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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 PAGE THREE City Council Makes Provision for Holding Civic Elections eltare and Christmas Cheer Fund Is Growing, But Stil Far Short of Its Objective Total to Date is $85,400, Thanks to Splend'd Re- sponse of the Last Two Days SMALL CONTRIBUTIONS URGENTLY REQUESTED Thousands of Citizens Could Give One or Two Dollars Each to Enable Welfare Workers to Relieve Needy Families A splendid list of donations made since yesterday's report was present ed tng resulted in the Welfare and Christmas Cheer Pund, being raised for the relief of distress, and tg yup oly Christmas Cheer to needy Xgoi fon at the festive season, being f yen a splendid push forward, and 1g ha Ra exceeded the $5,000 mer and is about half of what will be required in order to meet the pressing needs of this year's work, The officials in charge of the fund are grateful for this renewnl of interest in the fund, which has, in the Inst two days, heen increased hy over $1,200, This is taken as an indication that the hearts of the people of Oshawa are in the right place, and that, now tht they are beginning to realize the tremen dous need which exists in the city for relief measures, they will rally to the sunport of the fund and provide the funds which are ahsolntely necessary to keep many families from destitution, Small Sums Solicited There is vet, however, & tremen dous amount to be done helore 14 fund teaches the total which is fel absolutely necessary ta earry on re lief work in a prover manner, There is still a great need for a more gen eral response from the citizens at large, for a response for the thous. ands of people who could give small amounts, For instance, there are he tween four and five thousand homes in the eity which have as yet made no eontribution, and surely these homes, or the vast majority of them, could afford to give ong or two dol lars to the fund, If even four thous and of them sent in a one dollar or a two dollar bill to the fund, the objective of the welfare organizations would be reached without difficulty, and the work of previding velief for the needy families would be made possible in a large way, These small contributions are urgently needed for they would ensure a wider in terest in the relief work which is being done, But time Is getting short, and cit gens are urged to contribute at once, whether the amount be large or small, and to send contributions to T. W. Joyce, manager of the Dam inion Bank and treasurer of the fund, or 10 the office of the Oshawa Daily Times, Following 1s the list of contribu tions reported up to noon today Amount already acknowledges TH $4,540 00 by , 20000 200.00 100,00 100.00 75.00 . Dy, Storie A Gy Storie 4,41 S, & Storle C,SEwart Mela F, 50,00 W, Drew : MIM «iv vs acy 000 Cedar Lodge, A, F, and AM 25.00 The Burns Co, Ltd, ,\ ov, oo 1800 Mrs, J, A, Sykes 10.00 Cigorge T, Morris 10.00 Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, 0, 822 (i iivarren M;, E, Tw AF 10.00 10.00 5.00 Total to date $5,400.00 Henderson's bhoek store, toys and dolls, $50.00, WASN'T 80 NURKE Jonkins-~8orry I can't stop, old tle on BATA ARAN R RR EY boy, but I've got to go home and explain to the wife, fimpason--Kxplain what? { Jenking==I don't know till 1 ger home, a. An ever popular Christmas Gift! QO MATTER for whom the gift is intended, make no mistake when Karn's Drug Store Next PO Phone 818 26 YEARS A RECTOR REV, CANON , I, DePENCIER Reotor of Bt, George's Church in this city who Is this week enles heating his 85th anniversary of his consecration as a priest of the Anglican (hureh, ROTARY CLUB HELD FROLIC 10° ASSIST CHRISTMAS FUNDS MANY CITIZENS JOINED WITH ROTARIANS IN EVENT Substantial Sum Realized as a Result of Even'ng's Entertainment Club meeting for the form of an held last night in The Rotary this week took Old Time Vrolie, the Rotary Hall, with a large Ka thering af cltigens Joining with the Rotarians tn enloying the fun of the evenlnm The avent was held as un means of raisin the Welfare and Christmas Cheer fund, and was splendidly patroniged, with the result that the fund WII henefit hy & substan tial cheque representing the pre goods of the Interesting games and I the entertain oy it other ures of ment An avening intovesting festure of the wid the sale hy auetion al a beautiful puppy police dog, Heh Preston acted as the anetioneer, and the Hitle animal, a veal heaus ty, waa fihally knocked down (0 1} MelLaughlin for $80 The proceeds of the