News While It Is News" p Oshawa Daily Tones Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer \ A Growing Newspaper in » Growing City VOL, 5=NO, 14 "er Went Binders and we lily OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 18 Cents s Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES News in Brief : Planged Through lve BOR ~Flunging through th Py dy P, Boma, of fahie bos: was drowned on Lake of the oods, near Whitetish bay, Population Grows Guelph, With a total of 701 in- mates answering the dally roth sul, the population at the Ontario ve- formutory is the largest in the his- tory of the Institut on, LJ Contenarian Dies Orangeville ~~One of Canada's oldest citigens, William #8, Wimp- son, died" bere Munday morning, He fell 11] a fow weeks ago'as his 106th winter began to creep over his snowy head, | Octogenarian Missin Kingston, ~The provinelal po. lige are combing this district for Wesley Curle, aged 80, of the vii lage of Yarker, who las Deen missing from home since last Wednesday night, . w Noted K.C, Dies Toronto, ~Philllp Henry Dray- ton, K.C,, father of Bir Henry Drayton and prominent member of the Ontario bar, died early Bun. day morning at his residence, 2040 Ht, George street, LJ w " Nerles of Hobberies Bt, Catharines. ~-Jewelry valued at $748 $00 In cash and an autos mobile were stolen In a trio of rob. beries at Merritton and Thorold early Bunday morning, The oar was abandoned when it ran out 0 gas after going Jum, one block, Thrown From Holst Guelph.~Hurled a distance of 20 feel to the ground when a holst on which he was standing dropped suddenly, Joseph Shields, a plan terer's helper, engaged on a builds ing at the O,A.C,, was seriously in. Jured Baturday, % " . Captured By Bandits Hankow. ~The Rev, 8, W, K. Sandy, a representative of the Dri tish Wesleyan Misslon at Tayeh, in outheastern Hupeh province, his een captured by bandits, who are reported to bb holding him for a large ransom, | Motel on Fire Belleville, ~Many guests bares ly escaped with thelr lives when fire of unknown origin destroyed the Commerolal Hotel at Coe Hil A Mlaht, The fire was fought in frigid temperature, the wm hovering around #8 de grees below wero, Ld » w Hint of Kujelde Toronto ~A hint of suicide in the orash yesterday which cost the life of Robert C, Willams, 10, a Toronto ther, who only the day bes fore had acted as pall-bearer at the funeral of a fellow pilot, was disclosed early today after an in- vestigation Into the accident, * Seeks New Record Avignon, France, = Dieudonne Conte, leading aviator of France, who returned only recently from the Orient after wetting a new world distance mark for a flight in one direction, yesterday took to the air again to seek a similar reo. ord over a measured course, Suspects Arvested Toronto,~~Harold Davia and Sherman Webb were arrested you terday at thelr residence on Nev» erley atreet on shop-breaking pnd automobile theft oharges lald by police ofeers who assert that thelr apprehension may solve a long series of orimes throughout Ontario, a Child Burned to Death Edmonton. ~~When fire destroy. ed a shack in which ahe wan sleeps ing, Annie Toharuk, aged 12, was burned to death at her home in the Andrew district on Deo, 11, aor cording te a report reaching the provinglal police here, Only meas gre detalls of the tragedy have been received, PHONDGRAPH 0. IN DIEFIGULTIES Receiver Appointed For The Sonora Products Com. pany of America (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) New York, Dee. 16.--A petition for the appolatment of an equity receiv. er the oSnora Products Company of gontrolling the Sonora Pp Company, ne, the Sons ora tion of Canada, Ltd, a» mong cerns, was fyled tos day eral Judge A C Coxe, States district court, The ereditor was the and Hgeman Eleetrie Hartford, Conn, WEATHER and cold weather pre. bev the Dominion Wwme t snow has fallen nm ee sh horn Stor \ EE ACCIDENT VICTIM DIES IN HOSPITAL Chinese Hold Up i Unfortunate Man Was. In- jured When His Car Ran Into Trailer of Truck on Highway Last Wednesday Night OPERATION FAILED TO SAVE HIS LIFE sa a---- Consternation Reigned For Period Yesterday As Cor- oner's Jury Could Not Find Remains of the De- ceased Unable to rally from Injuries res eelved in an acoldent about mids night Wednesday night, Leonard MoGlashen, of, Dunbarton, dled «in the Oshawa General Hospital short. ly before noon on Sunday, Coroner Dr, D, B, Holg ordered an inquest Into the fatality, the preliminary hearing being held last evening at 8,80 o'olook, The hear. Ing was adjourned, and will be resumed at aight o'clock Thursday evening in the local court room, A MixUp Connsternation was caused yester- day when, after the coroner's jury was ompanellad