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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Dec 1929, p. 5

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Bowmanville REPRESENTATIVE--B, TOWN GETS $9304 "PAYNEN" TFROM WILL ESTATE RECEIVES FIRST BENE- FIT AFTER YEARS OF LITIGATION Will Receive Further $180, 000 If Building Is Sold Towh Clerk John Lyle recelved on Monday the first actual pays ment from the McGill estate, a sum of §$0,804,04 which has come from the accumulated profits during the twenty years In which the town has been fighting for its share bf the enlate, James MoCill was an old Bows manville boy who In his will left the town of Bowmanville a seven storey bulldiug In Washington, D, CO, This was twenly years ago and since that time the town has ppent 8 huge sum of money In an ior to get this building, The will was contested by the brothers of the deceased und the matter has been before the courts for many years, It wan originally agreed, it is sald; that Bowmanville was to recelve under agresment with the MeGHl brothers BH per egnt, and the remainder was to go to them, The final settlement wan reached early this year and that agreement was adhered to, The property has been in the hands of the Washington Loan and Trust 'Oo, whieh have noted as trustees during the many years of ltige- tion, During all these years the bulld ing has been making profits which have been acoruing but have not been touched by either of the henes flolaries, The sum received would haye been muoh more if it had not been for the sum of $45,000 taken out recently to pay a Mr, Peters for services rendered In connection with the estate, It has heen advised by D, 1, Me Carthy, K.C,, solicitor for the town, that the building be sold and an sffort is being made to do so now, The estimated value of the builds Ing Is In exces of a quarter of a million dollars of which Bowman. ville's share would amount to ap» proximately $160,000, This would rove quite a help to the town, as t was stated at a counell meeting retently that the town had nears ly resched ita debenture limit and this sum would clear the town of a great deal of thelr debt and would give the counell a chance to continue with the ecivie improves ment program, SEAL AS SE 8a uaa asa a ------ oc a-- PAVING PROGRAM ABOUT COMPLETED 1930 County Road Work May Include from Bow. manville Northward The paving program of the Units pd Counties of Northumberiand and Durham ls practically comple od for this season, It included the ving of one and a halt miles at owmanville, three miles at Co- bourg, one and three-fourths miles at Colborne and the same at Prighton, six miles from Newcas- tle to Orono, and the road from Millbrook to the highway, also the road from Norham to Warkworth, and through the village Wark. worth, The 1030 program for County roads will probably include from Cobourg to Baltimore, and the Co- bourg road leading towards Rice Lake from Colborne to Castleton and from Bowmanville to Hampton and other points &« the County highway aystem, - rem -- NELSON HARPE TO APPEAR TOMORROW Nelson Sharpe, who was last week arrested and charged with holding up Mra, Ira Pearce at the point of a gun and rifling the till of her store, will appear befare Magistrate Ward in polloe court tomorrow morning for his prelims inary hearing, Sharpe is alleged to have ads mitted his gullt at the time of his arrest but it ts now known whether he will plead guilty or otherwise, The hearing In not likely to last more than half an hour and should be over before noon, As the case Is out of the jurisdiction of the lo. oal magistrate he may be commits ted for trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction in Cobourg, SUNSHINE 24 HOURS A bay PLEASANT * * + START /usine iy TODAY MW NAA ic aaah atin tads dass stata hth sid iiii ddl) Mews, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the } dowmanville Office of be limes [| elephones--Oftice, 687 edrpdododeobdrbe ded dodo de dodo deeper! i Ts I LT clasping in her while they sang mary class, each arms mn Nig doll "Hush-A-Bye,'" Intevesting Nonding The mont Interesting of the veo! tations tn the first half of the program was ona by little Kay O'Nellt, "1 