at once, and made an gen. arously as possible, to T. W, Joyce, (Continued on Page 2) BROTHERHOOD IS FORMED IN SIMCOE ST. UNITED EHURCH Over 80 Men Signify Will. ingness to Join Or. ganization LAYMEN'S MOVEMENT Pastor Lauds Keen Interest Being Taken by Men of Congregation A banquet and meeting held in the Munday school auditorium of Bimeoe Hireet United Chureh, last night, In connection with the ore ganisation of A Men's Brotherhood for the church, was well attended and proved a very successful event There are prospects (hat a strong Brotherhood may be formed and 0 names were submitted as mem- bers last night, About 160 men attended the banquet C, M, Mundy proved a capable master of ceremonies and in brief remarks he expressed pleasures that #0 many were able to be present, An organisation sueh as the Broth erhood would prove of great valua to the church and community, he thought, and pointed out that there Was important work which It coula do, Underprivileged Noys The assistance whieh the Broth erhiood might give to underpriviles 6d hoys was stressed hy Fred Smith, secretary of the Central Y, M.C.A,, Toronto, There were many Instances, he sald, where the mem hers of such organisations had aot ed ad real brothers and pals to lads who were not being given the best start in Hfe, Through this friend ly and wholesome influence many of these boys had been developed into geod men ogoupying positions of trust and responsibility, He told of an instance where u man had assisted a young boy who was In trouble, Years later he went to & Judge to have an Important doonment signed and was both ad tonished and pleased when ne found that the Judge was none oth er than the one whom he had us slated as a hoy, One did not have to go far atleld In order to find boys whose chances In life were not the best, the speaker suggest od, They could be found right in the Munday schools, he sald, and were poossibly without a father or older brother to gulde (hem, A great opportunity awalted any elub or doolety which attempted to provide fellowship for the under privileged hoy, "Wit and Humor" An Interesting and humorous ad dress on the subject "French Wit and Heoteh Humor" was presented by Prof, MoKellar, of the Departs ment of Extenslon, University of Toronto, The speaker related many laugh provoking anecdotes in which he contrasted the subtlenesy and pointedness of the French wit with the hluntness and drellery ol the Nooteh, Rev, NW, Harston, the pastor, pointed out that the brotherhood movement had Initiated among the laymen of the church, It was highs ly gratifying, he stated, to see the intereat which the men of the eons gregation were taking, The wom en were well organized through thelr various church soeleties but hitherto the men had only oppor tunity to' serve on the various ohurch boards and committees, Through the Nrotherhood he von: sidered that there would be « splendid opportunity for a wider And greater pervice among the men, Aplentid Muale A feature of the evening was the splendid muale which was provided including community. singing led by My, Rioher, while Mr, Murphy and J, Renwiug accompanied on the plano, As the chalrman, My Mundy, found it necessary to leave before the conclusion of the meets ing, hin place waa taken by My, ASH, TIES AND HANPKERCHIERS TAKEN BY THIEVES House of C. D. Murray, Burke Street, Entered Last Night BEFORE 10 P.M, Crime Occurred While Fam- ily Was Absent From House A thief entered the residence of €¢, DD, Murray, 29 Durke street, some time before 10.16 o'clock Inst night nnd stole about ten dollars in bills und change, six men's tes and weveral handkerchiefs, The family was absent from the house at the time and the thefts were not discovered untll Is return shortly after ten o'clock, The un welcome Intruder had evidently heen methodigal In hls work fm Hitle was disturbed The back door had been left un locked and t 1s thought that the thief gained entrances through thig doo Although the house Is closely adjacent to two other houses the éntrance and departure of the Intruder was not noticed Ha evidently had a flare foy neok wear ns Indlented hy