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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Dec 1929, p. 7

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THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 PAGE SEVEN \ Miss Hard-Boiled BY JANE DIXON Dlustrated by Armstrong Perry What Has Gone Before Raquel Rojos hing made ber first trip to Boston, to visit the family of hor recently-wedded, wealthy hus band, Gerald Parker. There she was wermly welcomed 4 Jorry's moth of, but received wit warmth by ther members of tHe family, It wag in Deauville, fashionable French senside resort, that Raquel first meet Jorry, while s¥ was on holiday from Paris, where she wae employed by Alphonse Courbet, noted fashion expert, as bis chief model, Her constant companion of those days was another model, Greta Tosak, an inveterate gold- digger. Jerry Parker was the third man actively to ses Raquel's hand in marriage durine her Parisian days, Otherg were N-vile Adama, a milifonsire sporteman, and Wrie Stafford, then the son of an Eng lish lord, And always in the hacks { ound was Alphonse, admiring, foving her, though never declaring his live, With Naque! and Jerry In New Yo 'r {8 her father, Pancho Rojos. Upon a recent visit to her former homa in the Arizona desert town of Wermosn, she, withing to ree olaim him from his evil wavs, pers gnaded him to accompany her to the metranalis, Nanuel In concernsd over her hushand's nhysfeal condition and fea had him consult a apeciatist, who thus far has not sueceesded In determining the exact oause of Lis allment, Chapter 70 Raquel found it a relief to be back in New York, Jerry's peop. Ad received her cordially, They had accepted her as one of thelr own, Bhe felt, tho~ ugh, that they resented. her diff. erence from thelr mold, Kven the beauty they were forced to admit peomed a matter of suaplelon (0 them, of intrusion, Becretly, ashe kn.v, the women among them en vied her this supreme gift of the #04, Just an she could ve dpUhian- eous admirftion of It, properly cloaked, in the eyes of Lhe men, Jorry's mother ghe adored, Jerry an, bis mother had entered into an open conspiracy to confc 'n" these stiff-lipped traditionalists to the limit of Raquel's might, They took delight In seeing eyelids fly open and mouths form a quickly suppressed "o, k." \ "1 already love you, my daughe ter," the fine old lady In the big white house whispered to Rajuel between ler farewells, "But if you will keep my boy happy, It you will make him a good wife, I shall come as near adoring you as it 1s allowed humans to adore one Abe othr" Raquel was glad Jerry's mother had not imposed love into her bare gain, Ax it was, she could pr~ 'se truly that she would fulfill the trust this mother gave into her keeping, But love! That she cou pot promise, fhe did not have it to give, had naver had it, The Potter had left Love out of the alohemy of her making. Pancho was as when they left him, Environment. what it could do to people....for or against them! Raquel! brushed Pancho's brow with the first "is« she could ever remembed ava to have passed be. tween them Pancho hid it very skilfully, but Raquel knew ' 1 Was a8 startled, aa embarrassed, x" the {impulsive wan she, oe "et a man from Spafa the other © *" he proyark?, with '- dent mest for thy subject, "Me's here on some kind of diplomatic miss. fon, Comes from Cadis, He was tell: ing me about it. The Rojoses are of + Or Ms, Tt lu the seat of the family, since hefare the Tnauieltion, rd like to go back there sometime, He stopped short, as it his tongue had run away from him, And adds od, with a quick glance at Raquel, "I'd like to take Luoy.® Raquel nodded, Au If he had made the moat casual remark sible, "It would be Interesting," ehe sald, "I'd like nothing more, We could do it, eh, Jerry? After we come back from the Orfent and rest u bit," Why not?" Jerry shared her enthusiasm, "We ought to show them what this country can do my way of denoritas," "Sonoran," Raquel corrected, laurhingly, She waa troubled about the trip to the Orient, Reatlesy to be away She needed the rest, the change. . + «because of the giddiness and the weak feeling she hadn't told anyone apout, That hurried trip to the border with ite attendant excites yaent and bodily fatizue had taken much from her, 8he had gown soft, unueed to elash and to strain, Jorry wag still having his bad nights, The purple pools under his eyes were deeper, darker, Wia brow wan damp and cold when she touch. od 't to soothe hie troubled tosing, He inalsted, however, that he had sever felt so fit, "That wise old ow! of a special. fat hae forwotten all abous we" hoe sald: "He has given me up aa a lost prospect," Raquel knew better. On'v that morning she had talked with the aneelaliat, fhe did not like the way the famone man of solence looked at her when he sald she must be prtient. . t. that he would have a deotslon for her within A week, "You don't think, Dr, Logan, !.. 