and proceeded to view the body, the remains could not be found, Hurried calls to the hosptial, the attending physiolan and the local undertakers finally revealed that it had been taken to Plokering by an undertaker there, Through the county constable at Plokering, orders were immediate. ly lssued for ita return to Oshawa #0 that the Inquest proceedings and a postmortem examination could be proceeded with, Although the action in allowing the body to be taken away for burl al in a case of sudden death of thin kind, was a breach of proce- dure, no action will be taken against the offending parties; Dr, Holg Informed The Times last night, "It was just a misunder standing, and we will not take any potion against the party concerns ed," he stated, The coroner's Jury included TF, Martin, foreman, John Biekle, Roy Bayley, John Cowan, John Crumb, Minley Dafoe, Chas, 'Sturgess, Chas, Diake and James Darrett, The Accident MoGlaghen was injured when his oar rammed at raller left on the side of the highway near Highland Creek late Wednesday night, after (Continued on page 9) SEVERAL INJURED IN TRAIN WRECK C.N.R. Passenger Train Ran Into Freight Train Near North Bay Toronto, Dee, 10. =Details of a wreck on the Canadian National Rails ways liner near North Bay Satur day night are given in the follows ing statement issued last night by Wy A. Kingsland, General Manager of the Central Reglon, Canadian Na- tional Railways: : "At 930 pm, Saturday, Dee, 14, train No. 2 eastbound between Vans couver and Montreal, running on time, collided with extra northbound trefght train No, 249 at Nipissing, a Junction point five miles east of North Day, Train No, 2 consisted of 11 cars, and was in charge of Con. ductor A, Wilson and Engineer A, Stewart, both of North Bay, and had the engine, 44 Sapien Sth a one ear dama while locomos io of extra No, fi had its pony trucks derailed, AN cars remained up: right and did not leave the tracks, 0 of the crew of Train No, 2 were seriously injured, and eleven passengerse and a trespasser on the train received slight injuries, President of U.S Frees Communists Washington, D.C, Deo, 18 Considerable interest waa manifes ted fn Washington yesterday over the novel manner in which Presi. dent Hoover dealt with one of the capital's spasmodic demonstrations hy persons professing to be Come munista, ) Rather than let the offenders re. main in jall or pay fines, aa has been the case on when demonstrations have taken place, Mr, Hoover requested that they be "releaced and sent to their parents,' to prevent them from one taining "cheap martyrdom." LEONARD McGLASHAN OF DUNBARTON SUCCUMBS AND CORONER ORDERS INQUEST police were vious occasions ped Man Murders Family And Cuts Throat " ) Three Rivers, Que, Dee, 16eIn a blood bessplattered house a mother and hor seven children were found dead In three different room by the wolleo early this morning, They had Raids killed during the night in the beds in which they slept, = The mother was Mrs, Andrew Day, The children ranged In age from 1 to fourteen years, The father of the family Andrew Duy, sald by nelgh bors to be a quiet and peaceful man, admitted, the police stated, that he had "murdered his family," He was pleked up in the early hours of the morning wandering about the streets with his throat cut, Opening his his cont at the neck Day revealed to a passing policeman that he was wounded about the throat, Blood wad dropping. from the wound, And he could speak only with diffieulty He made the officer understand, however, that (t was he, Day, that Pilot Killed When Aeroplane Crashes Says Charts Of Atlantic Now Wrong Halifax, N.8,, Dee, 16-Declar ing that he had lost all faith in existing charts of the North Atlan tle, following the submarine earths quake of November 1K, Captam Helge A, V, Xllsen, commander of the Swedish-American line flagship Kungsholm, here over the week: end from Gothenburg, stated that it should be re-charted, An echo sounding machine, part of the equipment of the motor liner, which automatically takes sound ings at Intervals of 10 metres re. corded differences in the depth of the ocean's hed varying to as much THIRD ACOIDENT IN HUMBER REGION CLAIMS LIVE OF WAR PILOT The photogrmph here shows wrookago of aeroplane which crash. od yesterday afternoon on the farm of W, P, Graham, Ktoblcoke towns had inflicted the wound, Surplus In Finances Announced Provincial $2,567,000 y Treasurer Toronto, Deg, 16,«With a surplus of $4,567,000, ull previous records in provincial financing were shattered ut a blow by the Ferguson government's 1929 pro-sessional financial statement, Iosmed over the week endgby Hon, J. D. Monteith, provincial treasurer, Increased revenue, chiefly derived from: sugeession duties, the liquor Open Switch on ailway Blamed For Fatal Smash Washington, Dee, 16An open switch believed to have been mall control board and the gasoline tax, | elously tampered with wus held today made it possible for the government not aply to roll up this greatest suis plug In the history of the province ut 48 well to apply $1,245,000 on the retirement plan by which the entire provincial debt will be wiped out' by 960, Inereased Revenues Ordinary revenue for the year end. Ing Oct, 31 last, the period covered in the statement, totalled $64,549,000, an inerense of approximately $6,000, 000 over the 1928 fiscal year, Ordinary expenditure was $01,982.000, wu rise of about $J, 780,000 General taxation, the statement showed, produced less than four per cent of tho total revenue, Exeept the twoscent increase in the gasoline tax | levied last spring, there was no ad dition to taxation and even this levy, It was pointed out, will he offset In 1930 hy the $2,000,000 cut in auto ls cense fees Indicative of the provinea's finan. cial buayaney, Dr, Monteith's states ment asserted, were the high prices commanded by the government's bond (Continued on Page 2) gm ---- Miner Killed in Demonstration Serious Fighting 'With Police at Sydney, New South Wales ( Okla, Aug death of 14 persons, Fliers Sighted tain Tadeo ministry which reported the sighting, said "that all was well aboard, ator lands gave definite indigation that he was headed over the South Atlantic for Natal, a hop of approximately 2. by the Interstate Commerce Commis sion's safety bureau to have caused accident on the St, Louis-San Rallway at Henryetta 14, 1989, resulting in the the Franelseo Over Atlantic All Apparently Well On Board TransAtlantic . Plane Fernando Do Noreha, Brazil, Deg, 16.=The Spanish steamer Schastian Deleano pe reported sighting Cap Larre-Borges, Uruguayan fiver, south of the Cape eVrde 1s lands off the cost of Africa, All aps peared well aboard the transatlantic plane, The fliers were also sighted over Porto Praya in the Cape Verde Is lands after 7.30 o'clock this morning, Greenwich time, (230 am, Eastern Standard Time), The Freneh alr I'he sighting of the Uruguayan ay south of the Cape Verde Iss 00 miles, The desolate St, Paul Rocks and the Island of Fernando Do Nore Sydney, NAW, Deo, 10,«-One{onha off the coast of Brasil are the miner wan killed. nine wounded seriously and 45 loss sere fously wounded today in vioting and fighting with police guards at Torhbury mine, Six policemen wore injured, Four hundred miners idle through closing of the shaft ats tacked the guards and attempted to rush the mine premises, The stoned, retaliating with their revolver, MF, Dadeley, a member of parliament, tried to pacity the rioters but was atruek with a stone and wounded, Later a wpecial train with police and volunteers arrived on the scene but there was no further demonstration as the miners for the most part withdrew to Greta, EXPLOSION ON BOARD STEAMER KILLS TWO Lisbon, Portugal, Dee, 18.-A terrific explosion aboard the tals lan ateamahip Venlero while off the Cape Verde Islands last night killed the ohlet io. and hurls Ah man into the sea. ship's machinery was ad | other damage was caused, ire: toss said that the vessel while orl badly would try to maka Lisbon, were | only hits of land between the Cape Verde islands and South America, PUBLISHER INJURED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT ------ Belleville, Dee, 16.8, RB, WON, ublisher of the Daily Intellingencer ere, was seriously injured in a wn tor accident yesterday, My, Dawson's car skidded collided with a truck, hoth wachines went Into the diteh, His condition is sald to he grave n the heavy snow and Tr -------------- ae, Heads on Spikes Welcome Consuls Tokio, Deo, 18s=A gruesome spectacle of a number of human heads stuck on spikes greeted the Amerioan, Beitish, Frénch, Japan- one and Geman consul from Han bin when they arrived at Pokoto (Eburech) station Saturday oa thelr way to the Russo-Manohuri Wn front to investigate conditions, A len correapondent with the y travelling on the inter uational train described the sight and sald that the heads were those of Chinese alleged to have heen des capitated for looting, as 40 to BO fathoms over an area 200 miles In length directly on the northern Atlantic steamer route, a short time ago, was one of the oe - milsbearers at the funeral of a fel. The acoused Is the unofMelal ob. ow pilot only the day before, This | gerver while the jury decides fatality makes the third sccldent [which Is the better lawyer, --King- in the last few days in Ktobleoke, "gton Whig-Standard, ---------------- ---------- IMR. SINCLAIR [Six New Cardinals are COMMENTS ON Nad