the fact that he replenished his wardrobe by helping himself to half nu doesn ties, The handkerchiefs would of course prove useful ut any time and possibly he considered that these articles could used nM Christman present Last night's theft recent date, are n Oshawa citigens to doors and windows nlght, People would Advised to leave house especially home The theft wud veported to the pollee promptly upon Hs discovery but no elues had heen loft which might assist In He solution, Kvery constable Is vigilant and an earnest effort Is heing made to trace down those who have heen guilty of housebreaking und robbery he and those of warning to all loek thelr soourely nt ule be well onsh In the when no one Is at no AIRMEN STARTING | d ON SEARCH TRIP Six Eastern Canada Fliers to| dono, Search for Eiclson in Arctic (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dee, 10 Hix of ent ern Canada's finest alrmen will entrain. here today for Vancouver on the first Jog + of a poarch for Carl Den Eilson, whieh whl ke them Into the Aretle wastes of Anlia, The tight 1s belng organised hy the Falrohild Aviation Company ol Grand Mere, Que Teddy" Onken of the Northern Aerial Mineral Nx ploration Company, Ix organising the flyers for the flight, Tha planes to be used In the wsearoh have already heen shipped to Van gouver from Montreal Government has or tia mn As the Soviet started preparing service, the great must he approaching ronto Globe r-------------- women "world reve rapidly Wat Howard Dradley as aster of cere monieq, The committea which was In oharge of the organisation of the banquet deserves great oredit, 1 wai decided last night that this committee he a striking committee 10 nominate the officers Whose names. will be submitted at the next meeting to be held on Thurs day, January 146, With the assistance of several ladies a sumptuous and delloioua repast wan served while members of the committee aoted as wall ora, The Christman decorations of holly and evergreen were most aps propriate to the season The committee responsible for thin pathering feel srateful to Aw ehie MdDonald, who, with assist ance from Dr, Richardson and Rex Harper, 'prepared the supper, also to J, Norval Willson tor fnatalling a Philleo radio for the evening, a FELT BROS. SPANISH GIFT ROOM 'Open Every Evening Entrance Through Main Store "BUY WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" [| CHIMNRY | | {who has heen seriously ing | | | al . | | | | With Christmas close at hand, Pire Chief Kilott 1s issuing his annunl warning concerning the fire hasard caused hy decorations, such ne draperies, scenery, cotton to represent suow and ecandlow Displays of this nature, and the Hghting arrangements In conneos thon therewith, ada much to the ordinary risks of fire, Chief Killott points out that if an acoldent should occur In a crowded stores or mesting, the rapid wpread of fire fn such ine flammable material 1s almost cers thin to occaslon n panic with at tendant risks to lite and limb, A fow simple precautions may reduce the danger (0 a minimum he states, These should be considered essentinl where large numbers of peopls and partidularly ehiidren are to be gathered, Hea that Inflammable _material Friday, the 13th Ones upon a time someone ore suid that Vriday was unlucky, And then they sald that thirteen was noky, too, Today is both of them In fact, today Is the free-for-all of superstition experts, Woe betide him, they say, svho spills his salt, orosses his kuife and fork, walks beneath ou Indder, goes a binck out Cross him DAY, or even laughs, for It is written he who laughs on Friday will weep on Bunday, There are some, however, who maintain the old witeh (4 lowing her power, For instance, breaking mirrors has surely lost Its deadly effect In this ange of easlly-bhroken compacts, And no one could doubt the more Immediately disastrous result, of dropping a cup than of Mropping i hoon, not hung over heating and lHeghting devices, stoamplpen, stoveplipes, electric Hght bulbs, ete. Heo that your elecirie clrenits fre properly fused and not overs londed by the eddition of tem porary Hghts, Examine