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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Dec 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX : : Wome rs n's Interests in the Home --- and the Community THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 SOCIAL and PERSONAL THE EMPTY WIOUKING An empty stocking on Christmas morn A Nittle face all pinched and worn, A mother whose heart Is torn with grief Ready to beg or become a thief, Oh how shall she stop those bitter tears, Bach hour her face Is sgaing years, it only she had one candy cane Twould quench those tears that fall ke rain, Put there fs no eandy, nor flour in the bin, The children are hungry, cold and thin, Just 74 and pleture your own Hitle wi, When we stop to think why, our heart sands still, . Right now let us give every cent that we oan, It may help to lengthen life's short span, And besides we cannot our honor belittle DIKN IN VIEM NTUDIO VIN Cathevine Porter, one of Jronds way's most promising young dancers, who lost her Nife, with nine others, In the fire tht feet,' "What means sud, glen' men/!" CHRIS "What means this glory round our And angels, answering Nang, "Peace on earth, good-will to 'MAS CAROL The Magi mused, "more, bright than mornt" And volees chanted, elear and sweet, "Today the Prince of Peace 1a born!" that star," the shepherds "That brightens through the rocky overhead, "is eighteen hundred years and more, Nince those sweet oracles were dumb; We wait for Him, like them of yore; Alan, Ho seem no slow to come! | HELPFUL HINTS | L, 8 was asking for some salad recipes, Here are two that we ean recommend, FRESH PINEAPPLE SALAD Tastes Just us refreshing as It sounds, Viske out the pineapples with a silver fork until yeu have 2 cups: ful, Let it drain in a sleve and cool, Wash carefully 1 buneh of watercress and put It in refrigerator untll erisp, When ready to serve mix with the pineapple and marinate with French dressing, Serve in a single lettuce leaf, topped with a spoonful of whip. ped cream and a sprinkling of pap. rika, PEACH BALAD Arrange halves of fine large peach- on, canned ones will do, hollow side up on salad plates, on a bed of lets tuce, Chop hearts of celery and als monds, molstened with mayonnaise and Al In eavity of peach, Cover, i desired with another half peach, cor ver with mayonnaise and over this another soft Jelly, Sprinkle with paras ley, URING the weeks before baby arrives there is one service of love even more important Reparing for (4] Bul i wan sald in words of gald No time or sorrow ere shall dim, That litle ohildren might be bold In perfect trust to come to Him, swept the Pathe Beveen Vilm Give all you oan, no matter how Mindios In New York City, tile, than the tiny gars ments so carefully chosen , . make sure Baby Phaibga There Is nothing greater that we oan do Than help W Hitle child or two To spend a joyous Chrstmus doy Please Cod grant that each ehild may A Friend, -- Mr, Willlam Pound of Calgary, Alberta, has been visiting Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Hutchison, Quahee sree, A meeling of tha Balter Y was held at the home of Miss Gertrude Gomme, Heuna Vista avenue, on Wednesday evening, Vollowing a short program preparatiops wero made for Christmas cheer work after which a social hour was en Joyed, Last evenlng presentation of the by the Chest Chureli, AY. TA nld of the Children's Ald Hoclety Christmas Fund, The Revue met with every success, The aels were wis the flest "1040 Revue ST. ANDREW'S WMS, MEETING Business Meeting and Elec. tion of Officers Held Thursday annual me of the W.M,} of Bt, Andrew's United Chureh was held In the Ladies' Parlors on Thurs day afternoon and was well nttended Migs Pearl Fletoler, pastor's assist wit, addressed the gathering and mw i Interesting way imtormed hes heures that to hold an interest in fonary work one must be well informed on the subjeet, To this he United Chureh publishing issued wn booklet « ul th ston Held ull st at which n The Hi) vil ena hots hid ning HAY LL Owing plainly hon Ission applauded with enthusiasm, The poenery and Hehting effects were | well carried out, The delighted happy faces of the children from the shelter in the audience In gpired the players to do thel parts even better than they had ever done hefore, The King Ht, Ladies' Ald met esterday at the Hunday Hohool mw, 0, D, Friend, the president, was in the ehalr, The meeting ppened with the singing of a Christmas hymn, The Christmas lesson was read responsively, led by Mrs, J, Bhort, Reports of the year hy the different groups were yvead and the sum of §1,100 In the total sum ralsed last year, New groups weref ormed During the afterncon, Mrs Frank Cawker was made a life member of the Misslon Noclety, hy the Ladies Ald Moelety, The ad dress to Mrs, Cawker was read by Mra, Cragg, and the Hfe member's in was presented hy Mra, J oth, The convenern of the program were Mrs, 0, Nunker and Mrs, W Parker, They had arranged for the following numbers, A nolo hy Mra, Farrow, a recitation hy Alleen Disney, plano solo, Mr, Treneer, and a reading by June Luke, The meeting diamisned with prayer led by Mra, L. Cook, Refreshments were then served hy Mrs, 1, White, and Mra, M, Clarke, A wide Nelection of Christman Gifts Awalt you at FASHION SHOPPE MM Nimecoe Kt, Roath carried on I the won Miss | tidy work | on In the near | those I Cre Mins be the hands Laliturg and present to lly ether anak the pamphil | He 1 contained 4 und of which will ful to all members of the Buoelety stressed the opportuni and privileges of women today reminded them that thelr slo should be sacrifice of sell fo pond of others amd this shoula the keynote of thelr lives Delegates were appointet! to the an nual meeting of the Oshawa hytery to be held (nu Whithy in Jun wary and Mrs, Stewart Ntorle and Miss Jessie Dillon will represent St Andrew's at this gathering Phen followed the reports of th secvelnrien of the various departments eaeh one showing that splendid work had been accomplished" in the paw year and pron for the future were of a very promising nature, All returng frame the thank offering en velopes have not yet been made but It Is expected that most will be res turned by the end af the month he election of officers followed nd resulted as follows Hon, Pres, Miss J, Panton and Mes, George Yule, President, Mrs 1%, J, Maxwell, 1st Viee Pros, Mrs Fred Hare, 2nd Viee Pres, Miss Rose Hawkes, Ree, See, Mra, Stowast Stos rle, Cor Mrs, © M, Ewing, Press See, Mrs'), BD. MeKay, Mix ston Nand executive, Mrs, 8, H, But» lor and Mes, George Yule, Supply Seo, Mrs, Lo Guy, Strangers Seq Miss Pearl Fleteher, Misslonary Monthly See, Mes, Barrett, Condo lence See, Mes J. C0 Young onary information ound us Bie Hos and Han the he made ors See, Farmer's son! Mere, hurry, dad, the old bull's broken loose and ats tacked mother, Farmer: Good heavens, ian he still alive! Puen Humor, Madeid a Se gp "FEEL WELL AND STRONG | RAR Ne 8, Raw, tH On "1 have to work in the store do my own housework too run. 1 got nervous a and wag in bed nearly all summer, The least noise would ke me nervous, | waa told to the a E, Pinkham's Vege ta pound and 1 have taken seven bottles. It has m me stronger and put more valor inte my ho I get nicely now with my rk and with my four chib ren, | would like to answer YM, J Malin, etters. "J R UR A Ne |, A "I had two babies which I lost at seven months. Before my third baby was born my husband advised me to take your medicine and he bought me three bottles of it, When I had taken the first one | began to feel better so 1 kept on du ing the whole period, We have yA baby boy and we are gc proud of him and praise Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Comppund for the help it gave me. | feel well and strong, "a= Mrs. Frank Lukes, Ivdia E. Pinkham"s \eqgetable \ Compound his will | in| Pros | dfdon and proeceded to sel A Ught like 1 we. our lovi "Hn men! And they who IIIT rn But keep at ove the faith of morn, Nhall daily hear the angel song, "Today the Prince of Peace is born!" All round about our feet shall shine that the wise men saw, ng wills ineline To that sweet Life which ix the Law, No shall we learn to understand Tho wimple faith of shepherds then, And olasping