1's nothing serious, ,. that Is, no. thine really norlous? she asked, alr a4 he the stern vet of hia lina, "Not so far as T have heen able to tell," he anawered with an alr of professional mystery she could not penetrate, "One neter knows, There are two or three phases of this case that have pussied me, The symp- toms are not unusual, The thing of it Is they do pot react to the treatments prescribed, This proves 1 have been on the wrong track, 1 have not found the west of the trouble," "But surely"., .. "I shall be better able to judge of the extent of your husband's (n- disposition when the report comes from the Isporatory, That must be within o fow days, at the most." With that he dismissed her. Oh... dt Jerry should... Fhe squeesgd trembling lids over her burning eyes. Drove away the Iittle devils of fear that clutched and tore at her, "Doctors are always like that," she assured herself, "They do it to ive the impression they are earn~ ng thelr fees." Bho remembered that Jerry had bad a good night, the best for = week, And this morning he was so full of life and ebullient activity that she had shooed him out doors, He had gone *f with Pancho for a spin up the Hudson to a country. olub where he had "a bundle of olubs on fee," We'd like to warm 'them up again, He migh' even chal. lenge Pancho who ought to sawing as mean mashle, If shoulders were any measure of a golfer, Pancho joined in the laugh at at his expense, "I'll go with you," he promised, "It you'll make it six-shooters," "There speaks the man from the great open spaces,' Jerry chuckled, The apartment seemed unbear« ably empty when she returned to it, There was a letter from Greta, "I was out stepping among the holty-tolty last night," wrote the irrepressible one, 'and who should I slap on the shoulder but Lord Krio Stafford... .in person, He waa there with Lady Xrle, He oalls her Cynthia, or something. but T don't mean maybe when I! say Lady Wrie, Rhe's an cold an A landlord's heart, dearle, And the dear old bean simply reeks of the stables and the hounds, I mean Lady Erie, I think you pulled a dirty trick on his lords ship, I bet' he haa to play Home Sweet Home on a huntine-horn, "Alphonse plans to sall In a couple of weeks, and I'm a part of the show, He's doing aa well a8 can he expected, thank you, I've got him all pepped up to a 'Bless you, my children' piteh, #0 don't you go and spol! the aot, You know that brass kettle I blasted on our way up from Deauville? I got It almost fll od with used platinum olgarette onsen and lighters and silver hip. flasks and what not, The motto hung on the handle is 'Take 'Em Before They Take You.' How's Jerry? Doting as usual, T suppose," Erle Stafford married! We had walked fu the way of t dition, If she had accepted Riofford! Why, then, she would ne or have had Jerry, This Jerry, who came to her now, eager and warm, Wis lips oovoring hers, "Great morning," he sald, "Kven it your father does think golf should be played with teacups, And whom do you think we ran aorom 1" "Who!" she asked catching hin mood, "Bertte Adams, Wo sald he knew you, dear, Ne read about our marriaze, Mis congratulations were seesWoll, T guess he meant busls ness, all right, We've poloed again. at each other a eouvie of times, What he can't do with a pony!" Raquel watehed this husband of here with fllokering eyes, Now life erowded In, Stafford, Nertle Adams, Alphonse, Tt wan Uke a merrgy-go-round, With her, thie Jerry's arma, in the center of 1t, +'T have word about the Ortent," Jerry want on, "We hop off In aboyt a month," Chapter 71 Raquel, stepping trom her oar, entered a shop on Fifth Avenue, Her black eyes took no cognisance of the stream of Fashion that flow. ed there, It was the firet time