by Pope Pius X1 THE SURPLUS British Dirigible, y, Dee -- R-100 Completes SAYS EXPENDITURE IN. Its First Flight CREASE NOW A - HABIT (By Sontdion Press Lossad Wire) Cardington, Eng, Dee, 16,=The 4- 100, ong of Britain's two largest dis Statement Shows Increase of $6,000,000 In Taxation He Declares ship, killing the pilot, Robert ©, Williams, 176 Hammersmith Ave, Williams, a wartime pilot, who had only recommeyped flying activities Vatican City, Dee, 16--8ix new cardinals were created by Pope Pius X1, today in a secret gonsistory, In his allocution read to the assembled gollege of cardinals at the beginning of the ceremony of creation he stress sed the recent happy solution of the "Roman Huestion," He emphasized that the Lateran Pacts "recognized publicly the elvil prineeship of the Roman Pontiff, and NE our dignity and yours," Three of the new cardinals are nons=ltallans and three Italians, bring ing the sacred college up to a strength of 63 out of a possible 70, After today's ceremony the so-called "foreign" cardinals were in a majority thelr numbers being 33 against the Italians' 30. This is a disparity that has not existed singe the end of the 14th century, The six elected to the sacred cols lege were Archbishop Cerejeira of Lisbon, who has the title of Pats riarchi and the following outstanding archbishops Laviatrano, of Palermo, Slelly, Minoretti, of Genoa, Maes Rory, of Armagh, St, Patrick's ori» ginal see in Ireland; and Verdier, newly named to the see of Paris, re. cently made vacant by the death of Cardinal Dubois; and Monsignor Eugenie Pacelli, papal nuncio to Rerlin Onoe the cardinals' assent had heen Narnes, chairman of the board of [secured to all six names, the pope the United States Chamber of Com. | proclaimed them duly chosen, Theres merce, is now at the head of a upon he announced the appointments committees of 20 representative | of several archbishops and bishops, business men who' will keep watoh | most of whom had already been upon the 'economio | A and | nominated by papal "briefs" in the In cooperation with the departs | Sourse of the year, de ins Two Burned to Death in Fire Listed on the committea area such names as Owen D, Young, of the Brother of One of Dead Vie. tims Also Likely to General Hlectrio Company and the Radia Corporation of America; Die rigibles in the world, arrived over Cardington at 1 lam, today on its maiden flight, a jaunt from Howden, England, where it was constructed, Captain Scott, commander of the R101, commanded the ship in its "Why shouldn't they bring down | frst fight, a $2,000,000 surplus?" asked W 1, N, Binelalr, K.C,, Liberal lead: or, In reply when his comment wis requested on the pre-sessional fins anclal statement mada publio by the provineial government over the week-end "They have taxed everything in plght," the Liberal leader declared, "Wea have a five cent (AX on EAR line and taxes on everything else It's no surprise to me that they are showing a big surplus" Continuing, Mr, Sinclair said, "The Treasurer has announced the results of his year's tinanoing YHRxpenditure has "ineroased by $2,800,000,00 over 1088, "The Revenue Is about $6,000, 000.00 aver 1DER "In view of the record of the Ferguson Government the inoreass od expenditure of nearly $4,000, 000.00 in one year Is not surprise Ing, hut has become a habit, "The increase in revenue of $6,» 0h0,000,00 in an inoreaso in taxa tion on the people of Ontario, An Inorease of $4,000,000,00 in taxa» tion in one year is to he expected because the Gavernment has ans nounced that {t Intends to tax the people more, The Government in Hving up to its privilege and its reputation and the people have no thing more to say about it, Their ohn thelr tan 0" FOILED BURGLARS KILL GOLD FISH HAS LIABILITIES i OF §100,000,000 Huge Sum Involved in Bri. tish Promoter's Failure Check Situation Outstanding Business Men to Act As Advisors on Economic Conditions (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Washington, Dee, 18,-Julius Thomas W, Lamont of J, P, Mon pan and Company, the bankers; Walter 8, Teagle of Standard Oi}, New Jeorsay, Wilkes Barre, Pa, Dee, 16=Two men were burned to death and a brother of one victim suffered probe able fatal burns early today when fire destroyed the top floors of a building on railroad street, Pittston, near here, } hTe dead: Angelo Faleone, Pitts. ton and Leo Sata, Paterson, N Vincent Sata, brother of Leo, is exs pected to die in Pittston State Hos» tal of burns to the fave, neck and th Announcement ls Termed Unwarranted ------ (Ry Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Chicago, Deo, 18+=Deq! Ne furore caused by. Dr, Isad Falk's announcemant of the solas tion of the germ wy influensa to be inexcusable, the Journal of the United States Medical Associa. tion in an editorial of the ourrent isave denounced the ann as "unwarranted. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New Cork, Deo, 18,==Unable to hreak open the safe in which about #100 saved hy the pupils of a Ohrlatmas fund is kept, burglars, who Saturday night entered the junior high school building in Jus Ha street, Rligabeth, NJ, gave vent to thelr anger hy killing more than a score of gold fish, The Christ. mas money is to ba distributed to the pupils this week, Planes and Pilots Sailing for North (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Seattle, Wash, Deo, 16,=The o0Ast guard cotter Chelan will leave today to convey three Aeros planes and six Canadian pllots north to ald fn the searoh for Pllot Carl Ben Kielson and hizx mechanio, Karl Borland, who disappeared Nov, 9, while trylug te tly to the fur trading ship Nanuk, looked in the ioe at North Cape, Siberia, The planes will be erated and lashs od to the deck and the cutter will ba ready to sail for Seward, Alas ka, as soon as pilot and alroraft are aboard, (Ry Canadian gress Leased Wire) hands, London, Ded, 16.--Intimation wag made in Guild Hall Court tos day that Habilities of companion in. volved in the crash of Clarence Hatry, British promoter and finan. olal tlgurve, would approximate 20,» 000,000 pounds sterling (about $100,000,000, Sir Gilbert Garnsey, accountant who has been investigating the ats faire of the Hatry Companies indi ented the companies involved in his total probably would have to go in. to lguldation, -------------- All heroes are not members of a Clty Oounell, nor are all. Clty Council members heroes, exeept in the eyes of a reporter when they pu & resolution to adjourn ort Arthur News:-Chronicle, tawa football rooters and Toronto's Ward 4 would provide a Paterhora Examiner ty Consular Train in Manchuria REPRESENTATIVES OF FIVE COUNTRIES MAKE PROTEST BUT CHINESE REMAIN FIRM Consuls Were on Their Way to Manchuria To Investis gate Condition of Their Nationals There FIGHTING CEASES IN SINO-RUSSIAN WAR Japanese Official Circles Much Alarm Because of Lack of Information Cons cerning Japs in Western Manchuria Tokyo, Dec, 16,~Chinese milis tary authorities today halted the train carrying consular repre sentatives of Germany, Great Brits ain, Japan, the United Biates and France to Western Manchuria at Mientuho, which has hecoms the far western outpost against renews ed Russian attacks, Manchurian despatches to the Rengo News Agency here sald the consuls protested vigorously at the Interference hut the military would not let the train proceed westward, The train at last avallabhle ves ports, was still at Mientuho, The train was arsanged by Ahe consular offices at Harbin with a view to Investigating the econdis tlon of nationals in Western Mans ochurin, weens of recent hitter fighting hetween Chiness and Russ slang, It was supposed this fighting had ceased as result of a recent agreement hetween the twg nas tion over thelr bone of contention, the Chinese Kastern Railway, but recent repovis Indicated a new Russian offensive was underway, Oftiolals clreles have become much alarmed at continued silence from Western Manchuria regards Ing the status of the Jupanese there, There are sald ta be nearly 300 Japanese alone In the district, ---------------- ------ TOURIST TRAFFIC WAS 80 PER CENT, HIGHER Windsor, Dee, 18,-=0na hundreq and fifty thousand automobiles under 30-day permits crossed the Detroit river into Canada between April 1 and Oet, 81, It Was an» nounced Haturday by Andrew Dals slel, collector of customs ab Windsor, The year's total is an ad» vanoa of 50,000 over the corres ponding period of 108%, Mr, Dalslel estimated that the tourists' cars carried 500,000 persons, each of whom spent from $40 to #50 during his stay in Canada, He stated that $85,000, 000 was an conservative figure of the money spent by these people, WOMAN DIES UNDER AN ANAESTHETIC Coroner in Toronto Decides To Hold An Inquest \ 16, -~In view of public feeling aroused hy veourring atalitien attributed to the admins {stration of anaesthetios, an inquest will be held into the death of Mm Margaret Paterson, 1883 Daven ort Road, who died in the Wests rn Hoapltal on Saturday while un- der an anaesthetio for a minor ap eration, Dr, W, Clendenan, on oner, sald last night, The date for the inquest will be fixed early in January, Candidates who were defeated' Manday oan find consolation in the fact that anything is likely to hap Pon In a lght vote --Ga Reon There is one thing abou Ford: He is the most © Rid jnen man a this continent; ® Ways the most coura Ottawa Journal ie Toronto, Dee, TE x A battle royal betwean those *