affair will not 'he definitely known for a few dave, but they will run Into some hundreds of dollars, The Rotary Club officers ave grateful te those eltigens wha acoepted thelpy invita tion ta attend, and who had large part In the success of the evening's fralle, Instead of the usual banquet, which features evs ening functions of the Rotary Club, supper was served In cafe teria style from hehind an old hashioned bar, and was a great BUcooss FAIL'IRE T0 OREY ORDER OF COURT Clarence Z:aland Charged With Not Carrying Out Terma of Suspended Sentence Clarenge Zealand, who had been convieted In elty pollee court last September on a charge of assaults | Ing hig wife, was allowed suspend ed sentence aftor he had agreed to pay $10 a week to the support of bis wife, was arrested hy the police last night and appeared in pollen: court this worming charg ed with fallure to carry out the order of the court, Zealand, who was not represenss | ad by solicitor, stated that he had heen aut of work for a long pe riod and had not earned $40 mnee the order of the eourt had been made, he "Hut you have been driving a san, Crown Attorney J, A, MeGib. hon interjected, "Not recently," the acoused res plied, Magistrate Willis warned Hea. land that he must ahey the order of the court and instructed him to Pay over the money weekly an soon ue he was able, He alsa pointed out that he must pay the amount for which he was fn arrears, ASK TIME EXTENSION \ G, DB, Conant was asked for an extension of time for three wontha on his offer of a strip of land to widen Simope street south, This Was necensary since My, Mackie trom whom an opilon had been secured for a similar strip. to continue the widening to the Lake, had died and his estate Was as yet unable to give a clear title, maney | Shovel Walks, Or Go to Court Even though it is still reposing peacefully in the eellar, the old snow shovel must eome into its own The wary and ohserving eye of some of the eity aldermen having lighted on unshovelled walks after ecent snowstorms, the souncil last night passed a motion requesting the police commission to enforee strictly the bylaw requiring eitizens to elean the snow ofl wilks in front of their roperties, The bylaw requires that Il owners or tenants op property mst clean off the snow in front of ele pregnises within 24 hours from fie thine it starts to aecumulite COUNCIL AGAIN REITFRATFS STAND ON WATER MAINS Must Not Be Extended Out. side Oshawa City Limits ELECTION ISSUE? | Aldermen Should Stand or | Fall on Question, Says Alderman Carnell | | The Hshavwa ely | nlghi refterated its that watey mains ave | tered beyond (he ely i I gounell Jaut farmer stand not to he ex Hmits af the | The matter was Introduced hy | Alderman Carnell who stated that, | althous h the present water Com mission was aware of the counell's stand on this question, a publi | i 1 | utiMties Commission was to he elogkod on January 6 to handle the | elootrie, gas and waterworks util ties, The council whould ve-affirm its stand on this question as a gat er of guidance (0 the new mission, and should stand or hy the people's opinion of | potion, If it should he made laotion Issue. he declared Alderman Carnell introduced a motion ta the efeot that the Coun full an to the extension of water mains In to Kast Whithy township until sueh time a8 the outlying areas within the @ty limits of Oshawa should he served with water mains He #ald that the eouncll has consistently opposed the water commission In ts desire to extend the water malng outside the olty Hmits, and should continue ta de #O he counell should not dietata to the commission before It is ele ted," sald Alderman Perry "It 18 a question of polley the protection of the eltizens, Alderman Carnell "Wa must congratulate man Carnell on his vision," Alderman Morris, The motion earried ly, HONORARIUMS AND GRANTS. MADE BY RETIR'NG COUNCIL Christmas Cheer Fund Cause Discussion sald Aldar sald unanimous Last night heing the final meet Ing of the 1830 elty council, was "honorarium night," The us ual grants and honorariums were made to various organisations and publie servants, and some were made that were not quite so usual, Discussion and dissention arose over the granting of financial ald to the leeal YMCA, and to the Christmas Cheer and Welfare Fund, but {t was finally decided to grant the YMCA, $500 and the Chelstmag Cheer Fund, $300, Grants of $200 ta the, Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Lexlon for Christmas Cheer work, and of $1,800 to the Oshawa Hospital were