THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 "RAL C where SORBED 3 . Seller CTION,. 4 PAGE ELEVEN pe NK ANNIE, WARITETY ih RL ite, the Cone Lay. oft Hg MLTR "auth! wa, one 4, G, D, Conant, BA, LLB. A F, Annis, B.A, ' Convey: loan, Third 0k ng. Opposite Post Yolfeitar Notary "Publie ) ) new Al hi | i) , WA =TAR: lic tur, Nowy Pubs. fon. yaneer, Money 4 n, ca 14! " Hh East, Ochaws, Phone #19, ] N"™"AND yaser, Dapristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Publte, ots, Off . over tandard Denk, Kutrance Bimooe Phone 18, J ¥, Grierson, K.0,, » K, Orplghton, B.A, N. ©, reser, BA, LOUIS § lieltar, IVMAN, JARRISTICN Money 10 loan, 10 Bimaos Hse, north, Phone 67, Residence PARKHILL AND VIELD, BAR: visters, ete, Money to loan, Alger Bldg, Opposite Fost Offgs, = Phone 1614 AL Parkhill, A, CH Field GREER AND HUMPHREYS, BAIR risters, Sollehtors, ste, 2415 Siren Bt, N. Phone $100, Money. to loan ALEX OQ, HALL, B.A, BARRIF ter, ete, Conveyancing and general rections, 88% King Bt, East, hone WAT, WERE WARRTH™ & WATE, WARN #- ters, Mnlleltors, ete, 41 Alger Bldg, Ovhawa and Port Perry, "hones 760 Oshawn, Port Perry dang My iy (Dee, 81 month) _-- Medica! DR, MeKAY, PHY SICIAN, BUR eon, Aveoucher, Office and res tence, King 8t, Krat, corner Vietorla St. Oshawa, Phone U4 . DR, HAROLD W, TRICK, PH I81 elan, Surgeon, Obs'ctrielan, Special references to maternity work and di senses of wernen, Two vears' post fraduute sxnerienry, OMce and res ence 167 ¥imece St, N, (cor, Brogl) phone 300 DR, GRANT HARRY, PHYSICIAN furweon, Obsetrielan, diseases of nfants end children, Office and LJ LJ J 9 La \ i one 1158 IR, B, J, MAZLL HH Fri slar and Eurmeon, fociol attention given to Xray work and Electr) theapy, Mice, Dien ¢ Block. Phone 080, Ofies open ¥ am bpm Reslden 6) King fast, Phone 216 PR, DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM ly CCP ownd 8 Edinburgh Physician, Sureon and Obstetrielan Dice 142 Simcoe St, N. Phone 3020 | \ ) St, E Phone 3158 1] | Ell P&S Kdinburgh, Physlelan ur eon, Obstetrician, speelal ate tention to maternity work and dis eases of ehildeen, Ofice and resi: dence, 183 Simeve 4t, North, Phone Co Ww, WN, PIYRTOTAN, Surgeon, Obsté¥riolan, Office and residence, 018 Blmooe street north, Phone 2418, (Oct, B+1 ma) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist (1) N PRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street Wasnt, Toronto, will be at his office ever Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Rotunda, from 1 til} 4 pan, for consultation wud treatment of diseases of ear, nope and throat only, Avpointments mav be made ut drug stove, Phone A h -- o, Ear, Nose and Threat 1) LO FT RICTARDNON OFFIC over Mitchell's Drag Store Hows 10 to 12 mm, 2 to § Evenings by peal ntment, Olice phone 2600. A en 442] SEW roar over Dewlands, Hours 10 to 13 am, 3 to 6b, Kyvenings hy nppoints ment, Offlee phone 1400, Resid. ence A04N, . ¥ Dental ORE PHILLIS, OVER TIAN: wits, Special attention to Xeray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in at nee, Phone 959 House 1313 5 RE, vil C ka A over Mitchell's Drug Stor, Phone SM DENTE, R, north Gas far exiraction RX LL. B HUBBELL, i : ftrous oxld OXVEON was Tor extra ns, OMe Roval Bank Blda hano Sa residence, LWRM. | i IROCK, HER TINT 16 imeao SCN over Dewland's Rea, JW, Evenings by Phone 1957 UITTFORD OFFICR ) fs Anions, Vhone 1780 Rv Ww, HN Regent Theatre Rid Reaidenco 00M am. ANUMATT DIE DAVIES, ! A Dentists, 37 King St I Speeial at ronflon 16 pas extraction and Xeorav wo Nurse in attendance, Phones Vd Rod. * Architects oC STHNROUSE + CENTRAL ohitevtural work, Second floor Rova\ Dank Building, Phone 14%. ry Engineering and Surveying 0) WN ANT BHMTTT ORTAl ' LONTYAR AND and HA En x aers, LO sub divisions, town gland uniglipg! engin i 411 King f ll ad CURT, WURTAT TO, @ RINT Kast, Ambulance, Residence, 2 $im- tos street north, Phones 210] snd DISK HAL HOM 87 Celina street, shawa, nrner firuse strest, Ambulance, Phonn a-- ' INSURANCE. Oshawa, The rs i Oshawa, 30 Re | AND § 19 King St, west ost Five uengy ly hie ) HEN* P N gonsult