ahe had been in Chen Alphonse since her return. No idle curiosity sent her to this foyer of her realised dreams, Her return was a pilgrimage, "I'd like to nee your hats," ahe told the elegant young woman with the coppery hair who hurried for ward to ive her, "It youl will step this way..." the coppery young woamn paused, "Something In black velvet," Ra. quel sald, "with white paradise," "Why, Mademoiselle Raquel!" The coppery young woman ex claimed. Bhe wag a flutter of ex- oltement, "I'm not a ghost," Raquel sald, almost as flustered as the coppery young woman herself, "And I was only joking about the paradise, Just select whatever you think I would like, Some Reboux, I lke Reboux," The young woman wag In such a atate she forgot her mincing away #8 she hurrfed in the direction of the screen at the front of the shop, That screen, Madame Pauline, What had become of Madame Paul. ine, 8he dared not ask, Something fneide her quivered and stopped, Madame Pauline wag not there, She was out there, somewhere In the vast void, phone had plucked out and tossed £ "Well, he's a fine chap and Even the huak of the flow» Alo aside was loss than the duat, hut) [ine Sonny is one of the longest in the hummingbird hummed on, fhe had kept her pledge to Madame Pauline, made that night the frenzied woman had come (0) pleaded for the pafe-guarding of 8 love the older woman never pos sossed, Raquel had never been wore than a medium for the expression of Alphonse's art, She had never opened her petals for his plunder. ing. Would she have done so, had it not peen for Jerry? Whe selected a hat and ordered it sent to her, "You are hore beautiful than ever," the coppery girl told her, There was neither grudge nor guile in the simple statement, "We have been wondering 'about yon,, of' 4," the young woman w nt on, "Of course, we knew of your mars riage." "I've been too busy te think eof clothes," Haquel said, Busy doing what? Being with Jorry, Bhe hadn't bought anything since she left Paris, Only a few odds and ends, necessities, pleked up without thought, "We have lots of Inquiries about your models, , ,.the ones you favor personally," the young woman sald, "There's a Mra, Carrington who k ps asking tor you, Bhe was Mrs, Dexter when you knew her, Her new husband Is & senator from Utah, And Mrs, Dosart, .she drives Ug eragy, Bhe's In mourning, Her husband died, ,,. In a sanatarium somewhere abroad, Mhe's wearing white, It glves you the shivers," Lite closing in, The tangled threads of It drawing together, Raquel returned to her ear and wan driven back to the apartment, Jerry and Pancho were there, full of zealous plans, "You know that Spanish fellow your father met while we were in Boston?" Jerry reminded her, he's got a good idea" "Sonor Zacado," impressively "It Y could pronounce it the way youn do, Benor, Jerry Inughed, "I'd say it myself," "What la the plan, Jarry?" Ras | quel asked, emgerly, Jt Lad to do with Pancho, she knew, | "It's this, Zah-oali-doshow's that? vochan a shipping business downs town, He deals with Spain, Spanish goods, I've looked him up and he's Al In every respect, First class financial rating and his business shows a neat profit, AH ha needs Is a little capital to make It a real success, Capital, and a good parts ner who understands the Sn nish needs and tempegament," "But you're not going into busi. ness, Jerry, If we're off to the Orient, . ,.," "No, dear, AL least not Just yet, With you on my hands.' Jerry pulls od her down beside him, "I'm not going Into business, Dut your fath« er in," Bhe glanced swiftly at Pancho, He wan standing erect, hig chest puffed out lke an inflated balloon, The Spanish trait of vanity was strong In him again, Wis pride ran high, Pride, If anything, eould save him, now that it was quicken od again, "We've threshed the whale thing out with Zacado,"" Jerry went on, "Your father is just the man he needs, I'm going to buy him a partnership In Zacado's concern, He'll move thy family here to New York and help bulld that husiness Into a fine little go!d mine" "Already I have found a number of ways," sald Pancho, "Yea," Jerry sald, "The sugges tlong of £ nor Rojos were good live ones, and constructive, Zaoado wants to adopt them at once, Of course, it will keep both partners hustling for a while But I have ar ranged It #0 that your father will eventually