authorized, Honoraviums of $1,000 to the mayor; $160 ta each | of the three members of the court of revision; $1560 to Judse Robert Ruddy of Whithy, as ohalrman of the police commission, and $100 ta W, MH, Barnhart, as life saver at the lake, were ordered to he paid, Fees ordered patd ins oludod $5 each to J, Edmondson and J. BF, Horton, as witnesses in the Oshawa Siveet arbitration casa) $10 fees and $1.00 expenses ta J, I, Horton, as witness in the Fudge va City of Oshawa onse at Whithy; $130 ta BD, J, Hrawn for services on the ety hall eloack fap the last three and a4 hall yoars, and $100 to put the cloek in Mune ning order now: A, OC, Lycett as Auctioneer for the sale of hulldings for the John Street extension, YMCA, Asks Grant A deputation from the YAM OA, appealed far a grant from the olly T. K Cpelghton and H, {, Bradley addradsed the caunell, The Y. M, CA, was paying ta way without (Continued on page 10) A ------------ OC, WILCOX APPOINTED The elty counell last night sent on to the attorney-general's de. partment a recommendations that the Mother's Allowan,e Commis lon of Oshawa be increased to six members, and that Charles Wik pon he added to the Hoard, This action was taken at the request of the local Commission, Come | this | ofl maintainéd its stand as opposed | for | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | BHINTS VOR VIREMEN Tha eity counell last night aus thorieed the puvehase of 456 shirts tor the fire department from Cans ning Brow, ut 81,60 each, totsl $66.00, ANOTHER ENOWNTORM IT A strong east wind and a snows slorm were the outstanding feats ures of the weather (his morning, The snow fell fast nnd at times threatened to turn Into sleet, OSHAWA OHECKER OLIN A rally of the Oshawa Checker Club Is helng held In the lesa club vooms tonight, Rey, Capt, T, V, Hest, of Whithy, will he press ont and will play single-handed gp team of twelve, He will also give a short lectures on "The Ellem Came," WOULD INNTAL GAS PUMP An applieation for permission to instal a gusoline pump on his premises ut the novih-west porner of Richmond and Ontarih siveets, wih received from N. Kohen hy the elty eounctl nt ts meeting lant night, The applieation was re | tevved to the goneral purpose committes, which automationlly shelved It the 1080 eounechl to deal with BNOW ON GALDEN Attention has heen called by the local heanoh of the Canadian | Loglon that several wagon loads for | of snow have heen dumped on the | Garden of the Unforgottent on | Memorinl Park, The Leglon mem | hers are of the opinton that there Is plenty of room on the park be {hind the memorial for snow-dump [ Ing purposes, and that it should be unnecessary to place it right on top of the flower heds which they have prepared foy spring heauty CHRORBING GRANTED The olty has vecelved an order | from the Board of Hallway Com | migsloners for Canada granting « crossing at Hilleroft street over the spur Hne of the Oshawa Hall way Company, Apphieation for this order was made recently © hy the oity with the aprroval of the Osh awn Hallway Company, It will pro vide a roadway into the Oshawa Rallway oar barns, us wall as lnk Ing up the two sections of Hilleraft street, on each side of the track, that Hillepoft street will now extend from Himeoe street to Rit son vod, The counell this Year approved the laying of pavement sastward from the end of the pres ent pavement to the Oshawa Hall | WAY CRP haurns in | Bmith) | Ways and NO MORK OREDIY The oily engineer's department wus ipstructed by the eity council last night to take steps immedi ately to collect nll outstanding nes aounts tor sewer connections, and that all future connections he made only on & cash basis, SMALL VIR Tha fire department received A enll last night to Bishop Bethune Jollege where an oll burning fup- nace was giving some trouble, Outs wide of considerable smoke fing the gollege, no damage was caused The incident occurred while the pupils of the college were attend: ing thelr Christmas party, but they were all marshalled outside of the hullding in geod order until the smoke cleared away and the party was vesumed, AYMPATHY EXTENDED The eity eounell at Ite meeting last night passed a resolution of sympathy In the Moess of Dy, T Ww, (}, MeKay, Medleal OMeer of Health for the eity, The resolu tion will he forwarded to Dr, Mo Kay, who In stated he improv ing slowly from his » plekness, Reports today Indleated that his condition showed slight ehisnga, and that his recoy ery would he slow MISUNDERSTANDING CLEARED vp It has come to the attention of he