R, N, Johes, H0 Simoes porth, Your Insurance wants at fended to and your Interests pro- 1egled, A Transportation CARTAGE AND BTOKRAUR COLE. man's, Kb Bond West, Mpecialiste in furniture moving, storage ware: house and moving van equipment Phone #9, CGANTAGE, MOVING GWAVEL sand and cinders, Loew! and long distan haunting, Phone 3048 anid ganz, Smith and Cox, B87 King Wi, Ww, OEHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAM. lish! furniture movers, Park Roud car ape, Local and Jong distunse Frank Cowly, Prop. 65 Park NWN South, Phone (Dee, 16-1 mo) uty Parlors BETTY LOU waive, Special $5 and $7.50 Finger wave and shampoo $1, Faelal 73¢ Halr eutth g 25¢, Fhone 29068 or M6 Rineos NOUN, eee EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman ent Wave Shoppe. Maréel and sham poo $1, Phone 2968, 124 WATSONS BARBLUR AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina 81, We sper glillse In ladies' hale gutting, mars velling, shampooing, faclals, Marcel 8) cents, For appointments pho LLLEN (Deo, 18-1 mo) MARCEL ANT CURT, 800, EVE brow arching, 25, Mrs, Everette Bell, apartment 9, Edward Apartments, Quebee Street, For appointments phone oar, --- (De 31 Mua) MARGE AND CURL 960; MIA, Olark, 147 Agnes At, Phone 2640) (Dee, 11:1 mao) -- Building Supplies CINE BURY FON SATE To insure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date W, Borrowdale, phone 101K, Music ATITURLVNDE, VOCAL TEA. cher (Hambourg Conservatory, lo ronto) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simgeoe NI North, _Phane APN, is __(129:10) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, in In Oshawa on Thursday afternoons J Hin St, EB. Phone 799M Studio #6 Elgin (hot Toot. Mo) RRS CRUG vo wo lr pe Radio Service ADT TWIA (EON ATL MOD: els at a reasonable price by an ex: pert Radio«Triclan, All work EUAM antead, Nattery ohurging The, Hat tories for sale, Geo, Burroughs & son, Phone 88-11, Graduate Na tonal Nadi Institute, (Dee, 2:1 mn) CHAAWR"WADIO HERVICR AC oesnories for sale, repairs on eleos trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries res oharged, vental supplied, $1, Phone 1046J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin Kant, (Deo, B+1 mo) Painting and Decorating GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS 1'A parhanger, painting and graining vices right, work guaranteed § Pine Ave, phoue J03w or Tits ATG TURNER, 1 Papethanger, Only first elas work guaranteed; #0 vears experience Prices reasonable, Phone Mo0\V (Deg, 16:1 mo) wen Money. to Loan CITY AND FARN LOANS Ro press loans arranged, Parkni & old, Rarristers, ete, Alger Rida Phone 1614 "Second Hand Dealer SHOUND HAND DEALER, FUR nlture bought and suid, 140 Bloor at, Bast, Phone 1417M, (th N IST ITACE TO HAVE YOUR shoes fixed is at Monkae's earner Sim ooo and William west, Rxpert skate sharpening and shoesline, (Nov, 21.1 Watch Repairing N . watchmaker, vepalr shop at 0, A Swine 4 King ll West, Your pats . | ronage © Caulking CHILTON, 71 SINCOR ), Phone 1800, Bpecial uireet Wn alling Mata and olreular _ nr i. Nov, 28:1 mo) TPNY™ AND nie book kee oderate prices, LID - 8) Phone 9! YS : ( Navy, Ulwd no) oats ome \ EH WOME "WAUR PORK plea, steak and Kidney nies, hot ov cold, brawn, cakes and pastries, eto, ote, Frank Drakes, 31 Manle street, Phong 23738, (iT) WAVE ALL CREVIOEN AROUND your windows and dun jiled with Padtio ent and sha cold rah, eaves fuel, the cost 18 small, Free estiinates, J, MN, Law son, RR. Now 9, awa, Phone T3812 , 4-1 mo a -- i "Business Opportunities A GOOD INVERTMRNY $6000 CAN BE INVERTED IN AN old established and rellable manu facturing concern that will pay the Anvestor seben per cent, inter est, For full particulars apply Box 381 Times Office, (188) PERMANENT | § » of this nature, ond collect for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling & large number of small necounts For the convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » messenger who will recelve the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Work Wanted REUPHOLELERING, CHESTER: fields made to order, We save you