your five extinguish. ing appliances and seo that they are sufficient, in good order, and rendily nocessible, Heo that ull exits are marked and not obstructed, Mave nll temporary decorations removed and safely dispwsed of us soon as they have served thelr purpose, Nemember that nothing can ren- der theses displays absolutely safe, and that If socidents are not to mar the festive wsenagon, constant vighance and care must be exer- olwed is ¢legr of and phainly At any rate, there Is moon to worry about, families number 14 Bo If each worthy oltigen remembers to put on his right shoe first this morn Ing, does not drop his comb, walks carefully down stalrs without meeting anyone, decptitates the large end of his egg, counts ten if he goes back to get something, and does not puss between couples on his way to the street cur, chances ure he' will survive today with as much success us other days, And thero really are some who will survive even better, For Fri- day, may the old witeh bless It, In payday in many quarters of the oity, tneluding newspaper offices, And that, necording to loos! opine lon, Is enough to make IL welcome, he It thirteen times hirtoon, nog naw and few CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS op UHRINTMAN PARTY The annual Christmas the loon! lodge,, held on Monday, December he lodge reom, IRL brigade was called at today to the residence of Clinton Mackean, 10 Hruee Nt, where a ohimney liad taken fire The blage was quenched within a [few minutes and no damage wi party of In bhelng dird In The fire d o'ulook DIL, MeKAY PROGRESSING he condition of Dr, T MoKay, Medion! OMoor Ww, 4, of Health, fil during the past four days, Is now mueh improved It was learned this morn This will be walecome news to the community as Dr, MeKay Is highly regarded professionaly and personally, ws ------ SHOWER BRIDE T0 BE AT BROOKLIN Miss M. Lode Receives Many Beautiful and Use- ful Gifts Ont, "Di 1h Mr rt Petry visited with Don White the Nroakliy, D Graham of Ps My Mrs week My Windsor Lw'th her brother, Mp, CU, L, Mackey Mr, Toe Tompking who was the eller of the Bank of Commerce has heen moved to Toronto We are very ROFFYy 10 hear of the loss of one of our young fellows, hut we hope Mr. Virgin who has taken his place 0 the bank will be Just as satisfag tory Mise Hilda Mackey spent the week andl with her aunt, Mra, FF, Heath in amilton Mr and Mes. Jephson of Pleker ine have moved inte the village \ very enloyable time was spent hy all when the young people of this a ---- and over end Jones of Is visiting AT SI STI A In Memoriam CORRON In loving memory of my dear alatey Laura May, who war killed in an automobile ao oldent on. December 18, 1927, She had a nature you couldn't help loving A heart that was purer than gold And to those who knew her and loved her, Her memory will never grow cold, ver remembered by her winter, Nanie, (138d) v-------- In Memoriam OREAMER-=In loving memory of William James Creamer, who died December 13, 1088, What 1a home without a father, What are all the joys we meet, When the loving smile ne longer Greets the coming of our feet? Your presence in ever near us, , Your love remains with us yet For you were the kind of father Your loved onea will never foiget Sadly missed by Wife and Family, (13%) Born MOINTOSH-=0n Wednesday, Doo T1th 1929, to My, and Mm, W, | M, Molutosh, Plokering a daungh- | en (1a rs -------------- ATTENDED BANQUKT H, M, Black, manager of the los ¢nl branch of the Bell Telephon Co, attended a banquot held in the Royal York Hotel last night in honor of A, T, Smith, manager of the central division, who has eom pleted 60 years' worviee with the | company, Mr, Smith was made the | recipient of a handsome grand father's olock, HOLD NEEVE'S DINNKR Bireh CULL, Dee, 18 The 206th annual "reeve's dinner was given last night by Col OG, 1. Little, had upwards of one hundred pro minent citizens of Noarboro as his | gueste, at Tanglewood club, Live | Ingstore park. The speakers In | eluded members of the retiring township counell, the publle utili tien commission and Mearboro high sohool board, who I -- ET. Community gathered