Times that some cltigens are laboring wnder the misspprehen glon that the Christmas decorptions on the streats have heen provided out of the Christmas Cheer Fund This iden, of coures, Is entirely erroneous, as the Ohristmas Cheer Fund has had nothing whatsoever to do with the deecorationg, have bean provided hy the entey prin of loeal huclness men and alvig putharities HUMANK SOCIETY OFFICEIN AL # recent meeting of the Osh pawn Humane Boclety officers and rommittees for the coming year wore eleeted as follows) president, Mrs, K, BH, Grigg; vice-presidents, Rev, H, C, Jarrett and Mp, R, B gaorelary-treanuror, A pommitiee, Hey, W, FP Mes, TT, Hoegles, Mrs, M Kelly, Mrs, Paul, Dr, Bhirley, Mrs Thavan, Mrs, DD, Young, Mrs MeQuade and Mys, J, Heaton, Jy means of ralsing funds wore disounsed Helleving many peaple In Oshawa to he interested the committen ara to concentrate thelr efforts to have the Ineal hraneh ralsed to a place worthy of the olty, Hadden IMeteher 'Last Appeal Is Made For | The Boy Scouts Toy Shop| Friday, 18th, was certainly not unlieky for the Toy On the areival of the workers 7.00 pom, It waa found that some generous hearted storekeeper had left & pile of brand new toys ta help swell the number an hand There were dolls, Teddy bears, allway trains, hows and arrows, trumpets, and other games, in such in heap that the frst arrival nearly ainted at the sight of them, and | at least found it hard to bhelleve | BIR YOu, | The spoils pleted away to oellar the fire hall where the riieles ave bhelng stored, Hopes of heing able ta mest helr self Imposed obligation are {ourishing in the break of the lo al Beouts, and the realisation of thelr desire to supply every needy | ohild of Oshawa with a tay at | Christmastime vests with the eft) | gong of the olty this week The stare closes next Haturaay and no more appeals will he made, An effort ta finish off the toys on hand will be made on Haturday and Monday and then of course work on cleaning up the toy shop will commence The Heouts would like to thank all who have given toys, or time to -- dhap at fmmediatery cool under finished were 1 | | AAR . WHAT OTHERS SAY |. THATS. WARD AVATEMS Oshawa, Deo, 14, The Editar, Oshawa Dally Times; Your editorial in today's Issue under the ahove heading was a suv prise to me, as It was Tam sure to others: coming after your recent deolsion to close the Municipal Bleotion Blotter: for, approached today hy an Interested eltisen | was asked, "When did the nominations close?! 1 raplied they da not elase until Pee, 20th, "Well, 1 never," he sald, "aoe cording to paper the mayer has received an acclamation, and all the aldermen except ane are go. Ing baok: and they are just looks ing for some ane to fil his gap, An-sueh announcements tend to stagnate publio interest, and huals ness ganerally as well as the orea: tlon of wrong impressions, 1 thought it well ta take the matter up by this Toph Revision of Municipal CGoveras ment for this city Ia net an sane in this eleotion sa fay as electing aldermen is concerned, Honest, fair, and persistent ef farts wene made to put before the deans the question of reducing the Jouneil fram 15 to 10 aldermanio members, and to eleet them upon the twa year tevin principle, This wad passed upon hy the General Purposes Committes and recom mended to Counshl for adoption and should have passed Counoll, but was killed hy the Hart-Mitehell movian, injeoting that contentious and contagious "General Vate" malady: resulting in the matter he. ing veferred back 10 the committee the Toy Bhop, especially the vari ous superintendents who have su porvised its operation) the painters wha have given thelr time and skill In making the toys look new| the Women's Auxiliary of the Ca nadian Leglon, who dressed the dolls on hand; and those helpers who have stayed behind the scenes, but whose efforts have made he Tay Bhop & sueoess They would further Hike to thank the Fire Chief and his firemen for thaly hospitality and co-operation the mayor and eounell for thel generosity In providing quarters] also Mr, Bovsherry for the loan of a store] and last but not least Me Intyra Hood and the Oshawa Dally mes for thelr help In the matter af publielty for the Bhap, It there are any eltisens who have toys that they wish to donate to the Toy shop, It would greatly facliitate the repairing section if they would get them down early in the week, Thera are collection depois al the Fire Hall and the offlos of the Oshawa Dally Mmes, or a 'phone ol) ta TAIOW or 1110W will being # messenger to