money, Hetimates free, GA, Con stable, 74 Machanie street, Phone 1594), _ (5011) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents, If ren: tal supplied $1, Batteries repaired, Stan lidgon, 20 MIM 81. Phone 18NDW, Deo, 18-1 mo) FATT RATER CRATURDE AND DR. livered 78¢, rental fhe, and the entire slectrionl system of oar re paired, 404 Oshawa Blvd, Phone $118W, (Dee, 131 mo) WE DO" ROBY REPATRN™ TO nares and trucks Also Henersl wondwork, W, Fry, 40 Bond west, Cpen evenings, (Nav, 14:1 mo) . a aaa] Nursing PRACTICAL "NURSE, MATER nity, Invalid or general nursing, For information phone 1808, (Nov, ¥7+1 mo) PRACIOAL™ "NURNE DIREN- gaged, maternity, invalld or general nursing, Doctor's references, For Information phone T48M, (Deo, 0:1 mo ASS . , Hemstitching NINETENTS VER YARD, PLEAT- ed Bkirte, one dollar, alterations, oto, All kinds of beautiful fanay work on sale. Mrs Dell, 5614 Sim we South, Phone 1664 (Dee, 18:1 mo) in i 4 Furniture Repairing FURNITURN RE UPHOLSTERED und repaired, No Job too small or too large, George A, Lemes, Phone 1400M, (Deo, 4:1 mo) Tailoring PAUL VERLAND, BEST AND most artiste clothes maker in Osh. awa for men who eare, Prices fair and reasonable, 1344 Simcoe Street south. Phone 1883W. (Nov, 29.1 ma Contracting CONTRACTING = CONCRETR plaster in electrie or alterations, Phone 139 for sstimates (ih) Storm Windows STORM WINDOWS CUT TULL bills one quarter. Make cold houses warm and comfortable, Phone 2830w and we will measure your windows free und quote low prices on Ready Glazed Storm Windows, fitted and desired, (Dee, 3:1 mo) uctioneer FHONE 781, W. 1. SULLY. auctioneer, 36 Simeon 8, 8 We can sell vour odd places of furpiture and other rile at our vards, 4! Kina St \ A | Oalawa Outarin 530 Simooe Wt, 8, Phone 2090M, ' (Deo, 14+1 mo) wanted AOARDERN WANTED, AFFLY 203 Maly 8t, (1410) . and Live FOR™W Rélyreed. ort Perry, "MY HORER FOR BALE=GOOD FoR heavy work, gy corner Wilson Rd, and Bloor Bt, 1, 837, (1410) -- JERNEY BULL Apply Archie Black, (141h) ready for laying, 10 dollars, Phone 18T8M, 214 Park Rd, 8, (1418) Motor Care FORME LIONT OHEVROL IT delivery truek, 1988 model, §200 oash, Apply to John Poulakpe, TOY Slmooe Ht, South at evening, (141b or Sale or Rent FOI HALE OR RENT room bungalow, newly decorated, All conveniences, double garage, 447 Christie 8t, Apply 338 Ritson road south or 64 Greta Ht, Phone 18483, (1400) roomed house "ith extra lot, 88 Montrave Avenae, pL ly 188 Ver dun road or phone PRI (1400) yy a LOAN W CLTENT HAN TWO second JoTtgage. Will gell at a liberal discount, Louis 8 Hyman, Barrister, Phone 67. L130) Articles For Sale MIRED TIARD AND $OFT"WOUD slubs, $4.50 tr load, Also bone dry body wood, aterous Meek Limited Phone 1488 [4011 FOR BA LHI AN 00 Ltd,, pianos, pew and used planos Also radios, Istest wodels; ters Airahsed, Apply ©, Trull, Phone 1388/, EAE!) TAKEN FOR SALE «= QRDERS for Christmas geese and chickens alive or dead, delivered, Phone 105) rel4 (1.381) WE CARRY A VULL LINK OF COM skates and boots, Your old paly taken in exchange Open evenings, 128 itiehmond street eunt hone 8774, (140K) BLIGHTLY UBKD BEKATEE AND boots complgle outfits from #8 up, woo & ladge assortment of slelghs from BO up, Open evenings, 1¥ iehmond Bt, Kast, Phones 2774, AMOR) FOR BA LE=UHKIATMAR TRIES Phone 1668 r 6, (1400) FPHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS $35 for quick male, Apply S87 Ar thar Nt, (141) FOR BALE--CLIMAX NTOYI burns coal and wood with abou! $56 feet pipe, First olass cond| tion, very cheap, must be sold at once, Apply 168 William Mt, RB (1410) FOR RATE=AT "URWATLY RN. duced prices a number of Mplrella Corsets, Olrdles and Hrassler Clips dies, also of Brasslers and a quan: tity of lngerie and hoslery at 200 Dearborne Avenue, Mrs, Pentland In retiring from the Bplrells busls ness and wishos to dispose of her slook, (1410) FOR FALE ==COLUMBIA TT GRAF onola with eabinet and 486 records, Price ¥13, Phone 1001), (1410) -- rt Help-- Wanted Male RADIO BALHEMAN WANTRD, Apply Box a0} Times, (1400) td of ALLA Aud fa SEE la Redd Agents Wanted HAMILTON DISTRIBUTING Company