buy back my part of the concern, Ny allotting a percentage of his profits to the price of pun chase," "And thig Is as you want, Pan ho?" Raquel asked, Phe know har father, He was a sealot In pursuit of those things which pleased him, Jorry must not invest money that Pancho would throw away, toss te the windy of desire and gross appe~ tite, "It fa the only way, Ohlco," sald Pancho, Hig volee wan strong, His teeth clenched, His face grim, He found (n excuse to leave her with Jerry, "It he should fall us..." Ra- quel murmured, "We've got to take the chance," Jerry declared, "I firmly helleve he will not fall, The firat thing ia to keep him away from hia old envir onment, From all contact with the ad panions of hia evil days." "And this Zacado?" "He ia high olass, The class of your father's family, And he Ila Spanish, Pancho will not be among strangers, He will he with his own people, I don't know about your mother, though, She may n't want to pull up her home by the roots." "Don't worry about Lucy," Ras que! sald, "She'll follow wherever he goes, And ahe'll blesa you for giving him the chance, no matter what happens," "I thought it would be better for the young folks too, your bros thers, your sister." "Oh, Jerry! Maink what It will mean to Jose, He oan have the best teachers, You have no ides what he oan do with a violin, He oareases It, ag If It were a baby, And it gels" "I thought of that." "You would, dear will be a great musiofan, will pay you hack, a times, for all of us" Hix lips covered her hands, "You have already done dear girl," he sald, "Just the joy. of having you here, like this, be aide me, Ix more than all I could give" N Ww Nw The quadrangle of the future Co: rdinate College tor Women of Duke sald Pancho,' Jarry, He And he thousand at, (To Ne Continued) the country, buildi It congists of fifteen RS, / Give a Kodak Kodak presents five unusual Christmas oppor- tunities ,.. five splendid cameras created during the last few months , . , all offered in a variety of colors . , . all designed in the modgrn mode, Kodak Ensembles: Covered with fabric suedes lined with moire silk, Con. tains Kodak, mirror, change pocket, lip. stick, rouge and powder compact, beige, green, Ploture sizes 1% x 2V4. Prices $18.00, Cholee of colors: rome, Kodaks Petite: Dainty Kodaks in five vivacious colors: blue, gray, rose, lavender, green, Ploture sizer 184 x #6.784 carrying case, $1.25, Pocket Kodaks Junior: Colors: blue, Ploture slzes: No. 1, 2V4 x 8V44 No. 1A, 2V4 x AV. No. 1-89.25 carrying case, $2 brown, green and black, $10.25 carrying case, $3.00, «05 No. 1A 2V4. Price, Prices There is a Kodak or Brownie for everyone on your Christmas list, Model BB f.1.9 Ciné.Kodaks: Light, small, efficient, Case has compartments for Kodacolor attachments, two packages of film and lens for telephoto effects. Colors: blue, gray, brown; black, Price, including case, $150, Colored Brownies: Colors: red, green, gray, brown, blue. Models: 2 and 2A. Plotures) 2'4 x 84 and 24" 414 vreapeo~ tively, Prices: $3.25 and $4,253; carrying cases, $2,258 and $2,50 respectively. , For these Christmas opportunities, see your Kodak dealer, Canadian Kodak Coy Limited, Toronto 9% Ontario, . 8 King St, KB, Phone 98 Nold by JURY & LOVELL THE REXALL STORES, 088 Nimooe St, 8, Phone 08 KARN'S Next Post Offise Sold by DRUG STORE . Phone 378, NATIONAL LINES PLACE ORDERS FOR NEW EQUIPHENT Steel Mills and Car Com. "panies Will Benefit Montreal, Que,, Deo, 13 Or ders have heen placed hy the Cans adian National Ratlways for 130, 000 gross tons of steel required for the construction program of the National system during the coming year, it wan stated offio ally at Canadian National heads quarters today, Of this total, 80, 000 gross tons have heen ordered from the Dominion Iron and Steel Company, Syddey, N.&, and. 40. 000 gross tons from the Algoma Steel Mills at Sault Ste, Mario, Ont, In addition to steel or | nears ly 6,000 box cara have | 1 orders od, Of the car orders placed the Canadian Car and Foundry Come pany, Montreal, are to deliver ¥. 