your door YA Marry Ohvistmas to all, and a full stoeking for avery needy Shih is the Toy shop slogan and wish, for further consideration, The Oommittes staggered nave ar met, hut died fram TH, of the heart, I vegard it af a pity that human nature Is not always satisfied with wood thing: but wants moare--the whale oream or loaf neither akin. med nor halved, Two points aut of the threa wore eeded hut to no avail; and thus is delayed one of the finest ohances far a Counell to revise (ts Own system; that 18 might see more olearly how to revise the Clty Hal Hystem, Had we got the mote out of our oye firat we oanld have sean more olearly how ta extract the heam from the eye of the Clty Hall ads miniateative system, which we Know is poor and whieh eauld be hatter handled hy 10 aldermen on L& 2 yoar study system, that hy 18 Men On A ole year, come and ge aystem, gti we shall wuddle through Hike the ancestors of our sturdy race; until some new Infection takes place, I hear there ix likely to he an injection into our Munieipal Couns oll; fram the "Ukvanian Ald Soel ety," who ave contemplating parts olpating in the roIlng elegtions As Taxpayers and Oltisens and a multitude of them in our wmidat, would an injection of them do any harm? Ry reports alse tha Creat North-West 14 going to ba pepped Wh by, that Jothlatent tighter tar the peaple=--QUft Harmon---late of Cedardale, Stl there will he other lsanes to Ning the peapla out: and wany planks tor the people to spike for a 1880 platform, Just walt and see=-that Progress and Profit may vesuit, 8, C, CARNERLL, gant serious | only | | | | whieh | Mayor to Tender Council Dinner Mayor Mighell announced last evening that he would be host to the ety eounell and eity afeials at a din ner on Thursday evening, Inu brief address at the meeting last night, the Mayor expressed his appreciation of the work of all the members of the 1989 council, remark ing on the splendid ea-aperation that had prevailed between the various aldermen and himself in the work of the yes In reply Alderman RB, D, Preston, ag one of the senior members of the council, said that the wayor had handled eouneil business with des patel, and thanked him on behalf of he council tor his ea-aperation, ANTINOISE BYLAW 1S DISCUSSED AT COUNCIL. MPETING Question Is Shilved For 1030 Council To Deel With | SOME OPPOSITION Some Aldermen Consider It! Would Interfere With Private Rights A hylaw prohihit unusual nolses, or nolse ealeuluted to dis | turh eltigens, was introduced al the eouncll meeting last night, hut did not get beyond the discussion | tage, helng referred hack to the | ganeral purpose ecommities In other words, It was shelved until the 1880 eounell should consider denling with ft, | The bylaw was aimed direotly at | the practice of many business | places of having a loudapeakay out sida thelpy doors, sending the nolse of radio bhroadeasts or of the play Ink af records out onta the street It provided for a maximum penalty af & 860 fine or 81 days In Jall for Infractions of the bylaw, Alderman Carnell aaked If this bylaw wan In use In other elties Mayor Mitehell stated that he enuld not answer this, hut sald that the solleitor had expressed the op inton that the Counell had the pawer to pass il Alderman Perry asked If this would prevent husiness men show Ing thelr wares, Loud Npoakers on Nireet It would prohibit having a loud peaker out an the sirest, ar run ming a loudspeaker inside an open doar, the Mayor raplied, The bylaw would therefore ef fact a private householder hay Ing his radio operating Inside on & hot summer's day with the doors apen, sald Alderman Mason Tha bylaw should not he made applicable throughout the day, hut | only after a certain hour In the evening, sald Aldeman Perry Alderman Meleosa favored hylaw It was AAI nolea (Continued on page 2) (0) the Yonl TTLE THEATRE PREPARING THREE CHRISTMAS PLAYS Children's Production will Be Feature of December Presentation With rehearsals well oi the way, the Oshawa Little Theatre players are preparing a delightful sevies of three one-act plays, specially ehosen heeause of their appropriateness to the Christmas season, far prejenta tion 10 the publi in the Ratary Hall on Friday and Saturday, December 27 and A There will he two evens ing performanges, | starting at 830 pit wightly, and one watinee, at 230 pa on Saturday December, 28, specially for the ohildren he first of the three anesaet plays (PRT far as the Oshawa Little Theatre is concerned in that it is a ehildren's play "The Kin 5! ook land," presenting