kindly hand in hand, Sing "Peace on earth, good will to do thelr souls no wrong, James Russert Lows, uf co ' a= FAIR C0-EDS EARN CHRISTMAS MONEY Picture of Ayrshire Cattle for 68 Cents Toronto, Deg, 13=It Is not many dave until Christmas, and so thre prominent university of Toronto co ods, all. members. of Delta sorority, hgve of to earn the wherewithal to meet the demands of the Jolly old Yuk tide Miss Lillian Mary Laura Melghen daughter of Rt, Hon, Arthur Meigh en, former premier of Canada, leads the trio, of which 'Miss Catharine MoWhinnie and Miss Helen Mag Donald are the other two members, Miss Melghen was seen selling pla tures in thie gift department of Simp son's as saleslady 908. When approached, she aga all for business and in order to make any impression whatever twas neces sary for the Star reporter to make A purchase | at least a 68 cont pleture of Aveshire oattle, This done Miss Melghen tssued her formal proelama another pieture, "You ean tell them for me" sald saleawomen 908 "that Miss Meighen in furious and that she thinks this ix A pretty rotten trick and that's that," Mins MoWhinnie, with Miss Melghen, was more cheerful, "We're lneky to met a job" said she, "but why can't we work If we want to" In the child's wear department, Misa MacDonald expressed apprecia don of the kindness of college pros fossory in permitting "poor working pirle to leave classes" YAnvthing at all 10 help," she laughed, "Yes, 1 do get an allowance, but it's simply nt the first week, and I simply must get encugh money 0 ket home to 8t, Thomas for Cheists n Inquiry about the store revealed that other Varsity students worked there on Saturdays, Miss Grace Mae: aulay, a Kappa Alpha Gamme, and head miel at Queen's Hall, in In the book department on Saturdays, A ------------ WIDE USE OF COMBINES 1928, stator the Department of Ags rienlture, combines were used Western Canada to harvest wheat, oats, barley, spring rye, fall rye, fax, sweet clover, and brome from Wins nipeg to the foothills of the Rockies and from the International Boundary to Township 80 in the Peace River District, The number used in 1989 showed a large incvease over 1928, Tv ---- WOMAN RULE) OF SARK TO WED Will the little Island of Sark, in the English Channel, have a man ruler after all? That is the question being asked hy the subjects since the announcement that Mes, Dudley Beaumont, known as the "Dame ol Sark, will shortly marry. Robert Woodward Hathaway, of Landon, Mrs, Dudley Beawmont is absolute raler of the Island, which she hws governed since the death of her Runs band two years ago, It ia her right to preside over Parliament, known as "Chief Pleas," when it meets three times a year, People of Sark res cently vaiced the sentiment that they had so greatly enjoyed her rule that they wished her to continue, They especially favor the present law do LINE away with taxation Miss Lillian Meighan Sells Alpha Gamme | lett thelr claws | RUE th ™ i) h oy PIN a8 de EY Lm | Pass Along Your Favorite Recipes | | The editor of the Women's | Page would greatly appreels Ate It If, any readers who | have good recipes for Christ {| man ocakep and puddings | would send them In to her, | Nhe will be pleased to publish these and any other favorite recipes Also, she will be | pind to offer any suggestions that may help to solve prob loms that erop up from day to day, In this business of housekeeping Please ad Myonn all letters to Bditor of Women's Page, Oshawa Dally Times; "WAR IS RECALLED Polish Lad Befriended by Canadian Soldier Seeks Naturalization | Barele, Ont, Dee, 13An Ll year {old Polish Ind, starved, elad In Althy raps and broken by overwork, found |S way to an envampment of Cun adian soldiers at Soroka, Siberia, at the time of the Russian Revolution 12 yours ago, Lirown te manhood, John Petrosky applied yesterday to Judge Wismer for naturalization papers and LOWER BUSINESS TREND FORECAST Economic Expert Says Gen: eral Conditions Will Be Slower -- Cleveland, Ohio, Dea, 13~HBusiness in the United States next year will be slower, but not Jow, It will be poorer, but not poor, And it seems unlikely that the