250 fiftyston hox cars and 25 tank oars, each of 10,000 gallons cas pacity, The National Steel Car Company, Hamilton, Ont,, have re. eelved orders for 1.175 fifty-ton hox cars and the Kastern Car Company, New Glasgow, N.8&, have gorator and approximately 1,000 box oars, The placing of box car orders has resulted in the manufacturers placing orders with the Hritish Qols umbia Mills for some 16,000,000 foot of box oar material, The places ing of these orders has had an important bearing on the employs ment situation throughout the cen. tres concerned, Inquiries are also belng made by the Canadian National among locos motive manufacturers for the de. livery of 18 Santa Fe type locos motives and 15 mountain type ens ines, SENSATIONAL CASE OPENS IN GERMANY Outcome of Attempted Ship- ment of Ammunition To China Kiel, Germany, Dee, 13=Whether the German Reichswehr and Navy permitted or had knowledge of an attempted shipment of 8,000,000 rounds of rifle ammunition worth over $100,000 from Germany to the army of the late Manchurian War Lord, Gen, Chang Tso<Lin in Janu. ary, 1028, isi likely to be determined at a sensational trial which opened here this week been given orders for 200 refrisl The trial fs the result of a sweeps ing investigation which lasted nearly two years, The case has attracted international attention, Represents tives of the press and public were ex» eluded from the court "to safeguard interests of state" on the motion of the prosecutor, The accused, who are alleged to have engineered the giant internas tional smuggle which was halted just as the ammunition was about to be loaded on a Norwegian steamer here, are a former Germany army officer, a naval officer and five Berlin mers chants, The entire shipment was seized by customs officers after they had ex» amined cases which had been des olared as containing articles off brass, The shipments came here in 16 freight cars, Inve gation showed that the entire cargo was to he ships ped to Oslo, Norway, and thence to China, The ammunition eame from a serapping plant maintained by one of the accused merchants at Suepite near Torgau, DOG SAVES BARY FROM RA. NOON How an Alsatian dog resoned a baby boy from a huge baboon has been reported from Rloemfontein, Orange Free State, The baboon, encaping from the oity ®o00, made toward several ohildren and was about to attack the litle son of Dr, Kyber when the child evied out, Dr, Hyber's Alsatian dashed from the house and attacked the intra. der, In a terpifio fight whioh- fol lowed the dor beat off the larger animal, ~~ \ ALLEGED BANDIT 1S GIVEN REMAND Russell Myers Asks Judge to Outline Penalty For Perjury Montreal, Deo, 18-"I'm sorry for you boys, You'll remember me, I'm the Lone Wall," In express ing this regret the bandit drew a plece of paper across his nose in the oharaoterlstio gesture of one who takes "dope" and presented it to Jamea Taylor, olerk, from whom he had just taken $289 in a branch of the Dominion stores on Van Horne avenue, In the Enqguete Court Taylor sald Russell Myers, Stanley street, was the bandit who held him up, "Stick 'em up" were the words used hy the bandit in his command for Taylor to surrender the contents of the oash reglater, It was sald, \ "I thought he was only fooling," the olerk stated, while giving evils dence, "but he sald he meant it and would shoot if I took a ochanee™ . As Myers ls not represented by counsel, he was oustomarvily asked if he had any questions, His only request was: "I would like Your Lordship to instruct the witness as to the penalty for perjury." Chief Judge Perrault who pre sided at the hearing, found tha there was sufficlent evideno( brought forward by Maurleg Tet: reau, acting in behalf of the Bet ter Husinesa Bureau, to warrant as explanation and voluntary state: ment was fixed for Deo, 17, GP. LINER YORK ARRIVES SATURDAY Vessel Expected at Sain John With Christmas Cargo Carrying an exceptionally large cargo of Christmas pack and mall for Canada, the Canadian Pa. oiffo liner, Duchess of York, is due uo fant John on Saturday, Decem. or 14, Capt, Ronald Stewart V\Q,, D8, 0, is again on the bridge of the Duchess of Tork alter an absence of one voyage while he represents od the British Merchant Marine during the armistice services at the Cenotaph and attended the Prince of Wales V0, dinner in Londen, Amons the Alivia onthe Duohs esa of York are Mrs, _Slmps son, W, M, Prentloe, | "Haverty MacInnes, O, P, Pla y And x ly, wife, Mw, R, PB, 0} Clnelonati's Mende luncheon at Gibson be HY, of President Hoover Pong Mrs. Nicholas Longworth atten IY

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