the battle betwee Petey Pan ho Captain. Hook fa olootion to that exalted affiee, In ad: ditlon 10 being & apoeial ehiliren's production, it is alse a musieal Lh with Mrs, Gy EB Flowing taking ohare of the musio, There dre abouy thirty loeal ohildven in the easte, whieh has been chosen very eaves fully hy John Cralg, the director with a view to making this 'an outs standing praduetion, The second play needs little intro duotion, for it 1x none other than the delightful Christmas story of Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol, Tn ad dition to the large caste of laeal plays ers, Wo A, Atkinson and Purvis Wood, of Taranto, are taking the leading parts of Ehonezer SNorooge and Hoh Cratehit, so that this play should be ane of the hest yet given hy the Little Theatre . Phe last of the three plays 3 a delightful Chyistinas sketoh, "The MaRer of Dreams" which 15 alo well in keeping with the spinly of the season, This {5 the first effort of the Live Theatre to present speeianl Christinas plays, and the effart is worthy of generous patronage hy the eftlsens of Oshawa, a0 Only Finland, Prince Edward Ta land and the United Riates now have prohibition, or whatever they call it, Herder Cities Stan, | alatim | residenoe, Candidates For Office Must Fulfil New Qualifications M Former Oshawa Man Is Drowned . At Belleville Winston Brant, who was drown. ed in Belleville harbor yesterday, resded In Oshawa wp until a few months ago, Brant left, this city to engngn in dredging work on the Belleville havhor, He was unlosding a dump truck of sand yesterday when the supports gave way and the load of sand fell into the ha hor, eaveying Brant with it Hi hody has nol yet heen recoveran, He was a native of Deseronto, coming to this elty ahout two yanrs ago, He worked in the plant of Pittings mitted during his resi danee here A hrother, Wilbert Hreant, vesldes at 7 Maples street in this ity OSHAWA PENSION GASE IS CITED AS ILLUSTRATION; FEDERAL BOARD OF APPEAL HEAD MAKES | STATEMENT Shows Necessity of Produc ing Evidence of "Attrib. utability To War Service" Torontn, Dee, 17 The appeal hoard on pensions is viewing a number of cases in ronto teday, and last night the ohalrman, Onl, C, W, Helton, Is aed an outline as to what evid ence would he required to define the "attributahility of Way Viea' an It cqueoerine a War an's digahiiiny "We eannot take the unsupport ole word of a man," explained Col Belton, "If there is no mention of the disability (un the man's medieal record during service op discharge, We require svidenes to support his It the appellant ean pro ues reliable Jay witnesses we are Batinfied," Typloal of the cases helng eon Sldeved by the board is that of Private John Farrow, at present Wing at B88 Rowena street, Osh AWA, During the year suding March a1, 1080, R80 disabled veserans received awards to whieh they were entitled, Hut Farrow's appeal was rejected twloa hy the Penslons hoard and again by the appeal hoard, Information on the onse of Pris vate John Farrow, 116th Hattallon, comes . fram Dr, James Moore, president of the Brooklin Braneh of the Canadian Legion, and from other Leglon officials, The Canadian Lesion post which has handled the ease glves the fol lowing Information "John Farsow has heen 111 with dermatitis sinee his veturn from foderal ro To oy velar | lier mintiey France, Higa case has heen turned down by the hoard of pensions oammissioners, hy the federal am poal hoard, and again, on submis slon of further evidence, hy the hoard of pensions commissioners, "WHworn affidavits have hean gwen the pensions commission from the medical offiear of this man's hattallon, who stated that he was examined tor this eandition while on service, Thera Are nine OF ten other sworn statements that the condition is attributable to ser vice, Wa also have the opinions of four dootora In our favor, The pensions commissioners and Ape peal hoard still say that the condi ton 18 'post-disoharee,! UHyidenoa on fla with the Legion office proves eonslualvel that this man has made thet af fort to earry on With his farm sino his return, Lesion oftlolals who have handled this ase feel that without doubt complete evi dence has heen submitted ta Pens plone pommission to warrant his atting full disability, as he 18 at fe Pregant time covered fram head to foot with this tervibla disease and unable to do any work of any king," A i. OBITUARY LAURA E, KING Laura Blisabeth, wile of Hay King of this oly, passed away at he howe here yesterday, 18 Warren av onte, i her 89th year, The Rte