wouldn't Mko to bo nw black ns you are, Bhe recited thik without the leant sign of suge fright and every word could he plainly hoard ab the back of the sue | ditorium, The last vous! number of the tivet purt of the progr | wis sung by the choir In unison | and was the old favorite, "Curry ma back to old Vieginny,"" which Hike the other choruses, wins well colvad, The (two-part choruses were no qradit to the director, Miss Morvlg, and each one harmonized nlmost perfectly and showed tho | amount of time and patience that | must have heen expended In the training that brought so good ros sulin When the curtain rose on the wooond half of the program there wera spovernl prises awamded for work In the past term, The first, donated hy the Wom ans Canadian Club of Bowmanville to the two highest standing pupils in the entrance class in Canadian History during the term, wera pre sented by Mrs, Mason and the re ciplents ware, 1st, Madeline Jones, and, uth Purdy, The next, donated by the Men's Canadian Club to the pupll taking the highest marks at the entrance examination In Canadian History wan presented hy Dr, J, ©, Devitt 10 Miss Ruby Hobhs Need New Addition The prise donated hy the Pah Hag Bohool Board for tha two high The program opened with the [est standing pupils af the entrance overture "Light Cavalry," played | examinations, went to Miss Huby by the orchestrs of Trinity Chugeh, | Hobbs and Chester Jur These | When the curtain rosa the cholr | were presented hy 7, Dust was sented in a ysomisolrela six tiers board, who made high on the stage and «il vising | teresting remarks cont opened the voeal purt of the pro | public ehool and the gram with the singing of "0 Cans | ansne an thare is thera [told his hearers (hat with the pr | en congastion It wan considered nl most Imperative thet nn new nddil iA "ww Daily Times | | | 5 HERBERT MORTLOCK NEW WING NEEDED AT PUBLIC SEHOOL SAYS T. DUSTAN Local Trustee' Makes State: ment at Public School Pupils' Concert The Opern House was [ied to enpacity when the pupils of the town public sehools presented thelr annual concert lost evening, The feature of the program was the cholr of one hundred volees un der the divection of Miss Halon Morris, AT.C.M, supervisor of mis fle, nt the wehools which presented many delightful choruses In no oreditable manner During tn program a statement was made hy Trustee Thomas Dustan that a new addition to the school was Impera tive, the | in of me in Lhe of chool | arning amount nt now nda," This was followed by soy oral choruges and reoltations whieh wore heartily applauded, Partin larly pleasing was 0 number sung hy twelva little tots from the pri tlon be bullt te the \ tmmer, as every desk In th A ---- A ST SAI chool nowt | AFRAID SHE WOULD NEVER "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Completely Relieved Dyspepsia Mrs, Omer Monette had tried so many vomedies in hor efforts to get rid of serious Stomach "roubles that she was almost' afraid to try "Vrolieas tivew,! fearing that (his [famous medicine would pot help her, But, as whe writes from Montreal, "1 finally decided to do so, "Ihe first few tablets helped mo and after taking three hoxos I noticed n great change for the better, Now, 1 enjoy and dhgont avery thin oat, and am happy to Sr Prult-n-tives' to uli my friends," "Frulten-tives" In a combination of ooncentrated and transformed fruit Juloos and the most solentific madieinal ngrodionts, It nota directly on the stomach, liver, kidneys and skinj and brings {hemo vital Organs hike to normal, healthy notion, If your stomach hothors you, YFruitndives," 260, and 600, a be ab donlors averywhore, try ' ad Po : i hol wan filled and the hoard room was in use as a school room The last prize awarded was that given by the prinelpal to the pus pli taking the highest marks In arithmetie at the entranca examin atione, This was awarded to Leon urd Wilson Thi thei part that werd although every rocelved hearty proceeded with 'apd In thera wera three Hems particularly outstanding, good and Wie ones wa applause The three-part ehoras and dance hy # number of the senior girls, an titled "In Mpnin was well done d the Hpanish costumes and the clover dancing made this