offers attractive proposition to responsible business gr private res presentative, Exclusive territory, Pros position offers nonscampetitive field, Write 'Room 213R, Lister Nock, Hamilton, A El a r-- oom and FOTROONM OR HOARD, "A GENS tleman to share room with refined young man, close to Motors, Phone 1HTwW, (140h) Lost and Found CORTTRUOR The" TTWEDN Oshawa and Solin, Finder please notity Qordon Leask, Taunton, Phone 168r84, (140b) Wanted to Buy WANTED TO HUY-=000D0 UEND eleotrio radio, reasonable, In good condition, Apply giving name and rige of machine to Box #60 men, (130e) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENTTHRNR roomed apartment, furnished, hy Jung married couple, Central, Phone TOS, (141) For Rent TOURER TO RENT-FOUR TARGA rooms, sanitary oonventenoos, hone HR01W, (13%) APARTMENT, ORRNTRAL NEW building, four rooms, steam heat, hot water, eleotilo stove, Nowly decorated, Ph 400, (1400) TO a FURNIREN rooms, bathroom, Hght, heat and gan, 20 Maple St, Phone THOW, : (dle) FO TRNTS=TWE 3 nished rooms for light housekeeps nm hey convenience, Also gars age, Apply 21 Warren Ave, 3 (1410) TAREE UNFURNEREE ROOMS, bath fiat, Apply 72 Ritson aM & ¢ FOR TRENT TWO FURNISHED or unfurninhed rooms, Apple 18% Jarvin Bb ) : LAA ONE FRONT*ROOM "NIORLY tars nished to remt; Phone B08M, (1410) FOUR DOWNRTATRE ROOMS TO rent, separate entrance, heap, water and light, Phone oo Qe \ Q | sonveniences, For Rent FOURTAND vive wouMBL NOD are suites, ncludiog electric reirig oration, steve, Iaundry, oonvenl) ences, eto} continuous hot weler supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone ¥67), ur Trusts and OQuarsnies Oo IAd,, manger Lor owner, 'Yoronto, 2) 1 -- on N- Khlow Ty arage, $16 per month \epuly Jove King bt, west, (136f) T0 RENT=FURNISHED™OR UN» furnished rooms alse bed sitting room with light housekeeping privileges, al $0 garage, Apply 165 Ritson Road ( hardwood tloors, electria fixtures, newly decorated, Also garage, Immeriate possession, Apply B81 Klgiu Bt, Hast, Phone 1086J, (1410) TWO ROOMA™ rURNIAHED, Kvery convenience for Hight house. keeping, Light and heat, Phone 14784, (180e) ATARTIENT, ¢ WOOME ANT hath, fixtures complete, Klectria stove, steam heat, linen and clothes closets, Central, Owner, Dog 468 Times, ' (1861) FOR RENT FURNISHED APART. ment for light housekeeping, conven» lenees, near Motors, Phone 2207, 108 Colhorne Nt Hast, at (1 De THREE RATED NOOME." ALY, eonvenlances, furnished If desired, Apply 887 bearhorne Avenue, : bi wad " (1ibe) TO NEN" WODETIN "THREE rooms and bath apartment, electric stave, refrigeration and hot water heating, Apply 101 King Kast, Apartment 4, (1404) NEARLY NEW BRICK HOUSE TO ret, 61 Arlington Avenue, Apply 17 Colborne Bt, West, "hone 06), (141e) EE I, MARKET IN BRETON 1S BUSY TWO DAYS Lios Diowsing Hours For Remainder of Week TRAFFIC IN STALLS | Band Concerts in Evenings Only Other Mode of Activity Mursellles, France, ~Five. days a Week the market square hes diows ng though the hours, Along each wl He tour borders stands a line of ay eamores, mingling bushy tops like huge shakes Iwo evenings in the seven the dusty bandstand dn the midst is beset with abstracted bands men, who nonchalantly discourse a few morceaux to a small and apathe tle ¢rowd Jolling Againat the syeus morcholes, Then the square hall awakes, but only to turn over and drop off again to sleep, From the at righd Intervals around it the syeas mores ward off the beat of sun wr dogen or so plain iron benches placed rain, by day marooning each one in « dark pool of shade or a circle of grey dustiness, Of nights they trace a deep black border round the white space cut out by the stark searchlight of the moon, On threo sides the square is bound: ed by narrow streets gobbled in haps hagard fashion, Amongst dts "acels dentals" wheeled vehicles bounce and plunge and play piteh-and«toss with their hapless occupants while pedess trlans stub their toes in frantie, uns premeditated leaps to safety upon the exiguous trottolr, Along these three sides queer old houses with a tew shops on the street level glooy