Mes, King was promin ent throughout the eity for her at ivity fe Sunday sehoal work and or Wany years she was a teacher al 81 George's Anglican ehureh, The late Mrs, King, tormerly Laurg smith, was horn wm London, England, In JR, and was married 1a Faey Ning in 184 ar Chelsea, Bogland She came to Oshawa in 1913 Hos sides her hushand, the ds 'survived hy twa sons, Righard and Cyril, both at homey The funeral will he held (rom the 18 Warren avenue, on Phursday afternoon at 200 alolook, The Rew 8 OC Jarrett and Rey, Canon CR, DePentior will be in charge of the servioe, Interment will bo made at the Union cemetery Under the Municipal Act All Candidates Must File Statement of Taxable Property With Collector or Treasurer and Recelve Certificate of Payment NOMINATIONS, DEC, 30, ELECTIONS ON JAN, 6 Mayor, Aldermen, and Board of Education and Public Utilities Commis« sion To Be Elected by the People Meiting in thely last sesslon, the elty council last night wound up the business for the year and acted upon have heen hang fire for some time, One ef the of business was the piasing of a bylaw providing for the holding of the municipal slestions, Nominations take place on Mon diy, December 30, Nominations foi misyor, for four members of the new Publis Utilities Commission, and for four members of the Board of dus ition, will he reecived at ten o'elogk in the worming, whils noninstions fur aldermen will be received at noon, New Qualifications City elerke FV, k, Hare pointed out ta The FThnes this Morning some changes in the Munieipal Act regards ng qualiiying fos gandiduecy in thd elections, The new provision is that prospective eandidates must present, la the treasurer or the tax eollestor a statement of the property they own in the eity on which they are liable for taxes, They they obiain & gertis fieate that the Kanes have been paid, ind this eertifeate Is not furnished, the name of the candidate cannot be placed on the ballot Candidates for election must he on the voters' Hat, and must be residents of the elly, or properly owners in the ety residing within ene mile of the ¢orporation mis Nominations Des, 30 Nominations for mayor membery of the Bourd of Kdueation sad mem bers of the Publis Utilities' Commiss ston will be held at the city fannell chambers, Riehmond™ and himeoe streets, ab 10 w'eloek in the merning on Deeember JO, Nominating foe aldermen will be held at noon is the various wards as follows Ward 1, south-west, Centre street schoolp ward & south-east, Albery streets school ward & nerthayest, eity sounell ehambers; ward 4, north past, Mary street shoal; ward § Codurdale, Codardale sohmol, Polling January 8 Polling will take place an Monday, fanuary 6, the polling booths be subdivision as follows) Polling A Centre shoot) 4 at 78 Burke 1) 3 120 Blmeoe street south 4 Millep % | bly a store, Celing sires) Albers street sehoal) 6, Mimeoa st out school 17, at BY Ritson road south) oity hall, Richmond and tte streets) 9, Separate school; 10, at 14 Simepe street south 11, Mary stveet shal) 14, at 98 Alice street) 13 Codardale sehool, Ihe ratepayers will alsa vata an the the $50,000 pelice station bylaw and tha question of paying the dermen, PERRET ER FE we SeN Coming Event® ---- # Conta per word each Ine sertion, Minimum charge for each insertion, Bbe, iriver ddd RALLY OF THE OARHAWA Oheoker Club will be held in the Club Rooms, Standard Bank Bullding Tuesday night at A w'eloek, (1408) CHRIATMAS WHIET DRIVE Hone of Enaland, Deo, 28rd i pW, 28 cents, Hpeolal prises tor Ady and gent, (1488), SQUARK AND ROUND DANCE, Albert Bt, Mall tonights Dee, 17, Bob Wood's Blue Balls, Oshawa's most enjoyable Joren 2he, (14N POULTRY RABRAAR WILL held at Ukrainian 81, Geen Hall on corner Albert and Jae son Btrents, from Deo, 18th tO 20th, Bare 1.00 evenings, 1420) COME TO THR CHOSEN FRIRN Whist Drive, WS flee Ban Commer Dullding, Wednesday, § pow Phe Good prises, 14 OLD TIME DANCR IN EN Hall, Counties musiey Admise soveral items that HY UY fon 200, 1 ORHAWA WINTER annual Tuesday, December 17th, 8, PW, Retinal plan night, foatum fp Bid Emith's Sirombola "The 48 Orohoatra' § sensat al singing shivery serenad Hyveryona enjoyed them greatly last Tuesday, your trlends now, Adm gents 400, ladies 300 inal admission and all dang hh ab MADAME NEVADA, ati STAT Pi 11 \ JR, i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. | WANTED GRE TQ HELD WITH household duties, ARply 480 Marg Bt, or phone S380) after § pw, | (REY tonight, Special * |

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