recession will de velop into a period of depression Such is the essence of the Leonard Py Ayres annual forecast on the na ton's economic outlook, Col, Ayres, vice-president of the Cleveland Trusi Company, is nationally noted for his opinions on business trends, I'he great bear market of 1089 1s over, he says, and it will soon be fol lowed by another advancing market, "The dominating business faet of 1939," he says, "is that the great bull market of the past five years has been terminated, "I'wo questions now transcend all sthers in ammediate importahee, The nest 8: What will be the effect of general business during the coming voar? The second ix, what will be the probable course of the security | Markets) Betore answering the first question Ayres sald that 12 of the 13 bear markets during the last 50 years had been followed by serious business des pressions, Historical pregedent indicates, he sald, that we should expect the fall stock prices to be followed shortly hy @ serious decline in general busi ness activity, A. -------- MOST REAUTIFUL HOME READY What experts declare to be the most beautiful home in England has Just been completed by Samuel Walls rook, an exs-office boy who specials fees In magnificent houses for other Jeonle The new home, the Manor louse, at Stanmorg, iv Wallrook's dea of a perfect plate of abode, and he will ocogpy it It cost more than $300,000. 1t han 22 gardens, luminats od by searchlights and Planta in one bed alone are worth $5000, Some of the windows in the house ave of whass 400 years ald, and one of the carpet is 30 original that it took years to find, The bathrooms are of pink onyx He: "You were no spring ohlok- on when I married you" Hhe: "Right you ave, Hitlg goose," I was & ho adopted the name of George Har: ved the name of the Canadian sol dior who had proved his prineipal iviend In the old days and who had soon him established in Canada weorge Harvey the first was in court orroborate Po rosky's strange sory, Col, J, I Leckle, of Vancouver, was in charge of the detachment of Cans adians with whom Petrosky sought shelter from the terrors of forced work on the Siberian railroad, The lad was given a job in the geokhouse, promoted to batman and later hes came a full-fledged soldier in the re giment, He returned with the unit to Canada and Harvey got Petrosky a position as section hand on the Canadian National Railways in this digtriet, @ He is now assistant station agent at Longford, near Orillia, 0 ( WITTICISME AROUT WOMEN Although Lord Dewar fs a bach: olor, and apparently a confirmed bachelor, he seemingly entertains A high appreciation of the faly sex, Judging by some of the witty say: Ings he fires off about them from time to time, Hore are a few of the beat! "The road to success in filled with women pushing thelpr hus banda along" , "No man is po good but a woman oan make him better," "A golden wedding ia when a couple have gone fiftysritgy," WOULD FIREPROOF FORESTS Forest fires may be prevented by the application ot' a method of injecs ting firesreaisting mineral "soup" ins to living trees, according to those who have tested the process recently perfected at the College of Forestry at Tharandt, Germany, Trees thus treated ape sald to have produced lumber which in strongly resistant to flames, The fireproofing process cons sists of feeding a thin solution, coms posed of compounds of silicon and fourine and other chemicals, to the tree through holes bored into the trunk close ta the ground, As the sap rises it caries the solution to all parts of the tree, rendering it fires proot, AMERICANS SAVE HOTELS Amertean tourists saved many ho tein in England from closing during the summer season, Many report that every night their hastelries were filled, mainly.on account of the large number of American visitors, One hotel proprietor at Warwickshire frankly confessed that hut for Ame eriean patvonage he could not have "earvied on™ and others have implied as much, Making love does not take so long as It used to, according to & woman writer, And it doesn't stay i made so long, elther, DARING YOUTH A somi-tallored frock of