together and kave Miss M. Lode, bride to be, al shower at her home her here was | a short programme given hy the fo! | 'owing :Miss M, McDuff gave a reads | Miss G, Lode sane , Mr vy, Webber pave a reading, Mra, Ar ehibald favored them with a solo, | After the programine they brought! fn the gifts, Miss M, Lode received | many. beautiful and wseful gifts, | Lunch then was served and the even ing had come to a close ng, A nol | TABLET HONORN THLEKV INION | To mark the spot where J, 1. | Baird, the Beoteh inventor, firm nehlaved televiglon, a tablet on the wall of a bullding at Uastings, Bugland, was unvelled #racently The ceremony was one of the few ooearlons In history where a liv Ing man had a tablet unvelled to his memory, | ) A i la i : Coming Events sertion, Minimum charge for each insertion, B80, vivid dried dei OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS tonight, December 18th. Round and square dancing 'to Pat Shannon and his famous Hays makers orchestra, eaturing Lucky Christmas fowl contest, Ro there itn your lucky day Friday the 13th, (1800) MADAME DROWN, PALMIST, Phone appointments, 208618 93 Louisa 8t, (1380) SQUARE 'DANCE AT 8 George's Hall, 090 Albert St, South, Saturday night, Decem. ber 14th, (1381) OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Saturday, December 14th, dane ing 8.830 pm, Featuring George Norvle "late of Grand Deaoch 'avilton Winnipeg" and his Happy Ades, Enjoy the prettiest best conduoted ballroom in Cans ada, adh) "TORONTO STAR" THEIR planfaeimor are phenomenal to an unusually skiital conduetor; they sing with absolute digeips line to the baton", King Street Chureh, Friday, December I3th, 4.10 pom, and 8.15, Bllver collee tion, (18%) HANDEL'S "MESSIANY ny choir of Nt, Andrew's United Chureh Sunday evening, Decem- bar 18th, ¥ pam, Soloists Mra Grant BNerry, Mr W, Leay, Mn W. DD, Robertson Accompanis ments by Mro-#0 Ly Plant, Tos ronto, Conduetop My, Geo, W, # Conta per word each ine | Pres, | Giving, |surer, | Organists, | derson's, TWO WOMEN HURT Fire Chief Issues Strong | Warning, Christmas Hazard HEAD-ON COTTISION OF BUS AND TRUCK Serious Accident Occurs on Whitby-Lindsay Highway DRIVERS ESCAPE Force of Impact Tears Side Out of Bus, Injuring Passengers (By Whithy Miaff Reporter) Whithy, Dec, 18.Two women were Injured and drivers of a hus and a truck had un narrow escape In a head-on collision wouth of Myrtla on the Whithy-Lindsuy highway shout 6.80 last night, The Lindsay hus driven by Gordon Trigg of Plokering 'was procesding south to Toronto when It met head-on a truck driven by IF, Maunders of Lindsay, which was travelling on the wroug side of the road, The forces of the Ime pact tore the klde out of the bus and wlso damugoed the front por tion of the truck, Theres were only three passengers in the bus, and two of them, Mry, Budoff of Lind say and Mrs, Burton of Port Perry received serious Injuries They wera removed to Port Perry Hos pital, Neither the driver of the hus or truck were Injured, Trattle Offlesr Bob Dukes oall od to the soens Investigated the aceldent and found that the truck driver wun obliged to take the wrong side of the road owing to the dangerous condition of the highway The bus driver stated that owing tn the wenther hi windshield was blurred and he wa unable to wee the truck until It wan too late, The Traftie Officer stated to The Times this morning that no charge would be laid, Hight ENNISKILLEN W.M.3. ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. D. Ferguson Is Named President of the Society Dee, 11 at Mr, 1 Lunlskillen AM Wright Sunday, I'he visited W basement on short program election of ofl COM YERr tool place Mrs, Dr, Ferguson; Vie Girewin Secretary, Cor, Seoretary, Mrs Supt, of Systematic Lloyd Ashton; Trea Mes, Wm. Ashton; Missionary Monthly Mrs, K, ( Ashton Supt, of Supply, Mes, Win, Oke emperance Supt, Mrs, HH, Werry; Strangers Secretary, Mrs, 'I, MeGill; Mrs, HL McGill and Mus, month! of the M wis held in the Wed onday, Wha given, cers for the President, Mrs, 8 KR, McGill; Stainton: Mrs meeting when a then the Mrs, Wm, Neg, L. Lamb, Mr, and Mre, Wilfred