number + % BE WELL THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 A STE HA A AA one of the finest on the program The pyramid bullding by the senloy boys was else worthy of mention, fy somo clever work wlong this line WHA Mopn and was a oredit to Mr, Mclwod, who supervised this phrt of the program, The duet "Awed- Ish Carol," hy Avthay Culley and Frank 'Tuerk, was perhaps the sweetest voenl number on the pros gram, both lads having fing mel low wvolees and hoth were nol afraid 10 use them, Culley has made quite a nume for himself in musical elreles in the town, Maurs ray Mitchell should nlso vecelve | Mantion for his solo at the end of the program, which was well sung, ORONO MAN SUFFERS PARALYTIC STROKE C, 0, Armstrong, one of the hest known residents of Orono and one of the oldest merchants in Durham county, was stricken with paralysis alt un early hour Thursday morns ing and late In the afternoon wos ti unconselous, cond part of tha program | Mr, Armstrong, apparently, had risen from hed and had made his | way downstairs before helng af« | footed, The barking of a dog | aroused other inmates of the house [and Mr, Armstrong wag found uns {eonsefous In a hallway, Plest ald was Immedintely rendered and mes dieal nid was summoned Ad a result of the government order shortening the miners' work Ing day, Bouth Wales has lost part of tha 220,000 ton coal contract placed by the Hragilian . Contreal | Hallways, Bouth Wales ming own arg feared the government nrder would eause an Inereass in the com of production, and treled to obtain | higher prices The rallwnys then contracted for only KO,000 tong from Wales and 50,000 tons from tderman Invented high heels" asks a One theory Is that It was the dea of un short, pretty girl who was I tinually being kissed on the head Humorlist | writer Rescue Aeroplane Goes Through Ice i Ditfloultion of the MaoAlpine expedition were not ended, sven when rescue aavoplanes tool them off Vietoria island, after they had been marooned for woven weeks In the Arctio olpole, Mishaps wvertook the vesous alroratt, and DELAY DOUN MACALPING PARTY ON HOMEWARD JOURNEY FROM ARCTH month delayed the party nearly another | photograph above rh the Cruik fell through th The "Andy! on the hameward Journey resous aeroplanes, piloted by foe wt Burnside river, the flat stop made by the fillers after leaving Cambridge buy, Vieteria island, EXPERTS DISCUSS LEVEL CROSSINGS Railway Commissioners In~ vestigate Best Methods Of Protection DANGER FROM GATES Canadian Wigwas System Lauded By Witness From U, 8, Ottawa, Dee, 13-=With all the members present the Board of Rails way Commissioners opened "Lies day Its Investigation into the best methods of protecting level crossings, So great is the importance of this inquiry that the board room was fill ed with experts from the rallway coms panies, An automatic gate In use at the Canadian National Rallway crossing at Bt, Hubert, Que, was discussed at great length and although it was found that secldents at this erossin had decreased since It was installed the railway eompanies were opposed te It, The evidence brought. out a lot of Information as to the trend in the matter of safety devices based on the experience of highwiys carry ing dense automobile traffic crossing steam and electric rallways, J, C, Mock, chief eleetrical engin eer of the Michigan Central, told the hoard the tendency on his lpe was plaee "Hashing pome 24 such Sometimes by watchmen and Hghts" In thelr place hidnges had been made, of the eompany as iu matter of econ omy but often the change hhd con us a result of the requests from mu nicipulities concerned, One for this was that the gates slowed up the highway teaifie, Even when operated by watchmen, the gates of | ten came down shutting autos on the tracks Ihe change tothe "Aashing Nghts" had not sulted In Inercasing the number weaidents Flash Lights Adopted "Mashing lights" had heen ad Mr, Mock stated, the of state authorities for from gates Ie ol The opted, quest the sake of unifgrmity, They were some [ what AI principle to the wij [ wag and bell glgnal used in Canady | he still thought that the wig-wag had many points in is favor For wo reason, about 10 per gent of the