auss terely down, parting company at the gorners to let other streets of other sich old dwellings deboueh upon the square, The fourth side opens on the main street of the town, not much wider or more evenly cobbled than the others, but full of busy fuss, Road Train Twice a day a clang and jangle and some villainous black smoke herald and accompany the passing of the road train that links up the little town with the eapital of Heittany its self! Across the street stands the malrie, an unpretentious edifice o white and ved, ita double flight stops reminding one rvidiewlously of the representation of Burn's monus ment whieh figures as the trade-mark of somebody's marmalade, The builds Ing 18 common-sense and unpresumps tous, such as we should expect the maire himsell to be, with just the tinge of reserve required In such a nergonage, It in found this, toa, in the slight aloofness with whieh it stands withdrawn inside ita courts yard, but not toa far but that it can preside with parental watohfulness aver the street and square in front, the bank and college to lett and right and the tramway terminus behind, Five days a week, then, the quary slumbers, Rut every © and Friday morning its awakening Is early and eomplete, Then it experiences its few "crowded hours of glorious life With the tinny Slane ahem, dohsmi" from the wpaivie tower ans nouneing 7 a'clock a flow of life bes fing to move towards the quiet square, as steady and persistent as the incoming of the tide, From all directions he procession Sonvarqes upon the same spot, Small vehicles appear, of every sort, mostly drawn hy patient donkeys, and here and thera a mule with {ts Ale of slight diss dain or atuedier pony, Every one is loaded with bales and handles, erates and kegs, among which the blues blonsed peasant of his white-coifted wife is wedged, With = many a call and whipserack thay approach amd unload in turn, and take up their acs customed stance in the square. Some of" the larger merchants bring thelr Through! {ol righ Rates for Classified Ads, First ipsertion==114 cents per word, Minimum charge 80, Each subsequent eonseci: tive Insertion leo per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price ol two first: (nsertions (three cents a word), Mipimom charge for three Insertions, 60 cents, Box number 100 additional Professional or Business Oards, $5,860. per month for 40 wards or less; 10 cents a word vf month for each additional word, TIMES CLASKIVIED ADS COND LITTLE; AC. COMPLISR MUCH TELEPHONE 88 Ask for Classified Ad Depurtinent wires In battered motors==vendors mostly these of mest and game and poultry, The halle for these goods is une of the bulldings faging one side of the square, where, If you care to view such eomestibles in bulk, you muy behold large crates of captive fowls, masses ol meat of every sort, slabs of butter, cairns of egus, and chunks of cheese, The combined od or in somewhat overwhelming, and the crowing of a cock or gobble of a turkey breaks into the busy hum of ghatfering human beings with shnll And startling suddenness Fragrant Alley One steps outside inte a fragrant alley of Traits, where layers of waxen clusters of little green geapes, snip ped fram the vine-stem # few hours wo, nestle duintily in thelr peaches plow beside mottly WIL pers, and the whole gamut rainbow galars is lavishly pred out before wu By this tine the mairie clock has marked the puss ng of an hour, with 1s menutonous doh" for the quarter, "misdoh' fur the hallshour, "misdol-mi' three quarters, and again "doh-mi, dah, n and the next hour strikes, lis 8 oelock now! One turns one's back to the halle and (ts luscious lure finds the square transtormed us hy magie, In one shart hour it has heecome the rival of any Eastern ba ganar, In front, pot plants of every hue mingle with feathery ferns, and trating greenery sets oft bouquets of cut Howers 'with the morning dewsdrops stil upon them Stalls have miraculously sprung up, and on and around them all manne of goods are spread and hung, The later come vendors are busy unpack ing their wares, The stalls have ar ranged