Sanderson | and daughter Olga, Mrs, Adam | Sharpe and her son, Ivon visited at Mr, D, I, Kays and Rey, M, San of loronto, Miss Olga re maining for a short visit, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Oke entertain ed to a number of friends on Friday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Hugh at her parents, Mr, and Slemons, Sunday, Misses Gertle and Winnie Oke, Bowmanville visited thels parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Oke on Sun day, Miss Myrtle Brunt, Me, Frank Me Gill, Toronto, Mrs, Floyd Page and daughter, Gladys Cartreight, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Brunt visited at Mr, Levi Brunt's, Sunday, Mrs, Richard Ashton, Mr, and Mes, Lloyd Ashton, Ross and Marie, vis ied at Mes, H, Werry's Sunday, Mrs, Wm, Moore and Mrs, James Stainton visited at Mr, Howard Ste vens on Monday Mr, Frank Robbing is under the doctor's care, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Mr, and Mrs, Carter cently, Group leaders were also appointed aftor which lunch was served by Mrs, L Lamb's group Fhe proceeds of our Basaar amouns ted to $85.00, Dr, and Mrs, Fergu son, Allan and Denald, and Miss Marjorie Martin wotored to the eity on Wednesday to visit Santa Claus, Those who attended the Sunday evening service heard a very earnest talk on the character of Mathew, by Rov, J. M. Whyte, The choir with a membership of twenty, sang a couple of suitable selections, The amount of snow Annis visited Mrs, John Oke visited Lonsecon, res in this pant will soon stop motoring as it is now | very heavy for travelling with cars Mr, and Mes, Wilbert Smith and family, Oshawa, visited at his parents Mr, and Mrs, Fred Smiths recently, De ES -- a "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUR LARGH rooms, sanitary conveniences, Phone $3381W, (1380) A GOOD INVESTMENT $0000 CAN BE INVESTED IN AN old established and reliable manu. facturing concern that will pay the investor seven per cent, inten eat, For full particulars apply Box 361 Times Office, (1880) ULTENT HAN YW THOUSAND second mortgage, Will sell at a liberal discount, Louls 8, Hyman, HOUSE TO REND Henley, 138h) Barrister, Phone 67. ((13%¢) IS ORDAINED REV, J. H, YULE Of Oshawn, who has heen od ns a minister of the of Keotlund Wm the Parish Monignftr, LOCAL BOY ENTERS THE MINISTRY «IN ordain. Chureh ol | SCOTTISH CHURCH | Rev. J. H. Yule Inducted in' Parish of Monigaff, Wig town Presbytery Inte for An now pon of the IwRo who was soveral year of Ht drow's Preshyterian Church United Chureh, ha dained to the ministry of the | byterian Church in Seotinnd { Was on Wednenday | J. H, Yule, Yule, pastor Rev, (i heen or Pros und here inducted into the ministry of Moni gaff church, in the Presbytery of Wigtown A copy of the Galloway Giagotto, of November #, which has handed to The Times, gives uosount of the induction | woryled and of the enthusiastic | welcome which was tendered the {new minister at a social and eon grogationn! gathering In the {ing A Iarge attended the ordination service In the morn ing, which a luncheon tendorod to the new minister, pided over by the Barl of Gallo way with the Countéss of Gallo way also present, Rev, J, Ii, Houw Mhawlands chureh, Glasgow, Rev, Mr, Yule, was also togother with a large number of the noted men of the distrlet, A largely anitended wsoolnl gathering In honor of the minister was held by the congregation in the evening, The Rev, George Yule came to Oshawa In 1018, and was pastor of St, Androw's ehureh until" his death In 1928, J, WH: Yule, his son, was educated In the Oshawa public and high schools, and after hiy matric ulation In 1021, went to Neotland where he has been with his unels, Rev, Mr, Houston, Ho received hin {university training at Glasgow unl | versity, For a short time he was assistant pastor of Bt, Constan tine's church, Govan, the largest industrial parish In Seotland, and Montgaff's Ix his flrat charge as a regularly ordained minister, His mother, Mra, Georpe Yule, ax well a# his brothers and sisters, reside at 202 Division street, In this elty, been u long oven congregation Wil miter pra ton, unele of