peo pla driving cars were color blind an! them I'he two main objections of the rallway ofMielals to the automatic gate the danger ol It golng order and the danger othe oming down suddenly train was approaching, shutting some autos on the tracks, If the nie chanism happened to go out of order when the gates were down, It would hold up all trafie, whereas, if | went out of order when the gates were up, they would he giving a fals sense of security to the auto ditsgs A wig-wag on the ether hand wheth: er going or not calls upon the driver to stop aut ol Mates when a were NEW REDUCING CURE IN PARIS A new "nature" eure establish ment In Parl has a new reducing Idea, It permits its patients to have nothing exeapt oranges, They are allowed six a day, one orange helng doled out every two hours, Patients elalm that they lost 10 or 11 pounds the first week, the next week only two, and less and loss in sueceeding weeks, a A A oh SE --------------------------- PRESERVES COLOR OF PEAS A greatly improved method of pre serving canned peas so thet thelr color will not fade into the yellowish hue that is so uninviting has been discovered as the result of research work conducted by Bristol University at Little Campden, Gloucestershire The process was discovered in time to he used In the canning of this sea son's peas, and about 4,000,000 gans preserved by thls method are being put on the market, "The process of treating the peas Is being kept pe~ eret, It is believed that the eanners who use the method will have & big advantage over thelr rivals on the Continent, ne ---------- Nothing drives a girl to go on a frantle reduging diet more quickly than does the discovery that her fig ure Is beginning to look like that of Venus de Milo,Lile, CHRIS to take away crossing gates operated | Fenson | ras | | The red Hghts were more Intense, but | {a red Nght did not mean the same to they had begn made of the Initiative | Higher on | Give Ne More! (less tubes) PAGE FIVE -------------------- CANADA BREAD COMPANY LIMITED DIVIDEND NOTICE First Preference Bhares A quarterly dividend of 19.7, haa heen decipred upon Lhe Pirsh Preference Bhisres of the Company, peysbis January 2nd, 1080, to whirehalders record on the 16th December, 1029," The trsuster hooks of he Campsny will he 6) from Des sou) ay 1600 10 Bist, 1020, both deys lus elusive Ulass B Preferencg Rhares A quarterly dividend of 1%% K dediared upon the Onan [ wleren Bhares of the Company, payable Janus ary 4nd, 1050, to share jaidors of record on the 16th Desember, Tha Lranss fer hooks of the Company will be closed from December 160h 10 Bist, 1020, both days Inclusive by order of the Board Ww, B, ANTLIFY, Hoprelary, December 0th, 1020, wr -- TYoronte, Ont, -- I -------------- A -- - TMAS!! And what can give more pleasure to the whole family than MODERN "SCREEN-GRID" RADIO Lower Prices Offer Less! $212.50 (with tubes) Combine your Christmas funds and secure a perpetual source of enjoyment for every member of the family, I'alk it over with a Steinite Dealer listed below, SCREEN. THREE (3) s total of { GRID TUBES 7 tubes, , Four condensers, Linear power detection with sutomatio grid hles, o Pushepull audio power stage, using the newest "45 cubes, You Gan Get No Mare Than Bowra Electric Shop 70 Simcoe St. N, Oshawa This At Any Price! 8, Real humless reception, 6, "Dattleship" chassis cone struction eempletely shielded, , BLECTRO « Dynsmle speaker, , Glorious tone, Magnificent consoles, Hteinite SUPER SCREEN-GRID RADIO Lloensed for sale by Canadian Radio Patents, Limited Distributed by Wholesale Distributors: Spottan Engineering Co,, Guelph ELECTRO DYNAMIC | SPEAMLR DIAMONDS 4 6 COMMUNITY PLATE 26 pieces Deauville' design in handsome Bridal Chest, $37.50 Deauville De Luxe Stainless Knife (Mmeluded vin set abeve) $10.00 set of six Bassett's Christinas Grandfather CLOCK SPECIAL 1 only TUBULAR CHIME Regular $450.00 1 only CHIME -- Regular $250.00 1 only CHIME -- Regular $225.00 1 only CHIME -- Regular $175.00 1 only CHIME --- Regular $125.00 $375.00 Distinctive strap serling silver fo i al, ; time: / 25.00. 4 BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner

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