themselves In raws, so that one may wander up and down the al loves and examine all the mers! clyely and iH handing Every mute now the bustle grows Kousewlves emerge from the halls with deep baskets overflowing with "salade," whieh fragrantly covers stores of butter, meat, and sprawling shellfish, and now go the rounds of other stalls, All wants ure catered tor, Hales of summary fabries are unfolded and festooned so as to dis play thelr gav colorings, At Stalls Here a prudent housewife tests thelr quality hetween a work worn thumb and forefinger, There another with the ald of the valuble stallhold or, seoks to fit out her small family with various garments, holding up ine timate articles of attire against the urchins for surety as to size and fit, The little vietims are turned this way and that while a cascade of comment leaps from mouth to mouth above thelr heads, Here, again, a comely peasant is trying on a jumper of fears ful and wonderful hue, If she only knew how much prettier she is when she at last emerges from it and is seen again In her gown of decent black, \ There some Scottish holiday stud, ents have caught the infection, and are hughingly ir¥ing on ome gay triangular soagves, oe makes to move away, but the eager vendor with an armful of bright wares, fols lows in pursuit, making use o all his English to exclaim reproachiully w= oy Why don't you buy? A peal of laughter and a purchase are the result, Net far from these gay worldings a hlack-robed nun with scarlet ribbon and crucifix does the marketing for her nearby monastere, choosing here, rejecting there with eanable, decisive gestures, and plainly relishing such mundane duty, Still more general stalls there are--fasel. nating places where every household need can be tupplied pots and pany, tools, shopping-bags, roams, buckets, dusters, mopat trinket stalls where little glitter ohjects gleam alluring: ly from ther bed of sawdust, and ung folk grope among them choos: "s 08 and souvenirs} even an an ique stall hrings twice a week its dirty hooks and tarnished brass ware, though we never yet saw any id} gweels and stent, swiallwares and Aherdathons and, lastly, several atalls load th dainty Breton laces work, which never fails to charm the scanty francs out of our pockets, . The mairie clock begins to strike its warning for 9 oklock, There 1s a sudden movement towards the side Nivel ® 10 the college, Laugh: ing wirls and youths leave the market n haste te reach their leoture rooms hetero the hour has struek, Two oy three of the professors, too, whe have come armeharn with wives wr daughters to see the market and pore haps to help in the choosing of the day's menu, thread their war thranh the cheerful riot and make for the drab clastsroams. Progress thither is none 100 rapid, for the stroet bes delicious |! tween market square and college is thrimged with the patient guadrupeds donkeys preponderating = which have brought the makings of the mur ket, and are waiting to take home their owners and their purchases, I'here they stand in a double row hitched to*™Fings in the kerbs and dipping usually into nosebags, The students vanish through the college gute; professors desire the streets ward windows to he shut "a canse des anes'; the marie clock, never hast NK, never resting, MeRsures out in sleepy sing-soni the glaring morning hours, More and more staccato grow the eries In the market-place; more and more daring the hadinags bes tween eawer seller and critical huyer Then gradually gaps begin to form among the walls and in the ranks of the donkey-carts, The mairie cloek's "dohemi, dahemi" means midday and release and refeashment for all, Stus dents step smartly dejeuner-wards, merchant men and wamen hundle up, with practiced nimbleness, their stalls and ware, and, with a laconic "a tans tot" to egeh other, depart, ROBOT AIR PILOT 1S BRITISH DEVICE Aerial Mechanism Which Leaves Rest of World Far Behind WEIGHS 100 LBS, Control is by Gyroscope Piston Linked With Rudder London, Dee, 16, Automatic pilots rahots" of intricate mechanism and superhuman skill have been added to