sheer woolen In popular bottle green shade, belted at raised waistline, It has an Inset vestes with aps plied centre band buttonstrimmed, with attached Peter Pan collar, The back of skirt is out elroular with front showing wrapped move. ment with Inverted plaits at let aide, Sleeves have darts below the elbows with turn<back flared ouffs, Btyle No, 084 Is designed In sleen 10, 18, 20 years, 34, 38, sv and 43 inohes bust, It is real favorite in black wool Jersey with vestee, collar and cuffs In Jade green fallle allk erepe, Java brown oanton orepe selfs trimmed in flattering combination that oan be worn for many occas slona, Mid-night blue silk orepe with white silk crepe collar and cuffs with veates trimmed witlh' white novelty bone buttons is neat for olasaroom, Covert cloth in dark plrple shade with veatee, collar and yufts of matohing fallle allk ve Spanish red tallle allk crepe, bhlhok orepe satin, black velvet and prigt- od velvet In burgundy tones ohar! ing Ideas for thin swagger model Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin ia preferred) wrap ooin carefuly, We suggest that when you wend for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our new Fall and Winter Fashion Maga: nine, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON ™ Thuariment Oibewa Ow fieloned ABE uaa a aes Iease send patterns This Sebi ananaannannantannaeneee EER sonnnaninen LLL TETTITEYY pe STORE King & Prince Sta, Sheer Chitton Bull Bashioned | Noar King & Simcoe St, that you will be able to feed baby yourself. and sturdy, of beef tea, Ove babies, firm this Made in $1.33 il $4.50 pure 80 much depends upon this, Are tificial feeding can never take its place. Doctors have proved con. clusively that breast-fed babies have much better chances of avolding nutritional diseases like rickets , , of growing up strong Ovaltine 1s no haphazard mixture of its several ingredients, but is manufactured by an exclusive scientific process, This retains, unimpaired, ull the essential elo- ments of its valuable ingredients ~=tipe barley malt, fresh eggs and creamy milk from England's richest pastures, One cupful of QOvaltine contains more nourishes ment than 3 Shi or 12 cupfuls tine has enabled thousands of mothers all over the world to breast-feed thelr Your doctor will cons Delicious and easily digested, Ouale te will maintain your strength, as nothing else can, during confinement +o and afterwards will ensure you a quick return to normal health, nglandd, Sold wi 50¢, 750, a, iy "ph { ger hing ave more economical to base, VALT ENABLES MOTHERS TO BREAST.FEED THEIR BABIES A. WANDER LIMITED, 45% KING STREET WEST TORONTO, ONTARIO OVALTINE RUSKS are perfect when baby dr teething, These, made from finest Canas dian wheaten flowr to whieh Ovaltine I# added, ave more appes taing, emsily digested and fur more nowrithe ing than ordinary rushe or bisewitss EVERAGE Instead of rushing the precise significance British the ==New York Times, into with Hl-considered judgments print on the Prime Ministers visit to this country, we prefer to walt un» Hl we can read the whole truth in Moscow Pravdo and Isviestia, Donald E., Malkes, Chicago lawye: announces he will file suit in Ney York court contesting will of Conra( Hubert, who left most of $310,000,00 estate to charity to be administered by Calvin Coolidge, Alfred E, Smit! and Julius Rosenwald, Malkes saw he brings the action in behalf of him self and alster, cousing of Hubert, COMMUN ITY PLATE Here's News About a New Style Gift ' New as het next Baster bonnet, combini convenience. An exqui jn rich blue leather... cover, sturdy ck lifts 0 Ware style and site silverware container done den moire lining , . . mirror asps and Mndle, The silvers ut and reveals an adorable overnight hag such as every "Modern Miss" desires, The Petit Voyage travelling case iv fitted with a 46-piece service of COMMUNITY PLATE silverware in any of five lovely patterns, A "Prince Charmi woul d not be more welcome than the man who Presents this gift of princely charm, D. J, BROWN 10 King Street West . Phone 180

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