present, MR BY MANY WAR MEDALS PAWNED Disclognre that H0 per cont of war medals awarded aftor tha con olusion of tho World war are in European pawn shops or have been wold to rellave distress has caused much surprise 'here Alth hit fs a punishable evime to oO o nocept ax a pledge a Victoria Crows, about nu doren have found the way to "uncle," and on oaen about $5 has been advanced, The wbout 0 from November 6, damage average valuation of a sliver meds | Post i Leonard McGlashan Lying In Oshawa Hospital With No Hope Held For Recovery Was Injured in "Crash With Trailer Parked on High way Near Highland Creek, It Is Said Without Lights TRUCK AND TAXI ALSO INVOLVED i---- Lewis Clarke, Driver of Osh- awa Taxi, Was Taken to Hospital, But Is Recover~ ing from Injuries--Truck Driver Escapes Unhurt Loonard McGlashan, of MeClash« an's Transport, Dunbarton dnd Oshawa, In lying In a eritieal cone dition In the Oshawa General Hos pita) an ype result of an aceldent on theh Tghway No hope is held for his recover MoeGlashan was one tims of wu triple of the vie arash In which one of the Mallett taxis of Oshawa and un truck owned by the Overnight Truck ( of Montreal were also Involved, Lewis Clarke, driver of the tax!, was also Injured and was taken to the Oshawa Hospital, but In now praetionlly recovered, Threo passengers In the tax), and the dri vor of the truck, escaped uninjur, od Trafic OMecor John Kay, of Hearboro investigated, sala that no charg would be lald aw result of the smash Two Collisions first collision of betweon the truck and while the second one when MeGlashan's ear crashed the truck which had been parked on the highwa I'he first necldent oceurrea o'clock Wednesday evens truck, which was ou large truck and tralloy, was wont on the highway nenr Highland Creek, The taxl was coming « Ly with three pamp« engers, who sere being brought Toronto to Oshawa Clarke uooeoded In passing the truck all right, but In some manner when was opposite the traller, he sidoswiped it, The loft front wheel of tho taxi hit the left rear wheel Of the teatler, and the force of the Impact sent the tax! skidding into the diteh Clarke received wsovere outs and bruises and was taken to the Houplital, but was dis charged today, having recovered to n largo extent from his injuries. Dr. 1% 0, Dongean attended him, Traller Left on Road trallor was quite badly dam tho axle being bent and other It was drawn to the side of the road, but being quite Wide, part of It apparently wan left on the highway, while the driver unhooked the truck and went ou to Toront About Glavhan, 0, wlio The wi tux the two, the was In« loft Ing The Hix=wheel proceeding ne he Oshawa The aged, done three hours ater, who wis going orashed into the trallor, elpping the whole right side out of his cnr and rendering it a total wrebtk, Ho was thrown onto the road, and sustained Indurles to his biek as woll an severe internal Injuries, My, Lomas, a garageman of High« land Creek, who war working on nnother wrock nearby, took him' to his home at Dunbarton, but Yes- terday was removed to the Oshawa Goneral Hospital, where Dr, G, I, Bird was called Into consultation with his attending physician, - Pr, Plerson, of Dunbarton An emers (( Jontihued on Page 2) LONG LIFE ON THE FARM Remarkable longevity was diss closed at the recent dinner of the Williton, England, agrioultural ass poclation, Benjamin Hoalgh, who headed the Hest of aged farm hands, wan Rd The other winnors were S06 and 84 All the nine entrants in the class for aged women were 80 yoars or more, Harriet Milton, the flvst prize winner, was 874, and the voungest aspirant was 81, Tha ages of the nine totaled 750 yours, Mo went, Some of those Whe hive eth play ing the stock market realize for the first timo that nlaving for keeps, the other fellow {3 Chicago Evening \ fe on on JTHOL ST, Revival Meetings Calvary Baptist Church Gospel Centre WEST we NORTH SIDR i FRIDAY NIGHT REV. JOHN LINTON Pastor of High Park Baptist Church, Toronto Special Music--Probably Evangel Male Quartette Song Service Starts at 7.30 Everybody Welcome

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