the "personnel" of the Royal Aw Fores Belentist m ged In HTEAL secrecy on the development ef the device at the Royal Alreralt Establishment, Farnharough, for several years, past, have produced a "robot" which eon pols an alrplane in flight far mor fre Iv than eould the most highly ililled human pilot Fitted to war planes of widely varying types, Including two-seater lay hom! large twin-engined aht | nd blg ving hoats, "rabot" has steered an acgurate course | hofirs on al aver tances up to 400 miles the human members of the erews have enrried nut other duties Welghs Only 100 Pounds This maevel of modern Ingenuity onsists essentially of a gyroscop giving mare than human sense of di rection and level, whieh is driven eontinueusly hy eaompressed ale Contrealled by the gyroscope pistons linked up with the rudder and elevators of the machine, So sen sitive 1s the mechanism that a devia tion of the alrveraft fram the set th end while Are eonrse of a tiny fraction of a degree | is detected and corrected instantly The "rabot" styled officially the "Pilot's Ambassador" weighs about 100 pounds, considerably less than the Tess efficient human pilot whom it displages, Its use as sesond pilot on future long-distance or duration fight hy the Raval Air Force is seriously under consideration Accuracy in Fog Flights have been made in all kinds of weather conditions, In dense fog or cloud, where the human pilot finds it almost impossible to maintain straight or level flight because he has no visible horizon by which tea steer, the "robot" flies the plane with dead accuragy, keeping it on a perfectly level keel The tests have taken the automa. tically controlled planes ever every part of this country, On one flight the automaton steered a dead true course from Farnborough to News castle, the human lot taking over at the last moment tor the landing, Onoe set the "rohot® in its present for ia Infallible, though early nes ployed one or two curious pranks, I 6 stated that the mechanism on Gis occasion, unexpectedly twice looped a fying boat, while the human mem bers of the erew were thinking ahout other things in the afteg part of the hull, No Fatigue During flight the hunmes pilot ean make clmnges of gourse to correct for varying wind or ether alterations in flying conditions, The "robot" cemtinues still to exercise complete gontrol, Or the machine may be trimmed to dive or climb without hampering the device, It is elaimed hy the chief experts in nerial navigation that the "robot" greatly improves aceuraey In courses keeping and relieves the human Fin fot completely of the fatigue of fly ing large machines for long periods of time, Risks of fying in bad wear ther are largely minimized, I understand that "Pilots' Assists ers are to he fitted to many differs ent types of Service aiveraft, A furs ther step will he fhe adaptation of this revolutionary device to the ple lotage of large passenger and mails garrying planes A noted Wgyptologist traces the birth of conscience to a period ahout 2000 B.0, No Wonder old man conscience is ao doddering and decrepit Washington Pont, A shortage of fruit is reported from New York We hope they won't make a song about It an they did when they ran out of hananas a few years ago,~Punch, = ome EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of Te KE lame plemgiry Poatirs, bucvie ¥ Ever spd Healt ve Care and Eve Strain Disney Block | 1516 Fhone--1518 - ------------ Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN AND DIS COUNTH LTD, Felt Block Hoow @ Phone S700 DISNEX-COTT AMBULANCH 87 Celina St, Phone 1088 Radios Repaired All Makes | The' Ontario Motor Sales JIMITED 00 Slmoeoe He, B, Phone 900 ------ Add Extra Rooms Without Enlarging the House With. building, materials, and values at their complete utilisation of space becomes an economic necessity win the howse just being built or in one several years old, Wing TEN/TEST it bs a simple and economs ical job to erect an extra room or twe in available . COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 land present h prices, Aran By in attic or basement,